  • Kryll
  • Kryll
  • Kryll
  • General Kryll was an officer who served with the Alliance to Restore the Republic and later the New Republic.
  • The Kryll were highly aggressive carnivores native to the Outer Hollow of Sera. Fliers by nature, these individually meek creatures often swarmed together, becoming a near-unstoppable force that could shred people down to the bone in the blink of an eye.
  • Kryll war ein Goblin im Dienste des Schwarzen Drachen Todesschwinge. Er war der Doppelagent des schwarzen Aspekts in den Reihen der Horde während des Zweiten Kriegs und schien unter den Goblins einen hohen Rang zu bekleiden.
  • Kryll was the fifth Lord Marshal of the Necromongers. He brought about the Order of the Quasi-Dead during the conflict with the Carthodox. He was succeeded by Zhylaw the Last.
  • Im Auftrag Todesschwinges suchte er Nekros Schädelberster auf und berichtete ihm von den neuen Bestrebungen, Alexstrasza aus der Gewalt des Drachenmalklans zu befreien. Weiteres Unheil stiftete er, als er das Lager von Falstad und Vereesa ausfindig machte, sich gefangennehmen ließ und versprach, sie zu dem "Zauberer" und dem "Drachen" zu führen. Den Weganweisungen von Kryll eine Weile folgend lotste jener Vereesa und Falstad schließlich in eine tiefe Schlucht, um einem Roten Drachen am Himmel zu entgehen. Dort schließlich offenbarte er sein wahres Gesicht und seinen Auftraggeber und sah den beiden zu, wie sie in einer Art Treibsand untergingen.
  • Kryll is a female necromancer who has eloped with Taris' husband for unknown reasons. If Dorn Il-Khan is recruited into the party, then he will eventually give a quest to find and kill Kryll as revenge for leaving him to rot in a Luskan prison. After Dorn's quest is active she can be found at the Area East of Nashkel Mines, at the center of the map against a canyon wall. During the battle, Kryll will raise approximately five skeletons from the dead corpses around her. If the party defeats any of these skeletons, then Kryll will raise a new one to replace it.
  • Kryll are a species of small, nocturnal carnivores utilized by the Locust Horde of the planet Sera. They are four-winged fliers with a solitary pair of huge, glowing, yellow-orange eyes and a very sharp beak; however, this is hard to make out in the dark of their environments and one usually does not have the time to try and determine how they look when out in the field with them. They take nocturnalism to an extreme, and are in fact extremely susceptible to UV radiation, which will disintegrate them with enough concentration of it. Because of this heavy weakness, they avoid light whenever possible, allowing friends and foes alike to escape their ravenous wrath just by remaining near light sources. The Locust Horde choose to utilize them to defend the derelict human cities at night, as no
  • Kryll was a goblin who served Deathwing during the time between the Second and Third Wars. His voice held tones of mischief and madness, his skin was emerald green, and his grin was madcap, with long and very sharp teeth, and an almost forked blood-red tongue. His eyes were narrow and yellow with no visible pupils, and his hair was dull brown ridge of fur that rose up from behind his neck and finished as a wild crest above his squat forehead. Although he was wiry and narrow, his body was also muscular. Despite making a wish in the Dalaran fountain, has not yet exploded.
  • Kryll étais un gobelin au service d'Aile de mort entre la deuxième et Troisième guerre. Sa voix, aigüe, est une voix qui fait particulièrement penser a un Gobelin fou, ce qui reflète a la perfection sa personnalité. Kryll avait des dents très pointues, des yeux étroits et jaunes, et des cheveux bruns, sa coupe de cheveux étais une crête commençant sur la nuque comme une crête droite et taillée et finissant sur le front comme une crête sauvage et décoiffée.Il présentait aussi une assez grosse musculature.
  • *Rebellion era *New Republic era
  • *Locust War
  • The Hollow
  • The Chronicles of Riddick
  • Yellow
  • Gender: Male
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Unknown
  • Kryll
  • New Republic
  • *Capable of Flight *Extremely Dangerous *Extremely Photosensitive *Swarms in Large Numbers
  • Lord Marshal of the Necromongers
  • Kryll
  • Teeth
Real Name
  • Kryll
  • Lord Marshal 5
  • Servant to
  • Demon
  • 14
  • Kryll is a female necromancer who has eloped with Taris' husband for unknown reasons. If Dorn Il-Khan is recruited into the party, then he will eventually give a quest to find and kill Kryll as revenge for leaving him to rot in a Luskan prison. After Dorn's quest is active she can be found at the Area East of Nashkel Mines, at the center of the map against a canyon wall. During the battle, Kryll will raise approximately five skeletons from the dead corpses around her. If the party defeats any of these skeletons, then Kryll will raise a new one to replace it. File:Kryll and allies.png Kryll and her not-yet raised "allies"
  • General Kryll was an officer who served with the Alliance to Restore the Republic and later the New Republic.
  • Kryll are a species of small, nocturnal carnivores utilized by the Locust Horde of the planet Sera. They are four-winged fliers with a solitary pair of huge, glowing, yellow-orange eyes and a very sharp beak; however, this is hard to make out in the dark of their environments and one usually does not have the time to try and determine how they look when out in the field with them. They take nocturnalism to an extreme, and are in fact extremely susceptible to UV radiation, which will disintegrate them with enough concentration of it. Because of this heavy weakness, they avoid light whenever possible, allowing friends and foes alike to escape their ravenous wrath just by remaining near light sources. The Locust Horde choose to utilize them to defend the derelict human cities at night, as no intelligent creatures will attempt to roam about in the dark with them swarming around. Of all the species allied with the Locusts, the Kryll are probably the most lethal. Being carnivorous and also seemingly very hungry (likely due to a high metabolism rate to allow for such active movements), even a small swarm of these creatures can strip flesh from bone in seconds, leaving little more than a bloodstain as the sole evidence of any violent occurrence. Kryll do not seem to distinguish between friend and foe, and will just as likely devour a foolish Locust Drone as a Human soldier; this helps to indicate that they might not be sapient creatures as some speculate them to be. Of those who make this speculation often cite the Locust Commander, General RAAM, who had mastered the ability to tame the ever-voracious Kryll for use as an attacking force, but also as a personal shield, prior to his death. However, this may either be due to intense training of the specific Kryll he kept or through some otherwise telepathic means. During the day, the Kryll roost underground deep within Locust tunnels due to their extreme photosensitivity. A telltale sign that they happen to inhabit a specific tunnel during the day is a carpeting of Kryll feces, slathered everywhere due to the gargantuan numbers in every swarm. If a Kryll cannot find shelter in a Locust tunnel, however, they are not above inhabiting dark, abandoned structures, and quite a number of smaller swarms seem to roost in nearly all of structures of this type. The Kryll were driven extinct when their breeding grounds were destroyed by the Lightmass bomb.
  • The Kryll were highly aggressive carnivores native to the Outer Hollow of Sera. Fliers by nature, these individually meek creatures often swarmed together, becoming a near-unstoppable force that could shred people down to the bone in the blink of an eye.
  • Kryll was a goblin who served Deathwing during the time between the Second and Third Wars. His voice held tones of mischief and madness, his skin was emerald green, and his grin was madcap, with long and very sharp teeth, and an almost forked blood-red tongue. His eyes were narrow and yellow with no visible pupils, and his hair was dull brown ridge of fur that rose up from behind his neck and finished as a wild crest above his squat forehead. Although he was wiry and narrow, his body was also muscular. Kryll was a skilled alchemist and engineer, and giggled a lot, especially when foul work was afoot. His two chief passions were experimentation and mayhem, and whenever possible he combined the two. Near the end of his life span, Kryll announced his goal to enslave Deathwing using the black dragon scale in the communication crystal given to Rhonin by Deathwing. Before his plan could fall into place though, he was annihilated by the golem guarding the Demon Soul. Despite making a wish in the Dalaran fountain, has not yet exploded.
  • Kryll war ein Goblin im Dienste des Schwarzen Drachen Todesschwinge. Er war der Doppelagent des schwarzen Aspekts in den Reihen der Horde während des Zweiten Kriegs und schien unter den Goblins einen hohen Rang zu bekleiden.
  • Im Auftrag Todesschwinges suchte er Nekros Schädelberster auf und berichtete ihm von den neuen Bestrebungen, Alexstrasza aus der Gewalt des Drachenmalklans zu befreien. Weiteres Unheil stiftete er, als er das Lager von Falstad und Vereesa ausfindig machte, sich gefangennehmen ließ und versprach, sie zu dem "Zauberer" und dem "Drachen" zu führen. Den Weganweisungen von Kryll eine Weile folgend lotste jener Vereesa und Falstad schließlich in eine tiefe Schlucht, um einem Roten Drachen am Himmel zu entgehen. Dort schließlich offenbarte er sein wahres Gesicht und seinen Auftraggeber und sah den beiden zu, wie sie in einer Art Treibsand untergingen. Krylls Dienste für Todesschwinge schienen dem Goblin aber auf längere Sicht unzureichend, weswegen er beschloss, sich zu seinem eigenen Profit auch gegen Todesschwinge aufzulehnen und die verworrene Situation aus Paranoia, tatsächlichen Angriffen, vermuteten Angriffen, rund um Alexstrasza zu seinen eigenen Gunsten auszunutzen. Soweit sollte es allerdings nicht mehr kommen: der feurige Golem, welcher Rhonin bewachte, ließ den Goblin in Flammen aufgehen.
  • Kryll was the fifth Lord Marshal of the Necromongers. He brought about the Order of the Quasi-Dead during the conflict with the Carthodox. He was succeeded by Zhylaw the Last.
  • Kryll étais un gobelin au service d'Aile de mort entre la deuxième et Troisième guerre. Sa voix, aigüe, est une voix qui fait particulièrement penser a un Gobelin fou, ce qui reflète a la perfection sa personnalité. Kryll avait des dents très pointues, des yeux étroits et jaunes, et des cheveux bruns, sa coupe de cheveux étais une crête commençant sur la nuque comme une crête droite et taillée et finissant sur le front comme une crête sauvage et décoiffée.Il présentait aussi une assez grosse musculature. Il était un Alchimiste reconnu ainsi qu'un Ingénieur, il riait beaucoup et aimait les explosions. Ses deux passions principales étaient la destruction et l'expérimentation, il combina les deux a chaque fois que c'était possible. Près de la fin de sa vie, Kryll a annoncé son projet d'asservir Aile de mort en mettant une de ses écailles dans le cristal de communication donné par Aile de mort à Rhonin. Bien que fou, son plan aurais pu se mettre en place si il n'avait pas été anéanti par le golem gardant l'Âme du démon.
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