  • Triptolemus
  • Triptolemus, also known as Trip or Buzyges, was the mortal son of Celeus and Metanira, but later became an immortal lieutenant to Demeter as the God of Farming. He was equally associated with the bestowal of hope for the afterlife and with the expansion of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Triptolemus was depicted as a young man with a branch or diadem placed in his hair, usually sitting on his winged chariot, which was adorned with serpents. His attributes include a plate of grain, a pair of wheat or barley ears, and a scepter.
  • When Hades kidnapped Persephone, daughter of Demeter, Demeter looked for her daughter everywhere. One night, she slept at King Keleos's palace, who was Triptolemus's father. Demeter, to show that she was grateful, decided to give immortality to Demophon, son of Keleos. However, she was interrupted in the rite by Metaneira, wife of Keleos, so Demophon couldn't become immortal. Instead, Demeter gave immortality to Keleos's other son, Triptolemus. Triptolemus became the god of farming, and Demeter gave him a chariot droven by two serpents.
  • Triptolemus was a swineherd. He met Persephone on a beautiful spring day just before Hades kidnapped her and took her to the Underworld. One of his pigs was also taken to the Underworld but Hercules and Persephone returned it safely to Earth.
  • Roman
  • Assisted Demeter in her search for Persephone
Greek/Roman form
  • Triptolemos
  • Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
  • The House of Hades
  • Venice, Italy
  • Eleusis, Attica
  • Black
  • Former Prince of Eleusis
  • God of Farming
  • Lieutenant of Demeter
  • Unknown
  • Demeter
  • Demophon
  • Celeus
  • Metanira
  • Male
  • Triptolemus, also known as Trip or Buzyges, was the mortal son of Celeus and Metanira, but later became an immortal lieutenant to Demeter as the God of Farming. He was equally associated with the bestowal of hope for the afterlife and with the expansion of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Triptolemus was depicted as a young man with a branch or diadem placed in his hair, usually sitting on his winged chariot, which was adorned with serpents. His attributes include a plate of grain, a pair of wheat or barley ears, and a scepter.
  • When Hades kidnapped Persephone, daughter of Demeter, Demeter looked for her daughter everywhere. One night, she slept at King Keleos's palace, who was Triptolemus's father. Demeter, to show that she was grateful, decided to give immortality to Demophon, son of Keleos. However, she was interrupted in the rite by Metaneira, wife of Keleos, so Demophon couldn't become immortal. Instead, Demeter gave immortality to Keleos's other son, Triptolemus. Triptolemus became the god of farming, and Demeter gave him a chariot droven by two serpents.
  • Triptolemus was a swineherd. He met Persephone on a beautiful spring day just before Hades kidnapped her and took her to the Underworld. One of his pigs was also taken to the Underworld but Hercules and Persephone returned it safely to Earth.