  • Arawn
  • Arawn
  • Arawn
  • Arawn
  • Arawn
  • Arawn
  • Arawn is the Celtic god of the dead, war, revenge and terror within the Welsh mythology, and he reigns supreme as the ruler of the spiritual realm of Annwn, appearing prominently in the first branch, and alluded to in the fourth. In later tradition, the role of king of Annwn was largely attributed to the Welsh psychopomp, Gwyn ap Nudd. However, Arawn's memory is retained in a traditional saying found in an old Cardigan folktale: (In Welsh): "Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros Arawn". (in English translation): "Long is the day and long is the night, and long is the waiting of Arawn".
  • Arawn was an evil overlord in the Chronicles of Prydain books by Lloydd Alexander. He was replaced by the Horned King in The Black Cauldron because the animators felt that people would like the Horned King better since he had horns (similar to Maleficent and Chernabog). However, Arawn did receive a part in the movie. During the prologue, the narrator talks about the history of the Black Cauldron and how Arawn came to become it. Arawn is the secondary antagonist of the film Black Cauldron.
  • thumb|140px|El Caldero Negro. Arawn, o más visto como El Caldero Negro, es un personaje en forma de caldero de la película The Black Cauldron.
  • thumb|left|Symbol Arawna, czaszka wojownika Jako bóg śmierci i zaświatów, Arawn [czyt. araun] zwany Mrocznym (ang. the Dark One) rzadko ma powód by wędrować do świata żywych. Jego dom jest wyspą tak głęboko w morzu, iż nikt, nawet sam Manannan mac Lir, nie może znaleźć za życia, gdyż tylko martwi mogą tam dotrzeć. W istocie, Arawn wysyła swój awatar do świata żyjących wtedy, kiedy wskrzeszony został ktoś, kogo Arawn wolałby zachować. Wiele innych celtyckich bóstw poprze wskrzeszenia, lecz żaden nie zagwarantuje iż Arawn pozostawi to w spokoju. Arawn ma absolutną władzę nad życiem i śmiercią pośród Celtów.
  • Dans la mythologie galloise, Arawn règne sur le monde des morts, Annwn. Si l'on en croit La première branche du Mabinogion il a un rival , Hafgan, qui a les mêmes prérogatives que lui et un royaume identique. Le dieu Cernunnos des premiers Celtes semble s'être dédoublé en deux entités miroirs l'une de l'autre. Arawn propose à Pwyll, un des époux de la Déesse-Mère d'échanger avec lui son domaine pour un an et un jour. Ensuite, Pwyll doit combattre Hafgan sur le gué et le vaincre en lui portant un seul coup. Dès lors, l'ennemi est défait, Arawn conforté dans sa place. Pwyll devient "chef" du monde des morts. Y a-t-il dans ce récit le souvenir d'une royauté alternée de deux rois ? Catégorie:Divinités Galloises
  • Arawn is a senior officer and sailmaster of the crew Pirates of the Damned and a member of the flag Crimson Tide on the Midnight Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Arawn is a Welsh deity associated with death and the Tylweth Teg. He is the King of Annwn (ah-noon), the Welsh Otherworld. He was also a warrior deity and associated with hunting, revenge, and terror. He was said to ride to the hunt with his hounds, the Cwn Annwyn. A verse about Arawn goes as follows: "Hit yw'r dude a his yw'r nos, a his yw arms Arawn." This roughly translates to: "Long is the day and long is the night, and long is the wait for Arawn."
  • King Arawn was the ruler of the Welsh underworld. He is the lord of the dead in that realm. A welsh hero, Gwydion and his brother once stole a pair of animals from him. This lead to the battle of Cad Goddeu.
  • The Great Demon King, he was sealed away for 1000 years after his mortal body dies on the battlefield. Drwc resurrected him using Riannon as living sacrifice, but is instead killed after Arawn saves Riannon from mind control. She takes a liking to him instantly, and makes him chieftain of the Gael Clan. Arawn's true name, a name that awakens his power is Lucifer. He was the 13th Angel born after the previous 12 and was thought to be an imperfection. He became one of the 12 Angels after his "father" Angel, Myrddin died by performing the Song of Creation. He assumed role of his "father", opposed the remaining 11 White Angels, thus leading him to be exiled from Heaven, and became a Fallen Angel. He was the one who freed Primula and the humans from the bindings of the White Angels, as they had
  • Arawn is the angel of death. He is also a neutral god, so he does not go against the one and he does not go against Agares. Arawn prefers to stay out of creation and gets lazy at times but is a strong ally and friend. He has no religion and hates necromancy. Arawn along with Dagda, Oghma and Kilmorph stopped the Godswar seeing that it was destroying Erebus and its people, he also took part in creating the compact. Arawn also kept the power of life for Nemed when he chose to live with his children (father of humanity). When Mulcarn brought the Age of Ice on Erebus and killed Sucellus, Sucellus was sent to Arawn's vault. In generosity, Arawn gave Sucellus the power of life which brought Sucellus back to life as the Angel of Life and former archangel of Sucellus, Cernousses the Angel of Natur
  • Arawn is also summoned throughout Boss Gates in Archimedia. As the Chase attempt to clear their names, Arawn declines it with a challenge. Before doing so, he compliments that they are not without ability seeing how they managed against his forces. After they defeat him, his scouts report that one of their cities was destroyed by attacking Demons while Mari explains her story. Arawn believes that their is no evidence of their stories, but agrees to let them go. However, he warns them that they will be watched so long as they remain in his land.
  • Arawn var en Goa'uld vetenskapsman som styr planeten Annwn i namn av Systemherre Manannan mac Lir. Arawn näve trädde i tjänst Manannan efter ett militärt nederlag i händerna på en mindre Goa'uld som heter Gwydion. Gwydion hade stulit flera föremål från Arawn, och som svar, Arawn skickade några av sina mycket avancerade cybernetiska Jaffa att återvinna dem . Arawn styrkor besegrades bara för att de var hopplöst underlägsna, och Manannan var imponerad av uthållighet av den förstärkta Jaffa. Manannan erbjöd Arawn sin egen värld, Annwn, som en vetenskaplig bas, och Arawn accepteras. Han har gett Manannan med teknik och soldater sedan dess.
  • Arawn fist entered the service of Manannan after a military defeat at the hands of a minor Goa'uld named Gwydion. Gwydion had stolen several artifacts from Arawn, and in response, Arawn sent some of his highly advanced cybernetic Jaffa to recover them. Arawn's forces were defeated only because they were hopelessly outnumbered, and Manannan was impressed by the tenacity of the enhanced Jaffa. Mananna offered Arawn his own world, Annwn, as a scientific base, and Arawn accepted. He has provided Manannan with technology and troops ever since.
  • Was to conquer Prydain before being imprisoned
  • 1
  • Arawn
  • Männlich
Startet die Aufträge
  • *Briefmarkenjagd
involved in quests
  • *Lure of the Wildcat (Bastok)
  • Bastok
  • Hume
  • Sig själv
  • Asexuell
  • Arawn from the Chronicles of Prydain Books
  • The Herilian Agenda
  • Disney Infinity 2.0 Edition
  • pośrednie bóstwo
  • nieśmierć, odwet, przeznaczenie, śmierć, zło
  • maczuga
  • A large face on the Black Cauldron
  • Bastok
  • midnight
  • Arawn
  • Arawn
  • Arawn
  • yes
  • sroga, ponura postać Arawna z głęboko osadzonymi rysami
  • House of Mouse
  • Taken away by the Black Cauldron
  • Cinderella's Castle Mystery Tour Tokyo Disneyland Only
  • #fff
  • Mroczny
  • Taran, Eilonwy, Dallben, Sons of Don
  • #000
  • Arawn
  • Unspeakable Dark Powers, Control of Death, Army of Undead Minions, Shapeshifting Abilities
  • czaszka wojownika
  • Prydain
  • Szare Pustkowia/Niflheim/Annwn
  • Evil Spirite
Home Planet
  • The Black Cauldron
  • Male
  • Asexual
  • życie, śmierć
  • Arawn.jpg
Beteiligt an den Aufträgen
  • *Ködere die Wildkatze (Bastok)
starts quests
  • *Stamp Hunt
  • The Great Demon King, he was sealed away for 1000 years after his mortal body dies on the battlefield. Drwc resurrected him using Riannon as living sacrifice, but is instead killed after Arawn saves Riannon from mind control. She takes a liking to him instantly, and makes him chieftain of the Gael Clan. Arawn's true name, a name that awakens his power is Lucifer. He was the 13th Angel born after the previous 12 and was thought to be an imperfection. He became one of the 12 Angels after his "father" Angel, Myrddin died by performing the Song of Creation. He assumed role of his "father", opposed the remaining 11 White Angels, thus leading him to be exiled from Heaven, and became a Fallen Angel. He was the one who freed Primula and the humans from the bindings of the White Angels, as they had cursed mankind to praise and worship their creator until death. Throughout the ages, the White Angels hated him and opposed him on every occasion possible, eventually leading to his deep slumber after being struck by a cannon blast from a siege weapon. The element used in the weapon is Electrum in which Arawn's physical body is weak against. He then went into a deep sleep to recover his mortal body for the next millennium before the start of Tears to Tiara. However, he was awaken before his due time and his body has not completely recovered and so he has the body of a normal human being. Due to his nature, unknowing about the present customs, he takes in more wives after Riannon due to his blunts, actions and words.
  • Arawn is the angel of death. He is also a neutral god, so he does not go against the one and he does not go against Agares. Arawn prefers to stay out of creation and gets lazy at times but is a strong ally and friend. He has no religion and hates necromancy. Arawn along with Dagda, Oghma and Kilmorph stopped the Godswar seeing that it was destroying Erebus and its people, he also took part in creating the compact. Arawn also kept the power of life for Nemed when he chose to live with his children (father of humanity). When Mulcarn brought the Age of Ice on Erebus and killed Sucellus, Sucellus was sent to Arawn's vault. In generosity, Arawn gave Sucellus the power of life which brought Sucellus back to life as the Angel of Life and former archangel of Sucellus, Cernousses the Angel of Nature. Arawn's archangel is Gyra. When Arawn gets too lazy Gyra takes care of the Underworld and of Arawn. Basium was also the former archangel of Arawn til he felt Arawn wasn't doing enough too stop the Infernals so along with an army of angels supporting Basium's cause he attacked hell. Arawn sometimes tells Gyra to send spirits who weren't suppose to be in his vault to help Basium with his fight. Laroth also has his kingdom in Arawn's vault and plans to overthrow him but as long as Gyra is around he won't able to overthrow Arawn.
  • Arawn is the Celtic god of the dead, war, revenge and terror within the Welsh mythology, and he reigns supreme as the ruler of the spiritual realm of Annwn, appearing prominently in the first branch, and alluded to in the fourth. In later tradition, the role of king of Annwn was largely attributed to the Welsh psychopomp, Gwyn ap Nudd. However, Arawn's memory is retained in a traditional saying found in an old Cardigan folktale: (In Welsh): "Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros Arawn". (in English translation): "Long is the day and long is the night, and long is the waiting of Arawn".
  • Arawn was an evil overlord in the Chronicles of Prydain books by Lloydd Alexander. He was replaced by the Horned King in The Black Cauldron because the animators felt that people would like the Horned King better since he had horns (similar to Maleficent and Chernabog). However, Arawn did receive a part in the movie. During the prologue, the narrator talks about the history of the Black Cauldron and how Arawn came to become it. Arawn is the secondary antagonist of the film Black Cauldron.
  • Arawn fist entered the service of Manannan after a military defeat at the hands of a minor Goa'uld named Gwydion. Gwydion had stolen several artifacts from Arawn, and in response, Arawn sent some of his highly advanced cybernetic Jaffa to recover them. Arawn's forces were defeated only because they were hopelessly outnumbered, and Manannan was impressed by the tenacity of the enhanced Jaffa. Mananna offered Arawn his own world, Annwn, as a scientific base, and Arawn accepted. He has provided Manannan with technology and troops ever since. Eventually, Arawn moved away from his research into cybernetics, and instead developed a specialized sarcophagus known as the Black Cauldron, which would turn normal Jaffa into utterly-obedient shock troops who were immune to both pain and fear. These "cauldron-born" Jaffa would become the backbone of Manannan's forces. Despite being a gifted scientist by Goa'uld standards, Arawn craves power and wealth as much as any System Lord. Secretly, he acknowledges that he is not cut out to be a powerful leader among the Goa'uld, but in public he makes it a point to act as sinister, petty, and evil as any Goa'uld.He was later captured and killed by Herillians. (RPG: "The Herilian Agenda") (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")
  • thumb|140px|El Caldero Negro. Arawn, o más visto como El Caldero Negro, es un personaje en forma de caldero de la película The Black Cauldron.
  • Arawn var en Goa'uld vetenskapsman som styr planeten Annwn i namn av Systemherre Manannan mac Lir. Arawn näve trädde i tjänst Manannan efter ett militärt nederlag i händerna på en mindre Goa'uld som heter Gwydion. Gwydion hade stulit flera föremål från Arawn, och som svar, Arawn skickade några av sina mycket avancerade cybernetiska Jaffa att återvinna dem . Arawn styrkor besegrades bara för att de var hopplöst underlägsna, och Manannan var imponerad av uthållighet av den förstärkta Jaffa. Manannan erbjöd Arawn sin egen värld, Annwn, som en vetenskaplig bas, och Arawn accepteras. Han har gett Manannan med teknik och soldater sedan dess. Så småningom flyttade Arawn bort från sin forskning om cybernetik, och i stället utvecklat en specialiserad sarkofag som kallas Black Cauldron, vilket skulle förvandla normal Jaffa till helt-lydiga stöttrupper som var immuna mot både smärta och rädsla. Dessa "kittel-födda" Jaffa skulle bli ryggraden i Manannan styrkor. Arawns stilar själv i skallen Herre Annwn, och på första bedömning kan man dra slutsatsen att han medvetet har omkring sig med riksregalierna av ledarskap. Mottagande kamrar sin fästning är prydda med gobelänger och guld och silver smycken; frodiga röda mattor slingrar sig genom korridorerna av den underjordiska slott hans icke-Cauldron-Born tjänare äta på färsk hydroponically odlade frukter och grönsaker och boskap som tas upp i stora, konstgjort klimat-kontrollerade bergrum under planeterna ytan ger intryck av en dekadent reproduktion av en medeltida fest hall. Men Arawn frånvaro sig i allmänhet från dessa festligheter. Han föredrar att hålla sig till de spartanska glas-och-stål laboratorier där han forskar mönster och testar de tekniska apparater som håller Manannans imperium i trim. Precis som alla andra Goa'uld han begär efter makt, och är känd för att frossa (om det sällan) i de yttre tecknen på lyx som hans gynnade Underlord status ger honom. I hemlighet han erkänner att han inte har den gåvan för innehav tyglar ledarskap. Han vet alltför väl att hans position i Manannans gunst och därmed hans säkerhet är beroende av hans förmåga att ge användbar teknologi för att stödja system herres ambitioner och medan han har tjänat tillräckligt med fördel att känna att hes inte längre betraktas som "bara så bra som hans sista projekt", hes ovilliga att vila på sina lagrar. Vad Arawn erkänner för sig själv behöver inte matcha vad hes villig att erkänna att resten av universum, dock. Till hans egna underhuggare och även kollega Underlord han håller upp en olycksbådande även illvilliga mask. Då tvingas att delta i sociala sammankomster han gör en poäng av att nämna de mest obehagliga detaljer om hans senaste experiment inte är för långt sträck med tanke på att han verkligen tycker om den grymhet han utsätter så kallade "mindre raser" och går ut i sitt sätt att vara som kyligt och skrämmande som möjligt. Han är en ganska tyrann som är ganska medveten om sin småaktighet och gör allt han kan för att dölja sin medvetenhet från alla andra. Han tillfångatogs och dödades av Herilianerna. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Living Gods: Stargate System Lords") (RPG: "The Herilian Agenda") kategori:Goa'uld kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
  • Arawn is also summoned throughout Boss Gates in Archimedia. As the Chase attempt to clear their names, Arawn declines it with a challenge. Before doing so, he compliments that they are not without ability seeing how they managed against his forces. After they defeat him, his scouts report that one of their cities was destroyed by attacking Demons while Mari explains her story. Arawn believes that their is no evidence of their stories, but agrees to let them go. However, he warns them that they will be watched so long as they remain in his land. Arawn reappears in Kounat's Collapse along with Gilberta to help hold off Veron and Drawl as the Chase make their way to confront Ashtaroth.
  • thumb|left|Symbol Arawna, czaszka wojownika Jako bóg śmierci i zaświatów, Arawn [czyt. araun] zwany Mrocznym (ang. the Dark One) rzadko ma powód by wędrować do świata żywych. Jego dom jest wyspą tak głęboko w morzu, iż nikt, nawet sam Manannan mac Lir, nie może znaleźć za życia, gdyż tylko martwi mogą tam dotrzeć. W istocie, Arawn wysyła swój awatar do świata żyjących wtedy, kiedy wskrzeszony został ktoś, kogo Arawn wolałby zachować. Wiele innych celtyckich bóstw poprze wskrzeszenia, lecz żaden nie zagwarantuje iż Arawn pozostawi to w spokoju. Arawn ma absolutną władzę nad życiem i śmiercią pośród Celtów.
  • Dans la mythologie galloise, Arawn règne sur le monde des morts, Annwn. Si l'on en croit La première branche du Mabinogion il a un rival , Hafgan, qui a les mêmes prérogatives que lui et un royaume identique. Le dieu Cernunnos des premiers Celtes semble s'être dédoublé en deux entités miroirs l'une de l'autre. Arawn propose à Pwyll, un des époux de la Déesse-Mère d'échanger avec lui son domaine pour un an et un jour. Ensuite, Pwyll doit combattre Hafgan sur le gué et le vaincre en lui portant un seul coup. Dès lors, l'ennemi est défait, Arawn conforté dans sa place. Pwyll devient "chef" du monde des morts. Y a-t-il dans ce récit le souvenir d'une royauté alternée de deux rois ? Catégorie:Divinités Galloises
  • Arawn is a senior officer and sailmaster of the crew Pirates of the Damned and a member of the flag Crimson Tide on the Midnight Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Arawn is a Welsh deity associated with death and the Tylweth Teg. He is the King of Annwn (ah-noon), the Welsh Otherworld. He was also a warrior deity and associated with hunting, revenge, and terror. He was said to ride to the hunt with his hounds, the Cwn Annwyn. A verse about Arawn goes as follows: "Hit yw'r dude a his yw'r nos, a his yw arms Arawn." This roughly translates to: "Long is the day and long is the night, and long is the wait for Arawn."
  • King Arawn was the ruler of the Welsh underworld. He is the lord of the dead in that realm. A welsh hero, Gwydion and his brother once stole a pair of animals from him. This lead to the battle of Cad Goddeu.
is domination of
is StartNPC of
is Name of
is Starter of
is Friends of