  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Viết cho đề mục 1 tại đây
  • Tiene los aspectos comunes de un león como su melena, bigotes y grandes dientes que sirven para desgarrar y masticar su comida, pero a diferencia de los leones convencionales Goldie es muy grande, y tiene una armadura que le da protección. El color de piel de Goldie es un marrón claro, parecido al color mostaza y su gran melena es color amarillo oscuro.
  • Flirtatious, temperamental and lazy, Goldie doesn’t have any of the qualities of a good pirate, but she does have something that any pirate ship worth its salt requires: a map of the most awesome treasure of all time and the key to unlock the secret cave in which it's hidden. Because of this, Bloodh is more than happy to put up with her mood swings.
  • Goldie, one of the Beechcraft's drug smugglers, is a guy that prior to crashing on the Island for a break got a golden tooth just so it can match his name.
  • Goldie - maszyna, której właścicielem jest Stan Pines.
  • a gargoyle given to Abel by his brother Cain. Cain gives Abel the gargoyle as a sign of remorse for constantly killing him. Abel was planning to name the gargoyle "Irving" but according to Cain Gargoyles can only be named with the letter G, Abel refuses to rename the Gargoyle and is killed again by his brother Cain. several hours later Abel resurrects from the dead and returns to his Gargoyle. Abel then gives the name "Goldie" to the Gargoyle although he still feels the Gargoyles name is "Irving". Abel then tells Goldie a story of two brothers that treated each other nicely, a completely different reality that Abel lives.
  • Appears to be a golden Funghi based on the King of Egypt.
  • Goldie is Maria's pet fish.
  • Goldie appears in MySims, MySims BusHeroes, and MySims Galaxy. She is homeless in MySims and MySims BusHeroes but in MySims Galaxy, she is owned Dolly Dearheart.
  • When asked why he is gold, he will tell the player that an adventurer had cast an alchemy spell on him.
  • Goldie, que recebeu esse nome por sua marca, um dente de ouro, foi um dos contrabandistas de drogas nigerianos que trabalhavam com Eko e Olu.
  • Goldie is the Twin sister of Wendy the two of them ruled Old Town until Goldie was killed by Cardinal Roark for discovering his cannibalistic secret.
  • Goldie is Silvia's twin-sister, who appears as a minor character in Viewtiful Joe. She is featured in Silvia and Alastor's gameplay, where she is abducted by her father Captain Blue in place of Silvia. In Alastor's story she also ends up becoming Alastor's love interest, similar to the role Silvia fulfills for Joe.
  • The Goldie (ゴールディ) Family is a prestigious family that hails from the United Kingdom, England.
  • Goldie era un pececito dorado que aparece muerto en el episodio Treehouse of Horror XIII, en donde Bart y Lisa le hacen un funeral.
  • Goldie is the name for Phineas and Ferb's new goldfish pet. She was so special to them that they decided to build her an aquarium and get her friends from the ocean. She also participated in the show and apparently went into the ocean with her fish and oceanic mammal friends. She was still kept in the water bag. ("Backyard Aquarium")
  • Goldie es el nombre de la mascota nueva de Phineas y Ferb, un pez de colores . Ella era tan especial para ellos que decidieron construirle un acuario y traer a sus amigos del océano. También participó en el espectáculo y al parecer fue al mar con sus amigos peces y mamíferos oceánicos. Ella todavía se mantenía en la bolsa de agua. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:animales Categoría:Personajes menores
  • Goldie ist ein Hund von der Erde, der 2152 stirbt. 2152 träumt Captain Jonathan Archer, dass Porthos gestorben ist und auf einem Tierfriedhof beerdigt wird. Auf einem der Grabsteine steht Goldies Name. (ENT: ) Zwar wird nicht explizit gesagt, dass Goldie Archers Hund war, jedoch kann man es annehmen. Zum einen sagt Archer, dass er immer einen Hund hatte, zum anderen, dass er Porthos ein paar Jahre zuvor erhalten hat. In Verbindung mit der lebensbedrohlichen Lage von Porthos, kann man vermuten, dass Goldie auch ein Hund von Archer war. en:Goldie Kategorie:22. Jahrhundert Kategorie:Haustier
  • Goldie was an Earth dog, deceased by 2152. In 2152, Captain Jonathan Archer had a dream in which Porthos had died, and was being buried in a pet cemetery. Duffy and Goldie were among the gravestones also in the cemetery. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") Although not explicitly stated, it is probable that both Goldie and/or Duffy were Jonathan Archer's previous dogs, as he said that he couldn't remember not having a dog, and that he'd gotten Porthos only a couple years prior.
  • Goldie wears a blue bow above her short hair. She wears just a red bib with no panties, bracelets, and metallic leggings with light pink fur. She also has a brown karada worn under her clothing.
  • Gregory, who is Cain's gargoyle, often helps Goldie put Abel back together after he is killed.
  • Goldie is one of Fame Douglas's former mistresses. She has yet to appear in the Dead or Alive series, but it's seems that she was Fame's first lover out of six known women. Her currect status is unknown.
  • Goldie, ainsi nommé par Locke à cause de sa dent en or, était l'un des trafiquants de drogue nigérian qui travaillait avec Eko et Olu. Lorsque les militaires sont arrivés à l'aérodrome nigérian d'où l'avion a décollé, ils obligèrent Yemi, venu avertir Eko de l'arrivée de l'armée, à monter à bord tout en laissant Eko sur le tarmac. Lorsque l'avion s'est écrasé, Goldie a sauté en parachute mais est quand même mort au sol. Son corps a été retrouvé par Locke et Boone. Boone trouva de faux papiers dans sa poche et Locke récupéra son revolver et des cartes du Nigéria. Enfin, c'est en voyant son corps qu'Eko raconta à Charlie que Goldie lui avait sauvé la vie en l'empêchant de monter à bord de l'avion. (Tombé du ciel ; Le Psaume 23)
  • Goldie was featured on a set of stickers from Gibson Greetings.
  • Goldie, quien era llamado así por su particular diente de oro, fue uno de los que trabajó en el narcotráfico con Eko y Olu. Goldie, sin saberlo, jugó un pequeño pero importante rol que pudo haber afectado directamente a los náufragos en la Isla. Cuando fueron descubiertos por el ejército nigeriano, Goldie metió a Yemi dentro de la avioneta y no dejó subir a Eko, lo que irónicamente salvó su vida.
  • Goldie, die zijn naam kreeg door zijn handelsmerk, zijn gouden tand, was één van de Nigeriaanse drugssmokkelaars samen met Eko en Olu. Goldie speelde onwetend een kleine maar belangrijke rol die de overlevenden van het Eiland zou aangaan. Toen de smokkelaars werden aangevallen door het Nigeriaans leger, dwong Goldie Yemi de Beechcraft in en duwde Eko uit het vliegtuig, wat ironisch genoeg zijn leven redde. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • Goldie, il cui nome si riferisce al suo caratteristico dente d'oro, era uno dei contrabbandieri di droga nigeriani che lavorava con Eko e Olu. Goldie interpreta un ruolo minore, ma comunque importante, poiché influenzerà la vita dei naufraghi sull'Isola. Quando i contrabbandieri vengono assediati dai militari nigeriani, Goldie costringe Yemi a entrare nel beechcraft e spinge Eko fuori dall'aereo, salvandogli così la vita.
  • Goldie, who received his name due to his trademark gold tooth, was one of the Nigerian drug smugglers working with Eko and Olu. Goldie unknowingly played a small but important role that would affect the castaways on the Island. When the smugglers were being besieged by the Nigerian military, Goldie forced Yemi into the Beechcraft and pushed Eko out of the plane, which ironically saved his life. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • Goldie, der seinen Namen dank seines Markenzeichens, dem goldenen Zahn, trägt, ist einer der nigerianischen Drogenschmuggler, die mit Eko und Olu zusammenarbeiten. Goldie spielt unwissend eine zwar kleine, aber entscheidende Rolle im Bezug auf das Leben der Verschollenen auf der Insel. Als die Schmuggler vom nigerianischen Militär in die Ecke gedrängt werden, hilft Goldie dabei, den angeschossenen Yemi in die Beechcraft zu befördern und stößt Eko aus dem Flugzeug, was am Ende dessen Leben rettet. („“) Eko Dargestellt von Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
  • Goldie was a member of Mr. Eko’s militia. Goldie is most likely a nickname given to him due to his possession of a Gold Tooth; however it is possible that the name inspired him to obtain the tooth. When he joined Mr. Eko and his other associate Olu, they visited a Moroccan drug trafficker who was interested in making a deal with Eko for his heroin. Eko stated that he would pay $50,000 to purchase their heroin and perform the favour of sneaking it out of the country. After Eko had murdered the two drug lords, their associate, who was a young boy, entered the room with a knife to protect himself. Olu and Goldie drew their guns at the boy, and Eko allowed him to flee.
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • Dentist
  • A little bit of happiness is better than a lot of anguish.
  • sconosciuti
Initial Phrase
  • woof
  • Nigeria
  • Mężczyzna
  • Goldie.jpg
  • León
  • Diler narkotyków
  • Caramel
  • Special
  • キャラメル
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
Initial Clothes
  • Dapper Tee
  • Hippie Shirt
  • Red Check Print
  • sconosciuta
  • A seemingly unique golden rabbit.
  • A forest of books
  • A home fit for a bookworm
  • Drug Smuggler
  • Goldie
  • Mirza
  • Dora
  • Tere
  • Bienchen
  • S2e5 wygląda jak brzydszy obsrany mcg.PNG
  • Décédé
  • Zipper
  • Isabelle
  • 2017-04-27
  • Ronald Revels
  • 3
cartoon first appeared
  • "Maria Speaks"
  • Amiibo 317 Goldie.png
  • Amiibo 402 Goldie.png
  • estrelló con la avioneta de los traficantes
  • Cub
  • Involved in a plane crash
arte marziale
  • sconosciuta
  • No
  • Common
  • Stitches
  • Diverse Dungeons
  • 317
  • 402
  • Fish
  • Goldie
  • ,
Full Name
  • Goldie
  • 2
  • Goldie
  • Lots of milk,
  • Three spoonfuls of sugar
  • Blue Mountain,
  • Goldie
  • "Backyard Aquarium"
  • Leona
  • Blondie
  • unbekannt
  • Desconhecido
  • Unknown
  • Morto
  • Nie żyje
  • verstorben
  • 1
  • Nigeria
  • Ronald Revels
  • Ronald Revels
  • Ronald Revels
  • Ronald Revels
  • Ronald Revels
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Dog
  • 95
  • 250
  • "Backyard Aquarium"
comic appearances
  • A Dame To Kill For The Hard Goodbye
  • Pracował dla Mr. Eko i Olu
film appearances
pierwszy epizod
  • "Soos and the Real Girl"
Guardián de
  • -8
  • No
Miejsce śmierci
  • Nigeria
  • 200
  • K.K. Bossa
  • arbeitete mit Mr. Eko
  • ゴールディ
  • Owner
  • Burondi
  • Easter 2017 Holiday Event
  • No
  • Non-Playable Character
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Goldie
  • Rock
  • Amanti di Fame Douglas.jpg
  • left
  • Piranas
  • sconosciuto
  • Dusting
  • Animal
Place of Birth
  • United States of America
  • 3
  • 12
  • --12-27
  • Goldie
  • Drug smuggler
  • Drogenschmuggler
  • Trafiquant de drogue
  • Contrabantista de drogas
  • Dolphin show fish
  • 300
  • Goldie.jpg
  • Muerto
  • Prostitute, ruler of Old Town.
  • Basic
  • 2017-04-06
  • 2008-07-04
  • Nigeria
  • Nigeria
  • Nigéria
  • Female
  • Male
  • Goldie atira em militares nigerianos
Japanese name
  • ゴールディ
  • I'm really into that Lab on the cover of Nintendogs. He's pretty dreamy.
  • 2001
  • Narcotraficante
  • deceduta
  • 2
Love interests
  • Goldie's corpse
  • File:USFlag.png American
  • Contrabander as drogas no Breechcraft
  • Crashed in the beechcraft
  • Travaillait avec Eko
  • Viết cho đề mục 1 tại đây
  • Tiene los aspectos comunes de un león como su melena, bigotes y grandes dientes que sirven para desgarrar y masticar su comida, pero a diferencia de los leones convencionales Goldie es muy grande, y tiene una armadura que le da protección. El color de piel de Goldie es un marrón claro, parecido al color mostaza y su gran melena es color amarillo oscuro.
  • Flirtatious, temperamental and lazy, Goldie doesn’t have any of the qualities of a good pirate, but she does have something that any pirate ship worth its salt requires: a map of the most awesome treasure of all time and the key to unlock the secret cave in which it's hidden. Because of this, Bloodh is more than happy to put up with her mood swings.
  • Goldie, one of the Beechcraft's drug smugglers, is a guy that prior to crashing on the Island for a break got a golden tooth just so it can match his name.
  • Goldie - maszyna, której właścicielem jest Stan Pines.
  • Goldie was a member of Mr. Eko’s militia. Goldie is most likely a nickname given to him due to his possession of a Gold Tooth; however it is possible that the name inspired him to obtain the tooth. When he joined Mr. Eko and his other associate Olu, they visited a Moroccan drug trafficker who was interested in making a deal with Eko for his heroin. Eko stated that he would pay $50,000 to purchase their heroin and perform the favour of sneaking it out of the country. After Eko had murdered the two drug lords, their associate, who was a young boy, entered the room with a knife to protect himself. Olu and Goldie drew their guns at the boy, and Eko allowed him to flee. Knowing that the only way to transport the heroin out of the country was aboard a Catholic Missionary plane, he would then join Eko and Olu as they traveled to the church of Eko’s brother, Yemi. When they arrived, Eko stated that if Yemi did not sign the document ordaining Eko as a priest that Olu and Goldie would proceed to burn the church down. After Yemi signed the document, the three would begin to load the plane up for travel, when Yemi suddenly arrived to convince Eko to stop. Yemi had also alerted the Nigerian Army to this act and they were approaching in a truck. As Goldie and Olu fired upon the truck, Olu managed to kill the driver of the truck; the truck swerved and crashed, buying Goldie and the others time to escape. As Yemi was loaded onto the plane, Eko proceeded to board but was stopped when Goldie kicked Eko out of the plane, and made his way down the runway while being fired upon; he then took off, fleeing the country. While flying over the South Pacific, Goldie’s plane began to malfunction and descended towards an island. Goldie grabbed a parachute and made his escape from the plane, he was however killed when his parachute was snagged by a tree while making his descent. Goldie's body was later found in the jungle by Locke and Boone. Locke checked the pockets and found Nigerian Naira, a knife, and guess that he was well off because of his gold tooth. Locke took the gun Goldie was concealing, and he and Boone proceeded onward. Goldie's body was again found by Eko on the island, who said a prayer in his honour, and claimed to Charlie that he saved his life.
  • a gargoyle given to Abel by his brother Cain. Cain gives Abel the gargoyle as a sign of remorse for constantly killing him. Abel was planning to name the gargoyle "Irving" but according to Cain Gargoyles can only be named with the letter G, Abel refuses to rename the Gargoyle and is killed again by his brother Cain. several hours later Abel resurrects from the dead and returns to his Gargoyle. Abel then gives the name "Goldie" to the Gargoyle although he still feels the Gargoyles name is "Irving". Abel then tells Goldie a story of two brothers that treated each other nicely, a completely different reality that Abel lives.
  • Goldie, who received his name due to his trademark gold tooth, was one of the Nigerian drug smugglers working with Eko and Olu. Goldie unknowingly played a small but important role that would affect the castaways on the Island. When the smugglers were being besieged by the Nigerian military, Goldie forced Yemi into the Beechcraft and pushed Eko out of the plane, which ironically saved his life. ("The 23rd Psalm") Later, when the Beechcraft was crashing onto the Island, Goldie jumped out of the Beechcraft in a parachute. He later died of unknown causes. However, his carcass was discovered by Locke and Boone. Seeing him in priest disguise, Boone assumed he had been a real priest. Locke then found a 9mm gun, a knife concealed in a pen, and Nigerian currency in his clothes. Later, he discovered the Virgin Mary statues, making clear Goldie's selfish intentions of smuggling drugs. ("Deus Ex Machina") Later, Goldie's dead body was seen by his former smuggling buddy Eko. Eko then realized that Goldie was responsible for saving his life, and related this fact to Charlie. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • Appears to be a golden Funghi based on the King of Egypt.
  • Goldie is Maria's pet fish.
  • Goldie appears in MySims, MySims BusHeroes, and MySims Galaxy. She is homeless in MySims and MySims BusHeroes but in MySims Galaxy, she is owned Dolly Dearheart.
  • Goldie, quien era llamado así por su particular diente de oro, fue uno de los que trabajó en el narcotráfico con Eko y Olu. Goldie, sin saberlo, jugó un pequeño pero importante rol que pudo haber afectado directamente a los náufragos en la Isla. Cuando fueron descubiertos por el ejército nigeriano, Goldie metió a Yemi dentro de la avioneta y no dejó subir a Eko, lo que irónicamente salvó su vida. thumb|left|La avioneta, antes de partirDespués, cuando el avión iba cayendo hacia la isla, Goldie saltó en un paracaídas. Después murió por causas que no se conocen. Aun así su cuerpo fue descubierto por Locke y Boone. Al verlo con un traje de cura, Boone cree que es uno de verdad. Locke después encuentra una 9mm. y dinero nigeriano en sus ropas. Además, encuentran las estatuas de la Virgen María, aclarando las malas intenciones de Goldie al querer arrancar con la droga. Más tarde, el cuerpo de Goldie fue descubierto por su ex compañero Eko. Éste se da cuenta de que Goldie era responsable de que él aún estuviera con vida, y le cuenta de eso a Charlie.thumb|left|La avioneta, ya destrozada.
  • When asked why he is gold, he will tell the player that an adventurer had cast an alchemy spell on him.
  • Goldie, que recebeu esse nome por sua marca, um dente de ouro, foi um dos contrabandistas de drogas nigerianos que trabalhavam com Eko e Olu.
  • Goldie is the Twin sister of Wendy the two of them ruled Old Town until Goldie was killed by Cardinal Roark for discovering his cannibalistic secret.
  • Goldie is Silvia's twin-sister, who appears as a minor character in Viewtiful Joe. She is featured in Silvia and Alastor's gameplay, where she is abducted by her father Captain Blue in place of Silvia. In Alastor's story she also ends up becoming Alastor's love interest, similar to the role Silvia fulfills for Joe.
  • The Goldie (ゴールディ) Family is a prestigious family that hails from the United Kingdom, England.
  • Goldie era un pececito dorado que aparece muerto en el episodio Treehouse of Horror XIII, en donde Bart y Lisa le hacen un funeral.
  • Goldie is the name for Phineas and Ferb's new goldfish pet. She was so special to them that they decided to build her an aquarium and get her friends from the ocean. She also participated in the show and apparently went into the ocean with her fish and oceanic mammal friends. She was still kept in the water bag. ("Backyard Aquarium")
  • Goldie es el nombre de la mascota nueva de Phineas y Ferb, un pez de colores . Ella era tan especial para ellos que decidieron construirle un acuario y traer a sus amigos del océano. También participó en el espectáculo y al parecer fue al mar con sus amigos peces y mamíferos oceánicos. Ella todavía se mantenía en la bolsa de agua. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:animales Categoría:Personajes menores
  • Goldie ist ein Hund von der Erde, der 2152 stirbt. 2152 träumt Captain Jonathan Archer, dass Porthos gestorben ist und auf einem Tierfriedhof beerdigt wird. Auf einem der Grabsteine steht Goldies Name. (ENT: ) Zwar wird nicht explizit gesagt, dass Goldie Archers Hund war, jedoch kann man es annehmen. Zum einen sagt Archer, dass er immer einen Hund hatte, zum anderen, dass er Porthos ein paar Jahre zuvor erhalten hat. In Verbindung mit der lebensbedrohlichen Lage von Porthos, kann man vermuten, dass Goldie auch ein Hund von Archer war. en:Goldie Kategorie:22. Jahrhundert Kategorie:Haustier
  • Goldie was an Earth dog, deceased by 2152. In 2152, Captain Jonathan Archer had a dream in which Porthos had died, and was being buried in a pet cemetery. Duffy and Goldie were among the gravestones also in the cemetery. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") Although not explicitly stated, it is probable that both Goldie and/or Duffy were Jonathan Archer's previous dogs, as he said that he couldn't remember not having a dog, and that he'd gotten Porthos only a couple years prior.
  • Goldie wears a blue bow above her short hair. She wears just a red bib with no panties, bracelets, and metallic leggings with light pink fur. She also has a brown karada worn under her clothing.
  • Gregory, who is Cain's gargoyle, often helps Goldie put Abel back together after he is killed.
  • Goldie is one of Fame Douglas's former mistresses. She has yet to appear in the Dead or Alive series, but it's seems that she was Fame's first lover out of six known women. Her currect status is unknown.
  • Goldie, il cui nome si riferisce al suo caratteristico dente d'oro, era uno dei contrabbandieri di droga nigeriani che lavorava con Eko e Olu. Goldie interpreta un ruolo minore, ma comunque importante, poiché influenzerà la vita dei naufraghi sull'Isola. Quando i contrabbandieri vengono assediati dai militari nigeriani, Goldie costringe Yemi a entrare nel beechcraft e spinge Eko fuori dall'aereo, salvandogli così la vita. In seguito, quando il beechcraft si schianta sull'isola, Goldie salta fuori lanciandosi con il paracadute. Muore per cause sconosciute; il suo cadavere viene scoperto da Locke e da Boone. Vedendolo vestito da prete, Boone lo crede un vero prete. Locke troverà una 9mm e delle banconote nigeriane nei suoi vestiti, e poi le statuette della Vergine Maria: ciò gli farà capire quali erano le intenzioni di Goldie, cioè contrabbandare droga. Successivamente il cadavere verrà scoperto dal suo ex-complice Eko, il quale si rende conto che Goldie gli ha salvato la vita.
  • Goldie, die zijn naam kreeg door zijn handelsmerk, zijn gouden tand, was één van de Nigeriaanse drugssmokkelaars samen met Eko en Olu. Goldie speelde onwetend een kleine maar belangrijke rol die de overlevenden van het Eiland zou aangaan. Toen de smokkelaars werden aangevallen door het Nigeriaans leger, dwong Goldie Yemi de Beechcraft in en duwde Eko uit het vliegtuig, wat ironisch genoeg zijn leven redde. ("The 23rd Psalm") Toen de Beechcraft later neerstortte op het Eiland, sprong Goldie uit het vliegtuigje met een parachute. Hij stierf later door een onbekende oorzaak. Zijn lichaam werd echter gevonden door Locke en Boone. Doordat hij hem in priestervermomming zag, ging Boone er vanuit dat hij echt een priester was. Locke vond toen een 9mm-geweer, een mes verborgen in een pen en Nigeriaans geld in zijn kleren. Later ontdekte hij de maagd Mariabeeldjes, wat de egoïstische bedoelingen van drugssmokkel duidelijk maakte. ("Deus Ex Machina") Later werd Goldies dode lichaam gezien door zijn voormalig smokkelaarsvriend Eko. Eko realiseerde zich toen dat Goldie verantwoordelijk was voor het redden van zijn leven en relateerde dat aan Charlie. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • Goldie, ainsi nommé par Locke à cause de sa dent en or, était l'un des trafiquants de drogue nigérian qui travaillait avec Eko et Olu. Lorsque les militaires sont arrivés à l'aérodrome nigérian d'où l'avion a décollé, ils obligèrent Yemi, venu avertir Eko de l'arrivée de l'armée, à monter à bord tout en laissant Eko sur le tarmac. Lorsque l'avion s'est écrasé, Goldie a sauté en parachute mais est quand même mort au sol. Son corps a été retrouvé par Locke et Boone. Boone trouva de faux papiers dans sa poche et Locke récupéra son revolver et des cartes du Nigéria. Enfin, c'est en voyant son corps qu'Eko raconta à Charlie que Goldie lui avait sauvé la vie en l'empêchant de monter à bord de l'avion. (Tombé du ciel ; Le Psaume 23)
  • Goldie, der seinen Namen dank seines Markenzeichens, dem goldenen Zahn, trägt, ist einer der nigerianischen Drogenschmuggler, die mit Eko und Olu zusammenarbeiten. Goldie spielt unwissend eine zwar kleine, aber entscheidende Rolle im Bezug auf das Leben der Verschollenen auf der Insel. Als die Schmuggler vom nigerianischen Militär in die Ecke gedrängt werden, hilft Goldie dabei, den angeschossenen Yemi in die Beechcraft zu befördern und stößt Eko aus dem Flugzeug, was am Ende dessen Leben rettet. („“) Als die Beechcraft über der Insel abstürzt, springt Goldie rechtzeitig mit einem Fallschirm aus der Maschine. Er stirbt später aufgrund unbekannter Ursachen. Sein Leichnam wird von Locke und Boone gefunden. Da er in ein Priestergewand verkleidet ist, nimmt Boone an, dass er ein echter Priester gewesen ist. Später entdeckt er jedoch die Marienstatuen und ihm werden Goldies wahren Absichten klar. Schließlich wird Goldies Leichnam von seinem ehemaligen Komplizen Eko gefunden. Eko begreift in diesem Moment, dass es Goldie gewesen ist, der sein Leben gerettet hat, und erzählt dies Charlie. („“) Eko Dargestellt von Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
  • Goldie was featured on a set of stickers from Gibson Greetings.
is Pets of
is costar of
is Known Users of
is Personnage of
is Row 4 info of
is Besitzer of
is Acteurs of
is Owned By of
is Affiliation of
is Guests of
is Pilot of
is Role of
is Mascota(s) of
is CO of
is owned of
is Love interests of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is On Cover of
is gasten of
is costars of
is động vật nuôi of