  • 283
  • 283
  • 283
  • El dos cientos ochenta y tres (283) es el número natural que sigue al 282 y precede al 284. Categoría:Números
  • Deniz hat Angst, seinen Eishockeykumpel zu verraten und bestätigt dessen Alibi. Von Vanessa durchschaut und auf die Gründe seines Handelns angesprochen, wächst Deniz' schlechtes Gewissen ins Unermessliche. Als er dann auch noch Roman sieht, der traurig mit seinem Schicksal hadert, wird ihm alles zu viel. Julian bekommt von den Steinkamps endlich sein Erbe zurück. Trotzdem behält er weiterhin die Firmenanteile ein - als Schutz vor weiteren Intrigen. Julian schmiedet mit seinem Erbe schon große Pläne, da erfährt Tim von dem Geld. Simone und Richard fluchen auf Maximilian und kämpfen beherzt um den Kauf der Siedlung. Doch zu spät: Als die Steinkamps der Verkäuferin ein neues und äußerst lukratives Angebot unterbreiten, macht diese klar, dass sie sich für Maximilian als Käufer entschieden hat.
  • At Windcliff Sanitarium, Dr. Julia Hoffman and Dr. Woodard are engaged in an argument over Maggie Evans' care. Woodard is frustrated over Julia's lack of communication, and she claims she has nothing new to report. He has the impression that she is avoiding him, and that she wants to keep the details of Maggie's case to herself.
  • 283
  • 1967-07-09
  • 279
  • 1967
  • 1967-07-26
  • 283
  • El dos cientos ochenta y tres (283) es el número natural que sigue al 282 y precede al 284. Categoría:Números
  • At Windcliff Sanitarium, Dr. Julia Hoffman and Dr. Woodard are engaged in an argument over Maggie Evans' care. Woodard is frustrated over Julia's lack of communication, and she claims she has nothing new to report. He has the impression that she is avoiding him, and that she wants to keep the details of Maggie's case to herself. Woodard continues to express how he dislikes how possessive and secretive Julia has become. Sam Evans and Joe Haskell are nipping at his heels for details about Maggie, and the strain of keeping her "death" a secret is beginning to tell on them. Julia, offended by Woodard's lack of confidence, suggests they all find another doctor to treat Maggie. Woodard apologizes; Julia accepts. She wonders aloud if the shock of recognition is the key to Maggie regaining her memory. Woodard goes ballistic when he realizes Julia suggests taking Maggie to Eagle Hill Cemetery. He lectures Julia on her "scientific detachment" and warns her against jeopardizing Maggie's sanity. Apologizing again, Woodard departs and, once he's gone, Julia prepares to take Maggie to the cemetery. Meanwhile, at Collinwood, Victoria Winters is sitting in the Drawing room listening to Josette's music box. She is broken from the trance the melody has on her by a knock at the door. It is Burke Devlin, who has taken off work early to offer her a trip to Bangor for dinner. Victoria is delighted to accept, and asks Burke if she might run an errand first. Today is a friend's birthday, and she wants to take fresh flowers to her grave on Eagle Hill. Burke is disturbed to learn it is Josette Collins' grave Victoria plans to visit. He rather rudely dismisses her impulse, but she invites him inside all the same and shows him the music box. Victoria plays it, confessing how near to Josette she feels whenever she hears the melody. Burke angrily shuts the lid, and berates Victoria for believing in the spooks and legends of Collinwood. He refuses to take her to Eagle Hill Cemetery, but Victoria is determined to go by herself is she has to. Burke reluctantly agrees to take her. Having arrived at Eagle Hill, Julia leads a frightened Maggie through the gravestones. She encourages Maggie to look around and to try and remember. Nothing about the cemetery is familiar to Maggie, and she becomes increasingly agitated. However, the grave of Josette Collins grabs her attention. Before Julia can question her further about this, they hear Victoria's and Burke's voices approaching. The pair hurry away, but not before the two women are spotted in the distance by Victoria. Unable to believe her eyes, Victoria tells Burke she saw Maggie. Burke tries to convince Victoria it was only her imagination, and brings up the little girl Victoria saw at the costume party. Victoria begins to fret that she's losing her grip on reality. Meanwhile, Julia and Maggie wait outside the Collins Mausoleum until it is safe to leave the cemetery. Maggie's frightened reaction to the tomb makes it clear to Julia that her patient has a connection to it. She takes note of the name Collins, and the grave of Sarah, noting that Sarah is the same name as the girl Maggie mentioned earlier. Maggie begins to have a breakdown, screaming that she has to leave or else "he" will kill her. Julia soothes her, and takes Maggie back to Windcliff.
  • Deniz hat Angst, seinen Eishockeykumpel zu verraten und bestätigt dessen Alibi. Von Vanessa durchschaut und auf die Gründe seines Handelns angesprochen, wächst Deniz' schlechtes Gewissen ins Unermessliche. Als er dann auch noch Roman sieht, der traurig mit seinem Schicksal hadert, wird ihm alles zu viel. Julian bekommt von den Steinkamps endlich sein Erbe zurück. Trotzdem behält er weiterhin die Firmenanteile ein - als Schutz vor weiteren Intrigen. Julian schmiedet mit seinem Erbe schon große Pläne, da erfährt Tim von dem Geld. Simone und Richard fluchen auf Maximilian und kämpfen beherzt um den Kauf der Siedlung. Doch zu spät: Als die Steinkamps der Verkäuferin ein neues und äußerst lukratives Angebot unterbreiten, macht diese klar, dass sie sich für Maximilian als Käufer entschieden hat. Und der wickelt indes Jenny um den Finger...
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