  • Dr. Z
  • Personality Dr. Z is zany, egotistic, and evil leader of the Alpha Gang. He plans to use the dinosaur cards in his plans to be the dinosaur king.
  • Dr. Z, or as he calls himself "great Dr. Z", was an elderly international spy and a mad scientist who had a large bounty. The doctor had a large mansion equipped with a death trap filled lab in a remote area. He also has a kidnapped blonde woman named Mary Brown whom he experiments on.In this lab he was working on a mind reading device. He kidnapped, with help from brutish assistant in Hagor, Professor Larry Hunter, a psychology professor and human brain expert, to help him complete the project. The doctor was killed after Hunter finished the device by one of his own deathtraps.
  • Dr. Z (Dr. ソーノイダ Dr. Sonoida) is the main antagonist in the first series of Dinosaur King, as the leader of the notorious . However, after being betrayed by his long-time comrade, Seth, Dr. Z changes his ways and joins the D-Team's cause. He is voiced by Tetsuo Goto (Japanese) and Eric Stuart (English).
  • Dr. Z is a super-villain and member of the Council of 13.
Row 4 info
  • Patrick Weld
Row 1 info
  • Unknown
Row 4 title
  • Created by
Row 2 info
  • Wham Comics #2
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
Row 3 info
  • Centaur
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
Box Title
  • Dr. Z
  • Unknown
  • Dr. Z
  • Dr. ソーノイダ
  • Dr. Z in the anime
Hair Color
  • White
  • Gray
  • 250
  • Fire
Eye Color
  • Gray
  • Male
  • Personality Dr. Z is zany, egotistic, and evil leader of the Alpha Gang. He plans to use the dinosaur cards in his plans to be the dinosaur king.
  • Dr. Z, or as he calls himself "great Dr. Z", was an elderly international spy and a mad scientist who had a large bounty. The doctor had a large mansion equipped with a death trap filled lab in a remote area. He also has a kidnapped blonde woman named Mary Brown whom he experiments on.In this lab he was working on a mind reading device. He kidnapped, with help from brutish assistant in Hagor, Professor Larry Hunter, a psychology professor and human brain expert, to help him complete the project. The doctor was killed after Hunter finished the device by one of his own deathtraps.
  • Dr. Z (Dr. ソーノイダ Dr. Sonoida) is the main antagonist in the first series of Dinosaur King, as the leader of the notorious . However, after being betrayed by his long-time comrade, Seth, Dr. Z changes his ways and joins the D-Team's cause. He is voiced by Tetsuo Goto (Japanese) and Eric Stuart (English).
  • Dr. Z is a super-villain and member of the Council of 13.
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is Family of
is Current Members of