  • Stel
  • Stel
  • Stel
  • Stel
  • File:GreenLantern Stel.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Stel was a male Human major of the Sith Empire stationed on Ziost during the Galactic War. In 3637 BBY a crisis struck when a former Emperor Vitiate transferred his consciousness to Ziost and possessed a number of Imperial soldiers, using their bodies as a puppets to spread murder and chaos. A Form 98BG-HM7 was filed and Stel made a public service announcement, urging civilians to maintain order during the evacuation.
  • Stel is a member of the Green Lantern Corps from the planet Grenda. He is the Green Lantern of sector 3009.
  • In 2154, Stel planted a bomb with T'Pau's DNA on it in the United Earth embassy in order to cast blame on T'Pau's Syrrannite movement. Stel's actions were eventually revealed and he was forced from his post. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Awakening") He was replaced by Silok. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
  • Stel was a robot and a member of the Green Lantern Corps. He participated in the Corps' defense of Oa and their pursuit of Amazo to Earth.
  • A Grendan native, Stel was trained by Sinestro (prior to his turn to evil) and would serve the Green Lantern Corps though many of its battles, including a breakout from the Prison Planet of the Guardians of the Universe, an invasion by Qwardians, and an attack by the alliance of the rogue Guardian Krona and Nekron, Lord of the Unliving. It is Krona who fells Stel, tearing the Green Lantern to pieces before he is found by his fellow Lanterns. Giving the Lanterns a vital clue with his last breath, Stel is taken back to his homeplanet of Grenda to be given a hero's burial.
  • V roce 2154 Stel vyšetřoval bombový útok na ambasádu Spojené Země na Vulkánu. Stel měl podezření, že za útokem stojí skupina zvaná Syrranité. Později se ale ukázalo, že to byl právě Stel, kdo na rozkaz V'Lase naplánoval tento bombový atentát. Byl objeven poté, co velvyslanec Soval prozkoumal pomocí splynutí myslí mysl jedné z obětí atentátu. (ENT: The Forge) Když poté Soval oznámil Vrchnímu velení, že byl Stel do atentátu zaplaten, V'Las mu oznámil, že Stel byl Syrranit, a že už byl zatčen a uvězněn. (ENT: Awakening) Ve skutečnosti ale není známo, co V'Las se Stelem udělal.
  • Stel was the chief investigator of the Vulcan Security Directorate under Administrator V'Las in 2154. In that capacity, he was involved in the conspiracy to frame the Syrranites for the bombing of the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan. In an attempt to preserve the plot, however, Stel was subsequently framed as a Syrranite, Administrator V'Las claiming that relevant documents had been found in Stel's home. (ENT: "The Forge", "Awakening") Stel was played by Larc Spies. In the script of "The Forge", Stel was described as "a brisk, competent Vulcan male."
  • Nel 2154, Stel condusse delle indagini riguardanti la distruzione dell'Ambasciata della Terra Unita su Vulcano. Suggerì che fosse stato il movimento Syrrannita ad aver distrutto l'ambasciata. Tuttavia, le prove dimostrarono in seguito che la responsabilità dell'attacco era da ascriversi a Stel, il quale aveva seguito gli ordini di V'Las dell'Alto Comando Vulcaniano. Fu scoperto grazie ad una fusione mentale eseguita da Soval su una delle vittime per identificare la persona che aveva portato l'ordigno. (ENT: "La Fornace") Informazioni di retroscenaStel è stato interpretato da Larc Spies.
  • thumb|Stel im Jahr 2154 Stel ist ein Vulkanier und ein Chefermittler des V'Shar in den 2150ern, allerdings auch Teil einer vulkanischen Verschwörung unter Administrator V'Las. Stel führt in dessen Auftrag 2154 einen Bombenanschlag auf die irdische Botschaft auf Vulkan durch, um die Schuld dann wiederum den Syrranniten in die Schuhe zu schieben. Diese sollen nach Meinungen der vulkanischen Führungsriege ausgelöscht werden, um freie Bahn für einen Angriff auf Andoria zu haben. Stel wird schließlich verhaftet und seiner Tat für schuldig befunden, als die Verschwörung aufgedeckt und untersucht wird. (ENT: , , )
  • 2154
  • Stel
  • Red
  • Under arrest
  • Stel
  • Sith Empire
Character Name
  • Green Lantern
  • Stel
  • white
  • Green Lantern
Image size
  • 150
  • green
Real Name
  • Stel
  • Green Lantern
wikipage disambiguates
  • File:GreenLantern Stel.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Stel was the chief investigator of the Vulcan Security Directorate under Administrator V'Las in 2154. In that capacity, he was involved in the conspiracy to frame the Syrranites for the bombing of the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan. To that end, Stel planted a bomb with the DNA of T'Pau, a well-known Syrranite, in order to implicate her. The resultant explosion resulted in the deaths of thirty-one Humans and twelve Vulcans. Although the plan to blame the Syrranites for the bombing initially succeeded, a mind meld, conducted by Ambassador Soval with comatose victim Corporal Askwith, revealed Stel's involvement in the conspiracy. In an attempt to preserve the plot, however, Stel was subsequently framed as a Syrranite, Administrator V'Las claiming that relevant documents had been found in Stel's home. (ENT: "The Forge", "Awakening") Stel was played by Larc Spies. In the script of "The Forge", Stel was described as "a brisk, competent Vulcan male."
  • Stel was a male Human major of the Sith Empire stationed on Ziost during the Galactic War. In 3637 BBY a crisis struck when a former Emperor Vitiate transferred his consciousness to Ziost and possessed a number of Imperial soldiers, using their bodies as a puppets to spread murder and chaos. A Form 98BG-HM7 was filed and Stel made a public service announcement, urging civilians to maintain order during the evacuation.
  • Stel is a member of the Green Lantern Corps from the planet Grenda. He is the Green Lantern of sector 3009.
  • In 2154, Stel planted a bomb with T'Pau's DNA on it in the United Earth embassy in order to cast blame on T'Pau's Syrrannite movement. Stel's actions were eventually revealed and he was forced from his post. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Awakening") He was replaced by Silok. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
  • Stel was a robot and a member of the Green Lantern Corps. He participated in the Corps' defense of Oa and their pursuit of Amazo to Earth.
  • thumb|Stel im Jahr 2154 Stel ist ein Vulkanier und ein Chefermittler des V'Shar in den 2150ern, allerdings auch Teil einer vulkanischen Verschwörung unter Administrator V'Las. Stel führt in dessen Auftrag 2154 einen Bombenanschlag auf die irdische Botschaft auf Vulkan durch, um die Schuld dann wiederum den Syrranniten in die Schuhe zu schieben. Diese sollen nach Meinungen der vulkanischen Führungsriege ausgelöscht werden, um freie Bahn für einen Angriff auf Andoria zu haben. Stel wird schließlich verhaftet und seiner Tat für schuldig befunden, als die Verschwörung aufgedeckt und untersucht wird. (ENT: , , ) Stel wurde von Larc Spies gespielt und von Erhard Hartmann synchronisiert.
  • A Grendan native, Stel was trained by Sinestro (prior to his turn to evil) and would serve the Green Lantern Corps though many of its battles, including a breakout from the Prison Planet of the Guardians of the Universe, an invasion by Qwardians, and an attack by the alliance of the rogue Guardian Krona and Nekron, Lord of the Unliving. It is Krona who fells Stel, tearing the Green Lantern to pieces before he is found by his fellow Lanterns. Giving the Lanterns a vital clue with his last breath, Stel is taken back to his homeplanet of Grenda to be given a hero's burial.
  • Nel 2154, Stel condusse delle indagini riguardanti la distruzione dell'Ambasciata della Terra Unita su Vulcano. Suggerì che fosse stato il movimento Syrrannita ad aver distrutto l'ambasciata. Tuttavia, le prove dimostrarono in seguito che la responsabilità dell'attacco era da ascriversi a Stel, il quale aveva seguito gli ordini di V'Las dell'Alto Comando Vulcaniano. Fu scoperto grazie ad una fusione mentale eseguita da Soval su una delle vittime per identificare la persona che aveva portato l'ordigno. (ENT: "La Fornace") Quando Soval comparve davanti all'Alto Comando, rivelò il ruolo giocato da Stel nel bombardamento dell'ambasciata per dimostrare l'estraneità dei Syrranniti in questo avvenimento. V'Las rispose che Stel era un Syrrannita lo fece arrestare. (ENT: "Risvegli") Informazioni di retroscenaStel è stato interpretato da Larc Spies.
  • V roce 2154 Stel vyšetřoval bombový útok na ambasádu Spojené Země na Vulkánu. Stel měl podezření, že za útokem stojí skupina zvaná Syrranité. Později se ale ukázalo, že to byl právě Stel, kdo na rozkaz V'Lase naplánoval tento bombový atentát. Byl objeven poté, co velvyslanec Soval prozkoumal pomocí splynutí myslí mysl jedné z obětí atentátu. (ENT: The Forge) Když poté Soval oznámil Vrchnímu velení, že byl Stel do atentátu zaplaten, V'Las mu oznámil, že Stel byl Syrranit, a že už byl zatčen a uvězněn. (ENT: Awakening) Ve skutečnosti ale není známo, co V'Las se Stelem udělal.
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