  • Idris
  • Idris
  • Idris
  • Idris
  • Idris
  • Idris
  • Idris
  • Idris
  • Idris was an ugly farmer who lived to stuff chickens up her nose. She hated pigs after reading Animal Farn so she treated them badly. This created the Swine flu and caused Hewkii to have to kill her.
  • Idris was a male Ferengi and the captain of the starship Sticky Fingers. In the year 2370, Idris brought the Sticky Fingers to Deep Space 9 to make a deal with Quark. (DS9 novel: Proud Helios)
  • Idris estas vira nomo, kun duobla araba kaj kimra deveno.
  • Idris ist ein Mensch des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sie lebt zusammen mit dem Onkel, dem Tantchen und einem Ood namens Der Neffe im Haus außerhalb des Universums und wird von diesem am Leben erhalten. Sie wird ausgewählt, um dem Haus dadurch zu dienen, dass sie die Seele der TARDIS aufnehmen soll.
  • Idris was a Hybrid commander who faught in the deadly Hybrid Wars. She was killed by Viri in the Core Void.
  • Idris ist eine Ga-Matoranerin.
  • Idris on Ga-Matoran.
  • Idris to Ga-Matoranka z Mahri Nui.
  • Idris es una Ga-Matoran y una ex habitante de Mahri Nui.
  • Edrissa Sanneh, in arte Idris (Brufut, 2 gennaio 1951), è l'unica persona al mondo per cui non ci si sente in colpa a essere razzisti.
  • The Idris was one of two Komarran merchant vessels that got impounded by the quaddies in the diplomatic incident of Diplomatic Immunity. Lieutenant Solian was the Barrayaran Service Security officer assigned to keep the peace on the Idris; the renegade Cetagandan ba who was traveling under the name Ker Dubauer was one of the passengers.
  • Idris was a Ga-Matoran who volunteered to helm Defilak's Submarine and was captured by Pridak.
  • Idris was a Ga-Matoran who once resisted in the Pit.
  • On the asteroid inhabited by House, Idris lived with fellow humanoids Uncle and Auntie and an Ood called Nephew. Unlike the others, she was never "repaired" by House. Nephew (under House's orders) drained Idris of her mind and soul in preparation for the arrival of a Time Lord, the Eleventh Doctor. House then removed the matrix from the Doctor's TARDIS and placed it inside Idris' body. At this point, though her body was still intact, Idris essentially died; although House later referred to the TARDIS by the name Idris, there was no obvious indication any of her consciousness survived after Nephew drained her. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)
  • She's capable of life minipulation, which provides her to continue living and having multiple pasts and she causes death around her. Some who have heard of her know her as the Mysterious Demon who comes off as friendly but is actually just a Demon.
  • Idris was a host of The Darkness in 14th Century A.D. in the Arabian Desert. He was a way word vigilante who would deliver savage justice upon those who had wronged those who had asked for his help.
  • thumb|200px Idris es un país Europeo ubicado entre Francia y Alemania. Gracias a varios Glamours este está protegido de los mundanos pues, si estos llegaran a pasar por la frontera, aparecerían en el otro lado sin haberse dado cuenta. Idris es principalmente bosque, lleno de nidos de vampiros y hombres lobo. Hay montañas que sólo se pueden cruzar en pleno verano sin congelarse hasta morir.
  • Being a hot dragon, Idris doesn't like the cold, so when he’s not at Smoke Hill, he likes to travel around in Ivor's boiler or visit the oven at the local Bakers. Idris ensures he stays away from water, as it its coldness means certain death for dragons. Idris paired up with a female Dragon called Olwen, who together became the proud parents of the twins Gaian and Blodwen. They are quite private creatures, so when Idris found out that the Antiquarian Society were looking for proof of dragons, he ran away back to Smoke Hill and hid. Idris is voiced by Oliver Postgate
  • Idris is the Shadowhunter home country, a sanctuary hidden from mundanes, given to them by the Angel Raziel. Its capital, and only city, is Alicante. The country is said to be surrounded by mountains with passes which can only be traversed through during high summer. Most Shadowhunters come from Idris, and many grow up and train there. Hodge Starkweather, who was cursed to never leave the New York Institute for his punishment, was banned and exiled particularly from Idris, seeing it as a heavy punishment as most Shadowhunters who grew up here long to be in their home country. __TOC__
  • Idris ist das Heimatland der Nephilim, die von allen Schattenjägern in der Ferne bewundert wird. Es liegt zwischen Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz, ist aber auf keiner menschlichen Landkarte verzeichnet. Die Hauptstadt ist Alicante, auch die Gläserne Stadt genannt.
  • Idris fue uno de los primeros profetas mandado a las primeras generaciones de la descendencia de Adam. Desafortunadamente no se sabe mucho de él. Ha sido revelado que él fue el primero a quien se le revelo la ciencia de los números, y que le fue dado mucha sabiduría. También se dice que Idris fue el hombre a quien conocen los Judíos y Cristianos como Enoch. Y ALLAH(SWT) es El que mejor sabe. El Corán se refiere a Idris, en Surah Maryam y en Surah al-Anbiya': Y recuerda en el Libro a Idris, él fue veraz y profeta. Lo elevamos a un alto lugar. (19-56-57). Y también:
matoran job
  • Nawigator łodzi podwodnej
matoran class
  • #5533FF
  • 250
  • #4422EE
  • weiblich
Erster Auftritt
  • The Doctor's Wife
  • Elossa
matoran pron
  • EYE-driss
  • Id-ris
matoran status
  • Viva
  • Żyje
  • m
  • An elven hunting party leader.
  • Matoran
  • 230
  • Sähköterä, kynnet
  • Idris
matoran image
  • 250
  • Idris.png
  • Vartija
  • 250
  • Ei ole
FG color
  • 52
  • #52A5D9
matoran location
  • You Sexy Thing Doctor Who - Insider Ep. 4. 1
  • Voimaton Kanohi Ruru
prod number
  • 8940
mg color
  • #00B7EB
  • Nainen
  • Lebendig, mutiert
  • Krallen, Elektroschwert
  • Kraftlose große Ruru
  • Mensch
  • Matoraner
  • #4422DD
  • #0000AA
matoran mask
  • Wasser
  • Ga
  • Deceased
  • The Darkness
  • Suranne Jones
  • Idris
  • Idris
  • [}]
  • Yes
  • I just wanted to say Hello - Doctor Who - The Doctor's Wife - Series 6 - BBC
  • Talking to the TARDIS - Doctor Who - The Doctor's Wife - Series 6 - BBC
  • *Dark One *Dark Wyrm *Dragon of the Desert
  • Plague City Part 4 Released
  • No
  • Necromancer
  • Ebon Downs, former Netheril
  • Wydyr Cannyl
BG Color
  • 4993
  • #4993C0
  • *Niall Oldman *Rhys of Penarth *Two unnamed grandsons
  • 2004-09-20
  • The Doctor's Wife
  • Female
  • Male
  • 6
  • 237
  • Idris.png
  • Wasser
  • n
  • Idris was an ugly farmer who lived to stuff chickens up her nose. She hated pigs after reading Animal Farn so she treated them badly. This created the Swine flu and caused Hewkii to have to kill her.
  • Idris was a male Ferengi and the captain of the starship Sticky Fingers. In the year 2370, Idris brought the Sticky Fingers to Deep Space 9 to make a deal with Quark. (DS9 novel: Proud Helios)
  • Idris estas vira nomo, kun duobla araba kaj kimra deveno.
  • Idris ist ein Mensch des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sie lebt zusammen mit dem Onkel, dem Tantchen und einem Ood namens Der Neffe im Haus außerhalb des Universums und wird von diesem am Leben erhalten. Sie wird ausgewählt, um dem Haus dadurch zu dienen, dass sie die Seele der TARDIS aufnehmen soll.
  • Idris was a Hybrid commander who faught in the deadly Hybrid Wars. She was killed by Viri in the Core Void.
  • Idris ist das Heimatland der Nephilim, die von allen Schattenjägern in der Ferne bewundert wird. Es liegt zwischen Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz, ist aber auf keiner menschlichen Landkarte verzeichnet. Die Hauptstadt ist Alicante, auch die Gläserne Stadt genannt. Schutzschilde wurden um die Grenzen des Landes gelegt, so werden Mundies die versuchen die Grenze zu überschreiten, sofort auf die andere Seite des Landes teleportiert und nur wenige Mundies wissen davon. Es wird gesagt, dass das Land von Bergen umgeben ist, die nur im Hochsommer überquert werden können. Ein Gegenstück zu menschlichen Glaben befindet sich in der Bibliothek des Instituts, auf welchem man auch andere Länder finden kann, die nur der Schattenwelt bekannt sind. Die meisten Schattenjäger kommen aus Idris, manche sind sogar dort aufgewachsen und sind dort trainiert worden. Hodge Starkweather wurde verflucht, so konnte er das Institut als Teil seiner Bestrafung nicht mehr verlassen, die auch beinhaltete, dass er Idris nicht mehr betreten durfte, was er als schreckliche Bestrafung ansah, da er dort aufgewachsen war.thumb|280px|Karte von Idris
  • Idris ist eine Ga-Matoranerin.
  • Idris on Ga-Matoran.
  • Idris to Ga-Matoranka z Mahri Nui.
  • Idris es una Ga-Matoran y una ex habitante de Mahri Nui.
  • Edrissa Sanneh, in arte Idris (Brufut, 2 gennaio 1951), è l'unica persona al mondo per cui non ci si sente in colpa a essere razzisti.
  • The Idris was one of two Komarran merchant vessels that got impounded by the quaddies in the diplomatic incident of Diplomatic Immunity. Lieutenant Solian was the Barrayaran Service Security officer assigned to keep the peace on the Idris; the renegade Cetagandan ba who was traveling under the name Ker Dubauer was one of the passengers.
  • thumb|200px Idris es un país Europeo ubicado entre Francia y Alemania. Gracias a varios Glamours este está protegido de los mundanos pues, si estos llegaran a pasar por la frontera, aparecerían en el otro lado sin haberse dado cuenta. Es la patria de los Cazadores de Sombras, cuya capital es Alacante, y les fue concedida a ellos,por el Ángel Raziel. Está protegida por las salvaguardas contra demonios, la única manera de acabar con ellas es usar sangre de demonio en ellas desde el interior de la ciudad, una paradoja perfecta debido a que los demonios tienen prohibida la entrada aunque Sebastian Morgenstern ya derrivó las salvaguardas usando su sangre. Idris es principalmente bosque, lleno de nidos de vampiros y hombres lobo. Hay montañas que sólo se pueden cruzar en pleno verano sin congelarse hasta morir. * La gran mayoría de los Cazadores de Sombras nace en Idris y comienza ahí su formación para luego terminarla en los distintos Institutos del mundo. * Hodge, siendo Ex-miembro del Círculo, tiene prohibido volver a Idris por haberse puesto en contra de la Clave. * En Alacante es donde son firmados Los Acuerdos entre Cazadores de Sombras y Subterráneos siento la ciudad donde se encuentra la sede de La Clave. * Alacante es la única ciudad del país. * En Idris se encuentra el Lago Lyn cuyo agua es venenosa para los Cazadores de Sombras y es ahí donde emerge el Ángel Raziel siendo el lago, además, uno de los Intrumentos Mortales; El espejo. * También conocida como La Ciudad de Cristal, es lo que todos los Cazadores de Sombras reconocen como hogar,
  • Idris was a Ga-Matoran who volunteered to helm Defilak's Submarine and was captured by Pridak.
  • Idris fue uno de los primeros profetas mandado a las primeras generaciones de la descendencia de Adam. Desafortunadamente no se sabe mucho de él. Ha sido revelado que él fue el primero a quien se le revelo la ciencia de los números, y que le fue dado mucha sabiduría. También se dice que Idris fue el hombre a quien conocen los Judíos y Cristianos como Enoch. Y ALLAH(SWT) es El que mejor sabe. El Corán se refiere a Idris, en Surah Maryam y en Surah al-Anbiya': Y recuerda en el Libro a Idris, él fue veraz y profeta. Lo elevamos a un alto lugar. (19-56-57). En el ayah que sigue, ALLAH(SWT) describe a Idris (así como a los Profetas Ibrahim, Musa, Harun, y a Isma'il, la paz sea con ellos, quienes son mencionados en los ayat anterior a este) en estas palabras: Esos son los que ALLAH(SWT) ha favorecido entre los profetas de la descendencia de Adam, los que llevamos con Nuh, la descendencia de Ibrahim e Isma'il (Yaqub) y los guiamos y escogimos. Cuando se les recitaban los signos del Misericordioso caían postrados llorando.(19-58). Y también: Isma'il, Idris y Dhul-Kifl, todos de la gente de constancia. Los pusimos bajo Nuestra misericordia, es cierto que eran de los justos. (21-84-85).
  • Idris is the Shadowhunter home country, a sanctuary hidden from mundanes, given to them by the Angel Raziel. Its capital, and only city, is Alicante. The country is said to be surrounded by mountains with passes which can only be traversed through during high summer. Most Shadowhunters come from Idris, and many grow up and train there. Hodge Starkweather, who was cursed to never leave the New York Institute for his punishment, was banned and exiled particularly from Idris, seeing it as a heavy punishment as most Shadowhunters who grew up here long to be in their home country. Idris is located in Central Europe, between Germany, France, and Switzerland. Because of the wardings placed around the country and all of its borders, mundanes who come close to crossing it are instantly transported through to the other side of the barrier; therefore few mundanes know about it. A counterpart to mundane globes can be found in Institutes' libraries, which includes other lands that are part of the Shadow Realms. __TOC__
  • Idris was a Ga-Matoran who once resisted in the Pit.
  • On the asteroid inhabited by House, Idris lived with fellow humanoids Uncle and Auntie and an Ood called Nephew. Unlike the others, she was never "repaired" by House. Nephew (under House's orders) drained Idris of her mind and soul in preparation for the arrival of a Time Lord, the Eleventh Doctor. House then removed the matrix from the Doctor's TARDIS and placed it inside Idris' body. At this point, though her body was still intact, Idris essentially died; although House later referred to the TARDIS by the name Idris, there was no obvious indication any of her consciousness survived after Nephew drained her. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)
  • Being a hot dragon, Idris doesn't like the cold, so when he’s not at Smoke Hill, he likes to travel around in Ivor's boiler or visit the oven at the local Bakers. Idris ensures he stays away from water, as it its coldness means certain death for dragons. Idris paired up with a female Dragon called Olwen, who together became the proud parents of the twins Gaian and Blodwen. They are quite private creatures, so when Idris found out that the Antiquarian Society were looking for proof of dragons, he ran away back to Smoke Hill and hid. He didn’t like the idea of being captured and put in a Zoo so headed back to Smoke Hill. Misfortune struck when the Smoke Hill volcano started to go out. Luckily Jones the Steam was able to prove that the dragons existed to the Antiquarian Society and they arranged for a gas meter to be installed to keep Smoke Hill hot for the dragons. The Antiquarian Society however, seemed to have changed their priorities and began to show a reluctance to help the dragons due to a cost cutting exercise. When the dragons attacked a statue of Saint George (as he was depicted killing a dragon), the Antiquarian Society branded the dragons a menace that should be caged and sent to the local Zoo. Luckily for Idris and his family, Mr Dinwiddy found a hot underground cave where they could live. It was lovely and hot for them and only a few people knew where they had gone, so giving the Antiquarian Society the slip. The only down side was that Idris and his family were rarely seen above ground anymore. Idris is voiced by Oliver Postgate
  • She's capable of life minipulation, which provides her to continue living and having multiple pasts and she causes death around her. Some who have heard of her know her as the Mysterious Demon who comes off as friendly but is actually just a Demon.
  • Idris was a host of The Darkness in 14th Century A.D. in the Arabian Desert. He was a way word vigilante who would deliver savage justice upon those who had wronged those who had asked for his help.
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is Origin of
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is Spalte 3 Info of
is Base of
is Home of
is Ubicación of
is Residencia of
is Origen of
is Born of
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is Location of