  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • (Huom: Tämä perustuu kaanoniseen naispuoliseen hahmoon, joka seuraa Voiman valoisaa puolta. Sukupuoli, planeettojen järjetys ja useat muut seikat saattavat vaihdella pelaajan valintojen mukaan.)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords (KotOR II) is a role playing video game released for the Xbox and Microsoft Windows. The Xbox version of this sequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was released on December 6, 2004, while the Windows version was released on February 8, 2005. It was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by LucasArts.
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, to gra komputerowa stworzona przez Obsidian Entertainment w 2005 roku. Jej akcja rozgrywa się 3951 lat BBY. W 2004 roku wydano poradnik do gry: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a video game developed by Obsidian. It's the sequel to Bioware's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It was released for Xbox on December 6, 2004, while the Windows version was released on February 8, 2005.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords — это компьютерная игра в жанре RPG, выпущенная на платформах PC и Xbox. Игру разрабатывала фирма Obsidian Entertaiment, а издавала LucasArts.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords är ett spel som finns till PC och Xbox. Det släpptes den 6:e december 2004 til Xbox och den 8:e februari 2005 till PC. Spelet utvecklades av Obsidian Entertainment och gavs ut av Lucasarts.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords er opfølgeren til det populære rollespil Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Det udkom ligesom det første både til Xbox og computer. Spillet blev dog i modsætning til 1'eren ikke udviklet af BioWare (da de var optaget af andre titler, som Jade Empire og Dragon Age) men derimod Obsidian Entertainment.KOTOR II bruger en opgraderet version af spilmotoren brugt i det første spil.
  • この作品のタイムラインは、前作『Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic』のおよそ5年後、暗黒大戦の時代の設定されており、前作と共通する登場人物はほとんどいない。前作は、プレイヤーの選択によって、ライトサイドかダークサイドの異なる結末が用意されていた。そのため、続編『The Sith Lords』では、どちらの結末の続きをプレイするか選択できるようになっている。しかし、どちらの選択肢を選んだとしても、『The Sith Lords』のストーリーはシスがジェダイ・オーダーをほぼ完全に破壊した後の時代から開始する。プレイヤーが操作するキャラクターは、マンダロア戦争以降、ジェダイ・オーダーから追放されていたジェダイ・ナイトである。ゲームの開始場面で、このキャラクターはエグザイル、またはジェダイ・エグザイルと呼ばれているが、プレイヤーは好きな名前をつけることが出来る。
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is the sequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was widely regarded as a major commercial and critical success. The original game, was developed by BioWare whereas The Sith Lords was developed by Obsidian Entertainment. According to the game's producers, the change of developers was because of BioWare's occupation with other games, such as Jade Empire and Dragon Age. The Sith Lords was constructed using an updated version of the Odyssey engine used in Knights of the Old Republic, which Obsidian obtained from BioWare after being recommended to develop the game.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords je pokračovaním hry Knights of the Old Republic. Hra získala viac než 35 ocenení hry roku. Druhý diel sa odohráva približne 4000 rokov pred udalosťami z filmu Star Wars Epizóda I. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords è il seguito di Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, il quale è stato definito dalla critica come un grande successo dal punto di vista commerciale e della critica. Il gioco originale, tuttavia, venne sviluppato da una compagnia diversa, la BioWare. In base a quanto riportato dai produttori del gioco, il campio di sviluppatori fu dovuto principalmente al fatto che BioWare era impegnata nella realizzazione di altri titoli, come Jade Empire e Dragon Age. Pare che BioWare abbia raccomandato Obsidian come sviluppatore alternativo, avendo lavorato con molti dei membri chiave di Obsidian quando essi erano parte degli ora defunti Black Isle Studios. The Sith Lords è stato realizzato utilizzando una versione aggiornata dell'Odyssey engin
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • Obsidian Entertainment
  • RPG
  • Teen
  • Xbox, Windows
  • Jogador único
  • LucasArts
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • 250
  • Sono tempi pericolosi per lagalassia]]. Una brutale guerra civile ha distrutto l'Ordine Jedi, lasciando la sofferente Repubblica sull'orlo del collasso. Nel mezzo del tumulto, i malvagi Sith si sono sparsi attraverso la galassia, dando la caccia e distruggendo i Cavalieri Jedi rimasti. Sfuggendo a malapena ad una letale imboscata dei Sith, l'ultimo Jedi conosciuto si aggrappa alla vita a bordo di un malconcio trasporto vicino al mondo devastato di Peragus....
  • *Windows *Xbox
  • *Bantha *Boma *Brith *Cannok *Dekk fly *Drexl *Flipdarter *Gizka *Gundark *Hssiss *Iriaz *Kath hound **Horn kath hound *Kinrath **Kinrath Matriarch *Krek beetle *Laigrek **Deadly laigrek *Maalraas *Murglak *Mynock *Rancor *Ronto *Sand-kiver *Sheep *Shyrack *Sithspawn **Terentatek **Tuk'ata *Storm beast **Greater storm beast *Veermok *Womp rat *Wraid *Zakkeg
  • *Банта *Бома *Брит *Каннок *Муха декк *Дрексл *Flipdarter *Гизка *Gundark *Хссисс *Iriaz *Kath hound **Horn kath hound *Кинрат **Kinrath Matriarch *Krek beetle *Laigrek **Deadly laigrek *Maalraas *Murglak *Mynock *Rancor *Ronto *Sand-kiver *Sheep *Shyrack *Порождение ситхов **Терентатек **Тук'ата *Штормозверь **Greater storm beast *Veermok *Womp rat *Врэйд *Zakkeg
  • Kotoriibox.jpg
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Stará republika 3,951 BBY
  • RPG
  • 3951
  • ????: ????? ??? II: ?? ??
  • 스타워즈: 구공화국의 기사단 II: 시스 로드
  • 스타워즈: 구공화국의 기사단 II: 시스 로드
  • 스타워즈: 구공화국의 기사단 II: 시스 로드
  • 스타워즈: 구공화국의 기사단 II: 시스 로드
  • PC
  • Xbox
  • *Xbox *Windows
  • *Xbox *Windows *Mac *Linux
  • Xbox, Microsoft Windows
  • Xbox, Windows
  • ''Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • *1B-8D-GE3 *3C-FD *Эйда *Адана *Терена Адаре *Пато Адо *Арнелл *Аккере *Анда *Ап'Сареб *Ателло *Эйтрис* *Эйджей *Азкул *B-4D4-GE3 *B-4R5-GE3 *B-5D8-GE3 *Бахима *Баккель *Бао-Дур* *Дроид Бао-Дура* *Батоно *Бенок *Бик *Джоли Биндо** *Бостуко *Бралор *Брианна* *C6-E3-GE3 *C7-E3-GE3 *C9-T9-GE3 *Камакт *Сид *Чемпион *Опо Чано *Дергар Честер *Курта *Крейдо** *Данис *Дараала *Гэв Дарагон** *Джори Дарагон** *Ов Дарум *Дашель *Даврел *Дерред *Дессикус *Диллан *Дендис Добо *Самхан Добо *Допак *Дорак** *Mebla Dule *Зез-Кай Элл* *Падаван Зез-Кай Элла *Талвон Эзан *Эзок *Корран Фелт *Джонра Фар *Фасса *Фераа *Галия *G0-T0* *Гида *Джегорран *Гелеси *Гереди *Геревис *Джериэл *Дагон Гент *Гонло *Гормо *Дваквар Грарк *Дол Гренн *Гурон *Гурун *Чодо Хабат *Мон Халан *Хэнхарр* *Хагар *Харра *Дотон Хет *HK-47** *Протокольный дроид HK-50 *Тулак Хорд** *Хассеф *IT-31 *Джорран *Джабей *Каала-На *Кэдрон *Аррен Кай *Кайви *Каранна *Каул *Кавар* *Келборн *Алима Кето** *Кекс *Кип *Орон Кира *Кодин *Кубис *Крея* *Лудо Кресш** *Кумус *Экзар Кун** *Лаане *Врук Ламар* ** *Падаван Врука Ламара *Лагра *Адум Ларп** *Лазавву *Лелин-Дор *Жар Лестин** *Сока Лину *Лутра *Джана Лорсо *Капитан «Лунной тени» *Лукса *Борна Лис *М'садаар *Мейбан *Дарт Малак** *Магар *Марло *Мара *Визас Марр* *Мату *Учитель Митры Сурик *Микал* *Мира* *Берун Модрул *Моза *Надаа *Nahata *Наллек *Небелиш *Дарт Нихилус* *Никко *Nikylitis *Nisotsa *Nodobo *Ossluk Noslee *Раксус Нули** *Один *Каа Оток *Карт Онаси** *Дастил Онаси** *Opelle *Кандерус Ордо* ** *Аджанта Полл** *Панар *Planore *Ponlar *Qimtiq *Quello *Марка Рагнос** *Ралон *Рамана *Эттон Рэнд* *Бату Рем *Batu Rem impostor *Реван** *Рийкен *Рутум *S-0D3 *S4-C8-GE3 *Нага Садоу** *Saedhe *Сакари *Saquesh *SC-21 *Сир'аа *Бастила Шан** *Lupo Shar *Сиен *Карига Син *Дарт Сион* *Император ситхов** *Лоппак Сласк *Модо Со *Requel Sorm *Squik *Суллио *Андур Санрайдер** *Номи Сандрайдер** *Митра Сурик* *Суулру *Suyin *Sylvar** *T1-N1 *T3-M4* ** *Taepalae *Тагрен *Талия *Tarn *Teer'aa *Ксазет Тереп *Terlyn *Terlyn's daughter *Terlyn's husband *Terlyn's son *Thon** *Tobin* *Vandar Tokare** *Tolas *Tourath *TT-32-GE3 *Tien Tubb *Твик'гар *Vaklu *Миссия Вао** *Лонна Вэш *Ratrin Vhek *Visquis *Vix *Вогга *Восск *Vula *Xaart *Ксарга *Yima *Mimas Yoon *Юсанис** *Заалбак** *Жеррон *Azanti Zhug *Dezanti Zhug *Зука
  • *1B-8D-GE3 *3C-FD *Aaida *Adana *Terena Adare *Pato Ado *Ahrnell *Akkere *Akkere's brother *Akkere's sister *Anda *Ap'Sareb *Atallo *Atris* *Ayjae *Azkul *B-4D4-GE3 *B-4R5-GE3 *B-5D8-GE3 *Bahima *Bakkel *Bao-Dur* *Bao-Dur's remote* *Battered protocol droid *Batono *Benok *Bik *Jolee Bindo** *Bostuco *Bralor *Brianna* *C6-E3-GE3 *C7-E3-GE3 *C9-T9-GE3 *Cahhmakt *Cede *The Champ *Opo Chano *Dergar Chester *Coorta *Crado** *Dahnis *Daraala *Gav Daragon** *Jori Daragon** *Ov Darum *Dashel *Davrel *Derred *Dessicus *Dillan *Dendis Dobo *Samhan Dobo *Dopak *Dorak** *Mebla Dule *Zez-Kai Ell* *Zez-Kai Ell's Padawan *Talvon Esan *Esok *Corrun Falt *Jonra Far *Fassa *Feraa *Galia *G0-T0* *Geeda *Gegorran *Gelesi *Gelesi's daughter *Gelesi's wife *Geredi *Gerevick *Geriel *Dhagon Ghent *Gonlo *Gormo *Dvakvar Grahrk *Dol Grenn *Guron *Gurun *Chodo Habat *Mon Halan *Hanharr* *Harbinger Captain *Harbinger Medical Officer *Harbinger Navigation Officer *Hargar *Harra *Doton Het *HK-47** *HK-50 protocol droid *Tulak Hord** *Hussef *IT-31 *Iziz Cantina waitress *Jorran *Jubei *Kaalah-Nah *Kadron *Arren Kae *Kaevee *Kahranna *Kaul *Kavar* *Kelborn *Aleema Keto** *Kex *Kiph *Oron Kira *Kodin *Koobis *Kreia* *Ludo Kressh** *Kumus *Exar Kun** *Laane *Vrook Lamar* ** *Vrook Lamar's Padawan *Lagra *Adum Larp** *Lasavvou *Lelin-Dor *Zhar Lestin** *Soka Linu *Lootra *Jana Lorso *Lunar Shadow Captain *Luxa *Borna Lys *M'sadaar *Maban *Darth Malak** *Margar *Marlo *Mara *Visas Marr* *Matu *Meetra Surik's Jedi Master *Merchant Quarter Guard *Mical* *Mira* *Berun Modrul *Moza *Nadaa *Nahata *Nallek *Nebelish *Darth Nihilus* *Nikko *Nikylitis *Nisotsa *Nodobo *Ossluk Noslee *Raxsus Nuli** *Odis *Kaah Ohtok *Carth Onasi** *Dustil Onasi** *Opelle *Canderous Ordo* ** *Ajunta Pall** *Panar *Peragus Mining Facility Administration Officer *Peragus Mining Facility Dock Officer *Peragus Mining Facility Maintenance Officer *Peragus Mining Facility Medical Officer *Peragus Mining Facility Security Officer *Planore *Ponlar *Qimtiq *Quello *Marka Ragnos** *Ralon *Ramana *Atton Rand* *Batu Rem *Batu Rem impostor *Revan** *Revan's father *Revan's mother *Riiken *Riiken's grandson *Rutum *S-0D3 *S4-C8-GE3 *Naga Sadow** *Saedhe *Sakarie *Saquesh *SC-21 *Seer'aa *Bastila Shan** *Lupo Shar *Sien *Cariaga Sin *Darth Sion* *Sith Emperor** *Loppak Slusk *Modo So *Requel Sorm *Squik *Sullio *Andur Sunrider** *Nomi Sunrider** *Meetra Surik* *Suulru *Suyin *Sylvar** *T1-N1 *T3-M4* ** *Taepalae *Tagren *Talia *Tarn *Teer'aa *Xaset Terep *Terlyn *Terlyn's daughter *Terlyn's husband *Terlyn's son *Thon** *Tobin* *Vandar Tokare** *Tolas *Tourath *TT-32-GE3 *Tien Tubb *Twik'gar *Unidentified Bith scientist *Unidentified Devaronian bartender *Unidentified Harbinger Soldier *Unidentified Human journalist *Unidentified female Jedi *Unidentified Ithorian Jedi *Unidentified Dark Jedi *Unidentified Mandalorian (Nar Shaddaa) *Unidentified Sith captain *Unidentified Sith Master (Dxun) *Unidentified Twi'lek majordomo *Unidentified Twi'lek refugee *Unidentified Twi'lek part supplier *Vaklu *Mission Vao** *Lonna Vash *Ratrin Vhek *Visquis *Vix *Vogga *Vossk *Vula *Mace Windu *Xaart *Xarga *Yima *Mimas Yoon *Yusanis** *Zaalbar** *Zherron *Azanti Zhug *Dezanti Zhug *Zuka
  • 3951
  • *Accelerator panel *Accuracy gloves **Echani accuracy gloves **Unarmed accuracy gloves *Adrenaline amplifier **Advanced adrenaline amplifier **Hyper adrenaline amplifier *Adrenaline stimulator *Air defense tower *Antidote kit *Arkanian blinders *Armor **Atton's ribbed jacket **Darth Malak's armor **Heavy armor ***Battle armor ***Corellian powersuit ***Durasteel heavy armor ***Echani heavy armor ***Fenelar armor ***Flex heavy armor ***Heavy battle armor ***Iotran Braceman Armor ***M'uhk'gfa ***Matrix armor ***Powered battle armor ***Verpine zal alloy mesh **Jal Shey Advisor armor **Jal Shey Mentor armor **Jal Shey Neophyte armor **Light armor ***Armored flight suit ***Bonadan alloy heavy suit ***Combat suit ***Echani light armor ***Echani shield suit ***Electromesh suit ***Heavy combat suit ***Light Combat Suit ***Massassi ceremonial armor ***Reinforced fiber armor ***Ubese environmental suit ***Ulic Qel-Droma's mesh suit ***Zabrak battle armor ***Zabrak combat suit ***Zabrak field armor **Mandalorian armor ***Mandalore's armor ***Mandalorian assault armor ***Mandalorian battle armor ***Mandalorian combat suit ***Mandalorian heavy armor ***Mandalorian heavy suit **Mira's ballistic mesh jacket **Medium armor ***Bronzium light battle armor ***Cinnagar war suit ***Echani battle armor ***Electromesh armor ***Exar Kun's light battle suit ***Heavy Cinnagar war suit ***Jamoh Hogra's battle armor ***Krath heavy armor ***Krath Holy Battle Suit ***Light battle armor ***Military suit ***Powered light battle armor ***Sith battle suit ***Verpine fiber mesh ***Verpine fiber ultramesh **Zeison Sha Initiate armor **Zeison Sha Warrior armor *Armor accessory **Ablative plating ***Ablative plating Mark I ***Ablative plating Mark II ***Ablative plating Mark III ***Ablative plating Mark IV **Armorply plating ***Armorply plating Mark I ***Armorply plating Mark II ***Armorply plating Mark III ***Armorply plating Mark IV **Armorweave underlay ***Armorweave underlay Mark I ***Armorweave underlay Mark II ***Armorweave underlay Mark III ***Armorweave underlay Mark IV ***Armorweave underlay Mark V **Ballistic shielding ***Ballistic shielding Mark I ***Ballistic shielding Mark II ***Ballistic shielding Mark III **Biorestorative underlay ***Biorestorative underlay Mark I ***Biorestorative underlay Mark II ***Biorestorative underlay Mark III ***Biorestorative underlay Mark IV ***Biorestorative underlay Mark V **Bonded plates ***Bonded plates Mark I ***Bonded plates Mark II ***Bonded plates Mark III ***Bonded plates Mark IV **Durasteel underlay ***Durasteel underlay Mark I ***Durasteel underlay Mark II ***Durasteel underlay Mark III ***Durasteel underlay Mark IV ***Durasteel underlay Mark V **Energy shielding ***Energy shielding Mark I ***Energy shielding Mark II ***Energy shielding Mark III ***Energy shielding Mark IV ***Multishield generator **Environment underlay ***Environment underlay Mark I ***Environment underlay Mark II ***Environment underlay Mark III ***Environment underlay Mark IV ***Environment underlay Mark V **Flexible underlay ***Flexible underlay Mark I ***Flexible underlay Mark II ***Flexible underlay Mark III ***Flexible underlay Mark IV ***Flexible underlay Mark V **Heat shielding ***Heat shielding Mark I ***Heat shielding Mark II ***Heat shielding Mark III ***Heat shielding Mark IV **Heavy bonded plates ***Heavy bonded plates Mark I ***Heavy bonded plates Mark II ***Heavy bonded plates Mark III **Sound dampening overlay ***Sound dampening overlay Mark I ***Sound dampening overlay Mark II ***Sound dampening overlay Mark III ***Sound dampening overlay Mark IV **Strengthening underlay ***Strengthening underlay Mark I ***Strengthening underlay Mark II ***Strengthening underlay Mark III ***Strengthening underlay Mark IV ***Strengthening underlay Mark V *Automation gloves **Improved automation gloves *Axe **Gamorrean cleaver **Gamorrean war axe *Bindo's band *Blaster **Blaster carbine ***Heavy repeating carbine ***Onderon repeating carbine ***Repeating blaster carbine ***Slavemaster stun carbine ***Zabrak blaster carbine **Blaster pistol ***Onasi Blaster ***Freedon Nadd's blaster ***Static Blaster ***Heavy Blaster ****Arkanian heavy pistol ****Mandalorian heavy blaster ****Zabrak heavy blaster ***Hold-out blaster ****Elite watchman blaster ****Field survival pistol ****Modified holdout blaster ****Scout enforcer ****Watchman blaster ***Killblaster ***Mandalorian blaster ***Micro-pulse blaster ***Remote's blaster ***Republic blaster ***Systech electric blaster ***Systech static blaster ***Zabrak blaster pistol **Blaster rifle ***Argazdan riot buster ***Arkanian blaster rifle ***Mandalorian assault rifle ***Plasma projector ***Repeating blaster rifle ****Combat enforcer ****Heavy repeating rifle ****Mandalorian heavy repeater ***Zersium rifle **Firing chamber ***Amplifying chamber ****Amplifying chamber Mark I ****Amplifying chamber Mark II ****Amplifying chamber Mark III ***Beam splitter ****Beam splitter Mark I ****Beam splitter Mark II ****Beam splitter Mark III ***Broadened chamber ****Broadening chamber Mark I ****Broadened chamber Mark II ****Broadened chamber Mark III ***Mandalorian chamber ****Mandalorian chamber Mark I ****Mandalorian chamber Mark II ****Mandalorian chamber Mark III ***Precision chamber ****Precision chamber Mark I ****Precision chamber Mark II ****Precision chamber Mark III **Scope ***Accuracy scope ****Accuracy scope Mark I ****Accuracy scope Mark II ****Accuracy scope Mark III ****Accuracy scope Mark IV ***Crippling scope ****Crippling scope Mark I ****Crippling scope Mark II ****Crippling scope Mark III ***Pinpoint scope ****Pinpoint scope Mark I ****Pinpoint scope Mark II ****Pinpoint scope Mark III ****Pinpoint scope Mark IV ***Targeting scope ****Targeting scope Mark I ****Targeting scope Mark II ****Targeting scope Mark III ****Targeting scope Mark IV **Power cell ***Ion charger ****Ion charger Mark I ****Ion charger Mark II ****Ion charger Mark III ****Ion charger Mark IV ****Ion charger Mark V ***Power pulsator ****Power pulsator Mark I ****Power pulsator Mark II ****Power pulsator Mark III ****Power pulsator Mark IV ****Power pulsator Mark V ***Rylith power cell ****Advanced rylith power cell ****Basic rylith power cell ****Pure rylith power cell ****Standard rylith power cell ****Superior rylith power cell *Bothan precision gloves *Bothan perception visor *Bothan sensory visor *Bowcaster **Ceremonial bowcaster **War Bowcaster *Breath mask *Cardio-regulator **Aratech cardio-regulator **Systech cardio-regulator **Verpine cardio-regulator *Circlet of Saresh *Cloaking device *Combat sensor *Comlink *Computer **Central Control Computer **Computer spike **Computer terminal *Consciousness helm *Cryogenic power cell *Cybernetics **Advanced combat system **Alacrity implant **Bavakar strength system **Bio-antidote package **Biotech implant **Cardio package **Cardio power system **Durability implant **Enhancement D-package **Fitness package **Health package **Immortality D-package **Immunity D-package **Insight implant **Lornan implant **Mental boost D-package **Mental boost implant **Mental boost package **Mental boost system **Nerve enhancement package **Numbness system **Perception D-package **Pheromone package **Physical boost D-package **Physical boost implant **Physical boost package **Physical boost system **Power implant **Quickness D-package **Reaction system **Reflex package **Response package **Retinal combat implant **Skills D-package **Skills implant **Skills package **Skills system **Strength D-package **Strength package **Universal D-package *Czerka defensive gauntlets *Das'skar hunting mask *Datapad *Detonator gloves *Disruption gloves *Disruptor **Disruptor Carbine **Disruptor Pistol ***Dashade sonic disruptor ***Luxa's disruptor ***Mandalorian disintegrator ***Mandalorian ripper ***Sith disruptor **Disruptor rifle ***Charric ***Droid Assassin's rifle ***Sonic disruptor *Dominator gauntlets *Droid armor **Droid agrinium armor **Droid capacitor armor **Droid desh plating **Droid diatium plating **Droid dura plating Mark I **Droid dura plating Mark II **Droid energized armor Mark I **Droid energized armor Mark II **Droid energized armor Mark III **Droid impact armor Mark I **Droid impact armor Mark II **Droid impact armor Mark III **Droid modular plating Mark I **Droid modular plating Mark II **Droid modular plating Mark III **Droid quadranium armor *Droid sensor **Droid advanced upgrade slot **Droid assassination module **Droid battle upgrade **Droid combat enhancement: power blast **Droid combat enhancement: rapid shot **Droid combat enhancement: sniper shot **Droid fighting upgrade **Droid memory upgrade **Droid micro-optics **Droid motion tracker **Droid omniscience unit **Droid perception sensors **Droid reference database **Droid surveillance upgrade **Droid system fortification **Droid upgrade slot **Droid warfare upgrade *Droid shield **Droid defense barrier **Droid deflector Mark I **Droid deflector Mark II **Droid deflector Mark III **Droid energy collector **Droid renewable shield **Droid unity grid Mark I *Droid upgrade programming **Droid agility upgrade **Droid anatomy upgrade **Droid automated repair upgrade **Droid durability upgrade **Droid exchange interface **Droid lockout bypass **Droid machine interface **Droid motivator booster **Droid optimized interface **Droid parabolic guides **Droid remote interface **Droid self-sustaining unit **Droid singularity projector **Droid source ripper **Droid stabilization subroutine **Droid stealth booster **Droid strength upgrade **Droid systems upgrade **G0-T0 targeting module **Blowtorch ***Advanced blowtorch **Droid bio-assault spray **Droid carbonite emitter **Droid carbonite projector **Droid flame thrower **Droid ion blast Mark I **Droid ion blast Mark II **Droid ion blast Mark III **Droid ion striker **Droid molten cannon **Droid multi-spectral emitter **Droid neural pacifier **Droid neural scrambler **Droid plasma thrower **Droid repulsor **Droid shock arm **Droid toxin emitter **Fire suppression system *Energy-arm *Energy baton **Exchange negotiator **Gand discharger **Gand shockstaff **Gand silencer *Eriadu strength amplifier *Exchange casual gloves *Exchange work gloves *Force cage *Force focusing visor *Force mask *Force shield *Frozian scout belt *Fusioncutter *Gamorrean gauntlets **Gamorrean power gauntlets **Gamorrean wargloves *Grenade **Adhesive grenade **Concussion grenade **CryoBan grenade **Fragmentation grenade **Ion grenade **Plasma grenade **Poison grenade **Sonic detonator ***Minor sonic detonator **Sonic grenade **Thermal detonator *Guidon beacon *HK protocol pacifist package *Holo-transmitter *Holocron *Hologram *Hoversled *Immortality belt *Immunity belt *Inertial compensator **Inertial inhibitor *Infiltrator gloves *Insulated gloves *Interface band *Ion blaster **Aratech droid oxidizer **Aratech Ionmaster *Ion carbine *Ion rifle **Bothan droid disruptor **Verpine droid disintegrator **Verpine droid disruptor *Jedi apparel **Aleema Keto's robe **Arca Jeth's robe **Baran Do Novice robe **Baran Do Sage robe **Crado's robe **Dark Jedi robe ***Dark Jedi Knight Robe ***Dark Jedi Master robe ***Dark Padawan robe **Gray Jedi Robe **Handmaiden's robe **Jedi robe ***Jedi Knight Robe ***Jedi Master Robe ***Padawan Robe **Jal Shey belt **Jal Shey meditation gloves **Jal Shey Mentor belt **Jal Shey perception gloves **Jolee's robe **Matukai Adept robe **Matukai Apprentice robe **Natth Cowling **Nomi's robe **Norris robe **Ossus Keeper robe **Qel-Droma belt **Sylvar's robe **Thon's Robe **Zeison Sha gloves *Jedi Exile's armband *Karakan gauntlets *Kolto tank *Kubaz scoundrel gloves *Laser **Laser cannon **Laser turret *Lightning gloves *Lightsaber **Darth Nihilus' lightsaber **Darth Sion's lightsaber **Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber **Revan's lightsaber **Revan's Sith lightsaber **Meetra Surik's first lightsaber **Meetra Surik's second lightsaber ***Double-bladed lightsaber **Lightsaber crystal ***Adegan ***Ankarres Sapphire ***Barab ingot ***Bondar ***Blue ***Cyan ***Damind ***Dragite ***Eralam ***Firkrann ***Green ***Hurrikaine ***Jedi Exile's crystal ***Jenruax ***Kaiburr crystal ***Kasha ***Lorrdian gemstone ***Nextor ***Phond ***Pontite ***Opila ***Orange ***Qixoni ***Red ***Rubat ***Ruusan ***Sapith ***Sigil ***Silver ***Solari ***Stygium ***Ultima-Pearl ***Upari ***Velmorite ***Violet ***Viridian ***Yellow **Lightsaber emitter ***Crude phobium emitter ***Deflection emitter ****Expert deflection emitter ****Improved deflection emitter ***Disrupting emitter ****Advanced disrupting emitter ****Superior disrupting emitter ***Fencing emitter ****Expert fencing emitter ****Improved fencing emitter ***Phobium alloy emitter ****Refined phobium emitter ****Synthesized phobium emitter **Lightsaber lens ***Adegan lens ***Beam Gem lens ****Improved Beam Gem lens ***Dragite lens ***Enhanced Byrothsis lens ***Pontite lens ***Pure Kunda lens ***Pure Byrothsis lens ***Ossus dueling lens ***Synthesized Byrothsis lens ***Synthesized Kunda lens ***Vibration lens ****Improved vibration lens **Lightsaber power cell ***Diatium energy cell ****Improved diatium energy cell ****Superior diatium energy cell ****Ultimate diatium energy cell ***Discharge energy cell ****Improved discharge energy cell ****Superior discharge energy cell ***Ion energy cell ****Improved ion energy cell ****Superior ion energy cell ***Telgorn jolt cell Mark I ***Telgorn jolt cell Mark II ***Telgorn jolt cell Mark III **Lightsaber shoto ***Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber *Ludo Kressh's armband *Magcon field *Magnetic seal *Mass Shadow Generator *Massassi Ceremonial Blade *Meditation band **Matukai meditation band *Medpac **Advanced medpac **Life support pack *Memory wipe *Mine **Flash mine ***Average Flash mine ***Blinding Flash mine ***Devastating Flash mine ***Minor Flash mine ***Strong Flash mine **Fragmentation mine ***Average Frag mine ***Deadly Frag mine ***Devastating Frag mine ***Minor Frag mine ***Strong Frag mine **Gas mine ***Average Gas mine ***Deadly Gas mine ***Devastating Gas mine ***Minor Gas mine ***Strong Gas mine **Plasma mine ***Average Plasma mine ***Deadly Plasma mine ***Devastating Plasma mine ***Minor Plasma mine ***Strong Plasma mine **Sonic mine ***Average Sonic mine ***Deadly Sonic mine ***Devastating Sonic mine ***Minor Sonic mine ***Strong Sonic mine *Mining laser **Aratech 500 series mining laser *Multi-spectral target assessor *Nagai combat gloves *Navicomputer *Nerve amplifier belt *Neural band *Nikto soldier gloves *Nuclear bomb *Nomi's armband *Ossluk's gloves *Personal energy shield **Arkanian energy shield **Echani dueling shield **Echani shield **Mandalorian melee shield **Mandalorian power shield **Telos mining shield **Verpine prototype shield *Plasma torch *Quarterstaff **Geonosian electro-staff **Handmaiden's staff **Killstick *Proton bomb *Rakatan band *Rebreather mask *Regal visor *Repair kit **Advanced repair kit **Construction kit *Security tunneler **Security spike tunneler *Shielding visor **Enhanced shielding visor *Sith mask *Sith power gauntlet *Sonic carbine *Sonic imprint sensor *Sonic nullifiers **Absorption visor *Sonic pistol **Arkanian sonic blaster **Dashade sonic blaster **Heavy sonic blaster **Systech aural blaster *Sonic rifle *Spacer's sensor *Stabilizer mask *Stealth field enhancer *Stealth field generator **Aratech Echo Belt **Aratech SD belt **Defel Mimicker **Eriadu stealth unit **Exchange Shadow Caster *Stimulant **Adrenal alacrity ***Hyper-adrenal alacrity **Adrenal stamina ***Hyper-adrenal stamina **Adrenal strength ***Hyper-adrenal strength **Battle stimulant ***Hyper-battle stimulant **Echani battle stimulant **Squad recovery stim *Strength enhancer **CNS strength enhancer **GNS strength enhancer *Survey gear *Sword **Double-bladed sword ***Ludo Kressh's War Sword ***Sith war sword ***Trandoshan double-blade ***Zhaboka **Long Sword ***Freyyr's warblade ***Shyarn ***Trandoshan sword **Short sword ***Rodian blade ****Rodian death blade ***Ryyk blade ***Twi'lek spinning blade *Target assessor *Targeting visor *Taris survival gloves *Thorium charge *Tibanna gas *Turret *Utility belt **Czerka utility belt **Exchange utility belt **Safety harness **Tech specialist belt *Vao armband *Vibroweapon **Force pike **Vibro-ax ***Arg'garok **Vibroblade ***Tehk'la blade ***Zabrak vibroblade **Vibrocutter **Vibro double-blade **Vibrosword ***Echani vibrosword ***Sith Tremor Sword **Edge ***Devaronian edge ****Deadly Devaronian edge ****Mild Devaronian edge ****Moderate Devaronian edge ****Severe Devaronian edge ***Ionite edge ****Basic ionite edge ****Superior ionite edge ****Improved ionite edge ***Mullinine edge ****Basic mullinine edge ****Improved mullinine edge ****Superior mullinine edge ***Neutronium edge ****Basic neutronium edge ****Improved neutronium edge ****Superior neutronium edge ***Ostrine edge ***Quadranium edge **Energy cell ***Enhanced energy cell ****Enhanced energy cell Mark II ****Enhanced energy cell Mark III ****Enhanced energy cell Mark IV ***Ion cell ****Ion cell Mark II ****Ion cell Mark III ****Ion cell Mark IV ***Sonic discharge cell ****Sonic discharge cell Mark II ****Sonic discharge cell Mark III ***Vibration cell ****Vibration cell Mark II ****Vibration cell Mark III ****Vibration cell Mark IV **Hilt ***Agrinium grip ****Advanced agrinium grip ****Superior agrinium grip ***Basket hilt ****Advanced basket hilt ****Superior basket hilt ***Contoured grip ****Advanced contoured grip ****Superior contoured grip ***Nagai grip ****Advanced Nagai grip ****Superior Nagai grip ***Zabrak grip ****Advanced Zabrak grip ****Superior Zabrak grip *Wrist Launcher **Dart ***Kyber dart ***Lawn dart ***Paralysis dart ***Poison dart ***Tranquilizer dart **Rocket ***Buster rocket ***Concussion rocket ***Explosive rocket ***Ion rocket ***Plasma rocket ***Poison rocket
  • *Accelerator panel *Accuracy gloves **Echani accuracy gloves **Unarmed accuracy gloves *Adrenaline amplifier **Advanced adrenaline amplifier **Hyper adrenaline amplifier *Adrenaline stimulator *Air defense tower *Antidote kit *Arkanian blinders *Armor **Atton's ribbed jacket **Darth Malak's armor **Heavy armor ***Battle armor ***Corellian powersuit ***Durasteel heavy armor ***Echani heavy armor ***Fenelar armor ***Flex heavy armor ***Heavy battle armor ***Iotran Braceman Armor ***M'uhk'gfa ***Matrix armor ***Powered battle armor ***Verpine zal alloy mesh **Jal Shey Advisor armor **Jal Shey Mentor armor **Jal Shey Neophyte armor **Light armor ***Armored flight suit ***Bonadan alloy heavy suit ***Combat suit ***Echani light armor ***Echani shield suit ***Electromesh suit ***Heavy combat suit ***Light Combat Suit ***Massassi ceremonial armor ***Reinforced fiber armor ***Ubese environmental suit ***Ulic Qel-Droma's mesh suit ***Zabrak battle armor ***Zabrak combat suit ***Zabrak field armor **Mandalorian armor ***Mandalore's armor ***Mandalorian assault armor ***Mandalorian battle armor ***Mandalorian combat suit ***Mandalorian heavy armor ***Mandalorian heavy suit **Mira's ballistic mesh jacket **Medium armor ***Bronzium light battle armor ***Cinnagar war suit ***Echani battle armor ***Electromesh armor ***Exar Kun's light battle suit ***Heavy Cinnagar war suit ***Jamoh Hogra's battle armor ***Krath heavy armor ***Krath Holy Battle Suit ***Light battle armor ***Military suit ***Powered light battle armor ***Sith battle suit ***Verpine fiber mesh ***Verpine fiber ultramesh **Zeison Sha Initiate armor **Zeison Sha Warrior armor *Armor accessory **Ablative plating ***Ablative plating Mark I ***Ablative plating Mark II ***Ablative plating Mark III ***Ablative plating Mark IV **Armorply plating ***Armorply plating Mark I ***Armorply plating Mark II ***Armorply plating Mark III ***Armorply plating Mark IV **Armorweave underlay ***Armorweave underlay Mark I ***Armorweave underlay Mark II ***Armorweave underlay Mark III ***Armorweave underlay Mark IV ***Armorweave underlay Mark V **Ballistic shielding ***Ballistic shielding Mark I ***Ballistic shielding Mark II ***Ballistic shielding Mark III **Biorestorative underlay ***Biorestorative underlay Mark I ***Biorestorative underlay Mark II ***Biorestorative underlay Mark III ***Biorestorative underlay Mark IV ***Biorestorative underlay Mark V **Bonded plates ***Bonded plates Mark I ***Bonded plates Mark II ***Bonded plates Mark III ***Bonded plates Mark IV **Durasteel underlay ***Durasteel underlay Mark I ***Durasteel underlay Mark II ***Durasteel underlay Mark III ***Durasteel underlay Mark IV ***Durasteel underlay Mark V **Energy shielding ***Energy shielding Mark I ***Energy shielding Mark II ***Energy shielding Mark III ***Energy shielding Mark IV ***Multishield generator **Environment underlay ***Environment underlay Mark I ***Environment underlay Mark II ***Environment underlay Mark III ***Environment underlay Mark IV ***Environment underlay Mark V **Flexible underlay ***Flexible underlay Mark I ***Flexible underlay Mark II ***Flexible underlay Mark III ***Flexible underlay Mark IV ***Flexible underlay Mark V **Heat shielding ***Heat shielding Mark I ***Heat shielding Mark II ***Heat shielding Mark III ***Heat shielding Mark IV **Heavy bonded plates ***Heavy bonded plates Mark I ***Heavy bonded plates Mark II ***Heavy bonded plates Mark III **Sound dampening overlay ***Sound dampening overlay Mark I ***Sound dampening overlay Mark II ***Sound dampening overlay Mark III ***Sound dampening overlay Mark IV **Strengthening underlay ***Strengthening underlay Mark I ***Strengthening underlay Mark II ***Strengthening underlay Mark III ***Strengthening underlay Mark IV ***Strengthening underlay Mark V *Automation gloves **Improved automation gloves *Axe **Gamorrean cleaver **Gamorrean war axe *Backpack *Bindo's band *Blast door *Blaster **Blaster carbine ***Heavy repeating carbine ***Onderon repeating carbine ***Repeating blaster carbine ***Slavemaster stun carbine ***Zabrak blaster carbine **Blaster pistol ***Onasi Blaster ***Freedon Nadd's blaster ***Static Blaster ***Heavy Blaster ****Arkanian heavy pistol ****Mandalorian heavy blaster ****Zabrak heavy blaster ***Hold-out blaster ****Elite watchman blaster ****Field survival pistol ****Modified holdout blaster ****Scout enforcer ****Watchman blaster ***Killblaster ***Mandalorian blaster ***Micro-pulse blaster ***Remote's blaster ***Republic blaster ***Systech electric blaster ***Systech static blaster ***Zabrak blaster pistol **Blaster rifle ***Argazdan riot buster ***Arkanian blaster rifle ***Mandalorian assault rifle ***Plasma projector ***Repeating blaster rifle ****Combat enforcer ****Heavy repeating rifle ****Mandalorian heavy repeater ***Zersium rifle **Firing chamber ***Amplifying chamber ****Amplifying chamber Mark I ****Amplifying chamber Mark II ****Amplifying chamber Mark III ***Beam splitter ****Beam splitter Mark I ****Beam splitter Mark II ****Beam splitter Mark III ***Broadened chamber ****Broadening chamber Mark I ****Broadened chamber Mark II ****Broadened chamber Mark III ***Mandalorian chamber ****Mandalorian chamber Mark I ****Mandalorian chamber Mark II ****Mandalorian chamber Mark III ***Precision chamber ****Precision chamber Mark I ****Precision chamber Mark II ****Precision chamber Mark III **Scope ***Accuracy scope ****Accuracy scope Mark I ****Accuracy scope Mark II ****Accuracy scope Mark III ****Accuracy scope Mark IV ***Crippling scope ****Crippling scope Mark I ****Crippling scope Mark II ****Crippling scope Mark III ***Pinpoint scope ****Pinpoint scope Mark I ****Pinpoint scope Mark II ****Pinpoint scope Mark III ****Pinpoint scope Mark IV ***Targeting scope ****Targeting scope Mark I ****Targeting scope Mark II ****Targeting scope Mark III ****Targeting scope Mark IV **Power cell ***Ion charger ****Ion charger Mark I ****Ion charger Mark II ****Ion charger Mark III ****Ion charger Mark IV ****Ion charger Mark V ***Power pulsator ****Power pulsator Mark I ****Power pulsator Mark II ****Power pulsator Mark III ****Power pulsator Mark IV ****Power pulsator Mark V ***Rylith power cell ****Advanced rylith power cell ****Basic rylith power cell ****Pure rylith power cell ****Standard rylith power cell ****Superior rylith power cell *Bothan precision gloves *Bothan perception visor *Bothan sensory visor *Bowcaster **Ceremonial bowcaster **War Bowcaster *Breath mask *Carbonite gun *Cardio-regulator **Aratech cardio-regulator **Systech cardio-regulator **Verpine cardio-regulator *Circlet of Saresh *Cloaking device *Combat sensor *Comlink *Computer **Central Control Computer **Computer spike **Computer terminal *Consciousness helm *Cryogenic power cell *Cybernetics **Advanced combat system **Alacrity implant **Bavakar strength system **Bio-antidote package **Biotech implant **Cardio package **Cardio power system **Durability implant **Enhancement D-package **Fitness package **Health package **Immortality D-package **Immunity D-package **Insight implant **Lornan implant **Mental boost D-package **Mental boost implant **Mental boost package **Mental boost system **Nerve enhancement package **Numbness system **Perception D-package **Pheromone package **Physical boost D-package **Physical boost implant **Physical boost package **Physical boost system **Power implant **Quickness D-package **Reaction system **Reflex package **Response package **Retinal combat implant **Skills D-package **Skills implant **Skills package **Skills system **Strength D-package **Strength package **Universal D-package *Czerka defensive gauntlets *Das'skar hunting mask *Datapad *Detonator gloves *Disruption gloves *Disruptor **Disruptor Carbine **Disruptor Pistol ***Dashade sonic disruptor ***Luxa's disruptor ***Mandalorian disintegrator ***Mandalorian ripper ***Sith disruptor **Disruptor rifle ***Charric ***Droid Assassin's rifle ***Sonic disruptor *Dominator gauntlets *Droid armor **Droid agrinium armor **Droid capacitor armor **Droid desh plating **Droid diatium plating **Droid dura plating Mark I **Droid dura plating Mark II **Droid energized armor Mark I **Droid energized armor Mark II **Droid energized armor Mark III **Droid impact armor Mark I **Droid impact armor Mark II **Droid impact armor Mark III **Droid modular plating Mark I **Droid modular plating Mark II **Droid modular plating Mark III **Droid quadranium armor *Droid sensor **Droid advanced upgrade slot **Droid assassination module **Droid battle upgrade **Droid combat enhancement: power blast **Droid combat enhancement: rapid shot **Droid combat enhancement: sniper shot **Droid fighting upgrade **Droid memory upgrade **Droid micro-optics **Droid motion tracker **Droid omniscience unit **Droid perception sensors **Droid reference database **Droid surveillance upgrade **Droid system fortification **Droid upgrade slot **Droid warfare upgrade *Droid shield **Droid defense barrier **Droid deflector Mark I **Droid deflector Mark II **Droid deflector Mark III **Droid energy collector **Droid renewable shield **Droid unity grid Mark I *Droid upgrade programming **Droid agility upgrade **Droid anatomy upgrade **Droid automated repair upgrade **Droid durability upgrade **Droid exchange interface **Droid lockout bypass **Droid machine interface **Droid motivator booster **Droid optimized interface **Droid parabolic guides **Droid remote interface **Droid self-sustaining unit **Droid singularity projector **Droid source ripper **Droid stabilization subroutine **Droid stealth booster **Droid strength upgrade **Droid systems upgrade **G0-T0 targeting module **Blowtorch ***Advanced blowtorch **Droid bio-assault spray **Droid carbonite emitter **Droid carbonite projector **Droid flame thrower **Droid ion blast Mark I **Droid ion blast Mark II **Droid ion blast Mark III **Droid ion striker **Droid molten cannon **Droid multi-spectral emitter **Droid neural pacifier **Droid neural scrambler **Droid plasma thrower **Droid repulsor **Droid shock arm **Droid toxin emitter **Fire suppression system *Energy-arm *Energy baton **Exchange negotiator **Gand discharger **Gand shockstaff **Gand silencer *Engine **Hyperdrive **Landing jet *Eriadu strength amplifier *Exchange casual gloves *Exchange work gloves *Force cage *Force focusing visor *Force mask *Force shield *Frozian scout belt *Fusioncutter *Gamorrean gauntlets **Gamorrean power gauntlets **Gamorrean wargloves *Grenade **Adhesive grenade **Concussion grenade **CryoBan grenade **Fragmentation grenade **Ion grenade **Plasma grenade **Poison grenade **Sonic detonator ***Minor sonic detonator **Sonic grenade **Thermal detonator *Guidon beacon *HK protocol pacifist package *Holo-transmitter *Holocron *Hologram *Hoversled *Immortality belt *Immunity belt *Inertial compensator **Inertial inhibitor *Infiltrator gloves *Insulated gloves *Interface band *Ion blaster **Aratech droid oxidizer **Aratech Ionmaster *Ion carbine *Ion rifle **Bothan droid disruptor **Verpine droid disintegrator **Verpine droid disruptor *Jedi apparel **Aleema Keto's robe **Arca Jeth's robe **Baran Do Novice robe **Baran Do Sage robe **Crado's robe **Dark Jedi robe ***Dark Jedi Knight Robe ***Dark Jedi Master robe ***Dark Padawan robe **Gray Jedi Robe **Handmaiden's robe **Jedi robe ***Jedi Knight Robe ***Jedi Master Robe ***Padawan Robe **Jal Shey belt **Jal Shey meditation gloves **Jal Shey Mentor belt **Jal Shey perception gloves **Jolee's robe **Matukai Adept robe **Matukai Apprentice robe **Natth Cowling **Nomi's robe **Norris robe **Ossus Keeper robe **Qel-Droma belt **Sylvar's robe **Thon's Robe **Zeison Sha gloves *Jedi Exile's armband *Karakan gauntlets *Kolto tank *Kubaz scoundrel gloves *Laser **Laser cannon **Laser turret *Lightning gloves *Lightsaber **Darth Nihilus' lightsaber **Darth Sion's lightsaber **Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber **Revan's lightsaber **Revan's Sith lightsaber **Meetra Surik's first lightsaber **Meetra Surik's second lightsaber ***Double-bladed lightsaber **Lightsaber crystal ***Adegan ***Ankarres Sapphire ***Barab ingot ***Bondar ***Blue ***Cyan ***Damind ***Dragite ***Eralam ***Firkrann ***Green ***Hurrikaine ***Jedi Exile's crystal ***Jenruax ***Kaiburr crystal ***Kasha ***Lorrdian gemstone ***Nextor ***Phond ***Pontite ***Opila ***Orange ***Qixoni ***Red ***Rubat ***Ruusan ***Sapith ***Sigil ***Silver ***Solari ***Stygium ***Ultima-Pearl ***Upari ***Velmorite ***Violet ***Viridian ***Yellow **Lightsaber emitter ***Crude phobium emitter ***Deflection emitter ****Expert deflection emitter ****Improved deflection emitter ***Disrupting emitter ****Advanced disrupting emitter ****Superior disrupting emitter ***Fencing emitter ****Expert fencing emitter ****Improved fencing emitter ***Phobium alloy emitter ****Refined phobium emitter ****Synthesized phobium emitter **Lightsaber lens ***Adegan lens ***Beam Gem lens ****Improved Beam Gem lens ***Dragite lens ***Enhanced Byrothsis lens ***Pontite lens ***Pure Kunda lens ***Pure Byrothsis lens ***Ossus dueling lens ***Synthesized Byrothsis lens ***Synthesized Kunda lens ***Vibration lens ****Improved vibration lens **Lightsaber power cell ***Diatium energy cell ****Improved diatium energy cell ****Superior diatium energy cell ****Ultimate diatium energy cell ***Discharge energy cell ****Improved discharge energy cell ****Superior discharge energy cell ***Ion energy cell ****Improved ion energy cell ****Superior ion energy cell ***Telgorn jolt cell Mark I ***Telgorn jolt cell Mark II ***Telgorn jolt cell Mark III **Lightsaber shoto ***Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber *Ludo Kressh's armband *Magcon field *Magnetic seal *Mass Shadow Generator *Massassi Ceremonial Blade *Meditation band **Matukai meditation band *Medpac **Advanced medpac **Life support pack *Memory wipe *Mine **Flash mine ***Average Flash mine ***Blinding Flash mine ***Devastating Flash mine ***Minor Flash mine ***Strong Flash mine **Fragmentation mine ***Average Frag mine ***Deadly Frag mine ***Devastating Frag mine ***Minor Frag mine ***Strong Frag mine **Gas mine ***Average Gas mine ***Deadly Gas mine ***Devastating Gas mine ***Minor Gas mine ***Strong Gas mine **Plasma mine ***Average Plasma mine ***Deadly Plasma mine ***Devastating Plasma mine ***Minor Plasma mine ***Strong Plasma mine **Sonic mine ***Average Sonic mine ***Deadly Sonic mine ***Devastating Sonic mine ***Minor Sonic mine ***Strong Sonic mine *Mining laser **Aratech 500 series mining laser *Multi-spectral target assessor *Nagai combat gloves *Navicomputer *Nerve amplifier belt *Neural band *Nikto soldier gloves *Nuclear bomb *Nomi's armband *Ossluk's gloves *Personal energy shield **Arkanian energy shield **Echani dueling shield **Echani shield **Mandalorian melee shield **Mandalorian power shield **Telos mining shield **Verpine prototype shield *Plasma torch *Quarterstaff **Geonosian electro-staff **Handmaiden's staff **Killstick *Proton bomb *Rakatan band *Rebreather mask *Regal visor *Repair kit **Advanced repair kit **Construction kit *Security tunneler **Security spike tunneler *Shielding visor **Enhanced shielding visor *Sith mask *Sith power gauntlet *Sonic carbine *Sonic imprint sensor *Sonic nullifiers **Absorption visor *Sonic pistol **Arkanian sonic blaster **Dashade sonic blaster **Heavy sonic blaster **Systech aural blaster *Sonic rifle *Spacer's sensor *Stabilizer mask *Stealth field enhancer *Stealth field generator **Aratech Echo Belt **Aratech SD belt **Defel Mimicker **Eriadu stealth unit **Exchange Shadow Caster *Stimulant **Adrenal alacrity ***Hyper-adrenal alacrity **Adrenal stamina ***Hyper-adrenal stamina **Adrenal strength ***Hyper-adrenal strength **Battle stimulant ***Hyper-battle stimulant **Echani battle stimulant **Squad recovery stim *Strength enhancer **CNS strength enhancer **GNS strength enhancer *Survey gear *Sword **Double-bladed sword ***Ludo Kressh's War Sword ***Sith war sword ***Trandoshan double-blade ***Zhaboka **Long Sword ***Freyyr's warblade ***Shyarn ***Trandoshan sword **Short sword ***Rodian blade ****Rodian death blade ***Ryyk blade ***Twi'lek spinning blade *Target assessor *Targeting visor *Taris survival gloves *Thorium charge *Tibanna gas *Turret *Utility belt **Czerka utility belt **Exchange utility belt **Safety harness **Tech specialist belt *Vao armband *Vibroweapon **Force pike **Vibro-ax ***Arg'garok **Vibroblade ***Tehk'la blade ***Zabrak vibroblade **Vibrocutter **Vibro double-blade **Vibrosword ***Echani vibrosword ***Sith Tremor Sword **Edge ***Devaronian edge ****Deadly Devaronian edge ****Mild Devaronian edge ****Moderate Devaronian edge ****Severe Devaronian edge ***Ionite edge ****Basic ionite edge ****Superior ionite edge ****Improved ionite edge ***Mullinine edge ****Basic mullinine edge ****Improved mullinine edge ****Superior mullinine edge ***Neutronium edge ****Basic neutronium edge ****Improved neutronium edge ****Superior neutronium edge ***Ostrine edge ***Quadranium edge **Energy cell ***Enhanced energy cell ****Enhanced energy cell Mark II ****Enhanced energy cell Mark III ****Enhanced energy cell Mark IV ***Ion cell ****Ion cell Mark II ****Ion cell Mark III ****Ion cell Mark IV ***Sonic discharge cell ****Sonic discharge cell Mark II ****Sonic discharge cell Mark III ***Vibration cell ****Vibration cell Mark II ****Vibration cell Mark III ****Vibration cell Mark IV **Hilt ***Agrinium grip ****Advanced agrinium grip ****Superior agrinium grip ***Basket hilt ****Advanced basket hilt ****Superior basket hilt ***Contoured grip ****Advanced contoured grip ****Superior contoured grip ***Nagai grip ****Advanced Nagai grip ****Superior Nagai grip ***Zabrak grip ****Advanced Zabrak grip ****Superior Zabrak grip *Wrist Launcher **Dart ***Kyber dart ***Lawn dart ***Paralysis dart ***Poison dart ***Tranquilizer dart **Rocket ***Buster rocket ***Concussion rocket ***Explosive rocket ***Ion rocket ***Plasma rocket ***Poison rocket
  • *Великая гиперпространственная война *Великая война ситхов **Звериные войны *Мандалорские войны **Первая битва за Ондерон **Attacks on the Zabrak colonies **Battle of Serroco **Battle of Eres III **Battle of Dxun **Second Battle of Onderon **Battle of Malachor V *Jedi Civil War **Bombing of Telos IV **Destruction of Taris **Attack on Dantooine **Battle of Rakata Prime *Dark Wars **First Jedi Purge ***Conclave at Katarr ***Skirmish at Peragus II ***Battle of Dantooine ***Skirmish on Nar Shaddaa ***Duel on the Ebon Hawk ***Duel in the Korriban Academy (First Jedi Purge) ***Duel in the Telosian Jedi Academy **Onderon Civil War ***First Battle of Onderon ***Second Battle of Onderon **Battle of Telos IV **Battle of Malachor *Sith Civil War *Telosian Restoration Project *Fall of the Galactic Republic
  • *Great Hyperspace War *Great Sith War **Beast Wars *Mandalorian Wars **First Battle of Onderon **Attacks on the Zabrak colonies **Battle of Serroco **Battle of Eres III **Battle of Dxun **Second Battle of Onderon **Battle of Malachor V *Jedi Civil War **Bombing of Telos IV **Destruction of Taris **Attack on Dantooine **Battle of Rakata Prime *Dark Wars **First Jedi Purge ***Conclave at Katarr ***Skirmish at Peragus II ***Battle of Dantooine ***Skirmish on Nar Shaddaa ***Duel on the Ebon Hawk ***Duel in the Korriban Academy (First Jedi Purge) ***Duel in the Telosian Jedi Academy **Onderon Civil War ***First Battle of Onderon ***Second Battle of Onderon **Battle of Telos IV **Battle of Malachor *Sith Civil War *Telosian Restoration Project *Fall of the Galactic Republic
  • Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords#legends
  • Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords
  • Gioco di ruolo
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Повелители ситхов
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  • Knights of the Old Republic
  • Star Wars: Force for Change Announces New Star Wars Humble Bundle III to Benefit UNICEF
  • Crafting the KOTOR II Story
  • Crafting the KOTOR II Story
  • It is a perilous time for the galaxy. A brutal civil war has all but destroyed the Jedi Order, leaving the ailing Republic on the verge of collapse. Amid the turmoil, the evil Sith have spread across the galaxy, hunting down and destroying the remaining Jedi Knights. Narrowly escaping a deadly Sith ambush, the last known Jedi clings to life aboard a battered freighter near the ravaged world of Peragus…
  • It is a perilous time for the galaxy. A brutal civil war has all but destroyed the Jedi Order, leaving the ailing Republic on the verge of collapse. Amid the turmoil, the evil Sith have spread across the galaxy, hunting down and destroying the remaining Jedi Knights. Narrowly escaping a deadly Sith ambush, the last known Jedi clings to life aboard a battered freighter near the ravaged world of Peragus....…
  • E3 Lineup Includes KOTOR II: The Sith Lords
  • E3 Lineup Includes KOTOR II: The Sith Lords
  • LucasArts Launches KOTOR II Site
  • LucasArts Launches KOTOR II Site
  • Now Available: KOTOR II
  • Now Available: KOTOR II
  • See the KOTOR II Trailer
  • See the KOTOR II Trailer
  • The Art of KOTOR II
  • The Art of KOTOR II
  • Мрачные времена наступили в галактике. Беспощадная гражданская война уничтожила почти весь Орден джедаев, и немощная Республика находится на грани краха. Во время этой смуты ситхи рассеялись по галактике, охотясь за последними выжившими рыцарями-джедаями. Чудом спасшийся из смертельной ловушки ситхов, последний известный джедай находится на грани жизни и смерти на борту потрёпанного грузового судна у разрушенной планеты Перагус …
  • OFLC: G8+
  • ESRB: T
  • PEGI: 12+
  • ESRB: Teen
  • USK: 12+
  • ESRB rating: Teen
  • OFLC (AU): M
  • *PEGI:12+ *ESRB:Teen *OFLC (AU): G 8+ *USK: 12
  • Xbox, PC
  • PC, Xbox
  • 2004-12-06
  • 2005-02-08
  • Giocatore singolo
  • *Bridge *Carbon *Cockpit *Cyanogen *Dancer's outfit *Dejarik *Durasteel *Dynamic deflector system *Epicenter Six *Ferrocrete *Footlocker *The Force **Affect Mind **Battle meditation **Battle Precognition **Beast Trick **Breath control **Burst of Speed **Crush Opposition **Drain Force **Drain Life **Energy resistance **Fear **Force Aura **Force barrier **Force Body **Force bond **Force camouflage **Force Crush **Force deflection **Force Enlightenment **Force form **Force Push **Force resistance **Force scream **Force sight **Force suppression **Force valor **Fury **Heal **Precognition **Revitalize **Shock **Slow **Stun **Stun Droid **Throw lightsaber **Wound *Ground warfare *Hangar *Hell *I have a bad feeling about this *Invasion *Juma Juice *Kolto *Lightsaber combat **Ataru **Juyo **Makashi **Niman ***Jar'Kai **Shien **Shii-Cho **Soresu **Telekinetic *Mask of Darth Nihilus *May the Force be with you *Meatbag *Military flash code *Miner's uniform *Pazaak *Peragian Fuel *Plasteel *Refresher *Republic Day *Space warfare *Spacesuit *Starport visa *Torture *Treason *Volduuk crystal *Workbench *Xoxin
  • *Bridge *Carbon *Carbon scoring *Cockpit *Code of the Sith *Coma *Cyanogen *Dancer's outfit *Dejarik *Durasteel *Dynamic deflector system *Epicenter Six *Ferrocrete *Footlocker *The Force **Affect Mind **Battle meditation **Battle Precognition **Beast Trick **Breath control **Burst of Speed **Crush Opposition **Drain Force **Drain Life **Energy resistance **Fear **Force Aura **Force barrier **Force Body **Force bond **Force camouflage **Force Crush **Force deflection **Force Enlightenment **Force form **Force Push **Force resistance **Force scream **Force sight **Force suppression **Force valor **Fury **Heal **Precognition **Revitalize **Shock **Slow **Stun **Stun Droid **Throw lightsaber **Wound *Ground warfare *Hangar *Hell *I have a bad feeling about this *Invasion *Jedi Code *Jedi training *Juma Juice *Kolto *Lightsaber combat **Ataru **Juyo **Makashi **Niman ***Jar'Kai **Shien **Shii-Cho **Soresu **Telekinetic *Mask of Darth Nihilus *May the Force be with you *Meatbag *Military flash code *Miner's uniform *Pazaak *Peragian Fuel *Plasteel *Refresher *Republic Day *Sentience *Sith training *Space warfare *Spacesuit *Starport visa *Torture *Treason *Volduuk crystal *Workbench *Xoxin
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Preceded By
  • *Aurek-class tactical strikefighter *Airspeeder *Basilisk war droid *Centurion-class battlecruiser **Ravager *Darth Sion's starship *Dynamic-class freighter **Ebon Hawk *Forklift *Foray-class blockade runner *G-Type light shuttle *Hammerhead-class cruiser **Harbinger (Hammerhead-class) **Sojourn *Interdictor-class cruiser *Space station **Citadel Station *Swoop bike *Tweigar *Valiant *Yacht **Starscape-class yacht ***Visionary *Leviathan *KT-400 military droid carrier *Landspeeder *Lunar Shadow *Ministry-class orbital shuttle *Republic freighter *Sith interceptor
  • *Aurek-class tactical strikefighter *Airspeeder *Basilisk war droid *Centurion-class battlecruiser **Ravager *Darth Sion's starship *Dynamic-class freighter **Ebon Hawk *Forklift *Foray-class blockade runner *G-Type light shuttle *Hammerhead-class cruiser **Harbinger (Hammerhead-class) **Sojourn *Interdictor-class cruiser *Space station **Citadel Station *Swoop bike *Tweigar *Valiant *Yacht **Starscape-class yacht ***Visionary *Leviathan *KT-400 military droid carrier *Landspeeder *Lunar Shadow *Ministry-class orbital shuttle *Republic freighter *Sith interceptor
  • *Аквалиши *Биты *Цереане *Чадра-фаны *Деваронцы *Дуросы *Эчани *Фенелары *Гаморреанцы *Ганды *Джеонозийцы *Граны *Люди *Хатты *Иотране *Иторианцы *Караканцы *Массасси *Миралука *Нагаи *Никто *Куаррены *Раката *Родианцы *Салластанцы *Тойдарианцы *Трандошане *Тви'леки *Убезийцы *Верпины *Викуэи *Вуки *Забраки *Zeltron
  • *Aqualish *Bith *Cerean *Chadra-Fan *Devaronian *Duros *Echani *Fenelar *Gamorrean *Gand *Geonosian *Gran *Human *Hutt *Iotran *Ithorian *Karakan *Massassi *Miraluka *Nagai *Nikto *Quarren *Rakata *Rodian *Sullustan *Toydarian *Trandoshan *Twi'lek *Ubese *Verpine *Weequay *Wookiee *Zabrak *Zeltron
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords
  • *6 de Dezembro, 2004 *8 de Fevereiro, 2005
  • Kotoriibox.jpg
  • CD, DVD
  • CD , Xbox DVD
  • 250
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Keyboard and mouse, Gamepad
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • スター・ウォーズ:旧共和国の騎士 II シス卿たち
  • スター・ウォーズ:旧共和国の騎士 II シス卿たち
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua Republica II: Los Senores Sith
  • Star Wars:Caballeros de la Antigua República II: Los Señores Sith
  • Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República II: Los Señores Sith
  • Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República II: Los Señores Sith
  • Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República II: Los Señores Sith
  • Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República II: Los Señores Sith
  • Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República II: Los Señores Sith
  • news/star-wars-force-for-change-announces-new-star-wars-humble-bundle-iii-to-benefit-unicef
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20041119/index.html
  • games-apps/knights-of-the-old-republic
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20041119/index.html
  • games-apps/knights-of-the-old-republic
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20041124/index.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20041124/index.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20040504.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20040504.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20040727.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20040727.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20041029.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20041029.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20041206.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20041206.html
  • 2004-12-06
  • 2005-02-08
  • --12-06
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • *Адмирал *Aratech *Bavakar Medical Research Labs *Звериные наездники *Bounty hunter **Findsman *Bounty Hunters' Guild *Bumani Exchange Corporation **Обмен *Captain *Colonel *Council of Lords *Crime lord *Czerka Corporation *Force Adept *Galactic Republic **Republic Navy *General *ГеноХарадан *Gu-vandi Collective *Gunner *Handmaiden Sisters *Iziz Comm *Совет Изиза *Джал Шей *Охотник на джедаев *Джедаи **Орден джедаев ***Джедай-консул ***Совет джедаев ****Высший совет джедаев ***Джедай-генерал ***Джедай-защитник ***Джедай-историк ***Младишй джедай ***Рыцарь-джедай ***Jedi librarian ***Мастер-джедай ***Джедай-страж ***Джедай-дозорный ***Jedi Weaponmaster ***Падаван *Кунда **Ополчение Кунды *Король *Лейтенант *L'Xing *Мандалорцы **Мандалорские неокрестоносцы **Клан Ордо **Мандалор *Матукай *Medic *Mercenary *Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. *Miner *Nihilus slave *Ондеронские вооружённые силы **Royalist **Separatist *Police officer *Queen *Алое Затмение *Refugee *Реваншисты *Salvager *Serroco *Ситхи **Тёмные джедаи **Тёмный повелитель ситхов **Governor **Ситх-ученик **Sith archeologist **Солдат ситхов **Лорд ситхов **Sith Marauder **Мастер-ситх **Sith wrangler **Империя ситхов Дарта Ревана ***Ситх-убийца **Триумвират ситхов **Истинные ситхи *Slaver *Slave *Spacer *Swoop racer *Systech Corporation *Tech specialist *Телосианские силы безопасности *Telosian Council *Zeison Sha *Zhug brothers
  • *Admiral *Aratech *Bavakar Medical Research Labs *Beast Riders *Bounty hunter **Findsman *Bounty Hunters' Guild *Bumani Exchange Corporation **Exchange *Captain *Colonel *Council of Lords *Crime lord *Czerka Corporation *Force Adept *Galactic Republic **Republic Navy *General *GenoHaradan *G0-T0's Droid Army *Gu-vandi Collective *Gunner *Handmaiden Sisters *Iziz Comm *Iziz Council *Jal Shey *Jedi hunter *Jedi **Jedi Order ***Jedi Consular ***Jedi Council ****Jedi High Council ***Jedi General ***Jedi Guardian ***Jedi historian ***Jedi Initiate ***Jedi Knight ***Jedi librarian ***Jedi Master ***Jedi Sentinel ***Jedi Watchman ***Jedi Weaponmaster ***Padawan ***Lost Jedi *Khoonda *Khoonda Militia *King *Lieutenant *L'Xing *Mandalorians **Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders **Clan Ordo **Mandalore **Unidentified Mandalorian Clan (Dantooine) *Matukai *Medic *Mercenary *Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. *Miner *Nihilus slave *Onderonian military **Royalist **Separatist *Police officer *Queen *Red Eclipse *Refugee *Revanchists *Salvager *Serroco *Sith **Dark Jedi **Dark Lord of the Sith **Governor **Sith apprentice **Sith archeologist **Sith assault trooper **Sith Lord **Sith Marauder **Sith Master **Sith wrangler **Revan's Sith Empire ***Sith assassin **Sith Triumvirate **True Sith *Slaver *Slave *Spacer *Swoop racer *Systech Corporation *Tech specialist *Telos Security Force *Telosian Council *Zeison Sha *Zhug brothers
  • *Automated fire extinguisher *Baragwin battle tank *Construction droid foreman *Construction droid Mark I *Construction droid Mark II *Fire suppression droid Mark I *Floating mine *Heavy Guardian *HK-series assassin droid **HK-50 series assassin droid **HK-51 series assassin droid *Interrogation droid *Maintenance droid *Mark I assault droid *Medical droid *Military droid MK I *Military droid MK II *Mining droid **Environment droid Mark II **Excavator droid Mark I **Excavator droid Mark II **Mining droid Mark I **Mining droid Mark II *Municipal patrol droid Mark I *Probe droid **K-X12 probe droid *Protocol droid **GE3-series protocol droid *Sentry droid Mark I *Sith war droid *Tank droid Mark IV *Utility droid **3C-series utility droid **IT-series utility droid **T1-series utility droid **T3-series utility droid *Warbot
  • *Automated fire extinguisher *Baragwin battle tank *Construction droid foreman *Construction droid Mark I *Construction droid Mark II *Fire suppression droid Mark I *Floating mine *Heavy Guardian *HK-series assassin droid **HK-50 series assassin droid **HK-51 series assassin droid *Interrogation droid *Maintenance droid *Mark I assault droid *Medical droid *Military droid MK I *Military droid MK II *Mining droid **Environment droid Mark II **Excavator droid Mark I **Excavator droid Mark II **Mining droid Mark I **Mining droid Mark II *Municipal patrol droid Mark I *Probe droid **K-X12 probe droid *Protocol droid **GE3-series protocol droid *Sentry droid Mark I *Sith war droid *Tank droid Mark IV *Utility droid **3C-series utility droid **IT-series utility droid **T1-series utility droid **T3-series utility droid *Warbot
  • *Alderaan *Calamari *Cerea *Cinnagar *Corellia *Coruscant **High Council Chamber *Cron Drift *Dagary Minor *Dantooine **Crystal Cave ***Mercenary enclave **Jedi Enclave **Khoonda **Salvager camp *Dersonn III *Duro *Dxun **Mandalorian Outpost **Tomb of Freedon Nadd *Erai **Third moon of Erai *Eres III *Eriadu *Geonosis *Hasaq *Hsskor *Iotra *Ithor *Iti Cluster *Kamino *Katarr *Korriban **Shyrack cave ***Tomb of Ludo Kressh **Sith Academy **Valley of the Dark Lords *M4-78 *Malachor V **Trayus Academy ***Trayus Core *Onderon **Iziz ***Iziz Royal Palace ***Iziz Starport ***Merchant Quarter ****Iziz Cantina ***Sky Ramp **South Quarter Mining Refinery *Ossus *Peragus II **Peragus asteroid field ***32-18 asteroid shelf ***32-19K **Peragus Mining Facility ***Hangar 25 *Praven Prime *Serroco *Sleheyron *Stenness *Taris *Telos IV **Citadel Station **Restoration Zone ***RZ-0031 ****HK Manufacturing Plant **Telos Polar Irrigation System ***Telosian Jedi Academy *Toorja system *Unknown Regions *Y'Toub system **Nal Hutta **Nar Shaddaa ***Entertainment Promenade ****Pazaak Den ***Nar Shaddaa Docks ****Jekk'Jekk Tarr ****Nar Shaddaa Flophouse ***Red Light Sector ***Refugee Sector ****Refugee Landing Pad ****Refugee Quad
  • *Альдераан *Каламари *Cerea *Циннагар *Кореллия *Корусант **Зал Высшего совета *Cron Drift *Dagary Minor *Дантуин **Crystal Cave ***Mercenary enclave **Анклав джедаев **Кунда **Salvager camp *Дерсон III *Дуро *Дксун **Mandalorian Outpost **Гробница Фридона Надда *Erai **Erai III *Eres III *Эриаду *Геонозис *Hasaq *Hsskor *Iotra *Итор *Iti Cluster *Камино *Катарр *Коррибан **Shyrack cave ***Гробница Лудо Кресша **Академия ситхов **Долина тёмных лордов *M4-78 *Малакор V **Академия Трайуса ***Trayus Core *Ондерон **Изиз ***Королевский дворец Изиза ***Iziz Starport ***Merchant Quarter ****Iziz Cantina ***Sky Ramp **South Quarter Mining Refinery *Ossus *Перагус II **Астероидное поле Перагуса ***32-18 asteroid shelf ***32-19K **Peragus Mining Facility ***Hangar 25 *Praven Prime *Серроко *Слехейрон *Stenness *Тарис *Телос IV **Станция «Цитадель» **Зона восстановления ***RZ-0031 ****HK Manufacturing Plant **Telos Polar Irrigation System ***Телосианская Академия джедаев *Toorja system *Unknown Regions *Y'Toub system **Nal Hutta **Nar Shaddaa ***Entertainment Promenade ****Pazaak Den ***Nar Shaddaa Docks ****Джек'джек Тарр ****Nar Shaddaa Flophouse ***Red Light Sector ***Сектор беженцев ****Refugee Landing Pad ****Refugee Quad
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • Chris Avellone , Kevin Saunders, Ferret Baudoin, Tony Evans, Michael Chu
  • Microsoft Windows:
  • Pentium III or Athlon 1 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 32MB OpenGL 1.4 & Hardware T&L compliant AGP or PCI video card, DirectX 9.0c compliant sound card, 4X Speed CD drive, Microsoft Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP, DirectX 9.0cXbox:
  • Memory unit
  • 1
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • * 6. joulukuuta 2004 * 8. helmikuuta 2005
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords je pokračovaním hry Knights of the Old Republic. Hra získala viac než 35 ocenení hry roku. Druhý diel sa odohráva približne 4000 rokov pred udalosťami z filmu Star Wars Epizóda I. Päť rokov po udalostiach z úspešnej hry Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic sú rytieri Jedi na pokraji záhuby a Republike hrozí pod tlakom lorda z Sithu zánik. Poslednou nádejou Republiky zostáva tak osamotený rytier Jedi, snažiaci sa znovu spojiť s vesmírnou silou. Bude však musieť čeliť tomu najťažšiemu rozhodnutiu: nasledovať svetlú stranu sily, alebo podľahnúť jej temnej strane... * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • この作品のタイムラインは、前作『Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic』のおよそ5年後、暗黒大戦の時代の設定されており、前作と共通する登場人物はほとんどいない。前作は、プレイヤーの選択によって、ライトサイドかダークサイドの異なる結末が用意されていた。そのため、続編『The Sith Lords』では、どちらの結末の続きをプレイするか選択できるようになっている。しかし、どちらの選択肢を選んだとしても、『The Sith Lords』のストーリーはシスがジェダイ・オーダーをほぼ完全に破壊した後の時代から開始する。プレイヤーが操作するキャラクターは、マンダロア戦争以降、ジェダイ・オーダーから追放されていたジェダイ・ナイトである。ゲームの開始場面で、このキャラクターはエグザイル、またはジェダイ・エグザイルと呼ばれているが、プレイヤーは好きな名前をつけることが出来る。 主人公の味方として、クレイア(主人公の師匠的キャラクター)や賞金稼ぎのミラ(プレイヤーがライトサイドを選択した場合、ナー・シャッダで味方になる)、ウーキーの賞金稼ぎハンハー(プレイヤーがダークサイドを選択した場合、ナー・シャッダで味方になる)、ジェダイ内戦でシスのエリート工作員として活躍した密輸業者、アットン・ランド(主人公を女性キャラクターにした場合、主人公の恋愛対象となる)、ザブラクの技術者ベイオ=デュア、侍女ブリアナ(主人公を男性キャラクターにした場合のみ仲間になり、恋愛対象となる)、元ジェダイ訓練生で歴史家のマイカル(女性主人公の恋愛対象のひとり)、ミラルカのダーク・ジェダイで、ダース・ナイアリスの弟子ヴィサス・マー(男性主人公の恋愛対象のひとり)、尋問ドロイドのT3-M4、アサシン・ドロイドのHK-47、マンダロリアンのカンデラス・オルドといったキャラクターが登場する。フォース=センシティブのエネルギーに飢えたシス卿、ダース・ナイアリスや、ぼろぼろの肉体を持つシス卿ダース・サイオンがこの作品の敵キャラクターである。
  • (Huom: Tämä perustuu kaanoniseen naispuoliseen hahmoon, joka seuraa Voiman valoisaa puolta. Sukupuoli, planeettojen järjetys ja useat muut seikat saattavat vaihdella pelaajan valintojen mukaan.)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is the sequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was widely regarded as a major commercial and critical success. The original game, was developed by BioWare whereas The Sith Lords was developed by Obsidian Entertainment. According to the game's producers, the change of developers was because of BioWare's occupation with other games, such as Jade Empire and Dragon Age. The Sith Lords was constructed using an updated version of the Odyssey engine used in Knights of the Old Republic, which Obsidian obtained from BioWare after being recommended to develop the game. The game takes place about five years after Knights of the Old Republic's conclusion and follows a completely different set of characters, with minor mentioning or cut scenes of previous characters. The conclusion of the first game varied depending on the choices of the player, with either the light side or dark side of the Force emerging triumphant — at the beginning of The Sith Lords, players specify which of the conclusions they wish the sequel to follow, making any form of guide extremely hard to make due to the amount of options and differences to the game. Regardless of how the original game ended, the beginning of The Sith Lords has the Sith, having almost completely destroyed the Jedi Order, being the key power to the galaxy despite being hidden. The character that the player takes control of is a Jedi Knight banished from the Order for disobeying the council's orders and is thought to be one of the last remaining Jedi, known as the Jedi Exile. Some of the new characters who may join the exile are Kreia, who helps to mentor the exile into regaining the force within him, T3-M4 a droid with a mind of its own, Atton Rand, a ex-Sith Asssassin and Bao-Dur, a mechanic who served the exile in the Mandalorian Wars. Some of the new planets the character visits are Telos IV, Onderon, Peragus II. Korriban and Dantooine, which also appeared in the original Knights of the Old Republic game, are also revisited. The Ebon Hawk, the ship used by the main character in the first game, once again makes an appearance, but this time is used as the Exile's ship.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords è il seguito di Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, il quale è stato definito dalla critica come un grande successo dal punto di vista commerciale e della critica. Il gioco originale, tuttavia, venne sviluppato da una compagnia diversa, la BioWare. In base a quanto riportato dai produttori del gioco, il campio di sviluppatori fu dovuto principalmente al fatto che BioWare era impegnata nella realizzazione di altri titoli, come Jade Empire e Dragon Age. Pare che BioWare abbia raccomandato Obsidian come sviluppatore alternativo, avendo lavorato con molti dei membri chiave di Obsidian quando essi erano parte degli ora defunti Black Isle Studios. The Sith Lords è stato realizzato utilizzando una versione aggiornata dell'Odyssey engine dell'originale Knights of the Old Republic che Obsidian ottenne da BioWare.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords (KotOR II) is a role playing video game released for the Xbox and Microsoft Windows. The Xbox version of this sequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was released on December 6, 2004, while the Windows version was released on February 8, 2005. It was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by LucasArts.
  • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, to gra komputerowa stworzona przez Obsidian Entertainment w 2005 roku. Jej akcja rozgrywa się 3951 lat BBY. W 2004 roku wydano poradnik do gry: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords er opfølgeren til det populære rollespil Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Det udkom ligesom det første både til Xbox og computer. Spillet blev dog i modsætning til 1'eren ikke udviklet af BioWare (da de var optaget af andre titler, som Jade Empire og Dragon Age) men derimod Obsidian Entertainment.KOTOR II bruger en opgraderet version af spilmotoren brugt i det første spil. Historien finder sted fem år efter afslutningen i det første spil, og handler om et set nye figurer. Som i det første spil kan spilleren tage valg som fører ham eller hende nærmere Den lyse side eller Den mørke side. Slutningen af historien afhenger af disse valg.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a video game developed by Obsidian. It's the sequel to Bioware's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It was released for Xbox on December 6, 2004, while the Windows version was released on February 8, 2005.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords — это компьютерная игра в жанре RPG, выпущенная на платформах PC и Xbox. Игру разрабатывала фирма Obsidian Entertaiment, а издавала LucasArts.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords är ett spel som finns till PC och Xbox. Det släpptes den 6:e december 2004 til Xbox och den 8:e februari 2005 till PC. Spelet utvecklades av Obsidian Entertainment och gavs ut av Lucasarts.
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