  • England
  • England
  • England
  • England
  • England
  • England
  • .
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Gulliver's Castle was originally located in England. He had it shipped to the United States piece by piece, as it was a family heirloom.
  • England is a country in Europe. Tanya Baxter was mentioned as living here for the duration of season 4 in order to study international law.
  • England was a country in northern Europe. It was part of the United Kingdom.
  • In 1367, the Brown family arrived in England, next to the Stonehenge monument. The residents of England in this era included Harold McFly, Jennivere McFly, and Lord Biffingham. In 1845, Ebiffnezer Tannen resided in London. He kept many of the townspeople in a debtors prison until Marty McFly posed as the Ghost of Christmas and convinced him to have a change of heart. In 1993, Doc Brown hung a picture of himself posing in front of Stonehenge in his chicken restaurant. He also hung a picture of himself standing behind the Queen's Guard with a chicken drumstick.
  • England was a country located in the island of Great Britain on planet Earth. England formed part of the United Kingdom along with Scotland and Wales.
  • Not quite like the one in this world. For one thing, it's mostly underwater.
  • England is the country in which the series Primeval is set. It is part of the United Kingdom. However fewer stories feature abroad locations.
  • England is a country in Europe which is on an island that is separated from the rest of the continent. England is also the country of origin of Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, Stingray and all the other TV programmes created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. The current Head Of State is Queen Elizabeth II. The capital city is London. Tourist attractions include: Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, Tower Bridge and The Tower Of London. Trapped in the Sky, the first episode of Thunderbirds, aired in England on 30 September 1965, 7:00 PM.
  • Billy was taken to a secure hospital in England after his overland trek was attacked by Yeti in Bepal.
  • thumb|200 px|Enski fáninn Verkefnið fjallar um England.Þeir sem eru í hópnum er Ína,Berglind og Karítas. Við völdum England. England er í Norður Evrópu og tilheyrir Stóra-Bretlandi. Englendingar borða fisk og franskar. England er með nautgripa og sauðfjárækt.
  • England was a place far from the centre of the galaxy. Most Imperial guys came from England, because English people have more eeeevil accents. Or perhaps because American villains are cheesy. Anyway, in England people drink tea. Or so the rest of the galaxy thinks, anyway. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • Georg I. Ludwig (engl. George Louis; * 28. Mai jul. / 7. Juni 1660greg. in Hannover; † 11. Juni jul. / 22. Juni 1727greg. in Osnabrück) war seit 1698 Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Calenberg) und von 1714 bis zu seinem Tod König von Großbritannien und Irland. Darüber hinaus war er als Reichsfürst Erzbannerträger (später Erzschatzmeister) und Kurfürst des Heiligen Römischen Reichs.
  • England is a country in Dugout-Online. It is one of the originally playable countries, and of of the largest in terms of active users
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over one-hundred smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight.
  • England is the worst country in the world, home of the Bugle and sworn enemy of the Bin-Impala Confederacy. England is shit and they suck at football (soccer).
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.
  • England er den største og mest folkerike av de fire nasjonene som utgjør Storbritannia. England ligger i den sørøstlige delen av øya Storbritannia, og grenser direkte mot Wales og Skottland.
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies north west of England, whilst the Celtic Sea lies to the south west. It is where Oxford is located which is where Professor X graduated as a professor in 1962.
  • England is a country within the United Kingdom. Image:30px-Geographylogo.svg.pngThis article is a -related stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • England was the country that was in charge of the British Royal Navy and promoted the East India Trading Company. England also owned many colonies in the Caribbean Sea. Its capital city was London. In 1707, England and Scotland were united into Great Britain.
  • England, stellvertretend für das Vereinigte Königreich (mit Schottland, Wales, Nordirland und den Überseegebieten), ... England ist das zweitwichtigste Land im Metal nach den USA. Hier begann der Heavy Metal, außerdem zwar nicht der Punk und nicht der Hardcore, aber dafür der Crustcore und der Grindcore. → Siehe auch Schweden, Deutschland – Florida, Kalifornien, New York
  • England is the birthplace and home of Dr. Carolyn Garrett and Dr. Amy Morris. Dr. David Conrad has lived here for much of his adult life. The sport of Rugby was invented in this country. (Stargate: Olympus, VEN: "Beginnings")
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total UK population, whilst its mainland territory occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west and elsewhere is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel and English Channel. The capital is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in Europe
  • Name: England Run Time: 2:38 Year: 1992 * The Collection
  • England ist ein selbständiges Königreich im Süden der britischen Hauptinsel. England wird seit März 1702 in Personalunion mit Schottland und Irland von Königin Anne regiert. Neueste Gerüchte aus dem Umfeld der Königin besagen, daß Königin Anne angeblich eine Vereinigung von England und Schottland erwägt. Den Wahrheitsgehalt dieser Spekulationen können wir nicht beurteilen.
  • England is a land on earth
  • England is a part of Great Britain.
  • England is a part of the UK.
  • England is part of the United Kingdom.
  • England is a country in Europe known for its fossils, particularly the Jurassic Coast and famous fossil hunter Mary Anning. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The greatest nation ever to exist. *
  • The humble home of many a Boltonian.
  • The flag of England is white with a red cross. The flag is St George's Cross.
  • England ist ein Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich. Die Hauptstadt ist London. England grenzt an Schottland und Wales.
  • England is an island nation east of Norway and Denmark and north of frankia or France as it is known now, in the time period of vikings it was split up into many different kingdoms and in later years it would be united into one and then go on to conquer other nations including its neighbor island and much further half of the world.
  • England is the principal country making up the United Kingdom Made up the following areas called counties; * Yorkshire * Berkshire * Cambridgeshire * Cheshire * Cleveland * Cornwall * Cumbria * Derbyshire * Devon * Dorset * Durham * Essex * Gloucestershire * Hampshire * Herefordshire * Hertfordshire * Humberside * Kent * Lancashire * Lincolnshire * Oxfordshire * Northfolk * Northumbria * Nottinghamshire * Shropshire * Somerset * Staffordshire * Suffolk * Surrey * Sussex * Warwickshire * West Midlands * Worcestershire
  • England is a country on the continent of Europe. It boarders Scotland and is relatively close to Norway. It's capital is London and is home to Stonehenge. Apocalypse and his Horseman used Stonehenge for their own purposes but were stopped by the X-Men. Justin Hammer built the Hammer Channel Tunnel there, presumably to connect with France. England participated in World War II against the Nazi Party and won with the help of the United States of America. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • England was a constituent country of the United Kingdom on Earth.
  • England is a part of the United Kingdom, located on the island of Great Britain off the north-western coast of Europe. The gang has been there on several occasions.
  • England is one of the four countries that make up the UK along with Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland. The UK is a member state of the European Union (EU) also referred to as the 'common market'.
  • England serves as the primary country for the UNITY operatives within The Operative: No One Lives Forever and No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. The Pound sterling is the official currency of England.
  • England is an Allied nation located in the North Sea. The heroes of Stalag 13 contacts England via radio communication. England's capital is London. Several episodes of the series are set in England
  • England er hovedlandet for hele historien, specielt London er centrum for mange begivenheder og scener i både bøgerne og filmene. Derudover hører man også om andre lande og steder i England.
  • England was a country in Europe on Earth. According to one source, T. R. Edwards was in the Cyberblits in London, England in 1996 or 1997. (Robotech: Return To Macross: Into The Void)
  • England is the largest country in Great Britain and is the ruling country of the United Kingdom. It was originally split up into seven main kingdoms by the Anglo-Saxons: Mercia, Northumbria, Wessex, Essex, Sussex, East Anglia and Kent.
  • England (イギリス, Igirisu) is a main character in the anime and manga series Hetalia: Axis Powers. He represents both the United Kingdom and England, and is part of the Allied Forces. The English dub refers to him as Britain, a shortened and often informal way to refer to the United Kingdom. In 2008, Himaruya gave out human names to some of the characters and he received the name Arthur Kirkland (アーサー・カークランド, Āsā Kākurando).
  • England is the setting for almost all of Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series. We've all England to cross by morning (Pete's Dad, CN4) The five “Lake” novels are set in the Lake District of North West England. Coot Club and The Big Six are set in the Norfolk Broads. The Norfolk Broads are in Norfolk East Anglia comprises the three counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea starts in Harwich harbour in Essex. Secret Water is set in Essex, near Walton-on-the-Naze.
  • The English have the power of Noblility. They replace the Indians.
  • England is a country in Europe. It is part of the United Kingdom. Julian Sark was from England, but spent time in Ireland.
  • England är ett land som är en del av Storbritannien på Jorden. På sjuttonhundratalet, uppstod en kult följande Seth nära Stonehenge i detta land. Tidigare medlemmar av Kult av Setesh begick kollektivt självmord i Wiltshire, ca 1722. (SG1: "Seth")
  • England is the largest of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. Most of [[Australia]'s 20 million people and [[New Zealands 4 million people had an ancestor born there. It wins the Ashes now and again.
  • England is the most populous and most culturally dominant of the countries that form the United Kingdom. Located on the southern part of the island of Great Britain, it borders both Wales and Scotland, and is close to France to the south, across the English Channel.
  • England is a European country and part of the United Kingdom .
  • The Scotland have a massive rivalry with England. Image:Clyde.pngThis article is a Clyde related . You can help Fantendo by [ expanding it].
  • England became a unified state during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles, one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England is London, which is the largest urban area in Great Britain. Many Harry Turtledove stories feature characters referring to the United Kingdom as "England", which remains a common, if incorrect, colloquialism. Thus, in most stories with a Point of Divergence after 1707, characters who refer to England usually mean Great Britain. This probably applies to the Atlantis series as well.
  • England is a country in Europe, and is a member of Great Britain alongside Scotland, and Wales. Along with Northern Ireland, these three countries also make up the United Kingdom.
  • England is one of the many places visited in the Tomb Raider series. This particular location is where Lara lives and later goes on to find The Eye of Isis meteorite artifact.
  • England ist der größte und am dichtesten besiedelte Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland. Gelegentlich wird England synekdochisch für das Vereinigte Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland oder für die gesamte Insel Großbritannien gebraucht. Der Name England stammt vom westgermanischen Volk der Angeln (altengl. Englas) ab.
  • England is a country which is part of the United Kingdom on Earth. London is a capital of England. In the eighteenth century, a cult following Setesh arose near Stonehenge in this country. The cultists collectively committed suicide in Wiltshire, circa 1722. (SG1: "Seth")
  • England was a country of Europe. Members of the Justice League of America and All-Star Squadron often defended it from the Third Reich forces of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler there.
  • Kategorie:Stub England war der Wohn-und Geburtsstaat der Pevensie-Geschwister. Auch der Cousin Eustachius lebte und wohnte in diesem Staat. Der Anfang aller Filme spielt in London, dass in diesem Staat liegt. Kategorie:Orte
  • England is one of the four countries that form part of the United Kingdom, together with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom. It has a population of around 50 million, with London as its capital.
  • England is the largest and most populous country within the British Isles. It became a unified state in 927 and takes its name from the Angles, the largest of the Germanic tribes who came there from Denmark and northern Germany during the 5th and 6th centuries. The Order of Hermes considers it to be part of the Stonehenge Tribunal.
  • England became a unified state during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles, one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England is London, which is the largest urban area in Great Britain. In 1707, it became a constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • England was a country in Europe, and one of the constituent states of the United Kingdom. It was located on the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic, and shared land borders with Wales to the west and Scotland to the north. London, a major city and metropolitan area and the capital of the United Kingdom, was located in southeastern England on the River Thames.
  • England ist der größte und am dichtesten besiedelte Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland. Gelegentlich wird England synekdochisch für das Vereinigte Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland oder für die gesamte Insel Großbritannien gebraucht. Der Name England stammt vom westgermanischen Volk der Angeln (altengl. Englas) ab. Kategorie:Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union Kategorie:Europa
  • England was the capital planet of the Red Empire. It was captured by Rider during the Galactic Civil War and served his headquarters.
  • England, officially the United Kingdom of England (Esperanto: Reĝlando Anglio), is a member state of the European Union. Its capital is London.
  • It his country of origin for the deceased Wesley (Agent One) (though this was changed to Wales for Richard Wesley his counterpart). It is also the home country of the OSA Director.
  • England is a country which is part of the United Kingdom on Earth. In the eighteenth century, a cult following Seth arose near Stonehenge in this country. The cultists collectively committed suicide in Wiltshire, circa 1722.
  • A country in the west of Europe. Its capital city is London, and is part of the United Kingdom, sharing its borders with neighbouring Wales and Scotland. Locations that can be visited in the games are: * London * Calios Mental Hospital * Ancient Ruins * Cave Temple * Port of Southampton * The entrance to the Rhondda Mine
  • England is a country in Europe. It is part of the United Kingdom; its capital city is London. Soap operas set in England include: * Coronation Street * EastEnders * Emmerdale * Brookside * Doctors * Hollyoaks
  • England is the country and kingdom of the English people. It's ruler is King Richard the Lionheart.
  • England is the largest Country in the United Kingdom. They've been around for quite some time.
  • Causes havoc like Muscular Romano, genderbends, etc. Will grant wishes, with favor towards England's of course. Has a pet Parasect whom is a tsundere for him.
  • England is a country in the United Kingdom. The capital of England is London which is also the capital of the UK.
  • England is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its provinces at the very beginning consists of: London, Meath, Glamorgan, Cornwall, Gwynedd, Wessex, Kent, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Essex, Norfolk, Lincoln, Derby, Marches, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cumbria, Northumberland, Caux, Calais, Normandie, Gascogne, and Labourd.
  • England also known as The UK, Europe or Great Britain is not the greater part of Britain and for obvious reasons is usually avoided by the Scottish and Welsh. People from England are most famous for wearing a suit and tie, a top hat and a monocle, along with a funny curly moustache and poorly looked-after teeth - an attire which is pursued totally regardless of the occasion. This fashion has been popular since the late 1880's, this being one of the reasons Jack the Ripper was so hard to catch.
  • England is one of the four constituent nations of the United Kingdom. Its capital is London, which also serves as the capital of the kingdom as a whole.
  • England is a name of one of the kingdoms in Britain. It refers to the kingdoms in the era of Richard the Lionheart to the present.
  • England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Much information in this wiki relevant to England appears as information about the UK. For example the separate article News England, (relevant just to England), is just a tiny part of News UK. For a full listing of UK articles - see
  • England is a country that is a part of the United Kingdom.
  • England is a country in the United Kingdom, the capital of which and largest city therein is London. This article is a stub. You can help the Grimorum by [ expanding it].
  • England is a country on the island of Great Britain in Northern Europe. It is bordered by Scotland and Wales, and its capital city is London. It is the central country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is home to both Muggles and Wizardkind. Many famous wizards like Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, and Harry Potter hail from here.
  • England is part of the United Kingdom and a very powerful country. It has, like many other countries, had many alien and UFO sightings.
  • England is a country in Europe, one of four countries that forms the United Kingdom.
  • England is a land on the island of Great Britain in the North-West of Europe. It takes its name from the Angles who began settling there in the 400s along with the Saxen, Yoots and Frish. Before this settling there was no land called England, but rather the whole of Britain was a mingling of Celts and Romers.
  • Only one Bristol Rovers player has ever represented England while on the books at the club: Geoff Bradford, who won a single cap in 1955, scoring in a 5–1 victory over Denmark. Twenty-two other Rovers players have been capped by England either before they joined the club or after they left it. The record for the most England appearances by a Bristol Rovers player is held by Alan Ball with 72 caps, followed by Mick Channon with 46.
  • The England team represents the countries of England and Wales, under the governance of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). The team plays in Test, ODI and Twenty20 cricket matches. Despite the sport originating in England, the country has never won the World Cup. England played in the first ever Test match in 1877 against Australia in Melbourne and also the first ever One-Day International in 1971, against the same opponents.
  • Rifts® England seethes with mystic energy from hundreds of ley lines and nexus points, transforming the British Isles into a land of enchantment and home to the legendary Millennium Tree, Brain Trees, ancient gods, Temporal Raiders and Wizards, Woodland Druids, Dryads, Blood Druids, Nexus Knights, Ghost Knights, Faeries, Stonehenge and more. Highlights Include:
  • Many of the Doctor's companions hailed from England — or at least embarked on their journeys in the Doctor's TARDIS from there — beginning with Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton and continuing on through to Clara Oswald. Only a few human companions expressed antipathy towards the country, most of whom were not themselves English. Scots Jamie McCrimmon and Amy Pond weren't fans, the latter of whom called it, flatly, "rubbish". (TV: The Eleventh Hour) Egyptian Erimem encountered England only after visiting France first, which she preferred. American Peri Brown, who accompanied the ex-Pharaoh on her visit to the country in the 15th century, said that it "beat her" why the Doctor kept coming back to England's "muddy glory", but admitted that it "got better" in the 20th century thanks to the Be
  • England (pronounced IPA: ) is a country to the northwest of Continental Europe and is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 85% of the total population of the United Kingdom, whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's England article. Take me to the England article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
  • England originates from a Germanic tribe called the Angles, who were the first tribes to make up the country. Over the time, many more tribes lived in England until 43 AD, when the Romans annexed the Great Britain island into its empire. This resulted in Queen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe to start an uprising against the Romans across Britain. She succeedingly destroyed many Roman villas, including setting fire to the capital city of Roman Britain, Londinium. She was captured by the Romans yet escaped only for herself and her daughter to poison themselves rather then be held captive again.
  • England is a country that is part of the United Provinces.The United Provinces is made up of nine countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxumborg, Japan and the former French Republic, while its mainland territory occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England is bordered by Scotland to the north, Wales to the west and the North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel and English Channel. The capital is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in Europe by many measures. The official definition of LUZ (Larger Urban Zone) is used by the European Statistical Agency (Eurostat) when describing conurbations and areas of high population. This definition ranks London highest, above P
  • England (/ˈɪŋɡlənd/) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west and the North Sea to the east, with the English Channel to the south separating it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight.
  • England is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is located to the north-west of mainland Europe. Its inhabitants account for more than 82 percent of the total population of the United Kingdom. England became a unified state during the tenth century and takes its name from the Angles, one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the fifth and sixth centuries.
  • England was picked as the civilization for Tom during his civilization game against the others. Tom spawned on one of the many big islands, where he settled near the coast. Tom's early turns were relatively good and helpful, but that all changed when Duncan's Indonesia settled a city next to his capital. Tom would quickly declare war on Duncan, which started the Citrus Wars.
  • [Source] England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom in Europe. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north, and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea lies to the east, and the English Channel to the south, separating it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight.
  • thumb|Stonehenge in England. England ist ein Land des vereinigten Königreichs auf der Erde. Es grenzt im Norden an Schottland und im Westen an Wales und der Irische See. Im Osten grenzt England an die Nordsee, im Süden liegt England der Ärmelkanal und im Südwesten Englands liegt der Atlantik. Stonehenge ist ein menschliches Bauwerk, das in der frühen Geschichte der Erde errichtet wird. Stonehenge befindet sich in Wiltshire, England auf der Erde. (ENT: ) Im 6. Jahrhundert lebt Flint als Merlin in England. (TOS: ) In den 2060ern gibt es in England wieder eine Königin. (TOS: )
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's England article. Take me to the England article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a England link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • The country is Axl Low's birthplace along with Bridget and Venom and is also his stage. In Accent Core, London becomes Millia's stage as well. The stage usually feature European houses and buildings which is evident in Isuka and AC. In GGX it is shown to have a train station and another version of this stage is set during winter. It has been stated that England, along with France are some of the nations that still exist in the timeline of Guilty Gear. England becomes a part of the Allied Kingdom Illyria, along with several plots of land in Europe that were formerly nations.
  • England is a country in Europe and part of the United Kingdom. Grampa visited here when he was in World War II and met Edwina here, who he ended up having a daughter with. The capital city is London where the Simpsons visit (despite a teenage, high-school Homer once claiming he would never go to England). The London Eye is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world along with Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. Nigel Bakerbutcher revealed to the citizens of Springfield that the whole of London is under constant surveillance with cameras everywhere.
  • England is a country and part of the greater United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west and the North Sea to the east, with the English Channel to the south separating it from continental Europe. The mainland of England consists of the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic, but England also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight.
  • England (i/ˈɪŋɡlənd/) is the most populous country in the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight.
  • England was the home country of the Seven Friends of Narnia, King Frank, Queen Helen, and many other Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. England's capital city is London, and it is located on the island of Great Britain, of which is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was first united in 927 AD, but was invaded by the Normans in 1066 - the last time that the country would ever be conquered.
  • Area of land surrounded by the Celts and sea-water(*). Divided after the Roman withdrawal into areas of Anglo-Saxons, Danish Vikings, Norse Vikings, Franks and remnant Romans, King Alfred united most of the regions in around 867AD - as documented by the Welsh priest Asser - and his son added the last. The name is alleged to derive from a comment made by an early Pope at a slave market in Rome, who described a blonde, blue-eyed British slave as looking like an Angle, or Angel - from which England was arrived at via the Anglo-Saxons (Alfred's Wessex-based tribe.) After King Alfred, Elizabeth I might be said to have been the most important monarch in shaping the current state.
  • England is the largest country within The United Kingdom and is bordered by Wales to the West and Scotland to the North. With the exception of the United States, there are more Allied characters of English nationality than any other in Issuing Orders, including two of the three most senior officers in the Allied Forces, Captain Liam Brentwood and Lieteunant Nicholas Ealing. Wheras Americans are commonly referred to as yanks, the English are known as limeys by their trans-atlantic cousins.
  • England was a former nation-state and part of the United Kingdom on Earth. It was located on the island of Great Britain, and its largest city was London. People or things originating from England are described as English. The English language was formed in England after the Norman invasion during the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The dominance of the British Empire spread this language throughout Earth, making it a major global language by the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The sport cricket originated in England sometime prior to the 18th century.
  • England is the largest country in the United Kingdom, sharing land borders with Scotland and Wales. To the west of it is the North Sea, to the east the Irish Sea and to the south the English Channel which separates it from continental Europe. The country also includes more than 100 smaller islands including the Isle of Wight and the Scilly Isles. England has been inhabited by modern humans since the upper Palaeolithic period but takes its name from the Angles, a Germanic tribe who settled there in the 5th and 6th Centuries AD (another, early name for the entirety of the British Isles was 'Albion'). It became a unified state in 927AD, and despite numerous attempts, has not been successfully invaded since the Norman landings in 1066. Wales was effectively annexed by England in 1284, and in 1
  • The 19th century novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, written by Samuel Clemens, took place in England in the 6th century. (TNG: "Time's Arrow" ) Starfleet officers Malcolm Reed and Kyle originated from this country. (ENT: "Silent Enemy"; TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" ) Chief Engineer Olson also spoke with an English accent, but his nationality was never specifically mentioned. When Julian Bashir was thinking about asking Morn to join him in the Battle of Britain holoprogram in 2372, Miles O'Brien told him the Lurian probably had never heard of England. (DS9: "Accession")
  • England ist der größte und am dichtesten besiedelte Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland. Oft wird England fälschlicherweise auch als Synonym für den Staat des Vereinigten Königreichs oder für die gesamte Insel Großbritannien gebraucht. Der Name England stammt vom westgermanischen Volk der Angeln (altengl. Englas) ab.
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies northwest of England and the Celtic Sea lies to the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south. The country covers five-eighths of the island of Great Britain (which lies in the North Atlantic) in its centre and south; and includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight.
  • poly 332 369 333 363 338 364 342 360 350 367 354 371 357 376 362 377 362 382 362 388 354 391 350 393 348 396 352 402 350 408 341 410 339 404 330 402 332 392 331 387 335 383 Bedfordshire poly 205 440 211 443 215 447 210 453 207 449 203 443 Bristol poly 302 393 302 388 311 386 316 390 320 385 317 381 330 372 336 381 332 387 330 395 330 401 338 405 340 409 329 407 332 416 338 418 344 435 343 441 333 441 330 442 329 436 322 437 316 436 319 424 313 417 308 418 304 410 308 409 305 404 307 393 Buckinghamshire poly 342 357 341 353 350 347 350 339 348 337 345 333 340 329 351 323 362 323 372 323 373 318 382 315 383 323 385 328 382 329 387 338 393 339 397 345 397 351 399 355 400 358 403 362 395 361 397 367 395 367 400 366 404 368 400 372 396 376 398 382 397 386 388 382 383 385 377 389 374 386 367 387
  • England is the largest and most populous country of the United Kingdom. Its inhabitants account for more than 83 per cent of the total UK population while its mainland territory occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west and elsewhere is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel and English Channel. The capital is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most, but not all, measures.
  • England is the historical kingdom on the British Isles, and currently the largest country in the United Kingdom. * Caliphate of Londris (Pure Arabica) * England (British Louisiana) * England (Burgundy Survives) * England (Cabotia and Brasil) * England (Chaos) * England (Chinese World) * England (Day of Glory) * England (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) * England (Henry II Dies In 1100) * England (Jacobite Glory) * England (Mosley's Britain) * England (Much ado about Nonsuch) * England (Napoleon's World) * England (Royal Prerogative) * England (The Eagle Lives) * England (The Kaiser's New Clothes) * England (They Are Protected) * England (Toyotomi)
  • England are by far the best at everything, but easily get tired of being the being the best and have to rest. ... Or at least that's their justification for losing at everything including Rock Paper Scissors, cricket, Tiddlywinks and Digging holes in the road and filling them in again. The latter usually results in a resounding win for rivals Scotland.
  • The English Ice Hockey Association (EIHA) is the governing body of ice hockey in both England and Wales. It was formed in 1982. The EIHA administers the English Premier Ice Hockey League and the English National Ice Hockey League, the second and third level British leagues below the Elite Ice Hockey League. The English Cup was held three times between 1999 and 2002. The English National League was the top level of ice hockey in England from 1935-1954, when it merged with the Scottish National League to form the British National League.
  • England i/ˈɪŋɡlənd/ is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.[2][3][4] It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies north west of England, whilst the Celtic Sea lies to the southwest. The North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate England from continental Europe. The country covers much of the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain, which lies in the North Atlantic; and includes over 100 smaller islandssuch as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight.
  • England es un pais en Europa e, plu spesifada, en la Rena Unida. La capital de England es London. La zona temporal de England es GMT. El es la parte de la Rena Unida con la plu multe persones, con un cuantia de popla entra 50 milion e 60 milion, cee es sirca 84% de la persones de la Rena Unida.
  • 35
time zone DST
  • BST
established event
  • by Athelstan
  • Monarch
Major Cities
  • 4014770
  • On Stranger Tides
  • Prime Minister
  • Pd
  • Territory
  • .uk, .gb
  • Recommended Reading * Adventures in the Rifle Brigade (Volume 1) * Adventures in the Rifle Brigade (Volume 2) * Hellblazer * Mobfire * Thunderbolt Jaxon See also * British Characters
  • yes
Anomaly Count
  • Numerous
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Agent Carter
  • イギリス
Final State
  • Still standing
  • London, England
  • Cambridge University in England
  • England is the largest country in the United Kingdom, sharing land borders with Scotland and Wales. To the west of it is the North Sea, to the east the Irish Sea and to the south the English Channel which separates it from continental Europe. The country also includes more than 100 smaller islands including the Isle of Wight and the Scilly Isles. England has been inhabited by modern humans since the upper Palaeolithic period but takes its name from the Angles, a Germanic tribe who settled there in the 5th and 6th Centuries AD . It became a unified state in 927AD, and despite numerous attempts, has not been successfully invaded since the Norman landings in 1066. Wales was effectively annexed by England in 1284, and in 1707 with the Act of Union, it joined with Scotland to become the new Kingdom of Great Britain, which incorporated Ireland from 1800 . England's capital city is London, the most densely populated area in the country, located in the south east, with the Palace of Westminster being the seat of the British Parliament which directly governs England . The country, a Parliamentary democracy with a consitutional monarchy is a member state of the European Union, much to the annoyance of many of its citizens. Like the rest of the British Isles, England has strong connections to various mystical realms, and it was the site of Camelot, the court of King Arthur, whose champions included the Shining Knight. Modern day champions of the country include the Knight and the Squire. For a brief time, Justice League Europe was based in London.
  • yes
  • * Freeholdshire-Upon-Marsh * London
  • Locales * Camden * Camelot * Glastonbury * London * Newcastle * Spitalfields
  • yes
  • King
  • 3
  • England
  • Wappen Englands
  • Lage Englands innerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs
  • Flagge Englands
  • England
  • Entertainment
  • 30303
  • England
  • 52.483333
  • England
  • Also .eu, as part of the European Union. ISO 3166-1 is GB, but .gb is unused.
  • From the Office for National Statistics - UK population grows to more than 60 million
  • World War Two Cold War American Revolution Napoleonic Wars
  • World War One,
  • 51
population census
  • 49138831
  • United Kingdom of England
Head of State
  • ENG
  • /
symbol type
  • Royal Coat of Arms
  • Great Britain
  • Green
  • 5
  • 10
  • 1066
  • 1707-05-01
  • 130395.0
  • London
  • *London *Glastonbury *Liverpool *Newcastle
  • 23
  • E
  • 1741.0
  • Constituent Country of United Provinces of Clinkham Wood
  • 30.416700
  • 7.650000
  • .uk2
  • English Characters * Chas Chandler * Gentleman Ghost * [[W:C:DC:John Constantine
  • England
  • Blond
  • 130
  • England
  • England
  • London
  • United Kingdom
  • Country
  • Democratic Monarchy
  • adm1st
Location name
  • England
  • Milky Way
  • English, Cornish
  • 16
  • England's location within the UK
  • Palace of Westminster and Big Ben in London
  • n/82/68148
established date
  • 967
  • LAL: Acapulco and England
  • W
utc offset DST
  • +1
  • Bristol
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • London
  • York
  • GB-ENG
Internet TLD
  • .eng
national religion
national heros
favourite pastime
Major Exports
  • Monarchy
formation event
  • Independence from
  • Kingdom of Celestis
  • N/A
  • Arthur Kirkland
Major Imports
  • King Frederick II
  • Volume 1
  • 50346
population densitymi²
  • 976
  • Flag of England.svg
  • Royal Arms of England .svg
  • Flagge Englands
  • Wappen Englands
  • 170
  • € 1.200 Mrd.
Patron Saint
  • part of United Kingdom
  • Feudal Monarchy or English Monarchy
  • None: Non-devolved constituent country within the United Kingdom
Ethnic Groups
  • 1
  • 2.200000
  • 3.400000
  • 7.700000
  • 85.500000
  • Diverse
  • The Avengers: The Avengers Initiative
  • Captain America: The First Avenger Adaptation
  • Doctor Strange Prelude
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Chase
national anthem
  • "Heil dir im Siegerkranz"
  • God Save the King (Queen)
  • You Know How to Love the Queen/King
  • g
GDP PPP per capita rank
  • n/a
  • The German Empire
  • Western
  • 97.0
  • Humans and Animals
population estimate
  • 506900001
official languages
national motto
  • "God Met Uns"
  • "God and my right"
  • "God Save the Weed"
  • Earth
  • * *
  • 7235
  • 53012456
  • English
  • Too many to count
area magnitude
  • 10000000000
  • 175.0
  • Information
  • Geographic locale
  • 142995804
  • 160
National Animal
  • *Steak and kidney pie *Sunday roast *Toad in the hole *Yorkshire pudding
  • *Lancashire hotpot *Mince pies *Pie and mash *Pork pie *Shepherd's pie *Spotted Dick
  • *Bangers and mash *Bubble and Squeak *Cornish pasty *Fish and chips *Full English breakfast *Jellied eels
Regional Languages
  • Welsh, Japanese, French
  • 1277
  • 130395
currency code
  • GBP
image map
  • 220
  • Europe location ENG.png
  • 53493729
  • England
  • Unknown
  • N
government type
sovereignty type
  • British
  • Catholic
population census year
  • 2001
  • Noriaki Sugiyama, Sho Sudo , Yuuya Kakitsubata
  • London, 2259.jpg
  • N/A
Population Density
  • 388.700000
  • Denser than a rock
  • 10.0
  • Alan Davies: -59
  • Charlie Higson: -15
  • Phill Jupitus: -8
  • Sean Lock: -29
  • Royal Arms of England .svg
  • 524.208000
  • 130395
  • 130395.0
  • 5.0
  • 634851.8
  • * England is also the primary setting for the non-canon comic story V for Vendetta. * England is the primary setting for the Thunderbolt Jaxon limited series.
  • Chew; Real World; Phonogram
  • Real World; Earth-One; Earth-Two; New Earth; V for Vendetta;
native name
  • England
  • (Part of the United Kingdom)
  • Englandland
  • English
formation date
  • 2008-05-23
Calling Code
  • 44
  • 999
GDP PPP year
  • 2006
  • 10
  • 3096000
  • 0.940000
image coat
  • 95
  • England COA.svg
  • 0
  • X-Men: First Class
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Doctor Strange
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • 2
  • Flag of Clinkham Wood#England
  • 1.8E12
  • England
Largest City
  • -1.566667
GDP PPP rank
  • n/a
Time Zone
  • GMT
  • UTC+0
  • GMT 0
  • Male
  • Constituent nation
  • England
HDI category
  • high
  • Endings
  • God save the queen
image flag
  • 170
  • Flag of England.svg
  • Englandflag.png
  • 4.880000
HDI year
  • 2006
GDP PPP per capita
  • 35300.0
Opening Hours
  • All day except teatime
population estimate year
  • 2006
  • 927
  • 1230
  • English
UTC offset
  • 0
  • N/A
Common name
  • England
wikipage disambiguates
  • 150
  • England
  • Königin Elisabeth II.
  • Sol
major species
  • Humans
nation name
  • England
  • (Engeland)
  • Kategorie:England
  • Hetalia: Prologue
National flag
  • Flag of England.svg
  • Flag of England.svg
  • Several
  • Several
  • ja
  • 90
  • 350
  • Imagemap England3
  • VereinigtesKönigreich1
  • +44
  • 410
  • England in United Kingdom.svg
  • England, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg
  • Pfund Sterling, £, GBP
  • 24503.0
  • .
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Gulliver's Castle was originally located in England. He had it shipped to the United States piece by piece, as it was a family heirloom.
  • England is a country in Europe. Tanya Baxter was mentioned as living here for the duration of season 4 in order to study international law.
  • England was a country in northern Europe. It was part of the United Kingdom.
  • In 1367, the Brown family arrived in England, next to the Stonehenge monument. The residents of England in this era included Harold McFly, Jennivere McFly, and Lord Biffingham. In 1845, Ebiffnezer Tannen resided in London. He kept many of the townspeople in a debtors prison until Marty McFly posed as the Ghost of Christmas and convinced him to have a change of heart. In 1993, Doc Brown hung a picture of himself posing in front of Stonehenge in his chicken restaurant. He also hung a picture of himself standing behind the Queen's Guard with a chicken drumstick.
  • England was a country located in the island of Great Britain on planet Earth. England formed part of the United Kingdom along with Scotland and Wales.
  • Not quite like the one in this world. For one thing, it's mostly underwater.
  • England is a land on the island of Great Britain in the North-West of Europe. It takes its name from the Angles who began settling there in the 400s along with the Saxen, Yoots and Frish. Before this settling there was no land called England, but rather the whole of Britain was a mingling of Celts and Romers. Today England is one of the four lands that make up the Banded Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, along with Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. There are about 60 mickelred indwellers today, most within the great towns London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Bristol.
  • England is the country in which the series Primeval is set. It is part of the United Kingdom. However fewer stories feature abroad locations.
  • England is a country in Europe which is on an island that is separated from the rest of the continent. England is also the country of origin of Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, Stingray and all the other TV programmes created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. The current Head Of State is Queen Elizabeth II. The capital city is London. Tourist attractions include: Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, Tower Bridge and The Tower Of London. Trapped in the Sky, the first episode of Thunderbirds, aired in England on 30 September 1965, 7:00 PM.
  • Billy was taken to a secure hospital in England after his overland trek was attacked by Yeti in Bepal.
  • thumb|200 px|Enski fáninn Verkefnið fjallar um England.Þeir sem eru í hópnum er Ína,Berglind og Karítas. Við völdum England. England er í Norður Evrópu og tilheyrir Stóra-Bretlandi. Englendingar borða fisk og franskar. England er með nautgripa og sauðfjárækt.
  • England was a place far from the centre of the galaxy. Most Imperial guys came from England, because English people have more eeeevil accents. Or perhaps because American villains are cheesy. Anyway, in England people drink tea. Or so the rest of the galaxy thinks, anyway. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • thumb|Stonehenge in England. England ist ein Land des vereinigten Königreichs auf der Erde. Es grenzt im Norden an Schottland und im Westen an Wales und der Irische See. Im Osten grenzt England an die Nordsee, im Süden liegt England der Ärmelkanal und im Südwesten Englands liegt der Atlantik. Stonehenge ist ein menschliches Bauwerk, das in der frühen Geschichte der Erde errichtet wird. Stonehenge befindet sich in Wiltshire, England auf der Erde. (ENT: ) Im 6. Jahrhundert lebt Flint als Merlin in England. (TOS: ) Im 16. Jahrhundert wird der Schriftsteller William Shakespeare in England geboren, seine Stücke zählen zu den bedeutendsten in der Geschichte der Menschheit. (Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land; TNG: ) 1588 scheitert der Versuch Spaniens, das englische Festland mit einer Armada zu erobern. Vermutlich kämpft ein Vorfahre Malcolm Reeds auf englischer Seite. (ENT: ) 1940 wird England von Deutschland angegriffen. Es kommt zur Luftschlacht um England, einer der vielen Schlachten im Zweitem Weltkrieg. (DS9: ) In den 2060ern gibt es in England wieder eine Königin. (TOS: ) 2152 kommt England ins Finale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft. (ENT: )
  • Georg I. Ludwig (engl. George Louis; * 28. Mai jul. / 7. Juni 1660greg. in Hannover; † 11. Juni jul. / 22. Juni 1727greg. in Osnabrück) war seit 1698 Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Calenberg) und von 1714 bis zu seinem Tod König von Großbritannien und Irland. Darüber hinaus war er als Reichsfürst Erzbannerträger (später Erzschatzmeister) und Kurfürst des Heiligen Römischen Reichs.
  • England is a country in Dugout-Online. It is one of the originally playable countries, and of of the largest in terms of active users
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over one-hundred smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight.
  • England is the worst country in the world, home of the Bugle and sworn enemy of the Bin-Impala Confederacy. England is shit and they suck at football (soccer).
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.
  • Area of land surrounded by the Celts and sea-water(*). Divided after the Roman withdrawal into areas of Anglo-Saxons, Danish Vikings, Norse Vikings, Franks and remnant Romans, King Alfred united most of the regions in around 867AD - as documented by the Welsh priest Asser - and his son added the last. The name is alleged to derive from a comment made by an early Pope at a slave market in Rome, who described a blonde, blue-eyed British slave as looking like an Angle, or Angel - from which England was arrived at via the Anglo-Saxons (Alfred's Wessex-based tribe.) After King Alfred, Elizabeth I might be said to have been the most important monarch in shaping the current state. The English football team won the Jules Rimet trophy in 1966. "England is a great and powerful nation, foremost in human progress, enemy to despotism, the only safe refuge for the exile, friend of the oppressed" - Garibaldi 1854 "An Englishman is content to say nothing when he has nothing to say" - Samuel Johnson 1750 * "Britain, an island in the ocean, formerly called Albion, is situated between the north and the west, facing, though at a considerable distance from the coasts of Germany, France and Spain" - The Venerable Bede - Ecclesiastical History 731AD
  • England er den største og mest folkerike av de fire nasjonene som utgjør Storbritannia. England ligger i den sørøstlige delen av øya Storbritannia, og grenser direkte mot Wales og Skottland.
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies north west of England, whilst the Celtic Sea lies to the south west. It is where Oxford is located which is where Professor X graduated as a professor in 1962.
  • Many of the Doctor's companions hailed from England — or at least embarked on their journeys in the Doctor's TARDIS from there — beginning with Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton and continuing on through to Clara Oswald. Only a few human companions expressed antipathy towards the country, most of whom were not themselves English. Scots Jamie McCrimmon and Amy Pond weren't fans, the latter of whom called it, flatly, "rubbish". (TV: The Eleventh Hour) Egyptian Erimem encountered England only after visiting France first, which she preferred. American Peri Brown, who accompanied the ex-Pharaoh on her visit to the country in the 15th century, said that it "beat her" why the Doctor kept coming back to England's "muddy glory", but admitted that it "got better" in the 20th century thanks to the Beatles and "fashion sense". (AUDIO: The Kingmaker) England was also the main base of operations for Sarah Jane Smith (TV: A Girl's Best Friend, Invasion of the Bane; AUDIO: Comeback) and for K9 Mark 2. (TV: Regeneration)
  • England is a country within the United Kingdom. Image:30px-Geographylogo.svg.pngThis article is a -related stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • England are by far the best at everything, but easily get tired of being the being the best and have to rest. ... Or at least that's their justification for losing at everything including Rock Paper Scissors, cricket, Tiddlywinks and Digging holes in the road and filling them in again. The latter usually results in a resounding win for rivals Scotland. England and Englishmen are often referred to, by foreigners and other misinformed propaganda-fed individuals, as Britain and the British. This is incorrect - sadly the typically viewed Brit (stereotypical Brit) has little or nothing to with the Scottish, the Irish, the Welsh or even the potato famine. I implore you to use the word Britain in place of England. Er, I mean....
  • England was the country that was in charge of the British Royal Navy and promoted the East India Trading Company. England also owned many colonies in the Caribbean Sea. Its capital city was London. In 1707, England and Scotland were united into Great Britain.
  • England, stellvertretend für das Vereinigte Königreich (mit Schottland, Wales, Nordirland und den Überseegebieten), ... England ist das zweitwichtigste Land im Metal nach den USA. Hier begann der Heavy Metal, außerdem zwar nicht der Punk und nicht der Hardcore, aber dafür der Crustcore und der Grindcore. → Siehe auch Schweden, Deutschland – Florida, Kalifornien, New York
  • England was a former nation-state and part of the United Kingdom on Earth. It was located on the island of Great Britain, and its largest city was London. People or things originating from England are described as English. The English language was formed in England after the Norman invasion during the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The dominance of the British Empire spread this language throughout Earth, making it a major global language by the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The sport cricket originated in England sometime prior to the 18th century. William Shakespeare, one of Earth's finest playwrights, was born (in Stratford-upon-Avon) and lived in England in the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • England is the birthplace and home of Dr. Carolyn Garrett and Dr. Amy Morris. Dr. David Conrad has lived here for much of his adult life. The sport of Rugby was invented in this country. (Stargate: Olympus, VEN: "Beginnings")
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total UK population, whilst its mainland territory occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west and elsewhere is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel and English Channel. The capital is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in Europe
  • Name: England Run Time: 2:38 Year: 1992 * The Collection
  • England ist ein selbständiges Königreich im Süden der britischen Hauptinsel. England wird seit März 1702 in Personalunion mit Schottland und Irland von Königin Anne regiert. Neueste Gerüchte aus dem Umfeld der Königin besagen, daß Königin Anne angeblich eine Vereinigung von England und Schottland erwägt. Den Wahrheitsgehalt dieser Spekulationen können wir nicht beurteilen.
  • England is a land on earth
  • England is a part of Great Britain.
  • England is a part of the UK.
  • England is part of the United Kingdom.
  • England is a country in Europe known for its fossils, particularly the Jurassic Coast and famous fossil hunter Mary Anning. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The greatest nation ever to exist. *
  • The humble home of many a Boltonian.
  • England was the home country of the Seven Friends of Narnia, King Frank, Queen Helen, and many other Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. England's capital city is London, and it is located on the island of Great Britain, of which is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was first united in 927 AD, but was invaded by the Normans in 1066 - the last time that the country would ever be conquered. It was where the Pevensies were originally from. They lived there until some time in September 1940, when Germany began bombing London (The Blitz), which lasted for 57 consecutive days or nights. The Pevensies were sent from their home to live with a professor in the country, and from there they found their way into Narnia. Digory Kirke, Polly Plummer, Eustace Scrubb, Jill Pole, Peter, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, together with the Pevensie parents, were all killed in a terrible train crash there. Only Susan survived, as she was not on the train, and most likely lived the rest of her life in England after the passing of her family.
  • The flag of England is white with a red cross. The flag is St George's Cross.
  • England was picked as the civilization for Tom during his civilization game against the others. Tom spawned on one of the many big islands, where he settled near the coast. Tom's early turns were relatively good and helpful, but that all changed when Duncan's Indonesia settled a city next to his capital. Tom would quickly declare war on Duncan, which started the Citrus Wars. The Citrus Wars would snowball into a massive conflict involving every player except Parvis' Polynesia. Eventually, Duncan captured his capital, cementing his ownership of the Orange Islands (Named so for their abundance of oranges). This would create a brief era of peace for the world. Tom would survive, having established a second city on Duncan's island. He would create a third city (Dog Shit Isle) on a very small island southwest of Smith's Russian civilization in the event that his second city were to be captured. In return for becoming a vassal state, Lewis' Japanese Empire recaptured Mega City One and returned it to him. Tom promptly reignited the Citrus Wars, and with Lewis' help captured Duncan's city of Surabaya, uniting the Orange Islands under the English flag. Unfortunately for Tom, his stricken people returned home to burned out shells of their former homes. Duncan had destroyed most every building in both cities immediately prior to them being captured, and as a result, Tom's empire entered a period of depression and revolution. To help alleviate the stress on his empire, Tom traded his second city (East Meg One) to Trott as the Ottomans, for use as a uranium mine in the Atomic War. Tom was left to watch the bloodshed between Trott, Smith, and Lewis from his solitary island city (Dog Shit Isle). After Lewis' victory in the Atomic War, he was given back ownership of the Orange Islands, as payment for his diplomatic support of the Japanese Empire. When Lewis launched his campaign for complete domination, Tom offered no resistance to the invading armies.
  • England ist ein Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich. Die Hauptstadt ist London. England grenzt an Schottland und Wales.
  • England is an island nation east of Norway and Denmark and north of frankia or France as it is known now, in the time period of vikings it was split up into many different kingdoms and in later years it would be united into one and then go on to conquer other nations including its neighbor island and much further half of the world.
  • England is the principal country making up the United Kingdom Made up the following areas called counties; * Yorkshire * Berkshire * Cambridgeshire * Cheshire * Cleveland * Cornwall * Cumbria * Derbyshire * Devon * Dorset * Durham * Essex * Gloucestershire * Hampshire * Herefordshire * Hertfordshire * Humberside * Kent * Lancashire * Lincolnshire * Oxfordshire * Northfolk * Northumbria * Nottinghamshire * Shropshire * Somerset * Staffordshire * Suffolk * Surrey * Sussex * Warwickshire * West Midlands * Worcestershire
  • England (pronounced IPA: ) is a country to the northwest of Continental Europe and is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 85% of the total population of the United Kingdom, whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel. England became a unified state during the tenth century and takes its name from the Angles — one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the fifth and sixth centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in Britain and largest city in the European Union. England ranks among the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the history of the world. It is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries. It was the historic centre of the British Empire. It was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and was the first country in the world to become industrialised. England is home to the Royal Society, which laid the foundations of modern experimental science. England was the world's first parliamentary democracy and consequently many constitutional, governmental and legal innovations that had their origin in England have been widely adopted by other nations. The Kingdom of England was a separate state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union resulted in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.
  • England is the largest and most populous country of the United Kingdom. Its inhabitants account for more than 83 per cent of the total UK population while its mainland territory occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west and elsewhere is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel and English Channel. The capital is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most, but not all, measures. England became a unified state in the year 927 and takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled there during the 5th and 6th centuries. It has had a significant cultural and legal impact on the wider world being the place of origin of the English language, the Church of England and English law, which forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries around the world. In addition, England was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution being the first country in the world to become industrialized. It is home to the Royal Society, which laid the foundations of modern experimental science. England was the world's oldest parliamentary democracy and consequently many constitutional, governmental and legal innovations that had their origin in England have been widely adopted by other nations. The Kingdom of England (including the Principality of Wales) continued as a separate state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union, putting into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulted in political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the united Kingdom of Great Britain.
  • England is a country on the continent of Europe. It boarders Scotland and is relatively close to Norway. It's capital is London and is home to Stonehenge. Apocalypse and his Horseman used Stonehenge for their own purposes but were stopped by the X-Men. Justin Hammer built the Hammer Channel Tunnel there, presumably to connect with France. England participated in World War II against the Nazi Party and won with the help of the United States of America. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • England was a constituent country of the United Kingdom on Earth.
  • England is a part of the United Kingdom, located on the island of Great Britain off the north-western coast of Europe. The gang has been there on several occasions.
  • England is one of the four countries that make up the UK along with Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland. The UK is a member state of the European Union (EU) also referred to as the 'common market'.
  • England serves as the primary country for the UNITY operatives within The Operative: No One Lives Forever and No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. The Pound sterling is the official currency of England.
  • England is an Allied nation located in the North Sea. The heroes of Stalag 13 contacts England via radio communication. England's capital is London. Several episodes of the series are set in England
  • England er hovedlandet for hele historien, specielt London er centrum for mange begivenheder og scener i både bøgerne og filmene. Derudover hører man også om andre lande og steder i England.
  • Only one Bristol Rovers player has ever represented England while on the books at the club: Geoff Bradford, who won a single cap in 1955, scoring in a 5–1 victory over Denmark. Twenty-two other Rovers players have been capped by England either before they joined the club or after they left it. The record for the most England appearances by a Bristol Rovers player is held by Alan Ball with 72 caps, followed by Mick Channon with 46. There have been 190 full international matches where the England side included a player who spent part of his career with Bristol Rovers, and the highest number of Rovers players who have been in a single England side is 3. This has happened four times, all of which were in the 1970s: 1. * England v Switzerland (9 November 1971): Alan Ball, Terry Cooper and Larry Lloyd 2. * England v Portugal (20 November 1974): Mick Channon, Terry Cooper and Gerry Francis 3. * England v Wales (21 May 1975): Alan Ball, Mick Channon and Gerry Francis 4. * England v Scotland (24 May 1975): Alan Ball, Mick Channon and Gerry Francis The first player to play for both England and Bristol Rovers was George Kinsey, who made his national team debut on 5 March 1892 in a Home Championship match against Wales in Wrexham. He went on to win another cap the next year and a further two in 1896, before joining Rovers in 1897. At the time of writing (August 2013) the most recent Rovers man to play for England is Rickie Lambert, who after spending three years with The Gas between 2006 and 2009 went on to represent his nation in 2013, scoring England's winner against Scotland with his first touch of the ball after coming on as a 67th minute substitute.
  • England was a country in Europe on Earth. According to one source, T. R. Edwards was in the Cyberblits in London, England in 1996 or 1997. (Robotech: Return To Macross: Into The Void)
  • England is the largest country in Great Britain and is the ruling country of the United Kingdom. It was originally split up into seven main kingdoms by the Anglo-Saxons: Mercia, Northumbria, Wessex, Essex, Sussex, East Anglia and Kent.
  • England (イギリス, Igirisu) is a main character in the anime and manga series Hetalia: Axis Powers. He represents both the United Kingdom and England, and is part of the Allied Forces. The English dub refers to him as Britain, a shortened and often informal way to refer to the United Kingdom. In 2008, Himaruya gave out human names to some of the characters and he received the name Arthur Kirkland (アーサー・カークランド, Āsā Kākurando).
  • England is the setting for almost all of Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series. We've all England to cross by morning (Pete's Dad, CN4) The five “Lake” novels are set in the Lake District of North West England. Coot Club and The Big Six are set in the Norfolk Broads. The Norfolk Broads are in Norfolk East Anglia comprises the three counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea starts in Harwich harbour in Essex. Secret Water is set in Essex, near Walton-on-the-Naze.
  • England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies northwest of England and the Celtic Sea lies to the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south. The country covers five-eighths of the island of Great Britain (which lies in the North Atlantic) in its centre and south; and includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight. The area now called England was first inhabited by modern humans during the Upper Palaeolithic period, but takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled during the 5th and 6th centuries. England became a unified state in the 10th century, and since the Age of Discovery, which began during the 15th century, has had a significant cultural and legal impact on the wider world. The English language, the Anglican Church, and English law – the basis for the common law legal systems of many other countries around the world – developed in England, and the country's parliamentary system of government has been widely adopted by other nations. The Industrial Revolution began in 18th-century England, transforming its society into the world's first industrialised nation. England's terrain mostly comprises low hills and plains, especially in central and southern England. However, there are uplands in the north (for example, the mountainous Lake District, and the Pennines) and in the southwest (for example, Dartmoor and the Cotswolds). The capital is London, which is the largest metropolitan area in both the United Kingdom and the European Union. England's population of over 53 million comprises 84% of the population of the United Kingdom, largely concentrated around London, the South East, and conurbations in the Midlands, the North West, the North East, and Yorkshire, which each developed as major industrial regions during the 19th century. The Kingdom of England—which after 1535 included Wales—ceased being a separate sovereign state on 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union put into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulting in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1801, Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland through another Act of Union to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1922 the Irish Free State seceded from the United Kingdom, leading to the latter being renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • The English have the power of Noblility. They replace the Indians.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's England article. Take me to the England article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a England link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • England is a country in Europe. It is part of the United Kingdom. Julian Sark was from England, but spent time in Ireland.
  • England är ett land som är en del av Storbritannien på Jorden. På sjuttonhundratalet, uppstod en kult följande Seth nära Stonehenge i detta land. Tidigare medlemmar av Kult av Setesh begick kollektivt självmord i Wiltshire, ca 1722. (SG1: "Seth")
  • England es un pais en Europa e, plu spesifada, en la Rena Unida. La capital de England es London. La zona temporal de England es GMT. El es la parte de la Rena Unida con la plu multe persones, con un cuantia de popla entra 50 milion e 60 milion, cee es sirca 84% de la persones de la Rena Unida. La Rena de England -cual pos 1284 ia inclui Cimri- ia lasa es un stato autonom separada la 1 maio 1707, cuando la Atas de Uni ia pone en efeta la termas de la Trata de Uni de la anio presendente, resultante en la ini political con la Rena de Scotia per crea la Rena de Britan. En 1801, Britan ia uni con la Rena de Er con otra Ata de Uni per deveni la Rena Unida de Britan e Er. En 1922 la Stato Libre Eres ia gania nondepende de Rena Unida e la stato deveni Rena Unida de Britan e Er Norde.
  • England (/ˈɪŋɡlənd/) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west and the North Sea to the east, with the English Channel to the south separating it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight. Since the Early Modern Period the food of England has historically been characterised by its simplicity of approach, honesty of flavour, and a reliance on the high quality of natural produce. During the Middle Ages and through the Renaissance period, English cuisine enjoyed an excellent reputation, though a decline began during the Industrial Revolution with the move away from the land and increasing urbanisation of the populace. The French sometimes referred to English people as les rosbifs, as a stereotype to suggest English food is unsophisticated or crude. The cuisine of England has, however, recently undergone a revival, which has been recognised by the food critics with some good ratings in Restaurant's best restaurant in the world charts. An early book of English recipes is the Forme of Cury from the royal court of Richard II.
  • England is the largest of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. Most of [[Australia]'s 20 million people and [[New Zealands 4 million people had an ancestor born there. It wins the Ashes now and again.
  • England is the most populous and most culturally dominant of the countries that form the United Kingdom. Located on the southern part of the island of Great Britain, it borders both Wales and Scotland, and is close to France to the south, across the English Channel.
  • England is a European country and part of the United Kingdom .
  • The Scotland have a massive rivalry with England. Image:Clyde.pngThis article is a Clyde related . You can help Fantendo by [ expanding it].
  • England became a unified state during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles, one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England is London, which is the largest urban area in Great Britain. Many Harry Turtledove stories feature characters referring to the United Kingdom as "England", which remains a common, if incorrect, colloquialism. Thus, in most stories with a Point of Divergence after 1707, characters who refer to England usually mean Great Britain. This probably applies to the Atlantis series as well.
  • England is a country in Europe, and is a member of Great Britain alongside Scotland, and Wales. Along with Northern Ireland, these three countries also make up the United Kingdom.
  • England is the largest country in the United Kingdom, sharing land borders with Scotland and Wales. To the west of it is the North Sea, to the east the Irish Sea and to the south the English Channel which separates it from continental Europe. The country also includes more than 100 smaller islands including the Isle of Wight and the Scilly Isles. England has been inhabited by modern humans since the upper Palaeolithic period but takes its name from the Angles, a Germanic tribe who settled there in the 5th and 6th Centuries AD (another, early name for the entirety of the British Isles was 'Albion'). It became a unified state in 927AD, and despite numerous attempts, has not been successfully invaded since the Norman landings in 1066. Wales was effectively annexed by England in 1284, and in 1707 with the Act of Union, it joined with Scotland to become the new Kingdom of Great Britain, which incorporated Ireland from 1800 (Ireland would become a free state in 1922, but in 1927 the six Irish counties forming Northern Ireland rejoined the union). England's capital city is London, the most densely populated area in the country, located in the south east, with the Palace of Westminster being the seat of the British Parliament which directly governs England (though the other countries in the UK have devolved governments of their own). The country, a Parliamentary democracy with a consitutional monarchy (the current head of state being Queen Elizabeth II) is a member state of the European Union, much to the annoyance of many of its citizens. Like the rest of the British Isles, England has strong connections to various mystical realms, and it was the site of Camelot, the court of King Arthur, whose champions included the Shining Knight. Modern day champions of the country include the Knight and the Squire. For a brief time, Justice League Europe was based in London.
  • England is one of the many places visited in the Tomb Raider series. This particular location is where Lara lives and later goes on to find The Eye of Isis meteorite artifact.
  • England ist der größte und am dichtesten besiedelte Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland. Gelegentlich wird England synekdochisch für das Vereinigte Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland oder für die gesamte Insel Großbritannien gebraucht. Der Name England stammt vom westgermanischen Volk der Angeln (altengl. Englas) ab.
  • England is a country which is part of the United Kingdom on Earth. London is a capital of England. In the eighteenth century, a cult following Setesh arose near Stonehenge in this country. The cultists collectively committed suicide in Wiltshire, circa 1722. (SG1: "Seth")
  • England was a country of Europe. Members of the Justice League of America and All-Star Squadron often defended it from the Third Reich forces of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler there.
  • Kategorie:Stub England war der Wohn-und Geburtsstaat der Pevensie-Geschwister. Auch der Cousin Eustachius lebte und wohnte in diesem Staat. Der Anfang aller Filme spielt in London, dass in diesem Staat liegt. Kategorie:Orte
  • England is one of the four countries that form part of the United Kingdom, together with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom. It has a population of around 50 million, with London as its capital.
  • Rifts® England seethes with mystic energy from hundreds of ley lines and nexus points, transforming the British Isles into a land of enchantment and home to the legendary Millennium Tree, Brain Trees, ancient gods, Temporal Raiders and Wizards, Woodland Druids, Dryads, Blood Druids, Nexus Knights, Ghost Knights, Faeries, Stonehenge and more. Highlights Include: * Temporal Magic, with 25 new spells and three related character classes, all available as player characters. * Herb Magic completed with magic teas, potions, wands, staves, leaves, poisons and Herbalist. * 21 New and including the Chiang-Ku Dragon, Earth Child, Star Child, Mantaz Sectle, Temporal Wizard, and a variety of druids and others. * The Millennium Tree and its magic. * Ancient Celtic gods, monsters and villains. * New Camelot, a place of bright hope and dark magic. * Illustrated by Long, Ewell & Breaux. Cover by Parkinson. * 152 pages — written by Kevin Siembieda. * Cat. No. 807 — I.S.B.N.: 0-916211-57-6 Description and cover art from Palladium Books Web site, copyright ???? Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books.
  • England is the largest and most populous country within the British Isles. It became a unified state in 927 and takes its name from the Angles, the largest of the Germanic tribes who came there from Denmark and northern Germany during the 5th and 6th centuries. The Order of Hermes considers it to be part of the Stonehenge Tribunal.
  • England became a unified state during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles, one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England is London, which is the largest urban area in Great Britain. In 1707, it became a constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • England was a country in Europe, and one of the constituent states of the United Kingdom. It was located on the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic, and shared land borders with Wales to the west and Scotland to the north. London, a major city and metropolitan area and the capital of the United Kingdom, was located in southeastern England on the River Thames.
  • England ist der größte und am dichtesten besiedelte Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland. Gelegentlich wird England synekdochisch für das Vereinigte Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland oder für die gesamte Insel Großbritannien gebraucht. Der Name England stammt vom westgermanischen Volk der Angeln (altengl. Englas) ab. Kategorie:Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union Kategorie:Europa
  • The country is Axl Low's birthplace along with Bridget and Venom and is also his stage. In Accent Core, London becomes Millia's stage as well. The stage usually feature European houses and buildings which is evident in Isuka and AC. In GGX it is shown to have a train station and another version of this stage is set during winter. It has been stated that England, along with France are some of the nations that still exist in the timeline of Guilty Gear. England becomes a part of the Allied Kingdom Illyria, along with several plots of land in Europe that were formerly nations. It's capital, London was the primary setting for the novel Lightning the Argent. At one point during the Crusades, the Megadeath gear Hydra laid waste on the city before Kliff Undersn, along with the Holy Knights, sealed it into dormancy. After some time has passed, people proceeded to build a town on top of its body. In 2181, Solaria's singing awakened the Hydra and the people living were evacuated. Ky Kiske ordered the firing of a satellite beam to eliminate the Gear. The area was then sealed by the IPF to prevent the radiation from leaking. Since London has been a recurring stage, it's assumed that the area destroyed by the Hydra is just a portion of the whole city.
  • England was the capital planet of the Red Empire. It was captured by Rider during the Galactic Civil War and served his headquarters.
  • England ist der größte und am dichtesten besiedelte Landesteil im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland. Oft wird England fälschlicherweise auch als Synonym für den Staat des Vereinigten Königreichs oder für die gesamte Insel Großbritannien gebraucht. Der Name England stammt vom westgermanischen Volk der Angeln (altengl. Englas) ab. England umfasst den größten Teil des südlichen Abschnitts der Insel Großbritannien, grenzt im Norden an Schottland und im Westen an Wales und die Irische See. Im Osten grenzt England an die Nordsee, im Süden liegt England am Ärmelkanal und der Südwesten Englands liegt am Atlantik. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:Länder
  • England, officially the United Kingdom of England (Esperanto: Reĝlando Anglio), is a member state of the European Union. Its capital is London.
  • It his country of origin for the deceased Wesley (Agent One) (though this was changed to Wales for Richard Wesley his counterpart). It is also the home country of the OSA Director.
  • England is a country which is part of the United Kingdom on Earth. In the eighteenth century, a cult following Seth arose near Stonehenge in this country. The cultists collectively committed suicide in Wiltshire, circa 1722.
  • A country in the west of Europe. Its capital city is London, and is part of the United Kingdom, sharing its borders with neighbouring Wales and Scotland. Locations that can be visited in the games are: * London * Calios Mental Hospital * Ancient Ruins * Cave Temple * Port of Southampton * The entrance to the Rhondda Mine
  • England is a country in Europe. It is part of the United Kingdom; its capital city is London. Soap operas set in England include: * Coronation Street * EastEnders * Emmerdale * Brookside * Doctors * Hollyoaks
  • The 19th century novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, written by Samuel Clemens, took place in England in the 6th century. (TNG: "Time's Arrow" ) Starfleet officers Malcolm Reed and Kyle originated from this country. (ENT: "Silent Enemy"; TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" ) Chief Engineer Olson also spoke with an English accent, but his nationality was never specifically mentioned. When Julian Bashir was thinking about asking Morn to join him in the Battle of Britain holoprogram in 2372, Miles O'Brien told him the Lurian probably had never heard of England. (DS9: "Accession") In Felix's latest chapter of the Julian Bashir, Secret Agent holoprogram, Lady Wantsomore was brainwashed and instructed to kill the Queen of England. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation") Kathryn Janeway's sojourn into a holonovel during 2371 was set in early 19th century England featuring Lord Burleigh and Mrs. Templeton. (VOY: "Cathexis", "Persistence of Vision") In an alternate timeline, England was conquered by Nazi Germany, with the assistance of the Na'kuhl, sometime before 1944. (ENT: "Storm Front")
  • England is the country and kingdom of the English people. It's ruler is King Richard the Lionheart.
  • The English Ice Hockey Association (EIHA) is the governing body of ice hockey in both England and Wales. It was formed in 1982. The EIHA administers the English Premier Ice Hockey League and the English National Ice Hockey League, the second and third level British leagues below the Elite Ice Hockey League. The English Cup was held three times between 1999 and 2002. The English National League was the top level of ice hockey in England from 1935-1954, when it merged with the Scottish National League to form the British National League. The English national team played its first game in 1909, a friendly game against Scotland, which it won 11-1. During its early years, it participated in numerous international tournaments. Since the 1950's, the team has mainly played games against the Scottish national team. Their last international game was a 5-4 loss to Scotland in 1993. The women's national team played a total of five games between 1987 and 2002. They played three games against Scotland, one against Belgium, and one against Wales. Their only two international victories have come against Scotland.
  • England is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is located to the north-west of mainland Europe. Its inhabitants account for more than 82 percent of the total population of the United Kingdom. England is often mistakenly considered the same as the United Kingdom, or the same as the island of Great Britain, which consists of England, Scotland, and Wales. However, England no longer officially exists as an administrative or political unit as do Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, which have varying degrees of self-government in domestic affairs. England became a unified state during the tenth century and takes its name from the Angles, one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the fifth and sixth centuries. England ranks among the world's most influential centers of cultural development. It is the place of origin of the English language and the Church of England, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries. The nation was the center of the British Empire, and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. England is home to the Royal Society, which laid the foundations of modern experimental science. England was the world's first parliamentary democracy and consequently many constitutional, governmental and legal innovations that had their origin in England have been widely adopted by other nations.
  • England is the largest Country in the United Kingdom. They've been around for quite some time.
  • England is a country and part of the greater United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west and the North Sea to the east, with the English Channel to the south separating it from continental Europe. The mainland of England consists of the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic, but England also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight. In terms of the horror genre, England was the home of Bray Studios, which produced most of the original Hammer Horror films of the 1950s-70s. Bray Studios is located next to the River Thames at Water Oakley in the civil parish of Bray, near Windsor in the English county of Berkshire.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's England article. Take me to the England article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a England link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Causes havoc like Muscular Romano, genderbends, etc. Will grant wishes, with favor towards England's of course. Has a pet Parasect whom is a tsundere for him.
  • England is the largest country within The United Kingdom and is bordered by Wales to the West and Scotland to the North. With the exception of the United States, there are more Allied characters of English nationality than any other in Issuing Orders, including two of the three most senior officers in the Allied Forces, Captain Liam Brentwood and Lieteunant Nicholas Ealing. Wheras Americans are commonly referred to as yanks, the English are known as limeys by their trans-atlantic cousins. Although not an actual hostile board, many Neutral threads have been held in England, most notably in Stephen Colly's home in Devon.
  • England is a country in the United Kingdom. The capital of England is London which is also the capital of the UK.
  • England is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its provinces at the very beginning consists of: London, Meath, Glamorgan, Cornwall, Gwynedd, Wessex, Kent, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Essex, Norfolk, Lincoln, Derby, Marches, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cumbria, Northumberland, Caux, Calais, Normandie, Gascogne, and Labourd.
  • England also known as The UK, Europe or Great Britain is not the greater part of Britain and for obvious reasons is usually avoided by the Scottish and Welsh. People from England are most famous for wearing a suit and tie, a top hat and a monocle, along with a funny curly moustache and poorly looked-after teeth - an attire which is pursued totally regardless of the occasion. This fashion has been popular since the late 1880's, this being one of the reasons Jack the Ripper was so hard to catch.
  • England is one of the four constituent nations of the United Kingdom. Its capital is London, which also serves as the capital of the kingdom as a whole.
  • England is a country in Europe and part of the United Kingdom. Grampa visited here when he was in World War II and met Edwina here, who he ended up having a daughter with. The capital city is London where the Simpsons visit (despite a teenage, high-school Homer once claiming he would never go to England). The London Eye is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world along with Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. Nigel Bakerbutcher revealed to the citizens of Springfield that the whole of London is under constant surveillance with cameras everywhere. While visiting London, Homer's car crashes through the gates of Buckingham Palace and into Queen Elizabeth II's carriage. He is imprisoned in the Tower of London. Homer escapes the tower and ends up in Buckingham Palace, where he asks the Queen to find it in her 'jewel-encrusted' heart to forgive him. She forgives him and lets him go home to America as long a he takes Madonna back with him.
  • England is a country that is part of the United Provinces.The United Provinces is made up of nine countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxumborg, Japan and the former French Republic, while its mainland territory occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England is bordered by Scotland to the north, Wales to the west and the North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel and English Channel. The capital is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in Europe by many measures. The official definition of LUZ (Larger Urban Zone) is used by the European Statistical Agency (Eurostat) when describing conurbations and areas of high population. This definition ranks London highest, above Paris; and a ranking of population within municipal boundaries also puts London on top. However, research by the University of Avignon in France ranks Paris first and London second when including the whole urban area and hinterland, that is the outlying cities as well.
  • England is a name of one of the kingdoms in Britain. It refers to the kingdoms in the era of Richard the Lionheart to the present.
  • The England team represents the countries of England and Wales, under the governance of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). The team plays in Test, ODI and Twenty20 cricket matches. Despite the sport originating in England, the country has never won the World Cup. England played in the first ever Test match in 1877 against Australia in Melbourne and also the first ever One-Day International in 1971, against the same opponents. Peter Moores has been the head coach of the side since the resignation of Duncan Fletcher in May 2007. Andy Flower is his assistant, and Allan Donald as a locum bowling coach.
  • England originates from a Germanic tribe called the Angles, who were the first tribes to make up the country. Over the time, many more tribes lived in England until 43 AD, when the Romans annexed the Great Britain island into its empire. This resulted in Queen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe to start an uprising against the Romans across Britain. She succeedingly destroyed many Roman villas, including setting fire to the capital city of Roman Britain, Londinium. She was captured by the Romans yet escaped only for herself and her daughter to poison themselves rather then be held captive again. In 410 AD, the Romans left the country, resulting in the inhabitants to fend for themselves. This led to a collapse in the country, and many tribes invaded the country. Later, the Anglo-Saxons were able to make it in the country until 792 AD, when the Vikings of Scandinavia invaded, before successfully gaining control of the country in 991 AD. They in turn were defeated by the Normans from France in 1066, creating the country of England. Over the years, the country became more populated, and more bigger. The cramped conditions led to unsanitary problems, and many plague epidemics, due to rats scuttling all over the place. The conditions got worse until laws were passed to clean the towns in the 17th century. In the 15th century, England united with the country of Wales to form the first United Kingdom. In 1556, English discoverers found many places across the world and annexed them, which started to create the British Empire. During the 18th century, many inventions and discoveries took place across England, which would then shape the later world. The new British Empire started to gain control of the world, making England a great power. In 1707, Scotland joined the United Kingdom as a way of making peace with England. In 1801, Ireland united as the fourth country to join the United Kingdom. In the 19th century, new inventions created the Industrial Revolution, and many cities got overcrowded with people wanting to find work, led to more unsanitary conditions and cholera epidemics, which were proven to have been caused by bacterium in filthy water. The country still bloomed to own the biggest empire the world has ever seen. At the end of World War I in 1918, the empire started to collapse, with few countries leaving the empire. In 1922, the empire was saved due to a budget cut in the government, and the empire reached its territorial peak that year. During World War II through 1939 to 1945, many cities and town across the United Kingdom were bombed by Nazi Germany, killing 43,000 people. At the end of World War II in 1945, this resulted in the entire empire to collapse. The country today remains a great power, and has many ties with countries across the world. Due to its culture, England remains a popular country around the world.
  • England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Much information in this wiki relevant to England appears as information about the UK. For example the separate article News England, (relevant just to England), is just a tiny part of News UK. For a full listing of UK articles - see
  • England is a country that is a part of the United Kingdom.
  • England is a country in the United Kingdom, the capital of which and largest city therein is London. This article is a stub. You can help the Grimorum by [ expanding it].
  • England i/ˈɪŋɡlənd/ is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.[2][3][4] It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies north west of England, whilst the Celtic Sea lies to the southwest. The North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate England from continental Europe. The country covers much of the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain, which lies in the North Atlantic; and includes over 100 smaller islandssuch as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight. The area now called England was first inhabited by modern humans during the Upper Palaeolithic period, but takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled during the 5th and 6th centuries. England became a unified state in the 10th century, and since the Age of Discovery, which began during the 15th century, has had a significant cultural and legal impact on the wider world.[5] The English language, the Anglican Church, and English law – the basis for the common law legal systems of many other countries around the world – developed in England, and the country's parliamentary system of government has been widely adopted by other nations.[6] The Industrial Revolution began in 18th-century England, transforming its society into the world's first industrialised nation.[7] England's terrain mostly comprises low hills and plains, especially in central and southern England. However, there are uplands in the north (for example, the mountainous Lake District, Pennines, and Yorkshire Dales) and in the south west (for example, Dartmoor and the Cotswolds). The capital of England is London, which is the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures.[nb 1] The population of over 53 million comprises 84% of the population of the United Kingdom, largely concentrated around London, the South East, and conurbations in the Midlands, the North West, theNorth East and Yorkshire, which each developed as major industrial regions during the 19th century.[8] The Kingdom of England – which after 1284 included Wales – ceased being a separate sovereign state on 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union put into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulting in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.[9][10] In 1801, Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland through another Act of Union to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1922 the Irish Free Stateseceded from the United Kingdom, leading to the latter being renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • England (i/ˈɪŋɡlənd/) is the most populous country in the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight. The area now called England was first inhabited by modern humans during the Upper Palaeolithic period, but it takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled during the 5th and 6th centuries. England became a unified state in AD 927, and since the Age of Discovery, which began during the 15th century, has had a significant cultural and legal impact on the wider world. The English language, the Anglican Church, and English law -— the basis for the common law legal systems of many other countries around the world —- developed in England, and the country's parliamentary system of government has been widely adopted by other nations. The Industrial Revolution began in 18th-century England, transforming its society into the world's first industrialised nation. England's terrain mostly comprises low hills and plains, especially in central and southern England. However, there are uplands in the north (for example, the mountainous Lake District, Pennines, and Yorkshire Dales) and in the south west (for example, Dartmoor and the Cotswolds). The former capital of England was Winchester until replaced by London in 1066. Today London is the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. England's population is about 53 million, around 84% of the population of the United Kingdom, and is largely concentrated in London, the South East and conurbations in the Midlands, the North West, the North East and Yorkshire, which each developed as major industrial regions during the 19th century. Meadowlands and pastures are found beyond the major cities. The Kingdom of England -— which after 1284 included Wales -— was a sovereign state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union put into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulting in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the new Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1801, Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland through another Act of Union to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1922, the Irish Free State was established as a separate dominion, but the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927 reincorporated into the kingdom six Irish counties to officially create the current United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • England is the historical kingdom on the British Isles, and currently the largest country in the United Kingdom. * Caliphate of Londris (Pure Arabica) * England (British Louisiana) * England (Burgundy Survives) * England (Cabotia and Brasil) * England (Chaos) * England (Chinese World) * England (Day of Glory) * England (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) * England (Henry II Dies In 1100) * England (Jacobite Glory) * England (Mosley's Britain) * England (Much ado about Nonsuch) * England (Napoleon's World) * England (Royal Prerogative) * England (The Eagle Lives) * England (The Kaiser's New Clothes) * England (They Are Protected) * England (Toyotomi) See also: Great Britain This is a disambiguation page, a list of pages that otherwise might share the same title. If an article link referred you to this title, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
  • [Source] England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom in Europe. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north, and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea lies to the east, and the English Channel to the south, separating it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight. The country has been featured in multiple Disney properties. The exact time period shown depends on the film. The most commonly shown location within England has been the capital city of London, though other areas have appeared.
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  • England is a country on the island of Great Britain in Northern Europe. It is bordered by Scotland and Wales, and its capital city is London. It is the central country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is home to both Muggles and Wizardkind. Many famous wizards like Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, and Harry Potter hail from here.
  • England is part of the United Kingdom and a very powerful country. It has, like many other countries, had many alien and UFO sightings.
  • England is a country in Europe, one of four countries that forms the United Kingdom.
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