  • Jeanette
  • Jeanette
  • Kategorie:Infobox benötigt thumb|Miss Jeanette Miss Jeanette ist eine Ghul-Sklavin aus Paradise Falls. Wenn man nahe an sie ranläuft, sagt sie, dass sie ihren Bruder vermisst. Man kann auch das Tor zum Sklavengehege öffnen, dann rennt sie weg und wird meistens erschossen. Wenn sie überlebt, bleibt sie manchmal sogar im Gehege, weil sie nicht von den Sklavenhändlern erschossen werden will.
  • Miss Jeanette is a ghoul slave being held in Paradise Falls.
  • Jeanette is a member of of the Gallia Knight Army with her brothers Jack and Bleu. She worked with Sheffield to kidnap Louise. Like her brothers, she is seen wielding a weapon, a poison dagger which paralyzes it's victim. Also, like Bleu she can jump large distances at great heights. One of the few times we see blood in the show is when Jeanette slashes Louise's hand. She is a mage, that is confirmed in Season 4 Episode 12. She uses her umbrella as a wand. After licking Louise, she said she could taste the power, whether or not this is an ability is yet to be confirmed.
  • Jeanette Berwick is a character competiting in Endurance: Fiji. She is labeled The Quiet Brainiac. Jeanette has yet to be eliminated.
  • Jeanette is one of Jillian's sisters who hates teasing Marie and had been best friends with her sisters Jillian, and Marie, and Jillian's friends Monique, and Scarlett, and the fan of Anna. She has chocolate brown hair with blue streaks, pale skin, and blue eyes. She is good friends with Emily, Fumiko, Cole, Abby, and Miyu. She is the Champion of Archery, Tennis, Swordplay, Frisbee Dog, and Baseball. Her favorite color is orange. She is enemies with Lucia, and her older sisters. Her BFFs, Tabitha, Brekyn, and Mendy, like to stay and do a puppet show called Attack of the Giant Mii
  • Jeanette is Pirate and Lookout of the crew Devil's Bane and member of the flag Insurrectionists. She sails out of Lincoln Island on the Sage Ocean.
  • Jeanette is a barmaid in Britain in Ultima VII. A sexy and sweet young woman, Jeanette was happy to work at the Blue Boar Tavern in Britain. Jeanette readily admitted to disliking the upper class of Britannia, believing they were all the same, and that the best man to love was a humble merchant. When the Avatar told her that Charles the servant was attracted to her, she was annoyed, believing him to be a rich upper-class gentleman because he worked at Castle Britannia. She admitted that she was in fact in love with Willy the baker, who she felt was a more humble man.
  • Jeanette is a teacher whom Dr John Watson started a relationship with during his second year of tenancy with Sherlock Holmes. Jeannette attended the Christmas party at 221B Baker Street with John, Sherlock, Molly Hooper, Mrs Hudson and DI Greg Lestrade. When introduced at the party, Sherlock appeared not to remember her and cycled through all of John's recent girlfriends to find out hers through the process of elimination. He revealed she was a teacher, referring to her as "boring" by an apparent mistake.
  • 1
  • Good
temp companion
  • no
  • 1
perm companion
  • no
  • empty
  • -
  • no
  • Jeanette
max condition
  • -
  • ignored
  • white
  • grey
  • no
  • no
  • Cat
cure addiction
  • no
  • None
cure radiation
  • no
quests started
  • -
  • yes
  • -
  • -
quests involved
  • -
  • "A Scandal in Belgravia"
  • Teacher
  • FO3
  • Molkiette
  • -
  • yes
  • Paradise Falls slaves
  • Slave
  • Sage
  • Jeanette
  • Miss Jeanette
  • yes
  • File:Jeanette.jpg
  • Female
  • no
  • yes
  • pirate
  • -
  • Skull
  • primary
  • secondary
  • Kategorie:Infobox benötigt thumb|Miss Jeanette Miss Jeanette ist eine Ghul-Sklavin aus Paradise Falls. Wenn man nahe an sie ranläuft, sagt sie, dass sie ihren Bruder vermisst. Man kann auch das Tor zum Sklavengehege öffnen, dann rennt sie weg und wird meistens erschossen. Wenn sie überlebt, bleibt sie manchmal sogar im Gehege, weil sie nicht von den Sklavenhändlern erschossen werden will.
  • Jeanette is a barmaid in Britain in Ultima VII. A sexy and sweet young woman, Jeanette was happy to work at the Blue Boar Tavern in Britain. Jeanette readily admitted to disliking the upper class of Britannia, believing they were all the same, and that the best man to love was a humble merchant. When the Avatar told her that Charles the servant was attracted to her, she was annoyed, believing him to be a rich upper-class gentleman because he worked at Castle Britannia. She admitted that she was in fact in love with Willy the baker, who she felt was a more humble man. It was Iolo who explained to her that Willy in fact was an egotistical man, and that Charles was of a far lower class than him. Jeanette was determined to flirt with Charles in earnest now that she considered him an acceptable match.
  • Miss Jeanette is a ghoul slave being held in Paradise Falls.
  • Jeanette is a member of of the Gallia Knight Army with her brothers Jack and Bleu. She worked with Sheffield to kidnap Louise. Like her brothers, she is seen wielding a weapon, a poison dagger which paralyzes it's victim. Also, like Bleu she can jump large distances at great heights. One of the few times we see blood in the show is when Jeanette slashes Louise's hand. She is a mage, that is confirmed in Season 4 Episode 12. She uses her umbrella as a wand. After licking Louise, she said she could taste the power, whether or not this is an ability is yet to be confirmed.
  • Jeanette Berwick is a character competiting in Endurance: Fiji. She is labeled The Quiet Brainiac. Jeanette has yet to be eliminated.
  • Jeanette is a teacher whom Dr John Watson started a relationship with during his second year of tenancy with Sherlock Holmes. Jeannette attended the Christmas party at 221B Baker Street with John, Sherlock, Molly Hooper, Mrs Hudson and DI Greg Lestrade. When introduced at the party, Sherlock appeared not to remember her and cycled through all of John's recent girlfriends to find out hers through the process of elimination. He revealed she was a teacher, referring to her as "boring" by an apparent mistake. After the fake death of Irene Adler, John was instructed by Mycroft Holmes to keep an eye on Sherlock that night due to fears he might relapse due to grief. John was therefore forced to cancel his date with Jeanette to look after Sherlock. This upset her as she felt he was always putting Sherlock first. She also mentioned that her friends did not think that he was a particularly good boyfriend. Jeanette broke up with John that night after he confused her with one of his previous girlfriends.
  • Jeanette is one of Jillian's sisters who hates teasing Marie and had been best friends with her sisters Jillian, and Marie, and Jillian's friends Monique, and Scarlett, and the fan of Anna. She has chocolate brown hair with blue streaks, pale skin, and blue eyes. She is good friends with Emily, Fumiko, Cole, Abby, and Miyu. She is the Champion of Archery, Tennis, Swordplay, Frisbee Dog, and Baseball. Her favorite color is orange. She is enemies with Lucia, and her older sisters. Her BFFs, Tabitha, Brekyn, and Mendy, like to stay and do a puppet show called Attack of the Giant Mii
  • Jeanette is Pirate and Lookout of the crew Devil's Bane and member of the flag Insurrectionists. She sails out of Lincoln Island on the Sage Ocean.
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