  • Liberation of Ba Sing Se
  • Liberation of Ba Sing Se
  • The large Fire Nation garrison outnumbered the small Order, and the arrival of Sozin's Comet increased their power. However, the Order consisted of the most powerful benders and fighters in the world, including some firebenders of their own. This meant that the Order had a considerable tactical advantage, ultimately leading to their victory.
  • The Battle of Ba Sing Se, also known as the Liberation of Ba Sing Se was the one of the final battles which occurred in The War. The secretive Order of the White Lotus, led by Iroh, penetrated into Ba Sing Se and fought with occupying Fire Nation forces in Ba Sing Se in order to free the city in the name of the Earth Kingdom. The battle was a decisive defeat for the Fire Nation armies, who were also defeated at the Battle at Wulong Forest.
  • Unknown
  • Heavy
  • *Heavy
  • *Likely moderate or light
  • Summer, 100 ASC
  • Summer, 100 AG
  • "Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno"
  • *General Iroh
  • Unknown Fire Nation Army commander
  • Unknown Fire Nation Army commander
  • * Grand Lotus Iroh * King Bumi * Jeong Jeong * Pakku * Piandao
  • "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang"
  • * Decisive Order of the White Lotus victory * Ba Sing Se liberated * Earth Kingdom's independence is fully restored
  • *Order of the White Lotus victory * Ba Sing Se liberated
  • *Order Firebenders * Order Earthbenders * Order Waterbenders * Order Warriors
  • * Order earthbenders * Order firebenders * Order warriors * Order waterbenders
  • *Large number of Tanks * Firebenders and regular troops
  • * Firebending soldiers * Nonbending soldiers * Large number of tundra tanks
  • N/A
  • The large Fire Nation garrison outnumbered the small Order, and the arrival of Sozin's Comet increased their power. However, the Order consisted of the most powerful benders and fighters in the world, including some firebenders of their own. This meant that the Order had a considerable tactical advantage, ultimately leading to their victory.
  • The Battle of Ba Sing Se, also known as the Liberation of Ba Sing Se was the one of the final battles which occurred in The War. The secretive Order of the White Lotus, led by Iroh, penetrated into Ba Sing Se and fought with occupying Fire Nation forces in Ba Sing Se in order to free the city in the name of the Earth Kingdom. The large Fire Nation garrison outnumbered the small Order, and the arrival of Sozin's Comet increased their power. However, the Order consisted of the most powerful benders and fighters in the world, including some firebenders of their own. This meant that the Order had a considerable tactical advantage, leading to their victory. The battle was a decisive defeat for the Fire Nation armies, who were also defeated at the Battle at Wulong Forest.
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