  • 12
  • 12
  • 12
  • 12
  • 12
  • 12
  • 12
  • 12 is a BBFC rating in England which states the program is suitable for ages 12 and up. Examples of SpongeBob spin-offs with this rating include some episodes of Warriors of Bikini Bottom, Plankton: Across the Seven Seas and occasionally When Sponges Go Bad. SpongeBob's Different Show is Sometimes Rated this. The movie Robot and SpongeBob: A Sharpened Block of Steel also got this rating.
  • 12 (twelve) is a positive integer following 11 and preceding 13. Its ordinal form is written "12th" or "twelfth".
  • 12 - linia tramwajowa zwykła.
  • Possibly the most influential number in Wazoo history. Wazoo member G has been known to say the number in place of any other number. There are many rumors surrounding the meaning of 12, and of its origins. Noone really knows, only G. Jack helped G discover the meaning of 12 one afternoon. It seems that a few key things have been branded into G's mind regarding the number 12. His ex-girlfriend,(Wrinkled Crag) Megan (Strikes Tonight), lived exactly 12 miles from G's house. He was 12 years old when he was struck in the head with a rock and was emotionaly and physicaly damaged.
  • 12 Apostles of Jesus. 12 Houses of the (solar) zodiac. 12 Months of the solar year. 12 Inches in an English foot. 12 Knights of King Arthur's Round Table. 12 Tribes of Israel. 12 Semitones in a musical octave. 12 Colors on the color wheel. 12 Comprised of 4 triangles and 12 circles in The New Jerusalem Plan. The Law of the Twelve Tables (Lex Duodecim Tabularum, more informally simply Duodecim Tabulae) was the ancient legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law.
  • Maschinen, Maschinentor
  • Number 12 was an item on The List.
  • The year 12 AD
  • #12 is the twelfth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 12 is the first episode of Series 8 of Doctor Who. It features the first full appearance of the Twelfth Doctor and the introduction of his new companion, Elizabeth McGee.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "12" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Roberto Alomar (1991-1995) * Tilson Brito (1997*) * Rich Butler (1997*) * Willie Greene (1999) * Luis Lopez (2001) * Tony Phillips (1998) * Ernie Whitt (1977-1978, 1980-1989) * Kenny Williams (1990)
  • [[Plik:12.png|right|thumb|250px|Historyczne trasy linii 12 (powiększ)]] 12 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Nowego Bemowa na Aleję Zieleniecką.
  • thumb12, linia tramwajowa normalna, jeżdżąca z Sępolna na Pilczyce. Jako jedyna jeździ torowiskiem od placu Grunwadzkiego do mostu Szczytnickiego przez przystanek Bujwida. Przejechanie tej trasy zajmuje 40 minut , a tramwaje kursują co 12 minut.
  • 12 is a 2007 crime film by Russian director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov. The film was presented at the 64th Venice International Film Festival, where Mikhalkov was awarded the Special Lion for Overall Work. It is an adaptation of Reginald Rose's play, "Twelve Angry Men" and a remake of Sidney Lumet's 12 Angry Men movie.
  • El doce (12) es el número natural que sigue al once y precede al trece. Categoría:Números
  • 12 is a number that comprises the sequence of digits 1 and 2 of the Arabic Numeral System—the most widely used numeral system in the world. The earliest-known Sesame Street episode sponsored by 12 is episode 0162.
  • This is the 13th episode of the game, and the third episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • 12 is a recurring arc number than can be found in all the episodes of The Bagel Show. The creators state that the number has no meaning and is used for a comedic effect, but this was eventually proven to be false by the final story arc of the series.
  • 12 jest piosenką z Bleach Beat Collection. Śpiewają ją seiyū Mayuriego Kurotsuchiego oraz Nemu Kurotsuchi, Ryusei Nakao i Rie Kugimiya.
  • Diana verliert den Kampf um die Gunst ihrer Mutter, die sich trotz Sorge um ihre Tochter nicht von dem cholerischen Dieter lossagen will. Durch Zufall entdeckt Julian Dianas Quartier im Maschinenraum und Diana hat keine andere Wahl, als ihm von dem Rausschmiss und ihren Problemen mit Dieter zu erzählen. Julian organisiert sofort, dass Diana bei Steinkamps unterkommen kann. Allerdings wird sie weder von Jenny noch von Simone sonderlich freundlich aufgenommen. Als dann noch ein Streit mit Annette und eine handfeste Abreibung von ihrem Trainer Mike dazukommen, bricht Diana weinend zusammen. Nachdem es Julian gelungen ist, mit Hilfe eines einfachen Tricks Axel vor Richard bloß zu stellen, entscheidet sich Richard für Julians Vorschlag. Derweilen ist Julians Trick vor Axel aufgeflogen, der Jul
  • '' Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra, H.P., India) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pp. 50-62 G. W. Houston: "Excerpt and Overview of a Work by Klong Chen Pa" p. 50 the 4 classes of tantra-s, according to the dGe-lugs-pa pp. 50-51 the 6 classes of tantra-s, according to the rN~in-ma-pa p. 51 features of ati-yoga (= ‘Great Perfection’, rdzogs-pa chen-po) p. 52 sems-n~id (‘mind-as-such’) p. 58 translation-periods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pp. 16-24 Devahuti: "The Gesar Epic" p. 19 the "winter myth" '' ' ' ''''' '''''
  • youvesawwork: Stand. Quiet. Moment. Timeless. Ineptitude. Gratitude. Aspiration. Sin. Allegiance. Forever. Mortality. God. Now I know a year has 12 days, as a day passes in that interval between wake and sleep. 12 months: falling asleep once a month? Time only makes it worse today. They tell me I'm wrong, and that all my words are misused, but I know from truth a lie; sometimes more, but usually less, and I know that words do not vanish so easily. I want to vanish away to nowhere for days, but people seem to only vanish away to elsewhere for moments or months. How it felt a week ago differs from a month. It does not know itself in a manner where something can be stated to remain in its accord months later. It does not see that as fault. Life is great as it was yesterday, in the summer, and
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Ep. 12 (July 30, 2008) (That Guy is seen reading a book. He looks up and shuts it) That Guy: Oh! Nahnamas Balam! Didn't see you come in. Greetings and welcome to "Ask That Guy With The Glasses." (Title card comes up with music) Narrator: Why does Daddy hit Mommy? Narrator: Can you tell me why Paris Hilton still exists? Narrator: I was bit by a spider. Am I going to die, or will I become a superhero, run around in tights, save the world while fending off my normal everyday problems?
  • 12 ist einer mehr als Elf. Erst mit 12 ist das Dutzend volljährig und darf wählen. Die 12 kriegt gern mal eins drauf und stellt sich damit auf dieselbe Stufe wie die Glocke - Friedhelm Schillerlocke zur Ehre. Bei "Wetten Dass..." wurde letztens eine Wette vorgestellt, wobei ein Fischmetzger es zu schaffen glaubte, 12 Ölsardinen in einen Fingerhut zu kloppen. Aber nicht alle lieben die 12. Herribert Grölemeyer zum Beispiel fing bei seiner aktuellen Scheibe (seine 12te) neu bei 1 an zu zählen. siehe auch: Zwölfmeter
  • The 12 shirt is the only number to have been retired by Bristol Rovers, and is included on squad lists with the name 'Gasheads' next to it to show that it represents the fans as the twelfth man in the side. In the days before squad numbers the number 12 on a football team was traditionally worn by the first (or only) named substutite. Since the introduction of squad numbers in 1999 just four players were allocated the number 12 jersey before its eventual retirement in 2003. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 12.
  • If you read closely and keep track of all the twelves you find in a Harry Potter book you would end up writing down a lot. There are many sightings of twelve throughout the Harry Potter books and they must mean something. Since i haven't yet finished the last Harry Potter book yet, I don't know what they are all pointing to. But anyways here are a few sightings of that pesky twelve.
  • Hallihallo ihr lieben Leute! Ich heiße Lisa, aber alle nennen mich Lizzie. Ich bin 11 Jahre alt und gehe in die erste Klasse im WRG Salzburg. Ich bin strohblond und ich habe hellblaue Augen. Meine Hobbys sind grillen, lesen und reiten. Mein Lieblingfilm ist High School Musical. Mein Lieblingsmusiker ist Bushido und eines Tages werde ich ihn sicher heiraten. Meine Lieblingstiere sind Pferde, ich habe selbst drei Stück. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist rosarot und ich kleide mich auf meistens in dieser Farbe. In der Schule sind meine Lieblingsfächer Mathematik und Englisch. Was ich gar nicht mag ist Turnen und Musik. Ich unternehme gerne etwas mit meinen Freundinnen, wir gehen zum Beispiel oft Bungee Jumping. Wenn ich groß bin möchte ich Putzfrau werden, weil ich finde, dass das ein ehrenhafter Beru
  • Victoria encounters Roger Collins on Widows' Hill. He tells her that he saw her come there and he wants to talk to her. Roger believes in the wailing of the Widows. Roger tells Victoria that sailing widows used to watch from Widows' Hill for the ships of their lost husbands, but once Jeremiah constructed Collinwood they were no longer permitted there. "But if you listen carefully to the wind, you can still hear the widows". He asks Victoria if she had met anyone there, someone looking for him. Victoria tells him about meeting a man named Sam.
  • Linia na swojej pierwszej trasie od lat 50. XX wieku jeździła na trasie Bronowice - Cmentarz Rakowicki. Na tej trasie została ona zlikwidowana w 2001 roku. Linia 12 została ponownie uruchomiona 31 sierpnia 2007. Kursowała z Bronowic Małych do Krowodrzy Górki przez ulice Basztową i Pawią. Linia funkcjonowała przez cały tydzień co 20 minut a obsługiwały ją wagony Bombardier NGT6. To na tej linii 1 października 2007 po raz pierwszy przewiózł pasażerów Bombardier z trzeciej dostawy. Od 5 maja 2008 trasa linii została skrócona do pętli Dworzec Towarowy bez zmiany czasu kursowania. Wtedy też zmieniono tabor na Konstal 2×105Na. W czasie wakacji 2008 linia kursowała tylko od poniedziałku do soboty, lecz od września przywrócono jej niedzielne kursy. Od 28 lutego 2009 linia kursowała na stałe tylko
story name
  • 12
  • b.d.
  • 31
  • 11
Previous Story
  • The Fall of the Eleventh
  • 585.775000
Folgen Nummer
  • 12
  • 12
story number
  • 8.100000
  • Nikita Mikhalkov representing Russia
  • 12
  • Alstom Konstal 105N2K/2000 na trasie "dwunastki"
  • Trasa dwunastki
  • 1.200000
  • co 20 minut w dni powszednie w godzinach szczytu
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 19092006
broadcast date
  • 2014-01-12
  • 13
  • 1966-06-28
  • Dw. Niebuszewo
  • Sergey Makovetskiy, Sergey Garmash, Apti Magamaev
  • Alderius, Sons of Alderius, James Whitmire
  • 1967
  • [[tardis: Doctor Who
  • Complete
  • [[tardis: Peter Bennett
  • Best Foreign Language Film
  • 1
  • Episode 12
  • 1966-07-12
  • Day 3
Character Name
  • Oil Man
  • Krakow new tram line 12.png
  • Plik:Tramwaje_011.jpg
  • 12
  • List Number 12
Production code
  • 8.100000
  • 4
  • 80
  • 2700.0
  • 720.0
  • Los Angeles, Earth, 2014
  • 11
  • 11.0
  • 1
  • 12
  • 13
  • 13.0
  • Art Wallace
  • [[tardis: Steven Moffat
  • Nikita Mikhalkov, Aleksandr Novototskiy-Vlasov, Vladimir Moiseenko
  • 2007
  • Bawz_20060919_0012_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 18
wikipage disambiguates
  • Made a lady think I was God
  • green
  • 12
nazwa linii
  • 12
  • Pomorzany – Powstańców Wlkp. – Piastów – Piłsudskiego – Wyzwolenia – Kołłątaja – Asnyka – Dworzec Niebuszewo
  • Pomorzany
  • 12
  • 12 is a BBFC rating in England which states the program is suitable for ages 12 and up. Examples of SpongeBob spin-offs with this rating include some episodes of Warriors of Bikini Bottom, Plankton: Across the Seven Seas and occasionally When Sponges Go Bad. SpongeBob's Different Show is Sometimes Rated this. The movie Robot and SpongeBob: A Sharpened Block of Steel also got this rating.
  • 12 (twelve) is a positive integer following 11 and preceding 13. Its ordinal form is written "12th" or "twelfth".
  • 12 ist einer mehr als Elf. Erst mit 12 ist das Dutzend volljährig und darf wählen. Die 12 kriegt gern mal eins drauf und stellt sich damit auf dieselbe Stufe wie die Glocke - Friedhelm Schillerlocke zur Ehre. Bei "Wetten Dass..." wurde letztens eine Wette vorgestellt, wobei ein Fischmetzger es zu schaffen glaubte, 12 Ölsardinen in einen Fingerhut zu kloppen. Ihr seht, eigentlich dreht sich alles um die 12. Deshalb ist sie auch so wichtig. Auch Gott hat das erkannt und erfand gleich 12 Stämme mit dem Nachnamen Israel. Und Jesus tats dem Vater gleich und suchte sich ebenfalls 12 Jünger. Als sie älter wurden, nannten sie sich dann Apostel und verteilen froh die Botschaft vom Heil. Aber nicht alle lieben die 12. Herribert Grölemeyer zum Beispiel fing bei seiner aktuellen Scheibe (seine 12te) neu bei 1 an zu zählen. siehe auch: Zwölfmeter Der Lachfisch-Zahlenstrahl: 0 - 00 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 42 - 100 - 404 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> $1 - Dunkelziffer - Heilige Zahl - Rübezahl - Zwölfmeter
  • 12 - linia tramwajowa zwykła.
  • If you read closely and keep track of all the twelves you find in a Harry Potter book you would end up writing down a lot. There are many sightings of twelve throughout the Harry Potter books and they must mean something. Since i haven't yet finished the last Harry Potter book yet, I don't know what they are all pointing to. But anyways here are a few sightings of that pesky twelve. * Twelve street lamps * Twelve years old * The dark lord's servant has been held back for twelve years (professor Trelawny's prediction, book 3) * Twelve years in general * Aunt Marge has twelve bulldogs
  • Possibly the most influential number in Wazoo history. Wazoo member G has been known to say the number in place of any other number. There are many rumors surrounding the meaning of 12, and of its origins. Noone really knows, only G. Jack helped G discover the meaning of 12 one afternoon. It seems that a few key things have been branded into G's mind regarding the number 12. His ex-girlfriend,(Wrinkled Crag) Megan (Strikes Tonight), lived exactly 12 miles from G's house. He was 12 years old when he was struck in the head with a rock and was emotionaly and physicaly damaged.
  • 12 Apostles of Jesus. 12 Houses of the (solar) zodiac. 12 Months of the solar year. 12 Inches in an English foot. 12 Knights of King Arthur's Round Table. 12 Tribes of Israel. 12 Semitones in a musical octave. 12 Colors on the color wheel. 12 Comprised of 4 triangles and 12 circles in The New Jerusalem Plan. The Law of the Twelve Tables (Lex Duodecim Tabularum, more informally simply Duodecim Tabulae) was the ancient legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law.
  • Maschinen, Maschinentor
  • Number 12 was an item on The List.
  • The year 12 AD
  • #12 is the twelfth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 12 is the first episode of Series 8 of Doctor Who. It features the first full appearance of the Twelfth Doctor and the introduction of his new companion, Elizabeth McGee.
  • Victoria encounters Roger Collins on Widows' Hill. He tells her that he saw her come there and he wants to talk to her. Roger believes in the wailing of the Widows. Roger tells Victoria that sailing widows used to watch from Widows' Hill for the ships of their lost husbands, but once Jeremiah constructed Collinwood they were no longer permitted there. "But if you listen carefully to the wind, you can still hear the widows". He asks Victoria if she had met anyone there, someone looking for him. Victoria tells him about meeting a man named Sam. Sam Evans wants to skip town with Maggie, but won’t tell her why. He denies that it has anything to do with Roger Collins. Meanwhile, Roger and Victoria argue about her meeting Burke Devlin. Victoria tells Roger she gave Burke no information about Roger's reaction to Burke's return. As Sam prepares to leave sans Maggie, she reminds him of what he told her when her mother died: Nothing more can harm them if they stick together. Roger tells Victoria to go back to New York before Burke kills everyone at Collinwood. Carolyn Stoddard finds them and tells Roger that Elizabeth wants to see him in the drawing room. Roger goes there, but before going in to the Drawing Room, he calls Sam Evans. Sam hangs up on him when Roger tells him to leave town. Sam denies to Maggie that it was Roger Collins calling him, even though Maggie answered the phone and recognized his voice. Maggie asks her father if he really thinks he can run away from whatever is troubling him. She vows to stand by him. Carolyn and Victoria have returned to Collinwood. suggests that Victoria see Matthew Morgan, who's been at Collinwood longer than anybody and probably knows something about Victoria's past. After Victoria leaves, Carolyn sees Roger coming down the stairs, and says she thought he was in the drawing room. Roger tells her he has to go into town and that whatever Elizabeth wanted will have to wait. Carolyn tells him that Burke is in the drawing room. Roger bravely enters the Drawing Room.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Ep. 12 (July 30, 2008) (That Guy is seen reading a book. He looks up and shuts it) That Guy: Oh! Nahnamas Balam! Didn't see you come in. Greetings and welcome to "Ask That Guy With The Glasses." (Title card comes up with music) Narrator: Why does Daddy hit Mommy? That Guy: That's a very good question. Have you ever considered that perhaps she deserved it? So many things can be deserving of a smack. Like if someone's attacking you, coming at you with a weapon, or says something you disgree with. That deserves a smack most of all! And even if Mommy doesn't deserve a smack, he should probably smack her anyway. Why? To make up for the times that he should've smacked her. My place in hell is set. Narrator: Can you tell me why Paris Hilton still exists? That Guy: Because someone hasn't killed her yet, and somebody really, really needs to. Now, there is the possibility of ceasing to buy newspaper articles about her, stop watching her T.V. shows, and all around just stop caring about what celebrities do and focus on your own life. Thus creating a better, more independent society. But I think killing her is easier. (slides his pipe across his neck) Narrator: I was bit by a spider. Am I going to die, or will I become a superhero, run around in tights, save the world while fending off my normal everyday problems? That Guy: You WILL become a superhero. You will be called "The Incredible Spider". You will jump from rooftop to rooftop, swinging your web, and fighting off all those who stand in the way of injustice. Then you will die. Narrator: How come there are no genetically altered giraffes that can shoot lasers out of their eyes while backflipping on a trampoline and ejaculating grenades? That Guy: Because you haven't invented him yet. He's never going to appear if we just keep complaining about it. Follow your dream, obtain your totally ridiculous goal and achieve something! Do this in remembrance of me. (cracks a smile) Narrator: In the last episode, you said that New Amsterdam had been around for thousands of years. But it clearly has not. Were you lying? That Guy: No, I'm not. For New Amsterdam HAS been around for thousands of years, they just called it something else. They called it "Hell". And it was run by a man called "Lucifire". And he was responsible for all the sinners. But, then God came in and said "I'm renovating". So, Hell was moved down under the earth, which can still be found today if you search deep enough. But you won't and neither will I. And that is why there is no proof that I am lying. I just creamed myself with joy. This is That Guy With The Glasses saying there is no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "12" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Roberto Alomar (1991-1995) * Tilson Brito (1997*) * Rich Butler (1997*) * Willie Greene (1999) * Luis Lopez (2001) * Tony Phillips (1998) * Ernie Whitt (1977-1978, 1980-1989) * Kenny Williams (1990)
  • youvesawwork: Stand. Quiet. Moment. Timeless. Ineptitude. Gratitude. Aspiration. Sin. Allegiance. Forever. Mortality. God. Now I know a year has 12 days, as a day passes in that interval between wake and sleep. 12 months: falling asleep once a month? Time only makes it worse today. They tell me I'm wrong, and that all my words are misused, but I know from truth a lie; sometimes more, but usually less, and I know that words do not vanish so easily. I want to vanish away to nowhere for days, but people seem to only vanish away to elsewhere for moments or months. How it felt a week ago differs from a month. It does not know itself in a manner where something can be stated to remain in its accord months later. It does not see that as fault. Life is great as it was yesterday, in the summer, and winter of a year's past Since when did 12 minutes piece quite well in the last 12 months whose time is too slow? Am I to die of Death's major, old age? Or am I to remain Death's minor, forever unyoung? Some people try to tell me why I made up my mind, but I'd still stick with the first. I've cursed the incomplete encyclopedia indices since the day I taught myself to write; but today I must thank them doubly, for now I've learned not everything has a name, so that when the reaper passed me clear, I knew who I was. After all my begging to know, it was in that moment when even the ultimate failed to answer me that I knew now why I never knew. A wrinkle in the works; the flow of time maintains its predetermined fate regardless of whatever glitch I fed into the system, so that its currents pass through me well enough to remain in bliss Time isn't a machine, despite flocks of clocks who talk like their ticking out their last croaks. You can name the hour, but you can't name the moment; it could be a day or more, but within a second you're alone. You care too much for the little things, and then have moments where you don't care at all. Time is only the measure of how much further machines have pressed entropy in their toil to produce a perpetual motion machine, or at least one that'll last past the heat death of the universe; not even the universe is a perpetual motion machine. I am not a machine, in so far as I am what powers my vessel, rather than the vessel itself. A sentimental solution, but how could I not be that vessel of thoughts which manifest my consciousness? If it is God which lets me live, that does not mean I am God Drowned at birth. Born without name. The cold of all names: Who names? God names thin air a spectre salivating to feast upon your soul; breath in the air, but how do you call a thing that eats itself? God names the universal laws that worship him and believe in the objective. The surreal, unnatural, perhaps morbid side of things. No gravity implies no atmosphere implies no life. The universe exists as it does; it needn't know its bounds. Perhaps I should free myself of what I am bound to. I am not bound. I will not cull. The universe culls while we are us. Make like a gull who doesn't want to be a gull. But now the crime is done, and each time I fall into this guilt. Unapologetic apologies for such things I'll resume again. We all have a place in the world, even if the world says otherwise, even if the place is more unknown than Heaven Heavenly to see you standing there with arms out wider than Heaven. Where will we end up next? Even in the stars we remained such chalked up gluttons who were flattered by the threatening stares of anonymous inner demons. Where have we gone to find ourselves so lost from the world? By what route did we decide that this life was the life? Life is a grand journey, surely, life is grand. Have a grand day. Live grand... The question is flawed, lest we blame this righteous answer which lurks, and shall continue to lurk until the mind is free. An answer was found recently; one which lead to further question. The unknown is waiting knowledge; it'll be found with time. We must learn to love life more than the meaning of it; my life is like a mathematical equation that's impossible to solve. Null the wise. The consequences must be understood: life is inconsequential I cry most about misunderstanding; the source of all dispute, but still, today, I still want to say something words cannot: Ineffable self cannabalism. Living off of yourself. Self sufficient, or self deficient? Defy entropy by denying sleep. Deny truth by refusing to answer what's the reasoning behind a 12 year old smoking? Oh so much stress? She's the worst Atlas your world has ever had to bear; too soft to beat hard on now, but too hard to bear until later. She tells time her own. In all these years, she never lifted a finger, but this year she lifts a world. This year has one day, some might call it torture day. The sentiment is that there must be a new day; therefore, I name this day nonpareil, and alias no other name to this day. This year with you feels much too dissected. It hurts and burns, pokes and prods. The inconsistencies of life give quiver to the soul, but it is the persistent enduring of such torments that require purge. It's when one can say "Torment all around. Don't leave me alone in what is ours" and be left alone that the prince laughs his charisma aside in exclaiming that he told you so when he told you that nobody loves you when you're down. 12 years raped by thirty, who cares? The minute I see you, I can't be angry with you anymore. But it's alright, so long as they make the good times good Where did all those good days go? Time doesn't agree this time. Some year long coma, which upon waking from, still leaves the body restless in a tired mind. I daren't admit myself more days than I've already rambled away. Life is one conversation between you and the factors that make up our world. Where have we gone to be refactored from our world? There's too many factors, only a couple of prime examples don't get a clean non repeating duodecimal. Everything repeats. It happens again when I try to sleep, trying to initiate entropy, causes process to only become more efficient? I celebrate one day; all good days are the same day. Disengagement futile. Positive feedback loop on wanting to break from the loop. Where did it start? It's not panic. You spoke of not having been single since 12 / Perhaps relive being 12 / You want to stop reliving being 12? / I'm still that 12 year old continuing to age / Stop toying with people. We hit the double digits now were this universe so elegant to factor its radix at 12, but I guess we all panic when we've got problems to wake up? None of them suffice for the kind of fear one finds in a poorly reared steed being forced to the front line of a lineless army. That was the day I jumped off forever; I'll never lead again, for I'll always be lead back to that day with you You'll act so tense to assert there is no problem, to cut out of my coma. If ever Death comes for Superman, it won't be a peaceful rest. If ever Death comes for me, I'll already be peaceful; I'd gone to bed at eight thinking it 12 and so now I'm up because I got up, not because I've got problems to fall asleep, or that I don't know how to act, or that I'm poisoned with the elixir of life. When did you get better? / Well I started thinking before going to bed, so while I was sleeping-- / Really? / Yeah / You're such an ass. Restlessly I'll admit: There's a problem. You're the problem. I'll concede to that point, but no further. A point must never cross the line. Lines must stand and cut right from wrong, for the right is too conceited to cut the wrong. I'll cut out time. Time's too slow to accomplish anything besides a life once slept. Short sleeps. Between blinks. Am I okay? I'm rocking. American style. I'll always spell color the American way Red is the colour of being weak from bleeding. We all bleed the same, but not like me. Weak from trouble. We all get in trouble, but we're not as held as you. Weak from time. You never explained how such conclusions were made about when time is, so perhaps it only seems to be of rational conclusion. I never catch the timestamps, which is a shame since I started becoming more conservative with what I say after I started to care. You only became more liberal, not knowing this story like I did. Such a shame. Fear of judgement is a hassle. At best. The peak is a singularity, alone to exist in a moment and decay in the next. Much too silly to allow for any moment of grief or regret. Self judgement makes us weaker. Thus that'll be rid of, if only for something to try. So long as the weak try, they grow stronger. Stronger from the red burns of the sun left as the sundial ticks, too weak to shrug it off. Life is inconsequential, but men lose their fighting spirit when they stop thinking at their own scale. The mind must not overgrow the body, lest the body destroy the mind. They must be joined by yoke; worked until fatigue burdens one to pull the other White is the colour of being asleep. Red & white: eyeballs. My eyes are open, but only because their lids refuse to close. I don't understand you because your eyes are not mine. I sleep walk all day; I don't know who I am, but I know what I'll die for, for it could be a day or more, but I'll find the things that tell you exactly what you are. We lock on to the transcendental, but there is no reason to hold onto it. I know what I am, because I know what I am not. To you, there are things I'd like to say, but I'm too tired. What defines identity? As of two nights ago, it's a hard line to say. You know it; it made sense. It's not so much something to put belief into as it is an aspect to understand. Identity is orthogonal to existence; to exist is to be declared, to identify is to declare. Nothing defines the identity of something else, it only defines what it identifies the other as. This allows the arguable definition of identity to not have to be so generic as to be consistent across the universe; only within the single system of a mind. What is a mind? Something which identifies. Sentience is only a recursive process, hence the fascination with meta circular thought. Time isn't a machine because it identifies machines. But people can identify people. So scratch that, I have no idea. I don't argue it anymore because it just goes in a circle, not even converging down the drain Drowned at birth. Three product four. I'll die, for I think I'm done; yet there is no such way to be done. Dozens of possibilities. Too many bakers, not enough friars. Quartet of triplets. Stop content noting structure. That's the sign that it's over; that there's nothing new besides the growth of an old pattern. It's been proven that all that'll be left to do is wait for something new when nothing new's coming. Don't know? You'll never know so long as you look for an answer for yourself. There's only one answer for that which does identify anew: It's dead. I'm too dead to drown. One wing won't fly you to heaven when you're gasping on the last half of your last lung. That gasping lung begs the question of what happens to the mind when one maintains a conversation for 12 hours, for I often spend over 12 hours during weekends. I spent at least 12 dollars worth of groceries with the crisp green twenty the other year. Lately it's just been conversation between us, though I morph it into some grand adventure of Black & White, two bastardly fellows who make the nonsense call of what price I'll pay for being so tin strong in my gallant strut showing off how lip stick red is the colour of being weak from seduction; loud audiences clearly believe in money being the answer to a station which would only be bought and sold at a loss. It takes a certain kind of man to gamble his life away knowing he'll win. Atlas got soft, started bartering with half flexible half dead ghosts offering white woolen sheets, because since white is the colour of being a sheep, Atlas figured a wolf might fall for certain modern seductions which pass the unvigil out in the cold. Fasten their growl to your nightmares, and leave to dream. A dream can haunt without being a nightmare, but counting sheep cannot describe the horrors for which you'll prepare for enduring & I'll remain in bliss
  • [[Plik:12.png|right|thumb|250px|Historyczne trasy linii 12 (powiększ)]] 12 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Nowego Bemowa na Aleję Zieleniecką.
  • thumb12, linia tramwajowa normalna, jeżdżąca z Sępolna na Pilczyce. Jako jedyna jeździ torowiskiem od placu Grunwadzkiego do mostu Szczytnickiego przez przystanek Bujwida. Przejechanie tej trasy zajmuje 40 minut , a tramwaje kursują co 12 minut.
  • Hallihallo ihr lieben Leute! Ich heiße Lisa, aber alle nennen mich Lizzie. Ich bin 11 Jahre alt und gehe in die erste Klasse im WRG Salzburg. Ich bin strohblond und ich habe hellblaue Augen. Meine Hobbys sind grillen, lesen und reiten. Mein Lieblingfilm ist High School Musical. Mein Lieblingsmusiker ist Bushido und eines Tages werde ich ihn sicher heiraten. Meine Lieblingstiere sind Pferde, ich habe selbst drei Stück. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist rosarot und ich kleide mich auf meistens in dieser Farbe. In der Schule sind meine Lieblingsfächer Mathematik und Englisch. Was ich gar nicht mag ist Turnen und Musik. Ich unternehme gerne etwas mit meinen Freundinnen, wir gehen zum Beispiel oft Bungee Jumping. Wenn ich groß bin möchte ich Putzfrau werden, weil ich finde, dass das ein ehrenhafter Beruf ist. Allerliebste Grüße von eurer Lizzie!
  • Diana verliert den Kampf um die Gunst ihrer Mutter, die sich trotz Sorge um ihre Tochter nicht von dem cholerischen Dieter lossagen will. Durch Zufall entdeckt Julian Dianas Quartier im Maschinenraum und Diana hat keine andere Wahl, als ihm von dem Rausschmiss und ihren Problemen mit Dieter zu erzählen. Julian organisiert sofort, dass Diana bei Steinkamps unterkommen kann. Allerdings wird sie weder von Jenny noch von Simone sonderlich freundlich aufgenommen. Als dann noch ein Streit mit Annette und eine handfeste Abreibung von ihrem Trainer Mike dazukommen, bricht Diana weinend zusammen. Nachdem es Julian gelungen ist, mit Hilfe eines einfachen Tricks Axel vor Richard bloß zu stellen, entscheidet sich Richard für Julians Vorschlag. Derweilen ist Julians Trick vor Axel aufgeflogen, der Julian daraufhin wütend den Krieg erklärt... Tim setzt sich für Vanessa ein und erntet damit weitere Sympathiepunkte.
  • 12 is a 2007 crime film by Russian director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov. The film was presented at the 64th Venice International Film Festival, where Mikhalkov was awarded the Special Lion for Overall Work. It is an adaptation of Reginald Rose's play, "Twelve Angry Men" and a remake of Sidney Lumet's 12 Angry Men movie.
  • Linia na swojej pierwszej trasie od lat 50. XX wieku jeździła na trasie Bronowice - Cmentarz Rakowicki. Na tej trasie została ona zlikwidowana w 2001 roku. Linia 12 została ponownie uruchomiona 31 sierpnia 2007. Kursowała z Bronowic Małych do Krowodrzy Górki przez ulice Basztową i Pawią. Linia funkcjonowała przez cały tydzień co 20 minut a obsługiwały ją wagony Bombardier NGT6. To na tej linii 1 października 2007 po raz pierwszy przewiózł pasażerów Bombardier z trzeciej dostawy. Od 5 maja 2008 trasa linii została skrócona do pętli Dworzec Towarowy bez zmiany czasu kursowania. Wtedy też zmieniono tabor na Konstal 2×105Na. W czasie wakacji 2008 linia kursowała tylko od poniedziałku do soboty, lecz od września przywrócono jej niedzielne kursy. Od 28 lutego 2009 linia kursowała na stałe tylko w dni powszednie w godzinach 8:30-19:00 i w soboty w godzinach 9:00-16:00 a jej kursy w niedziele i święta zostały zlikwidowane. Na okres wakacji 2009 linia została zawieszona. Jesienią 2009 powróciła w podobnej formie, jak przed wakacjami, lecz przesunięto rozpoczęcie jej pracy w dzień powszedni na godzinę 10:00. 1 marca 2010 linia została zawieszona: na początku miało to związek z remontem skrzyżowania ulicy Długiej z Basztową, później z remontem torowiska na ulicy Franciszkańskiej. Od 1.12.2010 r. kursowała na nowej stałej trasie z Krowodrzy Górki do Cichego Kącika ale na przystankach pojawiała się tylko w dni powszednie od 8:00 do 18:00. Wraz z początkiem wakacji, 23 czerwca 2011 roku ponownie została zawieszona. 30 grudnia 2011 ten numer otrzymała linia tramwajowa kursująca z nowej końcówki „Ruczaj” (później końcówka wydłużona do pętli „Czerwone Maki”) do pętli „Wieczysta”. Została zlikwidowana 17 listopada 2012 podczas tzw. małej remarszrutyzacji, i zastąpiona linią nr 52. Ponownie funkcjonuje od 7 stycznia 2015 roku, początkowo na trasie Dąbie - Borek Fałęcki. 7 miesięcy później, 31 sierpnia 2015 r. linię przekierowano z Dąbia na Mały Płaszów, a 1 lutego 2016 r. na Wieczystą, jednocześnie skracając ją z drugiej strony do Łagiewnik i wydłużając jej godziny kursowania o międzyszczyt. 3 października 2016 r. linię wydłużono do Kopca Wandy, kierując ją przez al. Pokoju, jednocześnie zrezygnowano z kursowania linii w międzyszczycie. Obecne linie i pętle tramwajowe oraz tabor w Krakowie Kategoria:Linie tramwajowe
  • El doce (12) es el número natural que sigue al once y precede al trece. Categoría:Números
  • The 12 shirt is the only number to have been retired by Bristol Rovers, and is included on squad lists with the name 'Gasheads' next to it to show that it represents the fans as the twelfth man in the side. In the days before squad numbers the number 12 on a football team was traditionally worn by the first (or only) named substutite. Since the introduction of squad numbers in 1999 just four players were allocated the number 12 jersey before its eventual retirement in 2003. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 12. * Number of league games played between the start of the 1999–00 season and 7 October 2011: 563 * Number of appearances by players wearing number 12: 115 * Percentage of Rovers games featuring a number 12: 20.4%
  • '' Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra, H.P., India) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pp. 50-62 G. W. Houston: "Excerpt and Overview of a Work by Klong Chen Pa" p. 50 the 4 classes of tantra-s, according to the dGe-lugs-pa pp. 50-51 the 6 classes of tantra-s, according to the rN~in-ma-pa p. 51 features of ati-yoga (= ‘Great Perfection’, rdzogs-pa chen-po) p. 52 sems-n~id (‘mind-as-such’) p. 58 translation-periods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pp. 16-24 Devahuti: "The Gesar Epic" pp. 18-19 the "Spring Myth" – re-birth of Don-grub as Ge-sar p. 19 the "winter myth" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pp. 5-16 Dudjom Rinpoche (tr. by Tsepak Rigzin): "Some Important Chronological Events in the History of Buddhism and Tibet" eclipses in biography of S`akya-muni Buddha p. 7 at the moment of enlightenment of S`akya-muni, his son "prince Rahula was born after having spent six years in the womb of his mother [Yas`as-dhara]." {cf. long-delayed birth of Naraka} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pp. 41-61 Harvey B. Aronson: "Sixth Chapter of the First Dalai Lama’s Path of Liberation, Part IV p. 43 the 16 aspects of the 4 truths paths of praeparation p. 46 aspect of true suffering during 1st 2 moments of path of seeing p. 56 time required to achieve liberation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pp. 38-53 Janet Gyatso: "Down with the Demoness!" p. 39 "Land of Women" pp. 40-45 Srin-mo Gan-rkyal-du bsGyel-ba (the Supine Daimoness) p. 45 "one of the pinning structures is a S`iva linga, to be set on the "enemy-earth" (sa-dgra) in the east, a place which is "like the Srin-mo’s pubic hair."" {Would this forcible implanting of a linga (penis) in the pubis of the goddess indicate a forcible sexual violation of her while she is being held in restraints?} p. 48 the Gnod-spyin daimoness Kon-con the Chinese (= the Chinese princess Kon-jo – p. 53, n. 75), the Srin-mo betrothed of (p. 40) Sron-btsan – according to the sBa-bz`ed chronicle from bSam-yas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pp. 54-55 Miranda Shaw: "Ecstatic Song by Laks.minkara" '' ' ' GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955. ''''' ''''' ''''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 12 is a number that comprises the sequence of digits 1 and 2 of the Arabic Numeral System—the most widely used numeral system in the world. The earliest-known Sesame Street episode sponsored by 12 is episode 0162.
  • This is the 13th episode of the game, and the third episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • 12 is a recurring arc number than can be found in all the episodes of The Bagel Show. The creators state that the number has no meaning and is used for a comedic effect, but this was eventually proven to be false by the final story arc of the series.
  • 12 jest piosenką z Bleach Beat Collection. Śpiewają ją seiyū Mayuriego Kurotsuchiego oraz Nemu Kurotsuchi, Ryusei Nakao i Rie Kugimiya.
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