  • Takashi Ringo
  • At 17, Takashi is still learning the rules of engagment that come along with the lesson that is life. However one mantra stays close to his thought process and that is to work smarter and never harder. While his attitude often mirrors the situation he embraces a tight but loose lifestyle. Content to go along with the flow, but quickly break away when it's time for a decision to be made. While he always attempts to make the best decision the right decision his current line of work often leave him conflicted of the choices he made in the past, his mind always resorting back to his eternal question, one he answers differently with each situation. Casually Flippant to a fault and known for being respectfully disrespectful, yet he remains an entertaining person to speak too given his perference
  • N/A
  • 20
  • N/A
  • none
  • 17
  • himself
  • Takashi
  • N/A
  • --03-06
  • 20
  • 221.0
  • #36457F
  • 20
  • 2.200000
  • 6
  • Amegakure Knight
  • Lethal Protector
  • 20
  • N/A
  • 20
  • Images
  • Overview
  • Shinden
  • N/A
  • Vigilante
  • Contractor
  • Male
Blood Type
  • ??
  • At 17, Takashi is still learning the rules of engagment that come along with the lesson that is life. However one mantra stays close to his thought process and that is to work smarter and never harder. While his attitude often mirrors the situation he embraces a tight but loose lifestyle. Content to go along with the flow, but quickly break away when it's time for a decision to be made. While he always attempts to make the best decision the right decision his current line of work often leave him conflicted of the choices he made in the past, his mind always resorting back to his eternal question, one he answers differently with each situation. Casually Flippant to a fault and known for being respectfully disrespectful, yet he remains an entertaining person to speak too given his perference for humor in conversations. Known for poessessing a sharp tongue and quick witty retorts to just about anything Takashi often is presented with the best of both worlds, living and moving quite well in isolation and is comfortable in being alone, yet florishes and thrives well in the company of others just as easily. He can bask in the spotlight and be center of attention but also be calm being in the background and not a focus. Takashi readily admits he still has growing to do and while not quite legal age to do half the stuff he retained from his past life as a thief, he carries himself in a way that masks his age wonderfully, allowing others to define how old they think he is or assumes he is and simply goes with the flow of that given number. While he can be quite the jester he has shown a deadily intelligence that goes along side it. Knowing full well his strengths and weaknesses he maintains a careful cover of just what he is good at and stick to what he does best, adapting only to avoid being predictable, but never too much where he is out of depth. During missions for Kaguya his focus on the scope of the mission is considered laser point, though keeping a festive mood to bring humor he does not make it a habit to play around or jump head first into fights or situations. Its is difficult to get a stir out of Takashi, given that he is well guarded and very observant before making or saying anything, however those close to him know is distaste for being called Little Boy, which usually denotes his age. Which Takashi will not hesitate to correct anyone stating he prefers the term 'Young Man"
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