  • X-Men
  • X-Men
  • X-Men
  • X-Men
  • X-men
  • X-Men
  • X-Men
  • X-Men
  • X-Men
  • Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Películas
  • The X-Men first started out as a gang of super heroes and appeared in numorus shames in the 1300s thru 1700s. They were well known for beating up cupcakes, mutant barf baggs, old hippies, and the parents of George Bush. They were very famous. It looked as if things wouldn't go wrong!
  • The X-men are a team of super heroes from marvel comics. All the member of this team geneticlally got their powers. Members are cyclops, beast, wolverine, jean grey , Jubilee, and professor charles xavier. The mutants live at xavier's school for gifted youngsters.
  • Die X-Men sind eine Gruppe von Mutanten, die Frieden zwischen Menschen und Mutanten herstellen wollen. Die Organisation wurde von Professor X gegründet und der Einsatzleiter ist Cyclops. In X-Men 1, X-Men 2 und X-Men 3 kämpfen sie gegen eine Anzahl von Gegnern: Magneto und die Bruderschaft der Mutanten; der Militärwissenschaftler William Stryker und seine Soldaten; Wolverines Bruder Sabretooth; etc. . Die X-Men haben sich immer wieder verändert: Mal sind neue Mutanten zu den X-Men dazu gekommen, und mal sind X-Men ausgetreten, haben die Seiten gewechselt oder sind gestorben.
  • The X-Men franchise has grown to become one of America's most popular comic books, producing dozens of spin-off series over the years and turning some of its writers and artists into industry stars.
  • Rogue (Anna Paquin) ist eigentlich nur ein normaler Teenager. Doch wenn sie andere Menschen berührt, absorbiert sie deren Kräfte und bringt sie damit in Lebensgefahr. Sie ist ein Mutant. Wie ihr ergeht es vielen. Jeder hat eine besondere Gabe. Einige wie die Gruppe um Anführer Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) setzen die Kräfte zum Wohl der Menschheit ein, andere wollen sie wie Unterwelt-Chef Magneto (Ian McKellen) ausrotten. Die Erdlinge hassen sowieso alle Mutanten. Besonders Senator Kelly (Bruce Davidson) treibt eine Verfolgung der Mutanten voran – bis er von ihnen entführt wird.
  • A long-running franchise, starring mutants with superpowers. The good guy Mutants--mainly the eponymous X-Men, led by Professor Xavier--use their powers to fight the bad mutants and protect normal humans--many of whom fear and hate them anyway. Features a lot of characters.
  • The X-Men are a team of mutants created to protect the world as well as maintain peaceful human-mutant relations.
  • The X-Men, Marvel's band of misunderstood mutant superheroes, first appeared in British comics in the pages of the Odhams title Fantastic (one of the "Power Comics" line) in the late 1960s, in reprints of the early sixties series featuring the team's original line-up, Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman, the Beast and Professor X. They also appeared in all three Fantastic Annual's (1968–70).
  • The X-Men are a superhero group of mutants. Founded by Professor Charles Xavier, their goal is establish peace between humans and mutants.
  • Current Members...
  • Ein Wikia rund um die Comic-Superhelden "X-Men".
  • Leonardo, stanco di creare macchine di morte e quadri che raffiguravano sé stesso vestito da donna, decise di pubblicare una serie di fumetti di fantascienza incentrati su personaggi fantastici, ma ispirati a gente da lui realmente conosciuta, come Gina la baldracca di Vigevano, che fece diventare la superdotata Jean Grey, o Savino, il suo intimo compagno di merende, che fece diventare il pelatone Professor Xavier. Col passare del tempo però il povero Leonardo Lee si rese conto di aver esaurito le idee e, dopo aver ideato l'Uomo Gabinetto, Prostatanx, Scolofix, Monopalla, l'Uomo Borgogna e Bambola Ramona diede fuoco alla casa editrice con tutti i suoi dipendenti cinesi dentro - "Esercitazione antiincendio andata male", disse in seguito.
  • The X-Men are a group of mutants who work along Charles Xavier to hold peace between mutants and humans.
  • X-Men is a 2010 American live action science fiction superhero drama television series. Original run is August 7, 2010-September 7, 2014
  • The original X-Men were destroyed at the hands of the Chrell. The Xavier Institute was demolished.
  • Image:X-Men (2099).jpg|X-Men (928) Image:None.jpg|X-Men (Earth-New Son) Image:X-Men (Earth-Dark Phoenix).jpg|X-Men (Earth-Dark Phoenix) Image:X-Men (Earth-Evil Charles).jpg|X-Men (Earth-Evil Charles) Image:Utopia's X-Men (Earth-Utopia).jpg|X-Men (Earth-Utopia) Image:X-Men (Earth-Nocturne).jpg|X-Men (Nocturne Világa)
  • The X-Men were an organization of mutants in the century of an alternate reality. The members of the group were all members of homo sapien superior, commonly known as mutants. They devoted their lives to learn to live with and use their special abilities while encouraging understand and co-existence between mutants and non-mutants. (TOS comic: "Star TreX", TNG comic: "Second Contact", TNG novel: Planet X)
  • X-Men is an anime series coming to Right Stuf Network.
  • Wade did his best to impress the X-Men, even by killing Mercury's father who was using his mutant daughter whom he barely spoke to to gain some public attention. Deadpool met the X-Men in the following comics: Deadpool (volume 3) #16-17 X-Force Annual #1 (2010)
  • The X-Men are a group of mutants who work at the Xavier Institute. They believe in peace between mutants and humans.
  • thumb Los X-Men (o La Patrulla X) es un grupo de superhéroes del Universo Marvel creado por Stan Lee y Jack Kirby, que tuvo su primera aparición en septiembre de 1963. La serie parte de la idea de que la evolución humana seguiría activa, encontrándose de hecho ante una encrucijada, en la que nacería una nueva especie con grandes poderes y capacidades, los mutantes. Los protagonistas de X-Men son un grupo de ellos; los mutantes se caracterizan, de entre los personajes superheroicos de los cómics, porque han adquirido superpoderes gracias a las radiaciones causadas por los experimentos de la Segunda guerra mundial, causando cambios en su estructura genética. Categoría:Aliados
  • [[Fichier:Finch-xmen.jpeg|center|680px|X-Men - Continuité principale (Terre-616)]] X-MenContinuité principale (Terre-616)
  • The X-Men comics first appeared in September 1963. The early comics had Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants as arch-enemies.
  • The X-Men are a superhero team in the Marvel Comics Universe.
  • Die X-Men bilden eine Gruppe in der Welt der Mutanten – Menschen, die dank ihres besonderen Gencodes übermenschliche Fähigkeiten besitzen. Mutanten werden von normalen Menschen oft gehasst, sei es aus Fanatismus oder aus Angst, dass sie die Menschheit unterwerfen oder gar als dominante Spezies ablösen könnten. Diese Angst wird von verschiedenen Mutanten genährt, die ihre Kräfte für ihre eigenen Ziele nutzen oder die Menschen hassen. Um die menschliche Umwelt vor diesen böswilligen Mutanten zu schützen, hatte Charles Francis Xavier (Professor X) die X-Men-Gruppe gegründet. Der Erzfeind der X-Men ist der Superschurke Magneto und seine Bruderschaft der Mutanten.
  • The legendary X-Men were founded by Professor Charles Xavier, a mutant telepath who had spent many of his adult years studying mutation. Following an encounter, Xavier became determined to protect the world from the threat of evil mutants as well as foster a world that would enshrine peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants. He eventually decided to start a school for mutants and train them to be what would eventually become the X-Men.
  • The X-Men are a team of superheroes that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The X-Men first appeared in September 1963 in one of the last titles created by Stan Lee (editor/writer) and Jack Kirby (artist) as part of the so-called Silver Age renaissance of superhero comic books, which stressed characterization and thematic development as much as action and adventure. The original X-Men ceased publishing original stories with issue #66 in 1970. However, Uncanny X-Men, a new series with a largely new cast of characters, debuted in 1976. The X-Men, in various titles and various spin-off groups, have remained popular ever since.
  • Die X-Men sind eine Gruppierung von Mutanten unter der Führung des 'Professors'. Ihre Basis ist ein Internat in den USA, in dem junge Mutanten im verantwortungsvollen Gebrauch ihrer Fähigkeiten und in Allgemeinbildung unterrichtet werden. Sie sind friedlicher Natur und verteidigen sich lediglich. Gelegentlich greifen sie in die Angelegenheiten anderer ein wenn sie glauben, dass es Ungerechtigkeit zu beseitigen gibt. Bisher vorgekommen sind:
  • X-Men (2/24/09) X-Men are cool X-Men rule They're no fools X-Mens duel Fighting ghouls They're not tools Breaking rules (X-Men kick major X-ass!) First you got the Wolverine Super-mega death machine Gambit's cards are really keen Shine like rubies Cyclops always leads the team While sometimes making out with Jean Rogue and Storm are real hotties With big boobies Jubilee cheerfully fireworks off quickly And the Beast once at least quotes the book "War and Peace" ESP is the key constantly for Xavier! And there's some other X-Men too But they don't have a lot to do Just some cameos for you To view And there's this evil bad guy who Lost his parents 'cause they're Jews Magneto's his nom de plume It's true! All these guys want this guy
  • Die X-Men bilden eine Superheldengruppe von Mutanten, die um Anerkennung kämpfen. Die Comicserie erschien zum ersten Mal 1963. Die Mitglieder der X-Men wurden häufig von den verschiedenen Autoren ausgewechselt. Auch wechselten einige Mitglieder zum Bösen oder ehemalige Gegner wurden ins Team aufgenommen. Dies macht eine Einstufung der Charaktere zu Gut und Böse zum Teil sehr schwierig, weshalb die einzelnen X-Men oben in separaten Punkten aufgeführt werden. In anderen Medien: Auf der Vorlage des Comics erschienen bereits drei Verfilmungen und eine in Form eines Wolverine-Ablegers.
  • Founded by a George Soros-like moonbat named Charles Xavier, this special interest group and it's numerous offshoots seek to get special treatment and have the rules change because of their chosen lifestyle of being born with say wings or a tail. The X-Men are either born disfigured in a color-coordinated thematic way or looking like supermodels. As in all comics, the women look like Dolly Parton in Zero-G. They reside in northern Westchester County, New York. Which is a stones throw or an optic blast away from Colbert Report headquarters.
  • X-Men (conocido como X-men o La Patrulla X en España y Hombres X en Hispanoamérica) es un grupo de superhéroes del Universo Marvel que, creado por Stan Lee y Jack Kirby, tuvo su primera aparición en septiembre de 1963. Sus aventuras han sido publicadas en diversos cómics de Marvel Comics, llegando a disfrutar de varias colecciones mensuales dedicadas a ellos. Además, se han realizado varias adaptaciones en series de animación y películas.
  • Die X-Men sind eine Gruppe von Mutanten, die Frieden zwischen Menschen und Mutanten herstellen wollen. Die Organisation wurde gemeinsam mit dem Institut von Professor X Ende der 1960er Jahre gegründet und angeführt, der erste richtige Einsatzleiter war Cyclops in den frühen 2000ern, bis zu dessen Tod. Anschließend wurde das Team für eine lange Zeit aufgelöst, der Grund dafür waren die zahlreichen Verluste des Mutantenkrieges gegen die Menschen in X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand.
  • thumb|265px X-Men es una película de acción estadounidense de 2000 dirigida por Bryan Singer. Está basada en el grupo de superhéroes de cómics llamados X-Men, pertenecientes a la editorial Marvel Comics. Entre los actores que participaron en la cinta se encuentran Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Famke Janssen, Bruce Davison, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Rebecca Romijn, Ray Park y Tyler Mane.
  • Cyclops
  • Mystique
  • Storm
  • Professor X
  • 727
  • 10005
  • 90098
  • (Community MCU Reboot); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Marvel Cinematic Alliance); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Community MCU); Xmen.png
  • (Melody's MCU); No Image Team.jpg
  • ; X-Men from X-Men Darktide 001.png
  • ; X-Men Apocalypse Poster 005.jpg
Main Character
  • X-Men (Terra-616);X-Men .png
  • X-Men; X-Men Disambiguation.jpg
  • X-Men; Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 29 Ross Variant Textless.jpg
nombre solicitado
  • es.x-men
  • Newton Thomas Sigel
Inne nazwy
  • Amazing X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men, Spider-Man and the X-Men, Astonishing X-Men
Row 4 info
  • Archangel, Colossus, Forge, Jean Grey , Iceman, M, Magik, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Old Man Logan, Psylocke, Sabretooth, Storm
Row 7 title
  • Aliases
Row 1 info
  • X-Men #1
  • 2000
Kinostart DE
  • 2000-08-13
  • Bryan Singer
Row 4 title
  • Members
  • X-Men Battle of the Atom Vol 1 2 Ribic Variant Textless.jpg
  • Lauren Shuler Donner
  • Ralph Winter
  • USA
  • David Hayter
  • Tom DeSanto
  • Apocalypse, Sabretooth, Onslaught, Nimrod, Mister Sinister, Mojo, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Row 2 info
  • Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Row 6 info
  • X-Jet
  • X-Men vol.1
  • englisch
Row 1 title
  • First Appearance
  • Alpha Flight, Atlanteans, Avengers, Beta Flight, Starjammers, S.W.O.R.D.,
Row 5 info
  • "To me, my X-Men"
  • John Wright
Row 2 title
  • Creators
  • 6300.0
Row 6 title
  • Paraphenalia
  • Michael Kamen
Row 5 title
  • Rallying Cry
Row 3 info
  • X-Mansion
  • Dobro
Row 3 title
  • HQ
  • X-Men #1
  • FSK 12
  • Little Anime Freak
Row 7 info
  • None
Box Title
  • X-Men
  • Trust A Few, Fear The Rest
Music By
  • Michael Kamen
  • superhero, action/adventure, SF
  • X-menTeil1.jpg
  • X-Men
  • Anna Paquin
  • Ray Park
  • Hugh Jackman
  • Halle Berry
  • Patrick Stewart
  • James Marsden
  • Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
  • Famke Janssen
  • Bruce Davison
  • Ian McKellan
  • 2009-04-12
  • USA
  • 105.0
  • Inaktiv
  • Aktywna
  • Ralph Winter
  • David Hayter
  • X-Men: The Official Game
Release Date
  • 2000-07-14
  • United States
  • X-Men
  • Die X-Men
  • Angel
  • Rogue
  • Cyclops
  • Mystique
  • Storm
  • Bishop
  • Magneto
  • Nightcrawler
  • Beast
  • Wolverine
  • Warpath
  • Banshee
  • Jean Grey
  • Colossus
  • Havok
  • Quicksilver
  • Sunspot
  • Blink
  • Professor X
  • Shadowcat
  • Iceman
  • Negasonic Teen...
  • cover art from X-Men: Legacy #208
Oficjalna Nazwa Drużyny
  • X-Men
Byli Członkowie
  • Benjamin Deeds, Bishop, Blink, Boom-Boom, Cable, Caliban, Cannonball, Celeste, Cloak, Creep, Cyclops, Cyclops , Cypher, Dagger, Danger, Darwin, Dazzler, Forge, Emma Frost, Gambit,
Miejsce Powstania
  • Instytut Xaviera
  • Mutanci zebrani przez Charlesa Xaviera do ochrony świata przed najróżniejszymi zagrożeniami
  • English
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  • dbkwik:resource/hbQO8fOWP0JW_e2AQodarA==
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  • dbkwik:resource/u2YoDnGAv02Wb23mZQ-ePA==
  • X-Patriots; X-Patriots from What If? Vol 2 67 0001.png
  • ; No Image Team.jpg
  • (SigmaVerse); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Avengers & Mutant Conflict); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Community Roleplay Universe); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Marvel Evolution); No Image Team.jpg
  • (MaxGoji Marvel Universe); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Pandaverse); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Future Universe); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Earth-AU); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Marvel 3030); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Genoverse); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Swapverse); No Image Team.jpg
  • ; X-Men from Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 15 0001.jpg
  • ; X-Men Marvel Adventures Super Heroes Vol 2 10.jpg
  • Cyclops' X-Men; X-Men from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 24 001.png
  • (Modern Universe); X-men-x-men-22734865-720-458.jpg
  • (Great Universe); X-Men logo.png
  • (Marvel Nexus); X-Uniforms .jpg
  • (Marvel Unleashed); X-MenUnleashed.png
  • (Superior Marvel Universe); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Ultra Universe); X-Men Earth-1315.jpg
  • ; Classic X-Men E Is For Extinction Vol 1 1.jpg
  • ; Daily Bugle AvX Vs Vol 1 6.jpg
  • ; X-Men from A + X Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
  • ; X-Men from AVX Vs Vol 1 6 0001.png
  • ; X-Men from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 28 001.png
  • ; X-Men in Mega Morphs Vol 1 1 001.jpg
  • ; X-Men .jpg
  • Ex-Men; X-Men .jpg
  • Magnificent Seven; Magnificent Seven .jpg
  • Mutant-Men; No Image Team.jpg
  • Mutts; Mutts Fantastic Four Big Town Vol 1 1.jpg
  • X-Society; X-Society from Astonishing X-Men Ghost Boxes Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
  • ; X-Men Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 47.jpg
  • Reichsmen; Reichsmen .png
  • Shadow-X; New Excalibur Vol 1 20 Textless.jpg
  • Shadow-X; TRN166.jpg
  • Witchbreed; Witchbreed 0001.jpg
  • X Men; X Men from X Men Noir Vol 1 1 0001.png
  • X-Simians; X-Simians Marvel Apes Vol 1 1.jpg
  • X-Society; No Image Team.jpg
  • ; X-Men from X-Men Battle of the Atom Vol 1 1 001.jpg
  • X-Persons, Hex-Men, Ecchs-Men, the Muties; X-Persons from What The--!? Vol 1 3 0001.jpg
  • X-Men(Ultimate); X-Men from Ultimate End Vol 1 5 0001.jpg
  • ; X-Men from 100th Anniversary Special - X-Men Vol 1 1 0001.png
  • X-Men(Past); X-Men from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 23 001.png
  • X-Men Revolution; Earth-1044 from X-Men Millennial Visions 2001 0001.jpg
  • Newton Thomas Sigel
  • Angel
  • Rogue
  • Cyclops
  • Mystique
  • Storm
  • Bishop
  • Magneto
  • Nightcrawler
  • Beast
  • Wolverine
  • Warpath
  • Banshee
  • Jean Grey
  • Colossus
  • Havok
  • Quicksilver
  • Sunspot
  • Blink
  • Professor X
  • Shadowcat
  • Iceman
  • Negasonic Teenage Warhead
  • Comunidad dedicada al universo cinematográfico de los X-Men, creado por la compañía 20th Century Fox y basado en los personajes creados por Marvel Comics.
  • 18
  • X-Men
Image size
  • 250
  • Hated and feared for powers given to them by an extra gene in their chromosomes, the X-Men were assembled by Charles Xavier, with the dream that one day Mutants and Humans could live together in peace. The X-Men were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, first appearing in .
  • U-Men
  • dbkwik:resource/dXyRlQWqjMVhwRUMhbtMrw==
  • Brotherhood of X; X-Men Legacy Vol 1 245 Textless.jpg
  • Justice League X-Men; JLX Vol 1 1.jpg
  • X-Force; X-Force.jpg
  • X-Man; X-Man Disambiguation.png
  • Multiversal X-Force; X-Force 01.jpg
  • X-Statix/X-Force; X-Force Vol 1 116 Textless.jpg
  • X-Corps; Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 403 Textless.jpg
  • X-Squad; X-Squad Fantastic Four Big Town Vol 1 1.jpg
  • S-Men(Red Skull's X-Men); S-Men from Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 2.jpg
  • X-Terminators; X-Terminators from X-Factor Vol 1 40 0001.jpg
  • Excalibur; New Excalibur Vol 1 1 Textless.jpg
  • Xavier Gang; Xavier Gang from X-Treme X-Men Vol 2 4 001.jpg
  • GeNext; GeNext United Vol 1 1 Textless.jpg
  • Generation X; Generation X 01.jpg
  • Governmental X-Factor; X-Factor Vol 1 71.jpg
  • New Mutants; New Mutants Vol 3 1 Full Cover.jpg
  • Saturyne's Executive Action Committee; Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 462 page 13 Executive Action Committee.jpg
  • Rex-Dogs; Rex-Dogs .jpg
  • The Six; Six 001.jpg
  • X'changlings; X'changlings .jpg
  • X-Alliance; X-Men Vol 2 98.jpg
  • X-Avengers; X-Avengers 0001.jpg
  • X-Ceptionals; No Image Team.jpg
  • X-Corporation; X-Corporation HQ - Los Angeles.jpg
  • X-Factor; X-Factor Vol 1 1.jpg
  • X-People; J2 2.JPG
  • Y-Men; Y-Men 1.jpg
  • Magneto's X-Men; E Is For Extinction Vol 1 1 Harren Variant Textless.jpg
  • Press Gang; Press Gang from X-Tinction Agenda Vol 1 1 001.png
  • X-Punks; X-Punks from X-Men Millennial Visions Vol 1 2000 0001.jpg
  • X-Factor Investigations; X-Factor Vol 3 1 Textless.jpg
  • X-Force(Strike Team); Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 1 Textless.jpg
  • X-Bugs; X-Bugs from Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
  • comic book superhero team
  • 2.963E8
  • CuBaN VeRcEtti
  • Marvel Entertainment
  • dbkwik:resource/37togf4ZZEGpAZlYINMxvQ==
  • dbkwik:resource/Xfu2RmMsnRYSif_SzaCukw==
  • Hatchitech's X-Men; X-Men from Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 55 001.jpg
  • X-Men(New Charles Xavier School); Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 3 Noto Variant Textless.jpg
  • Cerebro's X-Men; Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 360.jpg
  • Dark X-Men(Great Universe); Dark X-Men logo.png
  • Dark X-Men; Dark X-Men Vol 1 1 Textless.jpg
  • Time-Displaced X-Men; All-New X-Men Vol 1 27 Alex Ross Variant Textless.jpg
  • Lobe's X-Men; Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 533 Textless.jpg
  • Muir Island X-Men; Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 254.jpg
  • New X-Men; New X-Men Vol 2 20 Textless.jpg
  • Multiversal X-Men; X-Treme X-Men Vol 2 12 Textless.jpg
  • Sinister's X-Men; What If Vol 2 74.jpg
  • X-Men(Mysterio's Robots); X-Men 001.jpg
  • X-Treme X-Men; X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 19 Textless.jpg
  • Young X-Men; Young X-Men Vol 1 10 Textless.jpg
  • X-Sentinels; X-Sentinels from X-Men Millennial Visions Vol 1 2000 0001.jpg
  • tt0120903
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  • Activa
  • Deadpool
  • X-Men
  • X-Men: First Class
  • X2: X-Men United
  • X-Men: The Last Stand
  • X-Men: Days of Future Past
  • X-Men: Apocalypse
  • X-Men
Image File
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  • (Exiles: Evolution); No Image Team.jpg
  • (Assemble!); X-Men.png
  • (Marvel Series Universe); No Image Team.jpg
  • ; X-Men EarthTRN413.png
  • (Astonishing X-Men & Defenders); Astonishing X-Men Logo.jpg
  • Allies for Peace; Allies for Peace from Marvel Superheroes Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner Season 1 12 0001.jpg
Based on
  • Marvel Comics
  • Marvel Comics
  • X-Men Wiki
  • 7.5E7
  • Bryan Singer
  • ~"Do mnie,~ Moi X-Meni !"
  • 250
  • Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
  • Mirrodin, RCCrow, and TheFoxx
  • all
wikipage disambiguates
  • Znana
  • Ziemia-616
  • X-Men
  • Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Main Image Size
  • 300
  • de.x-men
Baza operacyjna
  • ~Szkoła dla wysoko utalentowanych
Video Games
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  • ; No Image Team.jpg
  • ; X-Men from Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions 001.jpg
  • (X-Men: Marvels of Genetics); No Image Team.jpg
  • (MUA 3: Crisis); No Image Team.jpg
  • ; X-Men 0001.jpg
  • ; X-Men X2 Wolverine's Revenge.jpg
  • ; X-Men from Marvel Contest of Champions 001.jpg
  • ; X-Men from Marvel Heroes 001.jpg
  • ; X-Men .jpg
  • (Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 (Trachodon56)); X-Men_.jpg
base of operation(s)
  • Storm; dawniej Angel, Banshee, Beast, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Gambit, Havok, Iceman, Lockheed, Dr. Moira MacTaggert, Magnetrix, Mimic, Dani Moonstar, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Professor X, Psylocke, Rogue, Shadowcat, Vulcan, Wolverine
Obecni Członkowie
  • Angel, Anole, Armor, Beast, Chamber, Colossus, Prime, Doop, Firestar, ForgetMeNot, Frenzy, Husk, Iceman, Jubilee, Karma, Kid Omega, Krakoa,
  • The legendary X-Men were founded by Professor Charles Xavier, a mutant telepath who had spent many of his adult years studying mutation. Following an encounter, Xavier became determined to protect the world from the threat of evil mutants as well as foster a world that would enshrine peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants. He eventually decided to start a school for mutants and train them to be what would eventually become the X-Men. Charles turned his father's estate into Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. His earliest student was Jean Grey , who was only twelve years old when her mental powers manifested. He constructed the Danger Room to test mutants, and developed Cyberno, a prototype mutant detector that was later replaced by a more powerful machine called Cerebro. After years of preparation, Charles decided that it was time to recruit the young mutants of whom he had been keeping track when anti-mutant hysteria had hit its peak. Charles traveled to Washington D.C. and sought out an FBI agent who was assigned to investigate reports of mutants. Xavier convinced him to allow him to attempt to enroll young mutants in his private school and train them to battle evil mutants. In the following days, Charles recruited Scott Summers, rescuing the boy from the clutches of an evil mutant. Scott became the first of the X-Men, operating under the code name Cyclops. Later, Charles also had Jean Grey join as Marvel Girl. The original Team of X-Men had Cyclops, Phoenix, Beast, Iceman and Angel. Soon thereafter a lot of classic X-Men were discovered, such as Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus and Kitty Pryde. Later, Magik joined the team as a new mutant, and Rogue came from the Brotherhood of Mutants and Gambit from Sinister's Marauders. Another ex-villainess becoming an X-Men member was Emma Frost. And so many others have indentified themselves with the X-Men cause and decided to join as well, like Psylocke and Cable.
  • Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Películas
  • Die X-Men bilden eine Superheldengruppe von Mutanten, die um Anerkennung kämpfen. Die Comicserie erschien zum ersten Mal 1963. Die Mitglieder der X-Men wurden häufig von den verschiedenen Autoren ausgewechselt. Auch wechselten einige Mitglieder zum Bösen oder ehemalige Gegner wurden ins Team aufgenommen. Dies macht eine Einstufung der Charaktere zu Gut und Böse zum Teil sehr schwierig, weshalb die einzelnen X-Men oben in separaten Punkten aufgeführt werden. In anderen Medien: Auf der Vorlage des Comics erschienen bereits drei Verfilmungen und eine in Form eines Wolverine-Ablegers. * X-Men * X-Men 2 * X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand * X-Men Origins: Wolverine * X-Men Erste Entscheidung Es gibt drei Zeichentrickserien zu X-Men und einige Charaktere tauchen als Crossover in den Serien anderer Marvel-Figuren auf, beispielsweise Storm und Wolverine in New Spider-Man. Geplant sind außerdem Spin-Offs von bekannten Charakteren aus dem X-Men-Universum. Bestätigt sind bis jetzt nur Wolverine Spin-Offs der erste mit dem Titel "The Wolverine", der zweite mit dem Titel "Wolverine Wege eines kriegers".Vieleicht sogar Magneto und Deadpool, aber unbestätigten Gerüchten zufolge ist auch ein weiterer Ableger über den Bösewicht Juggernaut geplant.Es soll auch ein X-Men:Der letzte Widerstand und X-Men:Erste Entscheidung Nachfolger mit dem Titel "X-Men:Days of Future Past" geben. Kategorie:Verbündete Kategorie:Organisationen
  • The X-Men first started out as a gang of super heroes and appeared in numorus shames in the 1300s thru 1700s. They were well known for beating up cupcakes, mutant barf baggs, old hippies, and the parents of George Bush. They were very famous. It looked as if things wouldn't go wrong!
  • The X-men are a team of super heroes from marvel comics. All the member of this team geneticlally got their powers. Members are cyclops, beast, wolverine, jean grey , Jubilee, and professor charles xavier. The mutants live at xavier's school for gifted youngsters.
  • Die X-Men sind eine Gruppe von Mutanten, die Frieden zwischen Menschen und Mutanten herstellen wollen. Die Organisation wurde von Professor X gegründet und der Einsatzleiter ist Cyclops. In X-Men 1, X-Men 2 und X-Men 3 kämpfen sie gegen eine Anzahl von Gegnern: Magneto und die Bruderschaft der Mutanten; der Militärwissenschaftler William Stryker und seine Soldaten; Wolverines Bruder Sabretooth; etc. . Die X-Men haben sich immer wieder verändert: Mal sind neue Mutanten zu den X-Men dazu gekommen, und mal sind X-Men ausgetreten, haben die Seiten gewechselt oder sind gestorben.
  • The X-Men franchise has grown to become one of America's most popular comic books, producing dozens of spin-off series over the years and turning some of its writers and artists into industry stars.
  • Rogue (Anna Paquin) ist eigentlich nur ein normaler Teenager. Doch wenn sie andere Menschen berührt, absorbiert sie deren Kräfte und bringt sie damit in Lebensgefahr. Sie ist ein Mutant. Wie ihr ergeht es vielen. Jeder hat eine besondere Gabe. Einige wie die Gruppe um Anführer Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) setzen die Kräfte zum Wohl der Menschheit ein, andere wollen sie wie Unterwelt-Chef Magneto (Ian McKellen) ausrotten. Die Erdlinge hassen sowieso alle Mutanten. Besonders Senator Kelly (Bruce Davidson) treibt eine Verfolgung der Mutanten voran – bis er von ihnen entführt wird.
  • A long-running franchise, starring mutants with superpowers. The good guy Mutants--mainly the eponymous X-Men, led by Professor Xavier--use their powers to fight the bad mutants and protect normal humans--many of whom fear and hate them anyway. Features a lot of characters.
  • X-Men (conocido como X-men o La Patrulla X en España y Hombres X en Hispanoamérica) es un grupo de superhéroes del Universo Marvel que, creado por Stan Lee y Jack Kirby, tuvo su primera aparición en septiembre de 1963. Sus aventuras han sido publicadas en diversos cómics de Marvel Comics, llegando a disfrutar de varias colecciones mensuales dedicadas a ellos. Además, se han realizado varias adaptaciones en series de animación y películas. La serie parte de la idea de que la evolución humana seguiría activa, de hecho, en una encrucijada en la que una nueva especie con grandes poderes y capacidades estaría naciendo. Sus protagonistas son un grupo de mutantes, personas que han adquirido superpoderes de forma natural por cambios en su estructura genética. El tema principal en sus historias es el llamado "sueño de Xavier": la integración de los mutantes en una sociedad humana que les teme y que a la vez necesita su protección. Es por ello que Charles Xavier, (a veces llamado como el Profesor X o simplemente el profesor) decide reclutar a un grupo de jóvenes mutantes y adiestrarlos en el uso de sus poderes con el doble fin de proteger a los humanos de mutantes con malvadas intenciones y de defender a los mutantes del miedo de los humanos. En contrapartida, otros grupos de mutantes, siendo Magneto el principal de ellos, buscarían rebelarse violentamente contra la humanidad. La serie comienza con la primera aparición pública de este nuevo grupo, que con el paso de los años se fue variando de miembros y ampliándose, naciendo numerosos spin-off y llegando a ser uno de los ejes del Universo Marvel.
  • thumb|265px X-Men es una película de acción estadounidense de 2000 dirigida por Bryan Singer. Está basada en el grupo de superhéroes de cómics llamados X-Men, pertenecientes a la editorial Marvel Comics. Entre los actores que participaron en la cinta se encuentran Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Famke Janssen, Bruce Davison, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Rebecca Romijn, Ray Park y Tyler Mane. El éxito de la película dio origen a otras cintas basadas en superhéroes de Marvel, como Spiderman, Daredevil y Hulk. Además, X-Men tuvo dos secuelas, X2 (2003), y X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), un spin-off, X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), y una precuela, X-Men: First Class (2011).
  • The X-Men are a team of mutants created to protect the world as well as maintain peaceful human-mutant relations.
  • The X-Men, Marvel's band of misunderstood mutant superheroes, first appeared in British comics in the pages of the Odhams title Fantastic (one of the "Power Comics" line) in the late 1960s, in reprints of the early sixties series featuring the team's original line-up, Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman, the Beast and Professor X. They also appeared in all three Fantastic Annual's (1968–70).
  • The X-Men are a superhero group of mutants. Founded by Professor Charles Xavier, their goal is establish peace between humans and mutants.
  • Current Members...
  • Ein Wikia rund um die Comic-Superhelden "X-Men".
  • Leonardo, stanco di creare macchine di morte e quadri che raffiguravano sé stesso vestito da donna, decise di pubblicare una serie di fumetti di fantascienza incentrati su personaggi fantastici, ma ispirati a gente da lui realmente conosciuta, come Gina la baldracca di Vigevano, che fece diventare la superdotata Jean Grey, o Savino, il suo intimo compagno di merende, che fece diventare il pelatone Professor Xavier. Col passare del tempo però il povero Leonardo Lee si rese conto di aver esaurito le idee e, dopo aver ideato l'Uomo Gabinetto, Prostatanx, Scolofix, Monopalla, l'Uomo Borgogna e Bambola Ramona diede fuoco alla casa editrice con tutti i suoi dipendenti cinesi dentro - "Esercitazione antiincendio andata male", disse in seguito.
  • The X-Men are a group of mutants who work along Charles Xavier to hold peace between mutants and humans.
  • X-Men is a 2010 American live action science fiction superhero drama television series. Original run is August 7, 2010-September 7, 2014
  • Die X-Men sind eine Gruppierung von Mutanten unter der Führung des 'Professors'. Ihre Basis ist ein Internat in den USA, in dem junge Mutanten im verantwortungsvollen Gebrauch ihrer Fähigkeiten und in Allgemeinbildung unterrichtet werden. Sie sind friedlicher Natur und verteidigen sich lediglich. Gelegentlich greifen sie in die Angelegenheiten anderer ein wenn sie glauben, dass es Ungerechtigkeit zu beseitigen gibt. Der Professor scheint ein alter Bekannter von Dr. Palmer zu sein. Über diesen sind die X-Men auch erst ins Geschehen geraten, als sie ihn nämlich (aus unbekannten Motiven) vor einer Entführung durch Erebors Vampire retteten. Dabei kamen sie in Kontakt mit Lex Müller, der daraufhin einige Zeit in ihrer Basis bei Forschungsarbeiten verbrachte. Die X-Men verfügen zwar über einen Gleiter (Düsenjet-ähnliches, mittlerweile sogar weltraumtaugliches aber nicht bewaffnetes Flugobjekt), gutes Equipment und einige technische Vorrichtungen, die es ihnen ermöglichen, ihre Mutantenkräfte noch effizienter einzusetzen (näheres ist dazu noch nicht bekannt), ihre eigentliche Stärke ist aber eine Elite(kampf)truppe aus Mutanten: Bisher vorgekommen sind: * Storm: dunkelhäutige Frau mit weißen Haaren, Wind- und Wettermutant. * Cyclops: kann mit den Augen Energiestrahlen erzeugen. * Nightcrawler: Kurzstreckenteleporter, fällt durch eine blaue, tätowierte Haut und einen 'Teufelsschwanz' auf. * Beast: Intellektueller Mutant mit blauem Fell, seine Stärken sind Kraft und Beweglichkeit. * Wolverine: Regenerationsmutant, dem von einem Wissenschafter (??Dr. Palmer??) eine Skelettrüstung implantiert wurde. * 'Der Professor', Psi-Mutant hoher Stufe * Shadowcat: Hat die Fähigkeit, sich kurzzeitig zu dematerialisieren, um so durch Wände, etc. zu gehen.
  • The original X-Men were destroyed at the hands of the Chrell. The Xavier Institute was demolished.
  • Image:X-Men (2099).jpg|X-Men (928) Image:None.jpg|X-Men (Earth-New Son) Image:X-Men (Earth-Dark Phoenix).jpg|X-Men (Earth-Dark Phoenix) Image:X-Men (Earth-Evil Charles).jpg|X-Men (Earth-Evil Charles) Image:Utopia's X-Men (Earth-Utopia).jpg|X-Men (Earth-Utopia) Image:X-Men (Earth-Nocturne).jpg|X-Men (Nocturne Világa)
  • The X-Men were an organization of mutants in the century of an alternate reality. The members of the group were all members of homo sapien superior, commonly known as mutants. They devoted their lives to learn to live with and use their special abilities while encouraging understand and co-existence between mutants and non-mutants. (TOS comic: "Star TreX", TNG comic: "Second Contact", TNG novel: Planet X)
  • X-Men (2/24/09) X-Men are cool X-Men rule They're no fools X-Mens duel Fighting ghouls They're not tools Breaking rules (X-Men kick major X-ass!) First you got the Wolverine Super-mega death machine Gambit's cards are really keen Shine like rubies Cyclops always leads the team While sometimes making out with Jean Rogue and Storm are real hotties With big boobies Jubilee cheerfully fireworks off quickly And the Beast once at least quotes the book "War and Peace" ESP is the key constantly for Xavier! And there's some other X-Men too But they don't have a lot to do Just some cameos for you To view And there's this evil bad guy who Lost his parents 'cause they're Jews Magneto's his nom de plume It's true! All these guys want this guy Flying high in the sky Really trying not to die Getting by knowing why They are the saviors Xavier's X-Men kick ass! X-Men is a kick-ass show Now you know!
  • X-Men is an anime series coming to Right Stuf Network.
  • Founded by a George Soros-like moonbat named Charles Xavier, this special interest group and it's numerous offshoots seek to get special treatment and have the rules change because of their chosen lifestyle of being born with say wings or a tail. The X-Men are either born disfigured in a color-coordinated thematic way or looking like supermodels. As in all comics, the women look like Dolly Parton in Zero-G. They reside in northern Westchester County, New York. Which is a stones throw or an optic blast away from Colbert Report headquarters. To give you an idea of how sissified and ultimately gay an operation they are, their most manly member, Wolverine is Canadian, and shorter than Jon Stewart.
  • Wade did his best to impress the X-Men, even by killing Mercury's father who was using his mutant daughter whom he barely spoke to to gain some public attention. Deadpool met the X-Men in the following comics: Deadpool (volume 3) #16-17 X-Force Annual #1 (2010)
  • The X-Men are a group of mutants who work at the Xavier Institute. They believe in peace between mutants and humans.
  • thumb Los X-Men (o La Patrulla X) es un grupo de superhéroes del Universo Marvel creado por Stan Lee y Jack Kirby, que tuvo su primera aparición en septiembre de 1963. La serie parte de la idea de que la evolución humana seguiría activa, encontrándose de hecho ante una encrucijada, en la que nacería una nueva especie con grandes poderes y capacidades, los mutantes. Los protagonistas de X-Men son un grupo de ellos; los mutantes se caracterizan, de entre los personajes superheroicos de los cómics, porque han adquirido superpoderes gracias a las radiaciones causadas por los experimentos de la Segunda guerra mundial, causando cambios en su estructura genética. Categoría:Aliados
  • [[Fichier:Finch-xmen.jpeg|center|680px|X-Men - Continuité principale (Terre-616)]] X-MenContinuité principale (Terre-616)
  • The X-Men comics first appeared in September 1963. The early comics had Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants as arch-enemies.
  • The X-Men are a superhero team in the Marvel Comics Universe.
  • Die X-Men bilden eine Gruppe in der Welt der Mutanten – Menschen, die dank ihres besonderen Gencodes übermenschliche Fähigkeiten besitzen. Mutanten werden von normalen Menschen oft gehasst, sei es aus Fanatismus oder aus Angst, dass sie die Menschheit unterwerfen oder gar als dominante Spezies ablösen könnten. Diese Angst wird von verschiedenen Mutanten genährt, die ihre Kräfte für ihre eigenen Ziele nutzen oder die Menschen hassen. Um die menschliche Umwelt vor diesen böswilligen Mutanten zu schützen, hatte Charles Francis Xavier (Professor X) die X-Men-Gruppe gegründet. Der Erzfeind der X-Men ist der Superschurke Magneto und seine Bruderschaft der Mutanten.
  • The X-Men are a team of superheroes that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The X-Men first appeared in September 1963 in one of the last titles created by Stan Lee (editor/writer) and Jack Kirby (artist) as part of the so-called Silver Age renaissance of superhero comic books, which stressed characterization and thematic development as much as action and adventure. The original X-Men ceased publishing original stories with issue #66 in 1970. However, Uncanny X-Men, a new series with a largely new cast of characters, debuted in 1976. The X-Men, in various titles and various spin-off groups, have remained popular ever since. In the Marvel Universe, Professor Charles Xavier responds to anti-mutant prejudice by creating a haven for mutants, Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, at his country estate at 1407 Graymalkin Lane in Salem Center, a small town in Westchester County, New York. Here he trains young mutants to use their powers for the betterment of humanity. His early students (codenamed Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, and Marvel Girl) are recruited secretly over a period of months. He dubs them the "X-Men" because each possesses an extraordinary ability normal humans lacks. Subsequent evolution of the concept identified an "X-gene" that promotes mutation. Although some such mutants manifest their unusual differences from birth, the majority only develop their powers at puberty. As a rule, the discovery that someone is a mutant leads immediately to mistrust and ostracism from normal society. The conflict between mutants and normal humans is often compared to conflicts experienced by minority groups in America. Comparisons have been made with homosexuality, including the concealment of their powers and the age at which these manifest. Explicitly referenced also is the comparison between anti-mutant sentiment and anti-Semitism. The arch-enemy of the X-Men, the mutant terrorist Magneto, is a Holocaust survivor who sees the situation of mutants as similar to those of Jews in Nazi Germany; and the internment camps of future timelines clearly parallel Nazi concentration camps. The first group of X-Men resembled the WASP students at the sort of private academy that the School for Gifted Youngsters purported to be. However, in The Uncanny X-Men, the school concept was dropped. The new X-Men were older and more ethnically diverse. Each was from a different country with varying cultural and philosophical beliefs, and were already well versed in using their mutant powers in combat situations. In the 1980s, however, the popularity of the X-Men led to a number of spin-off titles. Xavier's school was resurrected with a new cast of young mutants who receive training from their elders in the use of their abilities. The 1990s saw an even greater number of "X-books". The numerous ongoing series and miniseries run concurrently, often with crossover stories. It should be noted that the X-Men exist in the same Marvel Universe as the other characters portrayed in Marvel Comics series. As such, they often meet characters from other series; and the global nature of the mutant concept means the scale of stories can be highly varied. The enemies the X-Men fight range from mutant criminals to galactic threats. The X-Men comics have been adapted into other media, including animated television series, novels, video games, and a successful series of films. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on X-Men
  • Die X-Men sind eine Gruppe von Mutanten, die Frieden zwischen Menschen und Mutanten herstellen wollen. Die Organisation wurde gemeinsam mit dem Institut von Professor X Ende der 1960er Jahre gegründet und angeführt, der erste richtige Einsatzleiter war Cyclops in den frühen 2000ern, bis zu dessen Tod. Anschließend wurde das Team für eine lange Zeit aufgelöst, der Grund dafür waren die zahlreichen Verluste des Mutantenkrieges gegen die Menschen in X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand. In X-Men 1, X-Men 2 und X-Men 3 kämpfen sie gegen eine Anzahl von Gegnern: Magneto und die Bruderschaft der Mutanten; der Militärwissenschaftler William Stryker und seine Soldaten; Wolverines Bruder Sabretooth; etc. . Aufgrund der Bedrohung durch die Sentinels von Bolivar Trask und seiner Firma Trask Industries, schloss sich Magneto dem heutigen X-Men Team unter der Führung von Charles Xavier wieder an. Das Team hat sich immer wieder verändert: Mal sind neue Mutanten zu den X-Men dazu gekommen, und mal sind X-Men ausgetreten, haben die Seiten gewechselt oder sind gestorben.
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