  • Great Britain
  • Great Britain is a formable nation in Europa Universalis IV. Great Britain can be formed by any nation in the British culture group, or as Welsh as the primary culture.
  • Great Britain (Scottish Gaelic: Breatainn Mhòr) is the largest island of the British Isles. It lies to the northwest of Continental Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part of the territory of the United Kingdom. It is the largest island in Europe, and the eighth largest and the third most populous island in the world. It is surrounded by over 1000 smaller islands and islets. Image:30px-Geographylogo.svg.pngThis article is a -related stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Great Britain was the home of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, including the countries of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. British history was still remembered thousands of years later in the Diaspora of Man, including military affairs, the political organization of the state and famous British individuals.
  • Great Britain is a large European island, to the northwest of the main continent. The island is administrated by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in the Muggle world, and by the Minister for Magic of the Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world.
  • The Kingdom of Great Britain was a state formed in 1707 by the unification of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland. During the first half of the 18th century, Great Britain had the world's strongest navy and army. It also had the world's largest empire, containing at it's peak one-fourth of the world's land area.
  • Great Britain is an iland sitting off the north west of Europe. It is cleft between three lands: England, Scotland and Wales. The north and west of the iland is mainly upland, whereas the south and east is mainly lowland.
  • Great Britain was the largest of the British Isles. It was governed by the United Kingdom. It consisted of England, Scotland and Wales.
  • Great Britain is an island nation, located off the coast of Mainland Europe, being a Victorious nation in many wars, it controlled many worldwide countries, and was an economically wealthy nation, having the Royal Navy, by far the largest navy in the world. During the World War II, Churchill sents British Armies to fight against Nazi Germany with the Allied Forces. After the Soviets drop the Atomic Bomb over Berlin, the Allied Forces win the war. During the following years, France, Belgium and Spain joins the Soviet Unions under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. When Stalin died at 1953, the new General Secretary of the USSR gives an opportunity to Churchill to join the USSR without using violences. The Great Britain becomes later the British Soviet Socialist Republic.
  • Great Britain is an island in Europe consisting of England, Scotland, and Wales. It is also sometimes incorrectly used as a term to describe the United Kingdom.
  • Great Britain is one constituent of the United Kingdom
  • Britain declared war on Germany on September 3rd 1939 in response to the German invasion of Poland. British forces tried to defend France but failed which lead to the Battle of Dunkirk and later the Dunkirk evacuation. Germany then prepared Operation Sea Lion, which was the name of the proposed invasion of Great Britain. Stage 1 of Operation Sea Lion involved using the Luftwaffe to cripple the Royal Air Force, and gain air supremacy over the south - east of England, which became known as The Battle of Britain in preparation for the invasion but Britain was able to defend itself. Despite the smaller number of aircraft, the Royal Air Force prevailed and repelled the German attack. This was one of Hitler's first major defeats and was a turning point in the war.
  • It was the first flag in the world and was invented by jesus, the purpose of inventing the flag was so that all other countries felt inadequate in a comparison and so that if the British ever thought of going abroad, Pfft, they could say "Hello Old Bean! oh... i say... wheres your flag? you dont have a flag! Well I never."
  • Great Britain is the larger of the two main islands that make up the British Isles. It contains the countries of England, Scotland and Wales. As an aircraft name, Great Britain may be: * Flagship Great Britain - Boeing 377 c/n 15957 operated by American Overseas Airlines * Flagship Great Britain - Boeing 377 c/n 15958 operated by American Overseas Airlines
  • Great Britain was the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Wales that resided on the eastern island of the British Isles that became part of the United Great Britain States of the Global Community. London, the capital city of England, was destroyed during the missile strike of World War III at the opening of the second Seal Judgment, though surprisingly it is mentioned again in "Glorious Appearing", suggesting that it may have been rebuilt. (This could also be a continuity error in the story series.)
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island country in Northern Europe. London is the capital and largest city.
  • Great Britain is the larger of the two main islands of the British Isles, the largest island in Europe and the ninth-largest island in the world (Great Britain is also the third most populated island on Earth). It lies to the northwest of Continental Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the largest part of the territory of the country known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands and islets.
  • Great Britain is the larger of the two main British isles, and is home to most of the United Kingdom. During the reign of King Arthur his kingdom was known as Logres. The island is politically divided into three internal countries of the UK: England in the center and south, Scotland in the north, and Wales on a peninsula in the west. West of Great Britain is the island of Ireland, and southeast of Great Britain is the European mainland. The term British most correctly is used to refer to a resident of the island (or whose family is traced to the isle), but is more commonly used to describe anyone who is a citizen of the United Kingdom.
  • Great Britain (英吉利, Igirisu) is a island (sometimes the large island Camelot is referred as a continent) that holds 3 kingdoms (Camelot, Āsā and Caerwent). Great Britain is famed for producing most legendary kings and High-Kings of all time.
  • Great Britain is the biggest isle of the British Isles in western Europe. Three constituent countries of the UK lie in Great Britain: * England * Scotland * Wales Great Britain is the United Kingdom without Northern Ireland or the other islands, such as the Isle of Man. Great Britain is more liberal than Northern Ireland because the British don’t do nasty things to each other just because one is a Roman Catholic and the other is a Protestant. Not all Great Britain is liberal, the BNP and the National Front sadly still exist though most British people despise both.
  • Great Britain: great Britain, or the greatest Britain? Along with Ireland and weenie little Britain, Great Britain is one of the three main British Isles. Its known as the 2nd best country in the world, behind America.
  • Great Britain is a large island nation-state located in the northern European continent on Earth. Britain is made up of the countries of England, Scotland, and Wales, which from 1707 were all part of the United Kingdom.
  • Great Britain is a major faction in Empire: Total War.
  • The region is considered by outsiders to be bafflingly confusing, especially in regards to the status of the locations. For instance, non-Europeans might get called a "snarky bugger" for not knowing that Ireland is a separate island from Great Britain. Similarly, a young corker from East Hamfordshire might look down upon, say, an American for confusing England and the United Kingdom, and that American might be referred to as a "blooming git" by that chap from East Hamfordshire.
  • Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles, located in the north west European archipelago on Earth. Great Britain was once part of a major power on Earth, creating the largest naval empire in human history. A person or thing from Great Britain is sometimes described as British.
  • Great Britain, once a United Kingdom, now a divided one. Most of the British Isles are now made up of many small states, however, Great Britain, and its new British Empire, under King Christopher, is the largest of these states. It is an Absolute Monarchy governed with a Laissez-faire policy, which even though has a lack of Democracy, it still retains a booming economy and extensive civil rights. It is now a member of the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, and thus has some international influence within this alliance.
  • The People's Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the Great Britain is a sovereign state located off the North Western coast of Western Continental Europe. Great Britain shares land borders with Westland and Ireland. The capital, and largest city, is London located in southern England, the official language is English, however co-official languages include Welsh and Irish. Great Britian has a population of 53,354,177 as of 2014.
  • "At the London 2012 Olympic Games Team GB - Our Greatest Team - will be the largest single team to represent the nation in any sporting event for over 100 years. Consisting of over 500 athletes and 1,000 support staff, we will be the best prepared, best equipped, best supported and most ambitious team to represent Great Britain and Northern Ireland in over a century!
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are islands in Europe. It has a population of about 60,000,000. Britain won the gold medal at the 1936 Olympics. The British national ice hockey team (also known as Team GB) is the name of the national ice hockey Team for the United Kingdom. A founding member of the International Ice Hockey Federation in 1908, the team is controlled by Ice Hockey UK. However since then the GB team has made little impact on the sport. The current coach is Paul Thompson. ice hockey was first played in Great Britain in the late 1800's.
  • Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales. Together with Northern Ireland, Great Britain forms the United Kingdom, which is turn a member of the United Nations. From the 16th century until the middle of the 20th century, Great Britain had the world's largest empire with the British Empire controlling large areas of land in North America, Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand and parts of the Middle East, the South Pacific, and East Asia. In 1939, the British luxury liner S.S. Queen Anne was boarded by Nazis who believed it was carrying weapons. (TXF: "Triangle")
  • The geo-political entity known as Great Britain actually consists of a number of states united under a single crown. At its height, the British Empire controlled some 1/4th of the planet's landmass at some point or another, and it was said that the sun never set on the British Empire. (In fact the sun did set on the Empire, but only once, for 7.45 minutes, and resulted in a riot that has widely been miss-attributed to a controversial call during the 1879 Ashes). Today the Empire has been largely lost, having been replaced by a "commonwealth of nations." But only time will tell whether such a system will last, and the British will again take up the admirable job of protecting the world from itself in exchange for its natural resources and local labour.
  • Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations
  • On Stranger Tides
  • 1653.895000
  • 100
  • 35000
  • --11-07
  • 26047.373000
  • 84039
  • 6100
  • GBR
conventional long name
  • The New Asian People's Republic of Corner Shops
symbol type
  • The Royal Family Coat of Arms
  • Maroon
  • 3863394
  • 2009-05-25
leader name
  • 24
  • 49039
  • 150
  • Great Britain
  • English
image symbol
  • Family Crest.GIF
  • On Stranger Tides
National teams
  • Junior
  • Men's
  • Women's
  • Women's U18
Major Exports
  • Tea, scones, crumpets, The Beatles, funny hats
IIHF since
  • --11-19
Major Imports
Top league
Registered players
  • 4901
IIHF ranking
  • 21
National federation
  • 46
locations within
hours of operation
  • 9
national anthem
  • "God Save the Queen"
  • 271
  • 800.710000
  • Western
official languages
national motto
  • 62262000
  • English settlers
  • 英吉利
Located In
  • King Christopher
  • Igirisu
Controlled By
  • High-King
  • "Heart of Man, lies within the vortex of Greatness"
National Animal
  • 5009
Image size
  • 120
image map
  • 20080115105033
  • Great_Britain.jpg
government type
  • Christianity
  • Protestant
  • Whining
native name
  • United Kingdom
image coat
  • Gryffindor.jpg
Leader title
Largest City
  • United Kingdom, northwest coast of Europe
  • "Dieu et mon droit"
image flag
  • 145
  • United_Kingdom.png
  • English
Common name
  • England
  • British Isles, Western Europe
wikipage disambiguates
  • Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations.jpg
national heroes
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are islands in Europe. It has a population of about 60,000,000. Britain won the gold medal at the 1936 Olympics. The British national ice hockey team (also known as Team GB) is the name of the national ice hockey Team for the United Kingdom. A founding member of the International Ice Hockey Federation in 1908, the team is controlled by Ice Hockey UK. The team was a force in the game in the early 20th century, winning the first ever IIHF European Championship, Bronze medalists at the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, and became Olympic champions in 1936 in Germany. However since then the GB team has made little impact on the sport. The current coach is Paul Thompson. ice hockey was first played in Great Britain in the late 1800's. [2][3]In 1876, the World's first artificial ice rinks were opened in London. The first official ice hockey game in Europe, was played between two English teams in 1885. In 1903-04, Great Britain had a 5-team league and the first Scottish game was played in 1908. The same year, Great Britain joined the IIHF as a founder member. Great Britain has not competed at the Olympics in ice hockey since 1948, but they have still competed in the world championships. The Womens, U20, and U18 teams have also competed at the world championships.
  • Great Britain is a formable nation in Europa Universalis IV. Great Britain can be formed by any nation in the British culture group, or as Welsh as the primary culture.
  • Great Britain (Scottish Gaelic: Breatainn Mhòr) is the largest island of the British Isles. It lies to the northwest of Continental Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part of the territory of the United Kingdom. It is the largest island in Europe, and the eighth largest and the third most populous island in the world. It is surrounded by over 1000 smaller islands and islets. Image:30px-Geographylogo.svg.pngThis article is a -related stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Great Britain was the home of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, including the countries of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. British history was still remembered thousands of years later in the Diaspora of Man, including military affairs, the political organization of the state and famous British individuals.
  • Great Britain is a large European island, to the northwest of the main continent. The island is administrated by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in the Muggle world, and by the Minister for Magic of the Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world.
  • The Kingdom of Great Britain was a state formed in 1707 by the unification of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland. During the first half of the 18th century, Great Britain had the world's strongest navy and army. It also had the world's largest empire, containing at it's peak one-fourth of the world's land area.
  • Great Britain is an iland sitting off the north west of Europe. It is cleft between three lands: England, Scotland and Wales. The north and west of the iland is mainly upland, whereas the south and east is mainly lowland.
  • The geo-political entity known as Great Britain actually consists of a number of states united under a single crown. At its height, the British Empire controlled some 1/4th of the planet's landmass at some point or another, and it was said that the sun never set on the British Empire. (In fact the sun did set on the Empire, but only once, for 7.45 minutes, and resulted in a riot that has widely been miss-attributed to a controversial call during the 1879 Ashes). Today the Empire has been largely lost, having been replaced by a "commonwealth of nations." But only time will tell whether such a system will last, and the British will again take up the admirable job of protecting the world from itself in exchange for its natural resources and local labour. Nations considered part of Great Britain: * England * Scotland * Wales * Northern Ireland * The United States of America (Don't try to fight it) Fuck you Chris
  • Great Britain was the largest of the British Isles. It was governed by the United Kingdom. It consisted of England, Scotland and Wales.
  • Great Britain is an island nation, located off the coast of Mainland Europe, being a Victorious nation in many wars, it controlled many worldwide countries, and was an economically wealthy nation, having the Royal Navy, by far the largest navy in the world. During the World War II, Churchill sents British Armies to fight against Nazi Germany with the Allied Forces. After the Soviets drop the Atomic Bomb over Berlin, the Allied Forces win the war. During the following years, France, Belgium and Spain joins the Soviet Unions under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. When Stalin died at 1953, the new General Secretary of the USSR gives an opportunity to Churchill to join the USSR without using violences. The Great Britain becomes later the British Soviet Socialist Republic.
  • "At the London 2012 Olympic Games Team GB - Our Greatest Team - will be the largest single team to represent the nation in any sporting event for over 100 years. Consisting of over 500 athletes and 1,000 support staff, we will be the best prepared, best equipped, best supported and most ambitious team to represent Great Britain and Northern Ireland in over a century! Team GB will compete in more sports and more disciplines and our mission is to deliver best performance, more medals, from more sports. With the support of the whole of the UK, Our Greatest Team is 60 million strong. Team GB will be the most diverse team: geographically; ethnically and socially. The athletes who compete for Team GB are ordinary men and women with extraordinary talents." [1]
  • Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales. Together with Northern Ireland, Great Britain forms the United Kingdom, which is turn a member of the United Nations. From the 16th century until the middle of the 20th century, Great Britain had the world's largest empire with the British Empire controlling large areas of land in North America, Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand and parts of the Middle East, the South Pacific, and East Asia. In 1939, the British luxury liner S.S. Queen Anne was boarded by Nazis who believed it was carrying weapons. (TXF: "Triangle") Fox Mulder studied at Oxford University from 1983 to 1986, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. (TXF: "Pilot", "Dreamland II"} In December 1988, Pan Am flight 103 was destroyed by terrorists, as it flew over the town of Lockerbie in Scotland. The Lone Gunmen later discovered what they believed to be evidence that linked this, and similar events, to a government party known only as "Romeo 61". It was subsequently discovered that this fake evidence was merely part of a rouse developed by Morris Fletcher. (TLG: "All About Yves") A Syndicate meeting was held in London in 1998. ("The X-Files Movie")
  • Great Britain is an island in Europe consisting of England, Scotland, and Wales. It is also sometimes incorrectly used as a term to describe the United Kingdom.
  • Great Britain is one constituent of the United Kingdom
  • Britain declared war on Germany on September 3rd 1939 in response to the German invasion of Poland. British forces tried to defend France but failed which lead to the Battle of Dunkirk and later the Dunkirk evacuation. Germany then prepared Operation Sea Lion, which was the name of the proposed invasion of Great Britain. Stage 1 of Operation Sea Lion involved using the Luftwaffe to cripple the Royal Air Force, and gain air supremacy over the south - east of England, which became known as The Battle of Britain in preparation for the invasion but Britain was able to defend itself. Despite the smaller number of aircraft, the Royal Air Force prevailed and repelled the German attack. This was one of Hitler's first major defeats and was a turning point in the war.
  • The People's Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the Great Britain is a sovereign state located off the North Western coast of Western Continental Europe. Great Britain shares land borders with Westland and Ireland. The capital, and largest city, is London located in southern England, the official language is English, however co-official languages include Welsh and Irish. Great Britian has a population of 53,354,177 as of 2014. Great Britain is a Socialist Republic which operates within the guidelines of a federal parliamentary republic. The Head of State is the President of Great Britain, while the real political power is vested in the Chancellor of Great Britain , who is the Head of Government. Legislative power rests with the Parliament of Great Britain, which is bicameral in nature, consisting of the Upper House, the National Council of Great Britain , and the Lower House, the House of Representatives of Great Britain. Great Britain is federally divided into five Autonomous Republics, Cornwall, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, each with their own autonomous government. Great Britain also has three Territorial Dependancies, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, of which Great Britian is responsible for the defence and foreign affairs of. These are remnants of the British Empire which, at its height in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, encompassed almost a quarter of the world's land mass and was the largest empire in history. British influence can be observed in the language, culture and legal systems of many of its former colonies. The current ruling party of Great Britain, the Social Workers' Party of Great Britain, also known as the SPGB, is the largest party in both houses of parliament, with the Liberal Party of Great Britain in opposition. Additionally, the Great British Trade Union Coalition have considerable influence and insider status within the government, with regular scheduled meetings by the Chancellor. Great Britain is a Socialist State, and one of only few which advocate Democratic and Liberal values with Socialist ideology abhorring Marxist-Leninist Socialist models. Great Britain however scores average in terms of Democratic Index, and scores average on Freedom of Press Index, but highly on Civil Liberties and Human Rights. Great Britain has very low Income Disparity and less than 1% live under the poverty line. Great Britain is a member of the Council of British States, the Council of Europe and the United Nations. Great Britain is still regarded as a major global power. The People's Republic was formed from the United Kingdom in 1992 following the March Reforms in the wake of end of the Thatcher Regime, whereby Trade Unions and Socialist Groups were in uproar following the quashing of workers' rights by the Conservative Party during this period. Following Margaret Thatcher standing down in 1989, Workers Rights Groups, Trade Unions, Socialist Groups and Socialist Supporters and Sympathisers staged various strikes, sit ins, protests and marches all across the United Kingdom, the most notable being in Central London with the March on Parliament Square, and in Manchester, Liverpool, Hull and Newcastle. These marches and post-Thatcher opinions combined to enforce major societal change in Britain, climaxing in the March Reforms after over half a year of protests and civil unrest. The March Reforms laid out the transition into a Socialist State, with Republican attributes, with the major reshifting of Britain's economic assets into Public Ownership and the abolition of Monarchy and change up of the Political System ousting the so-called 'elitists' from power with major support from the Labour Party. The March Reforms were met with a nationwide Referendum resulting in a resounding Yes vote on the reforms. It was, and is still believed, that the success of Westland was a major motivator for the Revolution in Britain. Great Britain has a Planned Economy, with public ownership of all major industries. Free enterprise is permitted in local capacities and in media and retail. Despite this, the British GDP (PPP) remains at $2 Trillion, ranking 8th in the world. All of Great Britain's economic decisions are made with the express thought of their consequences on workers and the general population.
  • It was the first flag in the world and was invented by jesus, the purpose of inventing the flag was so that all other countries felt inadequate in a comparison and so that if the British ever thought of going abroad, Pfft, they could say "Hello Old Bean! oh... i say... wheres your flag? you dont have a flag! Well I never."
  • Great Britain is the larger of the two main islands that make up the British Isles. It contains the countries of England, Scotland and Wales. As an aircraft name, Great Britain may be: * Flagship Great Britain - Boeing 377 c/n 15957 operated by American Overseas Airlines * Flagship Great Britain - Boeing 377 c/n 15958 operated by American Overseas Airlines
  • Great Britain was the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Wales that resided on the eastern island of the British Isles that became part of the United Great Britain States of the Global Community. London, the capital city of England, was destroyed during the missile strike of World War III at the opening of the second Seal Judgment, though surprisingly it is mentioned again in "Glorious Appearing", suggesting that it may have been rebuilt. (This could also be a continuity error in the story series.)
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island country in Northern Europe. London is the capital and largest city.
  • Great Britain is the larger of the two main islands of the British Isles, the largest island in Europe and the ninth-largest island in the world (Great Britain is also the third most populated island on Earth). It lies to the northwest of Continental Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the largest part of the territory of the country known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands and islets.
  • Great Britain is the larger of the two main British isles, and is home to most of the United Kingdom. During the reign of King Arthur his kingdom was known as Logres. The island is politically divided into three internal countries of the UK: England in the center and south, Scotland in the north, and Wales on a peninsula in the west. West of Great Britain is the island of Ireland, and southeast of Great Britain is the European mainland. The term British most correctly is used to refer to a resident of the island (or whose family is traced to the isle), but is more commonly used to describe anyone who is a citizen of the United Kingdom.
  • Great Britain (英吉利, Igirisu) is a island (sometimes the large island Camelot is referred as a continent) that holds 3 kingdoms (Camelot, Āsā and Caerwent). Great Britain is famed for producing most legendary kings and High-Kings of all time.
  • Great Britain is the biggest isle of the British Isles in western Europe. Three constituent countries of the UK lie in Great Britain: * England * Scotland * Wales Great Britain is the United Kingdom without Northern Ireland or the other islands, such as the Isle of Man. Great Britain is more liberal than Northern Ireland because the British don’t do nasty things to each other just because one is a Roman Catholic and the other is a Protestant. Not all Great Britain is liberal, the BNP and the National Front sadly still exist though most British people despise both.
  • Great Britain: great Britain, or the greatest Britain? Along with Ireland and weenie little Britain, Great Britain is one of the three main British Isles. Its known as the 2nd best country in the world, behind America.
  • Great Britain is a large island nation-state located in the northern European continent on Earth. Britain is made up of the countries of England, Scotland, and Wales, which from 1707 were all part of the United Kingdom.
  • Great Britain is a major faction in Empire: Total War.
  • The region is considered by outsiders to be bafflingly confusing, especially in regards to the status of the locations. For instance, non-Europeans might get called a "snarky bugger" for not knowing that Ireland is a separate island from Great Britain. Similarly, a young corker from East Hamfordshire might look down upon, say, an American for confusing England and the United Kingdom, and that American might be referred to as a "blooming git" by that chap from East Hamfordshire.
  • Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles, located in the north west European archipelago on Earth. Great Britain was once part of a major power on Earth, creating the largest naval empire in human history. A person or thing from Great Britain is sometimes described as British.
  • Great Britain, once a United Kingdom, now a divided one. Most of the British Isles are now made up of many small states, however, Great Britain, and its new British Empire, under King Christopher, is the largest of these states. It is an Absolute Monarchy governed with a Laissez-faire policy, which even though has a lack of Democracy, it still retains a booming economy and extensive civil rights. It is now a member of the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, and thus has some international influence within this alliance.
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is Issue of
is Birth Place of
is Located In of
is Interest of
is Data of
is AFF of
is Headquarters of
is Died of
is Setting of
is combatant of
is Used by of
is Native of
is City of
is Located of
is Place of
is Born of
is held of
is Owner of
is Nationality of
is Location of
is wikipage disambiguates of