  • 1151
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • [Source] 1151 était un cadet clone faisant partie de la Brigade de la Jeunesse Clone durant la Guerre des Clones. En 21 ABY, cette brigade fut emmené par le sergent clone Crasher visiter le Destroyer Stellaire de classe Venator nommé l'Endurance, sous les ordres du général Jedi Mace Windu. Boba Fett avait infiltré ce groupe pour avoir sa vengeance sur Windu, ayant tué son père. Il fit par la suite exploser le vaisseau, obligeant les cadets à se réfugier dans une capsule de sauvetage.
  • 1151 fu stato un clone cadetto durante le Guerre dei Cloni [Sorgente]
  • 1151 era un cadete clon que vivió durante las Guerras Clónicas. Estuvo presente cuando Boba Fett, bajo el alias de "Suertudo", saboteó el Destructor Estelar Resistencia.
  • 1151は共和国グランド・アーミーのクローン候補生である。クローン戦争中、クラッシャー軍曹が指揮官を務めるクローン・ユース旅団に属していた。
  • 1151 was a clone trooper cadet who was a part of the Clone Youth Brigade during the Clone Wars.
  • During the middle of a seance to contact Joanna, the drawing room doors burst open and a figure is standing in the doorway. Quentin gets up and tries to get to Joanna, but she disappears. Daphne tells Quentin she loves him, but she feels she can't be at Collinwood any longer because Joanna will not be a peace. Quentin convinces her to stay, but Daphne says it's best that they don't see each other alone any longer.
  • Simone bekommt mit, wie Isabelle sich an Maximilian heranmacht, und versucht, ihn vor Isabelles Verschlagenheit zu warnen. Doch Maximilian hat Isabelle bereits durchschaut. Er lässt sich gern auf ein Spielchen mit ihr ein und erhofft sich, diese Verbindung für sich nutzen zu können. Dabei ahnt Maximilian nicht, dass Isabelle nicht nur Ben zerstören will. Ben und Katja arbeiten unterschiedlich ihre Aussprache auf. Während Katja nach ihrer Entscheidung gegen Ben befreit wirkt und sich auf die Deutsche Meisterschaft vorbereitet, bedauert Ben, seine Chance verspielt zu haben. Und zu allem Übel kommt jetzt auch noch Isabelle zurück und will ihr Comeback auf dem Eis starten. Vanessa würde aus Scham am liebsten im Boden versinken, nachdem sie Tom geküsst hat, und entzieht sich der Situation. Tom
  • Maschio
  • Masculin
  • Humano
  • 1151
  • Umano
  • Rossi
  • Reppublica Galattica
  • 1970-11-16
  • 1135
  • Clone Cadet-1151
  • 1151
  • Brown
  • 茶色
  • 1151
  • 1840
  • *République Galactique **Grande Armée de la République ***Brigade de la Jeunesse Clone
  • *Galactic Republic **Republic military ***Grand Army of the Republic ****Clone Youth Brigade
  • *銀河共和国 **共和国グランド・アーミー ***クローン・ユース旅団
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • Galactic Republic
  • Galactic Republic
  • 1970-11-23
  • 1151
  • 250
  • 1151
  • Rep
  • 1151
  • 1151
  • Marroni
  • [Source] 1151 était un cadet clone faisant partie de la Brigade de la Jeunesse Clone durant la Guerre des Clones. En 21 ABY, cette brigade fut emmené par le sergent clone Crasher visiter le Destroyer Stellaire de classe Venator nommé l'Endurance, sous les ordres du général Jedi Mace Windu. Boba Fett avait infiltré ce groupe pour avoir sa vengeance sur Windu, ayant tué son père. Il fit par la suite exploser le vaisseau, obligeant les cadets à se réfugier dans une capsule de sauvetage.
  • Simone bekommt mit, wie Isabelle sich an Maximilian heranmacht, und versucht, ihn vor Isabelles Verschlagenheit zu warnen. Doch Maximilian hat Isabelle bereits durchschaut. Er lässt sich gern auf ein Spielchen mit ihr ein und erhofft sich, diese Verbindung für sich nutzen zu können. Dabei ahnt Maximilian nicht, dass Isabelle nicht nur Ben zerstören will. Ben und Katja arbeiten unterschiedlich ihre Aussprache auf. Während Katja nach ihrer Entscheidung gegen Ben befreit wirkt und sich auf die Deutsche Meisterschaft vorbereitet, bedauert Ben, seine Chance verspielt zu haben. Und zu allem Übel kommt jetzt auch noch Isabelle zurück und will ihr Comeback auf dem Eis starten. Vanessa würde aus Scham am liebsten im Boden versinken, nachdem sie Tom geküsst hat, und entzieht sich der Situation. Tom hingegen will weitere Irritationen ausschließen und sucht das Gespräch mit Vanessa. Als er sie mit seinem Verdacht konfrontiert, in ihn verliebt zu sein, widerspricht Vanessa nicht.
  • During the middle of a seance to contact Joanna, the drawing room doors burst open and a figure is standing in the doorway. Quentin gets up and tries to get to Joanna, but she disappears. Daphne tells Quentin she loves him, but she feels she can't be at Collinwood any longer because Joanna will not be a peace. Quentin convinces her to stay, but Daphne says it's best that they don't see each other alone any longer. At Rose Cottage, Desmond is searching through Gerard's room and finds the journal of Judah Zachary. He finds it in the desk, but he is caught by Gerard. Gerard isn't pleased that Desmond is going through his room, but politely asks for it back since he hadn't finished reading it. Desmond refuses and tells Gerard he will have to "imagine the rest." Later that night, Gerard greets Flora in the drawing room. Flora tells him she is writing a new book about vampires, and explains what happened with Roxanne while he was gone. Gerard appears stunned by the news and asks many questions about how Barnabas became involved. He later asks Flora if he has seen Desmond lately; Flora says he was just in the room a few minutes ago putting a book in a cabinet. Gerard tries to open the cabinet, but it has been locked and the key is missing. A few hours later, Lamar visits Gerard and they discuss the situation about Roxanne. Lamar says he was a victim of Roxanne, and wants to move forward with their plans to take care of Barnabas and Quentin. He is more concerned about Quentin, and is convinced he killed Lorna Bell. Downstairs, Desmond talks with Quentin about having Gerard removed from Rose Cottage permanently. Quentin refuses adamantly, but Desmond tries to explain that Gerard is evil and up to no good. Lamar walks in on the two and Quentin tries to kick him out, but Lamar says soon everyone will know "the truth" about Quentin. Later, Gerard and Quentin are talking about Desmond, and Quentin hopes they will be able to put the situation behind them. Quentin says he would invite Gerard back to Collinwood and stay there, but tensions would likely rise with Samantha. He also tells Gerard that he has still been finding letters from Joanna, and he has found himself falling in love with Daphne. Gerard seems curious and jealous over this new relationship. Quentin eventually leaves. Gerard begins to think to himself that Quentin also seemed to get what Gerard wanted, but reminds himself that he is no longer Gerard, and now Judah instead. He declares that he wants Daphne just as Judah wanted Miranda. He begins to perform a spell to make Daphne fall asleep and have another dream. In the Collinwood drawing room, Daphne falls asleep and in her dream she sees Gerard standing in the doorway. Daphne excitedly embraces him and says she doesn't care about Quentin, and they kiss passionately. Gerard says that if Daphne ever wants to see him, she will have to come to Rose Cottage. Daphne wakes up and leaves Collinwood. Daphne arrives at Rose Cottage and Gerard greets her in the foyer, saying he was expecting her. She is very confused as to why she is at Rose Cottage, but she says Gerard is very important to her. The two are about to kiss, but Desmond walks in and Daphne runs out. After Gerard leaves, Desmond unlocks the cabinet and looks over Judah's journal. Unknown to Desmond, Gerard is watching him through the door that is ajar. Flora shows up and Desmond asks to speak to her in private. Desmond again demands that Gerard leave immediately. Meanwhile, Gerard casts a spell that causes Desmond to choke. He then runs downstairs and tries to "help" Desmond, but he angrily refuses and tells him to get out. While on his way back to his room, he retrieves the journal of Judah Zachary, which Desmond had dropped when he began choking, and he smiles.
  • 1151 fu stato un clone cadetto durante le Guerre dei Cloni [Sorgente]
  • 1151 era un cadete clon que vivió durante las Guerras Clónicas. Estuvo presente cuando Boba Fett, bajo el alias de "Suertudo", saboteó el Destructor Estelar Resistencia.
  • 1151は共和国グランド・アーミーのクローン候補生である。クローン戦争中、クラッシャー軍曹が指揮官を務めるクローン・ユース旅団に属していた。
  • 1151 was a clone trooper cadet who was a part of the Clone Youth Brigade during the Clone Wars.
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