  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • AQUA
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • ==
  • Aqua was a color in Club Penguin. It cost 20 coins in the Penguin Style catalog, and all players could buy it.
  • Level: 1 MP Cost: 5 Casting Time: 1A Effect: Inflicts a moderate amount of Water damage to one enemy. Obtained: Ipsilon Mountains - Mining Site - Before you exit, climb ladder on the far right. The spell is in a chest. Cost: 220g Bought From: Business Minded Technician Tatoms, Tool Seller Nalia
  • Aqua was introduced in the Sacred Lands season of the Duel Masters Anime.
  • Aqua is one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. From the view of the story, it is revealed she is one of the Keyblade Wielders before Sora. Like Terra and Ventus, it is her dream to become a Keyblade Master, a dream she is the only of the three to accomplish.
  • Gli aQua o Levissima sono una rockband di musica dance anni '90 degli anni Novanta i quali dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino diffusero la propria epidemia di pest musica dal regno di Danimarca in tutta Europa e oltre.
  • Nation(Color) Agent # a.k.a. "Codename" was created by Username on Y!Gallery for the club Rookie Mistakes.
  • Aqua on veden Toa Gor2.
  • Aqua was a Bishop in the Chess Pieces.
  • Aquatika
  • Aqua is an Aquos brawler and she has Aquos Naga as her guardian Bakugan along with the fact she is Blazes arch enemy
  • Aqua is one of the protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and the protagonist for 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage. From the view of the story, it is revealed she is one of the Keyblade Wielders before Sora. Like Terra and Ventus, it is her dream to become a Keyblade Master, and she is the only of the three to accomplish it.
  • Aqua is the fourth studio album by the progressive rock band Asia, released in 1992. The lineup changed a little bit since Astra in 1985. The new lineup is composed of John Payne (bassist/vocalist) and Al Pitrelli (guitarist), together with founder Geoff Downes (keyboardist/vocalist). Carl Palmer (drums) and Steve Howe (guitarist), both also co-founders of the band, guest.
  • The Aqua is a vehicle in Saints Row.
  • Aqua ist ein Charakter aus der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe. Sie ist zudem einer der drei Ritter bzw. Schlüsselschwertträger, welcher erstmals in dem geheimen Video von Kingdom Hearts II auftaucht. Dort kämpft sie zusammen mit ihren Freunden Ventus und Terra gegen Meister Xehanort und dessen Schüler Vanitas. In Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep ist sie einer der drei spielbaren Charaktere. Aqua besitzt einen ausbalancierten Kampfstil. Zudem hat sie eine Begabung für Magie. Ihre erste Schussattacke stellt Wasserblasen dar. Sie besteht die Meisterprüfung von Meister Eraqus und Meister Xehanort und wird somit als Einzige zu einem Meister des Schlüsselschwertes.
  • 右に現在の地球と火星についての主なデータを掲載したが、他の惑星と比べて大分ましであるとはいえ、現在の火星そのままの条件では到底人間が住むことは出来ない。 まず、大気圧が地球の0.75%程度と非常に希薄な上、その95%を二酸化炭素(CO2)が占め酸素(O2)は1%にも満たないため、気圧の上昇・酸素濃度増加・二酸化炭素濃度大幅減少をまず行う必要がある。またこれと大きく関連するが、平均気温も-43℃と非常に低く(南極昭和基地で-10℃程度)寒暖の差も激しいためこちらの対策も課題となる。
  • aqua (or purplefistmixer, darkninja) was a member of the Creatures Community, and sister to Scorp. She wrote some breeder and created some norn artwork, which she displayed on her site, Aquatica Nornia.
  • |}
  • |}
  • Aqua (jap. アークア[Akua] pl. Arka) – pochodził ze Wschodniej Galaktyki, którą reprezentował podczas Anoyoichi Budōkai (Zaświatowego Turnieju Sztuk Walki). Dotarł do ćwierćfinałów i w 3 etapie turnieju trafił na Son Gokū (był z tego powodu bardzo nieszczęśliwy). Podczas walki miał nawet szansę na odniesienie zwycięstwa po tym jak zamienił ring w jezioro. Son Gokū triumfował jednak po zastosowaniu techniki Kamehame-Ha wyrzucając Aqua'e poza ring.
  • Aqua is an 82-story mixed-use residential skyscraper in the Lakeshore East development in downtown Chicago. Designed by a team led by Jeanne Gang of Studio Gang Architects, the building is the tallest in the world to have a woman as lead architect, at 859 ft (262 m). It includes one level of parking below ground. The building's eight-story, 140,000 sq ft (13,000 m2) base is topped by a 82,550 sq ft (7,669 m2) terrace with gardens, gazebos, pools, hot tubs, a walking/running track and a fire pit. Each floor covers approximately 16,000 sq ft (1,500 m2). The Aqua was named the Emporis Skyscraper Award 2009 skyscraper of the year, and was shortlisted in 2010 for the biannual International Highrise Award.
  • Aqua's hair colors include, blue, green, fire hydrant red, violet, gold, and silver, and she has aquamarine eyes. She wears anything rainbow and unmatching. Her wardrobe changes every day.
  • Aqua is a fairy who first appeared in Spyro: A Hero's Tail, and later Spyro: Shadow Legacy. She gave Spyro the ability to use the water breath after freeing her from Ineptune. She is not seen in the game anywhere afterwards. In Shadow Legacy, Aqua, along with the fairies, were victims of the catastrophe of the Shadow Realm. They were soon saved and freed by Spyro. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
  • Aqua is Eden's twin planet, located on Universe 5. [Source]
  • Maître Aqua est un protagoniste apparaissant pour la première fois dans . Elle est la meilleure amie de Terra et Ventus. C'est une élève sérieuse et courageuse de Maître Eraqus, avec un vrai sens de l'honneur. Elle n'hésite pas à tout faire pour aider ses amis. Son nom signifie eau en Latin, impliquant un lien avec Kairi (Kai voulant dire océan en japonais).
  • Aqua is a bluish green color that is very light and flashy. Aqua can be either bluer like Cyan or greener like teal. Aqua represents water colors of agua. Aqua is a crayon color by Crayola. A variant of Aqua is Aquamarine named after it's mineral.
  • Aqua is a character of the Kingdom Hearts series and is also one of three main protagonists in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.
  • Es el 2° Alien que uso Tai en Tai 10 - Fuerza Elemental.
  • Aqua appears as a large bird which is entirely formed out of water. A crown, also made of water, hovers above its head.
  • Aqua on veden alla henkittävä otus, mutta hänellä on ilmasäiliö, jolla hän voi myös olla pinnalla. Hän on sammakkoeläin. Hän liittyi Pahojen Liigaan, mutta lähti heti Suuren Katastrofin jälkeen. Aqua joutui Bio-Maan mutatoiviin vesiin, ja muuttui. Tällä hetkellä hän harhailee lähellä Henkan olinpaikkaa.
  • Aqua is a color in Club Penguin Rewritten. It can be purchased for 20 coins in the Penguin Style catalog.
  • Aqua - duńska grupa dance/pop, znaną przede wszystkim z ich największego hitu "Barbie Girl", który nagrali w 1997 roku.
  • Aqua é uma dos principais protagonista do Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep junto com Terra e Ventus.Em sua história é revelado que ela era uma dos Keyblade Wielders antes de Sora.Como Terra e Ventus seu sonho, é se tornar uma Mestre da Keyblade, e foi única a conseguir esse objetivo. Seu nome vem do Latim que significa "Água", enquanto Kairi em japonês (Kaiyō) significa "oceano". A única ligação entre as duas é de quando Aqua salva Kairi em Radiant Garden em Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Aqua coloca um feitiço de proteção em seu colar e acidentalmente Kairi herda a Keyblade de Aqua.
  • Mizugame Sadaru (水甁(みずがめ) 佐多流(さだる)), also known as Aqua (アクア), is a scout character.
  • Aqua (アクア Akua?) is an antagonist in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. She is the Centurion of Water, and therefore can control monsters of the water element. Like Richter Abend, she hopes to regain and destroy Ratatosk's core. Although she tolerates Emil Castagnier as long as he helps Richter, she is abrasive and fond of yelling at Tenebrae, a fellow Centurion.
  • Aqua是Mac OS X里的用户体验界面,换言之,这就是用户可以看到的Mac OS X。Aqua在Mac OS X功能结构图中位于最上,与用户最直接接触。 Aqua是Mac OS X崭新的图形用户界面,于2000年9月就已经同Mac OS X Public Beta一起发布,与以前的Platinum不同,字体完全滑化并最佳化,图标大小明显变大,默认按钮自动轻轻闪亮。
  • thumb|200px Aqua ist ein Monstertyp, der normalerweise Kreaturen aus dem Meer oder Monster mit Wasserfähigkeiten beinhaltet z.B. Wassermagier. Andere Monster, die eher Fischähnlich oder mehr Schlangenähnlich sind, fallen nicht in den Typ Aqua, sondern eher in den Typ Fisch oder Seeschlange. Auch Eismonster bzw. Monster mit Eisfähigkeiten (Eismagier ohne den Typ Hexer) fallen unter Aqua. Aqua ist lateinisch für Wasser und zeigt dementsprechend auch solche Kreaturen.
  • [[ColourHexValue::| ]][[ColourName::| ]] [[ColourType::| ]] Aqua is a colour of LEGO Brick. It was first used in 1998 and discontinued after 2006. It was used for Scala, Belville, and Clikits. It was reintroduced in 2011 with the Cars theme on characters such as Flo, Fillmore, and Professor Zündapp.
  • Aqua was an ARC troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. He served in the Eagle Elite Battalion under Jedi grand master Kadg Amon-Di Carrick, Commander Eagle and later Captain Elt.
  • Aqua is one of the new characters introduced in the upcoming 2017 animated film Gabriel and the Wacky Pack 3. He is a baby blue clay blob who has an ability to morph into things.
  • Aqua had another Avatar Central located within its center. Aqua quickly became a shopping sim and home to many different shops. The Avatar Central in Aqua was the second one built (the first located in Natoma). Aqua does have some residential homes inside it, but in large part remains a shopping district. There are no guidelines that require it to be this, but that's just how it turned out. Avatar Central has since been deleted and Chip Midnight's store now stands where it once was. BlackAdder York has rebuilt Avatar Central; it resembles the one that was in Natoma in appearence.
  • Her name is Latin for "water", while Kairi's name in Japanese means "sea". The only connection between the two is that Aqua met Kairi in Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and put a protective spell on her necklace, which later brought Kairi to Destiny Islands. Kairi, by accidentally touching Aqua's Keyblade during this time, also inherited the Keyblade from Aqua. The official Japanese website refers to Aqua as the "Dancing Waters Forming Bonds".
  • Aquilluxborg Hydroxybot, conocido como Aqua, es el nombre de un supuesto personaje oculto en Mortal Kombat Trilogy que no pasó de ser un simple rumor. En apariencia, Aqua se muestra como una versión modificada de los sprites de los personajes ninja procedentes del original Mortal Kombat con una máscara que asemeja ser el hocico de un pato. Los indicios de la existencia de Aqua se originan en una pista de sonido encontrada en el port británico del título para Playstation, en el que se escucha el mensaje "Aqua wins!". Antes del lanzamiento de la versión PAL Platinum del título, el desaparecido sitio especializado publica una imagen del posible guerrero en kombate contra Liu Kang en el escenario Noob's Dorfen, imagen que sería posteriormente publicada también en
  • Aqua, Latin for water, is a NASA Earth Science satellite mission named for the large amount of information that the mission will be collecting about the Earth's water cycle, including evaporation from the oceans, water vapor in the atmosphere, clouds, precipitation, soil moisture, sea ice, land ice, and snow cover on the land and ice. Additional variables also being measured by Aqua include radiative energy fluxes, aerosols, vegetation cover on the land, phytoplankton and dissolved organic matter in the oceans, and air, land, and water temperatures. The Aqua mission is a part of the NASA-centered international Earth Observing System (EOS). Aqua was formerly named EOS PM, signifying its afternoon equatorial crossing time. A timeline of Aqua on-orbit progress through the initial 120 day chec
  • Aqua is one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and the main protagonist of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. She is one of the Keyblade Wielders before Sora. Like Terra and Ventus, it's her dream to become a Keyblade Master, a dream she alone was able to accomplish from the three.
  • The only one of her trio of friends to become a Keyblade Master. Aqua is tasked with looking after Terra to keep him from succumbing to darkness, and to bring Ventus back to the Land of Departure after he runs away from home. Specializing in magic instead of physical fighting like the other heroes, Aqua's promotion above Terra and Ven and her natural urge to try and guide them leads to their friendship fracturing when she seems to be acting superior to them.
  • Aqua (水(みず) Mizu "Water") are a Type of monsters usually represented by beings that have power over water or ice, such as "Mobius the Frost Monarch". They may also represent aquatic or amphibious creatures that do not fall under the category of Fish or Sea Serpent, like sea-borne mammals and amphibians. In the same respect, most Aqua-Type monsters are WATER monsters, though Aqua-Type monsters for almost every other Attribute do exist. Aqua-Type effects are varied, but many of the best focus on hand control.
  • "Aqua" redirige aquí. Para otros usos, véase: Aqua (desambiguación). <default>Aqua</default> Información Películas Cortometrajes Series Videojuegos Libros Atracciones Actor Actriz Animadores Doblaje en inglés Doblaje en españa Doblaje en méxico Doblaje en argentina Módelo de realización Diseñador Inspiración Premios Información del personaje Nombre Completo Otros nombres Personalidad Apariencia Ocupación Alianza Afiliación Objetivo Hogar Familia Amigos Enemigos Secuaces Mascotas Le gusta No le gusta Habilidades Armas Final Frase
  • Lois hits her head while jumping into a lake and is saved by a mysterious swimmer, Arthur "A.C." Curry. Clark meets the human form of Professor Milton Fine after his first lecture. Fine tells Clark that Lex Luthor is behind a covert operation manufacturing weapons. A.C. attempts to break into the LuthorCorp Marine Center in an attempt to destroy one of the weapons and is captured. Clark breaks into the lab and saves A.C.
  • —Aqua. Aqua is one of the three primary protaganists of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, debuting alongside Terra and Ventus. Like the other two, her lifelong dream was to become a Keyblade Master, a goal that she achieves shortly after the games start. Calm and reserved, she holds a strong sense of justice within her heart, and always strives to do the right thing.
  • Aqua is a trade name for the GUI appearance of Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X operating system. Aqua, as its name suggests, is based around the theme of water, with droplet-like buttons and other elements, and liberal use of transparency and reflection effects. Much of Aqua's original design was intended to complement the look of the original plastics of the iMac and Power Macintosh G3/G4 desktop models, but as Apple have moved to the use of brushed metal in their industrial design, Aqua itself has changed to incorporate an additional brushed metal look. This (somewhat inconsistent) mix of interface styles has been controversial with some users.
  • Aqua, nacio en los mares del reino de Poseidon, siendo hijo de este se le otorgo el seudonimo de DIOS. Aqua siempre le intereso el mundo exterior ya que su padre iba haya constantemente, lo cual le llamo la atencion. Un dia, teniendo ya 13, el salio de casa ahacia la superficie, la madre preocupada pidio ayuda a Poseidon, pero este le dijo que era hora que el pequeño se fuera de el hogar.
image name
  • UnderworldEggClutch-TF06-JP-VG.png
  • 3
  • *Clone Wars Era *Rebellion Era *New Republic Era
  • Good
  • +4
  • Zapping
  • Wschodnia Kaiō
story name
  • Aqua
  • 8
  • Pisccis
  • Megumi Tyoguchi
Row 8 info
  • Any other “at a glance” information you think pertinent to your spy should be included here.
Imię w anime
  • Arka
  • No
  • Aqua
  • Mężczyzna
  • Aquanite
  • Aqua
  • Sun
  • みず
Kolor Czcionki Imienia
  • #291E46
Battle Start
  • No pollution...EVER!!!
  • オスミール
toa elementti
  • 1
  • Aqua
Row 7 title
  • Significant Other
Pisownia japońska
  • アークア
  • Aqua
  • 23
steer angle
  • 35
  • 3850
  • 6546
Erster Auftritt
  • Aquatheme.ogg
  • 7000
skill lv
  • All allies' ATK 200% up / 10% chance
  • All allies' ATK 200% up / 15% chance
  • Norton "Aquarius" Waters
  • はい
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
  • 26
toa ryhmä
  • 48
  • 54
  • Aqua
toa välineet
  • Vesimiekka, Vesikoukku
Row 8 title
  • Notes
  • Akua
support list
  • List of Aqua-Type support cards
  • 169
  • 235
  • 6
  • 50
  • -1600538
  • Arguing with her friends, Darkness, Terra helping the bad guys, Terra succumbing to the Darkness, Vanitas, Villains messing with her friends, Lady Tremaine and her daughters, Maleficent, Hades
  • Aqua
Row 4 title
  • Height
toa arvonimi
  • 41000
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
front image
  • Saints Row variants - Aqua - Standard - front right.png
  • -1600538
  • "Aqua"
japanese translated
  • Water
  • 9
  • はい
toa naamio
  • Sininen Matatu
  • 90
  • 100
toa tilanne
  • Elossa
  • true
  • 8
hostage class
  • SUV
FG color
  • #52A5D9
  • Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
  • Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
  • Willa Holland
  • 知的生物
de que serie es
  • Marvel: Un Nuevo Destino
Imię w mandze
  • Arka
  • Aqua
original upload date
  • Aug.1.2010
  • No confirmada
Que poder tiene?
  • Posee la fuerza del mar
  • Aqua
Japanisch Romaji
  • Mizu
  • 91
  • 98
  • blue
  • ベリオスの定め
Row 1 title
  • Country of Origin
  • 1
  • Aqua
  • 365
Japanisch Kanji
anti-support list
  • List of Aqua-Type anti-support cards
  • 1
  • 17
broadcast date
  • 2005-10-20
Row 2 title
  • Real Name
Hombre o Mujer?
  • Masculino
  • lightskyblue
comentario imagen
  • Movimiento especial Echoing Quack de Aqua, en la imagen publicada por
Kolor Tła Imienia
  • #51A4AE
  • NPC
Row 6 title
  • Hair
  • 23
  • 4050
  • 6399
  • Aqua
  • 115
  • 1645
friendship max
  • It's so wonderful underwater.
  • You should join me sometime!
steer speed
  • 42
Farbe Überschrift
  • dodgerblue
  • Nieznane
  • Yes
  • No
  • 24
  • アクア
  • 116
  • 124
  • グレート・ディバイド
vehicle class
  • SUV
  • 0
Row 5 title
  • Eyes
friendship event
  • At first, I was worried you
  • But I want to believe in you,
  • didn't care about water.
  • so take care of us both!
toa kuva
battle end
  • Too much...pollution...
  • Aqua
  • SR
Row 3 title
  • Age
  • 85
Japanisch Übersetzt
  • Wasser
Miejsce zamieszkania
  • Aqua
  • 27
  • aqua.ogg
Row 7 info
  • Healthy living starts with
  • clean water!
Cuantos años tiene?
  • 32
  • None
Box Title
  • Codename
  • Ventus Terra Master Eraqus
  • Land of Departure
  • MEIKO, Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
  • Aqua
  • Desconocido
  • Pyro ← Aqua → Terra
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Cool
  • 97.0
  • Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
  • Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
  • Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
  • Celestial Guardians
  • 12756.32
  • Brown
  • Aqua
  • 10000
  • 75
  • Light, her friends, doing what's right, helping people in need in any possible way, friendship, happiness, Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, children
  • Ralph, Rachel, Maya
  • 5
  • ?
  • Rain Fall
  • Alive
  • Content
  • Blue hair, blue eyes, beautiful, black sleeveless top, shorts and leggings, black shoes with point tips and jagged frames, loose cloth around her waist, white bell-sleeves and beige fingerless gloves
  • *Grand Army Of The Republic *The Rebel Alliance
  • Asia Albums
  • No
  • Aqua logo screenshot.png
  • Ally
  • Keyblade Master, Protagonist
  • Protagoniste
  • 150
  • 167
  • Standard
  • Aqua
  • 151
  • 163
  • Brown
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • ARC 2505
  • Friendly, serious, level headed, kind, caring, helpful, generous, selfless, confident, intelligent
  • 500
  • Acqua
  • Akua
  • Akua
  • Akua
  • Mizu
  • I see...
  • The Aqua in Saints Row
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
  • Willa Holland
  • List of Aqua-Type monsters
  • Unknown
  • 170
  • 234
  • Aqua
  • Aqua
  • Yes
  • No
  • Water
  • Control del Agua
  • Currently trapped in the Realm of Darkness; knowing that Sora and Riku will rescue her and her friends
  • Are you thirsty? Let me get
  • you some cool, clean water!
  • Unknown
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast( )
Episode Number
  • 92
Image caption
  • Artwork of "Underworld Egg Clutch"
  • 1900
  • *Deserts *Oceans *Mountains *Rivers *Lakes *Icelands *Grasslands *Forests *Jungle *Rainforests *Swamps *Islands
  • None
  • 116
  • 124
  • 1
  • 2
  • Maestra de la Llave Espada
  • 7.0E9
  • 250
  • 1.83
  • Fairy
  • *Several anthropomorphic races *Wildlife
  • Clay blob
  • Sumi Yaka
Production code
  • 2
  • 0.040000
  • 3900
  • 6162
  • 4
  • Water of Life
  • Аква
Image size
  • 300
  • thumb
  • Solar System
  • Keyblade Master
  • Keyblade Wielder
  • Terrestrial
  • Said to be water in bodily form, this maiden can purify water with one touch.
  • #9094B5; color: #C7CBCC
  • blue
  • Keyblade Master
  • Can feel Light and Darkness in people's hearts
  • Powerful Elemental Magic
  • Superb athleticism
  • 20
  • 47
  • 56
  • La Couleur Bleu Vert
  • Aqua
  • I can purify water because
  • my heart's so pure!
  • Aqua
  • 5
  • 18
  • Yoko Honna
  • Aqua
  • Aqua2.png
  • Aqua .png
  • Aqua.jpg
  • Aqua.png
  • Aqua Cover.jpg
  • Aqua
  • 15
BG Color
  • #4993C0
  • Great Divide
  • color aguamarina
  • Destiny of Velious
  • *Tropical *Subtropical *Mediterranean *Humid *Desertic *Subarctic *Artic
  • Wreck-it Ralph 2
Image File
  • YourCharactersPicture.jpg
  • Female
  • Male
  • M
  • Breathable *78.08% nitrogen *20.95% oxygen *0.93% argon *0.038% carbon dioxide *About 1% water vapor
  • 3.0
  • 水 Shuǐ / Seoi2
  • 물 Mul
  • アクア
  • アクア
  • アクア
  • "The darkness in their hearts overtook them."
  • "The three of us will always be one."
  • "The three of us will always be one..."
  • "You better not wreck his heart."
  • 2
  • 28
  • 19
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
  • 80
  • 90
  • Aqua
  • None
  • 250
  • KHBbSa
  • KHBbSb
  • 39
  • ==
  • Aqua was a color in Club Penguin. It cost 20 coins in the Penguin Style catalog, and all players could buy it.
  • Level: 1 MP Cost: 5 Casting Time: 1A Effect: Inflicts a moderate amount of Water damage to one enemy. Obtained: Ipsilon Mountains - Mining Site - Before you exit, climb ladder on the far right. The spell is in a chest. Cost: 220g Bought From: Business Minded Technician Tatoms, Tool Seller Nalia
  • Aqua was introduced in the Sacred Lands season of the Duel Masters Anime.
  • Aqua is one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and the main protagonist of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. She is one of the Keyblade Wielders before Sora. Like Terra and Ventus, it's her dream to become a Keyblade Master, a dream she alone was able to accomplish from the three. Her name is Latin for "water", while Kairi's name in Japanese means "sea". The only connection between the two is that Aqua met Kairi in Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and put a protective spell on her necklace, which later brought Kairi to Destiny Islands. Kairi, by accidentally touching Aqua's Keyblade during this time, also inherited the Keyblade from Aqua. The official Japanese website refers to Aqua as the "Dancing Waters Forming Bonds" (絆繋ぐ舞水 Kizuna Tsunagu Busui?).
  • Aqua is one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. From the view of the story, it is revealed she is one of the Keyblade Wielders before Sora. Like Terra and Ventus, it is her dream to become a Keyblade Master, a dream she is the only of the three to accomplish.
  • Gli aQua o Levissima sono una rockband di musica dance anni '90 degli anni Novanta i quali dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino diffusero la propria epidemia di pest musica dal regno di Danimarca in tutta Europa e oltre.
  • Nation(Color) Agent # a.k.a. "Codename" was created by Username on Y!Gallery for the club Rookie Mistakes.
  • "Aqua" redirige aquí. Para otros usos, véase: Aqua (desambiguación). <default>Aqua</default> Información Películas Cortometrajes Series Videojuegos Libros Atracciones Actor Actriz Animadores Doblaje en inglés Doblaje en españa Doblaje en méxico Doblaje en argentina Módelo de realización Diseñador Inspiración Premios Información del personaje Nombre Completo Otros nombres Personalidad Apariencia Ocupación Alianza Afiliación Objetivo Hogar Familia Amigos Enemigos Secuaces Mascotas Le gusta No le gusta Habilidades Armas Final Frase Aqua es un personaje de la saga de videojugos de Kingdom Hearts.
  • Aqua (水(みず) Mizu "Water") are a Type of monsters usually represented by beings that have power over water or ice, such as "Mobius the Frost Monarch". They may also represent aquatic or amphibious creatures that do not fall under the category of Fish or Sea Serpent, like sea-borne mammals and amphibians. In the same respect, most Aqua-Type monsters are WATER monsters, though Aqua-Type monsters for almost every other Attribute do exist. Aqua-Type effects are varied, but many of the best focus on hand control. The "Aquaactress", "Frog" and "Graydle" archetypes fall into this Type. The majority of members in the "Gishki" and "Penguin" archetypes also fall into this Type. The Trap Cards in the "Paleozoic" archetype can also all treat themselves as Aqua-Type monsters. Other notable Aqua-Type monsters include: "Snowman Eater", "Cold Enchanter","Mobius the Frost Monarch", "Tribe-Infecting Virus", "Penguin Soldier", "Abyss Soldier", "Mermail Abyssgaios", "Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju", "Number 101: Silent Honor ARK", "Number C101: Silent Honor DARK" and "Toadally Awesome". The monsters that belong to this Type also gain a boost from "Umi", "Power of Kaishin" and "Wetlands".
  • Aqua on veden Toa Gor2.
  • Aqua was a Bishop in the Chess Pieces.
  • Aquatika
  • Aqua is an Aquos brawler and she has Aquos Naga as her guardian Bakugan along with the fact she is Blazes arch enemy
  • Aqua is one of the protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and the protagonist for 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage. From the view of the story, it is revealed she is one of the Keyblade Wielders before Sora. Like Terra and Ventus, it is her dream to become a Keyblade Master, and she is the only of the three to accomplish it.
  • Aqua is the fourth studio album by the progressive rock band Asia, released in 1992. The lineup changed a little bit since Astra in 1985. The new lineup is composed of John Payne (bassist/vocalist) and Al Pitrelli (guitarist), together with founder Geoff Downes (keyboardist/vocalist). Carl Palmer (drums) and Steve Howe (guitarist), both also co-founders of the band, guest.
  • The Aqua is a vehicle in Saints Row.
  • Aqua ist ein Charakter aus der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe. Sie ist zudem einer der drei Ritter bzw. Schlüsselschwertträger, welcher erstmals in dem geheimen Video von Kingdom Hearts II auftaucht. Dort kämpft sie zusammen mit ihren Freunden Ventus und Terra gegen Meister Xehanort und dessen Schüler Vanitas. In Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep ist sie einer der drei spielbaren Charaktere. Aqua besitzt einen ausbalancierten Kampfstil. Zudem hat sie eine Begabung für Magie. Ihre erste Schussattacke stellt Wasserblasen dar. Sie besteht die Meisterprüfung von Meister Eraqus und Meister Xehanort und wird somit als Einzige zu einem Meister des Schlüsselschwertes.
  • 右に現在の地球と火星についての主なデータを掲載したが、他の惑星と比べて大分ましであるとはいえ、現在の火星そのままの条件では到底人間が住むことは出来ない。 まず、大気圧が地球の0.75%程度と非常に希薄な上、その95%を二酸化炭素(CO2)が占め酸素(O2)は1%にも満たないため、気圧の上昇・酸素濃度増加・二酸化炭素濃度大幅減少をまず行う必要がある。またこれと大きく関連するが、平均気温も-43℃と非常に低く(南極昭和基地で-10℃程度)寒暖の差も激しいためこちらの対策も課題となる。
  • Aqua is a trade name for the GUI appearance of Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X operating system. Aqua, as its name suggests, is based around the theme of water, with droplet-like buttons and other elements, and liberal use of transparency and reflection effects. Much of Aqua's original design was intended to complement the look of the original plastics of the iMac and Power Macintosh G3/G4 desktop models, but as Apple have moved to the use of brushed metal in their industrial design, Aqua itself has changed to incorporate an additional brushed metal look. This (somewhat inconsistent) mix of interface styles has been controversial with some users. Two primary features of Aqua are the gel-like buttons (colored red, yellow, and green) that control the windows, and the Dock which facilitates navigation between applications. There are two main styles of windows that Aqua includes: standard pinstriped and brushed metal. The standard pinstriped windows contain glass-like buttons that appear to sit on top of the window. The brushed metal variety has a gray gradient, and the buttons are sunken into the window. Also, instead of glassy buttons, brushed metal windows have more plastic-like buttons. Mac OS X also allows users to choose a Graphite version instead of an Aqua version of the interface. (In Graphite, window controls appear silverish-grey instead of red, yellow and green.) Aqua is the successor to Platinum, which was used in Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X Server 1.2. Aqua is powered by the Quartz Compositor, which manages the underlying graphics management.
  • aqua (or purplefistmixer, darkninja) was a member of the Creatures Community, and sister to Scorp. She wrote some breeder and created some norn artwork, which she displayed on her site, Aquatica Nornia.
  • Aquilluxborg Hydroxybot, conocido como Aqua, es el nombre de un supuesto personaje oculto en Mortal Kombat Trilogy que no pasó de ser un simple rumor. En apariencia, Aqua se muestra como una versión modificada de los sprites de los personajes ninja procedentes del original Mortal Kombat con una máscara que asemeja ser el hocico de un pato. Los indicios de la existencia de Aqua se originan en una pista de sonido encontrada en el port británico del título para Playstation, en el que se escucha el mensaje "Aqua wins!". Antes del lanzamiento de la versión PAL Platinum del título, el desaparecido sitio especializado publica una imagen del posible guerrero en kombate contra Liu Kang en el escenario Noob's Dorfen, imagen que sería posteriormente publicada también en Un artículo publicado en la edición Official UK PlayStation Magazine 1999 Beat 'em Up Special publicó una segunda imagen del personaje, describiéndolo como un kombatiente humorístico que puede arrojar muchos proyectiles. En la versión para PC de Mortal Kombat Trilogy puede encontrarse un archivo de personaje nombrado como Aqua. el mencionado archivo tiene fecha Enero 20 de 1993, a diferencia del resto con fecha de 1996. También es posible encontrar el final del personaje, que narra cómo obtuvo sus poderes, su venganza contra Rain y Shao Kahn, y sus intenciones de conquistar Earthrealm. Aqua es el único personaje ficticio que dispone de un final. En el sitio se incluyó un artículo que menciona que Aqua dispone de al menos dos movimientos especiales: Claw Swipe y Echoing Quack, además de un fatality en el cual corta La Tierra con el láser de un satélite. Como el archivo de sonido y la imagen de la revista proceden del Reino Unido, se ha sugerido que el personaje estaba destinado a aparecer en ese país.
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  • The only one of her trio of friends to become a Keyblade Master. Aqua is tasked with looking after Terra to keep him from succumbing to darkness, and to bring Ventus back to the Land of Departure after he runs away from home. Specializing in magic instead of physical fighting like the other heroes, Aqua's promotion above Terra and Ven and her natural urge to try and guide them leads to their friendship fracturing when she seems to be acting superior to them. Her name is Latin for "water", while Kairi's name in Japanese means "sea". The only connection between the two is that Aqua met Kairi in Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and put a protective spell on her necklace, which later brought Kairi to Destiny Islands. Kairi, by accidentally touching Aqua's Keyblade during this time, also inherited the Keyblade from Aqua. The official Japanese website refers to Aqua as the "Dancing Waters Forming Bonds" (絆繋ぐ舞水 Kizuna Tsunagu Busui).
  • Aqua (jap. アークア[Akua] pl. Arka) – pochodził ze Wschodniej Galaktyki, którą reprezentował podczas Anoyoichi Budōkai (Zaświatowego Turnieju Sztuk Walki). Dotarł do ćwierćfinałów i w 3 etapie turnieju trafił na Son Gokū (był z tego powodu bardzo nieszczęśliwy). Podczas walki miał nawet szansę na odniesienie zwycięstwa po tym jak zamienił ring w jezioro. Son Gokū triumfował jednak po zastosowaniu techniki Kamehame-Ha wyrzucając Aqua'e poza ring.
  • Aqua is an 82-story mixed-use residential skyscraper in the Lakeshore East development in downtown Chicago. Designed by a team led by Jeanne Gang of Studio Gang Architects, the building is the tallest in the world to have a woman as lead architect, at 859 ft (262 m). It includes one level of parking below ground. The building's eight-story, 140,000 sq ft (13,000 m2) base is topped by a 82,550 sq ft (7,669 m2) terrace with gardens, gazebos, pools, hot tubs, a walking/running track and a fire pit. Each floor covers approximately 16,000 sq ft (1,500 m2). The Aqua was named the Emporis Skyscraper Award 2009 skyscraper of the year, and was shortlisted in 2010 for the biannual International Highrise Award.
  • Aqua is one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and the main protagonist of Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-. She is one of the Keyblade Wielders before Sora. Like Terra and Ventus, it's her dream to become a Keyblade Master, a dream she alone was able to accomplish from the three. Her name is Latin for "water", while Kairi's name in Japanese means "sea". The only connection between the two is that Aqua met Kairi in Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and put a protective spell on her necklace, which later brought Kairi to Destiny Islands. Kairi, by accidentally touching Aqua's Keyblade during this time, also inherited the Keyblade from Aqua. The official Japanese website refers to Aqua as the .
  • Aqua's hair colors include, blue, green, fire hydrant red, violet, gold, and silver, and she has aquamarine eyes. She wears anything rainbow and unmatching. Her wardrobe changes every day.
  • Aqua is a fairy who first appeared in Spyro: A Hero's Tail, and later Spyro: Shadow Legacy. She gave Spyro the ability to use the water breath after freeing her from Ineptune. She is not seen in the game anywhere afterwards. In Shadow Legacy, Aqua, along with the fairies, were victims of the catastrophe of the Shadow Realm. They were soon saved and freed by Spyro. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
  • Aqua is Eden's twin planet, located on Universe 5. [Source]
  • Maître Aqua est un protagoniste apparaissant pour la première fois dans . Elle est la meilleure amie de Terra et Ventus. C'est une élève sérieuse et courageuse de Maître Eraqus, avec un vrai sens de l'honneur. Elle n'hésite pas à tout faire pour aider ses amis. Son nom signifie eau en Latin, impliquant un lien avec Kairi (Kai voulant dire océan en japonais).
  • Aqua is a bluish green color that is very light and flashy. Aqua can be either bluer like Cyan or greener like teal. Aqua represents water colors of agua. Aqua is a crayon color by Crayola. A variant of Aqua is Aquamarine named after it's mineral.
  • Aqua is a character of the Kingdom Hearts series and is also one of three main protagonists in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.
  • Aqua, Latin for water, is a NASA Earth Science satellite mission named for the large amount of information that the mission will be collecting about the Earth's water cycle, including evaporation from the oceans, water vapor in the atmosphere, clouds, precipitation, soil moisture, sea ice, land ice, and snow cover on the land and ice. Additional variables also being measured by Aqua include radiative energy fluxes, aerosols, vegetation cover on the land, phytoplankton and dissolved organic matter in the oceans, and air, land, and water temperatures. The Aqua mission is a part of the NASA-centered international Earth Observing System (EOS). Aqua was formerly named EOS PM, signifying its afternoon equatorial crossing time. A timeline of Aqua on-orbit progress through the initial 120 day check-out period can be found here. Aqua was launched on May 4, 2002, and has six Earth-observing instruments on board, collecting a variety of global data sets. Aqua was the first member launched of a group of satellites termed the Afternoon Constellation, or sometimes the A-Train. The second member to be launched was Aura, in July 2004, the third member was PARASOL, in December 2004, and the fourth and fifth members are CloudSat and CALIPSO, in May 2006. Expected upcoming missions are OCO and Glory, with the placement of Glory not yet determined. Once completed, the A-Train will be led by OCO, followed by Aqua, then CloudSat, CALIPSO, PARASOL, and, in the rear, Aura.
  • Es el 2° Alien que uso Tai en Tai 10 - Fuerza Elemental.
  • Aqua appears as a large bird which is entirely formed out of water. A crown, also made of water, hovers above its head.
  • Aqua on veden alla henkittävä otus, mutta hänellä on ilmasäiliö, jolla hän voi myös olla pinnalla. Hän on sammakkoeläin. Hän liittyi Pahojen Liigaan, mutta lähti heti Suuren Katastrofin jälkeen. Aqua joutui Bio-Maan mutatoiviin vesiin, ja muuttui. Tällä hetkellä hän harhailee lähellä Henkan olinpaikkaa.
  • —Aqua. Aqua is one of the three primary protaganists of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, debuting alongside Terra and Ventus. Like the other two, her lifelong dream was to become a Keyblade Master, a goal that she achieves shortly after the games start. Calm and reserved, she holds a strong sense of justice within her heart, and always strives to do the right thing. The roleplayer that plays Aqua is the first to do so, and has done so since the 8th of January, 2011. Aqua is his first character, however he has also picked up A Sith Lord, a Ninja, a Goddess, and a certain Nine Tailed Fox. They have also played Larxene in the past, with plans to reclaim them soon.
  • Aqua is a color in Club Penguin Rewritten. It can be purchased for 20 coins in the Penguin Style catalog.
  • Aqua - duńska grupa dance/pop, znaną przede wszystkim z ich największego hitu "Barbie Girl", który nagrali w 1997 roku.
  • Lois hits her head while jumping into a lake and is saved by a mysterious swimmer, Arthur "A.C." Curry. Clark meets the human form of Professor Milton Fine after his first lecture. Fine tells Clark that Lex Luthor is behind a covert operation manufacturing weapons. A.C. attempts to break into the LuthorCorp Marine Center in an attempt to destroy one of the weapons and is captured. Clark breaks into the lab and saves A.C. Together they destroy the weapon, thereby ruining the deal Lex has been brokering. Clark finally finds himself unable to trust Lex any longer and agrees to work for Professor Fine in exposing the activities of LuthorCorp.
  • Aqua, nacio en los mares del reino de Poseidon, siendo hijo de este se le otorgo el seudonimo de DIOS. Aqua siempre le intereso el mundo exterior ya que su padre iba haya constantemente, lo cual le llamo la atencion. Un dia, teniendo ya 13, el salio de casa ahacia la superficie, la madre preocupada pidio ayuda a Poseidon, pero este le dijo que era hora que el pequeño se fuera de el hogar. Aqua emprendio diferentes viajes en la ciudad, asombrado de los que habitaban ahi, los Humanos. Aqua nunca se dio cuanta de sus poderes hasta que un dia, emprendio un viaje junto con unos marineros y habiendo tormenta, Aqua asustado sin querer detubo el agua, bajandola hasta ser un riachuelo, sorprendido, salio de alli. En un futuro Namor, lo entrenaria ya que este sabia los poderes del muchacho.
  • Aqua é uma dos principais protagonista do Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep junto com Terra e Ventus.Em sua história é revelado que ela era uma dos Keyblade Wielders antes de Sora.Como Terra e Ventus seu sonho, é se tornar uma Mestre da Keyblade, e foi única a conseguir esse objetivo. Seu nome vem do Latim que significa "Água", enquanto Kairi em japonês (Kaiyō) significa "oceano". A única ligação entre as duas é de quando Aqua salva Kairi em Radiant Garden em Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Aqua coloca um feitiço de proteção em seu colar e acidentalmente Kairi herda a Keyblade de Aqua.
  • Mizugame Sadaru (水甁(みずがめ) 佐多流(さだる)), also known as Aqua (アクア), is a scout character.
  • Aqua (アクア Akua?) is an antagonist in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. She is the Centurion of Water, and therefore can control monsters of the water element. Like Richter Abend, she hopes to regain and destroy Ratatosk's core. Although she tolerates Emil Castagnier as long as he helps Richter, she is abrasive and fond of yelling at Tenebrae, a fellow Centurion.
  • Aqua是Mac OS X里的用户体验界面,换言之,这就是用户可以看到的Mac OS X。Aqua在Mac OS X功能结构图中位于最上,与用户最直接接触。 Aqua是Mac OS X崭新的图形用户界面,于2000年9月就已经同Mac OS X Public Beta一起发布,与以前的Platinum不同,字体完全滑化并最佳化,图标大小明显变大,默认按钮自动轻轻闪亮。
  • thumb|200px Aqua ist ein Monstertyp, der normalerweise Kreaturen aus dem Meer oder Monster mit Wasserfähigkeiten beinhaltet z.B. Wassermagier. Andere Monster, die eher Fischähnlich oder mehr Schlangenähnlich sind, fallen nicht in den Typ Aqua, sondern eher in den Typ Fisch oder Seeschlange. Auch Eismonster bzw. Monster mit Eisfähigkeiten (Eismagier ohne den Typ Hexer) fallen unter Aqua. Aqua ist lateinisch für Wasser und zeigt dementsprechend auch solche Kreaturen.
  • [[ColourHexValue::| ]][[ColourName::| ]] [[ColourType::| ]] Aqua is a colour of LEGO Brick. It was first used in 1998 and discontinued after 2006. It was used for Scala, Belville, and Clikits. It was reintroduced in 2011 with the Cars theme on characters such as Flo, Fillmore, and Professor Zündapp.
  • Aqua was an ARC troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. He served in the Eagle Elite Battalion under Jedi grand master Kadg Amon-Di Carrick, Commander Eagle and later Captain Elt.
  • Aqua is one of the new characters introduced in the upcoming 2017 animated film Gabriel and the Wacky Pack 3. He is a baby blue clay blob who has an ability to morph into things.
  • Aqua had another Avatar Central located within its center. Aqua quickly became a shopping sim and home to many different shops. The Avatar Central in Aqua was the second one built (the first located in Natoma). Aqua does have some residential homes inside it, but in large part remains a shopping district. There are no guidelines that require it to be this, but that's just how it turned out. Avatar Central has since been deleted and Chip Midnight's store now stands where it once was. BlackAdder York has rebuilt Avatar Central; it resembles the one that was in Natoma in appearence.
  • Her name is Latin for "water", while Kairi's name in Japanese means "sea". The only connection between the two is that Aqua met Kairi in Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and put a protective spell on her necklace, which later brought Kairi to Destiny Islands. Kairi, by accidentally touching Aqua's Keyblade during this time, also inherited the Keyblade from Aqua. The official Japanese website refers to Aqua as the "Dancing Waters Forming Bonds".
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