  • Will Wright
  • Will Wright
  • Will Wright
  • Will Wright
  • Will Wright
  • Will Wright
  • Will Wright
  • Will Wright
  • Créateur à la fois de la série Les Sims et de SimCity. Son nouveau projet, Spore, un simulateur de vie, devrait sortir au premier trimestre 2008. La British Academy of Film and Television Arts a annoncé que Will Wright aller devenir la premiere personne de l'industrie du jeu video nommée Compagnon de la BAFTA.
  • Will Wright er skaperen av The Sims, The Sims 2, SimCity-serien og Spore.
  • thumb|right William Ralph Wright, Jr. (nacido el 20 de enero de 1960, Atlanta, Georgia, EEUU) es un diseñador de videojuegos estadounidense y co-fundador del desarrollador, Maxis. Es mayormente conocido como el diseñador original de tres conocidos videojuegos: SimCity, Spore y Los Sims (el videojuego de PC más vendido de toda la historia).
  • Will Wright and his team of software designers have made a lot of very popular games, almost all simulation and having the name "Sim" in front of it.
  • The creator of Spore.
  • William Ralph "Will" Wright (Atlanta, Geórgia, 20 de janeiro de 1960) é um designer de jogos americano e co-fundador da Maxis. Ele é conhecido como o designer original de três grandes sucessos do mundo dos Games: The Sims, SimCity e Spore, que é a mais recente série criado por ele. Will Wright conseguiu imaginar em sua mente um conceito completamente novo, onde ele e outras pessoas comandassem a história, ações, e tudo o que fosse possível, por meio de simuladores simples e práticos, porém, poderosos, que pudessem levar a imaginação do jogador aonde ele quiser.
  • William R. Wright (born January 20, 1960) is computer game designer from the US, and is co-founder of the game development company Maxis. He was the original designer of the two groundbreaking computer games SimCity and The Sims. His most recent project is Spore, a simulation that allows the player to influence the development of a life form from a single-cellular stage, through multi-cellular life in the oceans and on land, to the development of sapience and tool-use, and eventually interplanetary and interstellar flight.
  • William R. Wright (born January 20, 1960) is computer game designer from the US, and is co-founder of the game development company Maxis. He was the original designer of the two groundbreaking computer games SimCity and The Sims. His most recent project is Spore, a simulation that allows the player to influence the development of a life form from a single-cellular stage, through multi-cellular life in the oceans and on land, to the development of sapience and tool-use, and eventually interplanetary and interstellar flight.
  • Will Wright is a snobbish, gloative, mean individual who does not care about the damage he causes by destroying the old games, and even threatens to destroy the current Simpsons when a game better than theirs comes out. He seems to bear a grudge on EA Games (which, comically, is the same enterprise that helped to create the Simpsons game and his own games).
  • Will Wright es una persona de la vida real, es el creador de de SimCity y un villano en The Simpsons Game, se dedica a eliminar los videojuegos obsoletos, se aisló en el núcleo creador de los juegos debido a que se volvió loco después de su gran fracaso, "Sims 3". No se puede derrotar (en la versión de Nintendo DS) y solo aparece una vez. thumb|left
  • 200px|right|Will Wright William Ralph "Will" Wright (20 de Enero, 1960) es un diseñador de videojuegos estadounidense y co-fundador del estudio de desarrollado, Maxis. Es mayormente conocido como el diseñador original de tres conocidos videojuegos: SimCity, Spore y Los Sims (el videojuego de PC más vendido de toda la historia).
  • thumbWill Wright (Atlanta, 20 gennaio 1960) è un informatico statunitense, programmatore di videogiochi e uno dei fondatori della Maxis insieme a Jeff Braun, un'azienda sviluppatrice di videogiochi ora acquisita da Electronic Arts. Will Wright è uno degli sviluppatori più innovativi nell'ambito dello sviluppo di videogiochi di stampo strategico-gestionale. Il suo nome fin dalla fine degli anni ottanta è associato a quello di "Sim". Con questo prefisso creò insieme al suo team di sviluppo il suo primo grande gioco: "Sim City".
  • Will Wright is an American computer game designer and co-founder of the game development company, Maxis.
  • Will Wright is the creator of The Sims series and an enemy of the Simpson family.
  • Will Wright was rumored to have been in the room when someone else invented the video game "The Sims". His ETN is December 4, 2006. Will he turn into a vampire, or pee himself to death? No one knows, but he will get nailed. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • thumb|400px|Will Wright ja otuksia William R. Wright (s. 20. tammikuuta 1960 Atlanta, Georgia) on yhdysvaltalainen tietokonepelisuunnittelija ja toinen Maxis-peliyhtiön perustajista. Hän on suunnitellut suositut The Sims- ja SimCity -tietokonepelit. Muita hänen suunnittelemiaan pelejä ovat muun muassa The Urbz, SimAnt, SimEarth sekä Spore.
  • n 1986, he met Jeff Braun, an investor interested in entering the computer game industry, at what Wright calls "the world's most important pizza party." Together they formed Maxis the next year in Orinda, California. SimCity was a hit and has been credited as one of the most influential computer games ever made.
  • thumb|right William Ralph Wright urodził się w 1960 roku w Atlancie w stanie Georgia, gdzie mieszkał do dziewiątego roku życia, aż do momentu gdy zmarł jego ojciec. Wtedy Will wraz z matką przenieśli się do rodzinnego domku w Baton Rouge w Luizjanie. Po ukończeniu szkoły średniej, w wieku szesnastu lat William postanowił kontynuować naukę na Louisiana State University, później przeniósł się na Louisiana Tech, a następnie na The New School w Nowym Jorku. Rozpoczął studia na kierunku architektonicznym, następnie przenosząc się na inżynierię mechaniczną, na informatyce wraz z robotyką kończąc. Po pięciu latach spędzonych w college'u Wright zakończył swoją edukację.
  • William "The Care Bear" Wright, Jr. (born January 20, 1960 in Atlantis, Georgia) is an American PC game designer and co-founder of the video game development company Maxis, now part of Electronic Arts, as well as a vocal proponent of creating an effective virtual sex apparatus. He is a widely known sex-symbol, but frustration with him is commonplace because he rarely ships his over-hyped games on time. Additionally, much of his interaction with the public is in Simlish, an unintelligible language of his own invention.
  • In 1984, Will Wright developed Raid on Bungeling Bay. During development, Wright realized that he had much more fun creating the various game levels than he did playing the game itself. He would later apply this concept to the creation of a city simulation game called SimCity.
Primera aparición
  • The Simpsons Game
  • Masculino
  • Single
  • Cafe
  • Desconocida
  • Creator/Designer of the Sims Series
  • Will Wright
  • Adult
Voiced by
  • The Sims: Makin' Magic
  • Black
  • Will Wright
  • Male
  • Thin
  • NPC
  • Wright family
  • Light
  • Desconocido
  • Desconocido
  • No tiene
  • Créateur à la fois de la série Les Sims et de SimCity. Son nouveau projet, Spore, un simulateur de vie, devrait sortir au premier trimestre 2008. La British Academy of Film and Television Arts a annoncé que Will Wright aller devenir la premiere personne de l'industrie du jeu video nommée Compagnon de la BAFTA.
  • Will Wright er skaperen av The Sims, The Sims 2, SimCity-serien og Spore.
  • thumb|right William Ralph Wright, Jr. (nacido el 20 de enero de 1960, Atlanta, Georgia, EEUU) es un diseñador de videojuegos estadounidense y co-fundador del desarrollador, Maxis. Es mayormente conocido como el diseñador original de tres conocidos videojuegos: SimCity, Spore y Los Sims (el videojuego de PC más vendido de toda la historia).
  • thumb|right William Ralph Wright urodził się w 1960 roku w Atlancie w stanie Georgia, gdzie mieszkał do dziewiątego roku życia, aż do momentu gdy zmarł jego ojciec. Wtedy Will wraz z matką przenieśli się do rodzinnego domku w Baton Rouge w Luizjanie. Po ukończeniu szkoły średniej, w wieku szesnastu lat William postanowił kontynuować naukę na Louisiana State University, później przeniósł się na Louisiana Tech, a następnie na The New School w Nowym Jorku. Rozpoczął studia na kierunku architektonicznym, następnie przenosząc się na inżynierię mechaniczną, na informatyce wraz z robotyką kończąc. Po pięciu latach spędzonych w college'u Wright zakończył swoją edukację. Podczas wakacji spotkał swoją przyszłą żonę, Joellę Jones, artystkę, która przyjechała do Luizjany z Kalifornii. W wywiadzie z lutego 2003 roku Will Wright powiedział, że tworzenie gier zajmowało mu tak dużo czasu, że zdecydował się na tym zarobić. Pierwszą grą Wrighta była gra akcji Raid on Bungeling Bay (1984) na komputer domowy Commodore 64. Wright stwierdził również, że więcej zabawy przynosi mu tworzenie poziomów za pomocą edytora poziomów dla Raid on Bungeling Bay, niż sama rozgrywka. Stworzył kolejną grę, która później wyewoluowała w SimCity, lecz miał problemy ze znalezieniem wydawcy. Gra po części była zainspirowana pracą dwóch teoretyków budowlanych, Christophera Alexandra i Jaya Forrestera. W roku 1986 Wright spotkał Jeffa Brauna, inwestora, który zainteresował się przemysłem gier komputerowych. Rok później utworzyli firmę Maxis z siedzibą w Walnut Creek w Kalifornii. Gra SimCity (1989) okazała się hitem i została okrzyknięta jednym z produktów mających największy wpływ na tworzenie innych gier. Po sukcesie SimCity, Wright zaprojektował gry SimEarth (1990) oraz SimAnt (1991). Współtworzył również grę SimCity 2000 (1993) wraz z Fredem Haslamem i w międzyczasie stworzył kilka innych gier mających w nazwie cząstkę "Sim". Następną grą zaprojektowaną przez Wrighta był SimCopter (1996). Mimo że żadna z tych gier nie odniosła takiego sukcesu jak SimCity, każda z nich umacniała pozycję Wrighta jako projektanta tzw. "software toys" – gier, w których nie można wygrać lub przegrać. W 1992 Wright wraz z rodziną przeniósł się do Orinda w Kalifornii. W 1995 roku Maxis wszedł na giełdę amerykańską z dochodem 38 milionów dolarów amerykańskich. Akcje osiągnęły poziom pięćdziesięciu dolarów lecz później zaczęły spadać, gdy Maxis zaczął odnotowywać straty. W czerwcu 1997 roku Maxis został wykupiony przez Electronic Arts. Od początku lat 90. Wright myślał o stworzeniu wirtualnego domu dla lalek, podobnego do SimCity, skupiającego się jednak na konkretnych jednostkach a nie na zarządzaniu całym miastem. Początkowo Wright stworzył pomysł komputerowego projektanta wnętrz o nazwie Home Tactics, lecz zmienił założenia gry, gdy podpowiedziano mu, że powinien bardziej skupić się na przeżyciach wirtualnych domowników. Sprzedanie tego pomysłu właścicielowi Electronic Arts okazało się bardzo trudne, ponieważ już 40% pracowników Maxis zostało zwolnionych. W lutym 2000 roku Electronic Arts wydało grę The Sims, która okazała się największym dotąd sukcesem Wrighta. The Sims prześcignęło grę Myst jako najlepiej sprzedającą się grę komputerową wszech czasów, doczekało się również wielu dodatków i kolejnych edycji. Wright zaprojektował także wersję gry typu MMO nazwaną The Sims Online, która jednak nie okazała się tak popularna jak jej wersja singleplayerowa. W 2001 roku Wright otrzymał nagrodę Lifetime Achievement Award przyznaną mu podczas Game Developers Choice Awards. W 2002 roku został piątą osobą umieszczoną w Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame. W roku 2005 był jedyną osobą uhonorowaną obydwoma tymi tytułami. Will Wright został uznany jedną z najważniejszych osób w przemyśle gier komputerowych, w technologii oraz w rozrywce przez redaktorów czasopism i portali takich jak Entertainment Weekly, Time, PC Gamer czy GameSpy. Za wprowadzenie na rynek masowy gier symulacyjnych Wright został wyróżniony w styczniu 2005 roku przez czasopismo PC Magazine nagrodą Lifetime Achievement Award. Podczas prezentacji 11 marca 2005 roku na konferencji Game Developers Conference Wright zapowiedział swoją najnowszą grę Spore. Aktualnego projektu użył w celu zademonstrowania sposobów na redukcję ilości potrzebnych materiałów końcowych przez projektantów gier. Wright ma nadzieję zainspirować kolejne osoby do podejmowania ryzyka jakim jest tworzenie gier. W wolnym czasie zbiera niepotrzebne już nikomu elementy używane niegdyś w radzieckich programach kosmicznych i buduje wraz z córką roboty bitewne do programu BattleBots.
  • Will Wright and his team of software designers have made a lot of very popular games, almost all simulation and having the name "Sim" in front of it.
  • The creator of Spore.
  • William Ralph "Will" Wright (Atlanta, Geórgia, 20 de janeiro de 1960) é um designer de jogos americano e co-fundador da Maxis. Ele é conhecido como o designer original de três grandes sucessos do mundo dos Games: The Sims, SimCity e Spore, que é a mais recente série criado por ele. Will Wright conseguiu imaginar em sua mente um conceito completamente novo, onde ele e outras pessoas comandassem a história, ações, e tudo o que fosse possível, por meio de simuladores simples e práticos, porém, poderosos, que pudessem levar a imaginação do jogador aonde ele quiser.
  • William "The Care Bear" Wright, Jr. (born January 20, 1960 in Atlantis, Georgia) is an American PC game designer and co-founder of the video game development company Maxis, now part of Electronic Arts, as well as a vocal proponent of creating an effective virtual sex apparatus. He is a widely known sex-symbol, but frustration with him is commonplace because he rarely ships his over-hyped games on time. Additionally, much of his interaction with the public is in Simlish, an unintelligible language of his own invention. He is best known as the original designer of computer games such as SimCity and The Sims. Currently, he is working on delaying the god-game Spore. Incidentally, his many fans and admirers may not know that he also is the world's most famous Care Bear aficionado, very narrowly beating out Noel Coward.
  • William R. Wright (born January 20, 1960) is computer game designer from the US, and is co-founder of the game development company Maxis. He was the original designer of the two groundbreaking computer games SimCity and The Sims. His most recent project is Spore, a simulation that allows the player to influence the development of a life form from a single-cellular stage, through multi-cellular life in the oceans and on land, to the development of sapience and tool-use, and eventually interplanetary and interstellar flight.
  • William R. Wright (born January 20, 1960) is computer game designer from the US, and is co-founder of the game development company Maxis. He was the original designer of the two groundbreaking computer games SimCity and The Sims. His most recent project is Spore, a simulation that allows the player to influence the development of a life form from a single-cellular stage, through multi-cellular life in the oceans and on land, to the development of sapience and tool-use, and eventually interplanetary and interstellar flight.
  • Will Wright is a snobbish, gloative, mean individual who does not care about the damage he causes by destroying the old games, and even threatens to destroy the current Simpsons when a game better than theirs comes out. He seems to bear a grudge on EA Games (which, comically, is the same enterprise that helped to create the Simpsons game and his own games).
  • Will Wright es una persona de la vida real, es el creador de de SimCity y un villano en The Simpsons Game, se dedica a eliminar los videojuegos obsoletos, se aisló en el núcleo creador de los juegos debido a que se volvió loco después de su gran fracaso, "Sims 3". No se puede derrotar (en la versión de Nintendo DS) y solo aparece una vez. thumb|left
  • n 1986, he met Jeff Braun, an investor interested in entering the computer game industry, at what Wright calls "the world's most important pizza party." Together they formed Maxis the next year in Orinda, California. SimCity was a hit and has been credited as one of the most influential computer games ever made. Following on the success of SimCity, Wright designed SimEarth (1990) and SimAnt (1991). He co-designed SimCity 2000 with Fred Haslam and in the meantime Maxis produced other "Sim" games. Wright's next game was SimCopter (1996). Although none of these games were as successful as SimCity, they further cemented Wright's reputation as a designer of "software toys" — games that cannot be won or lost. In 1992, Wright and his family moved to Orinda, California near the San Pablo Reservoir, off Miner Road. Maxis went public in 1995 with revenue of USD$38 million. The stock reached $50 a share and then dropped as Maxis posted a loss. Electronic Arts bought Maxis in June 1997 . Wright had been thinking about making a virtual doll house ever since the early 90s, similar to SimCity but focused on individual people. Originally conceived of as an architectural design game called Home Tactics, Wright's idea changed when someone suggested the player should be rated on the quality of life experience by the homeowners. It was a difficult idea to sell to EA, because already 40% of Maxis's employees had been laid off. EA published The Sims in February 2000 and it became Wright's biggest success yet. It eventually surpassed Myst as the best-selling computer game of all time and spawned numerous expansion packs and other games. He designed a massively multiplayer version of the game called The Sims Online, which was not as popular as the original. Wright was given a "Lifetime Achievement Award" at the Game Developers Choice Awards in 2001 . In 2002, he became the fifth person to be inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame. Until 2006, he was the only person to have been honored this way by both of these industry organizations. He has been called one of the most important people in gaming, technology, and entertainment by publications such as Entertainment Weekly, Time, PC Gamer, Discover and GameSpy. For bringing simulations to the mass market, Wright was awarded the PC Magazine Lifetime Achievement Award in January 2005 . In a presentation at the Game Developers Conference on March 11, 2005, he announced his latest game Spore. He used the current work on this game to demonstrate methods that can be used to reduce the amount of content that needs to be created by the game developers. Wright hopes to inspire others to take risks in game creation. Spore was released on September 5, 2008 - its official and wikia sites.
  • 200px|right|Will Wright William Ralph "Will" Wright (20 de Enero, 1960) es un diseñador de videojuegos estadounidense y co-fundador del estudio de desarrollado, Maxis. Es mayormente conocido como el diseñador original de tres conocidos videojuegos: SimCity, Spore y Los Sims (el videojuego de PC más vendido de toda la historia).
  • In 1984, Will Wright developed Raid on Bungeling Bay. During development, Wright realized that he had much more fun creating the various game levels than he did playing the game itself. He would later apply this concept to the creation of a city simulation game called SimCity. Wright had a difficult time finding video game publishers willing to take a chance on SimCity, since it was a major departure from other video games developed up to that time. In 1987, Wright and Jeff Braun co-founded Maxis and were able to publish SimCity. Wright was instrumental in the development of two sequels, SimCity 2000 (1994) and SimCity 3000 (1999), both developed through Maxis.
  • thumbWill Wright (Atlanta, 20 gennaio 1960) è un informatico statunitense, programmatore di videogiochi e uno dei fondatori della Maxis insieme a Jeff Braun, un'azienda sviluppatrice di videogiochi ora acquisita da Electronic Arts. Will Wright è uno degli sviluppatori più innovativi nell'ambito dello sviluppo di videogiochi di stampo strategico-gestionale. Il suo nome fin dalla fine degli anni ottanta è associato a quello di "Sim". Con questo prefisso creò insieme al suo team di sviluppo il suo primo grande gioco: "Sim City".
  • Will Wright is an American computer game designer and co-founder of the game development company, Maxis.
  • Will Wright is the creator of The Sims series and an enemy of the Simpson family.
  • Will Wright was rumored to have been in the room when someone else invented the video game "The Sims". His ETN is December 4, 2006. Will he turn into a vampire, or pee himself to death? No one knows, but he will get nailed. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • thumb|400px|Will Wright ja otuksia William R. Wright (s. 20. tammikuuta 1960 Atlanta, Georgia) on yhdysvaltalainen tietokonepelisuunnittelija ja toinen Maxis-peliyhtiön perustajista. Hän on suunnitellut suositut The Sims- ja SimCity -tietokonepelit. Muita hänen suunnittelemiaan pelejä ovat muun muassa The Urbz, SimAnt, SimEarth sekä Spore.
is Diseñadores of
is Projektant of
is Diseñador of
is Guest of
is Actor of
is Fundador of
is projektanci of
is Designer of