  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Reese and Finch try to protect a psychologist whose unorthodox methods for helping his patients find closure could cost him dearly. Meanwhile, flashbacks reveal Finch's fragile state in the days following the bombing that killed his best friend, Nathan Ingram.
  • NOTE: ALL DATA IS FOR US/EU VERSION.There are many differences in item stats with the Japanese version.
  • Karma. The simple explanation of karma can differ slightly, and sometimes vastly, between humans, cultures, animal kingdoms, watery kingdoms, the world of ants (and other English-speaking insects), and let's not forget other solar systems, but the general concept is basically the same, unless it's different, in which case it's completely something else, although remains to this day, strangely familiar.
  • Karma is an enhancement set in the defense category. The level range of Karma is 10 to 30. All enhancements in the set are uncommon. Crafted versions of Karma enhancements can be made from recipes earned in-game. Attuned versions can be purchased separately from the Paragon Market, or as a bundle of all three for 260 Paragon Points.
  • Karma or Karm is the self-effort or work put behind all actions. Luck is the result of self-effort, including self-effort from past lifetimes. * Bhagwad Gita: Should keep doing your work, but do not have hopes to enjoy fruits of the labour. * Ashtavakra Gita: The Body is just an observer, the Soul is the do'er. The Body should not desire to enjoy the pleasures of labour by the Soul.
  • Karma (originally titled "Karma's A Bitch") is a single by Helena Fasesha. Helena wrote the song with Felicia and Rachel Layton, the reason to shorten the name to "Karma" was because Rachel decided that if it was going to be considered as a future single, it should have a less explicit name, so it would be easy to censor the song for radio airplay. Felicia and Layton performed background vocals on the rap verse.
  • The new karma system means that every player receives 10 karma points, they have to maintain those points and not lose any. The maximum number of points is 10, the minimum being 0. If you disrespect the site's guidelines, you get karma points deducted, however there are no benefits of doing anything good, apart from staying with 10 karma points.
  • Karma è un famigerato pirata del Nuovo Mondo che si è alleato con Barbabianca.
  • I punti karma determinano il titolo accanto al nome del pg e varie conseguenze descritte nella guida. Per vedere i propri punti karma bisogna andare con il puntatore sul nome del pg nella finestra dello status. Come mostrato nello screen.
  • kARMA é un album del rapper Kaos One, uscito 5 anni dopo il suo lavoro precedente ("L'anello mancante"), pubblicato per Trix Shop l'11 Ottobre 2007.
  • Monster Rancher DS: Good deeds shall be rewarded, and bad deeds shall be punished. People today often forget such common sense, but Karma is here to help them remember. My Monster Rancher: This monster is noted for its blue and white body. It has uncanny mental abilities and works very hard. It seems like it enjoys a challenge.
  • Karma - jest to statystyka ukazująca opinię społeczeństwa o bohaterze gracza w różnych miastach i miejscach w świecie Fallout. Karma wzrasta gdy postać wykonuje misje nieszkodzące społeczeństwu danego miasta lub zabija złe postaci. Maleje gdy wykonywane są zadania dla czarnych charakterów i zazwyczaj w trakcie ich trwania cierpią niewinne ofiary.
  • Karma is a location within Breath of Fire.
  • Karma is a mutant.
  • thumb|left|Karma a cuerpo completo con sus espadas.Karma es un gyojin de tamaño medio, cuyos mayores rasgos distintivos son el pulpo que cubre su cabeza, hombros y espalda y que posee 6 brazos. Tiene un punto rojo en el centro de la frente y una barba de chivo negro. Lleva una camisa a rayas de mangas desgarradas, una espada estándar de pirata y pantalones sueltos similar a la de Buggy.
  • Es wurde erstmals in Fallout 2 benutzt und ersetzte die aus Fallout bekannte Reputation. Das Karma in Fallout 2 dagegen war ein System, das die Meinung jeder einzelnen Stadt gegenüber dem Charakter erfasste. Karma wird in Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3 und Fallout: New Vegas verwendet. Es gibt positive und negative Karma Klassifizierungen, je nachdem wie sich der Charakter verhält.
  • The Karma or fish crest Helmet was the traditional númenorean Helmet worn by members of the guild of venturers.It was basically a high steel-helmet with a huge fish-crest, cheek guards and nasals covered by multi-colored leather. Derivations of the original númenorean model were worn by black númenoreans and the early corsairs of umbar until roughly the late third age.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__KarmaKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Karma is one of the Splegg maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 20th November 2015 and was made by Highscores.
  • Karma was a concept related to the link between cause and effect. The assassin droid HK-47, in describing the deaths of his former masters, described these fates as the karma caused by murdering others. Zayne Carrick, a Jedi Padawan during the time of the Mandalorian Wars, possessed a distinct type of luck that could be described as "Karmic". The relationship between karma and the Force is not fully known. During the Sith–Imperial War, soldiers referred to Sith as "Bad karma."
  • Agent Karma is an assassin in the Department of Mary Sues, Doctor Who Division. She is partnered with Nemia and was written by karma_kalisutah. They are no longer active. Karma was raised Hindu, but has since added some Gnosticism to her religious outlook. She likes to read, and can often be heard yelling at the characters in the books.
  • Karma is a Healer move that is applied in combat. When used a player that has this when hit the enemy will take a equal amount of damage that the enemy caused. It can be applied to the player, another player or an group but a downside is this is a one time use, To keep using it the player has to keep applying it.
  • Karma(業力)是免費傳送訊息給其他使用者的一種方式。這個系統對使用者帳戶不再有任何作用。
  • Karma(カルマ, "Karuma") is the hyper advanced form of spiritual energy that The Surya Clan learned to summon and wield. As such, only members of the Surya clan are capable of burning Karma, and the practise of tapping into ones Karma is as secretive as the clan whom discovered it.
  • In modern culture it is seen as a reaction to your actions. So it is a cycle where if you do good things then good things will happen to you. And the same is with bad deeds. With Joinees it does not matter if good things happen to them but they generally feel good about carrying out a good deed. These good deeds are normally carried out on Good Friday. The main link with Joinees and Karma is that when joinees join, then they are also joining an army called The Karma Army.
  • Karma is a superheroine in the Marvel Universe and was a member of the New Mutants.
  • "Karma" is the third single from The Black Eyed Peas, from their album Behind the Front.
  • Karma is the mysterious substance explored in the latter half of the Submachine series.
  • Karma is an infamous New World pirate who allied himself with the Whitebeard Pirates.
  • Karma, Sagesse Incarnée est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Karma (Andrea Hearn) was a member of the Creatures Community in the period 1997-1998. She was a part of the NORN Collective, as well as founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Grendels, which was hosted at her site, Creatures on the Web. She is now the Site Manager for the Star Wars Galaxies Vault, under the name Kaessa. She fondly remember her Creatures website and wishes that she had backed it up.
  • Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh) is a mutant who has the ability to seize control of another's mind.
  • Karma is a new kind of social currency that unlocks at Level 16. You can spend it on rare items - like axes and shears - in the Karma tab at the Bazaar! Earn Karma by visiting your friends’ islands and tapping any critters you may find. You can do this on any of your friends’ islands, regardless of how you've connected with them! You can also earn Karma as a dive reward when you help your friends complete dives.
  • With karma, knight can asks the gods for temporary powers. There are two knids of karma : evil karma and good karma. Karma is gained by doing quests (raids for evil karma and guarding missions for good karma).
  • Karma is a woman of indomitable will and unbound spiritual power. She is the soul of Ionia made manifest and an inspiring presence on the battlefield, shielding her allies and turning back her foes. A strong leader torn between tradition and revolution, Karma seeks to protect the peace of Ionia – by force if necessary.
  • Il Karma è un teoria scaricabarile dell'Induismo, Buddismo, Wicca e dottrine New Age. Il termine Karma viene dal sanscrito कर्म, che originariamente voleva dire "non me ne frega nulla", e infatti coloro che dicono di credere in esso se ne fregano di tutto.
  • A really useful currency that people just can't get enough of.
  • Categoría:Esbozos El Karma es tu estado espiritual. Puede ser Muy Bueno, Bueno, Neutral, Malo o Muy Malo.
  • Barney tries to convince Quinn to go out with him, after realizing he has feelings for her. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily introduce Robin to life in the suburbs and Ted tries to figure out what to do with Robin's old room.
  • Le Karma est une devise sociale débloquée à partir du niveau 16. Gagnez des étoiles de Karma en visitant les îles de vos amis et en tapotant les créatures que vous y trouverez. Vous pouvez faire cela sur toutes les îles de vos amis ou des maîtres marchands du Marché Mondial. Vous gagnez aussi des étoiles de Karma comme récompense lors des plongées de vos phoques (sur votre île ou en aidant un ami) ainsi que lors du Festival du Commerce.
  • Mutant monk with the power to possess minds Author: bzero NPC in: Exiles Race: Mutant Level: Game System: Marvel Super Heroes
  • Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh) is a fictional superheroine from Marvel Comics created by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. Karma is a mutant with the ability to mentally possess other beings. A founding member of the New Mutants, she is one of the few confirmed and openly lesbian characters. She lost a leg and now has a cybernetic one in its place.
  • May 2008 Westfinder Bootleg written by Jesse Riemer.
  • "Karma" is a music track that appeared in Dead or Alive 3 and Dead or Alive Dimensions as the character theme for Genra and the final boss theme in Dead or Alive 3.
  • Plays a very important role in the story. It is in the shape of silver threads that's attached to every person and every thing (person, plant, rock, etc.) that that person has ever interacted with. The Ji Clan has a special fishing rod that is capable of Karmic Annihilation, which destroys the karma threads and erases the person from existence.
  • Karma (カルマ, Karuma) est un capitaine pirate du Nouveau Monde qui s'est allié à Barbe Blanche.
  • Karma is the "reputation" system in 9 Dragons. Karma is used primarily as a prerequisite to equip various relics, known as Good Karma (GK) relics and Bad Karma (BK) relics. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. Aside from the practical purpose, karma also gives players an epithet that shows their prowess in PvP; this can also be used to intimidate your opponents.
  • El Karma (en sánscrito: कर्म) es una ley en el hinduismo que sostiene que todo acto realizado, no importa lo insignificante que sea, con el tiempo se devolverá, a la manera de la ley newtoniana de causa y efecto, a la persona con el mismo impacto. Todo bien, o mal, será devuelto. Es una especie de Ley del Talión metafísica. Considerando que los hindúes creen en la reencarnación, el karma no conoce simples limites entre nacimiento y muerte. Si a alguien le acontece algo bueno o malo esto ocurre en respuesta directa a algo que esa persona hizo en esta vida o en una anterior.
  • Karma is the belief that all actions one gives, whether positively or negatively aligned, will be received in a current or future lifetime. “Karma is memory rather than a debt between people.” It is far easier to burn off karma through forgiveness of self than through the standard way of suffering.
  • Karma is the sixteenth girl unlocked in the game. She is unlocked together with Sutra by having level 55 in the Mysterious stat.
  • Le karma possède deux états distincts : * Le Bon karma réservé aux gens biens qui payent leurs impôts et ramassent les déjections de leur animal de compagnie dans les petits sacs en papier prévus à cet effet par la municipalité. * Le Mauvais karma affligeant les êtres nuisibles à la société comme les fans de Tokyo Hotel, les automobilistes n'ayant pas de gilet jaune dans leur véhicule ou encore les Poneys. 1. * REDIRECTION Quand une personne décède, elle se réincarne un peu plus tard en fonction de l'état de son karma : * Bon karma : Acteur vedette de films pour adultes, administrateur de la désencyclopédie, pilote de brouette (un rêve d'enfance...). * Mauvais karma : Tampon hygiénique grande capacité (5 petites gouttes dessinées sur le paquet), le mec qui a pondu ça
  • Karma is an integral part of the inFAMOUS series, and heavily affects the overall game.
  • Karma is a teenager full of spunk who is also the protagonist of Parking Dash.
  • "Karma" (カルマ Karuma?) is the opening theme song in Tales of the Abyss, performed by Bump of Chicken. The song was composed by Motoo Fujiwara, who also provided the lyrics and served as the primary vocalist.
  • Hello! Are guild is currently level 24, we have 24 people in the guild, we'd like some more! We are friendly,social, fun, and we do dungeons and all sort of things with our guild mates. The level to get in is 70+ to join ask the guild leader or --Darkshadow-, Akuzimo, Kissed, or Sweetly. :)
  • Karma is, in certain Eastern religions or philosophies, the concept that a person's actions in the material world directly affect his future experiences there and also have consequences in the afterlife. Positive actions lead to positive experiences and outcomes; similarly, negative ones lead to undesirable results.
  • File:Karma DOOM PATROL 02.png Write the text of your article here!
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Tsukuyomi | Tsukuyomi: Zero File:FireIcon.png Fire: Hydra File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Signal Demon | Pine File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Satellite | Dark Wyrm | Kabushido | Bastet | Inari | Bahamut | Princess Takiyasha | Deathscoil | Darkblade Murasame | Barojika | Genome File:Scroll.png Tower: 20F | 35F | 40F File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Water (Time Trial) | Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)
  • Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म), or Kamma (Pali: कम्म) is a Sanskrit word and a concept of eastern religions meaning 'action, effect, destiny.' In Hinduism and, later, in Buddhism and Sikhism, it is the sum of a person's actions, regarded as determining that person's future states of existence. The effects of those deeds actively create all that is to happen and determine every present and future experience, thus completely excluding random chance. The Sikh Scriptures explain karma in these terms: In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, no one is interested in good karma, or Dharmic faith. (SGGS p161) and
  • Karma is earned by performing good tasks for the Golden Path and citizens of Kyrat. You can do a number of things to increase your karma, including: * The various Karma Events that take place all around Kyrat, including saving a hostage from armed Royal Guards, helping the Golden Path during a firefight, and protecting a group of people from wild animals. * Shooting an eagle attacking an ally will award you with karma. * Spinning Mani Wheels, collecting Masks of Yalung, or collecting the four Thangkas will award generous amounts of Karma. * Killing animals without guns or explosives, i.e. with Throwing knives, bows, crossbows, or using your khukri blade to kill them will award small amounts of karma per each kill. * There is a skill in the skill tree that allows you to mu
  • Xi'an (pronounced "Shan") Coy Manh was born in the central highlands of Vietnam. Xi'an's origins are rooted in tragedy. Her father was a colonel in the South Vietnamese army, who was forced to bring his wife and four children on missions. When Xi'an's brother, Tran Coy Manh, was attacked by a Viet Cong soldier, Xi'an's power of mind possession emerged to protect him. Tran soon exhibited the identical power, and relished in using it cruelly. While Tran was rescued from the throes of war by their crime lord uncle, General Nguyen Ngoc Coy, Shan escaped on a small, cramped, boat with hundreds of others, including her parents and her younger brother and sister, Leong and Nga. Xi'an's father was killed by Thai pirates on the way to the United States; she and her mother were raped by the pirates
  • Karma is a loyalty points system gained on GameFAQs. The rule for gaining karma: A user must log onto the GameFAQs site to be awarded one point of karma for each 24 hour period. There is usually a karma boost in November to celebrate the anniversary of GameFAQs' creation. If you visit GameFAQs on the day of a karma boost you get extra karma (usually 6%). The more karma you have on GameFAQs, more noobs will look up to you. Also, when you have a moderated message on GameFAQs you will sometimes lose karma (between 3 and 90, normally 3 or 10).
  • To many people, especially Buddhists and Hinduists, karma is a way of summarizing the selflessness which arises from all the actions one makes throughout one's life. Think of the SAT score for hippies. Believers of karma think it determines what you are reincarnated into.
  • thumb|Karma De acuerdo con varias religiones orientales, el karma sería una energía metafísica (invisible e inmensurable) que se deriva de los actos de las personas. De acuerdo con las leyes del karma, cada una de las sucesivas reencarnaciones quedaría condicionada por los actos realizados en vidas anteriores. Es una creencia central en las doctrinas del ayyavazhi, el budismo, el hinduismo y el jainismo. En pali se dice kamma y en birmano kan.
  • TheNeverender, better known as Archon, the King of Mushroom Kingdom, was the initial figurehead of the Karma Coalition. He made his entrance in a letter addressed to the citizens of Planet Bob. Later, LiquidMercury also became a front figure. Archon and LiquidMercury signed the publishing of the Karma PoW Camp as 'Death Incarnate, The Wrath of Karma, LiquidMercury' and 'Karma Incarnate, The Voice of Karma, Archon'. At this point, Archon was widely acknowledged as the political figurehead of the coalition, while LiquidMercury was considered the commanding general.
  • Muitas referências explícitas à palavra karma envolvem Sawyer. 1. * Quando Sawyer encontra Sayid após seu retorno, ele diz, "Ora, ora, ora. Eu não sei se vocês islâmicos, tem um conceito do karma, mas tenho a sensação de que esta ilha está se vingando de modo cósmico." ("All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues") 2. * As últimas palavras de Frank Duckett foram: “isso voltará em torno” logo após Sawyer dispará-lo fatalmente. ("Outlaws") 3. * Quando Sawyer pergunta a Juliet porque ela está voltando ao acampamento dos sobreviventes para ajudar Sayid, Bernard, e Jin, ela responde, "Karma. E por que você está voltando, James?". ("Through the Looking Glass")
  • Senator Banes stood by the office window and stared out into the black abyss that had befell the town like a shadowy blanket. Rain pattered the window in a seductive, rhythmic pattern. Pitter patter. The woodwork on the window sill cast a shadow over his whole body, dividing it with dark precision and efficiency. The senator was expecting somebody but he didn't know when. What a sick fucker, the Senator thought to himself. The note read like this. Mr. Senator, Consider yourself warned. “Senator?” the man said calmly. “Face me” the spectral voice soothingly demanded. “Down the hall, asleep.”
  • Karma is the reflection of all good and evil choices you make during the game and how they are perceived by the inhabitants of the wasteland in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout Tactics. __TOC__ Karma is, philosophically, the principle of cause and effect, with not only the effects of your actions but also your intentions that are taken into account measured in "Karma points". The stronger an intention or action has, the more Karma points you gain or lose.
  • Le Karma exprime la "statisfaction" de l'incarnation d'un concept. C'est une cote sur 100 que la majorité des concepts possède. La valeur du karma peut varier au cours d'une SIMER: Diminution: Elle peut diminuer si par exemple un des processus de consomation de l'incarnation n'a pas été satisfait. Ex: Un bâtiment n'est pas entretenu. Augmentation: Elle peut augmenter (jamais au dessus de 100) lorsque les processus de consomation de l'incarnation sont à nouveau statisfaits. Ex: Un habitant mange à nouveau à sa faim
  • As you attempt Chi Acts, your Karma can either go up (Good) or down (Evil). Your Karma has no effect on your game play, it simply is there so you can choose to be good or evil. When you begin the game, you start at "Neutral" and work from there. The further you move away from Neutral, the larger your Chi bar will become. * More information to follow Godlike (50 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Angelic (40 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Flawless (40 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Divine (35 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Saintly (30 Chi bar) Pure (25 Chi bar) Lovely (20 Chi bar) Nice (15 Chi bar) Naughty (15 Chi bar)
  • Karma is a feature in the Summon Night games. There are certain negative events, player actions or dialogue choices in the game that would increase the player's karma. Attaining too many karma may prevent players from seeing certain events and endings or even adding secret characters to their party roster. In some cases, karma points can even lead to a bad ending, which is referred to as the Karma Ending..
  • Karma is the simple universal law of cause and effect that says every thought, word, and act carries energy into the world and affects ones present reality. Neither judge or jury, it can also refer to the work we have ahead of us, which includes lessons from both one's past and present lives. Based on the principle that individual behavior mirrors universal patterns, the tiniest act can have an enormous impact. The energies, one's thoughts, and actions produce can cover the entire planet, or even beyond, in the blink of an eye.
  • Karma is an Indian/Hindu religious belief and a complex Buddhist principle that the effects of all deeds actively create past, present, and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to him/her and others. As Oscar, Catalina's nephew, arrived in Camden, Earl and Randy discovered that he was possessed with voodoo powers, which greatly scared Joy. She led a mob of people against Oscar, and to protect him Earl crossed an item off his List, which turned the crowd back in his favour ("Little Bad Voodoo Brother").
  • Le Karma est le reflet de tous les choix bons ou mauvais que vous faites dans le jeu et comment ils sont perçus par les habitants des Terres Désolées dans Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas et Fallout Tactics. __TOC__ Le Karma est, d'un point de vue philosophique, le principe de cause et d'effet, qui en fonction de vos actions et de vos intentions est mesuré en "points de Karma". Plus forte est l'intention ou l'action, plus le nombre de points de Karma attribué/retiré est grand.
  • Ich stand auf dem Dach des eingezäunten, kameraüberwachten Hochhauskomplexes von Helix-Pharma. Hier hatte ich die längste Zeit meines Lebens gearbeitet, nein, fast schon gelebt, gelebt für die Forschung, gelebt für die Verbesserung unserer Produkte und für die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität so vieler Menschen. Das heißt, bis sich alles verändert hatte. Als das erste Mal eine Glühbirne erlosch, wenn ich einen Raum betrat, dachte ich mir nichts weiter dabei. So etwas kommt vor. Ist jedem schon einmal passiert. Zwei Tage später passierte es wieder. Ich betrat am Morgen mein Büro, schaltete das Licht ein, und als ich meine Jacke aufgehängt und an meinem Schreibtisch Platz genommen hatte, war es schlagartig wieder dunkel im Raum, denn es war noch unverschämt früh und Winter. Der Hausmeister wa
  • Karma is basically a vague representation of how good or evil you are. You gain Karma for doing tasks which are perceived as good and lose it for doing things which are bad. The normal upper amount of Karma you may have at any one time is 20, and the lower limit is -100. You may also Wish for Redemption to remove 50% of your negative Karma, as long as your Karma is lower than -1.
  • Akuzimo
  • ; No Image Female.jpg
  • M
  • 24
  • 7
  • Dead or Alive 3 Original Sound Trax
Main Character
  • Xi'an Coy Manh; Xi'an Coy Manh from All-New X-Men Vol 1 40 001.png
  • 218.0
  • 1.500000
art 8 br
  • 0
hard hp
  • ~ 180,000
Previous Track
  • "Hunting Time"
  • Butterfly Dust
  • Avian Fiend Rawhide
  • .
  • 1.350000
  • Faerie Herb
  • Butterfly Antennae
  • Trix Shop
Row 8 info
  • Superhero, Mutant
  • Wewnętrzny Płomień to obszarowa, liniowa, kolidująca umiejętność mierzona. Rozbłysk Duszy to obszarowa, liniowa, kolidująca umiejętność mierzona z opóźnionym efektem obszarowym.
  • Mantra to pół-ulepszenie.
  • Skupiona Wola i Odnowa to umiejętności celowane na pojedynczy cel
  • Rosnący Ogień to efekt przy trafieniu i efekt czarów.
  • Inspiracja to celowane na pojedynczego sojusznika ulepszenie. Nieustępliwość to celowana na pojedynczego sojusznika umiejętność obszarowa.
  • kARMA
Row 4 info
  • New Mutant, Moonstar Cadre, former member X-Force, Bratpack and Alpha Squadron, former student at X-Mansion
  • Helena Fasesha, Felicia Brooks, Rachel Layton
  • %
  • sek.
  • Poziomy Mantry zwiększają skuteczność wzmocnionych umiejętności.
  • y
Row 7 title
  • Goals
  • Karma
  • カルマ
  • y
  • Inspiracja
  • Mantra
  • Rosnący Ogień
  • Skupiona Wola
  • Wewnętrzny Płomień
Luck Skill
  • -
ep num
  • 17
Ability text
  • Displays the amount of time elapsed during battle.
  • y
Ability Name
  • Display Time
  • 250
  • Evolution
Efekty czarów
  • Obszarowe
  • W czasie
Row 1 info
  • 2014-11-05
  • Substance
  • Xi'an Coy Manh
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • カルマ
  • カルマ
  • 30
Row 8 title
  • Type of Hero
  • BarbablancaColores
  • WhitebeardPiratesColors
  • 2007-10-11
  • 3131.0
season num
  • 4
Ability equipper
  • All
  • Uomo-pesce di tipo polpo
  • -
Row 4 title
  • Writers
  • Occupation
  • 1100000
  • 6
  • PiratiDiBarbabianca
  • n
  • "Karma"
BRV required
  • 30
Dodatkowe informacje
  • * Skrócony czas odnowy Rosnącego Ognia na , i może wielokrotnie zostać nałożony. Na przykład Rozbłysk Duszy może trafić pięć bohaterów i skrócić czas odnowy . * i zadają obrażenia w czasie i pozwalają skrócić czas odnowienia nawet o sekund.
  • * Inspiracja i Nieustępliwość nie posiadają czasu rzucania i nie przerywają pozostałych czynności Karmy. * Nieustępliwość nie będzie przyznawała dodatkowej obszarowej tarczy celowi Karmy, ale przyzna mu premię do prędkości ruchu.
  • * Mantra może być użyta, gdy Karma znajduje się pod wpływem efektów kontroli tłumu. * Mantra posiada czas rzucania, ale nie przerywa pozostałych czynności Karmy. * Wzmocnione umiejętności Mantry zastępują normalne umiejętności bohaterów. * Użycie Mantry nie odnawia czasu odnowy podstawowych umiejętności bohaterów. * Czas odnowy Mantry zacznie odnawiać się po jej aktywacji.
  • * Skupiona Wola i Odnowa zapewniają wizję na trafionym celu. * Jeśli cel Odnowy zginie podczas uwięzi, to Karma zostanie natychmiast ponownie uleczona.
  • 12
  • sek.
  • カルマ
  • Bounce
  • Karuma
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Randomly targets foes with 8 powerful elemental pass-through shots.
  • Randomly targets foes with 6 elemental pass-through shots.
  • Pirata; capitano
  • Karma rozpoczyna grę z 1 poziomem Mantry i może ulepszyć ją na poziomach 6, 11 i 16.
  • : Karma wystrzeliwuje pocisk energii, który wybucha przy kontakcie z wrogiem, zadając obrażenia magiczne przeciwnikom na obszarze i spowalniając ich o 25% na 1.5 sekundy. Jeśli trafi niewidoczny cel, to animacja wybuchu nadal będzie widoczna. 950
  • : Karma łączy się z wybranym wrogim bohaterem lub neutralnym potworem, ujawniając go i zadając mu obrażenia magiczne co 0.66 sekundy przez 2 sekundy. Jeżeli połączenie nie zostanie zerwane, przeciwnik zostaje unieruchomiony. 650
  • Karma, zadając obrażenia wrogim bohaterom za pomocą umiejętności, skraca czas odnowy o sekundy, a przy użyciu ataków podstawowych o sekundę.
  • : Karma osłania sojuszniczego bohatera tarczą absorbującą obrażenia przez 4 sekundy i premię do prędkości ruchu na 1.5 sekundy. 800
  • : Karma wzmacnia następną umiejętność użytą w przeciągu 8 sekund, zapewniając dodatkowy efekt. Czas odnowy wzmocnionych umiejętności jest taki sam co ich wersja podstawowa.
  • --06-06
Row 2 info
  • Electropop
  • Building material
  • Karma, Shan
original upload date
  • Feb.13.2016
Row 6 info
  • Training
pc hp
  • ~ 160,000
DEF bonus
  • +3
Row 1 title
  • Type
  • Released
  • Full Name
ATK bonus
  • +3
  • y
JP Name
  • カルマ
  • 光の闘神 カルマ
  • 2007
Row 5 info
  • Flight, Telepathy, Mind Control, Psychic Shield
  • Helena Fasesha, DJ TRAKZ
HP bonus
  • +8
  • Purple
  • Karuma
Row 2 title
  • Aliases
  • Genre
  • Function
Ability unlocker
  • Shibu-Q Heads 3F - Shibu-Q Heads
Efekty przy trafieniu
  • Nie
Threads slot
  • Accessory
Row 6 title
  • Hobbies
  • Tak
  • 11582
  • 15209
Strike shot
  • Increases Speed.
  • Fires a rebounding laser in the targeted direction that grows stronger based on the number of enemies hit.
  • 報いの光 - 24 Turns
  • 記憶の宝石 - 12 Turns
art 2 br
  • 0
  • Magiczne
  • Karma
  • Karuma
  • Wildlife 20px|link=Wildlife Seal Dives 20px|link=Seal Dives
art 3 br
  • 0
  • x
Row 5 title
  • Producers
  • Powers/Skills
  • 187.700000
  • 220.700000
Row 3 info
  • 183.0
  • Marvel Team Up #100, New Mutants #1
  • many
  • 5
  • 6
  • uncommon
Row 3 title
  • Origin
  • Length
To Evo
  • 30
  • FO3
  • FO2
  • FO1
  • FOT
  • FNV
art 4 br
  • 0
Tarcze czarów
  • blokują umiejętność.
  • blokują umiejętność, ale nie zablokują unieruchomienia w przypadku Odnowy.
art 5 br
  • 0
Info text
  • This shoulder bag is practically bottomless. Sling it across your shoulders for a slick and practical fashion accent.
Row 7 info
  • Protect mutant kind and mankind
art 1 br
  • 0
  • 6
  • 168
  • defense
  • 8.67 M
Box Title
  • Hero
  • Karma
  • Kagamine Rin V4 English
  • 25
Next Track
  • "A Wind"
  • Karuma
Sold by
  • Jupiter of the Monkey - Cat Street
  • 30
  • possibly late teens
  • 48
  • 337
  • 2630.0
  • 1
  • Allié de L'Équipage de Barbe Blanche
  • Ally of the Whitebeard Pirates
First Appearance
  • Parking Dash
  • rushu
  • FNV
  • FO1
  • FO2
  • FO3
  • FOT
  • Defense/Recharge
  • Fornstrand
  • Hiroshi Okamoto
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Mantra
  • JIN: Então por que você ficou com Jack?
  • Karma is revealed to be an octopus fishman
  • Karma's name is revealed.
  • Karma reacts to Sengoku's words about Luffy's father.
  • BERNARD: Porque era a coisa certa a fazer. Locke, uh... ele é um assassino. Veja, isso tudo é sobre karma, Jin. Sabe o quê é karma? ' Você faz más escolhas, coisas más acontecem com você. Mas quando você faz boas escolhas, coisas boas-- ' Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Você pegou um! Yeah. Aqui, puxe aqui. Wow, olha isso! Viu? Agora, isso é karma. Você deve ser uma pessoa boa, huh?
  • Karma wonders if Whitebeard really betrayed his allies.
  • Thread
  • Balanced
  • D
  • カーマのとう
  • 2014-07-27
  • Jupiter of the Monkey
  • Kaama no Tou
  • Karma
  • Can park cars
Hair Color
  • Black
  • Donutville
  • .
  • Yes
  • Inconnue
flash color
  • blue
  • Ränge in Mantra erhöhen die Effektivität der einzelnen Effekte.
flash image
  • 4
  • 3
  • -
  • Nebulan Slayer / Null Block
  • Inconnue
  • Psychic
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • 558
  • 563
  • 24
Skin Color
  • White
  • 295
  • 904
  • 1610
  • 8280
  • 8510
  • 8720
  • 9112
  • 9140
  • 9590
  • 9620
  • 11326
  • 12934
  • 24201
  • 41001
  • 58163
  • 89721
  • 600123
  • ; Xi'an Coy Manh 0001.jpg
  • 100.0
  • Karma.jpg
  • Karma
  • .
  • Shan
Air Date
  • 2015-03-10
  • Yoga
  • 800080
Voice Actor
  • Krystin Mass
  • Karma
  • 6
  • 7890
  • Average adult
  • Mutant
  • ""
  • --06-06
  • Kaos Karma.jpg
  • Karma.png
  • Defense/Endurance
  • 260
  • Mantra.jpg
  • 2015-11-20
Image size
  • 300
  • Winged Insecta
  • War God
Real Name
  • Xi'an Coy Manh
  • Karma verstärkt ihre nächste gewirkte Fähigkeit mit einem zusätzlichen Effekt. „Mantra“ ist bereits auf Stufe 1 verfügbar und muss nicht erst erlernt werden.
  • This song is about a person who is waiting for someone to receive karma.
  • Purple
  • green
  • #8E8D97; color: #2D2C3F
  • 3
  • 1
  • Keine Kosten
  • --05-01
  • Karma EVideo.ogv
  • Karma IVideo.ogv
  • Karma QVideo.ogv
  • Karma RVideo.ogv
  • Karma WVideo.ogv
Favorite Food
  • Peeled Grapes
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma
  • Karma2.jpg
  • 250
  • 2352
  • 2353
  • The Makai Realm
  • 4
  • 467
favorite color
  • Purple
  • y
  • X2: X-Men United
  • ID.417/0310.15
  • 13268
  • 17406
  • 9
  • Karma
  • A lire uniquement après votre paiement !!!
  • La solution
  • Spoiler à dérouler soi-même
Eye Color
  • Orange
  • Karma Tower
Image File
  • Intro sub7.png
  • Karma_.jpg
  • Female
  • Male
  • Butterfly
  • Eclipse
  • Blaster
  • Silencer
  • Double Slap
  • Butterfly's Dream
  • Flash Arrow
  • Mystic Missile
  • Slap
  • Snare Shot
  • 92131
Blood Type
  • AB
  • crafted or market
  • Faune sauvage 32px|link=La Faune Sauvage
  • Plongées 32px|link=La Maison des Phoques
  • 8
  • -
  • Acid Burn
  • [Lytic] Attack +5
  • --06-06
  • Highscores
  • Knockback Protection
  • American
  • Capitán
  • Aliado de los Piratas de Barbablanca
wikipage disambiguates
  • Hiroshi Okamoto
Funi eva
  • Ben Bryant
Gift Preference
  • Earrings
  • Hiroshi Okamoto
  • Northwest of Winlan
  • center|150px|Ca en valait la peine !
  • * La première image est évidement le frère jumeau de Tatayé. * La seconde image représente un chanteur de variétés célèbre des années 40, qui derrière un masque d'insouciance, cache un homme conscient de ses responsabilités. * La dernière image, Coluche quelques secondes avant la fin de sa carrière.
Liked Trait
  • Mysterious
Favorite Job
  • Love Doctor
  • 10
Material For
  • 40
art 7 br
  • 0
  • Butterfly Liver
  • Butterfly Eyes
  • Green
  • Blue Deep
art 6 br
  • 0
  • Lytic Attack
art 9 br
  • 0
POI image
  • POI_0417_Shane_Edwards.png
  • Reese and Finch try to protect a psychologist whose unorthodox methods for helping his patients find closure could cost him dearly. Meanwhile, flashbacks reveal Finch's fragile state in the days following the bombing that killed his best friend, Nathan Ingram.
  • NOTE: ALL DATA IS FOR US/EU VERSION.There are many differences in item stats with the Japanese version.
  • Karma. The simple explanation of karma can differ slightly, and sometimes vastly, between humans, cultures, animal kingdoms, watery kingdoms, the world of ants (and other English-speaking insects), and let's not forget other solar systems, but the general concept is basically the same, unless it's different, in which case it's completely something else, although remains to this day, strangely familiar.
  • Karma is a feature in the Summon Night games. There are certain negative events, player actions or dialogue choices in the game that would increase the player's karma. Attaining too many karma may prevent players from seeing certain events and endings or even adding secret characters to their party roster. In some cases, karma points can even lead to a bad ending, which is referred to as the Karma Ending.. Karma points are given to the player for things that are generally related to negative actions, like getting your allies (Summoned monster included) killed during a battle (even Free Battles as well) or making bad or uncaring choices during an event. In Summon Night 3, beside the regular methods, the player get Karma points for every time the protagonist draws the Magical Sword or dies,thus activating the "Draw" abilitiy automatically (except during events where it activates for itself). Usually, there is no way to lower your karma, except in special cases, like in Summon Night 3, where there is only one dialogue choice to lower it. It’s only possible to see how much you have in the fourth game and in the third’s remake, through Mei-Mei's shop.
  • Karma is an enhancement set in the defense category. The level range of Karma is 10 to 30. All enhancements in the set are uncommon. Crafted versions of Karma enhancements can be made from recipes earned in-game. Attuned versions can be purchased separately from the Paragon Market, or as a bundle of all three for 260 Paragon Points.
  • Karma or Karm is the self-effort or work put behind all actions. Luck is the result of self-effort, including self-effort from past lifetimes. * Bhagwad Gita: Should keep doing your work, but do not have hopes to enjoy fruits of the labour. * Ashtavakra Gita: The Body is just an observer, the Soul is the do'er. The Body should not desire to enjoy the pleasures of labour by the Soul.
  • Karma (originally titled "Karma's A Bitch") is a single by Helena Fasesha. Helena wrote the song with Felicia and Rachel Layton, the reason to shorten the name to "Karma" was because Rachel decided that if it was going to be considered as a future single, it should have a less explicit name, so it would be easy to censor the song for radio airplay. Felicia and Layton performed background vocals on the rap verse.
  • The new karma system means that every player receives 10 karma points, they have to maintain those points and not lose any. The maximum number of points is 10, the minimum being 0. If you disrespect the site's guidelines, you get karma points deducted, however there are no benefits of doing anything good, apart from staying with 10 karma points.
  • Karma è un famigerato pirata del Nuovo Mondo che si è alleato con Barbabianca.
  • I punti karma determinano il titolo accanto al nome del pg e varie conseguenze descritte nella guida. Per vedere i propri punti karma bisogna andare con il puntatore sul nome del pg nella finestra dello status. Come mostrato nello screen.
  • Muitas referências explícitas à palavra karma envolvem Sawyer. 1. * Quando Sawyer encontra Sayid após seu retorno, ele diz, "Ora, ora, ora. Eu não sei se vocês islâmicos, tem um conceito do karma, mas tenho a sensação de que esta ilha está se vingando de modo cósmico." ("All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues") 2. * As últimas palavras de Frank Duckett foram: “isso voltará em torno” logo após Sawyer dispará-lo fatalmente. ("Outlaws") 3. * Quando Sawyer pergunta a Juliet porque ela está voltando ao acampamento dos sobreviventes para ajudar Sayid, Bernard, e Jin, ela responde, "Karma. E por que você está voltando, James?". ("Through the Looking Glass") Bernard igualmente menciona a karma ao pescar com o Jin no episódio "Ji Yeon": Esse conceito de karma introduzido por Bernard acabou reatando a situação de Jin e Sun, que estavam brigados por Juliet ter dedurado a traição de Sun.
  • kARMA é un album del rapper Kaos One, uscito 5 anni dopo il suo lavoro precedente ("L'anello mancante"), pubblicato per Trix Shop l'11 Ottobre 2007.
  • Monster Rancher DS: Good deeds shall be rewarded, and bad deeds shall be punished. People today often forget such common sense, but Karma is here to help them remember. My Monster Rancher: This monster is noted for its blue and white body. It has uncanny mental abilities and works very hard. It seems like it enjoys a challenge.
  • Karma - jest to statystyka ukazująca opinię społeczeństwa o bohaterze gracza w różnych miastach i miejscach w świecie Fallout. Karma wzrasta gdy postać wykonuje misje nieszkodzące społeczeństwu danego miasta lub zabija złe postaci. Maleje gdy wykonywane są zadania dla czarnych charakterów i zazwyczaj w trakcie ich trwania cierpią niewinne ofiary.
  • Karma is basically a vague representation of how good or evil you are. You gain Karma for doing tasks which are perceived as good and lose it for doing things which are bad. The normal upper amount of Karma you may have at any one time is 20, and the lower limit is -100. For every 5 points of Karma past 0, you receive a 5% discount on your monthly taxes, up to a maximum of 20% (40% if you have the feat granted by the Secret treasure of saint). Negative karma does not increase your taxes; however, at -30 Karma and below, guards will attack you, preventing you from safely visiting any cities other than Derphy. Additionally, shopkeepers (except the ones in Derphy and your home) will refuse to deal with you unless you talk to them while disguised, although you may still purchase certain services (Restoration from healers, meals at Inns, buying animals etc.). Karma can be recovered in Noyel for a high price. Be aware that Noyel has guards as well. You may also Wish for Redemption to remove 50% of your negative Karma, as long as your Karma is lower than -1. The Secret Treasure of the Wicked will reduce most karma penalties by 25% (greater discount for using a Nuke, eliminates -1 penalties), but also reduces maximum karma by 20, so you can only reach up to 0 karma (as of 1.14). In a similar manner, the secret treasure of the saint increases maximum karma by 20, but also increases karma penalties by 50%, rounded down. The two don't stack - using one will erase the feat granted by the other, replacing it.
  • To many people, especially Buddhists and Hinduists, karma is a way of summarizing the selflessness which arises from all the actions one makes throughout one's life. Think of the SAT score for hippies. Believers of karma think it determines what you are reincarnated into. However, there is a darker side to karma! In reality it is the acronym for a sinister, secretive, international organization, probably run by bears. Its full name is Kabal Against Ressurecting Most Americans, and its goal is to slowly corrupt America via the liberal media, and tear Americans away from the awesome coolness of Jesus, thus condemning them to Hell, or endless reincarnation as a cockroach.
  • Xi'an (pronounced "Shan") Coy Manh was born in the central highlands of Vietnam. Xi'an's origins are rooted in tragedy. Her father was a colonel in the South Vietnamese army, who was forced to bring his wife and four children on missions. When Xi'an's brother, Tran Coy Manh, was attacked by a Viet Cong soldier, Xi'an's power of mind possession emerged to protect him. Tran soon exhibited the identical power, and relished in using it cruelly. While Tran was rescued from the throes of war by their crime lord uncle, General Nguyen Ngoc Coy, Shan escaped on a small, cramped, boat with hundreds of others, including her parents and her younger brother and sister, Leong and Nga. Xi'an's father was killed by Thai pirates on the way to the United States; she and her mother were raped by the pirates and her mother died shortly thereafter. Arriving in New York City, a program to help Vietnamese immigrants run by the Catholic priest Father Michael Bowen (Dagger's uncle), helped Karma find work and an apartment. However, General Coy insisted she use her powers in his service, as Tran was already doing, and kidnapped Leong and Nga when she refused. "Possessing" Spider-Man, she attempted to use him to reclaim the children from a party her uncle was holding, before the Fantastic Four intervened and Tran (without realizing she was in control of Spider-Man) forced her out of Spider-Man's mind in possessing him long enough for the Thing to knock him out. With technical aid from Professor X, the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man tracked her down. After an initial misunderstanding, they agreed to help her reclaim the children, but Tran possessed the Fantastic Four and set them against Spider-Man. Finally, Xi'an lashed out, absorbing her brother completely and taking the name "Karma". Karma's powers doubled after absorbing her brother.
  • Karma is a location within Breath of Fire.
  • Karma is a mutant.
  • thumb|left|Karma a cuerpo completo con sus espadas.Karma es un gyojin de tamaño medio, cuyos mayores rasgos distintivos son el pulpo que cubre su cabeza, hombros y espalda y que posee 6 brazos. Tiene un punto rojo en el centro de la frente y una barba de chivo negro. Lleva una camisa a rayas de mangas desgarradas, una espada estándar de pirata y pantalones sueltos similar a la de Buggy.
  • Le Karma est le reflet de tous les choix bons ou mauvais que vous faites dans le jeu et comment ils sont perçus par les habitants des Terres Désolées dans Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas et Fallout Tactics. __TOC__ Le Karma est, d'un point de vue philosophique, le principe de cause et d'effet, qui en fonction de vos actions et de vos intentions est mesuré en "points de Karma". Plus forte est l'intention ou l'action, plus le nombre de points de Karma attribué/retiré est grand. Il est classifié selon trois types : bon, neutre et mauvais. Les joueurs débutent toujours leurs aventures avec un Karma neutre (0 points de Karma). Les gens réagiront différemment en fonction de votre Karma, et il s'agit également d'un facteur pour débloquer certaines options de dialogue ou effectuer une action spécifique.
  • Le Karma exprime la "statisfaction" de l'incarnation d'un concept. C'est une cote sur 100 que la majorité des concepts possède. La valeur du karma peut varier au cours d'une SIMER: Diminution: Elle peut diminuer si par exemple un des processus de consomation de l'incarnation n'a pas été satisfait. Ex: Un bâtiment n'est pas entretenu. Augmentation: Elle peut augmenter (jamais au dessus de 100) lorsque les processus de consomation de l'incarnation sont à nouveau statisfaits. Ex: Un habitant mange à nouveau à sa faim La façon dont le karma varie en fonction de la satisfaction des processus de consomation et définie par le créateur du concept quand il programme les processus de consomation sur la ligne du temps. le karma d'une SIMER est la moyenne non pondérée de tous les karma de toutes les incarnations de concepts.
  • Es wurde erstmals in Fallout 2 benutzt und ersetzte die aus Fallout bekannte Reputation. Das Karma in Fallout 2 dagegen war ein System, das die Meinung jeder einzelnen Stadt gegenüber dem Charakter erfasste. Karma wird in Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3 und Fallout: New Vegas verwendet. Es gibt positive und negative Karma Klassifizierungen, je nachdem wie sich der Charakter verhält.
  • The Karma or fish crest Helmet was the traditional númenorean Helmet worn by members of the guild of venturers.It was basically a high steel-helmet with a huge fish-crest, cheek guards and nasals covered by multi-colored leather. Derivations of the original númenorean model were worn by black númenoreans and the early corsairs of umbar until roughly the late third age.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__KarmaKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Karma is one of the Splegg maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 20th November 2015 and was made by Highscores.
  • Karma was a concept related to the link between cause and effect. The assassin droid HK-47, in describing the deaths of his former masters, described these fates as the karma caused by murdering others. Zayne Carrick, a Jedi Padawan during the time of the Mandalorian Wars, possessed a distinct type of luck that could be described as "Karmic". The relationship between karma and the Force is not fully known. During the Sith–Imperial War, soldiers referred to Sith as "Bad karma."
  • Agent Karma is an assassin in the Department of Mary Sues, Doctor Who Division. She is partnered with Nemia and was written by karma_kalisutah. They are no longer active. Karma was raised Hindu, but has since added some Gnosticism to her religious outlook. She likes to read, and can often be heard yelling at the characters in the books.
  • Karma is a Healer move that is applied in combat. When used a player that has this when hit the enemy will take a equal amount of damage that the enemy caused. It can be applied to the player, another player or an group but a downside is this is a one time use, To keep using it the player has to keep applying it.
  • Karma(業力)是免費傳送訊息給其他使用者的一種方式。這個系統對使用者帳戶不再有任何作用。
  • Karma(カルマ, "Karuma") is the hyper advanced form of spiritual energy that The Surya Clan learned to summon and wield. As such, only members of the Surya clan are capable of burning Karma, and the practise of tapping into ones Karma is as secretive as the clan whom discovered it.
  • In modern culture it is seen as a reaction to your actions. So it is a cycle where if you do good things then good things will happen to you. And the same is with bad deeds. With Joinees it does not matter if good things happen to them but they generally feel good about carrying out a good deed. These good deeds are normally carried out on Good Friday. The main link with Joinees and Karma is that when joinees join, then they are also joining an army called The Karma Army.
  • Karma is a superheroine in the Marvel Universe and was a member of the New Mutants.
  • "Karma" is the third single from The Black Eyed Peas, from their album Behind the Front.
  • Karma is the mysterious substance explored in the latter half of the Submachine series.
  • Karma is an infamous New World pirate who allied himself with the Whitebeard Pirates.
  • Karma, Sagesse Incarnée est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Karma (Andrea Hearn) was a member of the Creatures Community in the period 1997-1998. She was a part of the NORN Collective, as well as founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Grendels, which was hosted at her site, Creatures on the Web. She is now the Site Manager for the Star Wars Galaxies Vault, under the name Kaessa. She fondly remember her Creatures website and wishes that she had backed it up.
  • Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh) is a mutant who has the ability to seize control of another's mind.
  • Karma is a new kind of social currency that unlocks at Level 16. You can spend it on rare items - like axes and shears - in the Karma tab at the Bazaar! Earn Karma by visiting your friends’ islands and tapping any critters you may find. You can do this on any of your friends’ islands, regardless of how you've connected with them! You can also earn Karma as a dive reward when you help your friends complete dives.
  • As you attempt Chi Acts, your Karma can either go up (Good) or down (Evil). Your Karma has no effect on your game play, it simply is there so you can choose to be good or evil. When you begin the game, you start at "Neutral" and work from there. The further you move away from Neutral, the larger your Chi bar will become. * More information to follow Godlike (50 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Angelic (40 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Flawless (40 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Divine (35 Chi bar) Trophy awarded Saintly (30 Chi bar) Pure (25 Chi bar) Lovely (20 Chi bar) Nice (15 Chi bar) Naughty (15 Chi bar) Mean (20 Chi bar) Bad (25 Chi bar) Wicked (30 Chi bar) Evil (35 max Chi) Trophy awarded Depraved (40 max Chi) Trophy awarded Demonic (45 max Chi) Trophy awarded Satanic (50 max Chi) Trophy awarded
  • With karma, knight can asks the gods for temporary powers. There are two knids of karma : evil karma and good karma. Karma is gained by doing quests (raids for evil karma and guarding missions for good karma).
  • Karma is a woman of indomitable will and unbound spiritual power. She is the soul of Ionia made manifest and an inspiring presence on the battlefield, shielding her allies and turning back her foes. A strong leader torn between tradition and revolution, Karma seeks to protect the peace of Ionia – by force if necessary.
  • Il Karma è un teoria scaricabarile dell'Induismo, Buddismo, Wicca e dottrine New Age. Il termine Karma viene dal sanscrito कर्म, che originariamente voleva dire "non me ne frega nulla", e infatti coloro che dicono di credere in esso se ne fregano di tutto.
  • A really useful currency that people just can't get enough of.
  • Categoría:Esbozos El Karma es tu estado espiritual. Puede ser Muy Bueno, Bueno, Neutral, Malo o Muy Malo.
  • Karma is earned by performing good tasks for the Golden Path and citizens of Kyrat. You can do a number of things to increase your karma, including: * The various Karma Events that take place all around Kyrat, including saving a hostage from armed Royal Guards, helping the Golden Path during a firefight, and protecting a group of people from wild animals. * Shooting an eagle attacking an ally will award you with karma. * Spinning Mani Wheels, collecting Masks of Yalung, or collecting the four Thangkas will award generous amounts of Karma. * Killing animals without guns or explosives, i.e. with Throwing knives, bows, crossbows, or using your khukri blade to kill them will award small amounts of karma per each kill. * There is a skill in the skill tree that allows you to multiply your Karma earnings many fold. Karma can also be taken away if you kill the Golden Path warriors, innocent civilians, or elephants. However, once you reach the maximum Karma level, it will be impossible to lose it. The Karma system works through 8 different levels, each level unlocking something. Rewards for obtaining higher Karma levels include discounts on Guns for Hire tokens, loot and item maps, more storage for Guns for Hire tokens, upgrades to the Gun for hire, and at level 6 you unlock a Signature weapon. Level 8 is the maximum obtainable Karma level, and once you reach it, killing Golden Path and Elephants will no longer reduce your Karma score.
  • Barney tries to convince Quinn to go out with him, after realizing he has feelings for her. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily introduce Robin to life in the suburbs and Ted tries to figure out what to do with Robin's old room.
  • Le Karma est une devise sociale débloquée à partir du niveau 16. Gagnez des étoiles de Karma en visitant les îles de vos amis et en tapotant les créatures que vous y trouverez. Vous pouvez faire cela sur toutes les îles de vos amis ou des maîtres marchands du Marché Mondial. Vous gagnez aussi des étoiles de Karma comme récompense lors des plongées de vos phoques (sur votre île ou en aidant un ami) ainsi que lors du Festival du Commerce.
  • thumb|Karma De acuerdo con varias religiones orientales, el karma sería una energía metafísica (invisible e inmensurable) que se deriva de los actos de las personas. De acuerdo con las leyes del karma, cada una de las sucesivas reencarnaciones quedaría condicionada por los actos realizados en vidas anteriores. Es una creencia central en las doctrinas del ayyavazhi, el budismo, el hinduismo y el jainismo. El sustantivo sánscrito kárman significa ‘acción’. Proviene de la raíz kri: ‘hacer’ (según el Unādi Sūtra 4.144). Es errónea la etimología karana: ‘causa’ y manas: ‘mente’, en boga en Occidente. Aunque estos credos expresan diferencias en el significado mismo de la palabra karma, tienen una base común de interpretación. Generalmente el karma se interpreta como una «ley» cósmica de retribución, o de causa y efecto. En pali se dice kamma y en birmano kan.
  • Karma is the simple universal law of cause and effect that says every thought, word, and act carries energy into the world and affects ones present reality. Neither judge or jury, it can also refer to the work we have ahead of us, which includes lessons from both one's past and present lives. Based on the principle that individual behavior mirrors universal patterns, the tiniest act can have an enormous impact. The energies, one's thoughts, and actions produce can cover the entire planet, or even beyond, in the blink of an eye. An examination of karma offers clues about one's intended life purpose, showing oneself the psychic imprint of past lives and mapping the way out of behaviors and thoughts that are no longer useful to oneself.
  • Karma is the reflection of all good and evil choices you make during the game and how they are perceived by the inhabitants of the wasteland in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout Tactics. __TOC__ Karma is, philosophically, the principle of cause and effect, with not only the effects of your actions but also your intentions that are taken into account measured in "Karma points". The stronger an intention or action has, the more Karma points you gain or lose. It is classified by three types: good, neutral, and evil. Players always start a new game with 0 Karma points (neutral Karma). People will behave differently toward you depending on your Karma, and it's also a factor to unlock certain dialogue options or being able to do something specific.
  • Senator Banes stood by the office window and stared out into the black abyss that had befell the town like a shadowy blanket. Rain pattered the window in a seductive, rhythmic pattern. Pitter patter. The woodwork on the window sill cast a shadow over his whole body, dividing it with dark precision and efficiency. The senator was expecting somebody but he didn't know when. His heart raced as he went through each and every situation he developed in his head. Someone was trying to pressure him into acting “on a hunch” that would get him in serious trouble with the higher-ups. Not likely. Someone was blackmailing him. Also not likely. What had he ever done for someone to hold a grudge against him? Someone was going to kill him. That was not nearly as preposterous. Despite the cryptic nature of the note he had received the last week, he couldn't take it as a threat. There was an atmosphere of truth surrounding the letter. Why he had not reported it to the police, he had no idea. The mistake had proven to be fatal one one account and... potentially so on another. Two days after he received the note a woman was found in a shed bound, gagged, and mutilated. There was evidence that showed that the captor and murderer of this woman had his way wither her before disposing of the body. What a sick fucker, the Senator thought to himself. The note read like this. Mr. Senator, You don't know me and I don't know you. You MUST hear me out though. Hesitation could prove fatal. I have evidence that would suggest a murder is bound to take place sometime in the near future. I want no blood to be spilled and I'm sure you don't either as you are a noble man. So I've heard. The victim: Julia Simone. As far as I know she is only at the young age of 23. Far too young to die. As I've said before I want no blood to be spilled. I also don't want the publicity of such a noble man to be soiled. HOWEVER, if this woman is to die, Karma will find its way around sooner or later. Consider yourself warned. The anonymous tip proved to be right on. Julia Simone, age 23, was the woman found dead at the scene. The moment it had finally become clear to Senator Banes that the note was prophetic, it was too late to save the woman. After all he had initially thought of it as a sick prank. How the hell could he have known? Guilt fell over the senator as easily as the whiskey fell out of its bottle. The glass in his left hand was once again filled to the brim. The bottle in his right hand was now empty. Fear suddenly overtook him and swigged down the alcohol and threw the bottle against the far wall. If he was going to go out he was going to make it hard for the bastard to clean up his tracks. Banes sunk into his chair and began sobbing. The hypnotic pattering could just be barely heard over his quiet whimpers and cries. He never knew what it was like to have his life flash before his eyes. His imminent death was possibly still at most a couple of hours away. He pulled open his desk drawer and took out another bottle. This time it was completely filled with a brandy. What brand, he didn't know let alone care about. He stood up from his chair, swayed a little, and walked over to the chess table. Banes flipped it over with ease, sending it flying through the air with several pieces following in close suit. The black pieces were almost instantly swallowed by the darkness that had come to fill the room. The white pieces traces a ghostly path through the void, hitting and hammering the far book shelf. He kicked over one of the chairs. Then the senator proceeded to go over to the window once again and with one swift, flowing movement he ripped one of the curtains off of the window. Just then he saw a dark figure, silhouetted against the shadowy mansion grounds, moving to the front door. He sat in his chair once again and continued to sob. He could hear the door opening and shutting from below without protest. Banes could hear the hard soled shoes clicking against the marble flooring and go silent when they fell upon the carpeted staircase. It was a matter of minutes before his killer would open the library door and slay the soon-to-be late Senator Banes. In his last seconds, which felt like a lifetime each, Banes reflected on what had brought him to this point. He remembered first getting the note just the week before. He was walking out of his mansion, with his kids trailing behind him, and out to his car in the driveway. The air was crisp and still on the autumn day which made every footfall a staccato snap on the gravel. He had just had a fight with Viktoriya, his wife, and was in no mood for talking. No matter to whom. As his daughters, Destiny and Faith, tugged at his clothes he kept moving. Soon they fell silent and stopped following him to the car. Standing by the driver side door he sneaked a look over his shoulder. Through his peripherals he could see his two daughters looking at him wide eyed with frowns covering their faces. He climbed into the car, a Maserati GranCabrio Sport, and buckled his seat belt, adjusted the rear-view mirror, and pulled out of the driveway. He drove down the half mile street that led to town. The houses that he passed were beautiful. All brick colonial structures with a flair of french chateau stylized architecture. The sun reflected off the windows creating a sparkle that did nothing but added more elegance to the mansions that he'd pass. In the center of town Banes pulled into a parking space next to the diner. The Senator walked out of the car and walked up to the front door. The door was frosted glass with patterns of clear glass that formed the words “Wilkin's Diner”. The words were surrounded by an art deco take on a vine pattern creating a menagerie of chaotic, dissonant lines and triangles. Banes took a stool by the bar and ordered black coffee, spiked with “a little something extra”, a chocolate chip muffin, and a croissant. Within a matter of minutes his coffee was in front of him which he gulped down quickly and carelessly, letting a few drops of the beverage spill onto his purple dress shirt. Moments later his muffin was off the grill and on a plate in front of him. The reason he loved this diner so much was because of how intriguing the method of preparing the meals were. Instead of a muffin that you paid for to be taken out of a little display, the staff would cut it in half and grill it to a light crisp then add a small wad of butter on it. Just as quickly as it came out he swallowed the last bit of muffin just as his croissant came out. In no more than two minutes he'd completely finished his croissant. He got up and left a hefty tip but the worker never said anything. Banes was sure that the server knew something was amiss. The owner, seeing the generous amount of money on the bar said a quick “Thank you” and was apparently pleased enough with the low grunt that Banes responded with. The senator once again started to climb into the car when he saw a piece of paper sticking up from the back seat. He knew it wasn't there when he got out of the car so he climbed over the seats and picked it up. It was a note, written in neat, clean handwriting that said: Upon arriving he immediately noticed a piece of paper, the same kind as before, jutting out from the crease where the wall was separated from the door frame. It was another note. This time it read: Now... to your mailbox. This would be impossible though as it was Sunday and the post office was closed. For some reason or another he did try the door nonetheless. With surprising ease it popped open and the difference in air pressure made a loud whooosh. Quietly, as to not alert the staff, he made his way over to his mailbox. He put the key and quickly turned it with his hand pushing against the door as to muffle the pop it would make as the lock disabled. He opened the door and cringed as it creaked for a second. Banes saw nothing but one letter. He opened it only to read what would later become the eventual death of him. He remembered how, only two days later, he had totally pushed the letter from his memory and sat, with Viktoriya curled up against him nuzzling his arm, in bewilderment as the news report showed a girl named Julia Simone, age 23, had been murdered. He remembered how the day after the news report, Wednesday, he went back to his mailbox and received nothing of interest other than a lone note that said: You have been warned. What comes around goes around Mr. Banes. The knocking at the library door startled the senator. He didn't turn to face the source of the knocking, he preferred not to face his death more so out of defiance than cowardice. He did however to mutter a quiet “Come in”. He then heard the door click and creak open. “Senator?” the man said calmly. After a few seconds of hesitation similar, he thought, to the hesitation that will get him killed Banes responded simply with, “Yes?” “Face me” the spectral voice soothingly demanded. The senator did so. The only thing he could see in detail were the hard soled shoes, the suit pants, the wool long coat similar to Banes' own, and the fedora. The mans face was completely covered by shadow. “Where's Viktoriya?” the man asked. “How do you kn-” Banes started to ask but was interrupted. “It doesn't matter... where is she?” “Down the hall, asleep.” “Good,” the man stated plainly, “and the girls?” “They're asleep too,” Banes added sharply in response to the nature of the stupid question. “Senator,” the man said more imperatively than previously. Banes looked up to see a suppressed Ruger being pointed at him. Then Banes saw a small flash before dropping to the ground in a dead heap. The last thing he thought was simply... that mask! The final thing the man in the fedora did was write a note, in neat, clean handwriting saying:
  • Mutant monk with the power to possess minds Author: bzero NPC in: Exiles Race: Mutant Level: Game System: Marvel Super Heroes
  • Karma is an Indian/Hindu religious belief and a complex Buddhist principle that the effects of all deeds actively create past, present, and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to him/her and others. The concept of karma was introduced to Earl Hickey after he watched an episode of "Last Call with Carson Daly", in which Daly explained karma to his guest, Tracy Adkins. Earl related the concept to his own situation; after winning a $100,000 lottery prize he had instantly lost the ticket and been run down by a car. Earl decided that if he began to do good things, good things would begin to happen to him, and sure enough after creating his list and beginning to cross things off it, he found his lottery ticket again ("Pilot"). Earl encountered Alex Meyers whilst crossing items off his List, and after she showed an interest in him he decided to stop crossing items off the List for a while and focus on a relationship with her. However, Earl soon discovered that karma would not allow such a thing, after inflicting both of them with painful bee stings. Earl told Alex that he had to leave, but if he ever managed to finish his List he would find her out again ("The Professor"). Earl continued to cross items off his list for a long time, but after several years he realised that, since winning his lottery money, nothing good had happened to him. He threw away his list and decided to revert to his life of bad doings, but almost instantly afterwards was run down once more and became comatose ("Bad Earl"). However, once he came out of his coma Earl decided to seek out Billie, a girl who he believed was his soulmate after she appreciated his work on the List ("Love Octagon"). The two hastily got married, but they both realised that they were not meant to be together, and departed ("Camdenites (Part 2)"). As Oscar, Catalina's nephew, arrived in Camden, Earl and Randy discovered that he was possessed with voodoo powers, which greatly scared Joy. She led a mob of people against Oscar, and to protect him Earl crossed an item off his List, which turned the crowd back in his favour ("Little Bad Voodoo Brother").
  • Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh) is a fictional superheroine from Marvel Comics created by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. Karma is a mutant with the ability to mentally possess other beings. A founding member of the New Mutants, she is one of the few confirmed and openly lesbian characters. She lost a leg and now has a cybernetic one in its place.
  • May 2008 Westfinder Bootleg written by Jesse Riemer.
  • "Karma" is a music track that appeared in Dead or Alive 3 and Dead or Alive Dimensions as the character theme for Genra and the final boss theme in Dead or Alive 3.
  • Plays a very important role in the story. It is in the shape of silver threads that's attached to every person and every thing (person, plant, rock, etc.) that that person has ever interacted with. The Ji Clan has a special fishing rod that is capable of Karmic Annihilation, which destroys the karma threads and erases the person from existence.
  • Karma (カルマ, Karuma) est un capitaine pirate du Nouveau Monde qui s'est allié à Barbe Blanche.
  • Karma is the "reputation" system in 9 Dragons. Karma is used primarily as a prerequisite to equip various relics, known as Good Karma (GK) relics and Bad Karma (BK) relics. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. Aside from the practical purpose, karma also gives players an epithet that shows their prowess in PvP; this can also be used to intimidate your opponents.
  • El Karma (en sánscrito: कर्म) es una ley en el hinduismo que sostiene que todo acto realizado, no importa lo insignificante que sea, con el tiempo se devolverá, a la manera de la ley newtoniana de causa y efecto, a la persona con el mismo impacto. Todo bien, o mal, será devuelto. Es una especie de Ley del Talión metafísica. Considerando que los hindúes creen en la reencarnación, el karma no conoce simples limites entre nacimiento y muerte. Si a alguien le acontece algo bueno o malo esto ocurre en respuesta directa a algo que esa persona hizo en esta vida o en una anterior.
  • Karma is the belief that all actions one gives, whether positively or negatively aligned, will be received in a current or future lifetime. “Karma is memory rather than a debt between people.” It is far easier to burn off karma through forgiveness of self than through the standard way of suffering.
  • Karma is the sixteenth girl unlocked in the game. She is unlocked together with Sutra by having level 55 in the Mysterious stat.
  • Le karma possède deux états distincts : * Le Bon karma réservé aux gens biens qui payent leurs impôts et ramassent les déjections de leur animal de compagnie dans les petits sacs en papier prévus à cet effet par la municipalité. * Le Mauvais karma affligeant les êtres nuisibles à la société comme les fans de Tokyo Hotel, les automobilistes n'ayant pas de gilet jaune dans leur véhicule ou encore les Poneys. 1. * REDIRECTION Quand une personne décède, elle se réincarne un peu plus tard en fonction de l'état de son karma : * Bon karma : Acteur vedette de films pour adultes, administrateur de la désencyclopédie, pilote de brouette (un rêve d'enfance...). * Mauvais karma : Tampon hygiénique grande capacité (5 petites gouttes dessinées sur le paquet), le mec qui a pondu ça
  • Karma is an integral part of the inFAMOUS series, and heavily affects the overall game.
  • TheNeverender, better known as Archon, the King of Mushroom Kingdom, was the initial figurehead of the Karma Coalition. He made his entrance in a letter addressed to the citizens of Planet Bob. Later, LiquidMercury also became a front figure. Archon and LiquidMercury signed the publishing of the Karma PoW Camp as 'Death Incarnate, The Wrath of Karma, LiquidMercury' and 'Karma Incarnate, The Voice of Karma, Archon'. At this point, Archon was widely acknowledged as the political figurehead of the coalition, while LiquidMercury was considered the commanding general. A third front figure in the Karma Coalition is Londo Mollari from Athens who was selected to present the New Pacific Order with terms. Though the terms were not officially released as they were declined, Emperor TrotskysRevenge, also known as Moo Cows, published some of the terms to discuss them publicly during an Imperial Decree, wherein he rescinded the Moldavi Doctrine and modified the Revenge Doctrine, and finally apologized to old Global Alliance Treaty Organization members.
  • Ich stand auf dem Dach des eingezäunten, kameraüberwachten Hochhauskomplexes von Helix-Pharma. Hier hatte ich die längste Zeit meines Lebens gearbeitet, nein, fast schon gelebt, gelebt für die Forschung, gelebt für die Verbesserung unserer Produkte und für die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität so vieler Menschen. Das heißt, bis sich alles verändert hatte. Als das erste Mal eine Glühbirne erlosch, wenn ich einen Raum betrat, dachte ich mir nichts weiter dabei. So etwas kommt vor. Ist jedem schon einmal passiert. Zwei Tage später passierte es wieder. Ich betrat am Morgen mein Büro, schaltete das Licht ein, und als ich meine Jacke aufgehängt und an meinem Schreibtisch Platz genommen hatte, war es schlagartig wieder dunkel im Raum, denn es war noch unverschämt früh und Winter. Der Hausmeister war sicher noch nicht da, also fuhr ich meinen Rechner hoch und benutzte das Licht des Monitors, um die neuesten Testergebnisse durchzugehen, die mir die Laborabteilung am Vorabend geschickt hatte. Alles sah sehr vielversprechend aus, und ich war guter Dinge. Gegen acht Uhr rief ich das erste Mal die Nummer der Haustechnik an, und um halb neun hatte ich endlich jemanden an der Strippe. Ich schilderte den Vorfall, am anderen Ende der Leitung brummelte man etwas von „Stromnetz“ und „unregelmäßig“ in die Leitung. Zehn Minuten später war ein Azubi da und schraubte die neuen Birnen in die Fassungen. Das erste Mal dünnhäutig reagierte ich tags darauf, als das alles wieder passierte. Ein weiteres Mal las ich also im Licht des Monitors die Berichte und Auswertungen vom Vortag und begann, meine auf ihnen basierende Taktik für den Tag auszuarbeiten. Wieder rief ich die Haustechnik an und dieses Mal reagierte man am anderen Ende der Leitung leicht ungläubig und moderat ungehalten. Neben dem Azubi hatten sie einen ausgebildeten Techniker mitgeschickt, der den Lichtschalter aufschraubte und mit allerhand Gerätschaften Werte nahm und Lötstellen prüfte und solche Dinge. Wahrheitsgemäß berichtete ich ihm, dass die Glühbirnen keineswegs direkt nach dem Betätigen des Schalters das Zeitliche segneten, sondern erst einige Sekunden später. Wieder wurde seitens der Blaumänner von Netzschwankungen und eventuellen Überlastungen fabuliert. Die Fehlerquelle sei nicht in meinem Büro zu finden, hieß es. Ich sollte mir keine Sorgen machen, hieß es. Dieses Spiel wiederholte sich an den drei darauffolgenden Tagen ebenfalls und am vierten Tag, meinem freiwilligen Samstag, den ich der Firma gerne schenkte, verweigerte die Haustechnik die Annahme meiner Anrufe. Erst auf meine Beschwerde bei übergeordneter Stelle hin reagierten die Blaumänner. Mit mürrischen Gesichtern taten sie das Nötige und würdigten mich keines Blickes. Meinen Versicherungen, dass ich sie keineswegs zum Narren halten wollte, wurde lediglich pro forma Glauben geschenkt, das konnte ich in ihren Gesichtern lesen. Ich hatte immer ein gutes Verhältnis zu den Jungs gehabt, war sogar etwas stolz darauf gewesen und dieses litt nun sichtlich unter dem merkwürdigen Phänomen. In der Kantine erfuhr ich, dass man mich bereits den „Birnenmann“ nannte. Erstaunlich, wie schnell so etwas gehen kann. Als ich nach der Mittagspause wieder vor meinem Rechner Platz nahm, begann urplötzlich der Monitor zu flackern und dann war das Bild weg. Ein wenig Rauch stieg von der Gehäuserückseite aus auf und drei Sekunden später schrillten die Rauchmelder auf der ganzen Etage los wie eine Horde kreischender Laboraffen. Ich glaube, ich muss nicht betonen, wie sehr mich das alles ankotzte. Wütend und verwirrt verließ ich das Gebäude. Die Haustechnik wollte und brauchte ich nicht anzurufen. Die würden von selbst kommen. Rauchmelder sei Dank! Ich freute mich auf ein verfrühtes, ruhiges Wochenende zu Hause und das ein oder andere Gläschen Weißwein vor dem Fernseher. Ja, das würde mir helfen, so dachte ich, mich mit irgendwelchem unhaltbaren Science-Fiction-Müll berieseln und mich schläfrig trinken. Irgendwie ging mir das alles ziemlich ans Nervenkostüm. Diese unfähigen Blaukittel. Irgendwo musste der Hase doch im Pfeffer liegen. So schwer konnte das nicht sein! Diese Meinung begann ich bald zu revidieren, als mein Fernseher nach zwei Minuten den Geist aufgab und meine elektrischen Jalousien heruntergefahren wurden, ohne dass ich der Fernbedienung auch nur nahe gekommen wäre. Ich denke, ich muss nicht extra erwähnen, dass auch die modernen, stromsparenden LED-Leuchten, die ich in meiner Wohnung hatte verbauen lassen, nach wenigen Sekunden den Dienst verweigerten. Ich tastete mich durch die Wohnung und stieß mehrmals schmerzhaft an irgendwelche Kanten, bis ich es in die Küche geschafft hatte, wo ich in einer Schublade neben dem Herd eine Taschenlampe verwahrte. Ich betätigte den Schalter des Gerätes, aber die Batterie schien leer zu sein. Wütend warf ich das nutzlose Ding in die nahezu vollständige, Schwärze, die mich umgab. Das konnte doch nicht wahr sein. Eine solche Anhäufung von Defekten … unmöglich, dass das Zufall war. Aber wie sonst konnte man das erklären? Ich schrie und fluchte vor Frustration, als auch die Digitalanzeige meines sündhaft teuren Elektroherdes erlosch und ich mit einem Mal komplett im Dunkeln stand. Natürlich habe ich mich zum Lichtschalter getastet, natürlich habe ich ihn unzählige Male betätigt, natürlich habe ich mein Handy aus der Hosentasche geholt und vergeblich, versucht einen Elektriker-Notdienst zu erreichen. Natürlich habe ich, völlig derangiert und am Ende, meine Wohnung verlassen und Quartier in einem Hotel genommen. Allerdings dauerte es nicht lange, bis auch dort die Technik versagte. Dreimal gaben sie mir ein neues Zimmer, bis sie mich mit argwöhnischen Blicken hinaus komplimentierten. Dreimal an einem Tag. Gerade, als ich völlig verzweifelt die Lobby verließ, gab es hinter mir einen gewaltigen Knall und ein unglaubliches Getöse. Der Fahrstuhl war abgestürzt. Die Wucht und die Energie, mit der die Fahrgastkabine auf dem Boden aufschlug, ließ die altmodischen Holztüren zerbersten. Splitter schossen durch die Lobby. Eine Stahlstrebe bohrte sich in den Bauch einer Schwangeren, die gerade auschecken wollte. Ein Stück Tür schmetterte einen Geschäftsmann zu Boden und ein wild gewordenes Stahlseil bohrte sich mit einem zerfransten Ende in das Auge eines Pagen. Viele andere Gäste wurden von kleineren Splittern verletzt und gingen ebenfalls zu Boden. Einen Moment, nachdem das alles geschehen war, ergriff ich einfach nur die Flucht. Es war zu viel für mich, viel zu viel. Ich konnte doch nichts dafür, sagte ich mir. Es war Sonntagnacht, und da ich keine Ahnung hatte, wohin ich mich hätte wenden sollen, ließ ich mich mit dem Taxi zurück zu meinem Arbeitsplatz fahren. Als Peters, der Nachtpförtner, mich in dem Taxi erkannte, öffnete er die Schranke nicht. Stattdessen kam er um den Wagen herum und drückte mir einen Brief in die Hand. Der mitleidige Ausdruck in seinen Augen macht mich selbst jetzt noch wütend. Sie hatten mich beurlaubt, mit vollen Bezügen zwar, aber ohne Angabe eines Grundes. Unten auf dem Brief war noch eine handschriftliche Notiz meines Vorgesetzten gewesen. Die Nummer eines Psychiaters und der Ratschlag, mir Hilfe zu suchen. Eines Psychiaters! Mein Zorn wuchs ins Unermessliche, aber es gelang mir halbwegs, ruhig zu klingen, als ich den Taxifahrer anwies, einfach nur herumzufahren, bis ich ihm weitere Anweisungen geben würde. Das alles war doch unmöglich! Ich haderte und haderte mit den Ereignissen und erst, als ich nach vielen Stunden des Umherfahrens im Taxi bemerkte, dass es bereits hell geworden war und dass ich meine Hände so fest zu Fäusten geballte hatte, dass meine Fingernägel tiefe und blutige Kerben in meinen Handflächen hinterlassen hatten, bat ich den Fahrer, die Nummer auf dem Brief anzurufen und einen Termin für mich zu vereinbaren. Ich selbst wollte das lieber nicht tun und ich konnte es ja auch gar nicht. Alles, was ich benutzte, ging kaputt, auch die elektrischen Fensterheber des Taxis, aber ich tat so, als hätte ich das Fenster absichtlich halb geöffnet. Die Rechnung war exorbitant hoch gewesen, und ich musste dem Fahrer all mein Bargeld und zusätzlich noch meinen Personalausweis, mein nutzloses Handy und meinen Führerschein als Pfand aushändigen, da meine EC-Karte natürlich auch ihren Dienst quittiert hatte. Den Termin beim Seelenklempner hatte ich nur mit Müh´ und Not bekommen, aber als der Fahrer ihm meinen unschmeichelhaften Zustand geschildert und hinzugefügt hatte, ich sei wirklich total plemplem, hatte es irgendwie funktioniert. Als ich vor der Praxis aus dem Wagen stieg, blockierten die Bremsen einer vorbeifahrenden Tram und Funken sprühten an den stromführenden Oberleitungen. Aus dem Augenwinkel konnte ich sehen, wie die Fahrgäste durcheinander gewirbelt wurden. Schmerzenslaute drangen an mein Ohr, dann das blecherne Krachen, als mehrere Autos in den Wagon hinein fuhren. Ich hatte die Straßenbahn doch gar nicht berührt! Stopp, was war das überhaupt für ein Gedanke? Wieso implizierte ich, dass dieser Zufall etwas mit mir zu tun haben könnte? Plemplem. Ich betrat die Praxis. Während ich versuchte, dem Doktor mein Problem zu schildern, erlosch nicht nur die komplette Beleuchtung des Gebäudes, auch alle Computer und Telefone gaben den Geist auf, was den Psychiater so sehr verunsicherte, dass er unser Gespräch kurzerhand abbrach und mich mit einem Termin in zwei Wochen vertröstete. Er habe jetzt ganz andere Probleme, das müsse ich einsehen. Ich widersprach nicht. Es war ohnehin sinnlos. Unerklärlich. War ich denn verflucht? Wie in Trance lief ich durch die Stadt, und überall, wo ich entlang ging, versagte die Technik. Autos und weitere Straßenbahnen fuhren ineinander, Gebäude lagen urplötzlich schwarz und lichtlos da, mein zerstörerischer Radius schien sich zu vergrößern. Was für ein alberner Gedanke, aber irgendwie auch entsetzlich! Einige Stunden später stürzte ein Hubschrauber eines Fernsehteams, das den unheimlichen Vorkommnissen in der City auf den Grund gehen wollte, in ein Hochhaus und erst der daraus entstandene Feuerball riss mich aus meinen wirren Gedanken. In dem Moment, in dem ich auf die brennenden Gestalten des Piloten und der Reporter blickte, in dem sie gerade aus ihren Sitzen geschleudert wurden und nach unten fielen, akzeptierte ich es in vollem Umfang. Ich musste raus aus der Stadt. Weg von aller Technik. Ich drehte mich um, schaute auf all das Chaos, das ich verursachte. Brennende Häuser, herabstürzende Fahrstühle, Unfälle. Tote. Gerade als ein Sattelschlepper nur fünf Meter rechts von mir einen Smart samt Insassen unter sich zermalmte, hörte ich eine Stimme, die etwas brüllte. Ich drehte mich die entsprechende Richtung. Da stand eine Frau und zeigte mit dem Finger auf mich. “He, du! Siehst du nicht, was du mit dir herumschleppst? Was du anrichtest? Wie kannst du dich mit denen zusammen unter Menschen wagen? Bist du völlig irre?“ Sie kreischte beinahe und sah unglaublich verrückt und wütend aus, mit ihrer verdreckten Kleidung und dem langen, verfilzten grauen Haar, aber das war mir egal. Im Moment war sie der einzige Mensch, der Notiz von mir nahm und, oh Gott, ich brauchte Kontakt, ich brauchte Erdung, so sehr! Ich ging auf sie zu, doch sie wich fast panisch vor mir zurück, aber nicht, ohne weiter wütend auf mich einzubrüllen. „Du hast die Affen im Nacken, bleib weg von mir! Wie konntest du sie nur hierher bringen? Siehst du sie denn nicht? Die verdammten Paviane zerbeißen alles! Sie sind wütend! Du hast sie wütend gemacht!“ Da sie rückwärtsging und sich offensichtlich nicht traute, mir den Rücken zuzudrehen, war ich schneller als sie und kam immer näher an sie heran. „Was für Affen? Was für Affen meinst du?“ schrie ich zurück, tippte mir gegen die Schläfe „Welche Affen, du verdammte Irre, sag es mir!“ „Die Affen!“ Ihre aufgerissenen Augen schienen die Luft um mich herum abzutasten. „Die Affen zerreißen alles! Es sind so viele! Sie machen alles kaputt! Siehst du nicht, wie sie toben? Kannst du sie nicht hören?“ Dann wurde ihr verwahrloster Körper von einem Wagen erfasst und weggeschleudert. Ich sah noch, wie sie gegen eine Hauswand prallte und mit verdrehten Gliedmaßen und blutigem Kopf daran herabfiel. Affen? Affen! Aber, das war doch … unmöglich! Helix-Pharma, das Projekt Silkskin. Aber es war doch notwendig! Die Abteilung hatte es genehmigt! Es dauerte noch viele Stunden, bis ich endgültig begriff, und es kostete noch viele Leben, denn die Affen ließen nicht nach in ihrem Zorn. Und jetzt stehe ich auf dem Dach, ganz am Rand vom Helix-Pharma-Gebäude, dem ehemaligen Zentrum meines Lebens, dem Affengrab, schaue in die Tiefe, schaue auf die brennende Stadt und weiß genau, dass es nur einen Weg gibt, den Zorn der Tiere zu besänftigen. Ein kleiner Schritt für mich, ein großer für den Rest der Welt. Nur dass sie niemals von meinem Opfer erfahren wird – und auch nicht von meinen Opfern. Aber jetzt ist nicht die Zeit für Wehmut. Es ist Zeit zu handeln. Kategorie:Mittellang Kategorie:Experimente Kategorie:Tagebuch Kategorie:Computer
  • Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म), or Kamma (Pali: कम्म) is a Sanskrit word and a concept of eastern religions meaning 'action, effect, destiny.' In Hinduism and, later, in Buddhism and Sikhism, it is the sum of a person's actions, regarded as determining that person's future states of existence. The effects of those deeds actively create all that is to happen and determine every present and future experience, thus completely excluding random chance. The law of Karma originated in the Vedic system of religion, otherwise known as Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma (perennial faith). As a term, it can at the latest be traced back to the early Upanishads, around 1500 BC. The Sikh Scriptures explain karma in these terms: The body is the field of karma in this age; whatever you plant, you shall harvest. (SGGS p78) and By the karma of past actions, the robe of this physical body is obtained. By His Grace, the Gate of Liberation is found. (SGGS p2) It is due to our commendable past actions and deeds that we have obtained this prized human birth, which is regarded in Sikhism as the highest possible on Earth. And only by continued good actions and the Grace of the Almighty can one obtain Liberation from the continuous cycle of births and deaths in various bodily forms that our soul has been undergoing since the creation of the universe. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, no one is interested in good karma, or Dharmic faith. (SGGS p161) and They alone are good, who are judged good at the Lord's Door. Those with bad karma can only sit and weep. (SGGS p15) and Burnt by desire, and bound by the karma of their past actions, they go round and round, like the ox at the mill press. ((2)) (SGGS p800) and Without doing good deeds the mortal will have to suffer and face the consequences of their actions. This is a clear warning of the law of Karma. For every negative action performed by a person, they will have an equal and opposite reaction against them at some stage in the life of their soul. You unite me with Yourself, O True God. Through perfect good karma You are obtained. ((6)) (SGGS p112) and The many religious rituals, good deeds of karma and Dharmic worship - above all of these is the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ((2)) (SGGS p405) and In the field of actions and karma, plant the Lord's Name; this opportunity is so difficult to obtain! ((2)) (SGGS p812) and Only by the meditation upon the Lord's Name, good deeds and noble action can one eliminate the consequences of past bad karmas.
  • Karma is a teenager full of spunk who is also the protagonist of Parking Dash.
  • "Karma" (カルマ Karuma?) is the opening theme song in Tales of the Abyss, performed by Bump of Chicken. The song was composed by Motoo Fujiwara, who also provided the lyrics and served as the primary vocalist.
  • Hello! Are guild is currently level 24, we have 24 people in the guild, we'd like some more! We are friendly,social, fun, and we do dungeons and all sort of things with our guild mates. The level to get in is 70+ to join ask the guild leader or --Darkshadow-, Akuzimo, Kissed, or Sweetly. :)
  • Karma is, in certain Eastern religions or philosophies, the concept that a person's actions in the material world directly affect his future experiences there and also have consequences in the afterlife. Positive actions lead to positive experiences and outcomes; similarly, negative ones lead to undesirable results.
  • File:Karma DOOM PATROL 02.png Write the text of your article here!
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Tsukuyomi | Tsukuyomi: Zero File:FireIcon.png Fire: Hydra File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Signal Demon | Pine File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Satellite | Dark Wyrm | Kabushido | Bastet | Inari | Bahamut | Princess Takiyasha | Deathscoil | Darkblade Murasame | Barojika | Genome File:Scroll.png Tower: 20F | 35F | 40F File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Water (Time Trial) | Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)
  • Karma is a loyalty points system gained on GameFAQs. The rule for gaining karma: A user must log onto the GameFAQs site to be awarded one point of karma for each 24 hour period. There is usually a karma boost in November to celebrate the anniversary of GameFAQs' creation. If you visit GameFAQs on the day of a karma boost you get extra karma (usually 6%). The more karma you have on GameFAQs, more noobs will look up to you. Also, when you have a moderated message on GameFAQs you will sometimes lose karma (between 3 and 90, normally 3 or 10). Karma also determines the status of a users account and their abilty to view active posts, mark messages for moderation and also determines posting limitations.
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