  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • Dahlia Hawthorne is the hidden but true central antagonist of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. Cruel, heartless, and manipulative, Dahlia lives only for herself and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
  • Dahlia und ihre Zwillingschwester Iris Hawthorne wurden als Töchter eines reichen Juweliers und von Morgan Fey, die die Meisterin des Fey-Klans werden wollte, geboren. Allerdings wurde Morgans jüngere Schwester, Misty Fey, die Meisterin, da ihre spirituellen Kräfte die von Morgan übersteigten. Dadurch wurde Morgans Blutlinie zur machtlosen Zweigfamilie. Aufgrund dieser Umstönde, ließ sich ihr Mann von ihr scheiden und verließ das Dorf mit seinen Töchtern. Er heiratete später ein zweites Mal eine Frau, die bereits eine Tochter hatte, Valerie Hawthorne. Dahlia empfand ihre Zwillingschwester eine Plage, und konnte ihren Vater davon überzeugen, sie im Hazakura-Tempel abzugeben. Während der Zeit in der Familie Hawthorne, begann Dahlia ihren Vater zu hassen und plante, sein Geld zu stehlen.
  • Dahlia Hawthorne era una estudiante de Literatura de la Universidad de Harkely y ex novia de Phoenix Wright. Fue testigo en el caso del asesinato de su hermanastra Valerie Hawthorne, el del asesinato de su ex novio Doug Swallow y el de la escritora Elise Deauxnim, siendo la asesina de los dos primeros.
  • Dahlia Hawthorne was a student at Ivy University and ex-girlfriend of Phoenix Wright. She appeared as a witness in the murders of her stepsister Valerie Hawthorne, her ex-boyfriend Doug Swallow, and the author Elise Deauxnim.
  • Morgan Fey, who was to become the head of the Fey clan, married a wealthy jeweler and had two twin daughters with him: Dahlia and Iris. However, Misty Fey, Morgan's younger sister, had more spiritual power than Morgan did, and she became the head instead, making Morgan's bloodline a powerless branch family. The jeweler divorced from his wife, taking their daughters with him. He later remarried to a woman who already had a daughter, Valerie Hawthorne. Not wanting three daughters, he gave Iris away to the Hazakura Temple. As Dahlia stayed with the Hawthornes, she began to hate her father and plotted against him for his money.
  • To put it simply--if the Phoenix Wright trilogy has a "final boss," Dahlia is it. She's manipulative, cunning, evil as hell, and sort of redefines the concept of "evil *****." No villain in the series has quite the record she does--she stole a valuable diamond and doublecrossed both her boyfriend and her adopted sister. She later murdered her sister and caused her former boyfriend to commit suicide. To cover her tracks, Dahlia poisoned Diego Armando, and then to cover those tracks, deceived Phoenix Wright with the help of her twin sister, murdered Doug Swallow, and almost did the same to Phoenix as well.
  • Dahlia foi uma estudante na universidade Ivy e a ex-namorada de Phoenix Wright,ela apareceu como testemunha nos assassinatos de sua meia-irmã Valerie Hawthorne,seu ex-namorado Doug Swallow e Elise Deauxnim (Misty Fey).
  • Witch
  • Sweetie
  • Girlie
  • Miss Evil Spirit
  • Rojo
  • PW
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
type of villain
  • Charismatic Villain, Serial Killer, Femme Fatale
  • 20
  • Cafés
  • 美柳 ちなみ
  • Turnabout Memories
  • Turnabout Beginnings
  • Iris
  • Dahlia Hawthorne ~ Distant Traces Of Beauty
  • To exact vengeance upon all who abandoned and/or convicted her
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • "Dahlia Hawthorne ~ Distant Image"
  • Brown
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
  • Able to woo her victims with her innocent looks while hiding her true intent, murderous mind
  • 19
  • 20
  • Deceased
  • Red
  • 70
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • 1993
  • Dahlia Plantule
  • Satan, Iris
  • Iris
  • Iris
  • Dollie
  • Teen Angel
  • Melissa Foster
  • Dollie
  • Melissa Foster
  • Melissa Foster, Dollie, Iris, Girlie, Witch, Teen Angel, Miss Evil Spirit
  • Manipulate everyone
  • 1993
  • 5
  • 1.0
  • Satan
  • 1,55 m
  • 1993
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • ちいちゃん
  • 無久井里子
  • 美柳ちなみ
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • 225
  • Literature student at Ivy University
  • College student , murderer, spirit
  • Turnabout Memories
  • El caso recordado
  • Bikini
  • Iris
  • Ami Fey
  • An unnamed father
  • An unnamed uncle
  • Khura'in royal family
  • Maya Fey
  • Mia Fey
  • Misty Fey
  • Morgan Fey
  • Pearl Fey
  • Valerie Hawthorne
  • An unnamed stepmother
  • An unnamed stepfather
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • 美柳ちなみ
  • Terry Fawles
  • Doug Swallow
  • Satan
  • Estudiante de Literatura de la Universidad de Harkely
  • Phoenix Wright
  • Winston Payne
  • Diego Armando
  • 208
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • Dahlia Plantule
  • Dahlia Hawthorne
  • Dahlia Hawthorne is the hidden but true central antagonist of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. Cruel, heartless, and manipulative, Dahlia lives only for herself and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
  • Dahlia und ihre Zwillingschwester Iris Hawthorne wurden als Töchter eines reichen Juweliers und von Morgan Fey, die die Meisterin des Fey-Klans werden wollte, geboren. Allerdings wurde Morgans jüngere Schwester, Misty Fey, die Meisterin, da ihre spirituellen Kräfte die von Morgan übersteigten. Dadurch wurde Morgans Blutlinie zur machtlosen Zweigfamilie. Aufgrund dieser Umstönde, ließ sich ihr Mann von ihr scheiden und verließ das Dorf mit seinen Töchtern. Er heiratete später ein zweites Mal eine Frau, die bereits eine Tochter hatte, Valerie Hawthorne. Dahlia empfand ihre Zwillingschwester eine Plage, und konnte ihren Vater davon überzeugen, sie im Hazakura-Tempel abzugeben. Während der Zeit in der Familie Hawthorne, begann Dahlia ihren Vater zu hassen und plante, sein Geld zu stehlen.
  • Dahlia Hawthorne era una estudiante de Literatura de la Universidad de Harkely y ex novia de Phoenix Wright. Fue testigo en el caso del asesinato de su hermanastra Valerie Hawthorne, el del asesinato de su ex novio Doug Swallow y el de la escritora Elise Deauxnim, siendo la asesina de los dos primeros.
  • Dahlia foi uma estudante na universidade Ivy e a ex-namorada de Phoenix Wright,ela apareceu como testemunha nos assassinatos de sua meia-irmã Valerie Hawthorne,seu ex-namorado Doug Swallow e Elise Deauxnim (Misty Fey). Dahlia aparenta ser uma garota inocente,pois ela usa isso para esconder a sua verdadeira personalidade,muitas pessoas a descrevem como um demônio,ela foi a personagem que mais teve atentados de assassinatos (com excessão de Shelly de Killer),sendo que 2 morreram (Valerie e Doug),1 cometeu suicídio (Terry Fawles),uma foi morta por outra pessoa (Mia Fey) e as restantes sobreviveram (Wright,Diego Armando e Maya Fey)
  • Morgan Fey, who was to become the head of the Fey clan, married a wealthy jeweler and had two twin daughters with him: Dahlia and Iris. However, Misty Fey, Morgan's younger sister, had more spiritual power than Morgan did, and she became the head instead, making Morgan's bloodline a powerless branch family. The jeweler divorced from his wife, taking their daughters with him. He later remarried to a woman who already had a daughter, Valerie Hawthorne. Not wanting three daughters, he gave Iris away to the Hazakura Temple. As Dahlia stayed with the Hawthornes, she began to hate her father and plotted against him for his money. When Dahlia was 14 years old, she pretended to fall in love with Terry Fawles, her tutor, to use him to exact revenge on her father. With Valerie's cooperation, she staged a fake kidnapping by Fawles to get her hands on one of her father's rare jewels. At Dusky Bridge near Hazakura Temple, however, Valerie betrayed Fawles and shot him in the arm, the signal for the "hostage" to jump into Eagle River intentionally with the diamond in her backpack. Fawles was convicted for Dahlia's "murder" and sentenced to death row. Dahlia would become involved in more crimes later in life.
  • Dahlia Hawthorne was a student at Ivy University and ex-girlfriend of Phoenix Wright. She appeared as a witness in the murders of her stepsister Valerie Hawthorne, her ex-boyfriend Doug Swallow, and the author Elise Deauxnim.
  • To put it simply--if the Phoenix Wright trilogy has a "final boss," Dahlia is it. She's manipulative, cunning, evil as hell, and sort of redefines the concept of "evil *****." No villain in the series has quite the record she does--she stole a valuable diamond and doublecrossed both her boyfriend and her adopted sister. She later murdered her sister and caused her former boyfriend to commit suicide. To cover her tracks, Dahlia poisoned Diego Armando, and then to cover those tracks, deceived Phoenix Wright with the help of her twin sister, murdered Doug Swallow, and almost did the same to Phoenix as well. Then they killed her. And she still wasn't done. Dahlia is tremendously well-executed (lol) as a villain, being the primary adversary in not one but three cases (depending on who you see as the true villain behind 3-5, but I think most would agree that it's her). In 3-1 you get a glimpse of her true nature (and her death glare is still one of the more "holy ****" animations in the series), but it isn't until 3-4 that you find out how deep her hatred truly runs. The way she manipulates pretty much everybody around her, the way she doesn't hesitate to carelessly throw away people who claim to love her? Dahlia is unquestionably evil, and the writers pull her off so damn well. In 3-4 you find out the reason for the hatred between her and Mia in the first case, and 3-4 builds to the final climax of 3-5 excellently. The double-team of Phoenix and Mia vs Dahlia is probably one of the best moments in the series, if only because she deserves it so much. However, unlike Engarde, Gant or Manfred von Karma (the other great villains in the series), there's actually shown to be some reason behind Dahlia's actions. She's certainly sociopathic, yes, but we get the feeling that she almost feels justified in doing the things she does due to the way her father treated her, her sister, and her mother. Dahlia's relationship with Iris, too, is rather interesting--it sometimes seems that Dahlia almost cares for Iris in a twisted sort of way; she allows Iris to try and get the necklace back from Phoenix for six months, etc etc. Immediately after Iris and Dahlia switch in 3-5, when you're talking to Iris--who is really Dahlia-in-Maya's-body... I think it's interesting watching Dahlia pretend to be Iris and say the things she does. But even though she's got some character behind them to make her a bit deeper as a villain, she's mainly just a fantastic adversary and probably the best in the entire AA series bar none... or at least my favorite.
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