| - Djinn (singular djinni) are humanoid outsiders from the Elemental Plane of Air. They disdain physical combat, preferring to use their magical powers and aerial abilities against foes. A djinni outmatched in combat usually takes flight and becomes a whirlwind to harass those who follow.
- The djinni (pronounced genie) is a type of creature that can be found in the Skywall. They appear in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
- Djinni è il nome dato ai geni del Piano Elementale dell'Aria. Dandelion liberò un d'jinni che mise a soqquadro la città di Rinde, nel racconto "L'ultimo desiderio". Il mago Geoffrey Monck aveva numerosi d'jinni intrappolati dentro delle bottiglie. Essi diventavano liberi dopo aver esaudito tre desideri.
- Djinnis are ghost-type monsters in Dr. Lunatic and Dr. Lunatic Supreme With Cheese. The are usually generated by Magic Lamps, but can also appear on their own. Every Djinni generated by a Magic Lamp will disappear once the Lamp is destroyed.
- Djinn (singular: djinni) were creatures born from the Elemental Chaos. Having aided the primordials in their ancient battle with the gods over control of Faerûn, most were imprisoned in common objects and scattered. The few who were free sought to reclaim their power. They embodied the chaotic force of violent storms while possessing benevolent minds. Only the noble djinn possessed the power of the wish.
- The Djinni is a genie from the DuckTales episode "Master of the Djinni". He is not to be confused with Gene the Genie from DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, or the more famous Genie from Aladdin.
- The Djinni is a genie from the DuckTales episode "Master of the Djinni". He is not to be confused with Gene the Genie from DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp.
- Djinni is a type of monster in ADOM. Djinnis are never spawned naturally in the game; rather, the PC will only meet a djinni if (s)he uses a non-blessed ring of djinni summoning or wishes for one. Djinnis' attack penetrate armor; though strangely, they do not seem to possess any magical powers once they arrive on the mortal plane.
- The djinn (singular djinni and pronounced JIHN) are genies from the Elemental Plane of Air.
- The Djinni are a group of mystical beings with vast magical power. It is not known from where they originate, but when they enter the physical plane of Gloriana, they are always summoned so as to serve and answer to a specific master (usually the person who summoned them). Other times, they are embodied in specific objects, or bound to locations/places which they must guard for eternity. It is not known if Djinni can enter Gloriana of their own free will, or if they must always be tied to a person or object when summoned. Suleiman bin Daoud is one such summoner of great renown, who allegedly called forth an entire army of Djinni and led them in battle against Iblis.
- The djinni (plural djinn) is a monster in NetHack. It is only generated on the Plane of Air. It can be found elsewhere by rubbing a magic lamp or drinking a smoky potion. A djinni generated this way might be tame, peaceful, or hostile; or it might simply disappear, sometimes granting a wish first. A tame djinni makes a powerful pet in the early game -- it is intelligent and will use weapons -- but a wish is almost always more useful. Blessing the lamp or potion will increase the odds of receiving a wish. A player or monster may not polymorph into a djinni.
- Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp) Initiative: +8 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect) Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+15 Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d8+4) Full Attack: 2 slams +10 melee (1d8+4) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Air mastery, spell-like abilities, whirlwind Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, plane shift, telepathy 100 ft. Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +7 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15 Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative (B) Level Adjustment: