  • Episode 8010 (5th December 2012)
  • Tommy is still hankering for Tina to have an abortion. Tina points out they would owe Owen thousands if they back out. Tommy thinks that her welfare is more important. Rita sees Dennis off to work in a suit and tie, but it's clear that he's hiding something. Simon informs a surprised Leanne that Peter's told him that he is coming home to watch his school nativity play. Nick's perturbed by the news. Gail borrows a wheelchair for Lewis from the medical centre. Lewis feigns gratitude but dreads being wheeled around by Gail. Eva's uneasy when David talks to excited Max about having a baby brother or sister. Dennis starts training to be the new lollipop man outside Bessie Street School. Outgoing patrol officer Malcolm Lagg offers instruction while Dennis tries to avoid being recognised. Tina ex
story associates
  • 8010
  • 2012-12-02
Executive Producer
  • 2012-12-05
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2012-12-07
  • Tommy is still hankering for Tina to have an abortion. Tina points out they would owe Owen thousands if they back out. Tommy thinks that her welfare is more important. Rita sees Dennis off to work in a suit and tie, but it's clear that he's hiding something. Simon informs a surprised Leanne that Peter's told him that he is coming home to watch his school nativity play. Nick's perturbed by the news. Gail borrows a wheelchair for Lewis from the medical centre. Lewis feigns gratitude but dreads being wheeled around by Gail. Eva's uneasy when David talks to excited Max about having a baby brother or sister. Dennis starts training to be the new lollipop man outside Bessie Street School. Outgoing patrol officer Malcolm Lagg offers instruction while Dennis tries to avoid being recognised. Tina explains her dilemma to Rita. Rita counsels she must reach a decision that she can live with, and she owes it to Gary and Izzy to make it soon. Leanne and Ken receive grovelling letters from Peter, which lead them to believe that he has no plans to return. Leanne wonders how to tell Simon. Tommy persuades Kevin to re-employ him at the garage and tells Owen that he won't be labouring for him any more. Owen understands, but Tina's aware that Tommy's trying to distance himself from Owen to make it easier to back out of their arrangement. Eva tells Kylie that David's got Max's hopes up about a sibling. Kylie's furious and takes him to task in the salon, announcing she's going out for the night with Eva. Izzy notices that Tina's distracted. Tina confesses that Tommy wants her to back out of the deal or face losing him and she's uncertain of what to do. Magnanimous Izzy urges her not to feel beholden and to do what she really wants. Izzy assures her that everyone will accept her decision. Tina's touched. Dennis is embarrassed when Steve sees him at work and makes fun of him. Tina decides to continue with the surrogacy and begs Tommy to stand by her. He can't do it and packs his bags. Tina pleads for him to stay to no avail. Tommy walks out, leaving Tina heartbroken, pregnant and facing the coming months alone.