  • Episode 7391 (30th July 2010)
  • Maria and Natasha continue to vie for the position of top-dog at the Salon. John desperately tries to borrow £2,000 but with no success. Lloyd takes Russ shopping for new football boots. John explains to Charlotte how Colin's trying to blackmail him out of £2,000. David installs a computer at the Salon for Audrey. She gets Natasha and Maria to input all her client details. Michelle's thrown when Violet phones the Rovers asking for Liz. Audrey and Lewis say goodbye to Deirdre and Ken as they set off for Greece. Deirdre's clearly envious. Liz is furious having worked out how Sean's been using her name in order to make contact with Violet and his son Dylan. Charlotte arrives at No.5 with £500 for Colin. John hopes it'll be enough. Liz tells Sean that she's uncovered his little game and he's s
story associates
  • 7391
  • 2010-07-29
Executive Producer
  • 2010-07-30
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2010-07-30
  • Maria and Natasha continue to vie for the position of top-dog at the Salon. John desperately tries to borrow £2,000 but with no success. Lloyd takes Russ shopping for new football boots. John explains to Charlotte how Colin's trying to blackmail him out of £2,000. David installs a computer at the Salon for Audrey. She gets Natasha and Maria to input all her client details. Michelle's thrown when Violet phones the Rovers asking for Liz. Audrey and Lewis say goodbye to Deirdre and Ken as they set off for Greece. Deirdre's clearly envious. Liz is furious having worked out how Sean's been using her name in order to make contact with Violet and his son Dylan. Charlotte arrives at No.5 with £500 for Colin. John hopes it'll be enough. Liz tells Sean that she's uncovered his little game and he's sacked. Sean's gutted. Chesney's 16th birthday party is in full swing in the café. Kirk spikes the punch with vodka. Cheryl, Lloyd and Russ set off for the kebab shop but they're shocked when they bump into Cheryl's husband Chris. Colin tells John and Charlotte that £500 isn't enough. He starts to phone the police intent on reporting John for identity fraud but he collapses and dies. John and Charlotte are panic-stricken.