  • Alastor
  • Alastor
  • Alastor
  • Alastor
  • Alastor(アラストールArasutōru) is the God of the Crimson Realm to whom Shana is bound. His true name is "Flame of Heaven"(天壌の劫火Tenjō no Gōka), but he is also referred to as the God of Retribution(天罰神Tenbatsushin) and is greatly feared by Denizens. Alastor is the strongest of all Lords and Denizens, a "God that can kill Gods(神をも殺す神Kami wo mo Korosu Kami) who is considered the only being capable of destroying the "God of Creation", Snake of the Festival. Even so, he tries to keep the Denizens from consuming Power of Existence.
  • Una de las primeras armas que se encuentra Dante en Devil May Cry, es una espada que te otorga el Devil Trigger. Al principio se ve como un simple objeto para examinar pero nos sorprende con una escena donde Alastor atraviesa a Dante, y luego Dante aprovecha para usarla como arma. Dante usa esta arma, como si fuera Rebellion de hecho, es como el contrario de Rebellion.
  • An Alastor is a Kindred agent of the Camarilla who has been charged with hunting down the Anathema: dangerous vampires who have been added to the Camarilla's Red List and targeted for destruction by the entire sect.
  • Alastor- demon wyższej hierarchii, który posiadał moc zmiany kształtu. Mógł zamieniać się w rzeczy. W ten sposób wtapiał się w otoczenie. Był wysłannikiem Źródła, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o Czarodziejkach, ponieważ próbował się ich pozbyć. W momencie kiedy Czarodziejki były najbardziej osłabione, ponieważ Prue zginęła, Paige była nowa i próbował ją przeciągnąć na swoją stronę.
  • Blade Master Alastor is an electrical demon from Movieland’s Underworld and a villain from the Viewtiful Joe series.
  • Alastor refers to several entities in myth. His name means "avenger" and in Greek myth he is an avenger of evil deeds especially family feuds. He inflicts vengeance upon the sons for the sins of their fathers. Alastor is mentioned in Christian demonology as a term for a class of evil spirits and was also an entity compared to Nemesis and is demonic in vengeance. In Zoroastrianism he is simply known as the "executioner" or "tormenter".
  • Alastor was a moderate Colony. It was destroyed along with another 12 Border Colonies and even with the help of the Titan 2's, the UEM forces failed.
  • Alastor is a flying goat demon from Movieland's Underworld in the Viewtiful Joe series. He appears as a recurring boss, and sometimes as a playable character. He is also known as Blade Master Alastor, The Midnight Thunderboy, Stylish Alastor, and occasionally by the nickname Al. Though he is originally allied with Jadow, Alastor doesn't give much thought about his position, but instead longs to seek out "the ultimate battle". He sees himself as the arch-rival of Viewtiful Joe, and always appears with the intent to defeat him. Alastor gave Joe the title "Viewtiful", after seeing him in battle. He is voiced by Mikey Kelley in the games, and Ross Lawerence in the anime.
  • Alastor serves as a personal knight to Strife Astler in Chronicles of the sword☀Chronicle 20 Alastor appears in Soul Calibur IV using Zasalamel's fighting style and appears in ascend mode under the floor "Life To Entertain" and oddly he still uses Zasalamel's fighting style in Soul Calibur Broken Destiny.
  • Alastor, in Christian Demonology, came to be considered a kind of possessing entity. He was likened to Nemesis. The name Alastor was also used as a generic term for a class of evil spirits. Edward Alexander Crowley, 20th century ceremonial magician, changed his first name to Aleister.
  • Alastor ist ein lebender Devil Arm, der in Devil May Cry .
  • Alastor was the spirit of family blood feuds and the infliction of vengeance upon a new generation for the crimes of their fathers. He was a son of Neulus, king of Pylos. Alastor was closely identified with the Erinyes, who punished murderers. However, Alastor inspired anger towards the family of the murderer rather than anger towards just the murderer, which is what the Erinyes inspired.
  • Alastor is an Inferno Demon Lord hero in Heroes of Might and Magic V.
  • The Alastors are a nomad clan, previously affiliated and servants of the original Beelzebub and descendants, of extra devils in the Highschool DxD: Legacy continuitity, and considered one of the most mysterious groups of devils in the underworld, either by their bizarre abilities or their afinity for familiar and supernatural beasts. Since they're also nomads, their location and fate remains unknown, but it is stated that at every household has at least one honorary servant descendant from them.
  • An electrical demon from Movieland's Underworld, Alastor appears as a recurring boss, and sometimes as a playable character. He is also known as "Blade Master Alastor", "The Midnight Thunderboy", "Stylish Alastor", and occasionally by the nickname Al.
  • Alastor - lord demonów, standardowy bohater w Heroes of Might and Magic V. Posiada umiejętności początkowe Brama i Talent Magiczny (poziomy podstawowe) oraz podumiejętnośc Regeneracja Many. Jego specjalna zdolnośc Kosiarz Umysłów sprawia, że zaklęcie Dezorientacja zabiera dodatkowo punkty many od jednostki, na której go rzucono.
  • Alastor (también llamado Vandal Sword o simplemente un Spectre) es espadachín fantasma que posee una espada bastante grande. Es una contraparte del monstruo femenino armado con un rapier, Némesis. Se desvanece y reaparece de la vista continuamente, blandiendo su espada enorme. Sólo la espada puede ser golpeada. En los juegos Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow y Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, el alma de Alastor te permite controlar a Alastor como un familiar, que es bastante similar al Sword Familiar que se encuentra en Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
  • Alastor is a wizard and a researcher on ancient artefacts. Believed to hail from Duldrus, he is still remembered in Gast for using the forge often. At the moment, his whereabouts are unknown. Even though he has often stated his fear for black magicians, and that he would never become one, he has been seen using Black Magic before. The most recent reference to Alastor comes from a note found in a camp of the Diabolicals. Apparently, Master Rem's team was interested in finding the wizard, probably thanks to his research on ancient objects as well.
  • Alastor (Ἀλάστωρ, gen.: Ἀλάστορος; English translation: "avenger") can refer to a number of people and concepts related to Greek mythology: * Alastor was an epithet of the Greek god Zeus, according to Hesychius of Alexandria and the Etymologicum Magnum, which described him as the avenger of evil deeds, specifically, familial bloodshed. As the personification of a curse, it was also an epithet of the Erinyes. The name is also used, especially by the tragic writers, to designate any deity or demon who avenges wrongs committed by men. In Euripides' play Electra, Orestes questions an oracle who calls upon him to kill his mother, and wonders if the oracle was not from Apollo, but some malicious alastor. There was an altar to Zeus Alastor just outside the city walls of Thasos. * By the tim
  • 41
  • 69
  • The Midnight Thunderboy
  • 115
  • Demon Kameleon
  • 108
  • 4
  • Zło
  • Mężczyzna
  • Alastor
  • Devil May Cry
  • 26
  • Electricidad
type of villain
  • Rival
  • 28
  • 504
  • 16
  • 19
  • 180
Imię i nazwisko
  • Alastor
  • Mission 2: In einer Statue steckend
  • Defeat Joe.
  • Alastor
  • Jadow
  • Viewtiful Joe
  • Electrical powers, fighting skills, flight, VFX powers
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • Heroes of Might and Magic V
  • Alastor
  • Alastor
  • Mindreaver
  • Dark
  • Great Axe
  • left
  • Gloomy, Snappish
  • Arasutoru
  • The Alastor clan symbol
  • The Midnight Thunderboy
  • Metamorphosis
  • Zebub Crown
  • 3
  • The Confusion spell has an additional effect of decreasing target's mana on one point per every hero level.
grany przez
  • Alastair Duncan
aktywne moce
  • Alastor
  • 350
  • Metal Card
  • 1
  • Alastor the Stylish, Stylish Alastor, Blade Master, Midnight Thunderboy, Another Joe
  • Fighting to test his strength.
  • Blade Master
  • Zum Interagieren mit Objekten
  • Baeiha\i Heat Wave Eternal Black Hell Eyes
  • Espada
  • #F8E0E0
  • H5SpecMindreaver.png
  • 72
  • Underworld
  • Beelzebub
  • Cohen Lucifer
  • Extra Devils
  • 410
  • Owner of Barton Coliseum.
  • 230
  • Member of Jadow
  • 410
  • Death
  • Fallen
  • Alastor
  • 88
  • Male
  • Sronmar Agalam, Remnants of Alastor
  • アラストル
  • …perhaps he still sees the Eye in his presence when the darkness of the night is at its peak, perhaps he still hears the cries of all of those who suffered, and perhaps he still feels the darkness that surrounds you when the Eye would have its grasp on your soul.
  • 300
  • 36
Kolor włosów
  • Siwy
  • fallen3
Kolor skóry
  • Biały
  • 26
Kolor oczu
  • Zielony
  • 250
podstawowe moce
  • Alastor(アラストールArasutōru) is the God of the Crimson Realm to whom Shana is bound. His true name is "Flame of Heaven"(天壌の劫火Tenjō no Gōka), but he is also referred to as the God of Retribution(天罰神Tenbatsushin) and is greatly feared by Denizens. Alastor is the strongest of all Lords and Denizens, a "God that can kill Gods(神をも殺す神Kami wo mo Korosu Kami) who is considered the only being capable of destroying the "God of Creation", Snake of the Festival. Even so, he tries to keep the Denizens from consuming Power of Existence.
  • Una de las primeras armas que se encuentra Dante en Devil May Cry, es una espada que te otorga el Devil Trigger. Al principio se ve como un simple objeto para examinar pero nos sorprende con una escena donde Alastor atraviesa a Dante, y luego Dante aprovecha para usarla como arma. Dante usa esta arma, como si fuera Rebellion de hecho, es como el contrario de Rebellion.
  • Alastor (también llamado Vandal Sword o simplemente un Spectre) es espadachín fantasma que posee una espada bastante grande. Es una contraparte del monstruo femenino armado con un rapier, Némesis. Se desvanece y reaparece de la vista continuamente, blandiendo su espada enorme. Sólo la espada puede ser golpeada. Alastor es la forma de fantasma del monstruo Sword Lord en el videojuego Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Después de destruir la armadura de Sword Lord, Alastor se revela desde adentro y el mismo debe ser destruido. Una variación enorme de Alastor que no posee una armadura, llamado Azaghal, también aparece en este juego. En los juegos Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow y Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, el alma de Alastor te permite controlar a Alastor como un familiar, que es bastante similar al Sword Familiar que se encuentra en Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. En la mitología griega, Alastor es un espíritu de venganza contra aquellos que cometieron malas acciones, mientras que Némesis castiga a los que ofenden a los dioses. Categoría:Monstruos Categoría:Monstruos basados en seres mitológicos
  • An Alastor is a Kindred agent of the Camarilla who has been charged with hunting down the Anathema: dangerous vampires who have been added to the Camarilla's Red List and targeted for destruction by the entire sect.
  • Alastor is a wizard and a researcher on ancient artefacts. Believed to hail from Duldrus, he is still remembered in Gast for using the forge often. At the moment, his whereabouts are unknown. Even though he has often stated his fear for black magicians, and that he would never become one, he has been seen using Black Magic before. Alastor became widely known during the War of the Eye. According to himself, the Eye priests chased him down for his knowledge on the magical items, namely, on how to unlock the section of the Curio embedded in the Ice Dungeon since Lancaster's times. At first, Alastor tried to resist, but eventually was caught by the cult and submitted to their spells. For a long time, he was seen as having joined the Eye out of his own will. It was only when Mirith controversially requested the help of Marthonis that Alastor was brought to the castle through the necromancer's Black Magic. Bound by Marthonis' spells, a powerless Alastor was interrogated by the Mirithian authorities, revealing the necessary information to defeat the Eye. After that, he was kept captive by the Mirithian healers. The degradation of his mental health was obvious to anyone who talked to him since, however, the conditions under which he was being treated in the capital of the kingdom were often questioned by many. It is known that he was kept sedated "for his own good". On the other hand, it is believed that Birek McCalla knows the cure for Alastor's madness, but none of the two has been seen around a city in a few years. …perhaps he still sees the Eye in his presence when the darkness of the night is at its peak, perhaps he still hears the cries of all of those who suffered, and perhaps he still feels the darkness that surrounds you when the Eye would have its grasp on your soul. “ ” Sronmar Agalam, Remnants of Alastor It is unclear how Alastor managed to escape from Mirith, but he talked freely of his feelings of guilt for helping the Eye to any traveler he met. Rumours seem to imply that he still knew of surviving elements of the Eye, and that he was last seen chasing an Eye priestess. The most recent reference to Alastor comes from a note found in a camp of the Diabolicals. Apparently, Master Rem's team was interested in finding the wizard, probably thanks to his research on ancient objects as well.
  • Alastor- demon wyższej hierarchii, który posiadał moc zmiany kształtu. Mógł zamieniać się w rzeczy. W ten sposób wtapiał się w otoczenie. Był wysłannikiem Źródła, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o Czarodziejkach, ponieważ próbował się ich pozbyć. W momencie kiedy Czarodziejki były najbardziej osłabione, ponieważ Prue zginęła, Paige była nowa i próbował ją przeciągnąć na swoją stronę.
  • Blade Master Alastor is an electrical demon from Movieland’s Underworld and a villain from the Viewtiful Joe series.
  • An electrical demon from Movieland's Underworld, Alastor appears as a recurring boss, and sometimes as a playable character. He is also known as "Blade Master Alastor", "The Midnight Thunderboy", "Stylish Alastor", and occasionally by the nickname Al. Though he is originally allied with Jadow, Alastor doesn't give much thought about his position, but instead longs to seek out "the ultimate battle". He sees himself as the arch-rival of Viewtiful Joe, and always appears with the intent to defeat him. Alastor gave Joe the title "Viewtiful", after seeing him in battle. He is voiced by Mikey Kelley in the games, and Ross Lawerence in the anime.
  • Alastor refers to several entities in myth. His name means "avenger" and in Greek myth he is an avenger of evil deeds especially family feuds. He inflicts vengeance upon the sons for the sins of their fathers. Alastor is mentioned in Christian demonology as a term for a class of evil spirits and was also an entity compared to Nemesis and is demonic in vengeance. In Zoroastrianism he is simply known as the "executioner" or "tormenter".
  • Alastor was a moderate Colony. It was destroyed along with another 12 Border Colonies and even with the help of the Titan 2's, the UEM forces failed.
  • Alastor is a flying goat demon from Movieland's Underworld in the Viewtiful Joe series. He appears as a recurring boss, and sometimes as a playable character. He is also known as Blade Master Alastor, The Midnight Thunderboy, Stylish Alastor, and occasionally by the nickname Al. Though he is originally allied with Jadow, Alastor doesn't give much thought about his position, but instead longs to seek out "the ultimate battle". He sees himself as the arch-rival of Viewtiful Joe, and always appears with the intent to defeat him. Alastor gave Joe the title "Viewtiful", after seeing him in battle. He is voiced by Mikey Kelley in the games, and Ross Lawerence in the anime.
  • Alastor serves as a personal knight to Strife Astler in Chronicles of the sword☀Chronicle 20 Alastor appears in Soul Calibur IV using Zasalamel's fighting style and appears in ascend mode under the floor "Life To Entertain" and oddly he still uses Zasalamel's fighting style in Soul Calibur Broken Destiny.
  • Alastor - lord demonów, standardowy bohater w Heroes of Might and Magic V. Posiada umiejętności początkowe Brama i Talent Magiczny (poziomy podstawowe) oraz podumiejętnośc Regeneracja Many. Jego specjalna zdolnośc Kosiarz Umysłów sprawia, że zaklęcie Dezorientacja zabiera dodatkowo punkty many od jednostki, na której go rzucono. Użyczył portretu Grawlowi (misja "Marsz" kampanii "Czarnoksiężnik") i Guargowi (dostępnemu w edytorze map). Jego oficjalna biografia brzmi: Alastor od najmłodszych lat wykazywał talent do kontrolowania umysłów - jego wrogowie z dzieciąstwa często w niewytłumaczalny sposób koączyli w potokach lawy. Uradowany tymi pokazami umiejętności Władca pozwolił Alastorowi studiować tajniki uzyskiwania władzy nad umysłami u najlepszych mistrzów w Sheogh, a potem w krainach Ashan. Wielokrotnie oddziały przeciwnika, zniewolone jego wzrokiem, przechodziły na stronę demonów.
  • Alastor (Ἀλάστωρ, gen.: Ἀλάστορος; English translation: "avenger") can refer to a number of people and concepts related to Greek mythology: * Alastor was an epithet of the Greek god Zeus, according to Hesychius of Alexandria and the Etymologicum Magnum, which described him as the avenger of evil deeds, specifically, familial bloodshed. As the personification of a curse, it was also an epithet of the Erinyes. The name is also used, especially by the tragic writers, to designate any deity or demon who avenges wrongs committed by men. In Euripides' play Electra, Orestes questions an oracle who calls upon him to kill his mother, and wonders if the oracle was not from Apollo, but some malicious alastor. There was an altar to Zeus Alastor just outside the city walls of Thasos. * By the time of the 4th century BCE, alastor in Greek had degraded to a generic type of insult, with the approximate meaning of "scoundrel". * Alastor, a son of Neleus and Chloris. When Heracles took Pylos, Alastor and his brothers, except Nestor, were killed by him. According to Parthenius of Nicaea, he was to be married to Harpalyce, who, however, was taken from him by her father Clymenus. * Alastor, a Lycian, who was a companion of Sarpedon, and was slain by Odysseus. * Alastorides is a patronymic form given by Homer to Tros, who was probably a son of the Lycian Alastor mentioned above. * Another, unrelated Alastor is mentioned in the Iliad of Homer. * Alastor, in Christian demonology, came to be considered a kind of possessing entity. He was likened to Nemesis. The name Alastor was also used as a generic term for a class of evil spirits. Edward Alexander Crowley, 20th century ceremonial magician, changed his first name to Aleister.
  • Alastor, in Christian Demonology, came to be considered a kind of possessing entity. He was likened to Nemesis. The name Alastor was also used as a generic term for a class of evil spirits. Edward Alexander Crowley, 20th century ceremonial magician, changed his first name to Aleister.
  • Alastor ist ein lebender Devil Arm, der in Devil May Cry .
  • Alastor was the spirit of family blood feuds and the infliction of vengeance upon a new generation for the crimes of their fathers. He was a son of Neulus, king of Pylos. Alastor was closely identified with the Erinyes, who punished murderers. However, Alastor inspired anger towards the family of the murderer rather than anger towards just the murderer, which is what the Erinyes inspired.
  • Alastor is an Inferno Demon Lord hero in Heroes of Might and Magic V.
  • The Alastors are a nomad clan, previously affiliated and servants of the original Beelzebub and descendants, of extra devils in the Highschool DxD: Legacy continuitity, and considered one of the most mysterious groups of devils in the underworld, either by their bizarre abilities or their afinity for familiar and supernatural beasts. Since they're also nomads, their location and fate remains unknown, but it is stated that at every household has at least one honorary servant descendant from them.
is StartNPC of
is Heroes of
is Users of
is Affiliation of
is inventors of
is crimsonlord of
is Siblings of
is Rank of