  • 39
  • 39
  • 39
  • 39
  • 39
  • 39
  • #39 is the thirty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • This song was uploaded in celebration of Miku's 5th birthday. The song is about Miku giving thanks to all her listeners, people who use her, and just any overall fan of Vocaloid in general for sticking with her for this long. This song was released as a single and is featured on the albums MIKU-MIXTURE, Hatsune Miku 5th Anniversary Best ~memories~, Hatsune Miku 5th Anniversary Best ~impacts~, and Hatsune Miku "Magical Mirai 2014" Official Album.
  • The year 39 AD.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "39" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Jesse Carlson (2008-2009) * Gustavo Chacin (2004-2007) * Doug Creek (2003) * Don Gordon (1986-1987) * Eric Gunderson (2000) * Erik Hanson (1996-1998*) * Pedro Hernandez (1982) * Paul Kilgus (1990) * Dave McKay (1977-1979) * Dave Parker (1991) * Steve Parris (2001-2002) * Nerio Rodriguez (1998*-1999)
  • El treinta y nueve (39) es el número natural que sigue al treinta y ocho y precede al cuarenta. Categoría:Números
  • 39 (thirty-nine) is a positive integer following 38 and preceding 40. Its ordinal form is written "thirty-ninth" or 39th.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 39 (August 23, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Go'da! [Formal Scanian for "hello" - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses . Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen) Do you have an ACTUAL job? If so, what is it? And please describe it in detail. Narrator: Are you answering "No" to this question? That Guy: (looks off to his left a bit, then back to camera) Banana. (after a few seconds, he gives "the finger") Narrator: Will you have my baby? Narrator: Why so serious? That Guy: Syphilis. THE END
  • Roger hides and eavesdrops on the discussion between Burke and Sam, during which Sam again attempts to get out of the deal, after he tries postponing it with a lie about having a headache. Burke again persists. Bill tells Elizabeth that Burke's been inquiring into the Collins family business. Bill is worried that Elizabeth will be destroyed by Burke. He asks for authority to do whatever it takes to stop young Devlin. Ned Calder gets back to Elizabeth; Bill is pleased that the old business manager of 15 years might come back because he's the perfect man to stop Burke. Burke catches Sam after posing for awhile, then gets a call from Malloy. He dashes off and Roger emerges, saying he could kill Evans. Roger offers the painter a $6000 bribe. Bill offers to help Burke clear his name if he stays
  • In letzter Sekunde gelingt Diana die Befreiung aus ihrem Gefängnis. Dabei verletzt sie sich jedoch schwer an der Schulter und sie läuft mit großen Schmerzen die Kurzkür. Julian ist besorgt um Diana und bittet sie, den Wettkampf aufzugeben. Simone allerdings ist nur besorgt um das Zentrum und setzt alle Hebel in Bewegung, dass Diana am nächsten Tag wieder aufs Eis geht. Doch Julians Besorgnis wächst, und er sieht nur eine Möglichkeit, Diana vor einem gesundheitlichen Ruin zu bewahren. Vanessa ist sich sicher, dass Tim der richtige Mann für das erste Mal ist und plant deshalb einen romantischen Abend mit Tim. Doch Nina funkt ihr dazwischen. Dieter bittet Jutta, sich über Dianas ausdrücklichen Wunsch hinwegzusetzen und ihn mit zu den NRW-Meisterschaften zu nehmen. Jutta zögert, bleibt aber ha
  • 38
  • 323.425000
Folgen Nummer
  • 39
  • 39
  • 1413000
  • 39.0
  • English: Thank You
  • Romaji: San Kyuu
  • DStitle.jpg
  • 1.300000
original upload date
  • Jul.27.2012
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 27102006
yt id
  • 94
  • 40
  • 1966-08-04
nnd id
  • sm19732534
  • 39
  • 2012-07-27
  • 1967
  • 1
  • Episode 39
  • 1966-08-18
  • pop
Character Name
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • 39.0
  • Short MMD PV
  • 1
  • #20B2AA; color: black
  • #F9F3E7; color:#6B9297
  • and
  • Hatsune Miku * ( )
  • sasakure.UK * DECO*27 * yuxuki waga * Scop * kous * 40meterP * akka * non * hie
  • 38
  • 38.0
  • 39
  • 40
  • 40.0
  • Bawz_20061027_0039_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 39
  • #39 is the thirty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • In letzter Sekunde gelingt Diana die Befreiung aus ihrem Gefängnis. Dabei verletzt sie sich jedoch schwer an der Schulter und sie läuft mit großen Schmerzen die Kurzkür. Julian ist besorgt um Diana und bittet sie, den Wettkampf aufzugeben. Simone allerdings ist nur besorgt um das Zentrum und setzt alle Hebel in Bewegung, dass Diana am nächsten Tag wieder aufs Eis geht. Doch Julians Besorgnis wächst, und er sieht nur eine Möglichkeit, Diana vor einem gesundheitlichen Ruin zu bewahren. Vanessa ist sich sicher, dass Tim der richtige Mann für das erste Mal ist und plant deshalb einen romantischen Abend mit Tim. Doch Nina funkt ihr dazwischen. Dieter bittet Jutta, sich über Dianas ausdrücklichen Wunsch hinwegzusetzen und ihn mit zu den NRW-Meisterschaften zu nehmen. Jutta zögert, bleibt aber hart. Doch so leicht lässt sich Dieter nicht abfertigen.
  • Roger hides and eavesdrops on the discussion between Burke and Sam, during which Sam again attempts to get out of the deal, after he tries postponing it with a lie about having a headache. Burke again persists. Bill tells Elizabeth that Burke's been inquiring into the Collins family business. Bill is worried that Elizabeth will be destroyed by Burke. He asks for authority to do whatever it takes to stop young Devlin. Ned Calder gets back to Elizabeth; Bill is pleased that the old business manager of 15 years might come back because he's the perfect man to stop Burke. Burke catches Sam after posing for awhile, then gets a call from Malloy. He dashes off and Roger emerges, saying he could kill Evans. Roger offers the painter a $6000 bribe. Bill offers to help Burke clear his name if he stays away from Carolyn, Elizabeth, and David. Roger again threatens Sam and learns about the letter. Malloy shows up at Sam's.
  • This song was uploaded in celebration of Miku's 5th birthday. The song is about Miku giving thanks to all her listeners, people who use her, and just any overall fan of Vocaloid in general for sticking with her for this long. This song was released as a single and is featured on the albums MIKU-MIXTURE, Hatsune Miku 5th Anniversary Best ~memories~, Hatsune Miku 5th Anniversary Best ~impacts~, and Hatsune Miku "Magical Mirai 2014" Official Album.
  • The year 39 AD.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "39" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Jesse Carlson (2008-2009) * Gustavo Chacin (2004-2007) * Doug Creek (2003) * Don Gordon (1986-1987) * Eric Gunderson (2000) * Erik Hanson (1996-1998*) * Pedro Hernandez (1982) * Paul Kilgus (1990) * Dave McKay (1977-1979) * Dave Parker (1991) * Steve Parris (2001-2002) * Nerio Rodriguez (1998*-1999)
  • El treinta y nueve (39) es el número natural que sigue al treinta y ocho y precede al cuarenta. Categoría:Números
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 39 (August 23, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Go'da! [Formal Scanian for "hello" - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses . Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen) Do you have an ACTUAL job? If so, what is it? And please describe it in detail. That Guy: (with his back to screen right, he turns to the camera) That's a very good question. Yes, I DO have a job. And, actually, it's not so much what I do as WHO I do it for. / [indicates a jump cut] He is a charming man with pointy horns and a long tail. / He has me do all sorts of things. (pauses) Bad things, mostly. / And whenever I do a bad job, he likes to torture me. / However, whenever I do a GOOD job, he likes to torture me. / (looks up and chuckles) He's such a goofball that way. / He also likes me to serve as some sort of messenger. / Now you might be wondering what sort of messages does he like me to send. / Oh, things like: / (cut to That Guy moving frantically back and forth in sped-up footage with wild-eyed looks; the voice though is dubbed over and is deep and devilish) YOU WILL PERISH IN FLAMES! ALL HAIL SATAN, LORD OF DARKNESS! (then, there is some sort of babbling from "the devil") / (back to normal position and speed) The benefits are good. Narrator: Are you answering "No" to this question? That Guy: (looks off to his left a bit, then back to camera) Banana. (after a few seconds, he gives "the finger") Narrator: Will you have my baby? That Guy: I already HAVE your baby. / I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that you gave birth to him, but (points pipe at camera) that'll teach you to pay more attention. / But don't worry; he has a very good home in my side drawer. / He's already speaking his first words, like "Help me!" or 'Call the police!" / And did I mention he already knows his numbers? / He won't stop shouting "911" any time soon. / I love that little bastard of mine. (staring off-camera a bit) / (normal) Yes. Narrator: Why so serious? That Guy: Because I dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. / (winks at the camera) Narrator: Could you take a look at this boil for me? That Guy: Certainly. Just remove it from your body and MAIL it to me. / (chuckle) It'll be a delight to add to my boil collection. / I have boils from all around the world. / Chinese boils, English boils... / Jamaican boils, ooh! Those are TASTY. / I even have frozen boils from Alaska. / I like to call them "my little Eskimo Pies," but THEY seem to like to call it "unholy and despicable." / But what do those stupid eskimos know? / I saw the movie North; they're sick bastards! / Getting rid of their old folks on blocks of ice: / that's what I did to MY grandpa. / (looks up) Except we didn't have any ice, so I just stuffed him in the freezer. / He didn't see that coming HIS ninetieth birthday, I can tell you. / (nodding) And THAT is the meaning of Christmas. (pauses) What was the question? Narrator: If a golden ticket gets you into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, what does a purple ticket get you? That Guy: Syphilis. Narrator: Wanna cookie? That Guy: DO I EVER? (walks up to the camera; but he runs into it, as indicated by a loud smacking sound effect, and falls to the ground) Narrator: If the tooth fairy loses a tooth, who takes it from under the pillow? That Guy: (back to right and turn) Nazis. / You see, the teeth of the Tooth Fairy have very special powers. / They can turn ANY person with Jewish blood into goat cheese. / (points pipe at camera) Nazis really like this! / So, they capture as many tooth fairies as they can, / pull out every single one of their teeth, / and use it to create their diabolical machine simply known as "The Cheesinator." / The only problem is: they don't know how to make it. / But that doesn't stop them from beating the crap out of those little tooth fairies! / God bless those little Nazis! / Incidentally, did you know that was one of the songs that was cut from Mary Poppins? "God Bless The Little Nazis"! / But they thought it might be a little too controversial, what with there being religion in it and all. / That's a bit of a taboo subject. / (holds still a bit) How'd you get in here anyway? Narrator: How is the sky the limit when there are footprints on the moon? That Guy: You're an idiot. Narrator: I suffer a great depression, and I don't want to live any more; but I don't have the courage to commit suicide. Will you please kill me by shooting me in the head with a handgun? That Guy: Certainly. (holds up his gun, cocks it, and walks out screen-right. We cut to the front door of Casa de That Guy as he walks out the front door with the gun held up to his head, ready to fire. The music has changed to an Appalachian-style, folky melody. [The name eludes me right now - ed.] We then see a few shots of That Guy walking the neighborhood towards his destination: one where he walks away from the camera in the road, one where the camera catches him walking, one where he walks with the camera back-tracking him, and one where he walks on the sidewalk and then turns left on a dime along the walkway to his destination. All throughout this, he has the same fixed happy, smiling expression on his face, which he never breaks. Cut to a shot of the front-door area of the other house as we see That Guy walk up to the door, open in, and walk straight inside, closing the door behind him. The folky music cuts off. We then hear a scream from "inside", followed by a gunshot. There's a sound effect of the door opening, as we see That Guy exit the house as the folky music re-starts. We track That Guy as he walks around the house, heading for home. Cut to That Guy returning to his perch, setting the gun on the cabinet behind him and taking his normal pose; the music switches back to Beethoven) By the way, where do you live? / This is That Guy With The Glasses saying, "There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it." (winks at the camera and then returns to reading his book) THE END
  • 39 (thirty-nine) is a positive integer following 38 and preceding 40. Its ordinal form is written "thirty-ninth" or 39th.
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