  • Imhotep
  • Imhotep
  • Imhotep
  • Imhotep
  • Imhotep
  • Imhotep
  • - Χρονική Περίοδος Ακμής: Παλαιο-Αιγυπτιακή Εποχή, 27ος Αιώνας π.Χ.. - Γέννηση: - Θάνατος:
  • The location of Imhotep's self-constructed tomb was well hidden from the beginning and it remains unknown, despite efforts to find it. The consensus is that it is hidden somewhere at Saqqara.
  • thumb|left|200px|Symbol Imhotepa Imhotep.
  • The location of Imhotep's self constructed tomb was well hidden from the beginning and it remains unknown, despite efforts to find it. The general consensus is that it is hidden somewhere at Saqqara. Imhotep's historicity is confirmed by two contemporary inscriptions made during his lifetime on the base or pedestal of one of Djoser's statues (Cairo JE 49889) and also by a graffito on the enclosure wall surrounding Sekhemkhet's unfinished step-pyramid. The latter inscription suggests that Imhotep outlived Djoser by a few years and went on to serve in the construction of king Sekhemkhet's pyramid which was abandoned due to this ruler's brief reign.
  • Teal'c also soon learned the truth about K'tano after a failed raid on Yu's homeworld, when Yu told him the truth about K'tano. Teal'c challenged K'tano to Joma secu, which Imhotep quickly took control of, but after revealing himself, Teal'c killed Imhotep. (SG1: "The Warrior")
  • thumb|Assan, ein Imhotep. Die Imhotep sind eine Spezies aus dem Delta-Quadranten. Sie sind in einen langen Krieg mit den Aksani, den Terrellianern und den Antarianern verwickelt. Nach 40 Jahren schließen die Völker jedoch Frieden. Der Friedensschluss wird mit einem Rennen, der antarianischen Transstellarrallye gefeiert. (VOY: )
  • Imhotep is the main antagonist of the 1932 classic horror film The Mummy as well as its 1999 remake and that film's 2001 sequel, The Mummy Returns. In both versions, Imhotep was an Egyptian High Priest who was cursed and mummified alive when he tried to resurrect his lost love. He was portrayed by the legendary horror actor, Boris Karloff, in the 1932 film, and by Arnold Vosloo in both the 1999 remake of the same name and its 2001 sequel, and he was voiced by Jim Cummings in the animated series.
  • Imhotep oli Muinaisen Egyptin ensimmäinen arkkitehti, joka suunnitteli mm. Sakkaran porraspyramidin. Pyramidi oli niin ihmeellinen, että kansalaiset pitivät häntä noitana. Myöhemmin hänet julistettiin jumalaksi.
  • Coincidentally, the name Imhotep is also that of a famous historical figure from ancient Egypt, a man with many talents who acted as an architect, engineer, physician and priest. His name is legendary to the point of being sometimes portrayed as a god.
  • Imhotep var en mindre Goa'uld som poserade som K'tano, sin egen First Prime, för att ta kontroll över Jaffa Upproret. Bra'tac och Teal'c ville SG-1 för att möta den karismatiska K'tano, som snart vill bilda en allians med Tau'ri. Inledningsvis är Teal'c försiktig, men så småningom är han vann över, vilket gör det svåra beslutet att lämna SG-1 och gå med Bra'tac och K'tano i kampen för att befria alla Jaffa. Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill förblev dock misstänksam mot K'tano, och hans misstankar visar sig vara välgrundad. Teal'c också snart lärde sig sanningen om K'tano efter en misslyckad räd mot Yus hemvärld, när Yu berättade sanningen om K'tano. Teal'c utmanade K'tano till Joma secu, som Imhotep snabbt tog kontroll över, men efter att ha avslöjat sig själv, dödade Teal'c Imhotep. (SG1: "The
  • Imhotep was an ancient Egyptian priest, the high-priest of Osirs, and the adviser to Seti I. For his crimes of murdering the Pharaoh and using dark magic from the book of the dead, Imhotep was punished with death and mummification, becoming the only known person to be cursed with the Hom-Dai, the most evil of all ancient curses.
  • The Imhotep were a spacefaring humanoid species from the Delta Quadrant. For years, the Imhotep were at war with the Antarians and the Terrellians. Only in the late 2370s was a peace treaty finally signed, ending the conflict. In its place, a race would be held every year, the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally. The first race was run in 2377, and the Imhotep won. (VOY: "Drive")
  • Najprawdopodobniej należał do rodziny królewskiej i dzięki własnym wysiłkom stał się jedną z najważniejszych osób w państwie. Pełnił także funkcje arcykapłana w Heliopolis, kapłana-lektora i kanclerza. Pochodził ze wsi Gebelein. Wszystkie pisma, których był autorem zaginęły i jedynym współczesnym mu źródłem jest tekst na cokole posągu Dżesera, gdzie oprócz imion władcy wykuto także imię architekta, określenia: "budowniczy" i "rzeźbiarz" oraz tytuły: W pewnej inskrypcji w Wadi el-Hammamat, architekt Chnum-ib-Re wymienił Imhotepa wśród swoich najdawniejszych przodków.
  • Himself
  • The Mummy: Secrets of the Medjai
  • Okänd
  • Assan, an Imhotep male
  • 2002
type of villain
  • Ancient Mummy
  • Sig själv
  • Asexuell
  • "The Warrior"
  • Reviving his lover Ankh-es-en-amon .
  • Take over the world of the living .
  • Brown
  • The Mummy
  • Mindre Goa'uld
  • Dark magic
  • Cunning
  • Great strength
  • Draining the life energy of victims
  • Multilinguism
  • Vast magical powers of the gods of ancient Egypt
  • Weapons profiency
  • półbóg
  • Leczenie, Sztuczki, Wiedza, Ziemia, Runy
  • Drąg
  • None
  • Imhotep
  • Imhotep
  • Imhotep w postaci zwykłego człowieka ubranego w białe szaty
  • The Mummy
  • The Mummy
  • The Creature
  • Ardeth Bey
  • Grand Vizier of Zozer
  • He-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named
  • He-Who-Shall-Be-One-Dead-Sorry-Son-Of-A-Bitch
  • High Priest of Amenophis
  • Lord Imhotep
  • Prince Imhotep
  • The Bringer of Death
  • Gaining power.
  • 362.0
  • Minor Goa'uld
  • A doctor. A timid character who has a hard time starting conversations with others. However, he is very smart, and has an excellent command of medicine.
  • Imhotep
  • 2002
  • Resurrected, but killed in 1926, Hamunaptra
  • Commited suicide in 1933 A.D, Ahm Shere
  • Mummified alive in 1290 B.C, Thebes
  • Piramida schodkowa
  • Pola Ofiar
  • imhotep.png
  • Grand Vizier of Zozer
  • High Priest of Osiris
  • Sorcerer
  • High Priest of the Pharaoh
  • Lord and master of the Cult of Imhotep
  • Imhotep
  • Male
  • Asexual
  • 13
  • rzemiosło, medycyna
  • 22
  • 250
  • - Χρονική Περίοδος Ακμής: Παλαιο-Αιγυπτιακή Εποχή, 27ος Αιώνας π.Χ.. - Γέννηση: - Θάνατος:
  • Najprawdopodobniej należał do rodziny królewskiej i dzięki własnym wysiłkom stał się jedną z najważniejszych osób w państwie. Pełnił także funkcje arcykapłana w Heliopolis, kapłana-lektora i kanclerza. Pochodził ze wsi Gebelein. Wszystkie pisma, których był autorem zaginęły i jedynym współczesnym mu źródłem jest tekst na cokole posągu Dżesera, gdzie oprócz imion władcy wykuto także imię architekta, określenia: "budowniczy" i "rzeźbiarz" oraz tytuły: * "Kanclerz króla Dolnego Egiptu", * "Pierwszy pod królem Górnego Egiptu", * "Administrator Wielkiego Pałacu", * "Czcigodny", * "Przełożony nad Obserwującymi" (tytuł kapłański). W pewnej inskrypcji w Wadi el-Hammamat, architekt Chnum-ib-Re wymienił Imhotepa wśród swoich najdawniejszych przodków.
  • The location of Imhotep's self-constructed tomb was well hidden from the beginning and it remains unknown, despite efforts to find it. The consensus is that it is hidden somewhere at Saqqara.
  • thumb|left|200px|Symbol Imhotepa Imhotep.
  • Imhotep was an ancient Egyptian priest, the high-priest of Osirs, and the adviser to Seti I. For his crimes of murdering the Pharaoh and using dark magic from the book of the dead, Imhotep was punished with death and mummification, becoming the only known person to be cursed with the Hom-Dai, the most evil of all ancient curses. Imhotep was brought back in the first Mummy; this in turn gave him the desire to devour human flesh and the intent to spread evil and corruption throughout the world. Imhotep's intentions to rule the Earth turned towards the direction of taking the Scrolls of Thebes, which were ancient texts of power.
  • The location of Imhotep's self constructed tomb was well hidden from the beginning and it remains unknown, despite efforts to find it. The general consensus is that it is hidden somewhere at Saqqara. Imhotep's historicity is confirmed by two contemporary inscriptions made during his lifetime on the base or pedestal of one of Djoser's statues (Cairo JE 49889) and also by a graffito on the enclosure wall surrounding Sekhemkhet's unfinished step-pyramid. The latter inscription suggests that Imhotep outlived Djoser by a few years and went on to serve in the construction of king Sekhemkhet's pyramid which was abandoned due to this ruler's brief reign.
  • Teal'c also soon learned the truth about K'tano after a failed raid on Yu's homeworld, when Yu told him the truth about K'tano. Teal'c challenged K'tano to Joma secu, which Imhotep quickly took control of, but after revealing himself, Teal'c killed Imhotep. (SG1: "The Warrior")
  • thumb|Assan, ein Imhotep. Die Imhotep sind eine Spezies aus dem Delta-Quadranten. Sie sind in einen langen Krieg mit den Aksani, den Terrellianern und den Antarianern verwickelt. Nach 40 Jahren schließen die Völker jedoch Frieden. Der Friedensschluss wird mit einem Rennen, der antarianischen Transstellarrallye gefeiert. (VOY: )
  • The Imhotep were a spacefaring humanoid species from the Delta Quadrant. For years, the Imhotep were at war with the Antarians and the Terrellians. Only in the late 2370s was a peace treaty finally signed, ending the conflict. In its place, a race would be held every year, the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally. The first race was run in 2377, and the Imhotep won. (VOY: "Drive") The Imhotep were identified by the process of elimination as Neelix and Seven's gave race updates. Their makeup reuses elements from the Benzites. The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 360) thought this species was named for Imhotep. He was an Egyptian architect, engineer, and physician who lived in the 27th century BCE.
  • Imhotep is the main antagonist of the 1932 classic horror film The Mummy as well as its 1999 remake and that film's 2001 sequel, The Mummy Returns. In both versions, Imhotep was an Egyptian High Priest who was cursed and mummified alive when he tried to resurrect his lost love. He was portrayed by the legendary horror actor, Boris Karloff, in the 1932 film, and by Arnold Vosloo in both the 1999 remake of the same name and its 2001 sequel, and he was voiced by Jim Cummings in the animated series.
  • Imhotep oli Muinaisen Egyptin ensimmäinen arkkitehti, joka suunnitteli mm. Sakkaran porraspyramidin. Pyramidi oli niin ihmeellinen, että kansalaiset pitivät häntä noitana. Myöhemmin hänet julistettiin jumalaksi.
  • Coincidentally, the name Imhotep is also that of a famous historical figure from ancient Egypt, a man with many talents who acted as an architect, engineer, physician and priest. His name is legendary to the point of being sometimes portrayed as a god.
  • Imhotep var en mindre Goa'uld som poserade som K'tano, sin egen First Prime, för att ta kontroll över Jaffa Upproret. Bra'tac och Teal'c ville SG-1 för att möta den karismatiska K'tano, som snart vill bilda en allians med Tau'ri. Inledningsvis är Teal'c försiktig, men så småningom är han vann över, vilket gör det svåra beslutet att lämna SG-1 och gå med Bra'tac och K'tano i kampen för att befria alla Jaffa. Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill förblev dock misstänksam mot K'tano, och hans misstankar visar sig vara välgrundad. Teal'c också snart lärde sig sanningen om K'tano efter en misslyckad räd mot Yus hemvärld, när Yu berättade sanningen om K'tano. Teal'c utmanade K'tano till Joma secu, som Imhotep snabbt tog kontroll över, men efter att ha avslöjat sig själv, dödade Teal'c Imhotep. (SG1: "The Warrior") kategori:Underlord kategori:Goa'uld kategori:En-gång SG-1 karaktär
is Allegiances of
is Lojalitet of
is Spezies of
is Affiliation of
is Notable of
is Population of
is Species of
is Passengers of
is Family of
is Portrayed of
is Character(s) of
is karaktär of