  • Episode 7338 (13th May 2010)
  • Hayley's had a restless night due to the smoke alarm battery bleeping. She wakes to find Roy has risen early and is in a pensive mood regarding death. Jason chases Graeme for the key to No.12 but Graeme successfully fobs him off. Eddie asks Lloyd to write him a reference for the adoption application. Lloyd agrees. Teresa's upset when Lloyd is short with her. Roy does some online research concerning pensions. Gail phones David with the news that her trial could be brought forward to two weeks' time. Gail's worried but David tells her to focus on coming home. Deirdre visits Tracy. Tracy's annoyed that she hasn't brought Amy with her. Deirdre's apprehensive when Tracy insists she needs to see her solicitor in person urgently. Becky and Steve complete their application forms. Graeme tries to g
story associates
  • 7338
  • 2010-05-10
Executive Producer
  • 2010-05-13
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2010-05-14
  • Hayley's had a restless night due to the smoke alarm battery bleeping. She wakes to find Roy has risen early and is in a pensive mood regarding death. Jason chases Graeme for the key to No.12 but Graeme successfully fobs him off. Eddie asks Lloyd to write him a reference for the adoption application. Lloyd agrees. Teresa's upset when Lloyd is short with her. Roy does some online research concerning pensions. Gail phones David with the news that her trial could be brought forward to two weeks' time. Gail's worried but David tells her to focus on coming home. Deirdre visits Tracy. Tracy's annoyed that she hasn't brought Amy with her. Deirdre's apprehensive when Tracy insists she needs to see her solicitor in person urgently. Becky and Steve complete their application forms. Graeme tries to get Tina to go for a walk with him but she refuses. Tracy's solicitor visits and it's clear that Tracy is formulating a plan. Roy tells Hayley that their pension benefits would improve if they were to have a civil partnership as their marriage means nothing in the eyes of the law. Hayley's hurt. She reminds him they could marry properly now but Roy feels a civil partnership would be sufficient. Gail is getting on well with her cellmate Lyn but their developing rapport is interrupted when Lyn is moved to another cell. Ken and Deirdre realise that Tracy must be up to something. Lloyd agrees to provide a reference for Steve's adoption application as well. Lloyd confides to Steve that he's being rather unpleasant to Teresa at the moment. Gail is shocked to find that her replacement cellmate is to be Tracy.