  • Doc
  • Doc
  • Doc
  • Doc
  • Doc
  • Doc
  • DOC
  • Doc
  • DOC
  • Doc se refiere a mas de una cosa: * Doc era el alias de mecánico Klaus Vandangante. * Doc era el nick de Cesi Eirriss, una piloto twi'lek rebelde que sirvió poco antes de la batalla de Yavin. * * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • Doc (どく Doku-san) is a Shinigami and member of the Twelfth Division as well as well was the Vice-President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. He dislikes his first name as it came from parents he did not like, and as such, prefers to be called Doc.
  • Doc es un personaje de la película Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Es interpretado por Eoin Macken. Categoría:Personajes
  • en:Doc Doc ist der Wissenschaftler der Squeaks. Er bewegt sich meist in einem UFO fort, aber er benutzt einmal auch einen nachgebauten Kracko, einmal einen mechanischen Einsiedlerkrebs, den Yadogaine. In der UFO-Form sind seine Waffen Bomben, ein Laser und eine Art Staubsauger. Man kann sein UFO einsaugen, wenn er es mal verliert, daraus entsteht dann die UFO-Fähigkeit. Manchmal verliert er auch seinen Laser, welcher die Laser-Fähigkeit einbringt. doc.gif|Doc im Spiel Kategorie: Squeaks Kategorie: Zwischengegner aus Kirby: Mausattacke Kategorie: Charaktere aus Kirby Mass Attack
  • Doc is a Client in Galaxy on Fire 3D who asked the player to deliver some important cargo. Keith T. Maxwell seems to be suspicious of Doc's cargo; Doc could be a pirate.
  • Doc is the leader of the seven dwarfs in Disney's 1937 animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Doc was the dog of Meredith Grey, Addison Forbes Montgomery, and Derek Shepherd.
  • Doc is the only seen Human character on the television show Fraggle Rock. He has a dog called Sprocket who lives with Doc in his Workshop. Doc has also appeared in A Muppet Family Christmas. Doc's real name is Jerome Crystal. He's performed by Gerry Parkes.
  • Doc is één van de zeven dwergen uit de Walt Disney film Sneeuwwitje en de zeven dwergen uit 1937.
  • Doc, from Back to the Future once visited us in our College library. A picture of his head was positioned upon a wooden post, covered in a doctor's coat. This was used to promote Science Week, a period that we tenderly remember due to this hilarious happenstance.
  • Doc est un médigluant apparaissant dans Dragon Quest IV. Il est très aimable et son rêve est de devenir humain.
  • Doc - to jeden z Górników Mocy i ich przywódca.
  • Doc Drew Cutler's old dog (deceased). The Outrage
  • Doc died in the 2004 Great hunt.
  • Doc is the leader of the power miner
  • doc is a spell from The Sorcery Spell Book. Medicinal potions carried and used by the caster will, under this spell, have their effects increased so that they will heal any wounded Human or creature who drinks them. The potions may be used on the caster - the spell must be cast as the potion is administered - but they will not bring a being who has actually died back to life. It costs 1 stamina point to use.
  • File:Doc2.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Doc was a character in Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. He was an informant of the Umbrella Corporation, and was sent by his superiors to keep track of survivors in Raccoon City. His knowledge about medicine, as well as his kind and likeable personality, helped him climb up the ranks and become a leader of a large group of survivors holding up in Raccoon City, with his comrades unaware of his duplicitous nature. He is portrayed by Irish actor Eoin Macken.
  • Doc pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * "D.O.C.", episodio da terceira temporada centrado em Sun e Jin * Apelido de Jack, dado por Sawyer
  • Doc seems to be the inventive genius of the Squeaks. He pilots a flying saucer, and he also appears in two boss stages. In one stage he is seen piloting a mechanical version of Kracko, and in another, he controls Yadogaine: A giant, mechanical hermit crab in Jam Jungle. Doc doesn't seem to have any physical powers and only attacks with machines. Doc features in the sub-game Treasure Shot. Doc makes a minor appearance in Kirby Mass Attack. He appears in Daroach's Airship after beating Dedede Resort. Doc later appears as a sticker in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
  • There are many characters who have used the code name Doc: * Doc (Carl Greer) - the original medic who appeared in the A Real American Hero series. * Doc (Carla Greer) - the niece of the original Doc. * Doc (Resolute) * Doc (Renegades) - the veteran doctor in Renegades Additionally, many other characters could be referred to as "doctor."
  • Gustave "Doc" Kateb is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. He features a high armor rating but has low mobility and has the MPD-0 Stim Pistol as his unique gadget, which can revive himself or teammates from a distance when an operator is down, as well as heal teammates.
  • Doc was the resident physician at Carver City. He was an alcoholic and, until treating Joe Brontowski, he had lost every patient. He escaped Carver City when it was attacked by Old One Eye but was killed by a giant prehistoric snake in the nearby swamp while trying to get to the Trans-Time base.
  • Doc (ドク Doku?) is a character in Chrono Cross. He is an avid surfer and doctor in training who moved to Guldove to practice medicine.
  • Doc (トビオ, Tobio en japonais, Crispín en espagnol) est un lapin apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing sur GameCube, Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible à Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Doc is an agent in the Department of Floaters. He is not a doctor, and other agents should not attempt to consult him on medical matters. He is written by doctorlit.
  • DOC is a prefix for documentaries relating to the Doctor Who universe. File:LockedTab.png
  • Doctor "Doc" Eustace M.D. is a kind and compassionate man, who according to Wanda, is very good at his Calling as a Medical Practitioner and is Sharon Stryder's partner. He is one of the first humans who show compassion towards these Souls .He is a tall and slim human male with medical training and serves as Jeb's Rebel Cell members' medical adviser and practitioner.
  • Hallo Doc! Hier kannst du jetzt was rein schreiben, oder das was ich hineingeschrieben habe wieder löschen. Du kannst auch Bilder oder Töne oder sonstwas reinstellen. Und Links setzen, sowohl intern, z.B. Hase oder auch extern, z.B. Strohballenhaus. Der Link "Hase" existiert bereits, wohingegen Entenbau noch nicht da ist. Ebensowenig wie Rohloff ist teuer. Und falls dir das alles zu blöd ist, wart halt mal ab wie sichs entwickelt, weiß ich ja auch nicht.
  • Doc, is a light-hearted and mild-mannered leading member of Issuing Orders, a WWII RPG. After being caught in the Winters Ordeal and briefly administering a WWIII site, he has become a frequent and helpful member of Issuing Orders
  • Doc is the leader of the seven dwarfs in the 1937 animated classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Doc is a character in Midnight Club: Los Angeles, added by the South Central Premium Upgrade.
  • Ele vende a Capa de Invenção para jogadores que atingiram o nível 99, e a Capa de Mestre de Invenção para os que já atingiram nível 120. Jogadores que desejam aprimorar suas ferramentas guardadas no Porta-ferramentas devem falar com Doc, pois ele pode removê-las do mesmo.
  • Dr. William "Doc" Wilson es un personaje que fue cortado durante el desarrollo de Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
  • Doc is a minor supporting character on Once Upon a Time, and a member of the brotherhood of dwarfs that accompanied Snow White in several adventures. As his name indicates, he is the smart, level-headed and practical member of the group, and a valued member as well, who loves working at the mines and who can develop a sense of adventure when it is needed. After the Dark Curse was set in motion, Doc became trapped in Storybrooke, Maine, unable to remember his past identity.
  • Doc is introduced as a co-worker of Maggie Burroughs working at the shelter where he specializes in dream therapy. He is seen explaining the story of the Dream Demon that he has a picture of. They are the three entities that roam the dreams of the living until they find someone twisted and evil, and give them the power to cross dreams and reality.
  • Doc is a limited-time character released with the Snow White Event Update on 6th December 2017, and is a part of the character collection.
  • Doc, born Archiban Frodrick Kimble is the 28-year-old healer Companion Character for the Jedi Knight.
  • DOC is the abbreviation for the Department Of Corrections. ]] == ] ==
  • Doc ist Anführer der Power Miners und wild entschlossen, zu finden, was auch immer sich unter der Erde versteckt. Er war überall auf der Welt und hat alle erdenklichen Abenteuer erlebt.
  • Doc is a middle-aged man with a close-cut haircut, a white coat, and a friendly disposition.
  • Este inventor nos dará la herramienta que nos permitirá construir casi todo lo que se nos pase por la cabeza. ¡Es muy útil! Con la herramienta podrás hacer que el valle luzca justo como tú quieras. Con su sonrisa de superioridad siempre puesta, Doc se encarga de hacer inventos útiles (y no tan útiles) que quizás nos ayuden en nuestra tarea. Doc no se lleva muy bien con los Duendes de la Cosecha, que siempre se están quejando del ruido que hacen sus trastos.
  • Doc (también llamado así en la versión japonesa) es un Mini-Jefe de Kirby: ¡Roedores al ataque! y un Miembro de los Squeaks. Aparece en Kirby: ¡Roedores al ataque! y Kirby Mass Attack. Doc es el genio inventor de mechas de los Squeaks. Está montado en un platillo volador. También aparece en Kirby Mass Attack en el barco volador de Doroach junto a los otros Squeaks después de vencer el nivel Dedede's Resort.
  • Players wishing to augment their tools on their tool belt should speak with Doc who will remove the tool from the tool belt.
  • --From The 7D Mine Train App Doc is the leader of the seven dwarfs who help protect Jollywood in The 7D, and is also highly intelligent as well as an inventor of gadgets. His hat is known to house many tools that can be used in times of need as well as performing simple tasks. In "The Long, Long Winter," he led the mission to go save Jollywood Joe. He is voiced by Bill Farmer.
  • Doc, as he was known to his friends, was one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. A talented physician, he provided medical support to the wandering cabal, as well as help in finding safe ways to get high. He was also an expert at rolling joints. Years later, he would write one of the four gospels.
  • Doc is the leader of the Power Miners. He works on the Thunder Driller and the Titanium Command Rig.
  • Dr. William "Doc" Wilson is a character that was cut during the development of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
  • " DOC" is a Gmod "monster" created by "Mike Mcdouchebag" as a parody of Scream Fortress 2013 halloween hats and miscs. DOC is a Medic Robot from MVM with an oversized head with a Das Blutliebhaber, Second Opinion and Archimedes the Undying which can stun his victims before capturing and torturing them in his airship. He also leads a brigade of custom-built surgical drones which assist him in his ruthless campaign.
  • Doc is an inventor and the only regular human character in Fraggle Rock (as well as the only character who appeared in every single episode). He lives with his dog, and best friend, Sprocket. Doc spends a lot of his time in his workshop, a refurbished old room which is directly connected to the caves of Fraggle Rock via a hole in the wall. In the second season episode "A Cave of One's Own", the arrival of a new neighbor, Ms. Ardath, provides a romantic interest for Doc and a new sideline, as part-time manager of The Captain's Inn, a bed-and-breakfast that was built across the street.
  • Doctor Zee (aka "Doc") was a confederate of The Brow. He was a heavyset man with dark hair who typically wore round eyeglasses. Doc was apparently a practicing physician with an office that used as a front for his spying activities. After the Brow broke the Summer Sisters' wrists, Doc bandaged them. He later used the dressing of May Summer's wrist as a means to pass information to the Brow secretly. After the Brow's organization was disrupted, he fled to Doc's office for help. Doc aided the Brow in killing the Summer Sisters and a taxi cab driver by running their car off the road into a river.
  • Doc is a Medium Robot with 4 medium hardpoints, used two at a time with the Quick Draw ability, with a cooldown time of a 15 seconds. Doc was released during the 2016 Christmas event. Was also available as a token purchase on the 27th of January to the 12th of February; and finally made it to Gold-priced bots during 3rd Anniversary event. Doc is one of three Quick Draw bots (alongside Jesse and Butch).
  • Doc ist ein Asiatischer Elefantenbulle im Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse im US-Bundesstaat New York. Er wurde am 08.05.1997 im "Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC)”, Ringling Zuchtstation Polk City, Florida, USA, geboren. Über seine Eltern hat er mehrere Geschwister und Halbgeschwister, viele von ihnen leben noch im CEC. Doc war der zweite Elefant, der dort am Symptome des Herpesvirus zeigte, aber erfolgreich behandelt wurde. Er war auch bis 2006 mit auf Zirkustourneen unterwegs. Am 19.01.2009 wurde sein erster Sohn Barack nach künstlicher Befruchtung geboren. Mutter seines Sohnes ist Bonnie, ebenfalls eine eigene Nachzucht.
  • Doc is, as his name suggests, a doctor. In fact, he's presumably one of the few doctors in Western Mudos. Being a Vykker, a creature of such a shady descent, not many Clakkerz seem to trust him, and thus, he doesn't get many patients. His prices are ridiculously high (perhaps because there aren't a lot of people willing to come in his office to do business).
  • B{| style="font-size: 95%; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: #eee; ; border-left: 10px solid #228b22" |- | style="width: 60px; padding: 2px 0px 2px 0.5em; text-align: center;" | File:Photo.png | style="padding: 0.25em 0.5em; color:#000;" | This needs more pictures.
  • Start 1 Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code (T001)Company is created by FI Consultant.The company code is an organizational unit used in accounting. It is used to structure the business organization from a financial accounting perspective.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define, copy, delete, check Company Code 5. Maintaining Distribution Channel(TVTW)Distribution Channel is the way, in which Products or Services reach Customers.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel
  • Good
  • 1
  • 68
  • Good
  • Programmer
  • To protect Snow White
  • Mâle
  • Doc
Row 9 info
  • Painis Cupcake
  • Vagineer
  • One cannot live on carrots alone.
  • Lapin
Row 8 info
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Autopsy
  • Meat preparation
Initial Phrase
  • ol' bunny
Response Center
  • #251
Row 4 info
  • ca. 3 cm
Row 10 title
  • Subordinates
  • Masculino
  • Books, cool villains, cold weather, feeling accomplished
Row 7 title
  • Status
  • Squirrel
regalo horror
  • -
Initial Clothes
  • Vertigo Tee
  • --01-25
Row 1 info
  • 1944-06-25
  • --11-09
  • male
  • Creator: Mike Mcdouchebag
  • An inventive dwarf assistant.
  • A fun place for books
Boarder's Name
regalo normal
  • -
Row 8 title
  • Occupation
  • 8
regalo fatal
  • -
  • Doc
  • Crispín
  • Gustl
  • Looking bad, hurting the innocent, refusing to help.
  • Dopey's antics, Grumpy's rude remarks, fake jewels, aruguing with Grumpy, Snow White in danger
  • Dopey's antics, Grumpy's rude remarks, fake jewels, aruguing with Grumpy, Snow White in danger, disorder, too much pressure
Row 4 title
  • Status
  • Created By:
  • Attitude
  • ???
Row 9 title
  • Superiors
  • Sally
  • Snow White's Scary Adventures
  • Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams
  • blauer Helm, Dynamit
nombre juego
  • Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley
regalo perfecto
  • -
  • None
  • -
  • 250
  • -
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
  • Kingdom Hearts χ
  • Disney Magical World
  • Sim
animal preferido
  • -
Row 2 info
  • Various literary continua
Row 6 info
  • Can call in an army of surgical drones along with his airship
  • Inhuman strength
  • InstaGib Bonesaw
  • Stun ability
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • Origin
  • First Appearance:
Row 5 info
  • Não
  • Amiibo 372 Doc.png
  • Dirigente, nervioso, inteligente
Row 2 title
  • Race
  • Characteristics
  • Known Associates:
  • Pico
  • 1
  • -
comentario imagen
  • Segundo Artwork de Doc.
  • Keine
Row 6 title
  • Abilities
  • Caucasian American
  • Sneeuwwitje en de zeven dwergen
Home Continuum
  • The Real World
  • Duck
  • The Lion King 1½
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • Mickey's House of Villains
  • Disney Sing-Along Songs
  • Mickey's Magical Christmas
  • ???
Row 10 info
Row 5 title
  • Era
  • Can Be Found:
  • Fighting style
jap name
  • ドク
Row 3 info
  • 1944-08-16
  • Terran
  • Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic Evil
Row 3 title
  • Faction
  • Alignment
  • Appearance of Death:
regalo error
  • -
  • Pompom
  • -
  • ''14 de invierno"
Row 7 info
  • Active
trabajo juego
  • Inventor
  • 372
  • Paris, France
  • Humanoid
  • One of the 7 dwarfs from the original fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm
Box Title
  • Doc
  • Unknown
  • Doc
  • White
  • Neutral
  • N\A
  • none
  • Gold
  • Black
  • Seven Wise Dwarfs
  • The Winged Scourge
  • 5
  • Doku
  • Zenan Mainland
  • Kilimanjaro,
  • A little bit of milk,
  • One spoonful of sugar
Previous Partner
  • None
  • "Souls of the Departed"
  • "The Gift"
Base of Operations
  • various
  • 23
  • 27
  • Unknown
  • 30.0
  • Mid-50's
  • ~35?
  • ●○○
  • (Slow)
  • 39.0
Name ja
  • ドク
  • Looking like a hero, romance and flirtation, helping those in need.
  • Music, dancing, cooperation between the dwarfs, gooseberry pies, apple dumplings, Snow White
  • Music, dancing, cooperation between the dwarfs, gooseberry pies, apple dumplings, Snow White, pies, Juliette
Previous Affiliation
  • None
Name en
  • Doc
  • House of Mouse
  • All
  • ●●●
  • (Heavy)
  • Shot,Card
  • Deceased
  • Active
  • 11023
  • 11604
  • 22212
  • 30703
  • 31201
  • 31306
  • 31311
  • 41049
  • 42129
  • 42212
  • Archie 311.png
  • Belle 510 01.png
  • Doc 114.png
  • Doc 316.png
  • Doc 502.png
  • Doc 505.png
  • Doc Counterpart 108.png
  • Dwarf Counterparts 114.png
  • Dwarfs 101.png
  • Dwarfs 121.png
  • Dwarfs 202.png
  • Dwarfs 203.png
  • Dwarfs 207.png
  • Dwarfs 210.png
  • Dwarfs 211.png
  • Dwarfs 213.png
  • Dwarfs 219.png
  • Dwarfs 302.png
  • Dwarfs 310.png
  • Dwarfs 321.png
  • Dwarfs 322.png
  • Dwarfs 502.png
  • Dwarfs 503.png
  • Dwarfs 508.png
  • Dwarfs 511.png
  • Dwarfs 512.png
  • Dwarves 121.png
  • Dwarves 209.png
  • Grumpy 101.png
  • Leroy 501.png
  • Sneezy 201.png
  • Sneezy 501.png
  • Elderly, short, pot-bellied, half bald, black eyebrows, bright red cotton fabric tunic with yellow buttons, brown pants, hazel eyes, fair skin, pink cherry nose
First Appearance
  • None specified
  • Doctor
  • All
  • Doc
  • Doc
  • Blonde
  • Light blond
  • Doc
  • Unknown
  • Doc
  • Doc
  • Dr "Doc" Eustace M.D.
  • Rabbit
  • N\A
  • Lazy
  • Kind-hearted, somewhat pompous, flustered, responsible, tongue-tied, bossy, forgetful, strict, comforting
  • Kind-hearted, somewhat pompous, flustered, responsible, tongue-tied at times, nervous, bossy, forgetful, strict
  • 200
  • 95
  • Doc
  • 1977-09-16
  • Doc
  • Kirby: Squeak Squad artwork
  • The Doc in its natural environment.
  • Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
  • "Pilot"
  • "Forever"
  • Male
Name ja romaji
  • Doc
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Paresseux
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --03-16
  • Voyageur
  • Yaphet Kotto
Unusual Features
  • Spiral Hairlock
  • Yes
  • Doc
  • A metal pole; sometimes, a very heavy book.
  • 200
  • Pondering
  • 120.0
  • 174.0
  • 146.0
  • 2
  • Village Physician
  • 161
Primary Weapon
  • *McDog *Cujo
  • Sabio
  • Yes
  • Minero
  • 清子直死
  • 7000
  • New Skill - Invention
  • Technology
  • Weapon
  • Trophy
  • Cultural Artifact
  • Military Gear
  • Underworld Goods
  • 172.72
  • 9.0
  • Doc
  • Doc.jpg
  • Rock
  • Left-handed
  • left
  • right
Marital Status
  • Single
  • 2
  • His pickaxe
  • Typing
  • The Evil Queen
  • The Evil Queen Summer with the Royals: Elpheba the wicked witch of the west, Maleficent, Lady Tremaine, Drusilla, Anastasia, The Evil Queen, Prince John, Queen of Hearts, The Big Bad Wolf, Little Old Witch, Gothel
  • Hildy and Grim Gloom, Goldilocks, Dr. Jingleheimer
Image size
  • 240
  • Medium
Place of death
  • Hive
  • * Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and stamina. * Healing factor . * Prehensile tongue. * Ability to shift his eye color from regular to solid black. * Ability to differentiate between vampires and humans and to sense the presence of human souls. * Vast knowledge of the dark arts, specializing in resurrection spells.
  • 400
  • 3
  • --03-16
  • --03-28
  • Garage owner, street racer
  • Gizmo Guy Mr. Fun Trivia Elf Nerd
  • 2012
  • Doc
previous team
  • None
Last Appearance
  • Miner
  • Miner
  • Therapist
  • Leader of the Seven Dwarfs
  • Miner Leader of the Seven Dwarfs
  • Vice-President of the Department of Research and Development, Third Seat of the Twelfth Division
  • Umbrella Operative Medic
  • Miner / Former Student at O.U.Smarty U / Licensed Chiropodist
  • 19623
  • Official
  • Ordinary
  • Doc
  • 1983
  • The 7D's grandfathers
  • N/A
  • Bashful - Brother
  • Dopey - Brother
  • Grumpy - Brother
  • Happy - Brother
  • Sleepy - Brother
  • Sneezy - Brother
  • Stealthy - Brother
  • 73000
  • 2016-01-25
  • dbkwik:resource/mZxwuRYlXc6OiCP2fdK8kg==
  • Teacher's Pet (film)
  • Sneeuwwitje en de zeven dwergen
  • Mickey's House of Villains
  • The Lion King 1½
  • ''Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • Flubber
  • ''Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Who Framed Roger Rabbit Flubber Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse Teacher's Pet The Lion King 1½ Mickey's House of Villains
  • Doc
  • Dopey
  • Forest Animals (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
  • Bashful
  • Grumpy
  • The Prince
  • Snow White (character)
  • Sneezy
  • Sleepy
  • Happy
  • Snow White, Grumpy, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey, Forest Animals, The Prince Summer with the Royals: Alena McBride, Adalyne McBride, Alice "of Wonderland", Goldilocks, Dorothy, Cinderella, Sleeping "Aurora" Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, March Hare, Mat Hatter, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, Dormouse, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Robin Hood, Little John, Friar Tuck, Maid Marian , Doc, Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Grumpy, Prince Charles "Charlie" Charming, Prince Phillip, Prince Ferdinand "Freddie", Humpty Dumpty, The Three little pigs , Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby "Teddy" Bear, Hansel, Gretel, Glinda the Good Witch of the North, Jack, Rapunzel, Ryder, Rose, Tulip, Tiger Lily, Flora, Fauna, Meriwether, Fairy Godmother
Image File
  • DOCS.png
  • Male
  • left "tout bleu"
  • left"morbleu"
  • Defender
  • -
  • Gustave Kateb
  • William Wilson
Blood Type
  • A
  • Doc Holliday
  • Try not to get yourselves hurt.
  • GA: 2 and 3
  • "Come on, hen, uh, men; Follow me!"
  • Another World
  • *Meredith Grey ' *Derek Shepherd ' *Addison Forbes Montgomery
  • Masculino.
  • Der Wissenschaftler
  • Duke.jpg
  • 42
  • The dwarfs search for something precious of Sneezy's.
  • An attack is planned on King George.
  • Charming helps the dwarfs mine.
  • Doc and the dwarfs mourn Snow White's "death".
  • Doc at the welcome back party.
  • Doc attends Archie's funeral.
  • Doc attends Snow and Charming's wedding.
  • Doc attends the witch fight.
  • Doc celebrates Emma's victory.
  • Doc has fun at the carnival.
  • Doc hears the announcement.
  • Doc is given his pickaxe.
  • Doc is made an example of.
  • Doc is reunited with his workforce.
  • Doc mingles.
  • Doc stays behind to babysit Prince Neal.
  • Doc wants a candle.
  • Doc wants to tag along.
  • Doc witnesses his friend being turned to stone.
  • Emma holds a town meeting, which Doc attends.
  • It's off to work they go.
  • Just like old times.
  • Oz is discussed.
  • Regina is attacked.
  • Snow White decides to live with the dwarfs.
  • Snow and the dwarfs toast to Regina's failure.
  • Snow consults the dwarfs.
  • The Spell of Shattered Sight is broken.
  • The dark dwarfs.
  • The dwarfs are left chilled by the Dark Swan.
  • The dwarfs are swarmed.
  • The dwarfs hold an intervention for Snow.
  • The dwarfs investigate.
  • The dwarfs make a discovery.
  • The dwarfs make a new friend.
  • The dwarfs take a break at Granny's Diner.
  • The dwarfs want to leave town.
  • The dwarfs welcome the Jolly Roger crew home.
  • The dwarfs witness something historic.
  • The heroes return to the Enchanted Forest.
  • Emma removes everyone's memories of the last six weeks.
  • The dwarfs, along with many other townspeople, watches as Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke forever.
  • French
wikipage disambiguates
  • De 7D
  • Poissons
Nombre Japonés
  • ドク
No of Levels
  • 10
  • Anão
Unlocked by
Character Collection
  • Doc
  • -
  • The Isle of the Lost
  • Return to the Isle of the Lost
notable partner(s)
  • Sharon Stryder
  • Surgeon Medical Adviser and Practitioner for Jeb Stryder's Rebel Cell
  • Luxury
  • Courting*
  • Light
primary stat
  • Cunning
  • *Only after a point in companion story with female Jedi Knight.
secondary stat
  • Endurance
  • 200
  • Doc se refiere a mas de una cosa: * Doc era el alias de mecánico Klaus Vandangante. * Doc era el nick de Cesi Eirriss, una piloto twi'lek rebelde que sirvió poco antes de la batalla de Yavin. * * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • Doc (どく Doku-san) is a Shinigami and member of the Twelfth Division as well as well was the Vice-President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. He dislikes his first name as it came from parents he did not like, and as such, prefers to be called Doc.
  • Doc es un personaje de la película Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Es interpretado por Eoin Macken. Categoría:Personajes
  • en:Doc Doc ist der Wissenschaftler der Squeaks. Er bewegt sich meist in einem UFO fort, aber er benutzt einmal auch einen nachgebauten Kracko, einmal einen mechanischen Einsiedlerkrebs, den Yadogaine. In der UFO-Form sind seine Waffen Bomben, ein Laser und eine Art Staubsauger. Man kann sein UFO einsaugen, wenn er es mal verliert, daraus entsteht dann die UFO-Fähigkeit. Manchmal verliert er auch seinen Laser, welcher die Laser-Fähigkeit einbringt. doc.gif|Doc im Spiel Kategorie: Squeaks Kategorie: Zwischengegner aus Kirby: Mausattacke Kategorie: Charaktere aus Kirby Mass Attack
  • Doc is a Client in Galaxy on Fire 3D who asked the player to deliver some important cargo. Keith T. Maxwell seems to be suspicious of Doc's cargo; Doc could be a pirate.
  • Doc is the leader of the seven dwarfs in Disney's 1937 animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Doc was the dog of Meredith Grey, Addison Forbes Montgomery, and Derek Shepherd.
  • Doc is the only seen Human character on the television show Fraggle Rock. He has a dog called Sprocket who lives with Doc in his Workshop. Doc has also appeared in A Muppet Family Christmas. Doc's real name is Jerome Crystal. He's performed by Gerry Parkes.
  • Doc is één van de zeven dwergen uit de Walt Disney film Sneeuwwitje en de zeven dwergen uit 1937.
  • Doc, from Back to the Future once visited us in our College library. A picture of his head was positioned upon a wooden post, covered in a doctor's coat. This was used to promote Science Week, a period that we tenderly remember due to this hilarious happenstance.
  • Doc est un médigluant apparaissant dans Dragon Quest IV. Il est très aimable et son rêve est de devenir humain.
  • Doc - to jeden z Górników Mocy i ich przywódca.
  • Doc Drew Cutler's old dog (deceased). The Outrage
  • Doc died in the 2004 Great hunt.
  • Doc is the leader of the power miner
  • doc is a spell from The Sorcery Spell Book. Medicinal potions carried and used by the caster will, under this spell, have their effects increased so that they will heal any wounded Human or creature who drinks them. The potions may be used on the caster - the spell must be cast as the potion is administered - but they will not bring a being who has actually died back to life. It costs 1 stamina point to use.
  • File:Doc2.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Doc was a character in Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. He was an informant of the Umbrella Corporation, and was sent by his superiors to keep track of survivors in Raccoon City. His knowledge about medicine, as well as his kind and likeable personality, helped him climb up the ranks and become a leader of a large group of survivors holding up in Raccoon City, with his comrades unaware of his duplicitous nature. He is portrayed by Irish actor Eoin Macken.
  • Doc pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * "D.O.C.", episodio da terceira temporada centrado em Sun e Jin * Apelido de Jack, dado por Sawyer
  • Doc seems to be the inventive genius of the Squeaks. He pilots a flying saucer, and he also appears in two boss stages. In one stage he is seen piloting a mechanical version of Kracko, and in another, he controls Yadogaine: A giant, mechanical hermit crab in Jam Jungle. Doc doesn't seem to have any physical powers and only attacks with machines. Doc features in the sub-game Treasure Shot. Doc makes a minor appearance in Kirby Mass Attack. He appears in Daroach's Airship after beating Dedede Resort. Doc later appears as a sticker in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
  • There are many characters who have used the code name Doc: * Doc (Carl Greer) - the original medic who appeared in the A Real American Hero series. * Doc (Carla Greer) - the niece of the original Doc. * Doc (Resolute) * Doc (Renegades) - the veteran doctor in Renegades Additionally, many other characters could be referred to as "doctor."
  • Gustave "Doc" Kateb is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. He features a high armor rating but has low mobility and has the MPD-0 Stim Pistol as his unique gadget, which can revive himself or teammates from a distance when an operator is down, as well as heal teammates.
  • Doc was the resident physician at Carver City. He was an alcoholic and, until treating Joe Brontowski, he had lost every patient. He escaped Carver City when it was attacked by Old One Eye but was killed by a giant prehistoric snake in the nearby swamp while trying to get to the Trans-Time base.
  • Doc (ドク Doku?) is a character in Chrono Cross. He is an avid surfer and doctor in training who moved to Guldove to practice medicine.
  • Doc (トビオ, Tobio en japonais, Crispín en espagnol) est un lapin apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing sur GameCube, Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible à Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Doc is an agent in the Department of Floaters. He is not a doctor, and other agents should not attempt to consult him on medical matters. He is written by doctorlit.
  • DOC is a prefix for documentaries relating to the Doctor Who universe. File:LockedTab.png
  • Doctor "Doc" Eustace M.D. is a kind and compassionate man, who according to Wanda, is very good at his Calling as a Medical Practitioner and is Sharon Stryder's partner. He is one of the first humans who show compassion towards these Souls .He is a tall and slim human male with medical training and serves as Jeb's Rebel Cell members' medical adviser and practitioner.
  • Hallo Doc! Hier kannst du jetzt was rein schreiben, oder das was ich hineingeschrieben habe wieder löschen. Du kannst auch Bilder oder Töne oder sonstwas reinstellen. Und Links setzen, sowohl intern, z.B. Hase oder auch extern, z.B. Strohballenhaus. Der Link "Hase" existiert bereits, wohingegen Entenbau noch nicht da ist. Ebensowenig wie Rohloff ist teuer. Und falls dir das alles zu blöd ist, wart halt mal ab wie sichs entwickelt, weiß ich ja auch nicht.
  • Doc is an inventor and the only regular human character in Fraggle Rock (as well as the only character who appeared in every single episode). He lives with his dog, and best friend, Sprocket. Doc spends a lot of his time in his workshop, a refurbished old room which is directly connected to the caves of Fraggle Rock via a hole in the wall. As a human, Doc is considered one of the "silly creatures" by the Fraggles. He often lives up to this designation with his sometimes impractical schemes and inventions, but he is always enthusiastic about his work, and is a good friend to Sprocket. Doc's accomplishments include such varied inventions as the Rocket Sprocket and the Collapsible Bookcase, and being named Man of the Year by the North American Society of Tinkerers. Prior to adopting inventing and the pursuit of scientific advancement as his life's work, Doc was employed as a barber. He has an off-and-on friendship/rivalry with next door neighbor Ned Shimmelfinny. Whenever Uncle Traveling Matt sends postcards to Gobo, they are delivered to Doc who promptly throws them away. This makes it necessary for Gobo to venture into Doc's workshop to retrieve the postcards. Doc is continually puzzled by the missives for this "Gobo Fraggle fella." In the second season episode "A Cave of One's Own", the arrival of a new neighbor, Ms. Ardath, provides a romantic interest for Doc and a new sideline, as part-time manager of The Captain's Inn, a bed-and-breakfast that was built across the street. In the second to last episode, "The Honk of Honks", Doc finally learns of the existence of Gobo. However, in "Change of Address," Doc and Sprocket have to move away to the desert a considerable distance away to be with Ned for his health, although both parties soon learn that you cannot leave the magic. Doc also appeared in A Muppet Family Christmas, accompanied by Sprocket having rented Emily Bear's cottage at Grizzly Farm for Christmas until Fozzie Bear arrives with his friends to spend Christmas with his mother. Though initially taken aback by the sudden arrival of the Muppets, Doc adjusts and befriends the motley group even going so far as to assist Kermit the Frog in rescuing Miss Piggy from the blizzard. Doc even joins in on the Christmas melodies and even plays Santa Claus for the troupe. (While this special aired after the Fraggle Rock series had ended, it apparently takes place during the period prior to Doc's discovery of the Fraggles' existence; at one point he even asks Sprocket if the Muppets are "anything like these Fraggles you keep telling me about".) In the final episode, "Change of Address", Doc tells Gobo that his real name is Jerome Crystal. As Henson staff writer Craig Shemin pointed out at the 2001 MuppetFest convention, this would make him "Doc Crystal."
  • Doc, is a light-hearted and mild-mannered leading member of Issuing Orders, a WWII RPG. After being caught in the Winters Ordeal and briefly administering a WWIII site, he has become a frequent and helpful member of Issuing Orders
  • Doc is the leader of the seven dwarfs in the 1937 animated classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Doc is a character in Midnight Club: Los Angeles, added by the South Central Premium Upgrade.
  • Doc is a Medium Robot with 4 medium hardpoints, used two at a time with the Quick Draw ability, with a cooldown time of a 15 seconds. Doc was released during the 2016 Christmas event. Was also available as a token purchase on the 27th of January to the 12th of February; and finally made it to Gold-priced bots during 3rd Anniversary event. Doc is one of three Quick Draw bots (alongside Jesse and Butch). With 4 Medium Weapon hardpoints, strategies include bearing four of a kind, using the Quick Draw ability to exploit reload times, or mix ranges between the two weapon sets to control as much area as possible. This allows Doc to be a brilliant support bot, only limited by low base stats. It was anticipated that Doc would be a "gunslinger", such that appropriate weapons would be Molot T and Punisher T. Equipping four Tulumbas or Orkans will make good use of the Quick Draw ability to exploit reload times and protect themselves and beacons. Although Doc has limited knife fighting ability, the Quick Draw ability makes for a good support bot. In some cases, Doc can be the most heavily armed medium robot. While the Quick Draw ability is theoretically able to deal unparalleled damage from medium weapons compared to other medium hardpoint bots, the Quick Draw's reload time generally reduces the amount of damage Doc can output.
  • Doc is, as his name suggests, a doctor. In fact, he's presumably one of the few doctors in Western Mudos. Being a Vykker, a creature of such a shady descent, not many Clakkerz seem to trust him, and thus, he doesn't get many patients. His prices are ridiculously high (perhaps because there aren't a lot of people willing to come in his office to do business). Doc seems to be the Stranger's only hope if he wants to have a mysterious procedure performed to save his life, and also seems to be the only one who truly knows Stranger's dark secret. Doc presents him an offer for a 20,000 Moolah operation at Gizzard Gulch. Stranger goes out to save up for the operation. While he is in the Mongo Valley, he is informed that Doc wants to see him. Stranger then heads to Doc's office to find him hung by the outlaws. It is rumored that Doc once worked for Vykker's Labs.
  • Ele vende a Capa de Invenção para jogadores que atingiram o nível 99, e a Capa de Mestre de Invenção para os que já atingiram nível 120. Jogadores que desejam aprimorar suas ferramentas guardadas no Porta-ferramentas devem falar com Doc, pois ele pode removê-las do mesmo.
  • Doctor Zee (aka "Doc") was a confederate of The Brow. He was a heavyset man with dark hair who typically wore round eyeglasses. Doc was apparently a practicing physician with an office that used as a front for his spying activities. After the Brow broke the Summer Sisters' wrists, Doc bandaged them. He later used the dressing of May Summer's wrist as a means to pass information to the Brow secretly. After the Brow's organization was disrupted, he fled to Doc's office for help. Doc aided the Brow in killing the Summer Sisters and a taxi cab driver by running their car off the road into a river. After Brow found Tess Trueheart's gas ration coupons, Doc was instructed to steal her car license plates as well. As he was stealing them, he was caught in the act by Tess, whom he knocked unconscious. Doc switched the license plates but the number was broadcast over the radio and the car was soon spotted by the Highway Patrol. Doc attempted outrun the police. The tires on his civilan vehicle were worn out (due to war-time rationing) and couldn't stand the strain of prolonged pursuit at high speed. One of Doc's tires blew out, causing the car to crash into a bridge culvert and he was killed.
  • Dr. William "Doc" Wilson es un personaje que fue cortado durante el desarrollo de Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
  • Doc is a minor supporting character on Once Upon a Time, and a member of the brotherhood of dwarfs that accompanied Snow White in several adventures. As his name indicates, he is the smart, level-headed and practical member of the group, and a valued member as well, who loves working at the mines and who can develop a sense of adventure when it is needed. After the Dark Curse was set in motion, Doc became trapped in Storybrooke, Maine, unable to remember his past identity.
  • Doc is introduced as a co-worker of Maggie Burroughs working at the shelter where he specializes in dream therapy. He is seen explaining the story of the Dream Demon that he has a picture of. They are the three entities that roam the dreams of the living until they find someone twisted and evil, and give them the power to cross dreams and reality.
  • Doc is a limited-time character released with the Snow White Event Update on 6th December 2017, and is a part of the character collection.
  • Doc, born Archiban Frodrick Kimble is the 28-year-old healer Companion Character for the Jedi Knight.
  • DOC is the abbreviation for the Department Of Corrections. ]] == ] ==
  • Doc ist Anführer der Power Miners und wild entschlossen, zu finden, was auch immer sich unter der Erde versteckt. Er war überall auf der Welt und hat alle erdenklichen Abenteuer erlebt.
  • Doc is a middle-aged man with a close-cut haircut, a white coat, and a friendly disposition.
  • Este inventor nos dará la herramienta que nos permitirá construir casi todo lo que se nos pase por la cabeza. ¡Es muy útil! Con la herramienta podrás hacer que el valle luzca justo como tú quieras. Con su sonrisa de superioridad siempre puesta, Doc se encarga de hacer inventos útiles (y no tan útiles) que quizás nos ayuden en nuestra tarea. Doc no se lleva muy bien con los Duendes de la Cosecha, que siempre se están quejando del ruido que hacen sus trastos.
  • B{| style="font-size: 95%; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: #eee; ; border-left: 10px solid #228b22" |- | style="width: 60px; padding: 2px 0px 2px 0.5em; text-align: center;" | File:Photo.png | style="padding: 0.25em 0.5em; color:#000;" | This needs more pictures. Do you even have any idea what this nonsense could look like? Please add some pictures to it!. |} Doc (not to be confused with Doc Hudson or Doc Bunny from the parody of Goombas film Cars (2006)) is a mad scintest. He invented all sorts of things, and has electrocuted himself countless times. When trying to switch Marios body with that of a koopa, he was painfully zapped, and the result was a huge explosion. Poor Doc.
  • Start 1 Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code (T001)Company is created by FI Consultant.The company code is an organizational unit used in accounting. It is used to structure the business organization from a financial accounting perspective.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define, copy, delete, check Company Code 2 Define Credit Control Area (T014)Company is created by FI Consultant.The credit control area is an organizational unit that specifies and checks a credit limit for customers.A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one control area. Within a credit control area, the credit limits must be specified in the same currency.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting-> Define Credit Control Area 3. Maintaining Sales Organization(TVKO)Sales Organization is an organizational unit responsible for the sale of certain products or services.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check Sales organization 4. Assigning Sales Organization to Company Code(TVKO~BUKRS)This assignment ensures all the sales made through this Sales Organization are accounted for in the assigned Company Code.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign Sales Organziation to Company Code 5. Maintaining Distribution Channel(TVTW)Distribution Channel is the way, in which Products or Services reach Customers.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel 6. Assigning Distribution Channel to Sales Organization(TVKOV)This assignment ensures, a Sales Organization can supply Materials to Customers through this Distribution Channel.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution > Assign distribution channel to sales organization 7. Maintaining Division(TSPA)Division is a way of grouping materials, products, or services.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define, copy, delete, check division 9. Setting up Sales Area(TVTA)All the sales are made from a particular sales Area. For creating a Sales Order Sales Area is compulsory. Sales Area is combination of Sales Organization, Distribution channel and DivisionIMG ->Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Set up sales area 10 Maintain sales Office(TVBUR)You define the sales offices in your company. The definition of sales offices is optional.For each sales office, you can determine the printer for output based on the sales documents in different waysIMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Maintain Sales Office 12 Maintain sales Group(TVKGR)company. The definition of sales groups is optional. You can use the SD system without creating sales groups. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Maintain Sales Group 13 Assign sales group to sales office(TVBVK)you can assign as many sales groups as desired to the sales offices. Any one sales group can belong to several sales offices.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales group to sales office 14. Define Shipping Points(TVST)Shipping Point is the Organizational element, which is responsible for shipping the Materials to the Customers.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics Execution -> Define, copy, delete, check shipping point 15 Define, copy, delete, check plant(T001W)Plant is created by MM Consultant. Plant is the part of enterprise structure where production occursIMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define, copy, delete, check plant 16 Assigning Shipping Point to Plant(TVSWZ)This assignment ensures that goods from different Plant can be dispatched from different Shipping Points.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics Execution -> Assign shipping point to plant 17. Assigning Sales Organization- Distribution Channel- Plant(TVKWZ)Plant is created ny MM Consultant.IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales organization - distribution channel - plant Note: Ensure to do the undermentioned configuration also though it is not in Customizing node of Enterprise Structure. 18. Defining Common Distribution Channels for Master Data(TVKOV-VKWKO TVKOV~VTWKU)The purpose of this activity is to define distribution channels which have common master data..Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:IMG Menu -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Define Common Distribution ChannelsTransaction Code: VOR1 19. Defining Common Divisions for Master Data(TVKOS-SPAKO TVKOS~SPAKU)The purpose of this activity is to define distribution channels which have common master data..Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:IMG Menu -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Define Common DivisionTransaction Code: VOR2 CS212 at Wikia * Recent changes * * Subpages * Connections * Editing tutorial
  • Doc (también llamado así en la versión japonesa) es un Mini-Jefe de Kirby: ¡Roedores al ataque! y un Miembro de los Squeaks. Aparece en Kirby: ¡Roedores al ataque! y Kirby Mass Attack. Doc es el genio inventor de mechas de los Squeaks. Está montado en un platillo volador. También aparece en Kirby Mass Attack en el barco volador de Doroach junto a los otros Squeaks después de vencer el nivel Dedede's Resort.
  • Players wishing to augment their tools on their tool belt should speak with Doc who will remove the tool from the tool belt.
  • --From The 7D Mine Train App Doc is the leader of the seven dwarfs who help protect Jollywood in The 7D, and is also highly intelligent as well as an inventor of gadgets. His hat is known to house many tools that can be used in times of need as well as performing simple tasks. In "The Long, Long Winter," he led the mission to go save Jollywood Joe. He is voiced by Bill Farmer.
  • Doc ist ein Asiatischer Elefantenbulle im Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse im US-Bundesstaat New York. Er wurde am 08.05.1997 im "Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC)”, Ringling Zuchtstation Polk City, Florida, USA, geboren. Über seine Eltern hat er mehrere Geschwister und Halbgeschwister, viele von ihnen leben noch im CEC. Doc war der zweite Elefant, der dort am Symptome des Herpesvirus zeigte, aber erfolgreich behandelt wurde. Er war auch bis 2006 mit auf Zirkustourneen unterwegs. Am 19.01.2009 wurde sein erster Sohn Barack nach künstlicher Befruchtung geboren. Mutter seines Sohnes ist Bonnie, ebenfalls eine eigene Nachzucht. Am 15.11.2012 reiste Doc in den Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse im US-Bundesstaat New York weiter. Dort wurde er am 12.05.2015 zum zweiten Mal Vater eines Sohnes Batu. Die Mutter ist diesmal Mali. Gut zwei Monate später 24.07.15 gebar die 20 Jahre alte Elefantenkuh Kirina ebenfalls ein, jedoch totes, Kalb von Doc im Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse.
  • Doc, as he was known to his friends, was one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. A talented physician, he provided medical support to the wandering cabal, as well as help in finding safe ways to get high. He was also an expert at rolling joints. Years later, he would write one of the four gospels.
  • Doc is the leader of the Power Miners. He works on the Thunder Driller and the Titanium Command Rig.
  • Dr. William "Doc" Wilson is a character that was cut during the development of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
  • " DOC" is a Gmod "monster" created by "Mike Mcdouchebag" as a parody of Scream Fortress 2013 halloween hats and miscs. DOC is a Medic Robot from MVM with an oversized head with a Das Blutliebhaber, Second Opinion and Archimedes the Undying which can stun his victims before capturing and torturing them in his airship. He also leads a brigade of custom-built surgical drones which assist him in his ruthless campaign.
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