  • Felix Blake
  • Felix Blake
  • Agent Felix Blake was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, working for the organisation before it fell. He is now the leader of The Watchdogs.
  • Felix Blake was a loyal Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was tasked by Nick Fury to find Item 47, a Chitauri Gun remaining after the Battle of New York. He sent Jasper Sitwell to retrieve it, but Sitwell ended up recruiting the thieves. During the hunt for the Clairvoyant, Blake assisted Coulson's Team under the orders of Victoria Hand; but this mission nearly cost Blake his life due to an fierce encounter with Deathlok, who broke his spine. Blake was taken to a hospital, where he recovered from most of his injuries, though the extensive damage rendered him paraplegic. Once he left the hospital, Blake learned S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed during the HYDRA Uprising and, wanting to protect mankind using extreme measures, he founded the Watchdogs, unknowingly becoming HYDRA's pawn.
  • <default>Felix Blake</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Agent Felix Blake war ein S.H.I.E.L.D.-Agent der Stufe 7. Während der Jagd nach dem Hellseher wurde ihm durch Deathlok die Wirbelsäule gebrochen, woraufhin er querschnittsgelähmt wurde und lange im Spital lag. Nachdem er aus dem Spital entlassen wurde, fand er S.H.I.E.L.D. zusammengebrochen und von HYDRA-Doppelagenten durchsetzt vor. Um die Menschheit mit drastischeren Methoden vor außerirdischen Gefahren zu schützen, übernahm er die Führung der Watchdogs. Kategorie:Männlich Kategorie:S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Kategorie:Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Staffel 1
  • Agent Felix Blake was an employee of the S.H.I.E.L.D., and the former partner of Phil Coulson. He is both arrogant and very much by-the-book, and appears to remember a Phil Coulson who was more in that mold. He suggests strongly that S.H.I.E.L.D. will not tolerate indefinitely Coulson running his own show his way, although he backs off visibly when Coulson fails to back down. He first appears in the MCU, and mentions Agent Coulson, in the Marvel One Shot Item 47.
  • 13
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Erich Räuker
Dargestellt von
  • Titus Welliver
  • US-amerikanisch
  • 56
  • Alive
  • lebendig
First Appearance
  • Item 47
  • Felix Blake
  • Felix Blake
  • 1961-03-12
  • Top Brass
  • Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Real Name
  • Felix Blake
  • Field Agent
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Item 47
  • Male
  • Agent_Blake.png
  • Item 47
  • A 0973612
  • Agent Felix Blake was an employee of the S.H.I.E.L.D., and the former partner of Phil Coulson. He is both arrogant and very much by-the-book, and appears to remember a Phil Coulson who was more in that mold. He suggests strongly that S.H.I.E.L.D. will not tolerate indefinitely Coulson running his own show his way, although he backs off visibly when Coulson fails to back down. He first appears in the MCU, and mentions Agent Coulson, in the Marvel One Shot Item 47. Despite his reservations concerning the changes in Coulson, he answered the call to meet on "the Bus", and was partnered with Agent May to track down Thomas Nash. The duo had a run-in with Deathlok, but despite sustaining very serious injury, Blake had the presence of mind to use a tracker round on his assailant, allowing the other agents to use GPS to ascertain the cyborg's location. When last heard of (in Season One), he was described by May as "in critical condition". In Season 3, it was revealed that the injuries Blake received from Deathlok damaged his spine and paralyzed him from the waist down. By time Blake had gotten out of the hospital, Hydra had already destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D. and Blake developed a hatred for all powered people. In "Watchdogs", a domestic terrorist organization called the Watchdogs attacks a ATCU storage facility with a weaponized form of a chemical called nitromeen. It's later discovered Blake is the leader of the Watchdogs and supplied them with the nitromeen. Coulson and Lincoln check old safe houses that Blake used when he was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and eventually find him in Atlanta, Georgia. Blake points a gun at them and makes a speech about how powered people need to be stopped and agencies like the ATCU and S.H.I.E.L.D. only protect them. Lincoln then throws a bolt of electricity at Blake, only to learn Blake was a hologram the entire time. At the end of the episode, a wheelchair-bound Blake has a meeting with Giyera. In exchange for destroying the ATCU facility, Giyera agrees to supply the Watchdogs with weapons.
  • Agent Felix Blake was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, working for the organisation before it fell. He is now the leader of The Watchdogs.
  • Felix Blake was a loyal Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was tasked by Nick Fury to find Item 47, a Chitauri Gun remaining after the Battle of New York. He sent Jasper Sitwell to retrieve it, but Sitwell ended up recruiting the thieves. During the hunt for the Clairvoyant, Blake assisted Coulson's Team under the orders of Victoria Hand; but this mission nearly cost Blake his life due to an fierce encounter with Deathlok, who broke his spine. Blake was taken to a hospital, where he recovered from most of his injuries, though the extensive damage rendered him paraplegic. Once he left the hospital, Blake learned S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed during the HYDRA Uprising and, wanting to protect mankind using extreme measures, he founded the Watchdogs, unknowingly becoming HYDRA's pawn.
  • <default>Felix Blake</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Agent Felix Blake war ein S.H.I.E.L.D.-Agent der Stufe 7. Während der Jagd nach dem Hellseher wurde ihm durch Deathlok die Wirbelsäule gebrochen, woraufhin er querschnittsgelähmt wurde und lange im Spital lag. Nachdem er aus dem Spital entlassen wurde, fand er S.H.I.E.L.D. zusammengebrochen und von HYDRA-Doppelagenten durchsetzt vor. Um die Menschheit mit drastischeren Methoden vor außerirdischen Gefahren zu schützen, übernahm er die Führung der Watchdogs. Kategorie:Männlich Kategorie:S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Kategorie:Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Staffel 1
is Leader of
is Users of
is FormerMembers of
is Role of
is Notable of
is Members of
is Founder of
is Commanders of
is Passengers of
is Character of
is Owners of