  • Episode 7411 (27th August 2010)
  • Claire tells Ashley about Sian and Sophie's kiss but Ashley's dubious and thinks she must have misinterpreted it. Becky introduces Kylie to Amy. Steve's concerned about how long she will be staying but Becky points out that the Croppers came to her rescue and she intends to do the same for Kylie. Sunita collects the twins from No.13 but they fail to notice that Aadi seems unwell. Eileen learns that her landlord is selling No.11 and she could be forced to move out. Owen advises her to put in an offer herself. Sally volunteers Sophie's church choir to perform at Roy and Hayley's wedding. Sophie's forced to confess that Sian's in the choir too and they have been meeting. Sally's annoyed but pleased she has told the truth now. Roy and Hayley meet Kylie. Hayley invites her to her hen party. Sun
story associates
  • 7411
  • 2010-08-26
Executive Producer
  • 2010-08-27
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2010-08-27
  • Claire tells Ashley about Sian and Sophie's kiss but Ashley's dubious and thinks she must have misinterpreted it. Becky introduces Kylie to Amy. Steve's concerned about how long she will be staying but Becky points out that the Croppers came to her rescue and she intends to do the same for Kylie. Sunita collects the twins from No.13 but they fail to notice that Aadi seems unwell. Eileen learns that her landlord is selling No.11 and she could be forced to move out. Owen advises her to put in an offer herself. Sally volunteers Sophie's church choir to perform at Roy and Hayley's wedding. Sophie's forced to confess that Sian's in the choir too and they have been meeting. Sally's annoyed but pleased she has told the truth now. Roy and Hayley meet Kylie. Hayley invites her to her hen party. Sunita calls an ambulance when Aadi won't wake up. She goes with him to the hospital while Claire tries to contact Dev. Kylie eyes up Ciaran. She and Michelle snipe at one another. While dealing with mice at No.3, Norris discovers an old letter from 1961 addressed to Ken wedged in the skirting board. Emily takes it to pass on to Ken. Dev arrives at the hospital. The doctor tells him and Sunita that Aadi has a fractured skull and a blood clot which is pressing on his brain. He requires an immediate operation. Dev and Sunita are shell-shocked.