  • Jyggalag
  • Jyggalag
  • Jyggalag
  • Jyggalag
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiJyggalag – daedryczny książę, pan ładu, główny antagonista dodatku The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles. Nie jest znany w Tamriel w trzeciej erze. Daedry, które mu służą to Rycerze ładu oraz Kapłani ładu. Jego artefaktem jest Miecz Jyggalaga.
  • Jyggalag es el principal antagonista de The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles y el príncipe daédrico del Orden. Representa el orden, la lógica y la deducción, y antiguamente, registraba en su biblioteca las acciones de todo ser vivo, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, fuera de la especie que fuera. Es el único príncipe daédrico que no posee artefacto daédrico conocido (sin contar la espada de Jyggalag, que se le cae al ser derrotado), Jyggalag era el Primer Príncipe Daedrico mas poderoso de todos y era insuperable e incluso superaba bastante a Mehrunes Dagon en poder y extensión de tierras.
  • Jyggalag is the Daedric Prince of Spirituality when with Aneris and ruled by Order. He represents logical Order and deduction, and has taken account of every detail of the world and of every action that has ever taken place on Mundus or Oblivion, long before they actually happen. As a result, he believes in certainty and determinism, and that the concept of individuality is an illusion.
  • Jyggalag ist der daedrische Prinz der Ordnung, der in The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles als Kreatur auftaucht. Er ist die wahre Form von Sheogorath, dem Prinzen des Wahnsinns, denn laut seinen eigenen Aussagen dem Helden von Kvatch gegenüber, war er einst so mächtig, dass die anderen Daedrischen Fürsten ihn zu Sheogorath umwandelten.
  • Jyggalag is the main antagonist of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Shivering Isles. He is the Daedric Prince of Order, in a bad way, i.e. boring and lifeless. In days of old, he and his Knights of Order ruled over an ever–expanding empire of “perfect” order, and the other Daedric Princes hated him so much because he was so boring and was making more of the universe boring, that they cursed him to become Sheogorath, the Prince of Madness, who is the exact opposite of Jyggalag, and replaced him as a prince in mortal worship, which is why Jyggalag was never mentioned in any of the games before Shivering Isles.
  • -
  • 200
Row 8 info
  • Killjoy
Row 4 info
  • Daedric Prince of Order, Leader of the Knights of Order
Row 7 title
  • Goals:
Row 1 info
  • Jyggalag
Row 8 title
  • Type of Villain:
Row 4 title
  • Occupation:
Row 2 info
  • Prince of Order, Sheogorath, Prince of Madness, Lord of the never there
Row 6 info
  • Adding to his library of fate, Assimilating other planes from other Daedric Princes, Ruling his realm meticulously
Row 1 title
  • Full Name:
  • 20
Row 5 info
  • Swordsmanship, Super Strength, Immortality, Reality Manipulation
  • Masculino
Row 2 title
  • Aliases:
Row 6 title
  • Hobbies:
  • Waffen und Zauber
Row 5 title
  • Skills & Abliities:
Row 3 info
  • Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Row 3 title
  • Origin:
  • 6
Row 7 info
  • Establish perfect order, Bring an end to his madness as Sheogorath
  • Metallic Warrior
Box Title
  • Evil doer
  • Jyggalag
  • Order
Image size
  • 300
  • Orden
  • 558
  • 825
  • SECreatureJyggalag1
  • SECreatureJyggalag2
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  • SECreatureJyggalag5
  • SECreatureJyggalag6
  • SECreatureJyggalag7
  • SECreatureJyggalag8
  • TestCreaturesJyggalag
Image File
  • Jyggalag.jpg
  • None, depicted as male
  • 215
  • hidec
  • 300
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiJyggalag – daedryczny książę, pan ładu, główny antagonista dodatku The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles. Nie jest znany w Tamriel w trzeciej erze. Daedry, które mu służą to Rycerze ładu oraz Kapłani ładu. Jego artefaktem jest Miecz Jyggalaga.
  • Jyggalag is the Daedric Prince of Spirituality when with Aneris and ruled by Order. He represents logical Order and deduction, and has taken account of every detail of the world and of every action that has ever taken place on Mundus or Oblivion, long before they actually happen. As a result, he believes in certainty and determinism, and that the concept of individuality is an illusion. Jyggalag was at one time one of the most powerful of the Daedric Princes; he was so powerful that the other Princes began to fear him and his power. As a result, they cursed him to live in Disorder, to live the life of a madman and bring and insanity rather than Order and logic. Spirituality becomes Sheogorath. This cycle, called the Greymarch, produces Chaos.
  • Jyggalag is the main antagonist of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Shivering Isles. He is the Daedric Prince of Order, in a bad way, i.e. boring and lifeless. In days of old, he and his Knights of Order ruled over an ever–expanding empire of “perfect” order, and the other Daedric Princes hated him so much because he was so boring and was making more of the universe boring, that they cursed him to become Sheogorath, the Prince of Madness, who is the exact opposite of Jyggalag, and replaced him as a prince in mortal worship, which is why Jyggalag was never mentioned in any of the games before Shivering Isles. Once at the end of every era, Jyggalag would be allowed to become himself again and take over and destroy the Shivering Isles in an event known as the "Greymarch", which was always successful since Sheogorath wasn’t there to defend his realm, as Sheogorath was Jyggalag, but sometime afterward Jyggalag would turn back into Sheogorath again and the process would be reversed and start over. During the events of the game, Sheogorath invites the player into his realm to be his champion and stop the upcoming Greymarch, and when the Greymarch does happen the player ultimately fights and destroys Jyggalag. Jyggalag’s spirit then appears and tells the player that by defeating him, they have broken the cycle and he can now be an actual Daedric Prince again, while the player becomes the new Sheogorath.
  • Jyggalag es el principal antagonista de The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles y el príncipe daédrico del Orden. Representa el orden, la lógica y la deducción, y antiguamente, registraba en su biblioteca las acciones de todo ser vivo, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, fuera de la especie que fuera. Es el único príncipe daédrico que no posee artefacto daédrico conocido (sin contar la espada de Jyggalag, que se le cae al ser derrotado), Jyggalag era el Primer Príncipe Daedrico mas poderoso de todos y era insuperable e incluso superaba bastante a Mehrunes Dagon en poder y extensión de tierras.
  • Jyggalag ist der daedrische Prinz der Ordnung, der in The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles als Kreatur auftaucht. Er ist die wahre Form von Sheogorath, dem Prinzen des Wahnsinns, denn laut seinen eigenen Aussagen dem Helden von Kvatch gegenüber, war er einst so mächtig, dass die anderen Daedrischen Fürsten ihn zu Sheogorath umwandelten. Als dieser erschuf er die Zitternden Inseln, ein Abbild seiner neuen Persönlichkeit. Doch zu Beginn jeder neuen Ära schwächt sich der Fluch, der auf ihm liegt, und Sheogorath verwandelt sich in Jyggalag. Als Jyggalag, Fürst der Ordnung, dem Gegenteil seines anderen „Ichs“, zerstörte er durch den Grauen Marsch Sheogoraraths Reich und baute es als dieser wieder auf. Dies erklärt auch den Altersunterschied der Ruinen auf den Zitternden Inseln von je tausend Jahren. Der Held von Kvatch unterbrach jedoch den Rythmus und rettete damit nicht nur das Leben der Bewohner der Zitternden Inseln, sondern befreit auch Jyggalag vom Fluch. Da Jyggalags Verwandlung vor dem Beginn der tamrielischen Zeitrechnung geschah, ist er in Tamriel noch vollkommen unbekannt, weshalb er keine Schreine hat. Sein zweites Ich, Sheogorath, hat hingegen viele Schreine.
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