  • Nestor
  • Nestor
  • Nestor
  • Nestor
  • “Il erre dans la demeure à la recherche du testament de son maître, en espérant y être inclus.” — Professeur Karl Tastroff, Luigi's Mansion Nestor, de son vrai nom, Le Majordome errant : Nestor est un Fantôme de 72 ans apparaissant dans le Couloir du 1er étage dans le Manoir de Luigi dans Luigi's Mansion. C'est un majordome ayant un chandelier éteint (que Luigi allume à un certain moment du jeu) et étant amoureux de Mélodie Pianissimo et qui écoute sa musique en piano. Il a peur du feu, pourtant, lorsque le Game Boy Horror le détecte, celui-ci indique qu'il a une "passion de feu". Catégorie:Fantômes Catégorie:Fantômes de Luigi's Mansion Catégorie:Ennemis de Luigi's Mansion Catégorie:Ennemis Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Luigi's Mansion
  • Nestor (Greek: Νέστωρ) was the son of Neleus and Chloris. He is the grandson of Poseidon and became the king of Pylos after Heracles killed Neleus and Nestor's siblings. His wife was Eurydice or Anaxibia. His children were Peisistratus, Thrasymedes, Pisidice, Polycaste, Stratichus, Aretus, Echephron, and Antilochus.
  • Nestor is a scholar at the Library of the Sages in Sanctum. He studies history with an emphasis on the Humans who lived in each epoch.
  • Full name Class Nationality First appearanceArrow's Fall Lord Nestor of Laverin was a liegeman to the Lady Kester. He was caught aiding and abetting slavers alongside two other liegemen, though Kester knew nothing about it.
  • Neleus and Khlotris
  • Nestor is an Ensign in the United States Navy.
  • Nestor was voiced by actor Clancy Brown
  • Nestor is the King of Pylos and a former warrior in the Trojan War. Like Odysseus, Nestor is known as a clever speaker. Telemachus visits him in Book 3 to ask about his father, but Nestor knows little of Odysseus's whereabouts.
  • Nestor was first introduced to the series in The Secret of the Unicorn where he served as a butler for the Bird Brothers, who were the original owners of Marlinspike Hall but now he served butler for Captain Archibald Haddock. He has a talent for saving bottles from falling off a tray, as seen in The Seven Crystal Balls.
  • <default>Nestor</default> Title Gender Race Alignment Faction Occupation Descriptor Class Focus Level Health Status Location Coordinates Voiced by Created by Written by Appearances Nestor is an old, half-crazed man living in the Northwestern Area's flophouse. For free, which drives Arlo, the one who runs the place, mad.
  • Nestor was one of Clarice Willow's husbands in a group marriage. Nestor, Olaf Willow and Clarice Willow forcibly entered the Greystone residence in search of Clarice's Holoband. They were about to kill Amanda and Daniel Graystone when the damaged U-87 robot containing Zoe's chip came to life and slew Nestor.
  • Nestor is the main character from the 1977 Rankin/Bass Christmas televsion special, Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey.
  • Nestor is the first published comic by Abandoned Comics and issue one went on sale in May of 2012.
  • Madam Nestor was the governess of Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies. In 12 BBY, she sent a letter to Senator Bail Prestor Organa to inform him of the expulsion and several infractions of his adoptive daughter, Leia Organa.
  • L'oncle Nestor était probablement un canard anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Nestor was an enforcer of Russian mob leader Mishka Grenkov.
  • Nestor is a bounty hunter that targets low reputation (3 and lower) characters.
  • A nestor is a Cardassian judicial title for an individual who advises the defendant in a legal case. In 2370, when Miles O'Brien was accused of supplying weapons to the Maquis, Odo was allowed to act as O'Brien's nestor, as Odo had (during his time on Terok Nor four years earlier) been designated as an officer of the Cardassian court. Despite the fact that a nestor is not allowed to address the court directly, Chief Archon Makbar relayed Odo's questions to those giving testimony against O'Brien, such as Gul Evek. (DS9 episode: "Tribunal")
  • >"Find dragons first. That is all I can tell you." —Nestor Nestor (ネスター=グリノマール Nesutā in Japanese) is a Dragon that first appears in Spyro the Dragon. He is the leader of the Artisans dragons in his homeworld, who had been turned into a crystal statue by Gnasty Gnorc and was the first dragon to be rescued by Spyro. Nestor is usually the first dragon that Spyro will free in Spyro the Dragon since he is closest to Spyro's starting point. Once free, he tells Spyro what to do to reach the Peace Keepers world.
  • Nestor is a mercenary soldier from the Aquilonian province Gunderland. He has served in many armies, usually as a scout and tracker. He is a swordsman on par with Conan, although he is more disciplined and less destructive. He is also a master of the bow, having served beside Hyrkanian archers. He is older than Conan, and when the two meet it is a source of rhetoric between the two. However, he is still very strong and tough, and his age is more a source of caution than weakness. Nestor is calm, disciplined, and careful, whether in thieving, warfare, or even conversation.
  • Alec Nestor, who now refers to himself by his last name only, was a talented young surgeon who specialised in bio-mechanics, mainly the replacement of lost or damaged body parts with artificial ones. He grew up as an orphan on Cloud City, eventually going to school and studying science. From there he went on to study medicine and became a surgeon at the young age of 20, before doing a side course in cybernetics. His practice on Cloud City was reputedly one of the best in the galaxy, attracting high paying customers. Alec Nestor was living the high life, with a successful practice and an ever growing level of wealth, he had everything he wanted.
  • In the series, Nestor experiences the inner conflict of transitioning from a teenager to a young adult. Given this is a comedic cartoon, one of major story arcs that reflect this theme is Nestor's underwear. In one episode, Nestor is exposed to his friends that he wear briefs. His friends tease him about it lightheartedly for a few moments, but it impacted Nestor on a deeper level. Throughout the rest of the episode, Nestor contemplates about switching to boxer shorts. He has always worn briefs but never switched to boxer shorts. He always saw boxer shorts as something he would one day transition into when he achieved a certain level of maturity.
  • Ein Nestor ist ein Angehöriger des cardassianischen Gerichts und neben dem Konservator Teil des Verteidigerteams. Die Rolle darf in der Regel nicht von außenstehenden ausgefüllt werden. Der Nestor selbst darf den Archon im Gegensatz zum Konservator nicht direkt ansprechen, darf den Angeklagten allerdings beeinflussen und ihm Empfehlungen zu dessen Aussage machen.
  • In Cardassian judicial proceedings, a nestor is an officer of the Cardassian court, and acts as an advisor for the accused. Under the rules of Cardassian judicial procedure, the nestor is not allowed to address the court. (DS9: "Tribunal")
  • En la mitología griega Néstor (en griego antiguo Νέστωρ Néstôr) era el hijo de Neleo y Cloris, y rey de Pilos. Se convirtió en rey después de que Heracles matase a su padre y a todos sus hermanos. Su esposa fue Eurídice o Anaxibia, y entre sus hijos se cuentan Perseo, Pisístrato, Trasimedes, Pisídice, Policaste, Estrático, Áreto, Equefrón y Antíloco.
  • 40
  • One Blue, One Red
  • Masculin
  • Fantôme
  • Canard anthropomorphe
  • Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey
  • Melee
  • yes
  • Luigi's Mansion
  • 2003-05-09
  • 10
  • inhabitant
  • 58
  • Eurydice
  • TSPR
  • Black
Full Name
  • Alec James Nestor
  • 32
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • King of Pylos
First Appearance
  • The Secret of the Unicorn
  • Tells Telemachus that Odysseus's location is unknown
  • None
  • Gray
  • Dirty blonde, a result of genetic testing by Nestor himself
  • Impaled by Sofiya Vlacic
  • Scott Porter
  • Nestor
  • 102
  • Arrow's Fall
  • Malchanceux
dans story code inducks
  • D 2001-126
  • Katsutoshi Hohki
  • Flophouse entrance: X=2050 Y=590
  • #fff
  • Greek Oral Poetry
  • Balthazar Picsou lisant le testament de son oncle Nestor.
  • 190.0
  • 250
  • "Nestor", "The Surgeon", "Maalik"
  • 2.0
  • 7.0
  • Historian
  • Nestor of Gerenia
  • show
  • yes
  • 2
  • Neophyte
  • Noble
  • #000
  • Le sou maudit
  • Eric Stern
  • Oncle Nestor
Last Appearance
  • Tintin and Alph-Art
  • Ruler
  • Enforcer
  • Unknown
  • Butler
  • Clarice Willow, wife
  • Helena, wife
  • Mar-Beth, wife
  • Olaf, husband
  • Rashawn, husband
  • Tanner, husband
  • Desiree Willow, wife
  • Siblings - None
  • Father - Unknown
  • Mother - Unknown
  • Cloud City
  • 9426
  • Human
  • Elyos
  • King of the Dragons, Artisan Elder
  • None
  • Luigi's Mansion
  • Normal
  • Neleus and Chloris
  • 2000
  • British
  • Valdemar
  • Flophouse, Northwestern Area
wikipage disambiguates
  • Clancy Brown
  • Supporting
  • “Il erre dans la demeure à la recherche du testament de son maître, en espérant y être inclus.” — Professeur Karl Tastroff, Luigi's Mansion Nestor, de son vrai nom, Le Majordome errant : Nestor est un Fantôme de 72 ans apparaissant dans le Couloir du 1er étage dans le Manoir de Luigi dans Luigi's Mansion. C'est un majordome ayant un chandelier éteint (que Luigi allume à un certain moment du jeu) et étant amoureux de Mélodie Pianissimo et qui écoute sa musique en piano. Il a peur du feu, pourtant, lorsque le Game Boy Horror le détecte, celui-ci indique qu'il a une "passion de feu". Catégorie:Fantômes Catégorie:Fantômes de Luigi's Mansion Catégorie:Ennemis de Luigi's Mansion Catégorie:Ennemis Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Luigi's Mansion
  • Nestor (Greek: Νέστωρ) was the son of Neleus and Chloris. He is the grandson of Poseidon and became the king of Pylos after Heracles killed Neleus and Nestor's siblings. His wife was Eurydice or Anaxibia. His children were Peisistratus, Thrasymedes, Pisidice, Polycaste, Stratichus, Aretus, Echephron, and Antilochus.
  • Nestor is a scholar at the Library of the Sages in Sanctum. He studies history with an emphasis on the Humans who lived in each epoch.
  • A nestor is a Cardassian judicial title for an individual who advises the defendant in a legal case. In 2370, when Miles O'Brien was accused of supplying weapons to the Maquis, Odo was allowed to act as O'Brien's nestor, as Odo had (during his time on Terok Nor four years earlier) been designated as an officer of the Cardassian court. Despite the fact that a nestor is not allowed to address the court directly, Chief Archon Makbar relayed Odo's questions to those giving testimony against O'Brien, such as Gul Evek. (DS9 episode: "Tribunal") Mhevita Pa'Dan was a nestor and was assigned to Ashalla during the Occupation of Bajor. (DS9 novel: The Missing)
  • Full name Class Nationality First appearanceArrow's Fall Lord Nestor of Laverin was a liegeman to the Lady Kester. He was caught aiding and abetting slavers alongside two other liegemen, though Kester knew nothing about it.
  • Alec Nestor, who now refers to himself by his last name only, was a talented young surgeon who specialised in bio-mechanics, mainly the replacement of lost or damaged body parts with artificial ones. He grew up as an orphan on Cloud City, eventually going to school and studying science. From there he went on to study medicine and became a surgeon at the young age of 20, before doing a side course in cybernetics. His practice on Cloud City was reputedly one of the best in the galaxy, attracting high paying customers. Alec Nestor was living the high life, with a successful practice and an ever growing level of wealth, he had everything he wanted. Over the next 5 years, however, Nestor's practice began to fail. With numerous deaths under his knives, lawsuits taking away his lifestyle and heavily bankrupt, Nestor became reclusive and quiet. It was only when he was 26 that Nestor's practice was forcibly closed and authorities realised the extent of his madness. On the top floor of the practice, designated off limits to all, several gruesome operating theatres were found, along with dismembered, dead and dying people of every race, all extensively modified cybernetically. Notebook upon notebook of hideous schemes and ideas were found, listing Nestor's wicked thoughts about how flesh was weak, and only through cybernetic enhancement could a person become indestructable. Several mentions of the Empire's Darktrooper project were found among the notes. Now wanted by the Jedi and Cloud City authorites for his crimes, Nestor fled, going into hiding in the Outer Rim for two and a half years. He spent those two and a half years in the outer rim making a fortune working for various clients (many of questionable character), continuing his surgical experiments and training himself in the deadly arts of swordplay. On the very edge of the outer rim, on Nar Shaddaa, he has prepared for his return from hiding. Clad in a durable bodysuit and with a few biomechanical alterations of his own, he has been pursuing his "professional" goals for the past six months, but isn't happy with his choice of lifestyle. He searches for somewhere where he can really put his twisted talents and high level of skill with blades (both those used in surgical pursuits and blades used in melee combat) to good use once more, whether they be scalpels or katanas. Since being brought into the fold of the Dark Jedi on Ruusan, he has evolved into a new person. He has become more refined and civilised, but much more deadly at the same time. He now studies under the Archon Nathanial K'cansce and also acts as the Royal Physician and Surgeon for the Ruusan Courts.Family Nestor was brought up an orphan in a large orphanage on Cloud City, so has no knowledge of his family or their fate. He has no interest in finding out anything about them, seeing family as a burden he has lived without and does not wish to be lumbered with now.
  • Neleus and Khlotris
  • Nestor is an Ensign in the United States Navy.
  • Nestor was voiced by actor Clancy Brown
  • Nestor is the King of Pylos and a former warrior in the Trojan War. Like Odysseus, Nestor is known as a clever speaker. Telemachus visits him in Book 3 to ask about his father, but Nestor knows little of Odysseus's whereabouts.
  • Nestor was first introduced to the series in The Secret of the Unicorn where he served as a butler for the Bird Brothers, who were the original owners of Marlinspike Hall but now he served butler for Captain Archibald Haddock. He has a talent for saving bottles from falling off a tray, as seen in The Seven Crystal Balls.
  • <default>Nestor</default> Title Gender Race Alignment Faction Occupation Descriptor Class Focus Level Health Status Location Coordinates Voiced by Created by Written by Appearances Nestor is an old, half-crazed man living in the Northwestern Area's flophouse. For free, which drives Arlo, the one who runs the place, mad.
  • Nestor was one of Clarice Willow's husbands in a group marriage. Nestor, Olaf Willow and Clarice Willow forcibly entered the Greystone residence in search of Clarice's Holoband. They were about to kill Amanda and Daniel Graystone when the damaged U-87 robot containing Zoe's chip came to life and slew Nestor.
  • Nestor is the main character from the 1977 Rankin/Bass Christmas televsion special, Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey.
  • Nestor is the first published comic by Abandoned Comics and issue one went on sale in May of 2012.
  • Madam Nestor was the governess of Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies. In 12 BBY, she sent a letter to Senator Bail Prestor Organa to inform him of the expulsion and several infractions of his adoptive daughter, Leia Organa.
  • >"Find dragons first. That is all I can tell you." —Nestor Nestor (ネスター=グリノマール Nesutā in Japanese) is a Dragon that first appears in Spyro the Dragon. He is the leader of the Artisans dragons in his homeworld, who had been turned into a crystal statue by Gnasty Gnorc and was the first dragon to be rescued by Spyro. Nestor is usually the first dragon that Spyro will free in Spyro the Dragon since he is closest to Spyro's starting point. Once free, he tells Spyro what to do to reach the Peace Keepers world. Nestor is also the brother of Nils, a dragon in Town Square who looks exactly like him in appearance, but in different scale color.
  • Ein Nestor ist ein Angehöriger des cardassianischen Gerichts und neben dem Konservator Teil des Verteidigerteams. Die Rolle darf in der Regel nicht von außenstehenden ausgefüllt werden. Der Nestor selbst darf den Archon im Gegensatz zum Konservator nicht direkt ansprechen, darf den Angeklagten allerdings beeinflussen und ihm Empfehlungen zu dessen Aussage machen. Odo nimmt die Rolle des Nestors im Prozess gegen Chief O'Brien ein, da er offiziell noch Angehöriger eines cardassianischen Gerichts ist und somit die Erlaubnis hat, Aussagen vor Gericht abzulegen. Allerdings verhält er sich nicht wie vorgeschrieben. Zum Einen spricht er Archon Makbar direkt an, zum Anderen bringt er entlastende Beweise im Fall des Chiefs vor, die allerdings nicht akzeptiert werden. (DS9: ) Kategorie:Rechtswesen Kategorie:Cardassianisch
  • L'oncle Nestor était probablement un canard anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Nestor is a mercenary soldier from the Aquilonian province Gunderland. He has served in many armies, usually as a scout and tracker. He is a swordsman on par with Conan, although he is more disciplined and less destructive. He is also a master of the bow, having served beside Hyrkanian archers. He is older than Conan, and when the two meet it is a source of rhetoric between the two. However, he is still very strong and tough, and his age is more a source of caution than weakness. Nestor is calm, disciplined, and careful, whether in thieving, warfare, or even conversation. He has blonde hair and beard, and is very muscular. He usually wears simple, practical clothing. Nestor is an honourable man, and during his relationship with Conan they earned one anothers' respect. Initially, Conan's braggadicio and ego offended the more restrained Gunderman, and they were rivals for a time. However, as they shared more experiences they came to be more friendly, even looting the Hall of the Dead together.
  • Nestor was an enforcer of Russian mob leader Mishka Grenkov.
  • In Cardassian judicial proceedings, a nestor is an officer of the Cardassian court, and acts as an advisor for the accused. Under the rules of Cardassian judicial procedure, the nestor is not allowed to address the court. (DS9: "Tribunal") In 2370, Constable Odo (who had, years ago, been certified as an officer of the Cardassian court system) acted as nestor to Chief Miles O'Brien during O'Brien's trial on Cardassia Prime for collaborating with the Maquis. Odo attempted to address the court several times, despite the prohibition against doing so, much to the anger of Archon Makbar. (DS9: "Tribunal")
  • In the series, Nestor experiences the inner conflict of transitioning from a teenager to a young adult. Given this is a comedic cartoon, one of major story arcs that reflect this theme is Nestor's underwear. In one episode, Nestor is exposed to his friends that he wear briefs. His friends tease him about it lightheartedly for a few moments, but it impacted Nestor on a deeper level. Throughout the rest of the episode, Nestor contemplates about switching to boxer shorts. He has always worn briefs but never switched to boxer shorts. He always saw boxer shorts as something he would one day transition into when he achieved a certain level of maturity. In a later episode, Nestor's birthday became the central plot. During the planning of his surprise party, his friends had trouble thinking of a nice gift to show their appreciation of Nestor's hospitality. One of his friends remembered the incident when Nestor felt ashamed that he wore briefs and how Nestor viewed boxer shorts as a symbol of maturity. They all decided that buying Nestor his first pair of boxer shorts would be the perfect present. Therefore, they all contributed to buy Nestor a pair of white boxer shorts with green dots. At the surprise party, Nestor was ecstatic to see the boxer shorts as his gift. He felt that he had finally earned the respect of his friends on that day. Nestor went behind a tree, took off his clothes, and wore the boxer shorts. As part of Nestor's charismatic nature, he showed all his friends how happy and excited their thoughtful gift made him.
  • Nestor is a bounty hunter that targets low reputation (3 and lower) characters.
  • En la mitología griega Néstor (en griego antiguo Νέστωρ Néstôr) era el hijo de Neleo y Cloris, y rey de Pilos. Se convirtió en rey después de que Heracles matase a su padre y a todos sus hermanos. Su esposa fue Eurídice o Anaxibia, y entre sus hijos se cuentan Perseo, Pisístrato, Trasimedes, Pisídice, Policaste, Estrático, Áreto, Equefrón y Antíloco. En algunas versiones, Néstor fue un argonauta, luchó contra los centauros y participó en la caza del jabalí de Calidón. Él y sus hijos Antíloco y Trasimedes lucharon junto a los aqueos en la Guerra de Troya que siguió al rapto de Helena; y aunque por su avanzada edad no podía luchar (ya había vivido tres generaciones), era de utilidad en el ágora y daba consejos a los más ilustres con el fin de asegurar el triunfo de la causa griega. También en asuntos internos su opinión era tenida en alta estima, siendo desobedecido solamente una vez por Agamenón -pues Néstor le había aconsejado que no se dejara llevar de su ira contra Aquiles y no le quitase a Briseida, y el rey de Micenas hizo todo lo contrario-, aunque bien pronto Agamenón tuvo que reconocer su error debido a la vergonzosa pérdida que su ejército estaba sufriendo frente a los troyanos. Por ser el único guerrero aqueo que se había portado con total justicia durante el sitio de Ilión, el supremo dios Zeus le concedió un regreso relativamente sin complicaciones, y ya en su patria vivió tranquilamente y sin problemas en compañía de su esposa y de sus hijos. Es estando ya en su patria cuando da hospedaje a Telémaco, hijo de Odiseo, y le informa sobre los primeros incidentes del regreso de los aqueos. Aunque no puede dar noticias ciertas sobre Odiseo, sí le facilita caballos para ir a Esparta a encontrarse con Menelao, y le da a su propio hijo Pisístrato para que duerma a su lado y sea su compañero de viaje.
is Roles of
is Known relatives of
is Enemies of
is Person of