  • Iron Lift
  • Iron Lift is a member of the Build Team, six urban-operations Micromasters who can combine to form Sixbuilder. The Build Team fight alongside the Guard City team and other Micromasters to protect the Earth from the forces of the mighty Decepticon Führer Scrash. In an alternate-timeline/universe, Iron Lift is the hand-to-hand combat expert of the Build Team. Well-versed in any number of combat forms, he also has incredible jumping power, possibly even out-doing the Sixliner ninja Night when it comes to rooftop-to-rooftop racing. He also has an evil counterpart running around.
  • Iron Lift is a member of the Build Team, six urban-operations Micromasters who can combine to form Sixbuilder. The Build Team fight alongside the Guard City team and other Micromasters to protect the Earth from the forces of the mighty Decepticon Führer Scrash. In an alternate-timeline/universe, Iron Lift is the hand-to-hand combat expert of the Build Team. Well-versed in any number of combat forms, he also has incredible jumping power, possibly even out-doing the Sixliner ninja Night when it comes to rooftop-to-rooftop racing. He also has an evil counterpart running around. (Note: Since the Iron Lift of "Operation Combination" had no bio information whatsoever, it is unknown if the "Micromaster Collection" bio is retroactive, applying to the original version as well, though many fans treat it as such.)