  • Mikhail
  • Mikhail
  • Mikhail is a mundane from Kamcatka peninsula in Russia. He was lost in Xanth until he met Clio and Sherlock. Mikhail is the dream man of Noi, his true love. He disappears whenever she is awake. Sherlock gave him a piece of reverse wood, and now he is no longer a dream. He and Noi took on Malinee, a lost mundane child. They were last seen traveling to Castle Maidragon with a three headed dragon also from Kamcatka. Mikhail appeared in Currant Events.
  • Mikhail (ミカエル・アウスバッハ・フォン・ロアーヌ) is a main character in Romancing SaGa 3. He is the Marquis of Loanne. His sister Monica is forced to leave the party if he is in it.
  • Mikhail is a playable co-op character in Far Cry 3. He is a Russian hitman.
  • Mikhail (Михаил) was an old magican and a friend of Leonid. He was arrested for treason by Sarah Jacobi for suggesting that all Kanes might not be bad. Leonid mentioned that he heard Mikhail screaming for three nights in the dungeon before he died of Kwai's lightning methods.
  • Mikhail is a level 30 quest giver located in Deepwater Tavern in Menethil Harbor in the Alliance-aligned zone of the Wetlands. Although he is apparently a Bartender by the title above his head, he doesn't actually sell any drinks. He is also a former rogue. See List of Wetlands NPCs.
  • Formally Chancellor Mikhail. Deleted to a new account as of September 19, 2007.
  • Mikhail is a mobster who worked for Vladimir and Anatoly Ranskahov.
  • Mikhail was an assassin trained by The Silent Assassins before his death by the hands of his lover, Ansel of Briarcliff.
  • Mikhail was a Human man in the 23rd century. In the year 2281, he was in a relationship with Jasmine al-Faisal. Her daughter, Cleante al-Faisal guessed he was from Mars or Pan Slavia. (TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)
  • Mikhail was Siegfried Heydrich's faithful vassal and used to wield a magic sword.
  • Mikhail was one of Doctor Death's thugs, and a main enforcer. It has not be confirmed yet but it has been said that he actually survived the snap to the neck and will make a comeback in the next batman feature length movie. Batman is going to punch him in the groin then Mikhail delivers a diving headbutt. Batman is knocked unconscious, Mikhail cuts of his foot and feeds it to the fishes and then leaving batman to bleed to death.... To Be Continued.....
  • During a mission as a cosmonaut for the Soviet Union, Mikhail was pulled into a dimensional rift, where he alone of all his crew survived. He was taken in by the locals, fell in love with a princess, and married. His father-in-law, however, was something of a tyrant, and Mikhail found himself embroiled in political conflicts that led to a civil war. During the fighting, the rift was opened, and only Mikhail's powers could close it. He did so, but the backlash killed hundreds of his people, including his wife. Overcome by grief, Mikhail exiled himself into the desert, where he remained until the X-Men and Sunfire traveled through the re-opened rift to try and seal it. Eventually the team and Mikhail connected, and using Sunfire and Iceman to control the energy backlash, Mikhail and the team
  • Mikhail (ミ ハ イ ル, Mihairu) es un soltero secreto de Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns. Mikhail es un violinista errante, y un apasionado de la música. Es una persona tímida y privada, y puede tomar algún tiempo llegar a conocerlo. Mikhail parece disfrutar realmente de la naturaleza y pasa mucho de su tiempo en la montaña y al aire libre. Si te mudas en medio de la temporada, mientras que Mikhail está en la ciudad, se quedará en el pueblo en el que iniciaste. Sin embargo, él se mudará al ayuntamiento de la localidad a la que te hayas movido en el otoño siguiente a su regreso.
  • 30
  • Married
Row 4 info
  • Deceased
Row 7 title
  • Significant Others
TV Series
  • Daredevil
  • *In the Blood
regalo horror
  • Todos los vinos, perfumes, cervezas, tartas, té...
Row 1 info
  • Human
regalo normal
  • Recetas con leche y huevo
regalo fatal
  • Pasta penne
Row 4 title
  • Status
  • Far Cry 3
nombre juego
  • Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Tonws
regalo perfecto
  • Tofu hervido
animal preferido
  • Todos
Row 2 info
  • Unknown
Row 6 info
  • Dark
  • Stormwind
Row 1 title
  • Race
Row 5 info
  • Black
Row 2 title
  • Culture
Row 6 title
  • Eye Color
Row 5 title
  • Hair Color
Row 3 info
  • 25
Row 3 title
  • Age
regalo error
  • El resto de items que no aparecen
  • 12
Row 7 info
  • *Ansel of Briarcliff
trabajo juego
  • Violinista
  • Russia
  • Humanoid
Box Title
  • Mikhail
  • 1.0
  • Mikhail
  • Far Cry 3
  • Alliance
  • None
  • Brown
Full Name
  • Mikhail
  • ???
  • 31
  • ???
  • Alive
  • Veles Taxi
  • Jason Brody
  • Morlocks, Horsemen Of Apocalypse
  • Playable Character
  • Katya
  • Brown
  • Mikhail
  • Mikhail Rasputin
  • Uncanny X-Men #285
  • Male
  • Hitman
  • 1981
Character Name
  • Mikhail
Created by
  • Kurt Elfman
  • 181.0
  • Neutral
  • None
  • 362.0
  • Bartender
  • Mikhail
  • Royal
Real Name
  • Unidentified
  • Mikhail
  • Far Cry 3
  • Hitman
  • 125
  • Daisu
  • 4963
  • Nicolai Rasputin , Alexandra Rasputin , Piotr Rasputin ,Illyana Rasputin , Larisa Mishchenko
  • Mikhail
  • Male
  • Human
  • -
  • 10
  • Russian
  • Mikhail is a mundane from Kamcatka peninsula in Russia. He was lost in Xanth until he met Clio and Sherlock. Mikhail is the dream man of Noi, his true love. He disappears whenever she is awake. Sherlock gave him a piece of reverse wood, and now he is no longer a dream. He and Noi took on Malinee, a lost mundane child. They were last seen traveling to Castle Maidragon with a three headed dragon also from Kamcatka. Mikhail appeared in Currant Events.
  • Mikhail (ミカエル・アウスバッハ・フォン・ロアーヌ) is a main character in Romancing SaGa 3. He is the Marquis of Loanne. His sister Monica is forced to leave the party if he is in it.
  • Mikhail is a playable co-op character in Far Cry 3. He is a Russian hitman.
  • Mikhail (Михаил) was an old magican and a friend of Leonid. He was arrested for treason by Sarah Jacobi for suggesting that all Kanes might not be bad. Leonid mentioned that he heard Mikhail screaming for three nights in the dungeon before he died of Kwai's lightning methods.
  • During a mission as a cosmonaut for the Soviet Union, Mikhail was pulled into a dimensional rift, where he alone of all his crew survived. He was taken in by the locals, fell in love with a princess, and married. His father-in-law, however, was something of a tyrant, and Mikhail found himself embroiled in political conflicts that led to a civil war. During the fighting, the rift was opened, and only Mikhail's powers could close it. He did so, but the backlash killed hundreds of his people, including his wife. Overcome by grief, Mikhail exiled himself into the desert, where he remained until the X-Men and Sunfire traveled through the re-opened rift to try and seal it. Eventually the team and Mikhail connected, and using Sunfire and Iceman to control the energy backlash, Mikhail and the team were able to close the rift and return to Earth, without any loss of life.
  • Mikhail (ミ ハ イ ル, Mihairu) es un soltero secreto de Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns. Mikhail es un violinista errante, y un apasionado de la música. Es una persona tímida y privada, y puede tomar algún tiempo llegar a conocerlo. Mikhail parece disfrutar realmente de la naturaleza y pasa mucho de su tiempo en la montaña y al aire libre. Él no aparecerá en tu juego hasta el 7 de Otoño en el primer año. A su llegada, el alcalde lo llevará ante tu casa por la mañana para presentaros y explicarte que él estará aquí para el próximo Festival Musical. Vivirá en el ayuntamiento de tu ciudad así que da igual donde vivas. Mikhail partirá cada verano a algún otro lugar con un clima más fresco, pero siempre volverá la siguiente temporada de otoño. Si te mudas en medio de la temporada, mientras que Mikhail está en la ciudad, se quedará en el pueblo en el que iniciaste. Sin embargo, él se mudará al ayuntamiento de la localidad a la que te hayas movido en el otoño siguiente a su regreso.
  • Mikhail is a level 30 quest giver located in Deepwater Tavern in Menethil Harbor in the Alliance-aligned zone of the Wetlands. Although he is apparently a Bartender by the title above his head, he doesn't actually sell any drinks. He is also a former rogue. See List of Wetlands NPCs.
  • Formally Chancellor Mikhail. Deleted to a new account as of September 19, 2007.
  • Mikhail is a mobster who worked for Vladimir and Anatoly Ranskahov.
  • Mikhail was an assassin trained by The Silent Assassins before his death by the hands of his lover, Ansel of Briarcliff.
  • Mikhail was a Human man in the 23rd century. In the year 2281, he was in a relationship with Jasmine al-Faisal. Her daughter, Cleante al-Faisal guessed he was from Mars or Pan Slavia. (TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)
  • Mikhail was Siegfried Heydrich's faithful vassal and used to wield a magic sword.
  • Mikhail was one of Doctor Death's thugs, and a main enforcer. It has not be confirmed yet but it has been said that he actually survived the snap to the neck and will make a comeback in the next batman feature length movie. Batman is going to punch him in the groin then Mikhail delivers a diving headbutt. Batman is knocked unconscious, Mikhail cuts of his foot and feeds it to the fishes and then leaving batman to bleed to death.... To Be Continued.....
is End of
is Start of
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