  • No Exit
  • No Exit
  • No Exit was one of the Red Kangs who lived in Paradise Towers. She was killed by the cleaners. (TV: Paradise Towers)
  • No Exit is the 6th episode of Season 2. It premiered on November 2nd, 2006.
  • Detectives Goren and Eames investigate the deaths of five young adults who parked their car on railroad tracks and waited for a fatal crash.
  • "No Exit", also known as "Three Eyed Turtle", is the seventh episode of Miami Vice's first season. The episode premiered on November 9, 1984 and repeated on March 22, 1985, July 5, 1985, and May 16, 1986.
  • "Previously on the West Wing" spoken by C.J. After a black-tie dinner, the President and his staff are locked down inside the White House when a foreign substance is detected inside, forcing an odd coupling of people who are forced to occupy small rooms where they share personal reflections -- and some turn confrontational when Toby accuses Will of backstabbing Bartlet. As the inspection continues, the President, Fiderer and Charlie submit to intense inspection while in other corners, C.J. has strong career advice for Donna and Josh queries security adviser Kate on why his joke was deleted from the Chief's speech.
  • No Exit is a Sonic's World complete story appearing in Issue 99 of Sonic the Comic.
  • Parcelle L'épisode suit les histoires sur deux échéances : l'actualité dans la flotte coloniale et les événements à bord du vaisseau Cavil et de Boomer en flashback, commençant à la fin de l'occupation Cylon de New Caprica et sauter vers l'avant jusqu'à ce qu'elle convergent avec le présent. Dans un autre flashback, Ellen raconte Cavil qu'elle sait qu'il a tué tous les Daniels numéro sept, parce que Cavil était jaloux d'eux. Cavil a répondu que les Daniels « n'a pas prospérer. »
  • Plot The episode follows stories on two timelines: the current events in the Colonial fleet, and events aboard Cavil and Boomer's basestar in flashback, beginning at the end of the Cylon occupation of New Caprica, and jumping forward until it converges with the present. In another flashback, Ellen tells Cavil that she knows he killed all the Daniels Number Seven, because Cavil was jealous of them. Cavil responded that the Daniels "didn't thrive." Sam comes out of surgery and Starbuck tries to talk to him, but paramedic Ishay points out on the monitor that he has almost no brain function.
  • In a flashback from during the Great War, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, Predacon, and Wheeljack battles against the Autobots, while Megatron, Starscream, Cyclonus, Demolishor, and Thrust watch from above. Starscream mentions that while his tactics are far more crude and brutal than Megatron's policy of subtlety and stealth, it's certainly a crowd pleaser, and he suggests that Megatron watch his back.
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5
Row 9 info
  • "One Eyed Jack"
  • Beast
Row 8 info
  • Transformers Energon #30
  • May
Row 4 info
  • 1985-03-22
  • 1985-07-05
  • 1986-05-16
Row 10 title
  • Next Episode
Row 7 title
  • Director
  • Deakins_No_Exit.jpg
Row 1 info
  • 1
  • No Exit
  • CI
Row 8 title
  • Guest Stars
  • 20
  • E5423
Row 4 title
  • Repeat Airdates
Row 9 title
  • Previous Episode
  • 4
  • 2005
Row 2 info
  • 7
Row 6 info
Row 1 title
  • Season
  • 1
Row 5 info
  • TV-14 V
Row 2 title
  • Episode
Row 6 title
  • Writer
  • The Unblinking Eye
Row 10 info
  • "The Great McCarthy"
Row 5 title
  • TV Rating
Row 3 info
  • 1984-11-09
Row 3 title
  • Airdate
  • December, 2004
Row 7 info
Box Title
  • No Exit
  • No Exit
  • 2004-12-08
  • Story
  • 2004-04-28
  • 2006-11-02
  • Battle of the homages
  • Mini-Cons
Episode list
  • No Exit
  • "No Exit"
Image size
  • 250
  • 6
  • 20
  • Multiplicity, Pt. 4
  • CI
  • 2000
Image File
  • noexittitle.jpg
  • "Gaza"
  • * Alpha Quintesson * Unicron
  • * Ironhide * Overload * Dropshot * Jetfire * Avalon * Optimus Prime
  • * Predacon * Terrorsaur * Wheeljack * Thrust * Cyclonus * Megatron * Starscream * Demolishor * Skywarp Terrorcons * Scorponok
additional inks
  • In a flashback from during the Great War, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, Predacon, and Wheeljack battles against the Autobots, while Megatron, Starscream, Cyclonus, Demolishor, and Thrust watch from above. Starscream mentions that while his tactics are far more crude and brutal than Megatron's policy of subtlety and stealth, it's certainly a crowd pleaser, and he suggests that Megatron watch his back. In the present, in the Yukon, Megatron and Scorponok exchange some unfriendly banter before Scorponok takes the first swing, somehow missing Megatron entirely. He transforms into his hyper-mode and blasts Megatron. Satisfied that the smoking crater is all that remains of him, he turns his attention back to the Autobots, sending a transmission to Alpha Quintesson to ask if he should leave a single survivor alive to tell the tale. He finds himself unable to reach him, though, and Megatron, flying up from behind, suggests that either Alpha Quintesson is screening his calls, or the signal's being jammed. Scorponok, arrogant as ever, insists that the enhanced weaponry given to him by Unicron will make short work of Megatron. Megatron evades his attacks and assaults Scorponok from both sides with the use of the tank-drone. Meanwhile, Ironhide comes to his senses and, seeing the two titans duking it out, realizes that whoever wins will probably come after the Autobots next and looks for a way to protect the base. Scorponok focuses all his fire directly on Megatron, ultimately burying him in an avalanche of snow and rock. As he gloats over the icy tomb, Megatron teleports out to behind Scorponok and impales him through the chest with his sword, killing him. Before leaving, Megatron briefly introduces himself to Ironhide, who has erected an energy barrier just strong enough to keep the Autobots and the shield generator in and Megatron out. He tells Ironhide that he's impressed, but he really didn't need to go through the trouble; Megatron doesn't want Ironhide dead or even harmed. In fact, he wants him in possession of all his faculties so that he can tell everyone that Megatron is back! On Cybertron, in the High Halls, Jetfire speaks to the Council of Elders, informing them of Megatron's return, and wondering about what Megatron meant with his "belly of the beast" remark about Optimus Prime. Councilor Avalon ends his transmission to the Council and tells Alpha Quintesson that he is sure Optimus Prime is within Unicron. Though Alpha Quintesson is unable to detect him due to the large areas of Unicron that are still offline, he says that as Unicron powers back up, the hiding places will become fewer and fewer. He tells Avalon that if Unicron's systems haven't already destroyed Optimus Prime, they soon will. The issue (and, as it happened, the entire series) closes with a full-page image of Optimus Prime, various cracks and holes in his frame crudely patched, hefting an enormous gun and saying, "Ready or not, Unicron, here I come!"
  • Parcelle L'épisode suit les histoires sur deux échéances : l'actualité dans la flotte coloniale et les événements à bord du vaisseau Cavil et de Boomer en flashback, commençant à la fin de l'occupation Cylon de New Caprica et sauter vers l'avant jusqu'à ce qu'elle convergent avec le présent. Dans un flashback de l'occupation Cylon de New Caprica, il est révélé qu'Ellen Tigh ressuscité dans la flotte Cylon après que Saul empoisonnée. Dans un premier temps, elle est connue que de Cavil. Ellen essaie de persuader les redire pour arrêter de courir après les humains, mais il refuse, disant qu'il veut la justice pour l'asservissement des Cylons qui a mené à la guerre contre les Cylons. Ellen qualifie de Cavil John, nom d'origine de son modèle, qui lui déplaît. Il est révélé qu'il a été modélisé le père d'Ellen. À bord du Galactica, Tyrol montre l'amiral Adama les dommages à la coque du bateau il a découvert à la fin de l'épisode précédent (voir "Blood sur les écailles") et avertit que le navire pourrait ne pas survivre à un autre saut sans réparation. Tyrol indique que lorsque le Galactica a été construit, coins ont été coupés, compromettre son intégrité structurale. Aussi, le navire a pris des dommages de bataille accumulés ainsi que le saut dans l'atmosphère de New Caprica qui contraint l'intégrité structurale du navire. Fondamentalement le navire se meurt de l'ancien âge. Adama rétablit le Tyrol au rang de chef et lui demande de fixer le navire, insistant sur l'équipe de réparation étant tous des humains. Réparation efforts commencent, mais Tyrol Découvre une vaste fractures micro tout au long de ces cloisons qui ne peuvent pas être facilement réparés, et recommande un Cylon organique composé, dont Adama refuse catégoriquement. Comme un effet secondaire de la balle est encore formé dans son cerveau, Samuel Anders est capable de récupérer des souvenirs de l'origine complète et le but des cinq derniers. Trois autres des cinq derniers et Kara Thrace se rassemblent autour de son chevet, priant pour qu'il puisse être conservé hors chirurgie jusqu'à ce qu'il peut finir expliquant. Anders dit que les Cylons, qui étaient la treizième tribu de Kobol, a commencé à se reproduire naturellement sur la terre et de la technologie de résurrection enfin perdu. Anders et les autres cinq derniers ont été les chercheurs qui ont travaillé à réinventer la technologie antique. Au Colonial One, Lee Adama propose d'assembler un nouveau Quorum. Il dit il devrait refléter le courant fois, représentant les navires de la flotte, plutôt que les anciennes 12 colonies. Laura Roslin est d'accord et lui dit de se réunir le Quorum de nouveau lui-même. Elle dit qu'elle restera en tant que président en titre, avec Lee les responsabilités de l'office. Elle lui dit seulement réserve quant à lui est qu'il est parfois ce qui est juste, plutôt que de ce qui est intelligent. Dans l'infirmerie, Sam continue son explication. Les cinq derniers re-mis au point le processus de résurrection antique et créé un vaisseau de résurrection en orbite autour de la terre. Lors de la guerre nucléaire a détruit la colonie de la terre, les cinq derniers ont été tués mais ressuscités sur le navire. Ils ont fait leur chemin les douze colonies dans l'intention de mise en garde les humains contre les répéter les vieilles erreurs et de provoquer une nouvelle guerre avec les Centurions. Ils n'avaient pas de technologie plus rapide que la lumière, donc ils ont voyagé à une vitesse de près, mais en dessous, la vitesse de la lumière. Conformément à la théorie d'Einstein de la relativité, en raison de la dilatation du temps que peu de temps passé pour eux, alors que des milliers d'années passées pour le reste de l'univers. Ils sont arrivés pour constater que les autres Colonies étaient déjà engloutis dans la guerre avec leurs propres Centurions Cylons. Les Centurions avaient déjà créé les modèles hybrides, mais rien qui pourrait survivre sur ses propres. Les cinq offert d'aider les Centurions si, en échange, ils ont fini la guerre. Les cinq leur a donné la technologie de résurrection et créé huit modèles humanoïdes, même si la flotte précédemment seulement connaissance l'existence de sept d'entre eux. Kara interroge Sam sur le huitième Cylon, désigné numéro sept, pensant qu'il pourrait être lui, mais Sam lui dit que c'était un homme nommé Daniel. Dans un autre flashback, Ellen raconte Cavil qu'elle sait qu'il a tué tous les Daniels numéro sept, parce que Cavil était jaloux d'eux. Cavil a répondu que les Daniels « n'a pas prospérer. » Cavil montre ses images du temple sur la planète aux algues. Ellen dit que le temple n'était pas son invention. Il a été créé par la treizième tribu dirigés vers la terre de Kobol. Cavil mentionne que D'Anna a vu les visages des cinq dans ce temple, et Ellen dit que ce n'était pas à cause de tout ce qu'elle a fait. Elle a suggéré que c'était un acte de « Seul Dieu ». Cavil est plein de ressentiment que les cinq lui donnaient des faiblesses humaines. Ellen se rend compte qu'il a envoyé cinq à vivre parmi les humains parce qu'il voulait faire souffrir. Boomer demande Ellen si elle ressent des remords pour ce qu'elle faisait pour les Cylons. Elle répond qu'elle ne le fait pas, parce que ce qu'elle faisait était une bonne chose. Elle leur a donné le libre arbitre et la capacité de ressentir de la compassion. Médecins de Sam insistent pour que la chirurgie ne peut pas attendre plus, et ils commencent la chirurgie avant qu'il ait fini de tout expliquer. Comme il est actuellement à roues dans le théâtre d'opération, il demande instamment à Saul Tig
  • No Exit was one of the Red Kangs who lived in Paradise Towers. She was killed by the cleaners. (TV: Paradise Towers)
  • No Exit is the 6th episode of Season 2. It premiered on November 2nd, 2006.
  • Detectives Goren and Eames investigate the deaths of five young adults who parked their car on railroad tracks and waited for a fatal crash.
  • Plot The episode follows stories on two timelines: the current events in the Colonial fleet, and events aboard Cavil and Boomer's basestar in flashback, beginning at the end of the Cylon occupation of New Caprica, and jumping forward until it converges with the present. In a flashback to the Cylon occupation of New Caprica, it is revealed that Ellen Tigh resurrected in the Cylon fleet after Saul poisoned her. At first, she is known only to Cavil. Ellen tries to persuade Cavil to stop chasing the humans, but he refuses, saying he wants justice for the enslavement of the Cylons that led to the First Cylon War. Ellen refers to Cavil as John, his model's original name, which he dislikes. It is revealed that he was modeled after Ellen's father. On board the Galactica, Tyrol shows Admiral Adama the damage to the ship's hull he discovered at the end of the previous episode (see "Blood on the Scales"), and warns that the ship may not survive another jump without repair. Tyrol indicates that when Galactica was built, corners were cut, compromising its structural integrity. Also, the ship has taken accumulated battle damage as well as the jump into New Caprica's atmosphere which strained the ship's structural integrity. Basically the ship is dying of old age. Adama reinstates Tyrol to the rank of Chief, and asks him to fix the ship, insisting on the repair crew being all human. Repair efforts begin, but Tyrol discovers extensive micro fractures throughout the bulkheads that cannot be easily repaired, and recommends an organic Cylon compound, which Adama adamantly refuses. As a side-effect of the bullet still lodged in his brain, Samuel Anders is able to recover memories of the complete origin and purpose of the Final Five. Three others of the Final Five and Kara Thrace gather around his bedside, begging for him to be kept out of surgery until he can finish explaining. Anders says that the Cylons, which were the thirteenth tribe of Kobol, began procreating naturally on Earth and finally lost resurrection technology. Anders and the other Final Five were researchers who worked on reinventing the ancient technology. On Colonial One, Lee Adama proposes assembling a new Quorum. He says it should reflect the current times, representing the ships in the fleet rather than the old 12 colonies. Laura Roslin agrees, and tells him to assemble the new Quorum himself. She says she will remain as president in title, with Lee assuming the responsibilities of the office. She says her only reservation about him is that he sometimes does what is right, rather than what is smart. In the infirmary, Sam continues his explanation. The Final Five re-developed the ancient resurrection process, and created a resurrection ship in orbit around Earth. When nuclear war destroyed the Earth Colony, the Final Five were killed but resurrected on the ship. They made their way to the Twelve Colonies with the intention of warning the humans against repeating old mistakes and provoking another war with Centurions. They lacked faster-than-light technology, so they traveled at speeds near, but below, the speed of light. In accordance with Einstein's theory of relativity, due to time dilation only a short time passed for them, while thousands of years passed for the rest of the universe. They arrived only to find that the other Colonies were already engulfed in war with their own Cylon Centurions. The Centurions had already created the hybrid models, but nothing that could survive on its own. The Five offered to help the Centurions if, in exchange, they ended the war. The Five gave them resurrection technology and created eight humanoid models, although the fleet previously only knew of the existence of seven of them. Kara asks Sam about the eighth Cylon, designated Number Seven, thinking it might be her, but Sam tells her that it was a male named Daniel. In another flashback, Ellen tells Cavil that she knows he killed all the Daniels Number Seven, because Cavil was jealous of them. Cavil responded that the Daniels "didn't thrive." Cavil shows her images of the temple on the algae planet. Ellen says the temple wasn't her invention. It was created by the thirteenth tribe on their way from Kobol to Earth. Cavil mentions that D'Anna saw the faces of the Five in that temple, and Ellen says that was not because of anything she did. She suggested it was an act of the "One God." Cavil is resentful that the Five gave him human weaknesses. Ellen realizes that he sent the Five to live among the humans because he wanted them to suffer. Boomer asks Ellen if she feels remorse for what she did for the Cylons. She replies that she does not, because what she did was a good thing. She gave them free will and the ability to feel compassion. Sam's doctors insist that the surgery cannot wait anymore, and they start the surgery before he's finished explaining everything. As he is being wheeled into the operating theater, he urges Saul Tigh to stay with the fleet. In yet another flashback, Cavil informs Ellen about the destruction of the Resurrection Hub by the humans and the rebel Cylons and tells her that she will have to recreate the resurrection technology for them. She claims that she will need the other Final Five in order to do this, however Cavil does not believe her. He tells her that if she doesn't give him the information, he'll extract the information from her brain using a psychophysical process. In a flashback to two days ago, Boomer comes to Ellen, supposedly to escort her to the surgery. Ellen tells her that she should have brought a tumbrel (a cart used to transport condemned prisoners during the French revolution), implying that Cavil's procedure is some form of punishment or execution. Boomer leads Ellen to a captured Raptor, saying she is forgiving her. They escape the basestar and then jump away. Sam comes out of surgery and Starbuck tries to talk to him, but paramedic Ishay points out on the monitor that he has almost no brain function. In his room, Adama notices large cracks in the bulkheads, and finally relents, calling Tyrol and telling him to do whatever it takes to save the ship, presumably including the Cylon-based biological structural reinforcements
  • "No Exit", also known as "Three Eyed Turtle", is the seventh episode of Miami Vice's first season. The episode premiered on November 9, 1984 and repeated on March 22, 1985, July 5, 1985, and May 16, 1986.
  • "Previously on the West Wing" spoken by C.J. After a black-tie dinner, the President and his staff are locked down inside the White House when a foreign substance is detected inside, forcing an odd coupling of people who are forced to occupy small rooms where they share personal reflections -- and some turn confrontational when Toby accuses Will of backstabbing Bartlet. As the inspection continues, the President, Fiderer and Charlie submit to intense inspection while in other corners, C.J. has strong career advice for Donna and Josh queries security adviser Kate on why his joke was deleted from the Chief's speech.
  • No Exit is a Sonic's World complete story appearing in Issue 99 of Sonic the Comic.
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