  • Arctic Dwarf
  • Arctic dwarf
  • Native from mountains at the heart of the great glacier and other northerly regions, arctic dwarves are little known to the outside world. Unlike other dwarves, arctic dwarves have little interest in mining or crafts, instead devoting themselves to hunting, raising children and leisure. Traditional dwarven strictures, such as those imposed by family and clan hold little weight in arctic dwarf society. Arctic Dwarves are squat and hardy, with blocky bodies, pinched faces and stubby legs. They rarely exceed 3 feet in height and are nearly as broad as they are tall. They eyes are bright blue and their skin white, almost bluish.
  • Arctic dwarves, also known as Inugaakalikurit (EE-nu-GA-ka-LEE-ku-rit), are a race of dwarves located in the isolated reaches of the Great Glacier in Faerûn's northernmost reaches. Arctic dwarves have a different origin than most of the other dwarves in Faerûn as well as the duergar, and are significantly different physiologically and culturally from other members of the Stout Folk, so much that they might be considered their own race. Arctic dwarves were almost entirely unheard of until relatively recent, when a group of them began settling the edges of Luruar a century ago.
  • Arctic Dwarf
  • Arctic dwarf
  • White to icy blue
  • Dwarf, Common
  • Dwarvish, Kurit, Common , and Uluik
  • 42
  • 52
  • 4.0
  • 186.0
  • Bright blue
  • Small, ruddy cheeks, physically powerful, clumsy, friendly, naturalistic
  • No
  • White
  • Low-light
  • 0
  • Native from mountains at the heart of the great glacier and other northerly regions, arctic dwarves are little known to the outside world. Unlike other dwarves, arctic dwarves have little interest in mining or crafts, instead devoting themselves to hunting, raising children and leisure. Traditional dwarven strictures, such as those imposed by family and clan hold little weight in arctic dwarf society. Arctic Dwarves are squat and hardy, with blocky bodies, pinched faces and stubby legs. They rarely exceed 3 feet in height and are nearly as broad as they are tall. They eyes are bright blue and their skin white, almost bluish.
  • Arctic dwarves, also known as Inugaakalikurit (EE-nu-GA-ka-LEE-ku-rit), are a race of dwarves located in the isolated reaches of the Great Glacier in Faerûn's northernmost reaches. Arctic dwarves have a different origin than most of the other dwarves in Faerûn as well as the duergar, and are significantly different physiologically and culturally from other members of the Stout Folk, so much that they might be considered their own race. Arctic dwarves were almost entirely unheard of until relatively recent, when a group of them began settling the edges of Luruar a century ago.
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