  • Goru
  • Goru
  • Goru
  • Goru
  • Goru ist eine auf Amazon Lily gebräuchliche Währung. Nerine lässt sich 20 Goru bezahlen, damit die Kuja Luffy einmal anfassen dürfen, was ihm jedoch gar nicht behagt, da er nicht mehr ungestört essen kann.
  • Goru was a hulking Weequay male and a lieutenant of the Ohnaka Gang during the Clone Wars.
  • While Goru does not appear in the anime, a new character named Joseph plays a similar role.
  • Intorno al 20 BBY Goru faceva parte di una squadra guidata da Hondo Ohnaka che attaccò una nave carica di Iniziati Jedi con lo scopo di rubare dei cristalli per spada laser. Goru perse i sensi a causa di alcuni degli iniziati durante l'abbordaggio.
  • Goru era un corpulento weequay y un capitán de la cuadrilla de Hondo Ohnaka durante las Guerras Clon. En el 20 ABY, Goru y su compañero Sabo fueron contactados por Jiro, que deseaba que se unieran a él para traicionar a Hondo Ohnaka junto a Darth Maul y Savage Opress. Goru inmediatamente estuvo de acuerdo con los términos de Jiro, mientras que Sabo estaba todavía inseguro. Maul se puso en contacto con Hondo mediante un holograma y asesinó a Sabo como muestra de lo que ocurría si no se le obedecía.
  • All archangels have similar powers and abilities, although each archangel is also unique and has its own fields to manage. Every archangel can control fate as well as reality, although this gift is far more powerful and effective whilst they are in Heaven. They are also capable of healing and occasionally reviving other creatures, although this is very straining, and completely dependant on the situation. Time travel is also an option to angels, although they are warned heavily with how to use this power in severe circumstances and it is only for a limited amount of time. All archangels also have the ability to kill in almost any possible way, and they can all produce a blinding white light (which is how they look to humans) which can be known to obliterate all beings in a wide radius.
  • Goru
  • Goru
  • Goru
  • Goru
  • Goru
  • Revival episode slideshow
  • Criminal
  • Brown
  • 250
  • Pirate Lieutenant
  • Criminal
  • 250
  • esplore/the-clone-wars/ep501/#!/media/slideshow
  • white
  • Goru ist eine auf Amazon Lily gebräuchliche Währung. Nerine lässt sich 20 Goru bezahlen, damit die Kuja Luffy einmal anfassen dürfen, was ihm jedoch gar nicht behagt, da er nicht mehr ungestört essen kann.
  • Goru was a hulking Weequay male and a lieutenant of the Ohnaka Gang during the Clone Wars.
  • Intorno al 20 BBY Goru faceva parte di una squadra guidata da Hondo Ohnaka che attaccò una nave carica di Iniziati Jedi con lo scopo di rubare dei cristalli per spada laser. Goru perse i sensi a causa di alcuni degli iniziati durante l'abbordaggio. In seguito, Goru e il suo amico capitano Sabo furono contattati da Jiro, il quale desiderava che si unisse a lui nel tradire Ohnaka in favore di Darth Maul e Savage Opress. Goru accettò immediatamente le condizioni riportategli da Jiro, mentre Sabo rimase incerto e dichiarò di voler prima chiamare Ohnaka. Maul uccise allora Sabo di fronte all'ologramma di Hondo. Successivamente Goru combatté per Maul in una schermaglia sulla superficie di Florrum. In mezzo alla battaglia Hondo fu però in grado di persuadere Goru e Jiro a tornare dalla sua parte. I nuovamente alleati combatterono allora al fianco di Hondo per cacciare i due Zabrak via dal pianeta.
  • Goru era un corpulento weequay y un capitán de la cuadrilla de Hondo Ohnaka durante las Guerras Clon. En el 20 ABY, Goru y su compañero Sabo fueron contactados por Jiro, que deseaba que se unieran a él para traicionar a Hondo Ohnaka junto a Darth Maul y Savage Opress. Goru inmediatamente estuvo de acuerdo con los términos de Jiro, mientras que Sabo estaba todavía inseguro. Maul se puso en contacto con Hondo mediante un holograma y asesinó a Sabo como muestra de lo que ocurría si no se le obedecía. Goru luchó por Maul en una escaramuza en la superficie de Florrum. Sin embargo, a media batalla, Hondo fue capaz de convencer a Jiro y Goru de volver a su lado. Los piratas re-aliados de nuevo con Hondo, persiguieron a los dos Zabrak hasta echarlos del planeta.
  • While Goru does not appear in the anime, a new character named Joseph plays a similar role.
  • All archangels have similar powers and abilities, although each archangel is also unique and has its own fields to manage. Every archangel can control fate as well as reality, although this gift is far more powerful and effective whilst they are in Heaven. They are also capable of healing and occasionally reviving other creatures, although this is very straining, and completely dependant on the situation. Time travel is also an option to angels, although they are warned heavily with how to use this power in severe circumstances and it is only for a limited amount of time. All archangels also have the ability to kill in almost any possible way, and they can all produce a blinding white light (which is how they look to humans) which can be known to obliterate all beings in a wide radius. Every Archangel also has its own private fields to manage, and Chamuel's old field was that of love, relationships as well as hope and peace. He was also in control of finding lost objects and life purposers. Returning to Heaven will recharge one's gifts and powers entirely, no matter what they have been used for. When Chamuel did not return to Heaven for over four centuries, his powers were weakened dramatically. If he was a normal angel, he would have lost all traces of his powers by now, but Archangels will never lose their powers entirely, no matter how they abuse them.