  • Uzani
  • Uzani was an individual referenced in Children of Tama language metaphorical phrases. He commanded an army at Lashmir. In the phrases "Uzani. His army. With fists open.", it was a metaphor for luring the enemy towards you by spreading your forces. In the phrases "Uzani. His army. With fists closed.", it was a metaphor for closing rank and attack after luring the enemy. (TNG: "Darmok" ) This character was only mentioned in dialogue. According to the script , Uzani was pronounced as "oo-ZAH-nee".
  • Uzani was an individual referenced in Children of Tama language metaphorical phrases. He commanded an army at Lashmir. In the phrases "Uzani. His army. With fists open.", it was a metaphor for luring the enemy towards you by spreading your forces. In the phrases "Uzani. His army. With fists closed.", it was a metaphor for closing rank and attack after luring the enemy. (TNG: "Darmok" ) This character was only mentioned in dialogue. According to the script , Uzani was pronounced as "oo-ZAH-nee".