  • Vincent Valentine
  • Vincent Valentine
  • Vincent Valentine
  • Vincent Valentine
  • Vincent Valentine
  • Vincent Valentine is an optional playable character in Final Fantasy VII and the main protagonist of Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII. A former Turk with a mysterious past, Vincent's secrets tie him directly to several of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII's main antagonists. Vincent wields handguns in battle and his Limit Breaks cause him to shapeshift as a result of the experiments Professor Hojo performed on him. Since his introduction, Vincent has become one of the most popular characters in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.
  • Vincent wields handguns in battle and his Limit Breaks cause him to shapeshift as a result of the experiments Professor Hojo performed on him. Since his introduction, Vincent has become one of the most popular characters in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.
  • Vincent Valentine est l'un des personnages principaux de la Compilation Final Fantasy VII. Personnage optionnel jouable de Final Fantasy VII, Vincent est aussi le protagoniste principal dans le jeu Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-.
  • Vincent Valentine es uno de los dos personajes secretos de Final Fantasy VII, junto con Yuffie Kisaragi. También aparece en el videojuego de lucha arcade, ''Ehrgeiz, también (aunque a modo de cameo) en Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII y es el protagonista del juego Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII.
  • Despite being one of the two "optional" characters, Vincent developed quite a large fanbase. Vincent was also the star of his own video game, "Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus", that even people who have played it don't even recall.
  • Vincent Valentine is an optional playable character in Final Fantasy VII, and the main protagonist of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-. A former Turk with a mysterious past, Vincent's secrets tie him directly to several of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII 's main antagonists.
  • Vincent Valentine (jap. ヴィンセント・ヴァレンタイン, Vinsento Varentain) ist ein optionaler spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy VII und der Protagonist des Ablegers Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. Vincent war einmal Mitglied bei den Turks, einer geheimen Organisation der ShinRa-Firma. Während eines Experiments wurde er jedoch genetisch modifiziert und vom wahnsinnigen Wissenschaftler Hojo in einen Sarg im Keller der Shinra-Villa eingesperrt. Cloud Strife und seine Mitstreiter können ihn nach dem Lösen einer kleinen Nebenaufgabe dazu gewinnen, sich ihrer Truppe anzuschließen.
  • Vincent Valentine is a recurring character in The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, appearing in every game and movie in the series -- Final Fantasy VII, Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-, and Final Fantasy Advent Children; he is presumed to reappear in the upcoming Final Fantasy VII episodic pseudo-remake. He is a fan favorite in the Final Fantasy VII segment of the Final Fantasy metaverse, but also one of the favorite playable characters in the entire franchise. See the article on Vincent Valentine on Fandom's finalfantasy wiki.
  • Vincent Valentine has caused many upsets that have surprised Board 8 members and ruined their brackets, such as when he defeated Dante and Squall and did fairly well against Crono in the Summer 2005 Contest. In 2006 he further proved himself by defeating Ganondorf without too much trouble and putting up a pretty sold number on Sonic. He extended his hot streak even further in 2007, finishing ahead of Crono in Round Three to, in the minds of some, "break" the Noble Nine.
  • Vincent Valentine è un personaggio giocabile del gioco Final Fantasy VII. Questo misterioso personaggio può essere incontrato mentre dorme in una bara nei sotterranei della residenza Shinra, ma il suo misterioso passato è reso noto al giocatore solo visitando determinati luoghi o assistendo a determinati eventi con lui in squadra. Originariamente un membro del dipartimento di sicurezza della compagnia elettrica Shinra, i Turk, è scomparso in circostanze poco chiare che hanno a che fare con il professor Hojo e la sua collega Lucrecia Crescent, e proprio il suo conto in sospeso con Hojo è ciò che lo porta a unirsi al gruppo di protagonisti.
Other Appearances
  • true
  • Shougu Suzuki
  • Steven Jay Blum
  • --10-13
  • Shougo Suzuki
  • 1,85 m
  • Unbekannt
type of hero
  • Gunman, Shape Shifter
  • Pistola
  • Pistolen und Gewehre
  • 27
  • 57
  • 59
  • 60
  • Mensch
  • ヴィンセント・ヴァレンタイン
  • Kill Professor Hojo, End all remnants of Jenova
  • Vincent Valentine
  • Final Fantasy
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • 27
  • 57
  • 59
  • 60
  • Marksmanship/ Enhanced speed, durability and strength/ Superficial undeath/ High intellect/ Transformations/ Magical aptitude/ Intimate knowledge of Shinra, Hojo and Sephiroth/ Materia
  • 27
  • 57
  • 59
  • 60
  • A
  • Vincent Valentine
  • Vincent Valentine
  • 42
  • true
  • Vinsento Varentain
  • Vinsento Varentain
  • 1950-10-13
  • Artwork from [[w:c:finalfantasy:Final_Fantasy_VII
  • Steven Jay Blum
  • A
  • Galian Beast, Death Gigas, Hell Masker, Chaos
  • Death-like-slumber, Visiting Lucrecia's body, Self-Reflection
  • 360.0
  • Vince/Vinnie
  • ヴィンセント・ヴァレンタイン
  • 200
  • 13
  • Turk
  • true
  • Vincent Valentine
  • Male
  • 250
  • FFVIIa
  • FFVIIb
  • Artistropeadope
  • 300
  • 1
boss page
  • Vincent
viidoc weapon
ffvii ultimateweapon
  • Death Penalty
viidoc type
  • playable
  • Vince
ffvii type
  • optional
  • Oriol Rafel
  • Desconocida
  • A
ffvii weapon
viibc type
  • boss
ffvii ultimatelimitbreak
  • Chaos
  • Vincent Valentine has caused many upsets that have surprised Board 8 members and ruined their brackets, such as when he defeated Dante and Squall and did fairly well against Crono in the Summer 2005 Contest. In 2006 he further proved himself by defeating Ganondorf without too much trouble and putting up a pretty sold number on Sonic. He extended his hot streak even further in 2007, finishing ahead of Crono in Round Three to, in the minds of some, "break" the Noble Nine. He's in FFVII, appeared in his own spinoff (Dirge of Cerberus), he's a vampire, a werewolf, and he wears a cool cape. Also he has a gun.
  • Vincent Valentine (jap. ヴィンセント・ヴァレンタイン, Vinsento Varentain) ist ein optionaler spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy VII und der Protagonist des Ablegers Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. Vincent war einmal Mitglied bei den Turks, einer geheimen Organisation der ShinRa-Firma. Während eines Experiments wurde er jedoch genetisch modifiziert und vom wahnsinnigen Wissenschaftler Hojo in einen Sarg im Keller der Shinra-Villa eingesperrt. Cloud Strife und seine Mitstreiter können ihn nach dem Lösen einer kleinen Nebenaufgabe dazu gewinnen, sich ihrer Truppe anzuschließen. Vincents Limit-Fähigkeiten sind durch Hojos genetische Manipulationen bedingt und erlauben ihm, sich in eine Reihe mächtiger Kreaturen zu verwandeln. Seine Lieblingswaffen sind Pistolen, Gewehre und dergleichen. Seine dunkle Vergangenheit holt ihn des Öfteren ein, während sich die Handlung des Spiels entfaltet. Seine dunklen Kräfte machen ihn zu einem starken Kämpfer und nützlichen Partymitglied.
  • Vincent Valentine is an optional playable character in Final Fantasy VII and the main protagonist of Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII. A former Turk with a mysterious past, Vincent's secrets tie him directly to several of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII's main antagonists. Vincent wields handguns in battle and his Limit Breaks cause him to shapeshift as a result of the experiments Professor Hojo performed on him. Since his introduction, Vincent has become one of the most popular characters in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.
  • Vincent Valentine is a recurring character in The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, appearing in every game and movie in the series -- Final Fantasy VII, Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-, and Final Fantasy Advent Children; he is presumed to reappear in the upcoming Final Fantasy VII episodic pseudo-remake. He is a fan favorite in the Final Fantasy VII segment of the Final Fantasy metaverse, but also one of the favorite playable characters in the entire franchise. A pale skinned, red eyed person with what looks like a cybernetic arm (it is in fact a gauntlet), Vincent is considered as mysterious as he is interesting. He notably sleeps in a coffin and possesses other vampiric traits although he is revealed to not be one, much to the party's relief, though he is easily the oldest member of the party, having been in love with the woman who would come to be Sephiroth's mother, Lucretia. As a Sephiroth Clone like other heroes such as SOLDIERs Cloud Strife and Zack Fair, Vincent has the genes of an alien creature inside of him; in his case this allows him to transform into vicious beasts in combat; unfortunately he loses all sense of holding back and he will go berserk in all forms. Many of these forms relate to Halloween: While his Galian Beast form is based on the series' Behemoth monsters and his Chaos form appears to be based on Final Fantasy I's final boss (although is also a Demon), his Death Gigas is based on Frankenstein's monster and his Hellmasker is a combination of Jason Voorhees and Leatherface. See the article on Vincent Valentine on Fandom's finalfantasy wiki.
  • Vincent wields handguns in battle and his Limit Breaks cause him to shapeshift as a result of the experiments Professor Hojo performed on him. Since his introduction, Vincent has become one of the most popular characters in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.
  • Vincent Valentine est l'un des personnages principaux de la Compilation Final Fantasy VII. Personnage optionnel jouable de Final Fantasy VII, Vincent est aussi le protagoniste principal dans le jeu Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-.
  • Vincent Valentine es uno de los dos personajes secretos de Final Fantasy VII, junto con Yuffie Kisaragi. También aparece en el videojuego de lucha arcade, ''Ehrgeiz, también (aunque a modo de cameo) en Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII y es el protagonista del juego Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII.
  • Despite being one of the two "optional" characters, Vincent developed quite a large fanbase. Vincent was also the star of his own video game, "Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus", that even people who have played it don't even recall.
  • Vincent Valentine è un personaggio giocabile del gioco Final Fantasy VII. Questo misterioso personaggio può essere incontrato mentre dorme in una bara nei sotterranei della residenza Shinra, ma il suo misterioso passato è reso noto al giocatore solo visitando determinati luoghi o assistendo a determinati eventi con lui in squadra. Originariamente un membro del dipartimento di sicurezza della compagnia elettrica Shinra, i Turk, è scomparso in circostanze poco chiare che hanno a che fare con il professor Hojo e la sua collega Lucrecia Crescent, e proprio il suo conto in sospeso con Hojo è ciò che lo porta a unirsi al gruppo di protagonisti. Vincent appare anche in altri titoli della Compilation di Final Fantasy VII, in particolare ha un ruolo di rilievo nel film Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, ma la sua crescente popolarità gli ha permesso di diventare protagonista di un titolo tutto suo: lo sparatutto in terza persona Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-, in cui sono ulteriormente esplorati la sua storia, l'origine dei suoi poteri e il suo rapporto con Hojo e Lucrecia, mentre cerca di fermare una pericolosa organizzazione che mira a purificare il mondo. Nel suo gioco d'origine, Vincent non era che un personaggio segreto con un ruolo minimo nella trama centrale e statistiche mediocri, tuttavia il suo gameplay unico e il suo aspetto affascinante lo hanno reso uno dei personaggi più iconici dell'intera compilation, specialmente tra il pubblico femminile. Ciò gli ha permesso di fare anche qualche comparsata come personaggio giocabile in diversi titoli spin-off della serie Final Fantasy.
  • Vincent Valentine is an optional playable character in Final Fantasy VII, and the main protagonist of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-. A former Turk with a mysterious past, Vincent's secrets tie him directly to several of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII 's main antagonists.
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