  • Furudera Ofuda Pouch
  • The Furudera Ofuda Pouchs were simple silken sack designed by ronin Kanosei Furudera Shugenja for carrying the holy scrolls used by the shugenja. The sack kept the scrolls within clean and dry despite any adverse weather conditions, and would even preserve the contents if completely submerged in water so long as the bag was closed. In addition, the pouch seemed to sense when it was needed and quickly produced the contents needed when a spellcaster called upon it.
  • The Furudera Ofuda Pouchs were simple silken sack designed by ronin Kanosei Furudera Shugenja for carrying the holy scrolls used by the shugenja. The sack kept the scrolls within clean and dry despite any adverse weather conditions, and would even preserve the contents if completely submerged in water so long as the bag was closed. In addition, the pouch seemed to sense when it was needed and quickly produced the contents needed when a spellcaster called upon it.