  • Kuvak
  • Kuvak
  • Kuvak
  • Kuvak was a male Vulcan politician and a key member of the Vulcan goverment in the mid-22nd century, eventually becoming the First Minister of the Confederacy of Vulcan.
  • Minister Kuvak was a member of the Vulcan High Command prior to its dissolution in 2154. Notably more moderate than Administrator V'Las, Kuvak objected to V'Las' plans for an aerial bombardment of the T'Karath Sanctuary in order to eliminate the supposed threat of the Syrrannites, after they were wrongly accused of bombing the United Earth Embassy. (ENT: "Awakening") Following the removal of V'Las from office and the dissolution of the High Command, Kuvak assumed a role in the new Vulcan government and promised a less supervisory role in relation to Earth. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")
  • Più moderato dell'Amministratore V'Las, Kuvak obiettò ai piani di V'Las circa il bombardamento aereo del Santuario di T'Karath per eliminare l'apparente minaccia dei Syrranniti, dopo averli falsamente accusati di aver piazzato una bomba nell'ambasciata terrestre. (ENT: "Risvegli") Quando Jonathan Archer e T'Pau presentarono il Kir'Shara all'Alto Comando ed accusarono V'Las di aver gettato l'accusa sui Syrranniti di aver bombardato l'ambasciata, Kuvak mise fuori combattimento fisico V'Las ed ordinò alle forze Vulcaniane di terminare l'attacco.
  • thumb|Minister Kuvak (2154) Minister Kuvak ist ein Mitglied des vulkanischen Oberkommandos bis zu dessen Auflösung im Jahr 2154. Kuvak ist schon von Anfang an nicht völlig damit einverstanden, das T'Karath-Heiligtum aus der Luft zu bombardieren, wie Administrator V'Las das plant. Er stimmt aber zu, da er denkt, die Syrranniten seien nach dem ihnen zugesprochenen Anschlag auf die irdische Botschaft eine Bedrohung für Vulkan. (ENT: ) Kuvak wurde von John Rubinstein gespielt und von Michael Schwarzmaier synchronisiert.
  • 2154
  • Kuvak
  • Active
  • vul
  • Kuvak in 2154.
  • minister in the Vulcan goverment
Character Name
  • Kuvak
  • from 2161
  • 50
  • no
  • Male
  • male
Home Member State
  • Kuvak was a male Vulcan politician and a key member of the Vulcan goverment in the mid-22nd century, eventually becoming the First Minister of the Confederacy of Vulcan.
  • thumb|Minister Kuvak (2154) Minister Kuvak ist ein Mitglied des vulkanischen Oberkommandos bis zu dessen Auflösung im Jahr 2154. Kuvak ist schon von Anfang an nicht völlig damit einverstanden, das T'Karath-Heiligtum aus der Luft zu bombardieren, wie Administrator V'Las das plant. Er stimmt aber zu, da er denkt, die Syrranniten seien nach dem ihnen zugesprochenen Anschlag auf die irdische Botschaft eine Bedrohung für Vulkan. (ENT: ) Kuvak ist auch skeptisch, wie sinnvoll der mögliche Angriff auf Andoria ist. Aber da er wiederum von V'Las über den Grund des Angriffes belogen wird, der behauptet, die Andorianer hätten sich die Xindi-Superwaffe angeeignet, stimmt er V'Las zu. Als Jonathan Archer und T'Pau das Kir'Shara zum Oberkommando bringen und die Machenschaften von V'Las aufgedeckt werden, entscheidet sich Minister Kuvak V'Las nicht mehr zu folgen und befiehlt der vulkanischen Flotte den Angriff abzubrechen. Nachdem das Oberkommando aufgelöst wird und das vulkanische Volk wieder nach den vollen Lehren Suraks lebt, wird Kuvak nun Mitglied der neuen vulkanischen Regierung. (ENT: ) Kuvak wurde von John Rubinstein gespielt und von Michael Schwarzmaier synchronisiert.
  • Più moderato dell'Amministratore V'Las, Kuvak obiettò ai piani di V'Las circa il bombardamento aereo del Santuario di T'Karath per eliminare l'apparente minaccia dei Syrranniti, dopo averli falsamente accusati di aver piazzato una bomba nell'ambasciata terrestre. (ENT: "Risvegli") Kuvak fu scettico anche circa la prova esibita da V'Las che gli Andoriani erano in possesso della tecnologia Xindi e fu giustamente a disagio quando V'Las usò questa prova quale giustificazione per invadere a sorpresa Andoria. Anche dopo che divenne chiaro che gli Andoriani erano a conoscenza dell'invasione, V'Las ignorò i consigli di Kuvak di far rientrare l'attacco. Quando Jonathan Archer e T'Pau presentarono il Kir'Shara all'Alto Comando ed accusarono V'Las di aver gettato l'accusa sui Syrranniti di aver bombardato l'ambasciata, Kuvak mise fuori combattimento fisico V'Las ed ordinò alle forze Vulcaniane di terminare l'attacco. In seguito alla destituzione di V'Las ed allo sciogliemento dell'Alto Comando, Kuvak assunse un ruolo nel nuovo governo Vulcaniano e promise minor supervisione nei confronti della Terra. (ENT: "Il Kir'Shara") Informazioni di retroscenaKuvak è stato interpretato da John Rubinstein.
  • Minister Kuvak was a member of the Vulcan High Command prior to its dissolution in 2154. Notably more moderate than Administrator V'Las, Kuvak objected to V'Las' plans for an aerial bombardment of the T'Karath Sanctuary in order to eliminate the supposed threat of the Syrrannites, after they were wrongly accused of bombing the United Earth Embassy. (ENT: "Awakening") Kuvak was further skeptical of evidence provided by V'Las that the Andorians had acquired Xindi technology and was understandably troubled when V'Las used this evidence as justification for launching a surprise invasion of Andoria. Even after it became clear that the Andorians were aware of the invasion, V'Las ignored Kuvak's urgings to recall their forces. When Jonathan Archer and T'Pau presented the Kir'Shara to the High Command and accused V'Las of framing the Syrannites for the embassy bombing, Kuvak, who had barely been able to keep his emotions in check when he first saw the legendary artifact, physically incapacitated V'Las and ordered the invasion forces to withdraw. Following the removal of V'Las from office and the dissolution of the High Command, Kuvak assumed a role in the new Vulcan government and promised a less supervisory role in relation to Earth. (ENT: "Kir'Shara") Kuvak was played by John Rubinstein. In the script of "Awakening", Kuvak was described as "an older member of the High Command and no supporter of V'Las."
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