  • Zemus
  • Zemus
  • Zemus
  • Zemus
  • Zemus, later known as Zeromus, is a powerful and cruel Lunarian warlord with awesome magic and the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy IV. He wants to exterminate the human race, in order for his kind to claim the Earth. Since his own people were sealed in the Second Moon's core, he took control of Golbez, who serves as his enforcer for the major part of the game.
  • Zemus è l'antagonista principale di Final Fantasy IV. Malvagio stregone del popolo seleniano, desiderava reclamare il pianeta azzurro perché fosse ripopolato dalla sua razza. Le sue idee erano in netto contrasto con quelle degli altri seleniani, e perciò fu sottoposto al sigillo nelle profondità della luna rossa. Anche in quelle condizioni, però, ha avuto l'occasione di mettere in pratica il suo piano: grazie ai suoi enormi poteri mentali, Zemus è riuscito a manipolare gli eventi prima e durante il gioco prendendo il controllo di determinate persone.
  • Kategorie:Stub (Charakter) Kategorie:Stub (FFIV) 220px|right Zemus ist der Antagonist aus Final Fantasy IV. Er ist ein bösartiger Lunarier, dessen Ziel es ist, alle Menschen zu töten. Zu diesem Zweck hat er Theodor Harvey einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen und ihn zu Golbez werden lassen. Dieser sorgt schließlich dafür, dass die Kristalle vereint werden, die Zemus benötigt, um seinen Plan in die Tat umzusetzen. Dabei gerät auch Kain Highwind unter die Gedankenmanipulation, die zwar von Golbez ausgeführt wird, letztlich jedoch von Zemus ausgeht.
  • Zemus es el verdadero antagonista de Final Fantasy IV. Es un Lunario, que desea que su raza salga de su letargo sueño y conquiste la Tierra. Posee una gran capacidad de control y manipulación mental, que utiliza para hacer daño a varios personajes y controlarlos, especialmente a los que tienen sangre Lunaria.
  • Zemus appears to have been the only voice among the Lunarians advocating world domination. The rest wanted to wait for the people of Earth to evolve to the point where the two races could coexist. Zemus was forced to sleep, and the Red Moon's crystals sealed him within the moon, but because of his immense psychic powers, his mind remained awake and searched for ways to realize his plan. He manipulated the Lunarian Kluya's son, Golbez, and used him to achieve his goals.
type of villain
  • Alien Wizard
  • Destroy all humans so he and his fellow Lunarians can take the Earth for themselves.
  • Final Fantasy IV
  • Manipulation
  • Brainwashing
  • Spells and incantations
  • Powerful magic
  • Zemus
  • boss
  • Zemusu
  • Zeromus
  • Manipulating people.
  • Being selfish and cares for no one but himself, getting what he wants by whatever means.
  • ゼムス
  • Wizard
  • Embodiment of hatred
  • Lunarian warlord
  • FFIV
  • Zemus
  • Male
  • 250
boss page
  • Zemus
  • Zemus, later known as Zeromus, is a powerful and cruel Lunarian warlord with awesome magic and the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy IV. He wants to exterminate the human race, in order for his kind to claim the Earth. Since his own people were sealed in the Second Moon's core, he took control of Golbez, who serves as his enforcer for the major part of the game.
  • Zemus è l'antagonista principale di Final Fantasy IV. Malvagio stregone del popolo seleniano, desiderava reclamare il pianeta azzurro perché fosse ripopolato dalla sua razza. Le sue idee erano in netto contrasto con quelle degli altri seleniani, e perciò fu sottoposto al sigillo nelle profondità della luna rossa. Anche in quelle condizioni, però, ha avuto l'occasione di mettere in pratica il suo piano: grazie ai suoi enormi poteri mentali, Zemus è riuscito a manipolare gli eventi prima e durante il gioco prendendo il controllo di determinate persone.
  • Zemus appears to have been the only voice among the Lunarians advocating world domination. The rest wanted to wait for the people of Earth to evolve to the point where the two races could coexist. Zemus was forced to sleep, and the Red Moon's crystals sealed him within the moon, but because of his immense psychic powers, his mind remained awake and searched for ways to realize his plan. He manipulated the Lunarian Kluya's son, Golbez, and used him to achieve his goals. Zemus manipulates Golbez into summoning the Giant of Babil, a massive android capable of eliminating life from the planet to make way for the Lunarians. When the crystals are gathered and the Giant roams the Earth, the Lunarian Fusoya, Kluya's other son Cecil, and their allies infiltrate the Giant and destroy its central processing unit. Fusoya breaks Zemus's mind control over Golbez. Furious at being made to commit atrocities, Golbez swears to kill Zemus and leaves with Fusoya for the moon's core. In the ensuing battle, Zemus resists Golbez's and Fusoya's spells and taunts them into killing him by casting Meteor. Despite Zemus's death, his hatred lives on as Zeromus. Cecil and his allies, with the help of the prayers of their supporters on Earth, vanquish Zeromus, ending his threat for good.
  • Kategorie:Stub (Charakter) Kategorie:Stub (FFIV) 220px|right Zemus ist der Antagonist aus Final Fantasy IV. Er ist ein bösartiger Lunarier, dessen Ziel es ist, alle Menschen zu töten. Zu diesem Zweck hat er Theodor Harvey einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen und ihn zu Golbez werden lassen. Dieser sorgt schließlich dafür, dass die Kristalle vereint werden, die Zemus benötigt, um seinen Plan in die Tat umzusetzen. Dabei gerät auch Kain Highwind unter die Gedankenmanipulation, die zwar von Golbez ausgeführt wird, letztlich jedoch von Zemus ausgeht.
  • Zemus es el verdadero antagonista de Final Fantasy IV. Es un Lunario, que desea que su raza salga de su letargo sueño y conquiste la Tierra. Posee una gran capacidad de control y manipulación mental, que utiliza para hacer daño a varios personajes y controlarlos, especialmente a los que tienen sangre Lunaria.