  • Zabathu
  • Zabathu
  • Zabathu
  • Zabathu
  • Le zabathu était un animal terrestre originaire d'Andor, similaire au cheval terrien. Des simulations holographiques de cet animal étaient disponibles dans les fichiers de l'USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Pen Pals")
  • De zabathu is een berijdbaar dier inheems op de maan Andoria, vergelijkbaar met een paard van de planeet Aarde. Op de holodekken van de USS Enterprise-D waren simulaties van dit dier aanwezig. (TNG: "Pen Pals")
  • Das Zabathu ist ein Reittier, welches von dem Mond Andoria stammt. Es ähnelt dem Pferd auf der Erde. Auf dem Holodeck der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) sind Zabathu zum ausreiten gespeichert. Captain Jean-Luc Picard zieht es 2365 vor auf einem Pferd, anstatt auf einem Zabathu zu reiten. (TNG: )
  • The zabathu was a riding animal native to Andoria, similar to a Terran horse. Simulations of this animal were available on file in the USS Enterprise-D holodeck. (TNG: "Pen Pals" ) "Zah-BAH-thu" was the pronunciation for this animal's name from the script pronunciation guide. [1]
  • A zabathu was a type of animal native to Andoria, similar to a Terran horse in form and use by the Andorian civilization. (TNG episode: "Pen Pals"; ST reference: Encyclopedia) In the year 2353, Kathryn Janeway's friend T'Lor rode a zabathu. (VOY novel: The Chance Factor) In an alternate reality, a class of Interstellar Coalition shuttlecraft was named the Zabathu-class after this animal. (ST - Myriad Universes novel: A Less Perfect Union)
  • Domesticated to an extent, and used by Andorians as transport, similar to Earth horses, the Zabathu were nonetheless found wild on the ice plains of the surface, and were known to be fairly aggressive to intruders on their territory, chasing them away from young.
  • Le zabathu était un animal terrestre originaire d'Andor, similaire au cheval terrien. Des simulations holographiques de cet animal étaient disponibles dans les fichiers de l'USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Pen Pals")
  • A zabathu was a type of animal native to Andoria, similar to a Terran horse in form and use by the Andorian civilization. (TNG episode: "Pen Pals"; ST reference: Encyclopedia) In the year 2353, Kathryn Janeway's friend T'Lor rode a zabathu. (VOY novel: The Chance Factor) In an alternate reality, a class of Interstellar Coalition shuttlecraft was named the Zabathu-class after this animal. (ST - Myriad Universes novel: A Less Perfect Union) Since the alternate reality was very similar to the "regular" Star Trek universe, it is entirely possible that the Andorians or Federation also have a similar Zabathu-class shuttle.
  • De zabathu is een berijdbaar dier inheems op de maan Andoria, vergelijkbaar met een paard van de planeet Aarde. Op de holodekken van de USS Enterprise-D waren simulaties van dit dier aanwezig. (TNG: "Pen Pals")
  • Domesticated to an extent, and used by Andorians as transport, similar to Earth horses, the Zabathu were nonetheless found wild on the ice plains of the surface, and were known to be fairly aggressive to intruders on their territory, chasing them away from young. As of the 2390s, the Zabathu population had diminished to endangered levels. In 2390, Captain Lewis beamed down to Andoria to investigate this and also the recent vanishing of several herds. He discovered that an Andorian named Gerab had been beaming Zabathu underground where he killed them for the mother's milk, which had a limited healing effect on dying Andorians, specifically his bondmate Talla. Lewis convinced Gerab to start the first Andorian dairy farm, and the remaining Zabathu were to be protected from harm in exchange for being milked. (The Ice of Andor)
  • Das Zabathu ist ein Reittier, welches von dem Mond Andoria stammt. Es ähnelt dem Pferd auf der Erde. Auf dem Holodeck der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) sind Zabathu zum ausreiten gespeichert. Captain Jean-Luc Picard zieht es 2365 vor auf einem Pferd, anstatt auf einem Zabathu zu reiten. (TNG: )
  • The zabathu was a riding animal native to Andoria, similar to a Terran horse. Simulations of this animal were available on file in the USS Enterprise-D holodeck. (TNG: "Pen Pals" ) "Zah-BAH-thu" was the pronunciation for this animal's name from the script pronunciation guide. [1]
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