  • Lady of the Lake
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Lady Of The Lake
  • The Lady of the Lake is the patron Goddess of Bretonnia. The Bretonnians believe that is her who keeps their lands from harm. To the Elves she is Ladrielle, the Lady of Mists, who has been living in Bretonnia as a mortal since the invasion of the realm of the Gods.
  • VINKKI: Lady of lake siaitsee paikassa jossa on paljon willowia. Jos sinulla on 30 woodcutting on kannattavaa kehittää täällä. Luokka:Henkilöt Luokka:NPC
  • Lady of the Lake (湖乃乙女, Mizūmi no Otome): Es una técnica utilizada mediante la materialización de un Lago Obscuro de una tecnica llamada Abysmal Lake, el Gladiator invoca a su Espiritu Guardian Viviane La Dama del Lago de donde ella surge con 2 espadas de cosmos frente al oponente Shura de Capriocornio. Categoría:Técnicas
  • Lady of the Lake is the name of the ruler of Avalon in the Arthurian legend. She plays a pivotal role in many stories, including giving King Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanting Merlin, and raising Lancelot after the death of his father. Different writers and copyists give the Arthurian character the name Nimue, Viviane, Vivien, Elaine, Ninianne, Nivian, Nyneve, or Evienne, among other variations.
  • The Lady of the Lake was a goddess or guardian spirit residing in Britannia. She was the original guardian of the mighty sword Excalibur. When sent back in time, King Arthur sought her out, she recognized him as the sword's prophesied wielder and gave him the sword, even though he was technically a thousand winters too early.(HTLJ: "Once Upon a Future King") This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion.
  • The move used to trick an unsuspecting opponent. The wrestler sits down, crosses his or her legs, tucks their head into their chest and wraps one arm around their ankle (so they are effectively rolled into a ball). The wrestler then extends their remaining arm between their legs and then waits. The opponent, ostensibly confused, normally takes the offered hand, at which point the wrestler rolls forward and into an arm lock.
  • The Lady of the Lake was a magical woman and the guardian of the legendary sword Excalibur, charged with protecting the sword until the true wielder claims it. According to Arthurian legend, the Lady of the Lake gave the sword to King Arthur. When the original Lady of the Lake was killed, Piper Halliwell became the new guardian of the sword. This would indicate that the Lady of the Lake is a title that can be passed on.
  • The Lady of the Lake is a character in King Arthur.
  • She appeared when Connor wrung the Large Silver Bell on the odd structure three times. She presented the Sword of the Lake to the Champion Eternal, Connor. Connor was assured that his quest would be successful. After giving him the sword she returned back into the lake.
  • The Lady of the Lake set was released 08-21-14 on the Mistress of the Knight scratch card. View these items in the Marketplace. Go back to Scratch Items. * Lady of the Lake Ears * Lady of the Lake Wings * Lady of the Lake Skirt * Lady of the Lake Horns * Lady of the Lake Corset * Lady of the Lake Sandals
  • Name: Lady Of The Lake Run Time: 0:45 Year: 1975 * 20th Anniversary Limited Edition
  • The Lady of the Lake is a water entity which dwells in lakes. Her power and wisdom rivals even that of Merlin. She gave the sword Excaliber to Arthur. It is known that she loved Launcelot and was angry when he spurned her love in favor of Gwenhyver.
  • The seventh and final book in The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski, originally in Polish (original title: Pani Jeziora).
  • Emma and Mary Margaret, with the aid of Mulan, Aurora and brave knight Lancelot, attempt to find a portal that will bring them back to Storybrooke, but a dark force threatens their safe return. Meanwhile, Henry tries to talk Jefferson into reuniting with his daughter, and, back in the fairytale land that was, on the eve of meeting Prince Charming's mother, King George curses Snow White, and the only antidote lies within the waters of the Lady of the Lake.
  • The Lady of the Lake is the ancient keeper of the sword Excalibur. King Arthur once wielded the Excalibur during his reign of Camelot. Before King Arthur died, he had one of his knights give Excalibur back to the Lady of the Lake. Mumm-Ra disguised himself as King Arthur to trick the Lady of the Lake into giving him Excalibur. After Mumm-Ra was defeated, Merlin had returned Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake.
  • The Lady of the Lake is an important figure of Arthurian Legend and medieval storytelling. She is often mentioned to have enchanted Merlin. In the Land of Stories series, she appears in Beyond the Kingdoms, chapter 24.
  • The Lady of the Lake is a Child of Oberon. It seems that she is connected with water. She appears to be kind and wise and helped King Arthur to gain his sword again.
  • The Lady of the Lake is a Child of Oberon. It seems that she is connected with water. She appears to be kind and wise, and helped King Arthur to gain his sword again. She is featured in the animated series Gargoyles.
  • Lady of the Lake is an unmarked location found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • In the minds of many knights, the Lady is Bretonnia, in a mystical sense. Unlike virtually all other Gods of the Old World, the Lady is encountered by her mortal worshippers in this world. All Grail Knights met her at the climax of their quest, and the Grail Damsels are also said to be initiated by the Lady herself, though they speak very little of it. As a result, when the Lady is portrayed, she is portrayed consistently: a young woman of great and somewhat unworldly beauty, clothed in white, with a narrow golden fillet holding a white veil on her head. In one hand, she holds the Grail.
  • The Lady of the Lake is the caretaker of the Secret Sea, a metaphysical domain containing the healing Water of Truth. In her past, she was Vivienne Inwudu, a Homo Magi and sister of Madame Xanadu and Morgaine Le Fey. According to legend, she was the one who gave King Arthur of Camelot his mighty sword Excalibur. She is not limited to her realm and can visit her champion in times of crisis.
  • The Lady of the Lake's origins are probably ancient and modern, like Morgan le Fay's, and she and Morgan may have ultimately derived from the same tradition. The first mention of Avalon, a magical island with which the Lady and Morgan are frequently associated, is in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae; Geoffrey says Arthur's sword Caliburn was forged there, and says Arthur was taken to the isle after his battle with Mordred to have his wounds healed.
  • The Lancelot-Grail Cycle provides a backstory for the Lady of the Lake, "Viviane", in the prose Merlin section, which takes place before the Lancelot Proper, though it was written later. There, Viviane learns her magic from Merlin, who becomes enamored of her. She refuses to give him her love until he has taught her all his secrets, after which she uses her power to trap him either in the trunk of a tree or beneath a stone, depending on the story and author. Regardless of the specific version, Merlin is unable to counteract Viviane because of his foresight; because of such an ability and the "truth" it holds, he decides to do nothing for his situation other than to continue to teach her his secrets until she takes the opportunity to entrap and entomb him in a tree, a stone or a cave.
  • In the episode Excaliburn, when Allfire thought he couldn't pull Excaliburn from the stone, he searched for the Lady of the Lake, but ended up at the wrong lakes, meeting the Princess of the Pond, the Female of the Fjords, the Wench of the Whirlpool, the Babe of the Bay, and the Dame of the Dam. When he saw Princess Flame later on, he initially thought she was the Lady of the Lake. The Lady of the Lake never actually appears in this episode.
  • 1
Portrayed By
Main Character
  • Niamh Chinn Oir; Niamh .jpg
  • Good
  • To help King Arthur in his quest
supports archetypes
  • Noble Knight
fr name
  • Dame du Lac
es lore
  • 3.15576E7
Row 4 info
  • Unknown
Romaji Name
  • Mizu Umi no Otome Vivian
hr name
  • Dama od Jezera
ja lore
  • このカードをS素材とする場合、戦士族モンスターのS召喚にしか使用できず、S召喚に使用されたこのカードは除外される。①:このカードが召喚に成功した時、自分の墓地の「聖騎士」通常モンスター1体を対象として発動できる。そのモンスターを特殊召喚する。②:このカードが墓地に存在する場合、自分フィールドのレベル5の「聖騎士」モンスター1体を対象として発動できる。そのモンスターのレベルを1つ下げ、このカードを墓地から特殊召喚する。
  • Ei
  • 100
ep num
  • 3
Individual Name
  • Lady of the Lake
it lore
  • Non può essere utilizzato come Materiale Synchro, eccetto per la Synchro Evocazione di un mostro di Tipo Guerriero. Se questa carta viene utilizzata per una Synchro Evocazione, bandiscila. Quando questa carta viene Evocata Normalmente: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 Mostro Normale "Nobile Cavaliere" nel tuo Cimitero; Evoca Specialmente quel bersaglio. Se questa carta è nel tuo Cimitero: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro "Nobile Cavaliere" di Livello 5 che controlli; riduci il suo Livello di 1 e, se lo fai, Evoca Specialmente questa carta dal Cimitero.
pt name
  • Dama do Lago
Row 1 info
  • Nimue / Viviane / Niniane
  • * Banishes itself from field * Banishes itself from hand
  • Cannot be used as a Synchro Material, except for the Synchro Summon of a Warrior-Type monster. If this card is used for a Synchro Summon, banish it. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 "Noble Knight" Normal Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target. If this card is in your Graveyard: You can target 1 Level 5 "Noble Knight" monster you control; reduce its Level by 1, and if you do, Special Summon this card from the Graveyard.
pt lore
  • Não pode ser usado como uma Matéria Sincro, exceto para a Invocação-Sincro de um monstro do Tipo Guerreiro. Se este card for usado para uma Invocação-Sincro, bana-o. Quando este card for Invocado por Invocação-Normal: você pode escolher 1 Monstro Normal "Nobre Cavaleiro" no seu Cemitério; Invoque o alvo por Invocação-Special. Se este card estiver no seu Cemitério: você pode escolher 1 monstro "Nobre Cavaleiro" de Nível 5 que você controla; reduza o Nível dele em 1 e, se isso acontecer, Invoque este card por Invocação-Special do Cemitério.
it name
  • La Signora del Lago
stat change
  • Your monsters lose Levels
season num
  • 2
Row 4 title
  • Created by
trans name
  • Vivian, Lady of the Lake
  • Lady of the Lake
  • 10736540
ko lore
  • 이 카드를 싱크로 소재로 할 경우, 전사족 몬스터의 싱크로 소환으로밖에 사용할 수 없으며, 싱크로 소환에 사용된 이 카드는 제외된다. ①: 이 카드가 일반 소환에 성공했을 때, 자신 묘지의 "성기사" 일반 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 그 몬스터를 특수 소환한다. ②: 이 카드가 묘지에 존재할 경우, 자신 필드의 레벨 5 "성기사" 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 그 몬스터의 레벨을 1개 내리고, 이 카드를 묘지에서 특수 소환한다.
de lore
  • Kann nicht als Synchromaterial verwendet werden, außer für die Synchrobeschwörung eines Monsters vom Typ Krieger. Falls diese Karte für eine Synchrobeschwörung verwendet wird, verbanne sie. Wenn diese Karte als Normalbeschwörung beschworen wird: Du kannst 1 Normales „Edler Ritter“-Monster in deinem Friedhof wählen; beschwöre das gewählte Ziel als Spezialbeschwörung. Falls sich diese Karte in deinem Friedhof befindet: Du kannst 1 „Edler Ritter“-Monster der Stufe 5 wählen, das du kontrollierst; verringere seine Stufe um 1 und falls du dies tust, beschwöre diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung vom Friedhof.
ko name
  • 호수의 소녀 비비안
Row 2 info
  • Unknown
  • Herrin des Sees
  • Ei
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
es name
  • La Dama del Lago
fr lore
  • Non utilisable comme Matériel de Synchro, sauf pour l'Invocation Synchro d'un monstre de Type Guerrier. Si cette carte est utilisée pour une Invocation Synchro, bannissez-la. Lorsque cette carte est Invoquée Normalement : vous pouvez cibler 1 Monstre Normal "Chevalier Noble" dans votre Cimetière ; Invoquez Spécialement la cible. Si cette carte est dans votre Cimetière : vous pouvez cibler 1 monstre "Chevalier Noble" de Niveau 5 que vous contrôlez ; réduisez son Niveau de 1, et si vous le faites, Invoquez Spécialement cette carte depuis le Cimetière.
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • Water Sprites
  • Nainen
  • 200
  • Ingles
Only appearance
  • "Once Upon a Future King"
  • Etelä-Taverley, rannikolla
effect types
  • Condition, Condition, Trigger, Ignition
Row 3 info
  • Unknown
database id
  • 10875
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
  • * Cannot be used as a Synchro Material * Special Summons from your Graveyard * Special Summons itself from your Graveyard
  • The Lady of the lake from Arthurian Legend
  • 9.450000
  • Female
Box Title
  • The Lady of the Lake
  • Ginnifer Goodwin
  • Snow White
  • Mary Margaret
  • Jared S. Gilmore - Henry Mills
  • Jennifer Morrison - Emma Swan
  • Josh Dallas - David Nolan/Prince Charming
  • Lana Parrilla - Regina Mills/Queen Regina
  • *Absent from the episode.
  • Emilie de Ravin - Belle French/Belle*
  • Meghan Ory - Red Riding Hood
  • and Robert Carlyle - Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin*
  • Arthur vs. the Druids vs. the Grail
  • King Arthur proving himself a leader, pure white lilies
Voiced by
  • Alive
  • 203
  • 20301
  • 20302
  • 20303
  • 20304
  • 20305
  • 20306
  • 20307
  • 20308
  • 20309
  • 20310
  • 20311
  • 20312
  • 20313
  • 20314
  • 20315
  • 20316
  • 20317
  • 20318
  • 20319
  • 20320
  • 20321
  • 20322
  • 20323
  • 20324
  • 20325
  • 20326
  • 20327
  • Ofensivo
  • Aquaman Vol 6 #1
  • beautiful silver-haired woman, in a gown of white samite
  • Aurora
  • Sarah Bolger
  • Jamie Chung - Mulan
  • Alan Dale - Albert Spencer/King George
  • Barbara Hershey - Cora
  • Gabrielle Rose - Ruth
  • Sebastian Stan - Jefferson
  • Sinqua Walls - Lancelot
  • * Warrior * Normal Monster
  • None
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Kind, wise, helpful
  • Mizūmi no Otome
  • The Ice Maiden receives the Crystal Heart from Arthur
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Immortality
  • Sorcery
  • Transmutation
  • Hydrokinesis
  • Amphibian
  • Divine Powers
  • Inter-Dimensional Teleportation
  • Magic Detection
  • Magical Awareness
  • Occultist
  • Power Distibuition
  • Spectral Sight
Character Name
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Niamh
  • Lady of the Lake; Niamh Chinn Oir .jpg
  • White
  • 200
Air Date
  • 2012-10-14
  • 湖乃乙女
  • Lady of the Lake
  • enchantress
  • left
  • right
  • 1800
  • Magic
  • Arthur vs. the Druids vs. the Grail
  • #100000
Real Name
  • Vivienne Inwudu
  • Conjuring a Water Djinn, Control over water, Conjuring a "water mirror" to show something, Spell Casting, Teleporting
  • Real World
  • The lake in middle of Central Park
  • Dame du Lac.png
  • Episode G - Assassin - Capítulo 27 "La Dama del Lago"
  • Oberon's children
Ja Name
  • のヴィヴィアン
  • King Arthur, Merlin, Griff, Broadway, Lexington, Brooklyn, Oberon
  • Female
  • female
  • "I had not expected see you for some time, Arthur Pendragon. What would you have of me?"
  • "RUN!!"
  • A vengeful King George watches Charming and Henry.
  • Aurora wants to avenge Phillip.
  • Charming asks Henry to stay away from magic.
  • Cora attacks Snow.
  • Emma sees her nursery.
  • Henry is nearly killed by two snakes.
  • Henry tells Jefferson to find his daughter.
  • Home, sweet home.
  • Lancelot just wants to help.
  • Mother knows best.
  • Mulan offers to help Snow and Emma get home.
  • Regina is pleased to hear from Henry.
  • Ruth asks Snow to drink the remaining waters.
  • Ruth checks the sex of Snow's first born.
  • Ruth is accidentally shot.
  • Snow accidentally curses herself.
  • Snow and Charming get married.
  • Snow and Emma make plans with Lancelot.
  • Snow defends her daughter.
  • Snow protects Emma from Cora.
  • Snow sees past Lancelot's lies.
  • Snow's curse is broken.
  • Snow, Charming and Red face King George's men.
  • The arrow was poisoned.
  • The three girls prepare themselves with weapons.
  • The waters don't work on Ruth.
  • Ice Palace of Ot Moor
  • Northwest of Whiterun and Northeast of Bleakwind Basin
wikipage disambiguates
Video Games
  • Niamh Chinn Oir; Niamh Chinn Oir from Marvel Avengers Academy 001.jpg
  • yes
  • note
  • Lady of the Lake
Voiced Actor
  • None
  • The Lady of the Lake is the patron Goddess of Bretonnia. The Bretonnians believe that is her who keeps their lands from harm. To the Elves she is Ladrielle, the Lady of Mists, who has been living in Bretonnia as a mortal since the invasion of the realm of the Gods.
  • In the minds of many knights, the Lady is Bretonnia, in a mystical sense. Unlike virtually all other Gods of the Old World, the Lady is encountered by her mortal worshippers in this world. All Grail Knights met her at the climax of their quest, and the Grail Damsels are also said to be initiated by the Lady herself, though they speak very little of it. As a result, when the Lady is portrayed, she is portrayed consistently: a young woman of great and somewhat unworldly beauty, clothed in white, with a narrow golden fillet holding a white veil on her head. In one hand, she holds the Grail. The most prominent difference between the Cult of the Lady and the other religious orders of the Old World is that the Lady has no Priests or Initiates. Instead, she is served by the Grail Knights—the flower of Bretonnian chivalry—and the Grail Damsels, women taken from their families as children and raised by the Fay Enchantress to serve the Lady with mysterious powers. The Lady is concerned with protecting Bretonnia, working through its knights to do so. Their courage and martial skill protect the land from external foes, whilst their nobility and chivalry ensure that the land enjoys internal peace and justice. She seems not to concern herself directly with peasants in any way.
  • VINKKI: Lady of lake siaitsee paikassa jossa on paljon willowia. Jos sinulla on 30 woodcutting on kannattavaa kehittää täällä. Luokka:Henkilöt Luokka:NPC
  • Lady of the Lake (湖乃乙女, Mizūmi no Otome): Es una técnica utilizada mediante la materialización de un Lago Obscuro de una tecnica llamada Abysmal Lake, el Gladiator invoca a su Espiritu Guardian Viviane La Dama del Lago de donde ella surge con 2 espadas de cosmos frente al oponente Shura de Capriocornio. Categoría:Técnicas
  • Lady of the Lake is the name of the ruler of Avalon in the Arthurian legend. She plays a pivotal role in many stories, including giving King Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanting Merlin, and raising Lancelot after the death of his father. Different writers and copyists give the Arthurian character the name Nimue, Viviane, Vivien, Elaine, Ninianne, Nivian, Nyneve, or Evienne, among other variations.
  • The Lady of the Lake was a goddess or guardian spirit residing in Britannia. She was the original guardian of the mighty sword Excalibur. When sent back in time, King Arthur sought her out, she recognized him as the sword's prophesied wielder and gave him the sword, even though he was technically a thousand winters too early.(HTLJ: "Once Upon a Future King") This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion.
  • The move used to trick an unsuspecting opponent. The wrestler sits down, crosses his or her legs, tucks their head into their chest and wraps one arm around their ankle (so they are effectively rolled into a ball). The wrestler then extends their remaining arm between their legs and then waits. The opponent, ostensibly confused, normally takes the offered hand, at which point the wrestler rolls forward and into an arm lock.
  • The Lady of the Lake was a magical woman and the guardian of the legendary sword Excalibur, charged with protecting the sword until the true wielder claims it. According to Arthurian legend, the Lady of the Lake gave the sword to King Arthur. When the original Lady of the Lake was killed, Piper Halliwell became the new guardian of the sword. This would indicate that the Lady of the Lake is a title that can be passed on.
  • The Lady of the Lake is a character in King Arthur.
  • She appeared when Connor wrung the Large Silver Bell on the odd structure three times. She presented the Sword of the Lake to the Champion Eternal, Connor. Connor was assured that his quest would be successful. After giving him the sword she returned back into the lake.
  • The Lady of the Lake set was released 08-21-14 on the Mistress of the Knight scratch card. View these items in the Marketplace. Go back to Scratch Items. * Lady of the Lake Ears * Lady of the Lake Wings * Lady of the Lake Skirt * Lady of the Lake Horns * Lady of the Lake Corset * Lady of the Lake Sandals
  • Name: Lady Of The Lake Run Time: 0:45 Year: 1975 * 20th Anniversary Limited Edition
  • The Lady of the Lake is a water entity which dwells in lakes. Her power and wisdom rivals even that of Merlin. She gave the sword Excaliber to Arthur. It is known that she loved Launcelot and was angry when he spurned her love in favor of Gwenhyver.
  • In the episode Excaliburn, when Allfire thought he couldn't pull Excaliburn from the stone, he searched for the Lady of the Lake, but ended up at the wrong lakes, meeting the Princess of the Pond, the Female of the Fjords, the Wench of the Whirlpool, the Babe of the Bay, and the Dame of the Dam. When he saw Princess Flame later on, he initially thought she was the Lady of the Lake. The Lady of the Lake never actually appears in this episode. In Excalibroke, Flicker and Loungelot went to see the Lady of the Lake when Loungelot accidentally broke Excaliburn. The Lady of the Lake claimed that Loungelot had not renewed the warranty, and that he must undertake three tests in order to fix it. These tests turned out to be a setup so that Loungelot could join the choir with his brother Murray, but in the end Excaliburn was struck by lightning (presumably caused by the Lady of the Lake) to fix it.
  • The seventh and final book in The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski, originally in Polish (original title: Pani Jeziora).
  • Emma and Mary Margaret, with the aid of Mulan, Aurora and brave knight Lancelot, attempt to find a portal that will bring them back to Storybrooke, but a dark force threatens their safe return. Meanwhile, Henry tries to talk Jefferson into reuniting with his daughter, and, back in the fairytale land that was, on the eve of meeting Prince Charming's mother, King George curses Snow White, and the only antidote lies within the waters of the Lady of the Lake.
  • The Lady of the Lake's origins are probably ancient and modern, like Morgan le Fay's, and she and Morgan may have ultimately derived from the same tradition. The first mention of Avalon, a magical island with which the Lady and Morgan are frequently associated, is in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae; Geoffrey says Arthur's sword Caliburn was forged there, and says Arthur was taken to the isle after his battle with Mordred to have his wounds healed. Chrétien de Troyes mentions in his romance Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart that Lancelot had been raised by a water fay who gave him a magic-resisting ring. Lancelot's life with the Lady of the Lake is detailed in the German Lanzelet by Ulrich von Zatzikhoven and the Prose Lancelot Proper, which was later expanded into the Lancelot-Grail Cycle. There, the Lady of the Lake fosters the infant Lancelot after his father Ban has been killed fighting against his enemy Claudas. It has been suggested that these three works are derived from a lost tradition of Lancelot, which is perhaps best preserved in Ulrich's version. The character has some similarities to the sea nymph Thetis of Greek mythology . Like the Lady of the Lake, Thetis is an aquatic spirit who raises the greatest warrior of her time (in this case, her son Achilles). Thetis' husband is Peleus, while the Lady of the Lake takes the knight Pelleas as her lover in some versions. Thetis uses magic to make her son invulnerable to harm and later gives him a shield and armor forged by the god Hephaestus, while the Arthurian character gives Lancelot a ring that protects him from all magic and delivers Excalibur to King Arthur. The Greek theme may have influenced or originated the tradition; the epic poem Iliad which features Thetis was popular both with the Romans, who occupied and colonized Great Britain and Brittany, and with the medieval scholars who wrote down the Celtic Mythology and oral traditions. The Lady of the Lake's guise as a water fay also makes her somewhat similar to Melusine.
  • The Lady of the Lake is the ancient keeper of the sword Excalibur. King Arthur once wielded the Excalibur during his reign of Camelot. Before King Arthur died, he had one of his knights give Excalibur back to the Lady of the Lake. Mumm-Ra disguised himself as King Arthur to trick the Lady of the Lake into giving him Excalibur. After Mumm-Ra was defeated, Merlin had returned Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake.
  • The Lady of the Lake is an important figure of Arthurian Legend and medieval storytelling. She is often mentioned to have enchanted Merlin. In the Land of Stories series, she appears in Beyond the Kingdoms, chapter 24.
  • The Lady of the Lake is a Child of Oberon. It seems that she is connected with water. She appears to be kind and wise and helped King Arthur to gain his sword again.
  • The Lady of the Lake is the caretaker of the Secret Sea, a metaphysical domain containing the healing Water of Truth. In her past, she was Vivienne Inwudu, a Homo Magi and sister of Madame Xanadu and Morgaine Le Fey. According to legend, she was the one who gave King Arthur of Camelot his mighty sword Excalibur. The Lady of the Lake found Aquaman near death. After he was exiled from the oceans and left for dead on Traitor's Reef, she restored his health and unveiled the Secret Sea (an uncharted dimensional reservoir whose ebb and flow is felt in the "World of Man") to him. Orin was selected to be a conduit for channeling the healing energy of the Secret Sea into our Earthly dimension. His artificial harpoon hand is replaced with magically powered living water, an extension of the Secret Sea and herself. She is not limited to her realm and can visit her champion in times of crisis.
  • The Lady of the Lake is a Child of Oberon. It seems that she is connected with water. She appears to be kind and wise, and helped King Arthur to gain his sword again. She is featured in the animated series Gargoyles.
  • The Lancelot-Grail Cycle provides a backstory for the Lady of the Lake, "Viviane", in the prose Merlin section, which takes place before the Lancelot Proper, though it was written later. There, Viviane learns her magic from Merlin, who becomes enamored of her. She refuses to give him her love until he has taught her all his secrets, after which she uses her power to trap him either in the trunk of a tree or beneath a stone, depending on the story and author. Regardless of the specific version, Merlin is unable to counteract Viviane because of his foresight; because of such an ability and the "truth" it holds, he decides to do nothing for his situation other than to continue to teach her his secrets until she takes the opportunity to entrap and entomb him in a tree, a stone or a cave. The Post-Vulgate Cycle's second Lady of the Lake is called "Niniane", and her story is nearly identical to the previous one, though it adds her bestowal of Excalibur to Arthur. Sir Thomas Malory also uses both Ladies of the Lake in his Le Morte d'Arthur; he leaves the first one unnamed and calls the second one Nimue. Malory's original Lady is presented as an early benefactor of King Arthur who grants him Excalibur when his original sword is damaged. She is later beheaded by Sir Balin as a result of a kin feud between them (she blames him for the death of her brother and he blames her for the death of his mother) and a dispute over an enchanted sword. Both characters appear in many other episodes of Malory's work. Each time the Lady reappears, it is always at a pivotal moment of the episode, establishing the importance of her character within Arthurian literature, especially Le Morte d'Arthur. In that work, she transcends any notoriety attached to her character by aiding Arthur and other knights to succeed in their endeavors. After enchanting Merlin, Malory's Nimue replaces him as Arthur's adviser. She becomes the lover and eventual wife of Sir Pelleas and mother to his son, Guivret. After the Battle of Camlann, she reclaims Excalibur when it is thrown into the lake by Sir Bedivere. Nimue is one of the four queens who bear the wounded Arthur away to Avalon, a setting tied to the Lady of the Lake in some literary traditions.
  • Lady of the Lake is an unmarked location found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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