  • Decius
  • Decius
  • Decius
  • Decius was first introduced in the .32 Patch. Decius is a mysterious leader that has the unique distinction of being the only leader with a choice between which civilization he will lead. Decius' story - and the reason why he can lead three different civilizations - is told in three Fall From Heaven 2 scenarios; in order, they are: The Fall of Cuantine, Into the Desert, and Wages of Sin.
  • Decius is an Imperial ghost found in the Cave of Broken Sails.
  • Trajan Decius (; ca. 201 – June 251), was Roman Emperor from 249 to 251. In the last year of his reign, he co-ruled with his son Herennius Etruscus until they were both killed in the Battle of Abrittus.
  • Decius was a Romulan junior officer who served aboard the ChR Gal Gath'thong in the 23rd century.
  • Decius was a son of a great house, who lived in Constantinople. He heard of the Prophet, but initially ignored him. After a while he heard him speak, and was impressed. He became his first apostle. He documented his experience in his journals.
  • thumb|Decius (2266) Decius ist ein Offizier des Romulanischen Sternenimperiums. Decius hat gute Verbindungen zu höheren Stellen und steht in direkten Kontakt mit dem Praetor selbst. Er dient auf dem Flaggschiff des Praetors, als dieser Bird-of-Prey 2266 den Neutrale-Zone-Zwischenfall auslöst. Decius wurde von Lawrence Montaigne gespielt und von Dirk Galuba synchronisiert. Kategorie:Romulaner en:Decius
  • Decius was a male Romulan military officer in the 23rd century. He served aboard the Praetor's flagship under the command of an unidentified commander in 2266. That same year, this flagship Bird-of-Prey participated in the Empire's effort to test Earth forces' resolve nearly a century after the Earth-Romulan War. The starship attacked a number of Earth Outpost Stations along the Romulan Neutral Zone.
  • En 2266, il servit à bord du vaisseau-étendard du Praetor. A cette époque, le vaisseau participait à une campagne visant à tester les forces terriennes, un siècle après les guerres romuliennes. Ainsi, le vaisseau attaqua plusieurs avant-postes le long de la Zone neutre romulienne. Durant cette campagne, malgré l'ordre de silence prônée par le Commander, Decius envoya secrètement un message codé à l'attention du Praetor pour le tenir au courant de l'évolution de cette glorieuse mission. Cette action contraindra le Commander à le dégrader de 2 rangs, bien qu'il sache que Decius a des amis influents au sein de l'Empire.
  • Decius (a good, solid 'decisive' name) had something of a truncated career as Roman Emperor in 3rd century Rome. He lasted about two years, which was about the average for the next 30 odd years in an almost unbroken succession of soldier-emperors. Unlike in previous centuries when emperors could at least blame their 'useless generals', if that was all you knew as an imperial candidate then if the proverbial hit the fan, your head would hit the deck, with the rest of your body dropping down shortly after.
  • 2266
  • Decius
  • 2266
  • officer,
Birth Date
  • ca. 201
Full Name
  • ;
  • Gaius Messius Quintus Decius
  • Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius Augustus
death place
  • Abrittus
  • Deceased
  • Decius
  • Masculin
  • rom
  • Bust of Trajan Decius
  • Decius in 2266.
Hair Color
  • black
Character Name
  • Decius
Birth Place
  • Budalia
death date
  • June 251
  • Militaire
  • Citoyen de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien
  • Trebonianus Gallus and Hostilian
  • 2266
  • Decius
  • 249
  • 250
  • no
  • 249
  • 251
  • Male
  • male
  • Decius was first introduced in the .32 Patch. Decius is a mysterious leader that has the unique distinction of being the only leader with a choice between which civilization he will lead. Decius' story - and the reason why he can lead three different civilizations - is told in three Fall From Heaven 2 scenarios; in order, they are: The Fall of Cuantine, Into the Desert, and Wages of Sin.
  • Decius (a good, solid 'decisive' name) had something of a truncated career as Roman Emperor in 3rd century Rome. He lasted about two years, which was about the average for the next 30 odd years in an almost unbroken succession of soldier-emperors. Unlike in previous centuries when emperors could at least blame their 'useless generals', if that was all you knew as an imperial candidate then if the proverbial hit the fan, your head would hit the deck, with the rest of your body dropping down shortly after. So precarious became the position of emperor that other generals would decline 'the honour' over succeeding years but that wouldn't save you either. Once a rebellion started against a sitting emperor started, it was always a stark choice. To the victor the spoils, for the losers the 'crapitorium'. Of course when Decius was leading his rebel troops against Emperor Philip the Arab, he was not know that he had set off a particular ticking sundial. Perhaps Decius was just a bit unlucky but his death in 251 against a new enemy - the smelly and black clad Goths - was a huge surprise. He was the first Roman emperor to be killed on a battlefield by the barbarians. His body wasn't given a Roman funeral as the Goths took it back home with them for their strange rituals involving sharp sticks and rectums. Picking on the Christians wasn't clever either, since within 70 years they would be the victors and in charge of how history would be later recorded and preserved. Mess with the 'Jesus boys' cult', and you would be toast.
  • Decius is an Imperial ghost found in the Cave of Broken Sails.
  • Trajan Decius (; ca. 201 – June 251), was Roman Emperor from 249 to 251. In the last year of his reign, he co-ruled with his son Herennius Etruscus until they were both killed in the Battle of Abrittus.
  • Decius was a male Romulan military officer in the 23rd century. He served aboard the Praetor's flagship under the command of an unidentified commander in 2266. That same year, this flagship Bird-of-Prey participated in the Empire's effort to test Earth forces' resolve nearly a century after the Earth-Romulan War. The starship attacked a number of Earth Outpost Stations along the Romulan Neutral Zone. During this initiative, Decius dispatched a coded message to the Romulan praetor, providing a status update. As a result of this unauthorized action, he was reduced two steps in rank – despite the fact that Decius had influential friends within the Empire – by the commander who believed that they were being shadowed by an Earth vessel. Later, in response to his commander's refusal to attack the USS Enterprise, Decius successfully manipulated him into launching an attack by requesting permission to destroy the enemy vessel himself. His commander, refusing to relinquish his own authority, did indeed attack, but soon found that the Enterprise was, in fact, only feigning disablement, and found himself overpowered by the Earth vessel. Decius and the other Romulan crewmembers were killed when the commander initiated a self-destruct, refusing to surrender to the Humans. (TOS: "Balance of Terror" )
  • En 2266, il servit à bord du vaisseau-étendard du Praetor. A cette époque, le vaisseau participait à une campagne visant à tester les forces terriennes, un siècle après les guerres romuliennes. Ainsi, le vaisseau attaqua plusieurs avant-postes le long de la Zone neutre romulienne. Durant cette campagne, malgré l'ordre de silence prônée par le Commander, Decius envoya secrètement un message codé à l'attention du Praetor pour le tenir au courant de l'évolution de cette glorieuse mission. Cette action contraindra le Commander à le dégrader de 2 rangs, bien qu'il sache que Decius a des amis influents au sein de l'Empire. Plus tard, suite au refus du Commander d'attaquer l'USS Enterprise, Decius le manipula en lui requérant la permission de détruire l'ennemi lui-même. Son Commander, refusant de déléguer sa propre autorité, finit par attaquer le vaisseau de la Fédération. Cependant, l'USS Enterprise parvint à endommager l'oiseau-de-proie romulien, contraignant ainsi le Commander à initier l'autodestruction pour éviter que l'équipage ne se fasse capturer par les Humains. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
  • thumb|Decius (2266) Decius ist ein Offizier des Romulanischen Sternenimperiums. Decius hat gute Verbindungen zu höheren Stellen und steht in direkten Kontakt mit dem Praetor selbst. Er dient auf dem Flaggschiff des Praetors, als dieser Bird-of-Prey 2266 den Neutrale-Zone-Zwischenfall auslöst. Während dieses Vorfalls sendet Decius nach den erfolgreichen Angriffen auf die Erdaußenstationen 2, 3, 4 und 8 einen codierten Bericht über die glorreichen Siege an den Praetor. Damit bricht er jedoch die Schweigepflicht und macht die in der Nähe wartende USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) auf das getarnte Raumschiff aufmerksam. Von seinem Kommandanten wird Decius deswegen um zwei Dienstgrade degradiert, der daraufhin von seinem Centurio vor Decius' guten Freunden und deren Macht gewarnt wird. Als der Kommandant später plant, ohne finalen Angriff auf die scheinbar wehrlose Enterprise nach Romulus zurückzukehren, fordert Decius ein, den glorreichen Angriff selbst ausführen zu dürfen. So gedrängt greift sein Kommandant jedoch selbst an. Als der letzte Angriff fehlschlägt, wird der Bird-of-Prey schwer getroffen, und spätestens bei der Selbstzerstörung stirbt auch Decius. (TOS: ) Decius wurde von Lawrence Montaigne gespielt und von Dirk Galuba synchronisiert. Kategorie:Romulaner en:Decius
  • Decius was a Romulan junior officer who served aboard the ChR Gal Gath'thong in the 23rd century.
  • Decius was a son of a great house, who lived in Constantinople. He heard of the Prophet, but initially ignored him. After a while he heard him speak, and was impressed. He became his first apostle. He documented his experience in his journals.
is Commander of
is Characters of
is Father of
is Before of
is alongside of
is After of
is Person of
is regent of
is wikipage disambiguates of