  • Katarina
  • Katarina
  • Katarina
  • Katarina
  • Katarina
  • __TOC__
  • __NOWYSIWYG__KatarinaKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Katarina is a character in Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~. She also appears as a SpotPass Einherjar, and as a DLC einherjar in Fire Emblem: Awakening.
  • Katarina is the Tenjyu Star in Suikoden IV and a playable character in Suikoden Tactics.
  • Katarina wird von Sophie Belcredi in Kurze Pause.
  • Katarina é uma futura personagem do jogo Tekken 7
  • Katarina was the Cêpan of Number Six. She was one of the last surviving Cêpan following the Mogadorian invasion and travelled to Earth, where she was to fullfil her task of training and educating Six in order to prepare her for the inevitable resistance against the Mogadorians.
  • The redoubtable Captain Katarina is particularly famous for her recklessness. She looks every part the lady buccaneer, dressed in practical leather trews and a fine embroidered jerkin. A scimitar hangs from her sword-belt, her luxurious, long black hair is tied back in a ponytail with a ribbon of Khulian silk and a patch covers the orbit of her left eye, taken in a battle with a Giant Crab. Captain Katarina's ship is The Tempest (ship).
  • Katarina is the sixth moon of Fury in the Blue Sun system. Katarina is a fan-made world created by Genae L. Welch. Katarina is scehduled for terraforming and has a core population of 5,000.
  • She is said to have a heart-shaped face with flowing hair of a dark, unspecified color. Her eyes are also said to be dark, also unspecified with regards to color. Her voice is musical and melodious.
  • Katarina, Lame Sinistre est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Katarina (カタリナ Katarina), real name Eine (アイネ Aine), is one of the exclusive characters in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. She joins the 7th Platoon of the Altean Knights along with the Avatar, Roderick, Luke, and Ryan; and aspires to be a tactician.
  • Katarina gives additional dialogue if the player is wearing a catspeak amulet or a cramulet.
  • Katarina is a female Progenitor that appears in the Siberia level ofConduit 2. She was prisoner of The Trust, and it was Michael Ford's mission to find and help her. During the Cold War she secretly controlled the USSR.According to data logs, Katarina liked to experiment with cybernetic technology, due to organics being "unstable". Her work includes the Siberian Wolves and Cyborgs encountered all over her fortress, it is possible that Sasquatches are also product of her experiments. She also worked on anti-air Ion Cannons, but wasn't able to set them operational before the Trust invaded her base.Katarina was captured by the trust personel, and held trapped within a containment tank. It appears that the trust plan was to kill her so Adams would be able to absorb her powers easily, and so Fo
  • Katarina était la servante de la princesse Cassandre qui l'envoie espionner le Docteur, Vicki et Steven Taylor pour recueillir des preuves qu'ils sont des espions Grecs. Katarina se liera finalement d'amitié avec Vicki, qui l'enverra aider Steven, ce dernier ayant été blessé durant l'invasion de Troie. Katarina soigne alors Steven et part avec lui et le Docteur dans le TARDIS à la suite d'un concours de circonstances, en laissant derrière eux Vicki.
  • Katarina ist ein Mensch des 12. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. und wird für kurze Zeit eine Begleiterin des Ersten Doctors. Sie ist eine Sklavin in Troja und hält den Doctor für eine Inkarnation des Göttervaters Zeus. Ihre Herrin ist die Priesterin Cassandra, der sie sehr nah steht. In Cassandras Auftrag soll Katarina Vicki Pallister und Steven Taylor ausspionieren, freundet sich jedoch mit Vicki an und sucht nach Steven, als es zum Kampf um Troja kommt.
  • Katarina was intended to be an ongoing companion but the writers changed their minds because it's impossible to write for a companion from the past (seriously, they should have thought of that during Myth Makers), so Katarina was killed off in her second story having appeared in only five episodes. She was the first companion in the series to die. Ha ha, eat shit Adric. Her role as companion within The Daleks' Master Plan was filled in by Sara Kingdom, who was also killed in the story. Ha ha, eat shit again Adric.
  • As a young woman, Katarina served Cassandra, princess of Troy. She was little more than a slave. In circa 1200 BC, Cassandra sent her to spy on the First Doctor and his friends, particularly Vicki Pallister, known to her as Cressida, to gather evidence she was a Greek spy. To this end, Katarina befriended Vicki, who sent her to help the Doctor get Steven Taylor back to the TARDIS after a spear thrust had badly injured him. Katarina tended to Steven's wounds. She joined Steven and the Doctor on their travels. (TV: The Myth Makers)
  • Katarina is a female Progenitor that appears in the Siberia level of Conduit 2. She was prisoner of The Trust, and it was Michael Ford's mission to find and help her. During the Cold War she secretly controlled the USSR.
  • Six months prior to the events of episode 42, Minako had gone to London after hearing reports of Dark Kingdom activity there, and it was in London that she met Katarina. Katarina was chasing a seemingly normal criminal through the streets when he took a young girl hostage and suddenly transformed into a youma. Sailor V quickly arrived on the scene and destroyed the youma, freeing the little girl. After this initial encounter, Katarina and Minako became best friends, and treated each other like sisters. Minako even shared her identity as Sailor V with her, and introduced her love interest, Alan. The three went on many outings together, though both Alan and Katarina were unaware of Minako's feelings towards the man.
  • Name: Katarina DeVries Age: 25 Nicknames: Kat, KittyKat Race: Human Class: Priestess Birthplace: not sure Physical Appearance: Kat is about 5'2, with blue eyes, and red hair that she like to keep up in a bun, though it generally tries to escape as much as possible. She wishes to be slender occasionally, but more often than not she is pleased and content with her curvy figure. She has golden skin, and loves her feet. Due to complications involving a dark mage and Leileu, on her right arm and hand the veins are a brilliant gold, as though they have been traced with a softly glowing paint. She tries to keep it covered as much as possible.
  • Katarina was wise and strong. She was also cautious, and maybe a little paranoid. Six said that Kat would get worked up very easily. She would sometimes have a reverse reaction in situations of high stress, described by Six, "she laughs when she should be stern, gets serious when she should laugh." Kat would speak carelessly when she was intending to be caring, and was incredibly sensitive. Back on Lorien, Kat was married, and apparently was involved in multiple relationships prior, something uncommon among the Loric.
  • Katarina (jap. カタリナ Katarina) – oficer Interpolu oraz przyjaciółka Minako, którą poznała jako Sailor V, kiedy ścigała londyńską youmę. Jest ona jedną z niewielu cywili, które są świadome tożsamości wojowniczki.
  • Katarina is the illegitimate daughter of Hugh Montbarron -- the former Grand Master of the Legion -- and a Lescanzi witch. Her mother's people are nomads and wanderers, distrusted by many people in Ehb... but they are skilled in both warfare and magic, and Katarina has been trained in their ways. Unless you are using her as your main character or have unlocked her as a follower, she will be Leona's sister.If not, then she is replaced with Leona's brother.
  • 7
  • 10
  • 18
  • 20
  • Avatar
  • Katarina
  • Cecille
  • Pointy hat
  • 5
  • 8
  • 10
  • 18
  • 26
  • 28
  • 38
  • 48
  • 50
  • 58
  • 68
  • 70
  • 78
  • 80
  • 95
  • 105
  • 120
  • 130
  • 160
  • 170
  • 185
  • 200
  • X
  • Civilian
  • "We surrender..."
  • Magic Robe
  • Venus Armor/Mermaid Robe
  • Magic Hand
  • Venus Gloves/Guardian Bracelet
  • Yes
  • 18
  • Berserker Belt
  • Dried Grass Amulet
  • Hero's Cape/Magical Cape
  • Killer Ring/Counter Ring
  • Razril Knight Token
  • Star Earring/Fancy Necklace
  • Strength sash/Godspeed Anklet
  • Tome of Black Arts/Simeon's Spell Book
  • Lucky Ring
  • The Myth Makers
  • The Daleks' Master Plan
  • Scribbles in Chalk
  • Humaine
  • Cywil
  • Skaczące Ostrza to obszarowa umiejętność celowana na cel.
  • Lotos Śmierci to umiejętność celowana automatycznie.
  • Przygotowanie to ulepszenie.
  • Shunpo to celowane na pojedynczy cel zniknięcie.
  • Chciwość to ulepszenie i umiejętność obszarowa.
  • Kobieta
  • Oficer Interpolu
  • 1
mieszka w
  • Londyn, Wielka Brytania
  • * Obrażenia magiczne sztyletu: 25/37.5/50
  • * Obrażenia magiczne: 30/45/60/75/90
  • * Obrażenia magiczne: 75/105/135/165/195
  • * Premia do prędkości ruchu: 50/60/70/80/90%
  • weiblich
  • Chciwość
  • Lotos Śmierci
  • Przygotowanie
  • Shunpo
  • Skaczące Ostrza
  • 78
  • 176
Efekty czarów
  • obszarowe
  • pojedyncze
  • Has seen better days.
  • Student
  • Katarina
  • 32
  • The Myth Makers & The Daleks' Master Plan
  • Człowiek
  • Katarina.jpg
  • 220
  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7
  • 9
  • 99
  • Brasil
Dodatkowe informacje
  • * Skaczące Ostrza może trafić cele niewidzialne lub będące we Mgle Wojny.
  • * Chciwość skróci czas odnowienia nawet po śmierci Katariny.
  • * Użycie Przygotowania gdy efekt jest aktywny, odświeży go.
  • * Katarina nie może obrać za cel totemów, ani obiektów takich jak , ale może doskoczyć do roślin. * Shunpo resetuje atak podstawowy.
  • * Lotos Śmierci nie może zostać użyte, jeśli nie ma przynajmniej jednego przeciwnika w zasięgu. ** Opuszczenie Lotosu Śmierci przez przeciwników nie spowoduje przerwania umiejętności. * Katarina może użyć Lotosu Śmierci, nawet gdy pobliscy przeciwnicy są niewidoczni lub przebywają we Mgle Wojny.
  • 10
  • 11
  • 90
  • Adrienne Hill
  • : Katarina rzuca Sztyletem i zyskuje zmniejszającą się premię do prędkości ruchu na 1.25 sekundy.
  • Czasy odnowienia umiejętności Katariny skracają się o 15 sekund, jeżeli zginie bohater, któremu zadała obrażenia w ciągu ostatnich 3 sekund.
  • : Katarina doskakuje do jednostki lub Sztyletu. Jeżeli jest nim wróg Katarina zadaje mu obrażenia magiczne, w przeciwnym razie najbliższemu przeciwnikowi w zasięgu.
  • : Katarina rzuca Sztyletem i zadaje obrażenia magiczne celowi oraz 2 pobliskim wrogom. Sztylet upada potem na ziemię za pierwotnym celem. Sztylet zawsze upada w tym samym czasie, niezależnie od tego, ile razy się odbił.
  • Jeśli Katarina podniesie Sztylet, użyje go do pocięcia pobliskich wrogów zadając im i skraca czas odnowienia o %.
  • : Katarina przez 2.5 sekundy wyrzuca sztylety wymierzone w trzech najbliższych wrogich bohaterów, zadając orażenia magiczne. Trafieni wrogowie nakładają Głębokie Rany.
  • Desconhecida
  • 7
  • 12
  • 31
  • 37
  • 70
  • 179
pierwsze wystąpienie
  • 42
  • 6
  • 15
  • 34
  • 36
  • 53
  • 134
  • 0
  • 3
  • 5
  • 12
  • 42
  • 115
  • 37
  • 75
  • 550
  • 625
  • 725
  • 4
  • tak
  • 120
  • 315
  • #FFCC99
  • magiczne
  • 0
  • 6
  • 15
  • 34
kanji / kana
  • カタリナ
  • 4.500000
  • 45
  • -
  • File:FE12Nosferatu.pngNosferatu
  • File:FE11elfire.pngElfire
  • File:FE13 Katarina's Lightning Icon.pngKatarina's Bolt*
  • 7
  • 15
  • 33
  • 35
  • 54
  • 115
  • No
  • 15
Tarcze czarów
  • blokują umiejętność.
  • blokują obrażenia.
  • blokują pojedynczy sztylet.
  • 510
  • "How could this have happened?!"
  • +1
  • Fire
  • 40
  • Unknown
  • Dark
  • Magic Bond
  • Speed Bond
  • Katarina Alves
  • 20
  • Veronica Taylor
  • Yuko Mita
  • 25
  • 32
  • Yes
  • 17
  • N/A
  • File:FE12 Tome.pngTome - B
  • File:FE12 Tome.pngTome - D
  • File:FE12 Staff.pngStaff - C
  • E Naganara
  • Kal E Kaganara
  • Naganara
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • tot
First Appearance
  • 48
  • None
  • none
  • 4
  • 5
  • Dark
  • Adrienne Hill
  • Sophie Belcredi
  • Katarina
  • Character
  • 100
  • Katarina
  • You hate me, don't you?
  • The Myth Makers
  • Saison 1
  • Magic Sandals
  • Servante Troyenne puis Compagnon du Premier Docteur
  • Magic Hat
  • 999
  • Feather Robe
  • Guard Robe
  • Yes
  • 10
Years Active
  • 1965
  • 6
  • None
  • Katarina
Voice Actor
  • Unknown
  • Menaphos - The Gates are Open
  • 2.300000
  • 170.0
  • No
Played By
  • Katarina
  • None
  • Cotton Mittens
  • Anklet
  • 6
  • 8
  • 3
  • 9
  • 18
  • 24
  • 56
  • 77
  • 300
  • 15
  • Father Glen Cott
  • Fanart
  • Gallery
  • Katarina
  • Yes
  • Katarina EVideo.ogv
  • Katarina IVideo.ogv
  • Katarina QVideo.ogv
  • Katarina RVideo.ogv
  • Katarina
  • Katarina Du Couteau
  • Katarina Du Couteau
  • Premier Docteur, Steven Taylor, Vicki
  • Prologue I: Meeting
  • Xenologue 4: Lost Bloodlines 1 [joins in Xenologue 22: Apotheosis]
  • 32
  • Interpol officer
  • FE12 Katarina x Avatar supports
  • FE12 Katarina x Cecille supports
  • 24
  • 34
  • 51
  • 56
  • 371
  • 460
  • 2017-06-05
  • 40
  • 3
  • 7
  • 13
  • 25
  • x
  • Katarina
  • Conduit 2 character
  • London
  • Female
  • Weiblich
  • Captain/Gunner/Fighter
  • • Commander of the Knights of Razril
  • • Vice-Commander of the Gaien Knights
  • SY 277
  • カタリナ
  • ...Chris... Yes, it was all a lie. I deceived you. I'm so sorry...
  • None
  • Grèce Antique - Troie - vers 1200 avant J.C.
  • Katarina.jpg
  • 56
  • 77
  • 63
  • 148
  • 2
Previous Companion
First story
Next Companion
Travelled with
  • Desconhecida
Last story
  • Avatar
  • __TOC__
  • Name: Katarina DeVries Age: 25 Nicknames: Kat, KittyKat Race: Human Class: Priestess Birthplace: not sure Physical Appearance: Kat is about 5'2, with blue eyes, and red hair that she like to keep up in a bun, though it generally tries to escape as much as possible. She wishes to be slender occasionally, but more often than not she is pleased and content with her curvy figure. She has golden skin, and loves her feet. Due to complications involving a dark mage and Leileu, on her right arm and hand the veins are a brilliant gold, as though they have been traced with a softly glowing paint. She tries to keep it covered as much as possible. Home now: The Stormwraith's encampment is where Kat normally stays though she has been traveling quite a bit due to the needs the Priory has placed on her recently. Personality: Kat tries to be hard and stoic; but she usually ends up showing her softer side when a friend is hurt or in need. She is a good healer and often can feel a lessened version of her patient's pain, this last being an excellent skill that she uses to ensure her patient is well and truly healed. How she came to be a Stormwraith: Kat is a Priestess Acolyte of the High Mountain Order; a priory in Kalimdor. She was given to the priory by her parents when she was very young, only about 2 to 3 years old. Her healing skills were discovered when she was fairly young and she immediately began training them. When Kat was 16 she was gathering herbs in the forest outside the Priory when a undead rogue by the name of Maxamous happened upon her. Using all his skill, as well as spells gifted to him by a dark mage, he was able to manipulate Kat's mind into believing he was a good soul. Thusly he was able to lure her away from the Priory to his home in Durotar. With the help of several dark mages he was able to break her in body and mind. After placing countless spells on her, she was sent back to the Alliance to act as a spy for the Horde. After wandering for several years, her bonds loosened and she was finally able to think for herself again. Horrified by what she was doing, she made her way to Stormwind, and attempted to warn the citizens of the danger they were in. When no one would heed her, she decided to take her own life. Making her way to the Valley of Kings, she jumped in, attempting to drown herself. Barlowe Korsaire, having chanced to overhear what she was saying, followed her to the Valley and saw her jump. He jumped in after her, and saved her life. He then offered her a home with the Stormwraiths, and she has been there ever since. [[Category: ]]
  • __NOWYSIWYG__KatarinaKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Katarina is a character in Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~. She also appears as a SpotPass Einherjar, and as a DLC einherjar in Fire Emblem: Awakening.
  • Katarina is the Tenjyu Star in Suikoden IV and a playable character in Suikoden Tactics.
  • Katarina wird von Sophie Belcredi in Kurze Pause.
  • Katarina é uma futura personagem do jogo Tekken 7
  • Katarina was the Cêpan of Number Six. She was one of the last surviving Cêpan following the Mogadorian invasion and travelled to Earth, where she was to fullfil her task of training and educating Six in order to prepare her for the inevitable resistance against the Mogadorians.
  • The redoubtable Captain Katarina is particularly famous for her recklessness. She looks every part the lady buccaneer, dressed in practical leather trews and a fine embroidered jerkin. A scimitar hangs from her sword-belt, her luxurious, long black hair is tied back in a ponytail with a ribbon of Khulian silk and a patch covers the orbit of her left eye, taken in a battle with a Giant Crab. Captain Katarina's ship is The Tempest (ship).
  • Katarina is the sixth moon of Fury in the Blue Sun system. Katarina is a fan-made world created by Genae L. Welch. Katarina is scehduled for terraforming and has a core population of 5,000.
  • Katarina is the illegitimate daughter of Hugh Montbarron -- the former Grand Master of the Legion -- and a Lescanzi witch. Her mother's people are nomads and wanderers, distrusted by many people in Ehb... but they are skilled in both warfare and magic, and Katarina has been trained in their ways. Unless you are using her as your main character or have unlocked her as a follower, she will be Leona's sister.If not, then she is replaced with Leona's brother. Katarina takes a thoroughly practical approach to conflict resolution: stay out of sword's reach, and settle your problems with firearms. With her rifle in hand, she can fell distant foes, and even the most resilient enemy can be brought down by her ensorcelled bullets and debilitating curses. When forced into close combat, Katarina uses sorcery and a pair of short-range side arms to repel attackers.
  • Katarina était la servante de la princesse Cassandre qui l'envoie espionner le Docteur, Vicki et Steven Taylor pour recueillir des preuves qu'ils sont des espions Grecs. Katarina se liera finalement d'amitié avec Vicki, qui l'enverra aider Steven, ce dernier ayant été blessé durant l'invasion de Troie. Katarina soigne alors Steven et part avec lui et le Docteur dans le TARDIS à la suite d'un concours de circonstances, en laissant derrière eux Vicki. Katarina ne comprend pas tout à fait ce qu'il se passe avec le Docteur et les voyages temporels du TARDIS : elle prend par exemple le TARDIS pour le "Palais de la Perfection" et le Docteur pour Zeus. Dans l'arc The Daleks' Master Plan, elle tente d'aider le Docteur en soignant Steven. Alors qu'ils sont poursuivis par les Daleks, elle est prise en otage par un criminel du nom de Kriksen qui s'enferme dans un sas avec elle. Kriksen menace de la tuer si le Docteur ne retourne pas sur la planète Kembel, lieu de réunion des Daleks. Alors que Steven et le Docteur s'apprêtent à accepter, Katarina appuie sur le bouton du sas ce qui les éjectera immédiatement, elle et Kriksen, dans l'espace. Catégorie:Compagnons du Premier Docteur Catégorie:Compagnons du Docteur Catégorie:Voyageurs temporels humains Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Humains
  • Katarina was wise and strong. She was also cautious, and maybe a little paranoid. Six said that Kat would get worked up very easily. She would sometimes have a reverse reaction in situations of high stress, described by Six, "she laughs when she should be stern, gets serious when she should laugh." Kat would speak carelessly when she was intending to be caring, and was incredibly sensitive. Back on Lorien, Kat was married, and apparently was involved in multiple relationships prior, something uncommon among the Loric. Kat enjoyed playing games with Six, be it board games or war games. One of her favorites was Shadow, a strategy game that would allow for Kat and Six to keep training even without physical movements. Kat was strong-willed and did whatever it took to keep Six safe. She loved her like a daughter, and had tried to make her as prepared as she could be to fight the Mogadorians.
  • Katarina is a female Progenitor that appears in the Siberia level ofConduit 2. She was prisoner of The Trust, and it was Michael Ford's mission to find and help her. During the Cold War she secretly controlled the USSR.According to data logs, Katarina liked to experiment with cybernetic technology, due to organics being "unstable". Her work includes the Siberian Wolves and Cyborgs encountered all over her fortress, it is possible that Sasquatches are also product of her experiments. She also worked on anti-air Ion Cannons, but wasn't able to set them operational before the Trust invaded her base.Katarina was captured by the trust personel, and held trapped within a containment tank. It appears that the trust plan was to kill her so Adams would be able to absorb her powers easily, and so Ford wouldn't be able to interact with her before Adams. When Ford arrives the base, he learns that the scientists are already working on that and there is no time to lose. However, by the time he arrives to her, she is way too wounded to survive and decides to give her powers to Ford so he can stop Adams' plans. Contents [show] QuotesEdit "Destroyer, I sense you""Take my spirit, my power... destroy Adams and save the planet we worked so hard to make strong""Do not let my death be in vain, promise this?""Then, this, is a good death" Trust Archives Tablet PC - The Goddess Trust Archive FileSubject: Progenitor KatarinaThe Progenitor known as Katarina was originally the goddess Inanna, and for a while she bonded with the Russian ruler known as Catherine the Great. She has since taken on many new forms, but she still retained the name of her favorite hybrid. The fall of the Soviet Union and the recent rise of Russia once more emboldened Katarina, and she has formed a new plan to become a power in the region again. Tapping into her alien technology, she has developed an army of cybernetic robots with which she hopes to make a play soon. Trivia Katarina is the Macedonian form of the name Katherine, or Catherine, possibly hinting at a greater connection between her and Catherine the Great
  • Katarina is a female Progenitor that appears in the Siberia level of Conduit 2. She was prisoner of The Trust, and it was Michael Ford's mission to find and help her. During the Cold War she secretly controlled the USSR. According to data logs, Katarina liked to experiment with cybernetic technology, due to organics being "unstable". Her work includes the Siberian Wolves and Cyborgs encountered all over her fortress, it is possible that Sasquatches are also product of her experiments. She also worked on anti-air Ion Cannons, but wasn't able to set them operational before the Trust invaded her base. Katarina was captured by the trust personel, and held trapped within a containment tank. It appears that the trust plan was to kill her so Adams would be able to absorb her powers easily, and so Ford wouldn't be able to interact with her before Adams. When Ford arrives the base, he learns that the scientists are already working on that and there is no time to lose. However, by the time he arrives to her, she is way too wounded to survive and decides to give her powers to Ford so he can stop Adams' plans.
  • Katarina (jap. カタリナ Katarina) – oficer Interpolu oraz przyjaciółka Minako, którą poznała jako Sailor V, kiedy ścigała londyńską youmę. Jest ona jedną z niewielu cywili, które są świadome tożsamości wojowniczki. Podczas pobytu w Londynie Katarina uczyła Minako języka angielskiego i traktowała ją jak młodszą siostrę. Minako spotkała się również z niejakim Alanem w Londynie, w którym się zakochała. Alan nie był świadomy jej uczucia, a kiedy Minako przedstawiła mu Katarinę, on zakochał się w niej. Pewnego dnia, kiedy Katarina i Sailor V były w trakcie sprawy, Sailor V została złapany w eksplozji magazynu, a Katarina była zdewastowana, myśląc, że jej przyjaciółka nie żyje. Podbiegła do Alana szukając pocieszenia w jego ramionach.
  • Katarina ist ein Mensch des 12. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. und wird für kurze Zeit eine Begleiterin des Ersten Doctors. Sie ist eine Sklavin in Troja und hält den Doctor für eine Inkarnation des Göttervaters Zeus. Ihre Herrin ist die Priesterin Cassandra, der sie sehr nah steht. In Cassandras Auftrag soll Katarina Vicki Pallister und Steven Taylor ausspionieren, freundet sich jedoch mit Vicki an und sucht nach Steven, als es zum Kampf um Troja kommt. Sie bringt den schwer verletzten Steven zur TARDIS, woraufhin der Doctor sie mitnimmt, da er um ihr Leben fürchtet. Für Katarina sind alle Gegebenheiten Wunder der Götter und die TARDIS hält sie für den Tempel des Zeus (The Myth Makers). Die erste Reise führte sie zum Planeten der Lakhotha, wo sie nach einer Medizin für Steven suchen. Sie werden freundlich empfangen und Steven wird tatsächlich wieder gesund. Doch als die beiden die Gestalt der Lakhotha anzunehmen drohen, bringt der Doctor sie durch eine temporale Anomalie zurück zur TARDIS. Beide haben die Begegnung mit den Lakhotha vergessen und Steven ist noch immer schwer verletzt (Scribbles in Chalk). Die Suche nach einer Medizin für Steven führt sie nun auf den Dschungelplaneten Kembel, dann nach Desperus.thumb|200px|left|link= Dort wird Katarina von dem wahnsinnigen Strafgefangenen Kirksen als Geisel genommen, der den Doctor dazu zwingen will, nach Kembel zurückzukehren. Da dort die Daleks die Eroberung der Erde planen und eine Rückkehr dorthin den Tod des Doctors und der Menschheit bedeuten würde, opfert sich Katarina, indem sie die Raumschifftür öffnet und mit Kirksen in All gesogen wird. Katarina ist mit ihrem Opfertod eine der kurzweiligsten Begleiterinnen des Doctors und die erste, die an seiner Seite ihr Leben verliert. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Begleiter des 1. Doctors Kategorie:Menschen (12. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) Kategorie:Zeitreisende Kategorie:Tot Kategorie:Menschen, die in der TARDIS des Doctors waren
  • Six months prior to the events of episode 42, Minako had gone to London after hearing reports of Dark Kingdom activity there, and it was in London that she met Katarina. Katarina was chasing a seemingly normal criminal through the streets when he took a young girl hostage and suddenly transformed into a youma. Sailor V quickly arrived on the scene and destroyed the youma, freeing the little girl. After this initial encounter, Katarina and Minako became best friends, and treated each other like sisters. Minako even shared her identity as Sailor V with her, and introduced her love interest, Alan. The three went on many outings together, though both Alan and Katarina were unaware of Minako's feelings towards the man. Six months later, during episode 42, Kunzite had not found out about Sailor V's friendship with Katarina, but also her identity. He hoped to brainwash the woman and use her in order to find out the true identities of the Sailor Senshi. His plan did not work, however; Minako was reluctant to introduce her former friend to the other Sailor Senshi. Kunzite caused Katarina to transform into a youma. After learning Minako's tragic past, Sailor Moon wanted to destroy her in her youma form, believing she stole Alan away from her. Sailor Venus then tells her that she's wrong and that Katarina was the woman Alan loved. The only reason why she was brainwashed was because the Dark Kingdom found out about her real identity while she was Sailor V and used her find out more of the other senshi. Sailor Moon is finally convinced and heals Katarina from her youma form. After the experience, Minako was able to forgive her friend and realize that things were as the should be: Alan was with the one he truly loved, Katarina, and they were happy together.
  • She is said to have a heart-shaped face with flowing hair of a dark, unspecified color. Her eyes are also said to be dark, also unspecified with regards to color. Her voice is musical and melodious.
  • Katarina, Lame Sinistre est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Katarina (カタリナ Katarina), real name Eine (アイネ Aine), is one of the exclusive characters in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. She joins the 7th Platoon of the Altean Knights along with the Avatar, Roderick, Luke, and Ryan; and aspires to be a tactician.
  • As a young woman, Katarina served Cassandra, princess of Troy. She was little more than a slave. In circa 1200 BC, Cassandra sent her to spy on the First Doctor and his friends, particularly Vicki Pallister, known to her as Cressida, to gather evidence she was a Greek spy. To this end, Katarina befriended Vicki, who sent her to help the Doctor get Steven Taylor back to the TARDIS after a spear thrust had badly injured him. Katarina tended to Steven's wounds. She joined Steven and the Doctor on their travels. (TV: The Myth Makers) Katarina came from a simple time and never truly understood where she was or what was happening to her. She mistook the TARDIS for the Place of Perfection and the Doctor for the god Zeus, come to take her on a journey in his temple to the real Place of Perfection. Despite the Doctor's protestations to the contrary, she remained set in this belief. When the criminal Kirksen held Katarina hostage in an airlock to blackmail the Doctor into returning Mavic Chen's ship, the Spar, to the planet Kembel and the Daleks, she deliberately activated the airlock door and expelled herself and Kirksen into space, causing their deaths in the vacuum. She was certain her death had been foretold and that she was doomed to die. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)
  • Katarina gives additional dialogue if the player is wearing a catspeak amulet or a cramulet.
  • Katarina was intended to be an ongoing companion but the writers changed their minds because it's impossible to write for a companion from the past (seriously, they should have thought of that during Myth Makers), so Katarina was killed off in her second story having appeared in only five episodes. She was the first companion in the series to die. Ha ha, eat shit Adric. Her role as companion within The Daleks' Master Plan was filled in by Sara Kingdom, who was also killed in the story. Ha ha, eat shit again Adric. It's okay though, she deserved death - before entering the TARDIS she was one of the biggest cunts on planet Earth, prostituting herself to every man, woman and child she encountered and giving them all AIDS, while also part-time working as a drug dealer and selling cocaine to the locals, and anyone who criticized her, including her dad, got shanked by her dad.
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