  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • Původ Goa'uldi jsou parazitická rasa, která se vyvinula na planetě spolu s rasou zvanou Unasové. Goa'uldi byli nejdříve predátoři než se vyvinuli do podoby, ve které dokáží ovládnout hostitele. Nejdříve jako hostitele používali Unasy. Jakmile zjistili, jak cestovat hvězdnou bránou začali prozkoumávat naši galaxii. Později našli svět, který pojmenovali Tau'ri. Na Tau'ri objevili rasu lidí, která sice nebyla tak odolná jako unasové, ale byla velice dobrá pro ůčel hostitele. Goa'uldi pak některé přemístili na různé světy, z některých byli hostitelé, z jiných otroci a z ostatních Goa'uldi udělali pomocí zařízení Jaffy, neboli chodící inkubátory pro mladé symbionty.
  • I Goa'uld sono una razza dell'universo fantascientifico di Stargate SG-1, principali nemici dei Terrestri dalla prima sino all'ottava stagione e oltre con casi più rari.
  • A goa'uld egy élősködő, egy parazita. Minden goa'uldnak szüksége van egy gazdatestre, vagy egy kis elektromossággal töltött víz-szerűségre ahhoz, hogy életben maradjon. Ha egy goa'uld megszáll egy embert, akkor uralkodik fölötte. A "jó" goa'uldok a tok'ra-k.
  • The Goa'uld (pronounced as the 'g' sound, followed by an arbitrary combination of vowels, followed by 'ld', for example, it can be pronounced as gold, go-a-oold, goold, gaold, go-a-o-a-o-a-oold, or an infinite number of other possibilities) are an alien race of head-snakes, and also the main villains of the first 36 Seasons of Stargate. They look like snakes, but they're really much more. They normally insinuate themselves into the brains of large politicians and soap opera stars, which they can then control. They find humans particularly suitable as hosts, mostly just because they really enjoy video games. "Goa'uld" roughly translates into "I'm God and you're not" in the Swahili language.
  • Les Goa'uld sont des extraterrestres en forme de serpent originaires des marais de la planète P3X-888. Ils naissent en masse, pondus par une reine. Ils ne vivent pas très longtemps dans leur état d'origine, leur première ambition est de trouver un hôte pour survivre en le pénétrant par le cou (pour les Goa'uld) ou la bouche (pour les Tok'ra). es:Goa'uld de:Goa’uld Catégorie:Races Catégorie:Races non humaines Catégorie:Races de la Voie lactée Catégorie:Races parasitaires
  • Goa'uld son una raza de seres sintientes parasitaria que hacerse cargo de los ejércitos. Varias especies pueden servir como anfitriones, incluidos los seres humanos y Unas. Su origen se encuentra en el planeta designado P3X-888. Son también muy ególatra, debido a su memoria genética y la tecnología sarcófago. Goa'uld significa "Dios" en la lengua Goa'uld. Carreras que no les servirá son completamente destruidas sin compromiso. (SG1: "Hijos de los Dioses", "Thor's Hammer", "los primeros").
  • The Goa'uld (, commonly shortened to /ɡoʊˈuːld/ go-OOLD or /ˈɡuːld/ goold) are a fictional extraterrestrial race of parasites from the German-Canadian-American military science fiction television franchise Stargate. The Goa'ulds are parasites from the planet P3X-888, integrated within a host, most of the time human. The resulting creatures are a powerful race bent on galactic conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion or remorse. They are collectively the greatest extraterrestrial threat to Earth in the first eight seasons of Stargate SG-1 known to the Stargate Command (SGC). They are pejoratively called "snakes" or "snakeheads" by Jack O'Neill. The Goa'uld are the main enemies of SG-1 for most of the series, until they are replaced in this capacity by the Ori in seasons 9 a
  • Goa'uld (uttalas "Go-wah-oold") är en ras av kännande parasit varelser som tar över värdar. Flera arter kan fungera som värdar, däribland människa och Unas. De har sitt ursprung på planeten utsedd P3X-888. De är också extremt egomaniacal grund av deras genetisk minne och de negativa psykiska effekterna av sarkofag teknologi. Goa'uld betyder "gud" i Goa'uld språk. Raser som inte kommer att tjäna dem helt förstörda utan kompromisser eller nåd som helst. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "The First Ones")
  • "I mean we have no right to play God. But neither do the Goa'uld. Now I know none of this seems real to you on paper, but trust me, they're pure evil." —Daniel Jackson The Goa'uld are a race of sentient parasitic beings that take over hosts. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the sarcophagus technology. Goa'uld means "God" in the Goa'uld language. Races which will not serve them are completely destroyed without compromise. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "The First Ones")
  • The Goa'uld are a race of parasitic beings that take over hosts. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the sarcophagus technology. Goa'uld means "God" in the Goa'uld language. Races which will not serve them are destroyed outright.
  • The Goa'uld (pronounced "Go-wah-oold" or sometimes "Goold") are a race of sentient parasitic beings that take over hosts. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the adverse mental effects of the Sarcophagus technology. Goa'uld means "god" in the Goa'uld language. Races which will not serve them are completely destroyed without compromise or mercy whatsoever. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "The First Ones")
  • Aucune
  • Ingen
  • Sconosciuta
  • Goa'uld
  • P3X-888
  • Parásita / Simbionte
  • Sapient
  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • Haut-Conseil des Grands-Maîtres
  • Goa'uld
  • Un Goa'uld in procinto di prendere possesso di un ospite.
  • High Council of System Lords
  • Goa'uld
  • Forme de serpent, mémoire génétique, excellente santé, tendances sociopathiques
  • Lever
  • "Children of the Gods"
  • Goa'uld
alleanze precedenti
  • Nessuna
  • Genetic memory
  • Sociopathic tendencies
  • Capable of healing injuries
  • Perfect health
  • Serpentine shape
  • *Serpentine form *Genetisk minne *Perfekt hälsa *Sociopathic tendenser
  • Un symbiote Goa'uld
  • Parasitic Symbiotes
  • 206
  • Stargate universe
  • 300
  • Goa'uld
  • Same as the Host
  • Goa'uld
  • Goa'uld
  • PS-888
  • Governati dai Signori del sistema
  • Nessuna
  • Högsta Rådet av Systemherre
  • Les Goa'uld sont des extraterrestres en forme de serpent originaires des marais de la planète P3X-888. Ils naissent en masse, pondus par une reine. Ils ne vivent pas très longtemps dans leur état d'origine, leur première ambition est de trouver un hôte pour survivre en le pénétrant par le cou (pour les Goa'uld) ou la bouche (pour les Tok'ra). Les Unas étaient les premiers hôtes Goa'uld à l'origine, ils possèdent une force physique énorme, qui est décuplée s'ils sont possédés par un Goa'uld. Les bas reliefs des pyramides, sur Terre, montrent des dieux ressemblant à des Unas. Leur deuxième ambition, après avoir pris possession d'un être vivant, et le nombre de races compatibles avec les Goa'uld est immense, est de, soit survivre si l'hôte est un animal ou devenir un chef tyrannique et puissant si l'hôte est Humain ou une créature lui ressemblant. Les Goa'ulds possèdent une armée d'Humains modifiés, appelés Jaffa, car ils possèdent une poche abdominale capable de contenir une larve de Goa'uld, cette poche sert d'incubateur pour la larve. Les Jaffas sont dépendant de leurs larves car ils n'ont pas de système immunitaire, la larve le remplace. Ils doivent procéder régulièrement à un rituel, appelé le Kelnorim. es:Goa'uld de:Goa’uld Catégorie:Races Catégorie:Races non humaines Catégorie:Races de la Voie lactée Catégorie:Races parasitaires
  • The Goa'uld (pronounced "Go-wah-oold" or sometimes "Goold") are a race of sentient parasitic beings that take over hosts. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the adverse mental effects of the Sarcophagus technology. Goa'uld means "god" in the Goa'uld language. Races which will not serve them are completely destroyed without compromise or mercy whatsoever. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "The First Ones") Although the majority of them are one-dimensionally genocidal, megalomaniacal, and in some cases (such as Cronus, and, to a lesser extent, Ra) apparently barely self-aware (living out the patterns of their behavior as they existed thousands of years ago), there were a few exceptions. Apophis at times showed an unusual amount of insight, lucidity, and tenacity for a Goa'uld, showing great resourcefulness in escaping from Sokar's imprisonment, which in turn allowed him to gain control over Sokar's forces and become a greater threat than before. Heru'ur was seen on the battlefield with his Jaffa as an active general, risking his own life alongside them rather than hiding behind them (as Ra in particular had done). Ba'al was also able to survive the demise of the rest of the System Lords through being infinitely more flexible and adaptable than any of the others had been, even at times allying with SG-1 when he felt the situation warranted it. For a Goa'uld, gender appears to be a matter of choice, or persona, and is not always defined by the Host; one example is Osiris occupying a female body. Goa'uld appear to a certain extent to be able to express and feel love for their mate, or to a lesser extent their children. However, the mating of two Goa'uld host creates a harcesis, an individual who, through Goa'uld genetic memory, possesses all the knowledge of the Goa'uld. With all the knowledge a harcesis could easily jeopardize the Goa'uld power structure by simply sharing the fact that they are not gods and how their technology worked. For this reason, producing a harcesis was an unspoken taboo among Goa'uld, and if known to exist were hunted down and killed with impunity.
  • Původ Goa'uldi jsou parazitická rasa, která se vyvinula na planetě spolu s rasou zvanou Unasové. Goa'uldi byli nejdříve predátoři než se vyvinuli do podoby, ve které dokáží ovládnout hostitele. Nejdříve jako hostitele používali Unasy. Jakmile zjistili, jak cestovat hvězdnou bránou začali prozkoumávat naši galaxii. Později našli svět, který pojmenovali Tau'ri. Na Tau'ri objevili rasu lidí, která sice nebyla tak odolná jako unasové, ale byla velice dobrá pro ůčel hostitele. Goa'uldi pak některé přemístili na různé světy, z některých byli hostitelé, z jiných otroci a z ostatních Goa'uldi udělali pomocí zařízení Jaffy, neboli chodící inkubátory pro mladé symbionty.
  • I Goa'uld sono una razza dell'universo fantascientifico di Stargate SG-1, principali nemici dei Terrestri dalla prima sino all'ottava stagione e oltre con casi più rari.
  • The Goa'uld (, commonly shortened to /ɡoʊˈuːld/ go-OOLD or /ˈɡuːld/ goold) are a fictional extraterrestrial race of parasites from the German-Canadian-American military science fiction television franchise Stargate. The Goa'ulds are parasites from the planet P3X-888, integrated within a host, most of the time human. The resulting creatures are a powerful race bent on galactic conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion or remorse. They are collectively the greatest extraterrestrial threat to Earth in the first eight seasons of Stargate SG-1 known to the Stargate Command (SGC). They are pejoratively called "snakes" or "snakeheads" by Jack O'Neill. The Goa'uld are the main enemies of SG-1 for most of the series, until they are replaced in this capacity by the Ori in seasons 9 and 10. They also appear in the Stargate Atlantis episode , and in the DVD movie Stargate: Continuum. The Goa'uld were created by writers Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich for the 1994 movie, Stargate. The alien race in the film was never named, since the pilot episode "Children of the Gods" (1997), it is established that the alien race seen in the movie are the Goa'ulds, in the series it is confirmed that they are a parasitic race that uses hosts to survive. They are one of the dominant species in our galaxy with the Jaffa and the Asgards among others.
  • A goa'uld egy élősködő, egy parazita. Minden goa'uldnak szüksége van egy gazdatestre, vagy egy kis elektromossággal töltött víz-szerűségre ahhoz, hogy életben maradjon. Ha egy goa'uld megszáll egy embert, akkor uralkodik fölötte. A "jó" goa'uldok a tok'ra-k.
  • Goa'uld (uttalas "Go-wah-oold") är en ras av kännande parasit varelser som tar över värdar. Flera arter kan fungera som värdar, däribland människa och Unas. De har sitt ursprung på planeten utsedd P3X-888. De är också extremt egomaniacal grund av deras genetisk minne och de negativa psykiska effekterna av sarkofag teknologi. Goa'uld betyder "gud" i Goa'uld språk. Raser som inte kommer att tjäna dem helt förstörda utan kompromisser eller nåd som helst. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "The First Ones") Även om majoriteten av dem är endimensionellt folkmords, storhetsvansinne, och i vissa fall (t.ex. Cronus, och, i mindre utsträckning, Ra) tydligen knappt självmedvetna (lever ut mönster sitt beteende som de existerade tusentals år sedan), fanns det några få undantag. Apophis ibland visade ovanligt mycket insikt, klarsynthet och envishet för en Goa'uld, visar stort rikedom i att fly från Sokars fängelse, vilket i sin tur gjorde att han kunde få kontroll över Sokars styrkor och bli ett större hot än tidigare. Heru'ur sågs på slagfältet med sin Jaffa som en aktiv allmänhet att riskera sitt eget liv vid sidan av dem snarare än att gömma sig bakom dem (som Ra särskilt hade gjort). Ba'al fick också möjlighet att överleva nedläggningen av resten av Systemherrarna genom att vara oändligt mycket mer flexibel och anpassningsbar än någon av de andra hade varit, även i tider alliera sig med SG-1 när han kände situationen motiverat det. För ett Goa'uld, förefaller att genus är en fråga om val, eller persona, och är inte alltid definieras som värd; ett exempel är Osiris upptar en kvinnlig kropp. Goa'uld verkar i viss mån, för att kunna uttrycka, och känna kärlek, för deras partner, eller i mindre utsträckning, deras barn. Men parningen av två Goa'uld värd skapar en Harcesis, en individ som besitter all den kunskap om Goa'uld. Med all den kunskap en Harcesis skulle lätt äventyra Goa'uld maktstrukturen genom att helt enkelt dela det faktum att de inte är gudar och hur deras teknologi fungerat. Av denna anledning producerar en Harcesis var en outtalad tabu bland Goa'uld och om det är känt att existera jagades och dödades ostraffat.
  • "I mean we have no right to play God. But neither do the Goa'uld. Now I know none of this seems real to you on paper, but trust me, they're pure evil." —Daniel Jackson The Goa'uld are a race of sentient parasitic beings that take over hosts. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the sarcophagus technology. Goa'uld means "God" in the Goa'uld language. Races which will not serve them are completely destroyed without compromise. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "The First Ones") Although the majority of them are one-dimensionally genocidal, megalomaniacal, and in some cases (such as Cronus, and, to a lesser extent, Ra) apparently barely self-aware (living out the patterns of their behavior as they existed thousands of years ago), there were a few exceptions. Apophis at times showed an unusual amount of insight, lucidity, and tenacity for a Goa'uld, escaping from Sokar's imprisonment, and to a small extent, rebuilding his forces. Heru'ur was seen on the battlefield with his Jaffa as an active general, risking his own life alongside them rather than hiding behind them (as Ra in particular had done). Ba'al was also able to survive the demise of the rest of the System Lords (even up until the very end of the series) through being infinitely more flexible and adaptable than any of the others had been, even at times allying with SG-1 when he felt the situation warranted it.
  • The Goa'uld are a race of parasitic beings that take over hosts. Several species can serve as hosts, including humans and Unas. They originated on the planet designated P3X-888. They are also extremely egomaniacal due to their genetic memory and the sarcophagus technology. Goa'uld means "God" in the Goa'uld language. Races which will not serve them are destroyed outright. The Goa'uld first arose in the waters of P3X-888, originally as predators. Eventually, they began taking the native Unas as hosts, becoming more adaptive. They eventually learned how to operate the Stargate the Ancients placed on P3X-888 and left, taking Unas slave armies with them. Under the leadership of Atok, the Goa'uld developed the first of their society as conquerers, stealing Ancient technology and adapting it to their purposes. In 22,000 BCE, Atok was killed by his son Apep, he reordered the leadership of the Goa'uld. Apep shared power among his underlings, Ra, Nut, and Thoth. However, aroud 17,800 BCE, another Goa'uld began to rise in power: Anubis. Apep's powers began to decline in this time, and Anubis gained more power. Anubis then killed Apep, devouring the symbiote before the eyes of the Goa'uld. However, Ra managed to rally the others in Apep's name. After three centuries of civil war, Anubis was defeated and exiled. Ra organized a new leadership called the High Council of the System Lords. Ra installed himself as the Supreme System Lord of the Goa'uld Empire, and took the Goa'uld Queens Hathor and Egeria as mates Around 8,000 BCE, Ra discovered a healthy world with a primite race: Humans reseeded by the Ancients before they left Earth. Ra took a young native as a host. Revitalized, Ra began allowing the other System Lords access to the Tau'ri. Some were used as slaves and worshippers in naquadah mines, others were taken to Dakara, and turned into a slave-soldier army called the Jaffa, to serve as warriors and incubators for larvel Goa'uld. A rebellion in 2,995 BCE ended Goa'uld dominion on Earth, but Humans had already been seeded throughout the Goa'uld Empire, so Ra felt no need to reconquer the planet. Soon, however, Egeria began to have doubts about the future of the Goa'uld, and their cruel, destructive ways. Siring a legion of prim'ta, she in turn named them the Tok'ra, the "resistance against Ra". The Supreme System Lord discovered Egeria's treachery, dispatched a force, and captured her, removing her from her host and placing her in a Stasis jar on Pangar. In 1994, the Tau'ri reopened the Stargate, and sent a team through to Abydos. Ra captured some of them, and found a nuclear device that Colonel Jack O'Neill had been given in case he found any hostile threats. Ra enriched the device with naquadah, and prepared to send it through to Earth, but Daniel Jackson had told the Abydonians the truth about Ra. They rebelled, and Ra was forced to flee the planet. However, O'Neill and Jackson killed Ra when they sent the bomb up to Ra's vessel, killing him. After the death of Ra, the System Lords warred among themselves to replace him. Eventually, Cronus, Heru'ur, and Ba'al came out stronger than before, but the dominant System Lord was Apophis. After SG-1 caused various setbacks for him, Apophis in turn lanuched an attack on Earth. However, SG-1 was able to get aboard Klorel's Ha'tak, and sabotage both it and Apophis' Ha'tak. Apophis and Klorel survived, but Apophis was severely weakened. Under assault from Heru'ur and Sokar, Apophis was eventually captured by Sokar and sent to Ne'tu. When SG-1 arrived to rescue Jacob Carter, Apophis launched a rebellion, and escaped Ne'tu when the Tok'ra destroyed it. Apophis soon took control of Sokar's forces, and then Heru'ur's, after an abortive alliance. After the death of Cronus, Apophis took his fleet to destroy the Tok'ra on Vorash. Major Samantha Carter came up with the plan to destroy Apophis' fleet by causing Vorash's sun to explode. The plan worked, but caused SG-1's ha'tak to be sent to another galaxy, along with Apophis' mothership. The Replicators soon infested Apophis' mothership, and Apophis took over SG-1's mothership, but it was also infested with Replicators. SG-1 sabotaged the vessel, causing it to crash into Delmak. Apophis was aboard the ha'tak at the time, and was killed in the crash. With the three dominant System lords dead, the remaining System Lords began a fierce war among themselves to dominate the others. However, they also began to experience a new threat among themselves, as one enemy attacked using only ships, never with Jaffa. The System Lords eventually called the High Council to deal with the issue. The recently returned Osiris also arrived, revealing the identity of their enemy—Anubis. Osiris sent gave the others two options: restore Anubis to the state of System Lord, or place themselves at the "mercy" of Anubis. Despite the objections of Lord Yu, Anubis was restored to his former status. What they didn't know was that Anubis had achieved Ascension, only to be cast down by the Others, leaving him unable to use significant powers, but with a great deal of knowledge of Ancient technology. Within a matter of months, Anubis began a series of attacks against the Tau'ri, the Tok'ra, and the Asgard. He also developed a new mothership, capable of destroying a planet. Lord Yu at first waged a one man war against Anubis, but eventually managed to rally the other System Lords into a United Alliance of System Lords. However, Yu's powers began to decline, and Ba'al took over the leadership of the System Lords. Sensing the growing dissent among the Jaffa due to the actions of Teal'c and Bra'tac, Anubis created a new foot soldier called the Kull. They had energy absorbing armor, increased strength, and were utterly loyal to Anubis. The Tau'ri and the Tok'ra were able to make a weapon with the Ancients' healing device, but Anubis now dominated the System Lords. Fearing that the Tau'ri may have gained Ancient weaponry, Anubis launched a full scale invasion of Earth, using over thirty motherships and his super mothership. SG-1, however, discovered the Antarctic outpost left when Atlantis left for the Pegasus Galaxy, using the drone weapons to destroy Anubis' ship and his fleet, presumably killing Anubis. He survived due to his incorporeal state, but the aftermath of the battle was devastating for Anubis. The defeat of Anubis caused a massive power vaccum among the System Lords. In order to avoid open war, they agreed to divide his territories among themselves evenly. However, Ba'al managed to discover Tartarus and imprint his will upon the Kull. Using them and the ships Anubis left behind, Ba'al began conquering the System Lords and absorbing their territories: Bastet and Olokun were killed, Morrigan surrendered, Ares fled, Moloc was neutralized by the Tau'ri, and Camulus sought asylum among the Tau'ri. Lord Yu and Amaterasu prepared an offensive, but were defeated. What no one knew was that Anubis had returned, and was using Ba'al as an unwilling puppet. Eventually, the Replicators began a full scale invasion of the Milky Way, coming into conflict with the Goa'uld Empire. Most of the System Lords such as Yu were killed, with Ba'al being the only apparent survivor. Many among the Rebel Jaffa returned to Ba'al, believing the Replicators to be a "divine punishment". Teal'c and the remaining rebels launched an attack on Dakara, and Jacob Carter discovered that the Dakara Superweapon could be used to destroy the Replicators. Jacob, Lt. Col. Carter, and Ba'al agreed to reprogram the device, and use it to destroy the Replicators. The plan worked, but the Rebel Jaffa were able to take Ba'al's Ha'tak, forcing him to flee. The remaining Jaffa rebelled en mass. Anubis attempted to retake Dakara, to use the weapon to destroy all life in the Milky Way. However, Oma Desala, who had helped Anubis ascend, chose to battle with him for all eternity. This prevents Oma from helping others to ascend, but also means that Anubis can no longer interfere on the lower planes. Bereft of power, and a fugitive of the Free Jaffa Nation, Ba'al fled to Earth, and took control of the Trust. To throw off the Free Jaffa, Ba'al created a series of clones and allowed one of them to be captured and killed by Gerak. Ba'al also attempted to a new plan of conquest: by stealing Stargates and cutting them off from the rest of the network, he intended to activate the Dakara superweapon and destroy all life in the galaxy, causing the Ori, who had recently learned of human life in the Milky Way, to lose interest in the galaxy. SG-1 sabotaged his efforts. Eventually, Ba'al learned of the Sangraal. Desiring a weapon that could neutralize the Ancients and the Ori, Ba'al began searching for the Sangraal. He was forced to work with SG-1 and Adria, the leader of the Ori Army. However, the Ori found the planet they were on and took the Sangraal. SG-1 later sent it through to the Ori Home Galaxy. Hoping to end the Ori invasion, Ba'al captured Adria and took here as a host. He also killed his clones, hoping to cover his tracks. Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell killed Ba'al during the capture of Adria, and the symbiote placed in her was soon removed. However, Mitchell expressed doubt over whether Ba'al was finally dead, fearing that one or more of Ba'al's clones may have survived. Within a host, a Goa'uld parasite has complete control of the host. Typically entering in through the neck, the Goa'uld will attach itself to the spinal cord which allows access to the brain, leaving an entry mark at the neck. When within a host, the Goa'uld gives perfect health, increased strength, and increased intelligence. When in control of the body, the symbiote is capable of making the hosts eyes glow, and also speak in a deep, booming voice. The voice, however, is unneccessary. It may be used to differentiate between parasite and host, as the Tok'ra do, or simply be used to intimidate slaves and opponents. Being taken as a host by a Goa'uld is often considered a terrible fate for the host, as they are suppressed and forced to witness countless horrors. The Goa'uld maintain that the host essentially dies when the Goa'uld takes control, but this has been proven false on numerous occasions.
  • Goa'uld son una raza de seres sintientes parasitaria que hacerse cargo de los ejércitos. Varias especies pueden servir como anfitriones, incluidos los seres humanos y Unas. Su origen se encuentra en el planeta designado P3X-888. Son también muy ególatra, debido a su memoria genética y la tecnología sarcófago. Goa'uld significa "Dios" en la lengua Goa'uld. Carreras que no les servirá son completamente destruidas sin compromiso. (SG1: "Hijos de los Dioses", "Thor's Hammer", "los primeros"). Aunque la mayoría de ellos son una dimensiones genocidas, megalómano, y en algunos casos (como en Cronos, y, en menor medida, Ra), al parecer, apenas consciente de sí mismo (que viven fuera de los patrones de su comportamiento, ya que existían miles de años atrás), hubo unas pocas excepciones. Apophis, a veces mostró una inusual cantidad de conocimiento, la lucidez y la tenacidad de un Goa'uld, escapar de la prisión Sokar, y en menor medida, la reconstrucción de sus fuerzas. Heru'ur fue visto en el campo de batalla con sus Jaffa como un general activo, arriesgando su propia vida junto a ellos en lugar de esconderse detrás de ellos (como Ra, en particular, había hecho). Baal era también capaz de sobrevivir a la desaparición del resto de los Señores del Sistema (incluso hasta el final de la serie) a través de ser infinitamente más flexibles y adaptables a cualquiera de los otros habían sido, incluso, a veces aliándose con SG -1 cuando se sintió la situación lo amerita.
  • The Goa'uld (pronounced as the 'g' sound, followed by an arbitrary combination of vowels, followed by 'ld', for example, it can be pronounced as gold, go-a-oold, goold, gaold, go-a-o-a-o-a-oold, or an infinite number of other possibilities) are an alien race of head-snakes, and also the main villains of the first 36 Seasons of Stargate. They look like snakes, but they're really much more. They normally insinuate themselves into the brains of large politicians and soap opera stars, which they can then control. They find humans particularly suitable as hosts, mostly just because they really enjoy video games. "Goa'uld" roughly translates into "I'm God and you're not" in the Swahili language.
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