  • The Siege
  • The Siege
  • The Siege
  • The Siege
  • The Siege
  • The siege
  • (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • "The Siege" is the tenth and penultimate mission of The Brotherhood story arc in Saints Row 2. Saints cripple Brotherhood — Stilwater Gazette newspaper headline
  • The Siege is the third scenario in The Queen campaign.
  • The Siege by Troy Denning is the second novel in the Return of the Archwizards trilogy.
  • "The Siege" was the ninth episode of The Dead Zone, airing on USA Network on 11 August 2002.
  • Name: The Siege Run Time: 5:14 Year: 1991 * Chronicles Of Man
  • The Siege was an event that happened on the Eteno fringe colony of Elariun. Kklxin raiders invaded the city and occupied it for a week, until the Iron Island Messiah arrived and annihilated the Kklxin in the city. An Eteno and a Dhragolon worked together to survive in the war-torn city famously, earning them both impressive awards from their respective militaries.
  • The Siege is the fourth installment of the series "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole". The author is Kathryn Lasky. The Guardians of Ga'Hoole is a series of books written by Kathryn Lasky. The Capture, The Journey, The Rescue, The Siege, The Shattering, The Burning, The Hatchling, The Outcast, The First Collier, The Coming of Hoole, To Be a King, The Golden Tree, The River of Wind Image:Nuvola apps bookcase.png This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • The Siege is the third mission in Miami and the third mission of Undercover Mode.
  • Terwijl de Bajoran schepen Deep Space 9 naderen geeft Benjamin Sisko de opdracht om de burgers en iedereen die wil vertrekken, te evacueren. De hele bemanning geeft vrijwillig aan samen met Sisko aan boord van DS9 te willen blijven om te vechten. Iedereen reageert anders op de situatie. Jake Sisko en Nog komen erachter dat ze niet in dezelfde runabout zitten maar zijn vastbesloten vrienden te blijven. Keiko O'Brien wil dat haar man Miles O'Brien samen met haar vertrekt en Quark besluit om niet bestaande plaatsen op runabouts te verkopen. Li Nalas probeert de toestromende menigte te kalmeren. Quark blijft vervolgens achter op DS9 wanneer zijn broer Rom hem te slim af is en hij Quark's kaartje verkoopt aan een Dabo meisje.
  • With the Spitfire tucked away in stardock, Zero and company reports to admiral Thorak about what happened on the other side of the wormhole, and is then informed by Thorak that the Empire is building a weapon for the war. Zero is about to argue, but stops before he can open his mouth. He finally surrenders, and Thorak gives him his new assignment, which turns out to be aiding in a planetary siege at Ke'Waertt, a Skregg industrial world full of duranium, which is used in Empire starship hulls.. Relieved, Zero orders the four ships to head to Ke'Waertt.
  • With grim determination Sasaya looked out over the battlefield. Yesterday’s snowstorm had covered most of the bodies lying scattered across the white mountainside, too close to enemy lines for either side to salvage. The frozen limbs and broken weapons rose up over the snow like battered, gnarled old trees in a twisted, desolate landscape. Her grip around her staff hardened. I did not save all these brave women, men and children only to see them hung and mutilated. I will not have my part in this tragedy as an executioner!
  • 10
  • 15
  • H5
inter artist
  • 18
  • Invasive Procedures
  • 1993-10-10
  • 2
  • The Circle
  • 20
  • DS9
  • "The Siege"
  • 2370
  • 203
original upload date
  • Jun.28.2016
  • 471439
Cover Artist
  • Cover of The Siege.
  • Isabel facing Kraal
Preceded By
  • The Summoning
  • 272
  • 352
  • 25000.0
  • The Siege
  • The Siege ep.jpg
  • Lose Isabel
  • #393636; color:#FF8300
  • 886970000
  • The Queen
  • DS9
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • Build Order of Paladins
  • Defeat Kraal
  • Defeat all Demons in the area
  • #1:
  • December 2001
  • --05-01
  • The Siege
Followed By
  • The Sorcerer
  • 2
  • 2369
  • 0
  • 671870831
  • Normal
wikipage disambiguates
realm year
  • 1372
  • (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • "The Siege" is the tenth and penultimate mission of The Brotherhood story arc in Saints Row 2. Saints cripple Brotherhood — Stilwater Gazette newspaper headline
  • The Siege is the third scenario in The Queen campaign.
  • The Siege by Troy Denning is the second novel in the Return of the Archwizards trilogy.
  • "The Siege" was the ninth episode of The Dead Zone, airing on USA Network on 11 August 2002.
  • With grim determination Sasaya looked out over the battlefield. Yesterday’s snowstorm had covered most of the bodies lying scattered across the white mountainside, too close to enemy lines for either side to salvage. The frozen limbs and broken weapons rose up over the snow like battered, gnarled old trees in a twisted, desolate landscape. Sasaya could barely remember what life had been before the siege and it felt like she had been trapped inside the cold ice cave where the Icewalker tribe had taken their refuge after their village fell for ages. After being driven to the safety of the mountain caves, the battle had turned into a standstill. High up in the mountainside, the cave was more or less impossible to assault head on, but did on the otherside provide no means of an alternate escape route. After several days of fruitless efforts to storm the barricaded caves, the aggressors simply decided to starve the frost trolls out from their shelter. Fortunately, water wasn't an issue. There were plenty of snow to melt and the spirits of fire would gladly melt it whenever Sasaya kindly asked for it. Food on the other hand... Sasaya sighed as she remembered when the trapped trolls had first started to gnaw on shoes and other organic accessories in order to keep the worst of the hunger away, but it was still nothing compared to the feeling of helplessness she felt when she found her cousins embrace their ways of cannibalism. At first they would stick only to eating their fallen comrades, but when there were no such left, some of the most desperate parents decided to start sacrificing an arm in order to prevent their children to starve to death, knowing their lost limbs would regenerate in time. At least the children wouldn’t have to eat their dead parents any longer… Being the only trained healer among her tribesmen, Sasaya had helped during all the sacrificial maims that took place the coming month, and when everyone else had sacrificed their arm she had insisted on giving hers as well, despite the tribe’s attempts to convince her of the value of her work and its need for two arms. Sasaya touched the stump that remained of her left arm. With no one else to properly tend to it, it hadn’t healed well, and without proper treatment she knew it would sooner or later get infected, and even if it was treated in time it would take years to fully regenerate. It was at this point she knew she had to act. Sasaya had up till this day never taken a life before, not even to save herself or someone else, but the last weeks had kept her thinking if it ever could be justified to take a life to save another. Yet still she knew there would be no other way out of this situation. Should the tribe either choose to surrender or to make a final futile outbreak, the result would be the same. She had seen it before, villages burned and the bodies of its inhabitants left stuck on poles or hung from trees as a warning to others. Her kinsmen were slowly facing extinction. Her grip around her staff hardened. I did not save all these brave women, men and children only to see them hung and mutilated. I will not have my part in this tragedy as an executioner! With hundreds of spirits swarming around her, Sasaya closed her eyes, raised her one arm and called upon the Divine that shines behind all the Loa gods...
  • Name: The Siege Run Time: 5:14 Year: 1991 * Chronicles Of Man
  • With the Spitfire tucked away in stardock, Zero and company reports to admiral Thorak about what happened on the other side of the wormhole, and is then informed by Thorak that the Empire is building a weapon for the war. Zero is about to argue, but stops before he can open his mouth. He finally surrenders, and Thorak gives him his new assignment, which turns out to be aiding in a planetary siege at Ke'Waertt, a Skregg industrial world full of duranium, which is used in Empire starship hulls.. Thorak wishes the crew luck, and also states that 3 other ships, the EE Darket, the EE Nightwing, and the EE Firehawk will also be meeting the crew there. With that, the crew goes back to the Spitfire and exits the stardock, then sets a course for the Earth-Link. Once through, the Spitfire plots a course for Ke'Waertt and meets up with the 3 ships as planned. But Zero knows there is something wrong. Meatbag detects 3 massive energy surges directly behind the 4 ships. Zero orders them on-viewer, but sees nothing. Once within firing range, Zero gives the order to fire, and Aiden hits the marks, revealing all three ships-in-hiding. He then orders the rest of the fleet to open fire, and they wipe out the ships with ease. They scan the area, but find nothing. Zero comes to the conclusion that they were experimental after detecting radiation from a ship component: the cloaking device. Relieved, Zero orders the four ships to head to Ke'Waertt. Once there, the ships pick up high concentrations of a very poisonous substance. Zero ordered Meatbag to find a match on the substance, and confirmed it was the same substance the Skregg had used before. When Aiden asks why the Skregg would do something like it, Zero can't help but wonder the same.
  • Terwijl de Bajoran schepen Deep Space 9 naderen geeft Benjamin Sisko de opdracht om de burgers en iedereen die wil vertrekken, te evacueren. De hele bemanning geeft vrijwillig aan samen met Sisko aan boord van DS9 te willen blijven om te vechten. Iedereen reageert anders op de situatie. Jake Sisko en Nog komen erachter dat ze niet in dezelfde runabout zitten maar zijn vastbesloten vrienden te blijven. Keiko O'Brien wil dat haar man Miles O'Brien samen met haar vertrekt en Quark besluit om niet bestaande plaatsen op runabouts te verkopen. Li Nalas probeert de toestromende menigte te kalmeren. Quark blijft vervolgens achter op DS9 wanneer zijn broer Rom hem te slim af is en hij Quark's kaartje verkoopt aan een Dabo meisje. Eenmaal aangekomen op DS9 is er geen Federatie te bespeuren maar Krim is achterdochtig. Het beveiligingsnet van het station is onklaar gemaakt en de bemanning is nog niet terecht en dus neemt Krim aan dat ze nog op DS9 zitten. Minister Jaro Essa geeft Krim de opdracht Li Nalas levend te vangen, want hij is ervan overtuigd dat hij Li over kan halen aan de kant van de De Cirkel. Wanneer ook de sensors zijn gesaboteerd is Krim er heilig van overtuigd dat de bemanning nog op DS9 is en stuurt zijn soldaten erop uit. Odo gebruikt zijn vermogen om van vorm te verwisselen om de bemanning te helpen niet gevonden te worden en onderwijl neemt hij ook nog een aantal soldaten gevangen. Een van de runabouts zet Kira Nerys en Jadzia Dax af op een Bajoran maan waar oude Starfighters waren opgeslagen tijdens de Bezetting van Bajor. Ze krijgen er één aan de praat, maar Dax is gedesoriënteerd door het gebrek aan technologie, waarna Kira zegt dat ze op goed geluk zullen moeten vliegen. Bajoran schepen onderscheppen hen vervolgens en na een gevecht in de lucht wordt hun schip neergeschoten en stort het neer. Sisko en zijn bemanning weten de soldaten steeds te ontlopen totdat een groep, waarin ook Krim’s second in command zit, Sisko, Li Nalas en Miles O'Brien ontdekken in één van Quark’s holosuites. Het is echter een val die Sisko heeft opgezet en hij informeert de soldaten over de Cardassian inmenging in de De Cirkel. Hij laat de tweede in command vrij om deze informatie door te geven aan Krim, maar hij vertelt Krim]dat de Federatie zal vechten voor de controle van DS9. Een scan voor Federatie communicatie signalen laat zien dat ze ergens in de conduit zitten en Odo informeert Sisko dat de soldaten de conduit willen laten overspoelen met dodelijk gas. Deel van de bemanning houdt een groot deel van de Bajorans bezig, terwijl Li en Sisko Krim overmeesteren en proberen hem vervolgens duidelijk te maken wat er werkelijk aan de hand is. Hoewel Kira Nerys gewond is geraakt tijdens het neerstorten, lukt het Jadzia Dax om haar naar vedek Bareil’s klooster te vervoeren. Zij en Kira Nerys vermommen zich als [[Cardassians dat ze zonder problemen naar de Kamer der Ministers kunnen gaan. Eenmaal daar probeert Minister Jaro Kira Nerys neer te zetten als een probleemgeval. Ze confronteert hem met de inmenging van de Cardassians, met de nadruk op de wapens die ze de De Cirkel leveren. Wanneer vedek Winn dit hoort staat ze erop dat dit nieuwe bewijs wordt onderzocht. Jaro zegt dat die vrijwillig zal meewerken aan het onderzoek. Wanneer Krim hoort van de Cardassians inmenging geeft het bevel van DS9 terug aan Sisko, maar zijn tweede in command doodt Li Nalas. Miles O'Brien snapt niet dat de Bajorans Li Nalas herinneren als iemand die hij niet was maar Sisko vertelt hem dat Li een held is van het verzet en dat hij altijd zo herinnerd zal worden.
  • The Siege was an event that happened on the Eteno fringe colony of Elariun. Kklxin raiders invaded the city and occupied it for a week, until the Iron Island Messiah arrived and annihilated the Kklxin in the city. An Eteno and a Dhragolon worked together to survive in the war-torn city famously, earning them both impressive awards from their respective militaries.
  • The Siege is the fourth installment of the series "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole". The author is Kathryn Lasky. The Guardians of Ga'Hoole is a series of books written by Kathryn Lasky. The Capture, The Journey, The Rescue, The Siege, The Shattering, The Burning, The Hatchling, The Outcast, The First Collier, The Coming of Hoole, To Be a King, The Golden Tree, The River of Wind Image:Nuvola apps bookcase.png This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • The Siege is the third mission in Miami and the third mission of Undercover Mode.
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