  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • |}
  • Drago (タツオ, Tatsuo en japonais, Dragonio en espagnol en italien, Frederik en allemand) est un crocodile, plus précisément un dragon apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival. Bien qu'il ait l'apparence d'un dragon, il est quand même considéré comme un crocodile. Drago est un personnage très recherché par les joueurs car il est le seul dragon du jeu.
  • Il drago è una creatura particolare del tutto somigliante a una lucertola gonfiata con il compressore. Alcuni possono scambiare un drago per un'iguana che ha fatto indigestione di spugne della Spontex.
  • KreaturDrago 44px | Typ Rang Klasse Ähnliche Fähigkeiten Gebiete Quests Auftritte Dragos sind erwachsene männliche Drachen.
  • Drago (ital.: Drache) ist der Bakugan Partner von Dan Kuso. Drago klingt von der Stimme her eher wie ein alter weiser Drache aber keiner weiß wie alt er wirklich ist. Drago und Dan haben sich anfangs schwer getan, aber später sind sie dann ein echt gutes Team.
  • Drago è un'anatra pigra presente in tutti i giochi della serie.
  • La famiglia Drago è un'organizzazione criminale attiva a Tampa e capeggiata da Salvatore Drago.
  • Un drago è un mostro che appare in Gothic 3. I draghi del Gothic 3 sono giovani rispetto a quelli di Gothic 2.
  • Drago – postać, występująca w Gothic. Jest to Mag Ognia mieszkający w Starym Obozie.
  • Drago was a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. After some Rebel pilots, including Samuel Raider and Toalagar, escaped from Stars' End prison aboard the BFF-1 bulk freighter Genue, the Drago was sent to retrieve them near Kashyyyk. Keyan Farlander and Cardacs, flying in R-22 Spearheads held off TIE Series starfighters launched from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Intrepid while the Drago conducted a boarding operation and escaped with the rescued pilots.
  • Drago (ドラゴ Dorago) is Dan Kuso's Guardian Bakugan and the Bakugan main protagonist of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers anime series. He serves as both a battle partner, a guardian, and source of wisdom. Although he is impatient and is a pacifist, he wants to help Dan protect Earth and Vestroia. He is the direct descendant of the original Dragonoid, one of the two first Bakugan ever created.
  • Drago is a Dragonoid Bakugan that belongs to Masters and Dan Kuso. He is Masters' and Dan's Guardian Bakugan.
  • Just one of the many powerful Bakugan that came from another demension. This on is specail though. He is one that can actually talk even in his small from. Talking Bakugan are very rare they can comunicate with humans. He sides with a Bakugan Brawler named Dan who wishes to save the Bakugan universe.
  • Il drago (ing: dragon) è un rettile in grado di volare e di sputare fuoco. Ci sono varie razze di draghi e ognuna ha delle caratteristiche fisiche diverse.
  • Víctor Manuel Soto Flores (July 23, 1975) is a Mexican Luchador or professional wrestler currently working under the ring name Alan and also under a mask as the enmascarado Drago. Soto is best known by his previous ring name Gato Eveready or simply El Gato, under which he was an unofficial member of the wrestling group Real Fuerza Aérea. He is also known for his time working as "Alan", one third of a group called Los Barrio Boys. He has worked for the majority of his career for the Mexican professional wrestling promotion Asistencia Asesoría y Administración (AAA).
  • -Drago, Vespers Rising, page 138 Drago (last name unknown) was a non-Cahill ally of Grace Cahill when she was only 13 years old on her first mission. He appeared and died in 'Vespers Rising.' After Grace Cahill can not get any one to take her to Casablanca in the middle of war, Drago offers to take her, for a price. Grace offeres him ten thousand dollars, but he will only accept for twenty thousand. Drago saves Grace when she is captured by Spanish soldiers in Spain. He dies after being hit by a piece of shrapnel.
  • Drago is a Bakugan that belongs to Masters. He is Masters' Guardian Bakugan.
  • Drago was a Vampire Death Dealer who worked under Amelia, mentioned only in the Underworld: Evolution novelization. He did not appear in the film. In 1202 AD, Drago was a recent recruit to the Death Dealers, having only been recently made a Vampire. Before becoming a Death Dealer, Drago was a foot soldier in a human army.
  • Drago, also known as Hissyoxyillammochogannatoss, is a dragon and one of the main protagonists of Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse. He is chronologically the oldest dragon in the film series.
  • Drago is a mechanized Dragon formed when Jamb and Torb combine. It was almost always piloted by Tanker, and occasionally by Sydney. Later in the series, Jamb and Torb would just appear as one single jet fighter and was piloted by either Sydney or Tanker and eventually just transform into Drago. Neither Amp or Lucky have piloted Drago during the series run. While Tanker and Syd were the default pilots for the "Drago Jet," Mrs. Starkey did pilot the vehicle in one episode Starkey in Syberspace.
  • Drago is the future son of Shendu and the second fire demon introduced in the series. Having been introduced in Season 4 as a one-off villain, he is the primary antagonist of Season 5.
  • Drago is a Cyborg Extremist that believes cyborgs are superior to all organics. He dresses like a Fakeawheeo, even though he is not a Fakeawheeo. After Cyber War, Drago lost his arm to Seegee. He joined the Cyborg Activists, which began to help ensure Cyborg civil rights were active. Secretly, he plots to kill Weegee and his family. Greegee knows this, so he try's to kill him.
  • Drago est un vampire et un Serviteur de la Mort qui travaille sous Amélia, il est seulement mentionné dans le roman Underworld : Evolution. Il n'apparaît pas dans le film. En 1202 apr. J-C, Drago est une jeune recrue des Serviteurs de la Mort, puisqu'il a été transformé en vampire que très récemment. Avant de devenir un Serviteur de la Mort, Drago était un soldat de pied dans une armée humaine.
  • Drago (versión original: Nova Dragonoid (Pyrus Dragonoid), apodado Drago, Nova Doragonoido, es el guardian bakugan de Dan Kuso. Como Pyrus Dragonoid, su verdadera forma es la de un dragón rojo de gran tamaño. Que no es solo un compañero de batalla, sino también un protector y una fuente de sabiduría. Él es impaciente y no le gusta luchar, pero quiere ayudar a proteger a los demás bakugan y a su planeta vestroia. Al inicio de la primera temporada, Dan y Drago no son muy amigos, pero en el transcurso de la temporada se fueron convirtiendo en amigos muy cercanos.
  • The Drago system may be associated with the Drago Cluster, mentioned in ST video game: Starship Creator.
  • Drago is the son of Shendu and the second fire demon introduced in the series. Having been introduced in Season 4 as a one-off villain, he is the primary antagonist of Season 5.
  • Il drago, creatura onnipresente nell'immaginario fantasy, è un tipo di mostro ricorrente all'interno della saga di Final Fantasy. Originariamente ispirati ai draghi colorati di giochi di ruolo come Dungeons & Dragons, sono poi diventati indipendenti, e hanno assunto aspetti e dimensioni differenti da un capitolo all'altro. Generalmente appaiono con l'aspetto dei draghi classici, con corpo possente, grandi ali e artigli, ma non mancano varietà con caratteristiche totalmente diverse: alcuni, come le viverne, sono più piccoli e con ali simili a quelle dei pipistrelli, altri hanno corpi serpentini; altri hanno più paia di ali e altri ancora non le hanno proprio; a volte, pur avendo le ali, hanno corpi completamente inadatti al volo. I draghi sono apparsi sia come nemici, sia come personaggi se
  • Drago ist das Pyrus Haupt-Bakugan von Dan. Am Anfang nannte Drago, Dan nur Mensch da er ihn nicht sehr gut leiden konnte. Später warf Dan, Drago in einen Fluss und er kämpfte später gegen den Darkus-Spieler Ryo und er verlor, da er Drago nicht dabei hatte. Dann suchte Dan, Drago und er fand Drago wieder. Dan entschuldigte sich bei Drago. Dann kämpften sie gegen Ryo nocheinmal bloß diesmal hat Dan, Drago dabei und sie gewannen auch. Seitdem an wurden sie Freunde. Manchmal glühte Drago und sein G stieg einfach so empor. In der Folge 22 entwickelte Drago sich zu Delta Dragonoid. In der Folge 27 verlor er gegen Maskerade und wurde mit Dan der ihm hinterher sprang in die Doom Dimension verbannt. Nach seinem Test gegen Apollonir in der Doom Dimension kam er wieder auf die Erde zurück. Er musste
  • I Draghi o draconici, sono mostri capaci di volare che sono sensibili alla presenza delle forze del Chaos. A parte i gatti, i draghi sono le sole creature capaci di assorbire la magia. Molti considerano i draghi dei grandi nemici per gli umani e molte leggende si raccontano su queste creature. Tuttavia la motivazione che spinge a cacciarli non è la protezione della razza umana, ma di appropriarsi dei loro immensi e leggendari tesori. La gente ha paura di queste bestie e molti spesso fraintendono ciò che vedeno, essendo incapaci di distinguerli da altri rettili volanti.
  • Gli Shamani Drago hanno 6 abilità e sono: Ruggito Del Drago: Attacco a 360° che butta a terra i nemici utile quando si è circondati e anche in pvp grazie agli effetti bruciatura. Tiro Del Drago: Attacco trafiggente non molto utile in pvm perchè colpisce un solo obbiettivo, tuttavia grazie al tempo di cast molto basso è molto utile in pvp, ha effetti bruciatura. Talismano Volante: Attacco inutile in pvm tranne che per mobbare non ha effetti bruciatura ma ha un tempo cast molto basso. Uno shamano è Semi Supporter se porta a M Ruggito del Drago, Tiro del Drago, Aiuto del Drago e Bendizione.
  • I mostri Drago sono un Tipo difficile contro cui combattere, spesso focalizzato su un elevato ATK e sui Mostri Synchro e Fusione. I mostri Drago sono anche il Tipo più numeroso e tendono ad essere il Tipo più presente nei Deck, anche in quelli che non hanno niente in comune coi Draghi. Le carte di supporto dei mostri Ci sono numerosi mostri che, pur non essendo mostri Drago includono la parola "Drago" nel loro nome, per esempio Cyber Drago, Drago Utensile, "Brionac, Drago della Barriera di Ghiaccio", Drago Megaroccia, Drago Gadjitron Ingranaggio Antico, eccetera.
  • Stephen Johnson (February 27, 1970 – May 7, 2007), better known by his ring name Drago, was an American professional wrestler who wrestled for the New International Wrestling Alliance. He was the first ever NIWA World Champion, and was marked as the company's top heel during his time. Though very few appearances for Drago, he remained working backstage with the NIWA talent as a Senior Adviser. He trained up and coming NIWA wrestlers such as Alex Kayne and was always on the road looking for new talent, as well. Autopsy reports have confirmed his death to be from hereditary heart disease.
  • Flint knew that Claus was going to try and fight a losing battle and tried reaching him with his father-in-law, Alec. Flint and Alec found Claus's shoes and the Mecha-Drago. Because Flint was in possession of the Drago Fang that killed his wife, he was able to use it to pierce its tough hide to increase the effectiveness of his attacks. From there, the battle ends when Mecha-Drago tries one last attack, not unlike the last move of the Trees nearby. Both sides were knocked over from the force of the last attack, but the Mecha-Drago collapses again after trying to get back up. Flint wants to kill the Mecha-Drago with its own fang, but the Mecha-Drago's child starts licking it and Alec tells Flint not to kill it. The only result of murdering it like that would be the young Drago going through
  • Maschio
First game
  • Wario's Woods
Portrayed By
  • CGI
  • 15
  • Pilot
  • Drago
  • Pyrus
  • Mâle
  • There's no room for two dragons in one pond.
Initial Phrase
  • burrrn
Posiadana Broń
  • 340
Row 4 info
  • Bakugan Battle Brawlers
  • *Ceremonial Hood of the Lich
  • Tatsuo
  • 6
  • Deer
Miejsce urzędowania
main colors
  • Green and Yellow
  • タツオ
Première Apparition
Initial Clothes
  • Dragon Suit
  • N/A
Row 1 info
  • Bakugan City
  • Inconnu
  • A mochi delight
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Frederik
  • Dragonio
  • Drago .png
Row 4 title
  • Origin
  • Deirdre
  • Varia da razza
  • N/A
  • Inconnu
  • Anatra
Row 2 info
  • Party Member
  • Folge 01
  • Varie
  • Giftable
Row 1 title
  • Home World
Row 5 info
  • Jason Deline
  • Amiibo 243 Drago.png
Row 2 title
  • Role
  • Un becco chiuso non piglia pesci
current efeds
  • NIWA
Przedmiot kradzieży
  • Kradzież niemożliwa
Kod na przywołanie
  • Kdf_403_Drago
Posiadana Zbroja
previous efeds
  • None
Letzter Auftritt
  • Folge 22
  • Cat
Row 5 title
  • Voiced by
Row 3 info
  • Boosted Dragon, Charge of Flame
  • Inconnu
Row 3 title
  • Powers
Miejsce zamieszkania
  • Tangy
  • avvelenamento, sanguinamento, trappole e bombe
winloss record
  • N/A
  • ^^^
  • quaqua
  • 243
  • silver
  • Unknown
  • 25
Box Title
  • Drago
  • 270
Birth Date
  • 1970-02-27
  • 1975-07-23
  • Unknown
Full Name
  • Drago
  • 2010-01-07
  • 5
  • Non-Cahill
  • Kilimanjaro,
  • One spoonful of sugar
  • Just a little bit of milk,
Previous Partner
  • Drago
Base of Operations
  • 1200
  • Unknown
Previous Affiliation
Voiced by
  • Ben Kingsley
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Jason Deline
  • Deceased
  • Enemy
  • Nie żyje
First Appearance
  • Underworld: Evolution
  • Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse
  • Unknown
  • N/A
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Drago
  • Stephen Johnson
  • Gato Eveready
  • Pyrus Dragonoid
  • Henchmen
  • Species
  • Alligator
  • 95
Nick Name
  • Junior
  • Lizard Boy
  • D-Man
  • Dragon Teenybopper
  • Gecko Boy
  • Overgrown Handbag
  • None
  • --06-25
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Paresseux
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --02-12
  • Varia da razza
syncronsprecher (de)
  • -
syncronsprecher (jap)
  • Keiji Fujiwara
  • Décédé
  • Imperial K.K.
  • 290.0
  • Son of Shendu
  • #FFE93E
Birth Place
color text
  • Silver
  • 2.200000
  • 193.04
  • Paper
  • Alan
  • Drago
  • El Gato
  • Billy Jean
  • Gato Eveready
  • Jimmy Boy
  • Morfo
death date
  • 2007-05-07
  • Blowing bubbles
  • 20
  • Besondere Fähigkeiten: Feueratem
  • heroic
  • Red
  • red
  • General
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
  • 2
  • --02-12
  • Unknown
  • Amiibo_card_back.png
  • D
  • Drago
  • Pyrus
  • no
Last Appearance
  • Common
  • Emperor's Athenaeum
  • Iconic
  • 1987-03-17
  • April, 1998
  • Unknown
  • Demon Sorcerers
  • Shendu
  • Daughter - Olga
  • 3200000
  • Body
  • Ballistic
  • LU52
billed from
  • Miami, Florida
Eye Color
  • Light blue
  • Presumably Meat
Image File
  • 404
  • Miami, Florida
  • Male
  • "ducroc"
  • Demon
  • Iksar
  • Unknown
  • Stephen Johnson
  • Drago.jpg
  • Chinese
last appear
  • Varia da razza
  • Verseau
  • Varia da razza
  • 250
  • Pyrus
first appear
  • Inconnu
  • ogni gioco
  • Street Fighting
  • Varia da razza
  • Unknown
  • Dragon
  • Varia da razza
  • maglione folk
syncronsprecher (en)
  • -
  • |}
  • Drago (タツオ, Tatsuo en japonais, Dragonio en espagnol en italien, Frederik en allemand) est un crocodile, plus précisément un dragon apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival. Bien qu'il ait l'apparence d'un dragon, il est quand même considéré comme un crocodile. Drago est un personnage très recherché par les joueurs car il est le seul dragon du jeu.
  • Il drago è una creatura particolare del tutto somigliante a una lucertola gonfiata con il compressore. Alcuni possono scambiare un drago per un'iguana che ha fatto indigestione di spugne della Spontex.
  • KreaturDrago 44px | Typ Rang Klasse Ähnliche Fähigkeiten Gebiete Quests Auftritte Dragos sind erwachsene männliche Drachen.
  • Drago (ital.: Drache) ist der Bakugan Partner von Dan Kuso. Drago klingt von der Stimme her eher wie ein alter weiser Drache aber keiner weiß wie alt er wirklich ist. Drago und Dan haben sich anfangs schwer getan, aber später sind sie dann ein echt gutes Team.
  • Drago è un'anatra pigra presente in tutti i giochi della serie.
  • La famiglia Drago è un'organizzazione criminale attiva a Tampa e capeggiata da Salvatore Drago.
  • I mostri Drago sono un Tipo difficile contro cui combattere, spesso focalizzato su un elevato ATK e sui Mostri Synchro e Fusione. I mostri Drago sono anche il Tipo più numeroso e tendono ad essere il Tipo più presente nei Deck, anche in quelli che non hanno niente in comune coi Draghi. Le carte di supporto dei mostri Drago tendono ad avere effetti che permettono di effettuare Evocazioni Speciali di altri mostri Drago, come Flauto Evoca Draghi, Re Dragone, Drago Metallico Oscuro Occhi Rossi, Drago Armato LV5 eccetera. Ci sono mostri Drago per ogni Attributo ( eccetto DIVINO ), principalmente LUCE, VENTO, OSCURITA' e FUOCO. Tuttora i mostri con l'ATK più elevato sono tre mostri Drago: Cavaliere Signore dei Draghi, Drago a Cinque Teste e Drago della Verità Maligna. Inoltre il più potente Mostro Non-Effetto è un Drago: Drago Occhi Blu Finale. I Deck che utilizzano mostri di Livello elevato possono includere anche Drago Montaggio. Inoltre molti Mostri Fusione, Synchro e Xyz sono mostri Drago: per esempio Drago Polvere di Stelle, Arcidemone Drago Rosso, Drago Rosa Nera, Drago Tridente, Drago a Cinque Teste, Cavaliere Signore dei Draghi, Drago Occhi Blu Finale, Drago Cavaliere Draco-Equiste, Drago Stella Cadente, Drago Nova Rossa, Drago Fonte della Vita, Drago Ali Nere, Drago Quasar Cadente, Numero 17: Drago Leviatano, Drago Tuono Finale e Neo Drago Fotonico Occhi Galattici. Ci sono numerosi mostri che, pur non essendo mostri Drago includono la parola "Drago" nel loro nome, per esempio Cyber Drago, Drago Utensile, "Brionac, Drago della Barriera di Ghiaccio", Drago Megaroccia, Drago Gadjitron Ingranaggio Antico, eccetera. Molti mostri Drago costituiscono spesso la carta più potente di alcuni Deck costruiti su Archetipi per esempio Drago Arcobaleno per i mostri Bestia Cristallo, Leyvaten Arma Dragunità per i mostri Dragunità, Drago Frammento per i mostri Frammento, Drago del Giudizio per i Fedele della Luce, Inti Drago del Sole e Quilla Drago della Luna per i mostri Inca, Drago Catena di Ferro per i mostri Catena di Ferro, Naturia Barkion per i mostri Naturia, Drago Dannato Demoneterno per i mostri Demoneterno, Evolzar Laggia per gli Evol, Maximus Koa'ki Meiru per i mostri Koa'ki Meiru, Drago Lavalval per i Laval. Alcuni famosi Archetipi composti interamente da mostri Drago sono Maestoso, Evolzar, Drago Armato, Horus il Drago della Fiamma Oscura, Occhi Rossi e i Draghi dei Predestinati.
  • Un drago è un mostro che appare in Gothic 3. I draghi del Gothic 3 sono giovani rispetto a quelli di Gothic 2.
  • Drago – postać, występująca w Gothic. Jest to Mag Ognia mieszkający w Starym Obozie.
  • Drago ist das Pyrus Haupt-Bakugan von Dan. Am Anfang nannte Drago, Dan nur Mensch da er ihn nicht sehr gut leiden konnte. Später warf Dan, Drago in einen Fluss und er kämpfte später gegen den Darkus-Spieler Ryo und er verlor, da er Drago nicht dabei hatte. Dann suchte Dan, Drago und er fand Drago wieder. Dan entschuldigte sich bei Drago. Dann kämpften sie gegen Ryo nocheinmal bloß diesmal hat Dan, Drago dabei und sie gewannen auch. Seitdem an wurden sie Freunde. Manchmal glühte Drago und sein G stieg einfach so empor. In der Folge 22 entwickelte Drago sich zu Delta Dragonoid. In der Folge 27 verlor er gegen Maskerade und wurde mit Dan der ihm hinterher sprang in die Doom Dimension verbannt. Nach seinem Test gegen Apollonir in der Doom Dimension kam er wieder auf die Erde zurück. Er musste alle anderen Schicksalsspieler besiegen um sich nocheinmal zu entwickeln. Er schaffte es und wurde Ultra Dragonoid. Dann kämpfte er erneut gegen Maskerade und er gewann. Dann zeigte sich Alice hinter seiner Maske. Sie tauchte bei ihrem Onkel und ihrer Tante unter da sie sich schämt was sie tat. Die Schicksalsspieler gingen nach Vestroia. Dort verschmelzten sich die Eigenschaftswelten: Darkus und Pyrus, Aquos und Ventus, Subterra und Haos. Dann wurden Bakugans mit 2 Eigenschaften geboren.Drago und Dan kämpften gegen Centorroior und Druman. Centorrior und Druman griffen Drago und Dan an nachdem sie in die Pyrus und Darkus Welt ankamen. Sie wurden später von Nobilion, dem klügsten aller Bakugans gerettet und in eine Höhle gebracht. Er erzählte ihnen die Geschichte von Naga und den Bakugans. Als sie herrausgingen und gegen Centorrior und Druman kämpften starb Nobilion. Danach kamen Hydranoid und Maskerade um Dan und Drago zu helfen. Sie besiegten Centorrior und Druman und gingen zur Erde zurück. Dort waren alle 2 Eigenschafts Bakugans wieder da. Centorrior und Druman kämpften diesmal gegen Drago und Tigrera. Hell G. lockte alle zu Centorrior und Druman aber sie dachten er wäre Kato. Nur Shun wusste, dass es Nagas Plan war und ging zum Wardington Turm. Hell G. ging zu Wavern und setzte Naga ein. Skyress versuchte Wavern zu beschützen, aber vergeblich. Als Centorrior und Druman besiegt wurden, ging Drago zu Naga. Als Wavern getötet wurde bekam Drago den Kern der Unendlichkeit. Er wurde zum Über-Bakugan. Er hatte nun 1000 G. Er hat auch einen großen Diamanten auch seinem Bauch. Nun konnte er auch Attacken von allen Eigenschaften einsetzen.Drago besiegte Naga und er nahm den Kern der Ruhe in sich auf. Dann musste er von Dan Abschied nehmen da Drago nun zum Kern von Vestroia werden muss.
  • Drago was a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. After some Rebel pilots, including Samuel Raider and Toalagar, escaped from Stars' End prison aboard the BFF-1 bulk freighter Genue, the Drago was sent to retrieve them near Kashyyyk. Keyan Farlander and Cardacs, flying in R-22 Spearheads held off TIE Series starfighters launched from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Intrepid while the Drago conducted a boarding operation and escaped with the rescued pilots.
  • Gli Shamani Drago hanno 6 abilità e sono: Ruggito Del Drago: Attacco a 360° che butta a terra i nemici utile quando si è circondati e anche in pvp grazie agli effetti bruciatura. Tiro Del Drago: Attacco trafiggente non molto utile in pvm perchè colpisce un solo obbiettivo, tuttavia grazie al tempo di cast molto basso è molto utile in pvp, ha effetti bruciatura. Talismano Volante: Attacco inutile in pvm tranne che per mobbare non ha effetti bruciatura ma ha un tempo cast molto basso. Aiuto Del Drago: Migliora la percentuale di colpi critici che si possono fare, può essere applicato anche su un altro personaggio. Benedizione: Diminuisce la percentuale di danni che si subiscono da un avversario, può essere applicato anche su un altro personaggio. Riflessione: Riflette una percentuale dei danni subiti all'avversario, può essere applicato anche su un altro personaggio. Uno shamano è Full Supporter se porta a M Aiuto del Drago, Benedizione, Riflessione e una skill d'attacco a scelta. Uno shamano è Semi Supporter se porta a M Ruggito del Drago, Tiro del Drago, Aiuto del Drago e Bendizione. Uno shamano e da PvP se porta a M Tiro del Drago, Ruggito del Drago, Talismano Volante e Aiuto del Drago, dato che fornisce una buona quantità di critici. Questa costruzione porterà problemi data la mancanza di benedizione, ma in PvP sarà una vera bomba. La costruzione giusta per tutti gli shamani drago è: 2 INT 1VIT poi quando si ha INT a 90 tutto su VIT e infine si porta DEX
  • I Draghi o draconici, sono mostri capaci di volare che sono sensibili alla presenza delle forze del Chaos. A parte i gatti, i draghi sono le sole creature capaci di assorbire la magia. Molti considerano i draghi dei grandi nemici per gli umani e molte leggende si raccontano su queste creature. Tuttavia la motivazione che spinge a cacciarli non è la protezione della razza umana, ma di appropriarsi dei loro immensi e leggendari tesori. La gente ha paura di queste bestie e molti spesso fraintendono ciò che vedeno, essendo incapaci di distinguerli da altri rettili volanti. I draghi si dividono in diverse tipologie, solitamente per colore: verdi, rossi e neri. I draghi sono grandi fonti di ingredienti alchemici, nella fatispecie i loro denti e lacrime, che si usano sia nella medicina, sia nell'alchimia, e il sangue che si usa per la cosmesi. La coda è considerata una grande leccornia da alcuni. Ci sono anche leggende circa i draghi d'oro, ma molti credono che perlopiù siano favole e non realtà.
  • Drago (ドラゴ Dorago) is Dan Kuso's Guardian Bakugan and the Bakugan main protagonist of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers anime series. He serves as both a battle partner, a guardian, and source of wisdom. Although he is impatient and is a pacifist, he wants to help Dan protect Earth and Vestroia. He is the direct descendant of the original Dragonoid, one of the two first Bakugan ever created.
  • Drago is a Dragonoid Bakugan that belongs to Masters and Dan Kuso. He is Masters' and Dan's Guardian Bakugan.
  • Just one of the many powerful Bakugan that came from another demension. This on is specail though. He is one that can actually talk even in his small from. Talking Bakugan are very rare they can comunicate with humans. He sides with a Bakugan Brawler named Dan who wishes to save the Bakugan universe.
  • Il drago (ing: dragon) è un rettile in grado di volare e di sputare fuoco. Ci sono varie razze di draghi e ognuna ha delle caratteristiche fisiche diverse.
  • Víctor Manuel Soto Flores (July 23, 1975) is a Mexican Luchador or professional wrestler currently working under the ring name Alan and also under a mask as the enmascarado Drago. Soto is best known by his previous ring name Gato Eveready or simply El Gato, under which he was an unofficial member of the wrestling group Real Fuerza Aérea. He is also known for his time working as "Alan", one third of a group called Los Barrio Boys. He has worked for the majority of his career for the Mexican professional wrestling promotion Asistencia Asesoría y Administración (AAA).
  • -Drago, Vespers Rising, page 138 Drago (last name unknown) was a non-Cahill ally of Grace Cahill when she was only 13 years old on her first mission. He appeared and died in 'Vespers Rising.' After Grace Cahill can not get any one to take her to Casablanca in the middle of war, Drago offers to take her, for a price. Grace offeres him ten thousand dollars, but he will only accept for twenty thousand. Drago saves Grace when she is captured by Spanish soldiers in Spain. He dies after being hit by a piece of shrapnel.
  • Drago is a Bakugan that belongs to Masters. He is Masters' Guardian Bakugan.
  • Drago was a Vampire Death Dealer who worked under Amelia, mentioned only in the Underworld: Evolution novelization. He did not appear in the film. In 1202 AD, Drago was a recent recruit to the Death Dealers, having only been recently made a Vampire. Before becoming a Death Dealer, Drago was a foot soldier in a human army.
  • Drago, also known as Hissyoxyillammochogannatoss, is a dragon and one of the main protagonists of Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse. He is chronologically the oldest dragon in the film series.
  • Drago is a mechanized Dragon formed when Jamb and Torb combine. It was almost always piloted by Tanker, and occasionally by Sydney. Later in the series, Jamb and Torb would just appear as one single jet fighter and was piloted by either Sydney or Tanker and eventually just transform into Drago. Neither Amp or Lucky have piloted Drago during the series run. While Tanker and Syd were the default pilots for the "Drago Jet," Mrs. Starkey did pilot the vehicle in one episode Starkey in Syberspace.
  • Drago is the future son of Shendu and the second fire demon introduced in the series. Having been introduced in Season 4 as a one-off villain, he is the primary antagonist of Season 5.
  • Drago is a Cyborg Extremist that believes cyborgs are superior to all organics. He dresses like a Fakeawheeo, even though he is not a Fakeawheeo. After Cyber War, Drago lost his arm to Seegee. He joined the Cyborg Activists, which began to help ensure Cyborg civil rights were active. Secretly, he plots to kill Weegee and his family. Greegee knows this, so he try's to kill him.
  • Il drago, creatura onnipresente nell'immaginario fantasy, è un tipo di mostro ricorrente all'interno della saga di Final Fantasy. Originariamente ispirati ai draghi colorati di giochi di ruolo come Dungeons & Dragons, sono poi diventati indipendenti, e hanno assunto aspetti e dimensioni differenti da un capitolo all'altro. Generalmente appaiono con l'aspetto dei draghi classici, con corpo possente, grandi ali e artigli, ma non mancano varietà con caratteristiche totalmente diverse: alcuni, come le viverne, sono più piccoli e con ali simili a quelle dei pipistrelli, altri hanno corpi serpentini; altri hanno più paia di ali e altri ancora non le hanno proprio; a volte, pur avendo le ali, hanno corpi completamente inadatti al volo. I draghi sono apparsi sia come nemici, sia come personaggi secondari, sia come invocazioni. Tra i draghi più famosi della saga ce ne sono tre veramente degni di nota: Bahamut, sovrano dei draghi e divino padre degli Eidolon, Tiamath, signora dei venti e guardiana degli inferi, e naturalmente Shinryu, il supremo signore della distruzione.
  • Stephen Johnson (February 27, 1970 – May 7, 2007), better known by his ring name Drago, was an American professional wrestler who wrestled for the New International Wrestling Alliance. He was the first ever NIWA World Champion, and was marked as the company's top heel during his time. Drago was part of the wrestling business for over 20 years, working with various independent promotions starting at the young age of 17. During his short tenure in NIWA, he became the first ever NIWA World Heavyweight Champion. However, during his title match, Drago suffered a severe neck injury that forced him to not only turn over the belt the next night, but retire from the ring. Though very few appearances for Drago, he remained working backstage with the NIWA talent as a Senior Adviser. He trained up and coming NIWA wrestlers such as Alex Kayne and was always on the road looking for new talent, as well. On May 7, 2007, Johnson was found dead in his home. His wife Sarah found him on the floor in their bedroom and repeatedly tried CPR to no avail. Autopsy reports have confirmed his death to be from hereditary heart disease.
  • Drago est un vampire et un Serviteur de la Mort qui travaille sous Amélia, il est seulement mentionné dans le roman Underworld : Evolution. Il n'apparaît pas dans le film. En 1202 apr. J-C, Drago est une jeune recrue des Serviteurs de la Mort, puisqu'il a été transformé en vampire que très récemment. Avant de devenir un Serviteur de la Mort, Drago était un soldat de pied dans une armée humaine.
  • Drago (versión original: Nova Dragonoid (Pyrus Dragonoid), apodado Drago, Nova Doragonoido, es el guardian bakugan de Dan Kuso. Como Pyrus Dragonoid, su verdadera forma es la de un dragón rojo de gran tamaño. Que no es solo un compañero de batalla, sino también un protector y una fuente de sabiduría. Él es impaciente y no le gusta luchar, pero quiere ayudar a proteger a los demás bakugan y a su planeta vestroia. Al inicio de la primera temporada, Dan y Drago no son muy amigos, pero en el transcurso de la temporada se fueron convirtiendo en amigos muy cercanos.
  • Flint knew that Claus was going to try and fight a losing battle and tried reaching him with his father-in-law, Alec. Flint and Alec found Claus's shoes and the Mecha-Drago. Because Flint was in possession of the Drago Fang that killed his wife, he was able to use it to pierce its tough hide to increase the effectiveness of his attacks. From there, the battle ends when Mecha-Drago tries one last attack, not unlike the last move of the Trees nearby. Both sides were knocked over from the force of the last attack, but the Mecha-Drago collapses again after trying to get back up. Flint wants to kill the Mecha-Drago with its own fang, but the Mecha-Drago's child starts licking it and Alec tells Flint not to kill it. The only result of murdering it like that would be the young Drago going through what Lucas and Claus had to. After its child protects it one last time, the Mecha-Drago sheds a tear and finally dies. The mate and child of the Mecha-Drago return near the end of Chapter 3 to save Kumatora, Salsa, and Wess from the Pigmask Army. However, they go into hiding for the remainder of the game as it is too dangerous to live out in the open anymore. In Chapter 7, Lucas and Boney can find a frozen Drago in the Chimera Laboratory. Oddly, there is an unused boss involving a Drago that includes an attack with the text 'Drago confided its worries to you!' which makes a random party member cry. Also, when it is defeated, the text says 'Drago was totally scrapped!' as if it was a robotic enemy. This might imply that the Pigmasks would have recovered the Mecha-Drago and caused the player to fight it a second and final time.
  • The Drago system may be associated with the Drago Cluster, mentioned in ST video game: Starship Creator.
  • Drago is the son of Shendu and the second fire demon introduced in the series. Having been introduced in Season 4 as a one-off villain, he is the primary antagonist of Season 5.
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